HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 05-01.a - 05/01.i - 02/21/2005 - IDOT Rock Salt Purchases � Cit of McHenr Y Y .. . _�, , 333 South Green Street McHenry,Illinois 60050-5495 ' -, _ �� y � www.ci.mchenry.il.us � i - --�. �vtayor's otf-�oe Febluaty 21, 2005 (815) 363-2108 Fax(815) 363-2128 Illinois DepaRment of Transportation Clerk�s ort;�e �in D. Solomon, MFT Field Engineer (815) 363-2100 201 West Center Court Fax(815) 363-2128 �chaumburg IL 60196 Administration (815) 363-2108 Fax(815) 363-2119 RE: Resolutions regarding Rock Salt Purchases 1996-2004 Public Works � Community Development Dear Mr. Solomon: (815) 3G3-2170 Fax(815) 363-2173 please find enclosed as requested certified copies of the following resolutions for Parks and Recreation your records: (815) 363-2160 R-S-OOl.a 1996 -Passed and approved on February 14, Z005 Fax(815) 363-318G R-S-OOl,b 199?—Passed and approved on February 14, 2005 Police Non-Emergency R-S-OO l.c I998—Passed and approved on February 14, 2005 (815) 363-2200 R-S-OOl.d 1999—Passed and approved on February 14, 2005 Fax(815) 3G3-2149 - R-S-UOI.e 2000—Passed and approved on February 14, 2005 R-S-OOl.f 2001 —Passed and approved on February 14, 2005 Mayor R-5-001.g 2002—Passed and approved on February 14, 2005 Susan E.Low R-5-001.h 2003 —Passed and approved on February 14, 20�5 City Clerk R-S-OOl.i 2004—Passed and approved on Febnzary 14, 2005 Janice C.Jones Should you require anything further please feel free to contact my office at 815- Treasurer 363-21�5. David M.Welter Aldermen Sincerely, WARD 1 William J.Bolger � �e.e,C e� WARD 2 Andrew A.Glab Janic C. J eS City C rk WARD 3 Susan E.Low 7CJ/kmk wa,xn a Enc Steven C.Murgatroyd C: Finance Director WARD 5 Public Works Director Richard W.Wimmer File WARD G Robert ].Peterson WARD 7 Geri A.Condon a � R-5-OO1 .A - tllinois Department Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways of Transportafion By Municipatity Under the Illinois Highway Code BE IT RESOLVEO,by the City Council ofthe (Councfl or President and Board of Trustess) Ci ty of McHenry , Iliinols,that there is hereby (City,Town or V111ege) (Name) appropriated the sum of$ 60,375.00 af Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the illinois Highway Code,ffom January 1, 19_9.b_. to December 31, 19 96• BE IT FURTHER RES'OLVED, that only those streets,highways,and operations as listed and described on the ap- proved Municipa! Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connec- tian with this resolution,are eligib(e for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shail, as soon as practicab{e after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, � certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Cterk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation,at Sc'h�iimhiirn , I{linois. Mr. Janice C. Jones Cit I, Miss , Clerk in and forthe y M rs. (City,Town or Vil lege) of McHenry - ,County of McHenry hereby certify the foregoing to be a true,perfect and complete copy of a resolutiori adopted by the Ci ty Counci 1 at a meeting on � ���`� (Councll or Presidant and Board ot Trustees) IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this �.—�'----day of � 'm �,��� �. � , r�`� � .�, -� k «� F ��` City Clerk "� . ;�,�SEAL�" �.•,� (CIty,Townorviilagel . , �9.m . e�. . .., �r� ° . � �' ,'�� � . ti '���. g Q�te���� a; r. •r..< �•'' �, APPROVED ,.�_�,r. �►� � � ..��;r,. 19— Departmeni of Transportation Distrlct Engineer �fiQ81�iS DE?p���'t1e11$ IWunic6pal Estimate oi �f 1'�a�iS��t'�afi0�1 �9aintenance Cos�s Period from January 1, 19�b..,to December 31, 19.9.�.Municipaiity Ci ty of McHenry Estimated Cost of N9aintenance Operations Material,Equipment or Labor Operation Maintenance Operation Quantity Unit Amount Cost (No.-Description-Total Duantity) Item and Specification Reference and Unit Cost now and Ice Control �fiR, 37� � a e urc ase � � � � � __._�. Total Estimated Maintenance Gost S mitte � ��$-�9�95 Approved � �9 s ��� ni 'pal Officiai Titie District Engineer Submit Four (4) Cooies to District Enqineer � R-5-001.6 ��1I10LS �epcllttYlPJlt Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways pf Tt"dtlSpOt'tB�tOC1 By Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code City Council ofthe BE IT RESOLVED,by the {Council or Presldent and Board of Trusteea) Ci ty of McHenry _ , Illinois,thatthere is hereby ccity,Town or VII{aqe) 67,203.00 (Name) apprapriated the sum of$ of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the{llinois Hfghway Code,frorn January 1, 193Z ta December 3i, i 9�Z. BE !T FURTHER RESOLVEO, that only those streets,highways,and operations as I(sted and described on the ap- proved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connec- tion with this resolution,are eligible for maintenance with Motor�ue{Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTNER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shail, as soon as practicable after the ciose of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, � certified statement showing expenditures from and balances�emaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the C{erk shali immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation,at �rh�umh��rn -- , I{linois. Mr. Janice C. Jones Cit I, Miss , C(erk in and forthe y M�S. (City,Town orViliage) of _ McHenry - ,County of McHenry hereby certify the foregoing to be a true,perfect and complete copy of a resolutiori adopted y - / the C i ty Counci 1 at a meeting on � ��� (Council or President and Board of Trustees) :..,;��.: `� c � �— ,,`IN 7ES'1+II�lQ�NY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this , day of � A.D..� ���� � .� � Ci t� Clerk _ �� � �,`.. �. .� (SEA�?'� "` � -.s. (Gty,Town or Villa9e) ; '� �"' f .. :.� p L� � �i,» `� . • � _.'_'.r: � +'. i�S,,. .�,����2� v APPROVED 19_ Departmen t oi Transportatlon District Engineer 91(1�10lS DGp�i�P41e1'i� Munic6pa6 Est�onate o� of Tra�n��c�afion Maintenarace Costs Period from January 1, 19_9,Z_,to December 31, 19_9_Z Municipality Ci ty of McHenry Estimated Cost of iViaintenance Opera#lorts Maintenance Operation Material,Equfpment or Labor Quantity Unit Amount Cost ation (No.-Description-Total Quantity) Item and Specification Reference and Unit Cost Snow and Ice Control State Purchase) --° -$�5�,203_4 -------� --, --_--, T- Total Estimated Maintenance Cost ' Su '�t d ,X��5 Approved , 19 s .�. ��'�j,5,f . . . . n' ipa Official Titie District Engineer � Q��3.rv.iF C..��. f�1 r+...,....,a., n:..a..t_i r__.--__ R-5-OO1.0 lllinois Departmer�t Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways of Transpor#afion By Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code BE IT RESOLVED,by the City Council ofthe (Councll or Presldent and Board of Trustees) Ci ty of McHenry , Illinois,that there is hereby iCity,Town or Viitage) (Name) appropriated the sum of$ 57,052.14 of Motor Fusl Tax funds for the purpose of main{�ning treets and hi hways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code,from January 1, 19 y� s 9 to December 31, 19 98. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that only those streets,highways, and operations as listed and described on the ap- proved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs,including supplementat or revised estimates appraved in connec- tian with this resolution,are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cierk shaii, as soon as practicab{e after the cfose of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, � certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE iT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportatfon,at Sch�i�mhiirn , f{linois. Mr. Janice C. Jones Cit I, Miss , Clerk In and forthe y Mrs. (Clty,Town orVfllagal of _ McHenry ,County of McHenr v - hereby certify the forego(ng to be a true,perfect and complete copy of a resolutiori adopted by Ci ty Counci 1 at a meeting on ��aGO� the lCouncil or President and Board of Trustees) x �, '" r�� day of �' �N ��gtT� ONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this � �* A.D.����'` i� f , ' a J f : #?. II " . ` "� (S,E�L�,'� , 1} ' � Ci�y Clerk �• �� (Clty,Town or VIIIage) ,n `�` r$�,' �' �e p, � �.°a��' + 1 �p - APPROVED 19— Depactment ot Tran sportatfon District Engineer �IIA�tOiS I�p�i'#�'1'1P�$ Municipa0 Estimate o• �f 'r���yy�Op�fiO� BUiaintenance Cos�s Period from January 1, 19 98 ,to December 31, 19 98 Municipality Ci ty of McHenry Estimated Cost of M�intenance Opera#ions Material,Equipment or Labor Operation Maintenance Operation Quantity Unit Amount Cost (No.-Description-Total Quantity) Item and Specification Reference and Unit Cost ' now and Ice Gontrnl � �� �� tate Purchase � --._---� --, � _____— Total Estimated Maintenance Cost 5 mit d � 'C(�---�-005 Approved , 19 B �"'_'� �!_�� � . . u 'cipal Official Titie District Engineer Submit Four(4) Cooies to District EnQineer RO-5-OO1 .D Illinois Department Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways Of 'rt"atlSpOt"��IOCI By Municipality Under the Iliinois Highway Code BE IT RESOLVED,by the City Council ofthe (Councii or Presldent and Boerd of Trustees) City of McHenry , Illinois,thatthere is hereby �cicY,TownorVlllage) 51 ,194.90 (Name) appropriated the sum of$ of Motor Fuei Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code,from January 1, 19.� to December 31, 19 99. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets,highways, and operations as listed and described on the ap- proved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in cannec- tion with this resolution,are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cierk shafi, as soon as practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by sald Department, � certified statement showing expenditures from and balances�emaining ir►the account(s)forthis period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the districtoffice of the Department of Transportatfon,at Sc'h�iimhiirrt , Illinois. Mr. Janice C. �ones Cit I, Miss , Clerk in and forthe y M f S. (Clfy,Town or vi l lege? of McHenry ,Countyof McHenrV hereby ce�tify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolutiori adopted b d G�,ty;.,Counci 1 at a meeting on � ���°O} the (Council or Presfdent and Board ot Trustees) ,,. � .� ., —L`L.—day of , , :,�N,�.��1�ji�ll��lY,WHEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand and seal this � , � ;. ,� � � ., t� _'A'-q� �S� ,�, . ,� �� d �, � � x� C.. Ci t� Clerk ;;'� ''ts�����„ `�' 4CHy,TownorVillage) � � � . '. e .. `� ' .ti y,•+'��� , ,.M�'w � � � � , .x.. � '"'�ww:„.�,�, g , � '�� . .� , . 4' +�,�� 7 APPROVED 19— Department o(Transportation Dislrict Engineer �1'A�'1�� �ep��fi�� Muni�ipa6 fEstionate oi Of ��'��1��1�a O 6�aintenar�ce Cos�s Period from January 1, 19 99 ,to December 31, 19 99 Municipality Ci ty of McHenry gstimated Cost of Maintenance O�erations � Maintenance Operation Material,Equfpment or Labor Operation (No.-Description-Total Quantity) Item and Specification Reference Quantity Unit Amount Cost and Unit Cost Snow and Ice Control •49 .��.,1 4.� tate Purchase Total Estimated Maintenance Cost ' S mi d ,�d�2DIl5 Approved , 19 . ,�.—_ �,�/ Juni ipal Official �Titie District Engineer Submit Four (4) Copies to District En�ineer 1(tinois De artme�t R-5-001. p Resolution for�aintenance of Streets and Highways of Transportafion By Municipatity Under the Illinois Highway Code BE IT RESOLVED,by the C i ty CounCi 1 of the {Council or Presldent and Board of Trustees) City of McHenry , Illinois,thatthereishereby (City,Town or Viilage) (Neme) appropriated the sum of$ 56,214.59 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining strests and highways under the applicable provisians of the Illinois Highway Code,from January 1,��(.�2000 to December 31,���5?00 � BE tT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the ap- proved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connec- tion with this resolutfon,are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon as practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by safd Department, � certlfied statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s)for thfs period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportatlon,at S�haiimhrirn , I{linois. Mr. Janice C. Jones Cit I, Miss , Cierk in and forthe y M►'S. (City,Town or Village) of McHenry ,County of McHenry hereby certify the foregoing to be a true,perfect and complete copy of a resolutiori adopted y Ci�t��COunCi 1 at a meeting ort I ��,g�oo1 thff t�-�---� fCouncll or President and Board ot Trustees) �y * ;, ;. ,r� ;y��., � ;' IN TESTiMC��1Y�, NEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this�—day of , „� �:, �. A.D,XS�� �. .�� t � (SEAI�} � " � City Clerk � .lo, . 4',,�`� �;+`' lClty,TownorVillape) t APPROVED 19— Department ol Transpartation District Engineer �l'9i10iS �Gp�P'�t'41PJ"t$ Munic6pa6 Estirnate o1 O� T�'��1�4i�$�On �i9aintenarace Costs �� 2004 2000 City of McHenr Period from January 1, , o December 31, 1� Municipality Y Estimated Cost of�liainter�ance Opera#ions Maintenance Operation Material,Equipment or Labor Operation (No.-Description-TotalOuantity) Item and Specification Reference 4 d Unit Cost Amount Cost now and Ice Control State Purchase) -� �- Total Estimated Maintenance Cost • Su d . , X�2gg5 Approved , 19 Sy �._ � M , ;c' af ficial � Title District Engineer .4uhmit�niir !dl r'nnio��.,n�..f.,.,a e�_-,---_ . R-5-OO1.F ���I110tS �ep8t'tt'1'1PJ'1t Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways of Transpor#afion By Municipatity Under the lllinois Highway Code BE IT RESOLVED,by the Ci ty CounCi 1 of the (Council or Presldent and Board of Trustees) Ci ty of McHenry , Illinois,that there is hereby iCity,Town or VlUege) (Name) appropriated the sum of$ 45,466.70 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicabie provisions of the IElinois Highway Code,from January 1, 3!�_2D01 to December 31, X�-2.�}01 BE IT FURTMER RESOLVED, that oniy those streets,highways,and operations as listed and described on the ap- proved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, lncluding supplemental or revised estimates approved in connec- tion with this resolution, are eiigible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shail, as soon as practicable after the cfose of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, � certified statement shawing expenditures fram and balances remaining in the account(s)for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resoiution to the district office of the Department of Transportation, at- Sr.h���mhtirrt , I{linois. Mr. Janice C. Jones Cit I, Miss , Clerk in aod forthe Y M rs. (Gty,Town or Viilage) of McHenry ,Countyof McHenry hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolutiori adapted y the Ci ty Counci l at a meeting on � ���� ` , y '� (Council or President and 6oard of Trusteea) � �':. � f �� ��t�.,, :, ' '`IN T�6?IMaNY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this�—day of , � :� � /: i. : .:� A.D�.1�°:��� 'j� a A k+ 1 , � TM . � (SEAL)�° ���Y Cierk � t -� '';^ ,h`+, ;w` (Clty,Town or Vfllape) . "�A`�' 4� �,; APPROVED 19— Department ot Transportation Distrlct Engineer BII9B10lS �Gp�i'$�11E'J7� lU�e�nicapa9 Estirna�e o �f ��������'�� Maintenan�e Costs Period from January 1, 20ga.._,to December 31, 20g�Municipality Ci ty of MCHenry Estimated Cost cf Malntenance O�erations Maintenance Operation Material,Equipment or Labor Operation {No.-Description-Total Quantlty) Item and Specification Reference and U it Co t Amount Cost now and Ice Control 140 .8 j�45,46�Fi_7 a e urc ase -, Total Estimated Maintenance Cost • Submitted , 20$y— Approved � 1 g � ,1;�� . . . , - �/P' Municipal Offici Titie District Engineer C�ihmif�niir(A1 l�n�i..�.�., ni..��t..a C.��c—��- . R-5-OO1 .G ��1114lS �@pBYftY]PJ1t Resolu#ion for Maintenance of Streets and Highways of Trans�ortafion By Munic�pality Under the fllinols Highway Code BE iT RESOLVED,by the Ci ty CounCi 1 of the (Council or Presldent and Board ot Trustees) City McHenry of , Illinois,that there is hereby (Clty,Town or Vlllagei (Name) appropriated the sum of g 66,200.22 of Motor Fuel Tax funds far the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the appiicable provis(ons of the Illinois Highway Code,from January 1,N�?11D2 to December 31, X�_2002 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that oniy those streets,highways,and operations as listed and described on the ap- proved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connec- tion with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuei Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shali, as soon as practicable after the ciose af the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, � certlfied statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s)for th(s period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Clerk shail immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation,at Sr.h�iimh�rn , Illinois. Mr. Janice C. Jones Git i, Miss , Clerk in and forthe y �1I�CS. (Clty,Town orVlllage) of McHen� ,County of McHenr_y hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolutiori adopted by the Ci ty Caunct 1 at a meeting on - � , �.�s (Councll or President and 8oard of Trustees) .::I,�IWTESTIMONY WHEREOF, { have hereunto set my hand and seal this ��'_—day of , r A�D.���� � ;. � �: �;� ��''��x ;': ' , (S�AL'�,� , " �, - Ci ty Clerk � ;r ��»y i:y� (City,Town or Vilage} . � � �<., �. . �q, �N: ;�, s r •! '�,1�� � J'',' +�,��,�;`''� APPROVED 19— Departmenl of TranspoRation Dfstrlct Engineer NIAB1�iS Dep��i�1FJ1� iNunic6pa6 Est�mate o �$ �9'�11�0�$afi0�1 N9aintenance Cos�s Period from January 1, Zp,g�2,to December 31, 20g,2_Municipality Ci ty of McHent^y Estimated Cost of Mainte�ance Operations Maintenance Operation Material,Equipment or Labor Operation (No.-Description-Totai�uantity) Item and Specification Reference Quantity Unit Amount Cost and Un(t Cost now and Ice Control on � tate urchase -� ---, ----__, Total Estimated Maintenance Cost • S d , 20(�5-- Approved , 1 g ��� � � Mu c' al Of icial Tit1e District Engineer ���hmi4 Fni�r(dl r'n.,�e� +„n���,.�..i�..,.:_,,.,_ • R-5-OO1.H ���t110LS d@pat"'�t11p.11t Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways Of TCa115pOt't8't1011 By Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code BE IT RES�LVED,by the C i ty Counci 1 of the (Council or Presldent and Boerd of Truatees) C i ty of McHenry , I(Iinois,that there is hereby (City,Town or Village) (Neme) appropriated the sum of$ 76,358.41 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the appiicable provisions of the Iliinois Highway Code,from January i, i(#_..2003 to December 31, '{Xg( 2003 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets,highways, and operations as listed and described on the ap- praved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, inciuding supplemental or revised estimates approved in connec- tian with this resolutfon, are eligibie for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as saon as practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, � certified statement showing expenditures from and bafances remaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resoiution to the district office of the Department of Transportation,at Sc'h�iimhiirn , Illinois. Mr. Janice C. Jones City I, Miss , Clerk in and farthe M�S. (City,Town or Vlllege) of McHenry ,County of McHenry hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolutiori adopted y C-i ty Counci 1 � / the x � at a meeting on , �,9��4j ;}A (Council or President and Board of Trustees) � £, �_" K �r� . � ' �. .� ��1`N"TEST1�tQ,�I�Y'�Q6HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this � day of , A�D.�'o`�b,�' ` "''' `�F �; �, � u.< � (SEAL).: �:a°4 < <• �i�C Clerk :"� c1,,�;r .f (Clty,Town or Village) �r ,�' , ,''� �,�'��: APPROVED 19, Department of Transportation District Engineer �I�9i1�IS �(:p�f"�Bt'��$ �IAunic�pa9 Est�ma$e o� O� ��'�i�S��P�afi�91 6Viaintenan�e Costs Period from January 1, 2Q,p.3_,to December 31, 20g,�._Municipaiity ��ty of McHenry Estimated Cost of Malntenance Operations Maintenance Operation Materiai,Equ(pment or Labor Operation (No.-Description-Total Quantity) Item and Specification Reference Quantity Unit Amount Cost and Unit Cost ' now and Ice Control . 76,,�,5�•4 a e urchase ----, ---� -----, � - r- Total Estimated Maintenance Cost . Su ' ed , 2005 Approved �--� ��� . . . , ,g M nic" al ff�c�al � T�tie Distr' ict Engmeer .S'I�hmif�n��r (�1 F•....,...,a_ nv_�_e_, �_ _� . R-5-OO1. I ���IC10LS �@paC�tYlpJlt Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways of Transportation By Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code BE IT RESOLVED,by the �i ty Counci 1 of the (Councfi or Prealdent and Boerd of Trustees) City of McHenry cc�cy,TownorVillegel , 111inois,tfiatthere is hereby 74 536.00 (Name) appropriated the sum of$ � of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the appiicabie provisions of the Illinois Highway Code,from January 1, '�9L2L1D4 to December 31, �2004 BE {T FURTHER RESOLVEQ,that only those streets,highways, and operations as listed and described on the ap- proved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplementaf or revised estimates approved in connec- tian with this resalution,are eligibfe for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE (T FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon as practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Departmertt, � certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Clerk shali immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportat(on,at S�haiimh�irR , 111inois. Mr, Janice C. Jones Cit I, Miss , Cierk in and forthe y Mrs. (Clty,Town ofV(Ilage) of McHenry ,Countyof McNenry hereby certify the foregoing to be a true,perfect and complete copy of a resolutiori adopted y . the Ci ty-. Counci 1 at a meeting on �'� , 1,g��.j �' i r '}�., (Councii or President and Board of Trustees) �f`� ' � � r� �, �� ;"''s�''` '�,•`� �J ,,,iN '�.�STt(��'Y:WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this � `� day of , i� A.D:N`�.�D�� , .�. �*�r . ;' (�EA�.),p��'`� �` � Ci y Clerk • „���-:�t"`� (Clty,Town or Vlllage) APPROVED 19_ Department oI Transportafion District Engineer lII6rloiS �par$nlent n��,ni�6 aa �st• of '�'ranspor�afioel � �Pna�e o Maintenan�e Costs Period from January i, 2.ggq_,to December 31,200�.Municipality Ci ty of McHenry Estimated Cos#og iUiaintenance Opera#fons Maintenance Operation Material,Equipment or Labor Quantit Operation (No.-Description-Total Quantity} Item and Specification Reference Y Unit Amount Cost and Unit Cost ' now and Ice Contr�l 2200 Ton 33.88 4 36.0( tate urchase Total Estimated Maintenance Cost . S mitte � 2005 Approved �9 sy ' �l�/ ' - � M � ipal Official Title District Engineer Submit�our (4l Caaies tn nt�tr��+��„��oo.