HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - Year 1923 - 03/05/1923 - Vehicle Tax „� �__--.
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.p�2i ordinance to license, controT and regulate vehiales
withfn the �'illage af McHenry, Couaty of �aHenry and �tate
of Fllfnois.
Be it ordaE.ined by the President and B�r�re� of Trustee�s ,
crf the Ville��e af McHenry, Ccnnty of MeHenry and State of
Illinois, �s follow�:
Sectian 1 . It eh�ll be unla�fn2 for the o�mer a! awny
vehiQle� or vehicleg herefnafter msntioned r�-�•idiag wfthin
the c•oporste Iimits of thg Vill�rge oP McHenry �cr use or to
ca�u�s or permit any of his, her, thefr err fts �.gents, ser-
vsnts� or employees ta us� mny such ve�icle ar vehiaTes in
and �boat the transportation of persan or propertq �.�pon,
�” a�.lang and over the streets, avenues and all�ys �,nd public
places of ss,id village, unle�s the same be licenaed as in
thia ordinance providedr
Seetion 2. Whenever the term mator vehicle in either ;
the singular or pinr�el is us�d in thi� ordina�nce, it shall ;
be aonstrued to iaa2t�de automobf2�s�, locvmobile� und s�32 !
other vehiclea progel�ed� otherwise th�n by muaaul�r power,
except tr�ction engines and re�ad rolrerg and csrs� of elec-
tric or st eam ra�il�sya� or cther m�tor vehiaTe� runntng only
upon raiTs ar r�cks, and sha�ll not be construed to �pplq to
or effeet bieycles, trtapcle�s� or such ather vehicles a� are
propelred exclt�sively by mus�cu2ar pedsl po�er.
_ �� S�e�tion 3. VehicTes within the pr�avisi�ns of �hi��
ordinanc� oper�ated by ovrners� vr their� employaes �nd used
� in and a�bont the trsnsport�tion of pet~sone� and not for
hir� or for transpor�tation of property belonging to or
s�ld snd being delfnered by th� ow�er ot suQh vehiaies,
�hs�ll be classffi�d' as being for priv$te� ua,�.
Vehicle� within the pravisians of this ordinanee
ope�ted by o�ners or their employees and used in and
abont the tran�port$tion of persons far hire, or of
property not belongi� ta the c�a►ner of s�rah ve�hiaTe�s os
sa�ld by such owner sha;ll be cZassffied as be3ng for pub-
lic hire.
Se�t�ion 4. All vehi�Te�s� of the sevtr�l classes
menti�nad fn sectian 6 of thi� ordinance, nat owned"by
� pereons residiag aithin the Vt12agQ of I�eHenry, bn� kept
'�"" in sa3d village �nd uaed therin in whcle or in part, are
her6by de8lared to be within and sub�ect to the provisions
oP this ardinsnc�, if driven and oper�te�d over the stree�s�,
avennes and �l�eps af a�.id vil�age.
It sha1T be unlawful for any person oper�.ting or irt
�ha�rge or c�c�ntrol of any vehi��2es not� so owa�d b�q a reei-
dent of the Vfllage of bicHenry but kept �n� used therein ;
�as s�foresaid, to uee or to ca�use �r permit the s�me� to be
driven and op�rated uoon and over the streets, aysnues and
�lleq� crf said villa�ge, unless the sams be lfc�n�ed as pra-
videti in thi� oi�d`inaace,.. and it aha1T be the duty of sny
person so oper�,ting or in cha�rge or aontrol af any such ve-
•.�, hiGre or vehiales to �pply far and secare licenser for tht
u,�e ot the sam�e in aaid vills�e, as in thi� ordin�nce
� prvvided.
Seot�onr 5-. Each owner of �y vehicle �oming with-
irr the prnui�fi�n� ot this� ordinana� and c3�sfring to oper-
a,te the seme upan, �,long and over the street�, avenues
and a�.7.�eys o� �-aid vilTsge �h�1.T file with the eillage
clerk oY saic� villsge upan a� form to be pro�ided �ay s�id
village cTerk an applfcr�tian for the lieern�iag thereoP
for such purpose, giving name and addrea� ot oWaer,. de�
criptton vf vehi�Te for whie3� IiQenee is desfred' and suc�h
othe� informatie�a. usef�l in the enforce�ent of �he provi-
sion of this ordin�,nce aa may be prer�cribed By said vil2�ge
_ Upon the payment crf tl�e� require�t fee as in thig cr-
�' din�nce provided, to the vill�ge eTerk for the us� af s�id
�rillarge, the Presiden� of the Board' of Tru�tee�e of said
�ill�ge �h�ll iseue the de�ired licsnse�, to be a�testQd
by the vilT�ge clerk under th� aorporate �e�2 of sa�id viIl�ge
authorizin�g the use of �uch vehiclg or Qehiclsa upon,. a1Qng
and over th� stree��s,. aveaues and alley� of swid villa►ge ,
during the period covered by such liQense.
�11 such lic�nses shall expire upon the 30th day of
I�pril nex� sncceeding their iaeusnce, and i! issu�d durin�
the first �uarter oi the fisc�l �ear of sa�i8 village sha,l�
be pa�id for a�t the full snnrtal r�te, if isaued during the
�rec�ond qnacrter of the fisa�l year, at thre�-quarte�r� of
�. t.he �+nnu�], r�,te, if issue�d during the third quarter of the
Pisa�$I �re�r-, st one-half the annual rate, �nd if issued
dnring the fourth qusrter of the fiaca:l year, at crne-fonrth
the annual rate.
ProvidQd�, ho�►ever, i� shall be the duty cf �11 ov►ners
of such aehicles to make �pplfoation for �i�ense therefor
upon M�.y lst of ea�ch year, if then �wn�d by them and ie[-
mediateTq upon bee�oming the owner of any sach �°ehiole ar- ver-
htele� at �ny tims during the fiscarl year af said villag� at
any tfine �fter �day lst of a�ny fiscal qear, and no license
sh�ll be fssued for the same upon p�yment of �; less fee th�n
is herein provided, according to the d�,te of acquirin� owner-
�3�ip� of the same, whether �pplication be made and license
issued as herein provided or not.
filI reveaues� deriverd from the issuanae of suah lic�r�ses
` sh�ll be paid into the nillage �rea�ury, and sha,ll be kept in
a sapsr�.t� fund and used only for the papment of coa'� and ex-
pense of streefi and a�lley �mpr�ovements and repair�s.
Upon ths issuanc� of sueh licenee, the village clerk sh�ll
deliver to the �.pplicant therePor� a. met�l pl�te, to be pro- �
nfded bq him Sor said vill�ge, for e��h vehicle �o lfcensed,
be�r3ng th� nnmber and alase t0 which such vehicTe belongs and
the� ye�r f�rr Rhioh suah liaenae i� issued.
It shall be the dnty of �uoh Iicensee to affi� sn�ch pl�te
in � csn�picious place on the right side of any ho�rse drawn
vehicle �,nd upori the front of any motor prop�lled vehicle�, where
the s�me ma.y be readily ae�n, and it shall be nnlawful to as�e
or aperate anp such licensed vahiole upon the atre�et,s, avanue�
'`— and alleya of �a,.id vflS�ge unles�s such me�ai pl�te is att�.ched
thereto a� herein pr�vided .
� Pravic�ed�, however, it ah�1Z not be nscess�ry for �n�
ve�hiale to hav� such meta�l plate a.tta�ahed as afore-
said, ex�ept �h�n fn ac�ual u�e on such street�, ave-
nue-s� e�nd �1Teys.
Seetian 6. Anim�.t Dra�n Vehicles farr Pri�a�� U�e
C1��� �r
�'or one or� t�rcr paas�enger�, sin��e sea��ed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�1.00
For ane �rr tr�o gs��engera�, msrre th�n one
���t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.ETf�
Loa.d�r other tham p�s��nget�s, one harse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.OQ
Lcrads� o�her thmn pas eengers, two horse�e�
or �ora. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �.�
Class B. F�r Public Hire
One Qr- tw�o p�sa•engere, sin�le seat.ed'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .#I.001
Ons� Qr two pass�engers, more than one
seat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.OE�
Loads �ther than pas�engers, one horse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00
Loads other than passengers, t�o horse�
_. or more. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.t7�
�' Class C.
�ot�r�ycles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �1.5Q
Mo�Eor 'Vehicles, Pas�engers tor Private Use
CTass D.
T�+enty-five horse power aad less. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f�«�0
Cil.&LS9 �'.
Ovar twenty-iive horse power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.50
For Pub2ic H3re
Class g.. Tr�enty-five horse power and less. . . . . . . . . . . . . .�3.�
Cl�s� G. Over twenty-five horsa power, but �
not to exceed eeven pa�ssenger�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.OQ
CI'aes� H.� Over twentq-fiPe ha�se power and
for mare tham seven passengers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00
Motor Trucks far Private Use
Ia�lnding all motor vehtcle� designed and equipped for
�is c$,rrying af Ioads ether the�n gae�ngers, or which
have been ren�del2ed send ec}uipped for snch use: -
`.. . .
`' CZass I. Having a gross �eight of five thousand pound�
and lesa including vehicle and m�ximim Ioad
for which it is designed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�3.00
C].ass J� Having a gross v��eight of more thsn five
thousand poundff and not more tharn twelve
�h�usand pounds incTnding maxin�tuss weight of
vehicle and load for �hich ft is designec� or �/'
ec�ui�ped. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00
C1ass R. Having a grosa wefght of more than tv�elve
�housand potmd� and nat more than f ifteen
thous�nd pounds including vehicle and msx-
imum load for �rhfch it is designed or
�qntpped. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8�00
Class L. H�ving a gross weight of more than fffteen
thousand pounds-, including vehicle and ma�c-
imum load for rrhich ft is designed or
equipped. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10.00
For Public Hire
Class M. Having a gross �veight as provided for Clas� I. . 3.00
� Cl�ss N. H�.ving � gross weight as provided for Class 5. . .5,0�
Class 0. Haning a grose �veight as provided for Class K. . 8.0�
Class P. Having a gross weight as provided for Class L. .�0.00
Provided ho�rever, that the provisions erf this sectian
shstl not be canstrued to apply to motor vehieles o�rned and
kept �y deaTers in vr aogents for the sa3.� �f the same, as to
such motor vehicle$� as, may come into their possessisn or o�ner-
sh�p for the purpose- of s�le.
Secti�n 7. De�lers in or agents for the s�le �f auto-
mobiles� and other motor nehialea residing within sa�id village
des-iring license for the use of the same upon the stree�a�,
anenu�� �nd a1T�ys of s�id village �ehile in their owners�h#p
`.. or possession for th� purpose of s�7.e, shsll mak� application
to the village clerk of s�id village upon a form �o be pro-
�'' vided bp him for tTi�t purpose,, giving the na,me and place af
I"99�id6T2C9 of the �pplicant and such other informa�tie►a as may
be preseribed b�r the village clerk u�ef uT for the purpose of
this or�inance and accompanted by a �ee of �5.00 ��ollars�, ta
be paid to ssid village eTerk useful for the gurpoae of this
said nillage , npon which license shall be issned to such
applicant '6y the President oF the Board of Trustees of said
Village� counter�fgned by the vill�e clerk under �Che corporate�
sea�l of sa�id village, which sha1.1 entitle sexeh licenses to
use and �perate motor �rahieles� kept Y�q him fmr sale, upon the
str�ee�C's, �venues and �ll�ys Po ssid vi2lage, when carrying d3e-
pls�yed the met�.l plate in this secti�n provfded for.
W�ith e�a3� sach Tfcense said village clerk sh�ll furnish to
the licensee a metsl plste to be pronided by him, b�ariag the
a�erd , De�ler, and the number and year in Ahich issued.
The� �rill�.ge clerk s-hall furnis� tio e�ch such dealer in �r
a►gent for the e�l� vf motor� vehieles, sv lieens�d, as ��ny
additi0ae;7. sua_h metaT plate� as maty be desf Y'ed r for the su� of
fifty cent� ersahx and a�ll metor v�icle�, oened er kep�G by suoh
ltcsnsee f or �al.e shall have one of suah pla�tes prominen��y
dis�pl�yed an the front of the a•�me, w�sere it can be easily resd,
whenever the same i� being used or operated� aver the street�,
a�ren�e�a and alle¢e of said village.
Sectfmn 8. �ny per�oa, firm ar corporatima violating any
o� the pruvisions of thie orrdinance sha1Z npan aonvictian there-
~" ot be fined not less than five dollars nor more ths�n tAo hundred
d�ollars for eseh offense, and each day or part �herevf any
``- v�hieZe herein required� �o be li�ensed sha1T be operate�
upon the streeta, �nenues and" alleys af sa�id vilTsgs with—
�rut h�ving prr�ctzrect a Iicense or wit�tvut having the metal
plate herein pr�avided dispT�yed as herein preeided s3�a1f
be deemed a separate and distinct �ff enee.
� Serctian 9. That this ordinance sha12 take effect
and be in force from and after ten days from its pas�age,
�pprova.l and gublication, as provided By Ian.
Pr�sident of the Board of Trtxstees
of the Villa;ge of McHenry, Illinois.
�t'tes�� Wl�. G. SCHREINER,
Village Clerk.
Passed: March 5, 2923.
Approne�d: March 5, 1923.
Publiehed: Matrch 5, 1923. �