HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 3/20/2024 - Planning and Zoning Commission The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING NOTICE DATE: Wednesday, March 20, 2024 TIME: 5:30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers, City Hall. 333 S Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of the Agenda 4. Consideration of Approval of the Meeting Minutes: November 15, 2023 & February 21, 2024 5. Public Input – (five minutes total on non-agenda items only) 6. Z-2024-03 – Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an Open Sales Lot in conjunction with Automotive Sales and Zoning Variations to accommodate the existing Principal and Accessory Structures. Petitioner: Bold Motors Inc. 7. Open Discussion 8. Staff Report: Next Meeting Date: April 17, 2024 9. Adjourn City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes November 15, 2023 Chairwoman Rockweiler called the November 15, 2023, regular meeting of the City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 5:30 p.m. In attendance were the following: Commissioners Locke, Rockweiler, Lehman, Riley, Gleason, and Davis. Absent: Commissioner Bremer. Also in attendance were City Planner Cody Sheriff, Community Development Director Ross Polerecky, and Deputy City Clerk Monte Johnson. Approval of the Agenda: A motion was made by Commissioner Riley and seconded by Commissioner Lehman to approve the agenda as presented. Voice Vote: 6-ayes: Commissioners Rockweiler, Locke, Davis, Gleason, Riley, and Lehman. 1-absent: Bremer. 0-nay; 0-abstained. Motion Carried. Approval of Minutes: Approval of the October 18, 2023, regular meeting minutes as presented. A motion was made by Commissioner Lehman and seconded by Commissioner Gleason for approval as presented. Voice Vote: 6-ayes: Commissioners Rockweiler, Locke, Davis, Gleason, Riley, and Lehman. 1-absent: Bremer. 0-nay; 0-abstained. Motion Carried. Approval of 2024 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Schedule A motion was made by Commissioner Locke and seconded by Commissioner Lehman to approve the 2024 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting schedule as presented. Voice Vote: 6-ayes: Commissioners Rockweiler, Locke, Davis, Gleason, Riley, and Lehman. 1-absent: Bremer. 0-nay; 0-abstained. Motion Carried. Public Input No members of the public offered any public input. File No. Z-2023-18 Petitioner: City of McHenry Request for a Zoning Map Amendment to A-1 Agriculture District, Conditional Use Permit for the continued operation of a Horse Stable, Indoor/Outdoor Horse Arena, Equestrian related Agritourism, any Zoning Variation necessary to accommodate all existing principal and accessory structures at the property commonly known as 4400 Lake Shore Drive Chairwoman Rockweiler opened the file at 5:31 p.m. Planner Sheriff stated that all publication requirements have been met. It was discovered that two smaller properties near the horse barn were never annexed and recorded from the land swap. This will legally set it up to be re-zoned properly and is in compliance with the future land use map. Planning and Zoning Commission October 18, 2023 Page 2 Chairwoman Rockweiler opened the public hearing portion of the meeting at 5:33 p.m. With no public in attendance, the hearing was closed at 5:33 p.m. All members of the Commission agreed that there were no issues with the proposal and believed it should go through. A motion as made by Commissioner Gleason and seconded by Commissioner Riley to recommend approval of the City’s request for a Zoning Map Amendment for the existing incorporated parcel from Estate District to A-1 Agriculture District and Zoning Map Amendment upon annexation for the two unincorporated parcels to A-1 Agriculture District for the property commonly known as Hickory Creek Farm. And by making said motion, I agree that the approval criteria for Zoning Map Amendments have been met as outlined in the staff report. Roll call Vote: 6-ayes: Commissioners Rockweiler, Locke, Davis, Gleason, Riley, and Lehman. 1-absent: Bremer. 0-nay; 0-abstained. Motion Carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Lehman and seconded by Commissioner Davis to recommend approval of City’s request for a Conditional Use Permit for the continued operation of a Horse Stable, Indoor/Outdoor Horse Arena, and equestrian related Agritourism at the property commonly known as Hickory Creek Farm. And by making aid motion, I agree that the approval criteria for Conditional Uses have been met as outlined in the staff report. Roll call Vote: 6-ayes: Commissioners Rockweiler, Locke, Davis, Gleason, Riley, and Lehman. 1-absent: Bremer. 0-nay; 0-abstained. Motion Carried. File Z-2023-18 was closed at 5:36 p.m. Open Discussion: Commissioner Lehman asked if the out-lot for U-Haul was approved at the City Council level, and Planner Sheriff answered that it was. Staff Report: Planner Sheriff explained that there are nights planned where Planning and Zoning Commissioners can come participate in the Comprehensive Planning process. The next meeting is scheduled to be held on December 13, 2023, but will probably be cancelled. Adjourn: A motion was made by Commissioner Lehman and seconded by Commissioner Locke to adjourn the meeting at 5:41 p.m. Voice Vote: 6-ayes: Commissioners Rockweiler, Locke, Davis, Gleason, Riley, and Lehman. 1-absent: Bremer. 0-nay; 0-abstained. Motion Carried. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 21, 2024 Page 1 City of McHenry Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes February 21, 2024 Call to Order The Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of McHenry, Illinois, met on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at McHenry City Hall, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL. The special session was a joint meeting with the McHenry Planning & zoning Commission for a Comprehensive Plan Progress Update. Roll Call Following the roll call for the City Council, Deputy Clerk Johnson called the roll for the Planning & Zoning Commission. Roll call: Members present: Commissioners Davis, Bremer, Locke, Rockweiler, Riley, and Gleason. Absent: Lehman. Public Comment No members of the public wished to comment during the public comment portion of the meeting. City of McHenry Comprehensive Plan – Progress Update Director Ross Polerecky introduced members of HDR Inc to update the Council and Planning & Zoning Commission on the Comprehensive Plan. Jeff Young of HDR began the presentation by giving a process overview. Of the five phases of the process, we are currently at Phase 3, where plan goals are defined. It was explained that nearly 2,000 people have been reached through pop-up events, intercept surveys, through social media, and more. Samples of the November Design Charrette were shown and briefly explained. The survey was active for 78 days and received 424 respondents. A demographic breakdown of survey respondents was also discussed. Seven topics were ranked from highest to lowest priority, with new sidewalks, bike lanes, and trails for walking and biking around town coming in as the highest priority. Topics with very strong consensus (80%+ agree) included economic development, walkability, open space & conservation, and redevelopment. Other topics ranged in majority consensus (50- 60% agree), and less consensus (40%+ agree). The survey also showed how often and why people came to the downtown. A positive takeaway from the survey is that 77% of respondents believe that this plan will help McHenry grow. Sixty-three percent of respondents are happy with how the City has changed in the last 20 years. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 21, 2024 Page 2 William Wellington of HDR presented the opportunities and challenges moving forward for the City. Major opportunities included commercial development on Routes 31 and 120, while challenges included struggling retail corridors and housing issues. It was noted that the Route 31 expansion was both an opportunity and a challenge. A possible vision for McHenry and a vision for the downtown were developed using feedback from survey respondents, and Council members and Planning & Zoning Commissioners discussed the visions and how they can be used moving forward. Shai Roos of HDR presented themes, goals, and objectives for the different areas of McHenry. A map of McHenry was shown with character areas broken into Downtown Mixed-Use, Employment Center, Mixed-Use Commercial/Suburban Retrofit, Neighborhood Commercial Corridor, Walkable Residential Development, and Conservation Residential Development. Each area was discussed and explained their purpose and how they could be right for McHenry. The next steps in the planning process were discussed, including the development of a citywide future land use map, a mobility framework, creating goals and objectives, and the implementation workshop that is tentatively scheduled to take place in April of 2024. Adjournment A motion was made by Commissioner Locke and seconded by Commissioner Bremer to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 p.m. Voice Vote: 6-ayes: Commissioners Rockweiler, Locke, Davis, Gleason, Riley, and Bremer. 1-absent: Lehman. 0-nay; 0-abstained. Motion Carried. _________________________________ Deputy Clerk Monte Johnson Staff Report for the City of McHenry Planning & Zoning Commission Staff Comments The following comments and conclusions are based upon staff analysis and review prior to this hearing and are to be considered viable unless evidence is established to the contrary. Staff may have additional comments based upon the testimony presented during the public hearing. BACKGROUND & REQUEST SUMMARY The petitioner, Bold Motors Inc., is proposing to operate a used car dealership with outdoor displays at 4016 W. Crystal Lake Road. In order to accommodate the development, the petitioner will need to receive approval of the following zoning requests: 1. Request for Conditional Use Permit to allow an Open Sales Lot in conjunction with an Automobile Dealership. 2. Request for Zoning Variation to accommodate a 2.3’ setback off the northeast property line in lieu of the 10’ required. According to the McHenry Township Assessor’s Office, the existing quonset hut was constructed in 1950 and therefore predates the City’s adopted Zoning Ordinance from 1986. The submitted Plat of Survey shows the structure approximately 2.3’ off the northeast property line in lieu of the 10’ required. The petitioner is seeking a variance to accommodate the existing structure. Figure 1- Existing Quonset Hut Constructed 1950 CITY OF MCHENRY ORDINANCES • The petitioner must meet the Approval Criteria for Conditional Uses, listed in §11-15-5 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance • The petitioner must meet the Approval Criteria for Variances, listed in §11-19-5 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance. STAFF ANALYSIS CURRENT LAND USE & ZONING The subject property is currently zoned C-5 Highway Commercial District and is surrounded primarily by other C-5 zoned properties to the north, west, and south with industrial zoned property to the east. The primary land use surrounding the property primarily consists of contractor/construction offices. Staff does not anticipate the use of the property as an automobile dealership will generate any adverse impacts on the surrounding commercial/industrial properties. Given the longevity of the use of the existing structure, staff does not anticipate that approval of the petitioner’s variance request will generate any adverse impacts. FUTURE LAND USE MAP RECOMMENDATION The Future Land Use Map recommends commercial land Use. The proposed use of the property for retail sales of used automobiles is in substantial conformance with the Future Land Use Map’s recommendation. The site is located within the boundaries of the Main Street Subarea Plan adopted in 2008 (see Comprehensive Plan Objectives & Policies). COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OBJECTIVES & POLICIES Overall, staff believes the proposed development is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan objectives and policies. Staff comments italicized. View full list of City Plans at www.cityofmchenry.org/planningdocuments • Land Use, Objective – “Allow a mixture of land uses in appropriate areas to promote responsible growth while providing a high quality of life to the residents.” (p. 27) Staff believes the proposed use of the property as an automobile dealership is appropriate given the surrounding industrial and commercial land use. The site has operated prior as an trailer dealership in addition to a woodworking shop. Staff does not anticipate the proposed use would generate any adverse impacts on the surrounding commercial properties. • Land Use, Policy – “Locate intense commercial and office uses where they will not negatively affect residential or open space uses.” (p. 27) The site has operated for decades as either a contractor’s office or as a dealership in some form. Staff does not believe the proposed use of the property would negatively impact any residential or open space uses. • Main Street Subarea Plan, Policy – “Consolidate properties to accommodate a larger, cohesive commercial development.” (p. 20) The Main Street Subarea Plan recommends this site and the area west of Crystal Lake Road be consolidated with the properties to the north and south in order to accommodate a larger more cohesive development site. An attempt was made to consolidate the fragmented corner approximately 20 years ago by Thorntons but was unsuccessful. Staff does not believe that approval of the petitioner’s request would deter the plan’s objectives. The site would still be able to accommodate a car dealership without zoning approvals but would require the petitioner to screen the cars from view. The City has faced similar fragmented ownership issues with the area west of Green Street. In that instance, the City intervened by purchasing the properties to consolidate them under a single owner. Staff does not believe it is likely the private market will forward the subarea’s plans without some form of government intervention. SITE PLAN ANALYSIS • Setbacks. According to the submitted Plat of Survey, the existing quonset hut sits approximately 2.3’ off the northeast property line in lieu of the 10’ required. This is most likely due to the fact the structure was built approximately 36 years prior to the adoption of the existing Zoning Ordinance. Staff is comfortable with the requested variance given how long the structure has existed on site. • Nonconforming Landscaping. The Zoning Ordinance allows staff to waive provisions of the landscaping ordinance due to unique, site-specific circumstances. A large portion of the site, if not nearly all the site, is composed of impervious surface. Installing building perimeter landscaping would be challenging under the current circumstances. Given these existing conditions, staff is comfortable waiving the landscaping requirement. • Employee & Customer Parking. The Zoning Ordinance requires 1 space per 1,000 square feet of showroom, plus 2 per service bay. Given the service bay in the rear and garage entrance in the front of the property, staff estimates the subject property would be required to provide a minimum of 3-4 parking spaces. The site plan does not indicate how many parking spaces are to be provided for customer and employee parking. Given the size of the site, staff anticipates the petitioner should be able to meet the minimum number of parking spaces. Staff have included as a condition of approval that the petitioner shall submit a building permit for a stripped parking lot prior to receiving a certificate of occupancy. • Outdoor Display of Vehicles. The total number of vehicles that can be displayed in the front area facing Crystal Lake Road is restricted due to site constraints. Staff is including a condition of approval the requires the property owner to maintain the display area in a neat and orderly manner as determined by the Zoning Administrator. Staff is also recommending as a condition of approval that the display of automobiles shall be prohibited in the right-of-way. STAFF SUMMARY ANALYSIS • Staff is comfortable with the variance request for the existing quonset hut given that the structure pre- dates the currently adopted Zoning Ordinance. • Staff have included as a condition of approval that the property owner shall submit a building permit application for a stripped parking lot prior to receiving a certificate of occupancy. • Staff does not believe approval of the request would generate any adverse impacts on the surrounding property owners given the longevity of the use of the site for sales of commercial equipment as well as the operation as a woodworking shop. • The site is located within the Main Street Subarea Plan. The plan recommends the consolidation of the site with properties to the north and south. An attempt to consolidate the fragmented ownership of the southeast corner of Crystal Lake Road and IL-120 was made approximately 20 years ago by Thorntons unsuccessfully. Staff does not believe approval of the request would deter consolidation of the lots given the existing fragmented ownership. If the Planning & Zoning Commission agrees with the petitioner’s request, then the following motion is recommended: MOTION: I motion/move to recommend approval of the Petitioner’s request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an Open Sales Lot in conjunction with automotive sales at the Subject Property, subject to the following conditions: 1. The Property Owner shall maintain the display area in a neat and orderly manner as determined by the Zoning Administrator. 2. The display of motor vehicles shall be prohibited in the Right-of-Way. 3. The Property Owner shall apply for a building permit for the stripping of the parking lot prior to receiving a Certificate of Occupancy. AND by making said motion, you agree that the approval criteria for Conditional Uses have been met as outlined in the staff report. APPROVAL CRITERIA FOR CONDITIONAL USES (§11-15-5). Staff comments italicized below. A. Traffic: Any adverse impact of types or volumes of traffic flow not otherwise typical in the zoning district has been minimized. Staff believes there is adequate traffic infrastructure in place to service the development. B. Environmental Nuisance: Any adverse effects of noise, glare, odor, dust, waste disposal, blockage of light or air, or other adverse environmental effects of a type or degree not characteristic of permitted uses in the zoning district, have been appropriately controlled. Staff does not believe the proposed request would generate any environmental nuisances. C. Neighborhood Character: The proposed use will fit harmoniously with the existing natural or manmade character of its surroundings, and with permitted uses in the zoning district. The use will not have undue deleterious effect on the environmental quality, property values, or neighborhood character already existing in the area or normally associated with permitted uses in the district. The surrounding area consists primarily of commercial highway zoning and land use with industrial land use and zoning to the east. Staff believes that approval of the request would fit harmoniously with the existing area. D. Public Services and Facilities: The proposed use will not require existing community facilities or services to a degree disproportionate to that normally expected of permitted uses in the district, nor generate disproportionate demand for new services or facilities, in such a way as to place undue burdens upon existing development in the area. The site is currently serviced by city water and sanitary sewer. E. Public Safety and Health: The proposed use will not be detrimental to the safety or health of the employees, patrons, or visitors associated with the use nor of the general public in the vicinity. Staff believes the proposed use would not endanger local public health and safety within the vicinity of the subject property. F. Other Factors: The proposed use is in harmony with all other elements of compatibility pertinent to the conditional use and its particular location. 2nd MOTION: I motion/move to recommend approval of the petitioner’s request for a zoning variation to allow a 2.3’ setback in lieu of the 10’ required to accommodate the existing principal structure. AND by making said motion, I agree that the approval criteria for Variances have been met as outlined in the staff report. VARIANCE APPROVAL CRITERIA (§11-19-5). Comments of staff italicized below. A. Special Circumstances Not Found Elsewhere. Staff believes this is a special circumstance related to the longevity of the established quonset hut. The structure was built prior to the establishment of the currently adopted Zoning Ordinance. B. Circumstances Relate to the Property Only. Staff believes this is a special circumstance as it relates to this property only and not all property within the C-5 Highway Commercial District. C. Not Resulting From Applicant Action. The applicant did not construct the existing structure on site. D. Unnecessary Hardship. Staff believes if the city enforces the ordinance that it would cause undue hardship upon the petitioner. E. Preserves Rights Conferred By District: Staff believes this does not confer a special privilege for the subject property. F. Necessary For Use Of Property: Staff believes that approval of the variations are necessary for the reasonable use and enjoyment of the property. G. Not Alter Local Character: The structure has been on site for approximately 74 years. Staff does not believe that approval of the request would alter local character. H. Consistent With Title And Plan: Staff believes the proposed request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Development Policies by supporting commercial development. I. Minimum Variance Recommended: Staff believes the variations requested are the minimum required. Attachments: 1) Petitioner’s Application and attachments. 2) Receipt of publication of legal notice. SHAW MEDIA EST. 1851 PO BOX 250 CRYSTAL LAKE IL 60039-0250 (815)459-4040 ORDER CONFIRMATION (CONTINUED) Salesperson: BARBARA BEHRENS Printed at 02/26/24 16:58 by bbehr-sm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acct #: 10069745 Ad #: 2146589 Status: New PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE FILE Z-2024-03 Notice is hereby given that the City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at the McHenry Municipal Center, 333 South Green Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050, at 5:30 P.M. on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 to consider an application by Bold Motors Inc of 1078 Rock Road Ln, Unit A of East Dundee, IL 60118 ("Applicant") on behalf of Homewood Customs LLC., of 709 Greenwood Avenue, Glenview, IL 60025 ("Property Owner") for the following requests in accor- dance with the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance: Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an Open Sales Lot in conjunc- tion with Automotive Sales and Zoning Variations to accommodate the existing Principal and Accessory Structures. Location: The site consists of 0.540 acres, more or less, and is located approxi- mately 50 feet northeast of the intersection of Crystal Lake Road and Main Street with a common address of 4016 W. Crystal Lake Road. ("Subject Property"). PIN: 09-27-476-017 The property is currently zoned: C-5 Highway Commercial District A copy of the application is on file and may be examined during regular business hours in the Community Development Department, at the McHenry Municipal Center, 333 South Green Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050, and (815) 363-2170. An electronic copy of the application can be viewed on the City's website at www.cityofmchenry.org/ currentdevelopments. All interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard. Published by order of the Planning and Zoning Commission, City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. /s/ Stacy Rockweiler Chairwoman, Planning and Zoning Commission (Published in (Northwest Herald February 28, 2024) 2146589