HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - n/a - 02/18/1924 - Wards ORDII�'ANCE `. �in ordinance establishing and c3escribing the first, second and third wards of the City of �6cHenry, County of P:�eHenry and State of Illinois;: . Section 1: Be it ordained by the city council of the Citp of �cHenry, CQtinty of McHenry and State of Illinois , that the said city of is":c�-:enry is hereby divided into three v�ards, avhfeh are as follows : First Ward: A1� that territory and area within the corpor- ate limits of said City of 1�cHenry described as follows , to- wit : B�ginning at a noint on the north line of the corporate limits which is eleven hundred and fifty (1150) feer east from the northwest corner of the southw�st quarter of Section Num- ber Twenty-six (26) in Township Number Forty-five (45) North, `— of Range Number �ight (8) east of the third principal meridian; thenc�Q southerly in a straight line to a point on the extended center line of Front street three hundred and fortp-seven (347) feet northeasterly mea.sured on a straight line from the tioint of fntersection of the center line of the UPaukegan road with ths center line of s�id Front stree�t , extended; thence southwesterly along said extended center line of said Front street three hundred forty-seven (347) feet to the center line of the Wac�zke- gan roa;.d; thenee southeasterTy along the center line of said � l�aukeg�n road to fts interseation v�ith the center line of Third street , extended ; thence southwesterlq along said center liz2e of said Third street and said center Tine extended to its int�r- � section with the center line of Ma.in str�et; thence southeast- terly a�.ong the center lin� of said �ain street to its intersec- -2— tion with the center line of Fourth street extended ; thence L southAesterly alon� said center line of Fourth street and said center line of Fourth street extended to its intersection with the center line of John �treet; thencP southeasterl9 alon� the said center line of John street and said Zine extended to the center line of the Elgin road; thence southerly alon� said cen— ter line of said Elgin road to the south corpora�e limits; thence east along the south cor�orate limits to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of Section Number Thirty—five (�:5) in Township Number Forty—five (45) North of ftan�e Number Eight (8� east of the third nrincipal meridian; thence narth on the east Iine of said Seotion Number Thirty—five (35) to the southwesterly bank of F'ox river; thenae northwPsterly �long the east corporate � 7.imits on the west bank of Fox river to the north bank af Boone creek; thence �esterTy alang said rtorth bank of Boone creek to its intersection with the center line of Covrt street extended south— erly in its coursP; thenee northeasterl,y� along said extended cen— ter line of Court street and along said cpnter Iine of Court atreet to its fnter�section eoith the center line of ETm street; thence northwesterly along the center Iine of Elm street to its intersection a�ith the center line of Green street; then�e north— easterlp along the center line of Green street and safd center IinP extended to its intersection with the center line of �1ash— ington street ; thence narthanPsterly along the center Iine of Washington street to the north corporate Timits ; thence westerly to the place of beginning. �... -3-- Second ��rd; AlI th�t territory and area within the corporate � limit�� of s�id efty of McHenrp lying west and soutli of the followin� boundaries ; to—wit: Beginning a.t a point an the north Iine of, the cor�:orate limits of the said city of MeHenry, which is eleven h�zndred and fifty (1T50) fee� east fro� tMe northwest corner of the southwest quarter of Section Number Twenty—six�{26) in Township Numbgr Forty—five (45) aortfi, of Range 1Vumber Eight (8) east of the third principal meridisn; thenae southerly in a strai�ht line to a point on the Pxtended center line of Front street three hundred and forty—seven ("47) feet northeasterTy measured on a strsight line from the point of intersection of the center line �f the U�auke�an road with the center line of said Front street ex— tended ; thenee southa�esterlq alon� safd extended center line of, s�id Front street three hundred and forty—seven (34?) fePt to the r..- oenterliae of the Waukegan rvad ; then�e southea�terly alon� thg center line of said V4aukegan road to its intersection �rith the cen— ter Iine of Third str�eet extended ; thence southwesterly alcng said i center line of said Third street and said center line extended to its intersection with the center line of Nain street; thence south— easterly along the center line of said Main street to ita inter— section with the c�enter line of Fourth street , extended ; thence southwesterly along eaid center line of Fourth street and said cen— - ter Iine extended to its intersection with the said center Iine of John str�eet and said center line extended to the center line of Elgin road ; thence southerly along said center line of said gl�in road to the south corporate limits of said Citv of P�cHenry. � —4— Third w.�rd; All that territory and area �vithin t�re corpo— � r2�te limits of said city of P��c�'enry lying eas� and nort�r of the follo�+ing boundaries, to—wit: Beginning at the pofnt of inter— section of the north corporate limits v�ith the center Iine of �ashfng�on street ; thenee southeasterly along s�aid center line of �ashington street to its intersection with the aenter Iine of Green strPet extended ; thenc�e south+Aesteriy along said center line of Green street and' said center line extended to its intersection with the center line Qf Elm stree�G; thence svutheasterly along the center line of Elm street to its intersection �ith the center line of Court street ; thence southweeterl�� along the center line of Conrt street and said center Iine extended ta the ne�rth bank of Boone creek; thence easterly along the north bank �of Boone creek to the east corporate limits of said citq of 14IcHenry. � Section 2. That this ordinance shall be in f u11 force and effeet frvm and after its pass�ge and approval according to I�ar. D$vid G. iNells , Ma9or. Attes�• Wm G. Schreiner, City Clerk Passed� Feb. 18, 1924 Annroved Feb. 18, 1924 Published Feb. 21, 1924. �..