HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 12/2/2013 - Teardown Committee {n� ���m1 . l'.1 � t..`'
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,� . ��� ;., � ; � � . ; Departmeni of Can�m�a��ity 8,
,� , ��-z:� � t. �<� .� �_�'�_ Econon�ic Development
�� �`n' Doi�g i�aetirr,Deput}�Citp AdmiT�ish•ator
McHer�ry MaE�ieipal Centei•
, � 333 Green Street
Mci-I�itf'3�,Iili�iois 6Q05{}
�J� Pl�one:{8l S)363-217�
��1�������� Fax:{S 15}363-2173
T�►: Mayor and City Council �
FROM: Douglas Martin, Deputy City Administrator �`
� �
��7R: December 2, 2013 Regular City Cauneil Meeting Q,`� �
R£; Request fior variances from Article XIV. Resid ntial 7eardown Sit � and infill
Properties Special Requirements Qrdinance in Municipal e from th�
sid�e yard building setback requirement and to allow fhe demolition af the
home at 3208 Gotfview prior to the explratian of sixty days af#er the notice
requirements have been satisfied or an application is approved by the
Teardown Committee,which occurs last far#he purpose of constructing a rtew
residentia(addition ta the applicant's existing home at 3214 Golfview
1. Locatian Map
2. November 7, 2013 Teardown Committee Meeting Minutes
3. Articie XIV. Residential Teardown Sites and Infil( Properties Special Rec�uirements
4• Design Guidelines far Resicfentia)Teardowns and lnfill Parcels
�• Application Packet
6. Letter from Danaid and Martha Hojnacki
7. Letter from Dr. Scott and Diane Spengei dated 11/3/13
g. Letter fram Bonnie and Steve Leva dated 10j28j13
9. Petitior� of Support submitted far home addition at 3214 Goifuiew
BACI4GR�UND/DESCRIPTI�N OF REQUEST: In accordance with the City's Residential Sites and �
ln�iil Rroperties Sp�cial Requiremen#s ordinance in the municipal cade, all proposed residential �
teardowns are to be reviewed by a committee cansisting a#the follawing members.
1. Alderman ha(ding office in Ward;
2. Chair of Planning and Zoning Commission or their designee;
3. Chair af the l.andmark Commiss'ron or their designee; °
�. Staff inember from the Community and Economic Devefopment Department
5. Ntember of the pub(ic, appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City
CounciL E
,�_ �`��� -� I�e}>ait�yieiit of Conmaunity�
M,� �; Economic D�ve(apme�tt �
�� Daug Mai�tin, De��tat�>City Adn�inisCratpr i
'� McHemy Miinicipnt Cent�r
�` ` 333�,��ee�a�treet
Mci�em�y, 111inais 6405�
�Y,�t..���! �[� j Phalie;(S}5}3G3-2i7U �
dinartin rt ci>>t�ehenr}�.iLtts
ivwti��,ci.mc6�e����y.il.t[s j
The purpase of the Teardown Committee is to consider each request for residential demafition ;
and con$truction at a pubiic meeting and render a decision on the application at the conclusion
of the me�eting. An appeai procedure is also included in the ordinance, whereby the applicant
has the right tc�ap�eal any decision by the Camrnittee to the City Caunci(.
The Teardown Committee is charged for reviewing plans for teardowns/rekruiids based the
foliowing criteria:
1. Conformance with requirements of the teardown ord'rnance;
2, Conformance with the Design Guidelines for Residentiai Teardourns and [r�fill Parcels;
3, Cc�rnpatibil'rty with the ex�sting characteristics of the site and surrounding area;
4, Campatibility with the architecture style and charaeter of existing buildings along the
same street,
S. Cflnformance with the gaals and objectives of the afficial Comprehensive P1an, the
DowntQwn pfan,and the Nistoric Preservation Plan vf the City.
Additional site development requirements are detailed in the teardawn ordinance if the
application is appraved by the Committee and moves forward to construction.
The attached application to demolish an existing singfe-family home located at 32�8 Go(fview
and th�reafter canstruct a new residential additi�n ta an existirig home facated at 3214
Golfiview was revietirved by the Teardown Committee (minutes attachedj. Th� existing single—
farni[y hame site at 3208 Golfview is approximately 21,581 square feet and the lot at 3214
Ge►ffuiew is 12,921 square feet. In tfltal the two lots tagether equal 34,502 square feet, wt�ich is
.79 aer+�s.
The �pplicant's existing home is 2,320 square feet in #loar area. The praposed square foc�tage
additian ta the hame, fal(owing the teardou+n of the home at 32Q8 Golfvieurv� is 2,86� square
feet of new iiving space and two sports areas equaling 4,Q80 square feet. A new attaehed
garage is also proposed,which will encompass 1,41Q square feet. In total the new home would
consist of �.0,679 square feet. A floor p{an and rendering of the proposal is included as part of
the applicatic�n packet.
The Teardown Committee approved the proposal to eonstruct the addition t4 the applicant's
existing home at 3214 Golfview in accordance with the plans submitted by a vote of 4-1 wiih
� the finding that the applicant�has conformed to the requirements of the City's �tesidential Si�es ;
and Infill `Properties Special Requirements Ordinance in the fttiunicipal Cade, subject to ;
obtaining the three varia�ces from Council. Typically, the Cammittee's decision wou(d be the
�� �
�� � �.,� De}�art�nent of Com��itr��it�r��: �
��' �� Economic Develapmeni
�`� � Doug Mai�tin,Deputy City Ad�ninistr�tor �
_� �
� s.��
�F,; McHer�ry Mutiicipal Cetater
i33 Green Street
�� /(� �� Piioue:(815)363-2170
Y� Fax:(815)363-2173
��� diuAttit�r�i ci.�nclteizr��.il.us
tvtv�v.ci,it�ehenr?f.i Lus
last step in the review process, other than staff`s building and engineering reviews, however
the appiiearrt is seeking variances fram the teardown ordinance. CurrentEy, the teardown
urdinance contains no procedure granting authority to the Committee ta grant variances fram
the ordinance so any variances must be considered and approved by the�ity Couneil.
The subject property is zoned RS-A, which includes a minimum side yard setback af six feet
however the teardown ordinance requires the side yard setback on a lot having a !ot width that
exceeds the average width of all the lats on the same block to be increased by xhe same
prvportion as the lot wi�th. The totaf lot width of the subjeet property, inctuding 32Q8
Golfview and 3214 Galfview, is 250'. The average lot width of the kots within the sam� block is
appraxiEnate(y 78.5`, which would require a sid� yard setback of 19.1 feet for the suhject
property. The proposed side yard setback is currently eight feet from the east property[ine and
seven feet'from the west property line so a variance from this provision is required.
A�ditiflnaNy, the applicant is seeking permission ta demolish the home at 3208 Golfview as
saan as passibfe. The teardown ordinance states no demolitian can occur until sixty days after
the notice requirements have been met or an application is approved by the Teardown
Committee, whichever occurs last. Sixty days fallowing notification requirements would be
December 25, 2013. The applicant is seeking a variance fram this provision of the ardinance
fram the City CQuncil as welL
It should alsa be noted the current plans for the project depict three driveway curk� cuts and, in
aceordanc� rMith the Gty's Subdiv�sion Contral and Development Ordinance, only two are
permitted, This request must be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commissian, however
priar to a fina) decision on the request being made by the City Council. The applicant has n4t
y�t present�d this request to the Planning and Zoning
Commission �o this variance request will come back ta the City Council following #heir
TEARp01NN CQMMITTEE: Ten members of the public spoke at the Teardown Cornmittee
meeting. Sev�ral spoke in favor of the project or had no speci�c problems with it rnaving
forw�rd. Major concerns expressed against the project dealt with adverse impacts which could
result fram water runoff onto neighboring properties, setting a precedent if this project were
approved #or future teardown requests, the size of the proposed addition and wanting to
maintain the neighbarhood in its current condition. The teardown committee vated ta apprav� �
the petition for a residential teardown request {4-1j with the finding that the applicant has �
conformed to the requirements of the City's Residential Sites and Infi41 Properties 5peciai �
Requirements Ordinance in the Municipal Code, subject to obtaining the three variances from
Council. �
� �= Depattme��t ofGa�nrnu«ik}r&
� Eco�tamic Deuela�3me�it
� �
` �� � Docig Martin,Deptity City Adrninistrator ?
`',''� °"�� McHei�ry M�inici�al C'�nter
333 Green Str•eet i
McHenry,Illinois G0�50 �
�Y il�,���;t ;It Ahatre:(8 t S)363-�17U
dmartin r�r ci.mchenry.il.us
��F�vu�.c i.►i�c[ieniy.i L us
If the City Council cancurs with the Teardown Committee it is recommended varianees tv
Article XIV. Residentia) Teardown Sites and Infii! Praperties Special Requirements ordinance
in the municipal cc3de be appraved to allaw a side yard building setback af seven #eet an the ��
west side vf the property and eight feet on the east side of the praperty and to allow the
dernolition of#he hame at 3208 Gaifview prtor ta the expiratian of sixty days after the notic�
requirements have been satisfied or an application is approved by the Teardawn Cammittee,
which Qccurs last.
=������ Department of Commirnity ce:
�'` ��` Economi�c Desrelapmea�f
�� �; Uoug Martin, Deputy City Administrator
'�� MeHe►�ry M�alicipal�entee
"�`�% 333 G�-eet�Street
Mcf-�enr}�,Illinois 60054
�f�f^����� Phonc:(81S)3G3-�I7Q
z v'��...• Fa�:(8 I5)3b3-2173
�'�'� �� dmartinQci.rncfrenry.it.us
Subject Praperty
� i u�r�'E������
3214 Golfview 32U8 Goffview .; -z
� ��' ��
� ��„ :
E }�,E
. . . . . . Y"�,�.��'
� >�;.` Depar-tment a€Gc�nuinmity&
�`�'�„ �'��
�.` � Economic Deveia��t��cnt
� � Doug IvIaitiri,De�uty City Adr�rinistrat�r
��, ,�
,.� __ McHenr}�MunicipaECenter
- 333 Green Street
Mci-lenry,Illinois 60050
��^►[���y� Plia��e:{815)363-?l7(}
��..•�� � ��1� Fax:(8 E 5}363-2(?3
�� dmaa�tin�r ci.�nche►u•y.iLus
�v�v�v.ci,mchen�y.i[.u s
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Municipal Center Council Chambers,?;00 prn
in Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Shawn Strach, Chairpersan of the
Planning and Zoning Commission; Alderman Victor Santi, Aiderman, Ward 1, Pat V\lirtz,
Chairperson of the Landmark Commission, Ross Polerecky, 8uilding Inspector—Community and
Economic Revelopment Department, Nancy Fike, Member of the Public.Absent: Nor�e.
Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, City Attorney Cahill and Ci#y Clerk
lones. �
Also in Attendance: See attached Attendance Sheet.
City Attc�rneyCaf�iN called the meeting to order at 7:a4 pm.
City Attorney Cahill requested a Motion from the Committee to elect a Chairperson for the
Teardown C�mmittee.
Nornination �f Chairperson
Motion by iNirtz, seconded by Santi nominating Shawn 5trach as Chairman o# the Teardown
Ay�e: Fike, Polerecky,Santi,Strach, Wirtz.
Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Mvtian carried.
Pufalic input'
Deputy �"tty Administrator Martin briefly outlined the necessity af the Teardown CQmmittee
and the reason for tonight's meeting. He stated the Committee is inter+este� in the public in�ut;
however, h� requested that anyone speaking limit their speech to 5 rr►inut�s.
Alderman Strach requested input from members of the public in attendance, beginning wit�
those persons who had signed the Sign-In Sheet. He noted that it was not a requirement that
anyan�uuho signed the sheet speak.
Karen Burns, 706 South Emerald, McHenry:
.�� �`-�� I7epartmeni of Comini�nity&
�° •� Es'conomia'Develaprne�at
� � Daug Martin,Depui�City�dministrlCar
McHenry Mu��icipal C�nter
McHenr�y, Itlinois 60050
J,Y l�l �,�;1 14 Pl�ane:{815)363-2 t 70
�'�� dntarkin tz ci.mcheE���y,ia.us
�v�,v�v.c i.tnctient}�,il.i2s
• Ms. Burns stated that she supports the project and feels #ha� the improvements being
made by the applicants is a strong selling paint for the praperty.
Rogers and Qarlene Schlies, 3212 Galfview Road, McHenry:
• Mr. Schlies informed the Cammittee that he lives around the corner from the subjeet
propert�r. He apined that the proposed impravements are too large for the area, stating
th:at he would like to see a compromise regarding the size of the structure.
• Mrs. Schlies chose nflt to speak.
Pat Wir#a, 15f13 N. Richmand Road, McHenry:
• Pass.
Caral Cooney, 1313 N, Richmond Raad, McHenry:
• Pass
Donalt� Qavis,32�4 Golfview Terrace, McHenry:
• Mr. Dauis opined that government should nat interfere with property awners. He stated �
#hat his concerns regarding the proposed improvements to the property are regarding j
water issuQs. He requested assurance that adequate engine�rin$ has been performed �
and provisions are in place to address drainage issues for surrounding property own�r�. ;
Nanci Piccone, 3304 Fairway Drive, McNenry:
• Ms. Piccone stated that she has na issues with the propased constructian.
Terry C3onovan, 3408 W. Fairway Drive, McHenry:
� Pass
Sandy Donovan, 3408 W. Fairway Drive, McHenry: ,
• Mrs. Dbnovan stated that there have been many improvements made to the property
and from what she has seen; a nice job has been dane to da#e. Mrs. Danovan expressgd
no issues regarding the propased canstruction. ;
Geri Davis, �202 Golfview Terrace, McHenry: '
* Ms. Dauis informed the Committee that she resides at the bottom of the hill and that '
her home is the recipient of all the water that flaws down hil�. Ms. Davis advised that
she does not know the Grubichs and that her first contact with them was via a
registered ietter. '
� �<��" Departt�ient of Co���nuznity& �
,� �, Econo�nic Developi7�ec�t �
�� t0� Do�g Ma��tin, Deputy City Ad���inistrator
�� McHen�y Muniei�at G�ntai- �
333 Green Sti•eet '
�, McH�e►�r�,illinois GOQ50
���� Phone;(815)363-2170
I'ax:(8 t5}363-2173
� dmaM�n a ci.mcheniy.iLus
# Ms. Davis stated that Country Cfub Subdiuision is a modest subdivisi�n, hawever her
main concerns are related ta water issues and the passible impact the construction
might ha�e an surrounding properties.
• Ms. Davis thanked Ms. Fike for alerting her regarding this issue in the neighborhoQd.
John Landan, 3202 Galfview Terrace, McHenry:
* Mr. Landan informed the Committee tMat he served far a number of years an the Crystal
Lake Zoning Board and stated that his background is in engineering.
* Mr. Landon expressed concerns that a 10,864 square foot structure is propased on the
existing lot. He noted that the 10,864 sq. ft. daes not include the pool and surrounding
area,the hot tub,patio,driveway,fire pit or overhang of the structare.
� Mr. Landon expressed concerns regarding the im�ervio�rs surface, stating fram an
engineering standpaint it is not possible to double the amount af impervious surface
and have less run-off.
Dennis Canway,
• Pass.
Greg Lt�fgren, 3805 W. Clover Avenue, McHenry:
+ Mr. Lafgren stated that construction of this magnitude is precedent setting. He stated
that it happened in Napervil(e and it could happen here.
Christ Quarterman, 2903 Cherryhil)Court, McHenry:
* Pass.
iCathleen Gies,800 Center Street, McHenry:
• Pass.
Chairm�n Strach asked if anyone else in the audience had input.
Radney AcEcerman, 711�ohn and 7201 Crescent, asked ta 8e recognized by the Committee and
aflowed ta speak. �
• Mr. Ackerman stated that to his knowledge the City af McHenry has no maximum
regarding the size of construction. Me noted that the Grubichs have been gaod
neighbors and he supparts allawing them to construct the home they d�sire.
:��"` �� Depaitment af Co�nrn��nity&
� �� Econon�ic�evetapnlent
�� ��
�� � Doug�vlatiin,I7e�a�ity Gity Adtninish�atar
`.��R �°�� iYIcH���cy Cvltmi�ipal Centc�•
'�`�:�`� .�� 333 Greet�Street
McHena�y,illinais G(1456
��i �.L...��t 1� Pho�ie:{S f�5)3b3-2170
Fax;(8 i S)3G3-2 i 73
� dmacti�t c�ci.r�tchenry.il.us
cv�vsv.c i.tt�chen ty.'r l.us
Robert Lake, 608 John Street,asked to speak:
• Mr. Lake stated that he has lived in the Country Club Subd'rvision far 3p years and likes
the neighbarhood the way it is.
Chairman Strach again asked if any member of the audience had public input. There was no
response from the audience and the Public Input portion of the meeting was cic�sed.
Chairrnan Strach requested a presentation fram the app(icants,le€f and lamie Grubicf�.
Mrs. Grublch stated that issues only started ta commence upon presentation of their plans
before the Landmark Committee regarding the demolition. She stated that she is a lifetime
resid'ent of McHenry and the current famiiy residence was previously owned by her
grandparents. Their family cansists af three children. All the children are gifted academically,
musicaliy and athEetically. As a family they take part in youth sports and are inuolved in sports
Mrs, �rubich opined sne is puzzled at the reaction because the demographics of the Country
Club Subdivision had, aver the years, became diverse. Mrs. Grubich stated that she loved her
hame and the family has done a lot of work to the existing space, but it has just reached a po'rnt
where the home is not large enough.
Mr�. Grubich stated that they believe the propased space wiN be used significantly over the
next ten years by family, friends and teammates. AdditionaNy, the space aHows fl�xibi�ity to
care fQr returning coflege students and aging family members. The home is on the golf caurse
and the improvements and amenities would pravide in#erest shauid the home be placed on the
Mrs. Grubich advised the Ct�mmittee that she takes pride in the appearance of her hame and
wif! continue ta do so. She noted she would like the addition completed as quickly as passiiale.
They inter�d t� make euery effort to remain good neighbors and minirnize the noise and trash
that accompanEes construction. Mrs. Grubich informed the Committee that they are currently
working w�th Vanderstappen Engineering regarding water issues and how they can be
managed. She noted that their architect, Lynde Anderson, alsa holds a degree in civil
engineering and has used that knawledge to IayQut the initial design, working with the
e�evations of the land as it exists.
Mr. Grubich addressed the Committee. He stated that he and his wife thought #hey were
follawing a!I the requirements necessary to perform the remadeling work they desired on the
� `�'� Uepart��ient of Con�nnt�ity& �
" "t Econan�ic Deveinptnent J
���� aa�
D�c�g Ma�tir�,Deputy City A�l�ni�iis�►��tor �
�� F,� �
�:y'� McHent•y M►inici�al Centet�
333 Green Street
McFfenry,IlEinais 64Q�Q �
�/� Phone:�81 S)3G3-2 t70
�z�`���� Pa�:(81S)3G3-2]?3
� dmartin@ci.r��chem�y.il.us
�v�v�t�.c i.m c f te n ry.i I.u s
site. He stated that while he is not a iifetime resider�t of the community he has come ta love the
praperty they (ive on and the community anc� they want to nurture that feeling with their
children. !ie and Mis wife have no desire to hurt anyone and they are willing to work witlt the
City in an effort to appease any concerns, They are cagnizant about protecting their neigh�or's
Mr. Grubich expressed some concerns regarding security since the topic of his hc�me
constructian has I�ecame such a public matter.
Mr. Lynde Anderson, AtA, of Lynde Anderson and Associates Architects, addressed the
Cammittee. Mr. Anderson stated that the Grubich family has been a pieasure to wark with. He
noted he is impressed by how thoughtful and careful the 6rubich family is about each phase of
Overview of Article XIV. Residentia!Teardawn Sites and Infill
Properties Special Requirements and Teardawn Cflmmittee Resaansibilities
De�uty City At�ministrator Martin informed the Committee that three letters and a signed
p�tition have been received by the City regarding the praject.
Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Cammittee that the applicants submitted an
appEi�ation and are seeking to demalish an existing single-family home bcated at 32f18
Golfvi�w ("3208"j; and thereafter, construct a new residential adclition ta an existing home
located at 3214 Golfview ("3214"). The slze af the existing single-family home site at 32�8
Golfview is approximatefy 21,581 square feet and the fot at 3214 is 12,921 square feet. In tata!
the two lots combined are 34,5p2 square feet, whict� is .79 acres.
T#�e applicant's existing home at 3214 is 2,921 sq. ft. in floor area, including the existing garage.
In total, th� new home, including the attached garage, would consist of 10,864 square feet. A
floor �lan and rendering of the proposal are displayed and have been provided ta the '
The praperties at 3208 and 3214 Ga(fview are zaned RS-4, which requires a minimum side y�rd
building s�tback of six feet; however, the Teardown Ordinance requires the side yard setbaek '
on a lot having a iot width that exeeeds the average width of all the lots on the same block CQ
be increased by the same praportion as the lot width. The total Ic�t width of the applicant's '
praperty, including 3208 and 3214 is 250 feet. The average lat width of the lots within the '
surrounding block is approximately 78.5 feet, which would require a side yard setback of 19.1
fe�t for the propased project. This is achieved by dividing 78.5 feet into 250 feet and
� ��„a
�°� �eparEment of Co�n�ntmity&
� �
Economic Developinent
� �' Doug Martin,Depufy City Administr�toy
� McHenry Mu��icipal Ce��ter
`�' 333 Green St►�eet
McI-Cenry�, [Ili��ois 64050
�,/(��j�y-��� Pho�ae:(8I5)3G3-2170
�� ��,,�;�� �'as:(8 l5}363-2 t?3
multiplying that number (3.18} times six feet, equais the side yard setb�ck. The proposed side
yard setback is currently eight feet an the east side of the lot and seven feet Qn the wesi side af
the lot,so a variance is required from the City Council if the Teardown Comm�ttee recammends
approval of tf7e Plan.
The applicant is aisa seeking permission to demolish the home at 32Q8 Golfview as soon as
possible.The Teardown Ordinance states no demolitian of a structure can occur until sixty days
after the notice requirements have been met or an application is approved by the Teardown
Comrr�ittee, whicheuer occurs last. Sixty days following the campletian of the notificatiern
requirernents would be December 25, 2Q13. (f the Committee approves the proposa! before
them, the applicant will be seeking a variance from the C`rty Council regarding the Teardown
Also, the praposed plan ctepicts three driveway curb cuts onta Golfview; howeve�r, the City's
Subdivision ordinance permits a maximum of two. This variance would need to be considered
by the Planning and Zoning Commission and ultimately approved by the City Cauncil.
�eputy City Administrator Martin stated that in accordance with the City`s Residential Sites and
lnfill Properties Special Requirements Ordinance in the Municipal Code, all propased teardowns
are to be reviewed by a Committee. The purpose of the Teardown Gommittee is tv consider
Qach request for residential demolition and construetion at a Public M�eting.
The Teardown Committee is responsible for reviewing the demalition pEans, site layout and al!
building plar�s for the exterior of a new home on a teardown site ar infil! parcel in accordance
with the follawing:
1, Conformance with requirements of the Teardown �rdinance;
2, Conforrnance with the Design Guidelines for Resident'ral Teardowns and Infill Parcels,
3. Compatibility with the existing characteristics of the site and surrounding area;
4. CQmpatibility with the architecture style and character of existing buiidings along the
same street;
5, Gonformance with the goals and objectives of the Officia! Comprehensive Plan, the
powntown Plan, and the Historic Preservatian Plan of the City.
Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that in accardance with the Ordinance, the Teardown
Com�ittee shall render a decision on an application, passed by a majarity of its memlaers in
attendance at the cfase of the Public Meeting> The Committee shall approve, apprave with [
conditions, or deny an application based on the five criteria outlined above. The Committee `
may not defer voting on any applicati�,n far more tnan one meeting unless the applican# agrees
tc�an�further postponernent.
�� ��� De�a�trnent of Co�tn��ut�ily R.
��� ��° Ecano���ic Development
``��° Daug Martin,Deputy City t�dznivistraEor
;�,n n�.
McHenry Munici��al Center �
"�,� 333 Green Sfreet
Mc1-len►}�, Iltinois 6��54
��uAYI� Phone:(&I S}3G3-2(70
�' ��.�� � F�x:($l 5)3G3-2173
dnta�l itt�ci.€�icliet�rp.i I.us
Deputy Cifiy Administrator Martin noted that applicatians that have been denied by the
Teardawn Committee cannot be resubmitted for at least one year fram the date of clenial,
except on the graunds a#new factual evidence or a change in conditians found to be valid by
the Teardown Committee. An appea! procedure is inciuded in the Ordinance, whereby the
applicant has the right ta appeal any decision by the Committee to the City Council. Site
�evel�pment requirements are detailed in the Teardown Ordinance if the app)ieation is
approved by the Committee and the project moves forward to construction.
Cansideration of Residential Teardawn and Constructian
(Reaue�t to teardown existin�sin�le familv home at 32Q8 Goifview€or the purpose
of constructin�a new residential adctition ta the Applicant's existin�
home at 3214 Goifview
Chairman Strach inquired abaut questians from th� Committee.
Nancy F�ke adcfress�d the Commi#tee and requested clarification reg�rding some terms. She
opined that tt�is is not a new residence but an addition ta �n existing s�ructure. Qeputy Ctty
Administrator Martin stated he has verified with the Ci#y Attorney that while there cauid be
muiti�J� lots,the property wiil be considered one site.
Ms. Fike read from the Resign Guid�lines far Residential Teardowns and Infill Parcels and
requested they be included in the minutes:
"Hausi�g apportunities abound in McHenry. Newer subdivis�ons are currently
being constructect on vacant farmland and these new hames offer the space and
ameni#ies that today's home buyers seek. However, this can place the City's
existing housing stock at a disadvantage, especially those homes located in the
o(der downtown areas. As these older hom�s seN, the new owners may be
tempfied to renovate, remodel and rebuild. And whife the City can benefit from
these changes, it is important to ensure that this redeve{opment will rnaintain
and enhance the qualities that mak� McNenry a desirabfe place to live. IVew
construction must blend with the existing character of the area. It must be
compatible with the architectural design, scale and context of the existing
residential properties, which surround it. In arder to accamplish these goals and
take'fuU advantage of the history of the area, City afficials befi�ve it is necessary
ta adapt these guidelines."
����� Depaitment of Cantinuttity�: °
� ��
�� "55 Economic Dev�laptnent
P.�� �
�w Doug Ma�1in,Depltty City Acfrt�iiiist�-ato�•
wm�, E�°
� McHenry Muz�ici�al C�rtter
�� 333 Green Stt•eet
Mcile��u-y,Itlinois 60050 �
:t Y�.l.i���l P}�one:(815)363-2170 �
dn�artin tc ci.n}chenE�}�.il.��s
W\YtY.0 t,l17CIi�111y,1�.tiS
Responding ta an inquiry from the Committee regarding retention/detention ponds, Deputy
City Administrator Martin stated that retention/detentian ponds kick in at 20,t�OQ square feet of
impervious surface. Mr. Polerecky advised that water issues are part of the engineering process
and that the cQncerns f�rought up so far would be addressed during that pracess.
Chairman Strach pointed out to the Committee that their rale is to ascertain whether the
applicants have camplied with the five items they are required to address in conformance with
the Teardown Ordinance. Mr. Wirtz inquired whether those pratocols have been followed by
the Grubichs. Mr. Polerecky responded a#firmatively.
Alderman Santi opined that Items 3 and 4 are a high priarity for him. One of the key issues is
#he engineering regarding the water issue, and that topic wil! nat be discussEd tonight. He
stated the Fox River and the Country Club are two areas in the community. He expressed
conc�rn regarding the siae of the structure. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi,
Rrchitect Lynde Anderson stated the approximate square footage of th�teardown is 2,32t�fe�t
and a variance would bQ required for both sides.
Nts. Fike reiterated that she has lived in the neighborhaod her ent€re life. Fler concern is that
the structure is so large. She stated that the square foatage af living space is nearly 11,t}Q0,
which is inappropriate for the neighborhood. Ms. Fike stated the an(y structures in the City of a
similar size are cQmtnerciai buildings. Ms. Fike opined that while the hames in Martins Woods
are iarge, th�y are bui[t on lots of at least ane acre. Ms. Fike requested that the architect be
required to pravide the Committee with plans depicting the rear e(evation expasures.
Mr. Polerecky statec[ h+� respectfully disagreed with Ms. Fike. He noted that a (ot of time and
effort has gane into the design of the structure. Mr. Polerecky opined that vvhile he respects
Ms. Fike`s concerns,'the subdivision has gradually changed and there are a num�er of different '
size homes currently in the Cauntry Club Estates Subdivision. He stated that the applicant has �
c#c�ne everything that can be done and neighbaring homes have been taken into ct�nsideration. �
Mr. Pr�lerecky stated that there would actually be 6,Q00 square feet of habitable spaee in the �
horne by "`building" definitian. Mr. Polerecky stated that he believed the project would be
beneficiaf to the subdivision. �
Ms. Fike reiterated thaf she feels strongly that the project has not met the required criteria.
R�esponding to an inc{wiry from Alderman Santi regarding ttem No. 5, Qeputy Ci#y Administrator �
Martin informed the Committee that there is no Comprehensive Plan for the neighborhoad. �
��'��� ;�_ Dep�rtment ofCotnmuility R:
� '�� Ecoiiorr�ic Develo��me���
� ��w Daitg Matxit��Dcputy Cily Adtninistrator
������ � McHenry M�ti�icipa!Ce��ter
���� 333 G�•een Street
McHe�n�p,tlliaois 64050
��J�("+j��y^R� P}tone:($�5}3b3-2170
�a, � � � , Fax:(8 t 5)363-2173
���� dtnart�n(�u ci.mche�try.iLas
�w ti���v.ci.�ncl�enry.iLtis
A(d�rman Santi stated that as the Committee sits�t�night, there is no maximum �quare f�otage
ordinance c�n the books. He opined that perFraps that is samething that should be addr�ssed in '
t`he fu#ure.
(v)s. Fike apir�ed that currently the Committee is dealing with an existing neighborh�ad and a
project that is far out of proportion for that neighborhood.
Mr. Polerecky informed th� Committee that less than 40 0 of the lat is c�v�red, which is what
the current c�rdirrance requires.
Respar�ding to Alderman Santi's inquiry about retention design, Deputy City Administratar
Martin stated that a "pond" does not have ta be constructed. There witl be grading, which wif�
address the release and direction of water. Mr. Anderson, the architect, informed the
Committee that Mr. and Mrs. Grubich hawe hired an engineer, but engineering has yet to be
done. Mr. Andersan assured the Cammittee that the appGcants intend to �4nform to City
Responding to an inquiry fram the Cammittee, Attorney Cahill stated that if the issue cioes not
pass the Committee, the applicant could re-submit within a year if the clesign is different<
Respc�nding to an inquiry from Chairman Strach r�garding whether the Committee is dealing
wit� two issues, teardown and construction, Att�rney Cahill stated the matter is considered
Chairman Strach asked for a motian from the Committee.
Niation by Wirtz, seconded by Santi, appraving the Petition with the finding that the applicant
has cvnfarmed to the requirements of the City's Residentiaf Sites and Infill Properti�s Sp�cial
Ret�uirements Ordinance in the Municipal Code, subject to obtaining the three variances from
Aye: Polereeky,Santi,Strach, Wirtz.
Nay: Fike.
Absent: Nane.
Moti�n earried.
Chairman Strach requested a brief statement from Ms. Fike regarding her negatiue vote. �
Ms. Fik� stated that she continues to believe that the project does nat fulfiH the scope of th� '
Teard�svt�n Orctina�nce in an histaric area. '
��, Departme��t of GommuniCy&
:�� � Ecoato���ic Developmettt
�� Doug M�c°tin,Dep�ity Cify�d�ninistrafor
-'"-� McHenry Ivii�r�ici�>al Centec
�-=" 333 Greet�Street
McHemy,Ellinois G0050
�J�t`�(��y-�y� Phosie:(815}363-2170
1 Y��_.,t A A �l� Fax:{$�5)363-2I73
�' � �� � dmar•tinQ,cl.ntcheiae}�.ila�s
wsv�ti�.ci.�nchenry.i I.us
Responding ta an inquiry from the Committee, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the
next step is fior Council to consider the variances required far the project.
R�sperndin� to an inquiry fram the Committee, At#arney Cahill stated the only reason the
applicant wfluld have ta come before the Committee again is if there is some substantiai rey
d�sign to the project.
Motion by Santi,seconded by Polerecky,to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 pm.
Aye; Fike, Palerecky, Santi,Strach, Wirtz.
(Uay; Nane.
Absen#: None.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Shawn Strach, Chairman
Alt residential teardo�vi�sites ai�d infill parceis,as deft�ied herein,shail be subject to tl�e requireme»ts
of this Article.
For the pu�1�ose of tliis section,the follo�ving teiYns sl�all liave t}ie meani��g 12ereiii described:
Des�elopnre�rt De��rntnre�rl; Sl�all mean tlie Coiisicuctioii and NeighUorhooct Services Depflc�tmei�t of
1he City of McHeiu•y.
lirfill Pn�cel:Residentially zoned property that is vacant,undeiz�ti(ized,or euntaii�s a building thlt
l�as been unocct�pieci for a n�initnum of ten years.The paroel's boundacics sltatl I�ave re�naicieci
consiste�it for a minimum of ten years.
Tearrlau��t Slle:Residentially zoiiec!property having an existing older residence on it,lvltich�vill be
1'RZ6(�Atl(I t•eitioved fi'Olfl fI1C Slle SO lllAt fl fl01V I'CS1CIe11f1�1I Vlttl(�Itig CTil�8 CO11SiCtIC�CCI il]lIS])I�1CC.
Sec,7-193.Deslgn G�iideliues.
Tl�e Design Gr�idell�res fo�•Resftleiilfo!Te�uzfo►��s.s a�irl L f J!Prrrcels,prepared by tl�e City of
McHen�y Conscil►ctiou acu(Ncighborlioad Se►vices Depart�nent ancl beaci��g a date of August 2005,
a��e l i e r e b y a d o p t e d b y r e f e r e nce.
Sec.7-194.Aciditlmial Butlditig Layoi�t Requd��ements.
Ici addifion to t}ie recJui�•einents of otlier applicat�[e Codes anct Ordinances of tl�e City,all teardo�v�i
sites a�id i�ifill parcels sl�all�ueet t(ie follo�vi�►g requiren;e��ts:
{a)Lot Corerage. A new residentiai sti2�chire sl�Tll not covet'11101'6 lllc�ll4O%Of f�1C tOfAI�Ot fli'CA lipUll
whieh said sU�uctin�e is located.
(b)SelGack for Garages Facrng«Prrblic Street. An attached garage for a principal l�uitding l�aving
ga►•age doa•s facing a public st►•eet sltall Ue setback a minimum of f ve feet fi•om tlie mai�i o�•pi•ima�y
wall of the principal building.
(c)Si�Je Yajzl Se�brtek. The i•ec�uired sids yacd sethack foi�a tea►•do�vn site oc infil!parcel sliall be
ec��Eal to the i•ec�uired side yaiYi setback of the dish•ict in-�vliicli said ptbperty is locflted.L.�•ceptio»:
The reguired sicte yard setback on a lot having a lot�vidth that exceeds tlie avera�e�vidtf�of all ihe
lots on tlte same l�lock shaii be inci•eased by tf►e sa�ne proportion as lot widtli,
Sec,7-195.Teardown Committce�steblisi�ed,
A Teardotivn Co�tunittec,consistin�of five members shail be charged witl�revie�ving tlze demolition
plans,site Iayout anci�lt buildi�ig plaus foi•tiie axterio►•of a�tery}iome o��a teardowli site or iiifill
parcel.The Conw�ittce shall inch�de: 1)tlie Alderman theii hokiing office in the Warct in�vhich tlie
de►nolitio,�/const�z�etion is proposed; 2)the Chairutan of Ihe Pla�uvub and Zo�iing Conui�ission,oc
his/Izer clesigi�ee;3)the Cl�airm�«of the Landniark Conuuission,or his/ltier designee;4)one Staff
mem6er fi•om the ConsU�tctio�i and Neighbocliood Services Depa�lnze�at;�nd 5)a membec of the
public,appointed Uy flte Mayor�vith the advice and consent of the City Counci(.
Sec,7-196.Duties of Teardown Comu�ittee,
T�ie Teacdo�vn Cominittee is cl�argecl�vith a•evietvittg the demolition pla��s,site layouc and building
plans fox•the exterior of a i�ew l�ome on a teacdo�vn site or inCll parcel.The Committee shall revie�v
said plans fo�: {
(a)Conforivauce with the rcq►iiremei�ts of this Article.
(b)Conformance wiih tlie Desig�� Gr�i�lelirres,for Resideutia!Te���lou�ns a�u!btft/(P�rrcels.
(c)Coiiipatibility�vitit the existing characteristics of the site and surinutiding area.
{d)Compatibility�viti�the architechu�e sryle and cliacacter of existiug buildings along the sau�c strect.
(e)Conformance with the goals and objectives of tlxe Offecial Compl�el�ensivc Pla►�,the Do�vntotvn
Plan,ancl the Historic I'reservation Plan of the City.
Sec.7-197.Appllcntion to Appear Before the Teai'(IO1S71 C0111111itf@C.
Applications to appeac beforc fhe Teardo�vn Couuiuttee sliall be on focros provided by the City.
Every appticalion sl�all i�iclude as a miniuium,tlie items indicated ou tlie a��plication,and a liling fee
Sec.7-198.Teardo�tin Committce Revlew Process.
(a)StrGrrtitt�rl;Mee�i�rg rlafe. Upon i•ecci�t of a canpleted ori�i»a(application to appear befo�•e the
Teacdo�vn Connnittee and six copies,u date sl�alt be establislieci for a puUlic meetiug aud tha copies
ot'tl�c application shall be fortivarded to tlie me�nbers of the Tea��lo�vn Committes.
(b}Notice of Ca»►nleircente�rl of De�lto(ilioir o�'CO!lSll'!lCl101t. TIt�A�rI[C811t SI1c1II CflUSe 11011CC Of�I10
proposed deniolition or consti��ction:
(1)Within seveit days after subi��itting a completed applicatioc�to 2ppeac Uct'ore the Tearclo+vn
Co»�mittce,thc a��plicaiit must providc notice of tlic peitciin�de�ziolitiou a•construction,by certifie<t
mail,retu�•n receipt,to the owner(s)of all prope2ties directly abuttir�g ti�e site or across a street,alley
or otl�er��ublic�vay.A list of ttiese pro��eity o�vnecs shall Ue sub��iitted�vith the application,aiid nn�st
Ue approved by tlte City pcioa�to mailing,Curreut o�vnersliip(taxpayet)iuformation can he obtained
at tlte McHetuy CouuEy Assessor's Office,6G7 Wa��e Road,Woodstock,Illiciois 60098,[815]334-
4290.Posta(Return Receipts(�vliite anailing receipts Rnd geeeFi rehu•n c�rds)feom the certified
maititig shall be provided to tl�e developntent depat�tment within foui�teen days after•saicl maili��g
(2)Witl�iri seve�i dAys after submitting a completed applicetioii to appear before tlie Teacdo�vii
Coi�wiittee,tlie applicant niust post tlie subject property,in a prominent��lace,�vitt��sig�i
a�mot�i�citig sucli conwiencetnei�t.The size,sha��e,coloi�and message of sucli sign shall be as
provided t�y the development de��a►-t�t�e��t. Such sigiti shall include notice th�t tI�e rules and regulations
a��plicable to demolition and constiziction work flre�v�ilAUle at Qie develoi�anent depactinent. Such
sigu si�all be mau�taiueci on the subject propei�ty until all�vork on tl�e subject prope��ty l�as been
completed and approved,or until removal of the sign is approved by tlie Director of Construction and
Neigf�Uorhood Seivices Depaitment.
(3)No demolition or consttvction on a te�rdo�v�i site or infell parcet sliall occuc u�►til sixty clays afier
tl�e i►ofice rec�uirements of tltis Ailicle have been fi�If Ileci o�'att�pplicltion is a��proved by the
{c)PrrGlrc Meeti�rg. The Tex��lo�vn Conuiuttee sl�all[iold a public meeting to consicter the
application.No meetiiig shall be held i,i tl►e absence of a quoilim,�vlucl�sl��ll consist of tivee
�itemhers of the Conw�ittee.During tt►e meeting,an applicant may present witnesses to speak on
behalf of their projeet auct the Committee st�all have the right to nuestion tlye applieant anc!any
(d)7ear c!a►t�it Ca�mrittee Decrsrolls.The Tea�•down Cam�iittee shal!render a decision on nn
a�plication,passed by a majority of its meuibers in attendance,at the close of the pub(ic meeting.
Tlic Committee sltall appx•ove,�pprove�vitli coiiditio�is,or deny ari a��plicatio�i based o1i tlie criteria
herein.Tl►e Coc�anittee may not defer voting on nny applicntion foc more than one meeting unless the
ap��licant agrees to a��y further poslponement,Applicatioi�s Approved, approved wifh conditions, a•
•denied sl�all be foi�va�ded to the ctevelo��me�zt de���►rhne��t and kept oii file.
{e)Resi�Gurlssio�l. No application fliat ltas been denicd by tlie Teacdowii Committee sliall be
resubmitted�vitlun one year of tl�e date af denial,except on the grounds of new factual evictence or a
change i�i conditions found to be valici by the Teai•do�v►t Conunittee.
Sec.7-1�9.Appenls of Teardown Committee Decisio�i.
Any a��plicant aggcieved by�decision of tl�e Teardo�vu Comnuttee ntay appeal to the City Cottncit.
(a)No�ice ofApperrl. A notice of�ppeal shall be filed�vith tlie develo�>ment depactment�vithin thiily
days of the decisioii being appeated.Tlie notice sh�il eiiclt�de tlae name,address�nd telepho�te
nu��iber af the pe�sort filing the appeat,the address of tt�e��roperty affected Uy the decision being
appea(ed,identificatiai of the section of tiie ordinaEice�ovecning the decision being appeafe<i,n
statement of tiie groutids iipo�i�vl�icli the appeat is b�sed,tlie i�easai�iveii 6y tl�c Teardo�a�i
Conunittee for the decision,�sumuiary of factual evidence upon�vliich tl�e appea!is based,lnd all
plans and specifications of tl�e use at�'ected by the deeision being appealed.
(b)Slay ojPr�oceedi�tg,s. Tlie rling of x Notice of Appeal shall stay fll[proceeclinbs iri fiirtheraiice of
tlte action appealed fi•o�u.
(c)He�u'ilJg CIl1lI/IC1101J. Upon recai��t,the development depachne�it shail ti�nsmit tl�e Notice af
Appeal and die coinplete record of the decisiou to tt�e City Council.Ti�e Couueil shall fix�
reasonable time foi•a hearing on tlie appea(aud shail give a minimum of ten days notice to the i�arty
�liE�g tlie Notice.
{<l)Appros�al Ci•Ileri�r fo���fp�er�ls.The Counci(sl�all reverse tlie order appealed only if it finds that
the dccision apJ�ealed: I)�vas a�•bitra►y or capricioas;or 2)�vas based on an erroiieous fiuding of�
material fAct;a•3)constih�ted ai�abuse of discretion;or 4)�vas based on ei7�oneous ii�terpretatioii of
this Acticic.
Sec,7-200.I�nndms►rIc Conu�iiss�on Access to Sh�uchu�es for Ss�lv�ge Purpases.
Prior to tite tle►nolition of any stnicture on a teat�io�vn sile or infill pa�•cei,tiie��roperfy o�vner slt�ti
gcant to tlie City of McHeluy LandmTrk Coitmiission permission to access such shzich�re(s)for tiie
��u���ose of salvaging items tt�at may be of lustorical significance.These iteins may be plficed into a
anusei2m for displ�y pucposes oi•sold to raise fu�tds for histoi'iCAI!)1'65CiV111011 t1C(lVIf1CS 1I11I1C CI�Y.
Sec.7-201.Pcrmtt Time Limtt.
No pe►xnit or a��proval for a teardo�vn site or infiq��arcel made pu�suat�t to this chapter of tl�e
M�tr�icipal Code shalt be valid for a period of uiore thAn one year aRer the date of issuance.The fee
for any rene�vet or r�iss«ance of any peiniit or a��pibval shall be the sa►ne cost as tlte origiE�al permit
of approval.
Sec.7-202.Rec�uired Plnus�nd Speciflcnfions for Obtaining a Buikiing Permit.
Evei•y huildin�pea•mit apl�lication for a teardo�vn site ox•infili paccel shall i�iclude tl�e followii�g E�laits
and s��ecifications:
(a)13trll�lisg Pl�uts rntd Specificalions.
(1)If the application i��clucfes daniolitiou of a priucipal stcuehice,tt�e applieation shatl include
buildi��g plai�s anci specifications,prepared in com}�liance with the provisions of tliis Chapte►�, fo�•aiiy
sttuchu�e to be buitt on fhe subject prope►ty.
(2)If co�nntencetuent of constiztctio�t of such sfil�cture is not platuied oc does no oecur witlun 3U
d�ys aftc►•complefio►�of demolitioi�,tlie applicatioii also shalt include a detailed site restoration��laii
as provided iu subseetion(b)of this section.
{b)Sile Reslorntioir Plans and SpecrfrcaJion. If the application iuchides demolition of a pcit�cipal
stc•ucture ancl conu»enceutent of conslructioi�f a ne�v st�Uchire is�iof planneci or does nok occiu•
within 30<iays after completion�f deti�olition,tlte Application shal!inclucle a datailed site resloratio�ti
plan depictii�g af!�voi•k i•equired to x•estore the subject px�opecty, �vithin 30 days aftei•com��letioii of
de�nolition,to�►safe,clean couditioii until conshuctiou of��ie�v struc(uce has commenced,
includin$,withoi�t limitation,b�ckfilling of a�ry excavation,gcadi�ig,seedi�ig,feiicing,storiu water
(e)Storur�vale��Ma�lage�irelrt rurd Sorl Se�Ji»re�ilrr/ion a�rd L�o�ran C'o�ih•ol Plmis, In addition to all j
othec City depart�nental regu(ations,ordin�nces,plaus ancl specifications,tl�e permit applicatiai shall �
iiiclttde detailed plaus a�id specificatio»s for storm water m�nagemeiit,soil e�•osio�i control and i
gradiii�oii tfie s«bject property. Sucli R�lans and speciGcations shal(be on a drawii►g sepat•ate fi•om all �
othe�•plans and sl�ecifications labeled as"storm�vate�•managetnent plans" anci/or"soil sedimentatio��
and crosion control plans",Sucl�plaiis atid s��ecifications sl��ll be prepTred Uy a professioi�al
engiueer,shaU be�nade in cor�formance�vitl�the requii•e���ents of the City's subdivision�nd
enginee�•ing guide�tid sl�all i�iclude�cei�tificatiou by tlie applicnnt,in a fori�i provided by tiie City,
that all reguire►nents of the City's codes,oi�iii�ances,aud regulalions relatect fo stori�i wate�•
�uanagement,soil erosio��coutrol aud gradi«g si�ali be satisfied by tlie applicant at alt times.Among
ott�er details,tlie reqt�ired stvrii>>vate��management plans sl�ali inclttde:
(1)Draina�e plat�s and soil erosion control during cte�nolitioa�,if any.
(2)Stoi•m�vnter j�iatiagemetit and soil crosion contcol duciiig any perioc!of titne bet�veen con�pletioi�
of deiz�olition and co�m��ence�nent of const�uction.
(3)Storra water�nanagemeiit anci soil erosion contE•ol,conwiencinb�vith the��reparation for
fonitdation��ou�•ing e�xt continui��g cluring the entire nc�v constn�ction process t�nti[�i�Tl grading of
tl►e stibject proper•�y.
(d)�IccessibilPh;P�u klug and Loa�lf�l�r Pl�urs.The pe��isit applicntioii shnIl i►iclude sepai•ate ptans at�d
Si)CC1�C8t1O11S�SI101Y111�t}16 IOCACt011 Of c�II\V01'I{A�CCI111$,aitd all p�rkittg atxi loaciii�g acfivities
plfltlllC(I t0 CAIC�j)I8C6 OII,public siceets,siciewalks,anci other rights-of tvay, Such plans and
specificalions sliall incltuie,Uut not be limited to the:
(1)I,ocation ofpavement,sidewalks and tcees that may be affected hy tl�e proposed wark;
(2)Intpact on sach pavement,sidetivaiks and trees;
(3)Proposed tocatian for all parking af contractor and�vorker vehicles;
(4)Proposed locatiol�of atiy loaditig or iu�loading aclivities,inctud'uig concrete to occiie�vit(yi�ti any
rigl�t-of-�v�y; ;
(5)Proposed location of the�ravel mat required by section 7-205{c); �
(6)Proposed fencing or other protective�ne�sui�es;and �
{7)TemJ�orary pavamelzt or ot}iec•temporary accessibility measures. �
(e)Ma�erlals a�1d S�o1(s Stor•age P/a�rs. Tiie pei�nit ap��licalion shall ittclucie��laus depicting the ;
proposed location for storagc of materials anci spoils on the subject property that�re consistent with �
City soil and seciiiuenlation and erosiou control requiren�ents.
(�Dirsr nrr�l AirGorne Pa�'fICIC CON�I'OL T�IC j)Cl'llll�flJ)I)I1Cft11011 SIIAI�it1CIU(IC�)1'OVISIOt1S f01' ;
cotitrolling d�ist ttud oilter airborne pa►fiicles fioin the s��bjecl propeity,incluctutg,�vitliaut lunitation, '
a source ofwater nnd s��raying equipment,and any other meflstu�es to be taken to cont►-oi airborne
(a}If a permit issued by tlie City authorizes demolition or const�uction of a netv shl�ctt�re,then thc `
a�>plicaiit sl�all i��statl a six-foot chainiink£ei►ce arou�td the periincter of the stn�cture under '
co��st►�uctiol�,aroui�d the perimetec of the entire site,or acotutd tl�e pe��i�neter of Rdjacent sti�c�chires j
concuci•e��tly.uucter consliziction,and such instaltation sltall be in a location and i��atu�er approved by �
the developmex�t depa�tment.The feticing sf►al[be inst�iled not more fhau seven days,�zor less than �
fouc days before conuucnccment of�ny work oi�tlie subject property, inctuding mass brading and the ;
instatlatioiz of site�itilities,puisttant to atty permit isstte<l by tlte City. Such feucing shaU remain i�t ;
pince until A ce�tifieate of occupancy is issued for the st�ucnn•e.The location o€the periuietec fe�icing
inay be cl�anged during the construction period�vitf�the approval of the ctevelopme��t de��arhnent.
"No T��esp�ssing"sig►zs shall be mountcd on tlie fencing iii conspicuotis tocations arot�ud 1tLe site,
(b)A�iy gate in a perimeter feiice must be closed at al(tiines,except to allo�v ingress and egress to
and fi•om tlte site. Such bate nnist be locked at all funes,oflier than peiYnitted houcs of const�2�ction,
�t�d at any other tu�ia when no tva�k is being performed on the site,for example Sunciay oc holidays. '
(c)Fe�ici��g,as provided in this sectio►i,sliall also be required around any activity,wl�etl�er� buildii�g
percYiit is reguiced or ttot,where construction or lai►ctsca��ic�g cuacerials are stored or stockpiled.
{d)Tn addition to pe�•imetef�fencing as required i��tt�is section,the permit applicflnt shall cause safety
fencing fo be instatled around every tree i��tlie parla��ay Rbutting the suUjecf propeity. S��ch tree
fencing sl�all be located,flS fAr as feasible,at the cfripline of the tree,whether on public or priv�fe �
prope�ty;provicied,however,thnt this subsection sliall not be construed oi•applieci!o�utl�orize
��lacement of tree fencing on private prope��ty not atvnecl by the npplicant,unless proper��ermission
for sucli tree fenci��g has been secured fi•oiii tl�e pi•ope►�ty o�v�ier by the applicaut.If placeme�it of trec
feiicing is�iot feasible at the dcipline of the tree,tl►en suclt fe►�ci��g shal(be installed in a loc�tio�i
aj�praved by the developmeitt deparl���eiit.
(e)When a viotation of this section is obse�l�ed,the pei•mittee,general contcactor,or p�•operty o�viier
stiail be�iotified promptly a�id sliall cocrect Ihe violation�vithin t�vo}io�Ets of receivis�g itotice theceof,
If tl�e violatio�i is not corrected, tlie City shall have tlie i�ight,but not a�i oUligatioi�,to core•ect tite
viol�iia�.Tlie eosts anct fees assoeiated with sueh eorreetive aetion shall be el�argec!to the pei-�nittee
or��roperty otvne��,and the City may place a lien o��tiie prope��ty to collect such costs.The City sl�all
also have the rigi�t to issue xn immediate stop work ordec•applicai�le to tlie site tmtii compliaiice is
�chievecl and/oa•tl�e costs,fees or fines are paicl,
Sec.7-204.Ti•ee Re�uov�l Teo.
A fee of$50 per it�ch ca[iper sh�ll E�e paid at tlie time ofpermit issuauce,for any iree having a celiper
of IO"or�noi�,tueasuceci 4°fibm the groinid diflt is removed finm a teardo�vn or infili site.The fine
for re�noving any tree iiot specified on au approved psrmit sl�ali be$500,plus$250 for evecy inch
Sec,7-205,Site MnuRgeme�if SMud�rds.
The fotlowing site managemeizt standards sh�ll apply to al[work;
(a)Accessibflil};P�u�ki�tg turd Lo�r�liu�: No pavement or sidewalk�vithin any public right-of-�vay
shall be unavailable foi�public use at any time,except�vhen such pavcment ar sidewalk is reiuoved
a�id i•epiaced.No sacli pavement oi•side�valk il�at is retnoved artd�•eplaced sl�all be out of seivice fo�•
more than thcee clays without the prior approval of tlie ilevelop:nesit depa�itiieixt.No pzrkiiig,lo�ding,
or storage af dentolition debris,soil or construction materials shall be permittecl�vithi�i any right-of-
�vay,or any public property or�vithin ten feet of any��igl�t-of-���ay adjace►�t to puUlic or private
p�•operty,unless specifically appa•oved by the City and sl►own on approveci accessibility plans as
e•equired by section 7-202{d),The City may�rohibit packing in any pai�ticufar location on a public
rig[it-of-�vay if the City detei�nines that such parking has au adveise iinpact osi neighboriug p►•opeily
or teaffic conirol.All uses of vehicies shall coinply wiit�applicabie codes related to�>arking anct ti�ne
of operation of veliicles.
(b)P�rr�rcrrlale Corrh ol, Aii•borne particles sl�all be controlled at tE�e subject prot�erty at atl ti��ies
during�vork by�i�ea�ts of a�vater til�ck ac►d sprxyi►�g equipment or other�vater sotn•ce capaUle of
sprnying an<t tliorou�hly saturating ail��ortions of tlte stt�t�ch�re and surrouuding property affected Uy
tlie�vork.Sucl�sprayiug sl�alt be widertaken at all times as necessa�y to thoroughly control the
creatioai au<t migi<�tion of airbrn•ne 1>acticles,includii�g,�vithout limitation,dust, from tlie stibject
{c)G�crveJ Mat. Whet�detee�mined by the City Engineer to be appropriate�uct practicnble, the
applicant shall cause a gravel mat to be installed on t}ie subject pro��eily,of a size and in a locafio» ,
sufficie��t!o�vash do�vn ait vel�icles�tsed on the subject propei-ty a«cl to cause diit and inud to be
i•0ll10VC(I fl'011l t�1C lll'CS Of SUCII V6hIC�CS.TI10$!'flVel lll1t SIIAII V0 IOCflIC(�SO SS 1101 l0 1I1tC1'CCI'C 1Vl�I]
aay tise l�y the pubfic of tl�e��ublic rigiris-of-�vay and��ot to c�use any nuisance or i��convenience to
adjacent public oc private proparty,
(d)SmtiJatio�r f�rcrlities. A�oi�table taitet shal!be pcovided at every sife of coi�sh�uctiou of a��e�v
principal st��cicture,oc adciitioi�tliereto,pi•ior to ttie commencement of const��uction,uciless a�i existi�tg ;
ft�cility is nvailable o�i the constc�ection site.The pc•oposed locatioii of any poctabte loilet shall E�e �
depieted on l�lans submittect at tlie time of applieation fo�•tiie revie�v aiic[�ppi-�val of tlie builcliiig
depat7ment,so tliat the location shallliave tlie least possible impact on adjace�it�n•operties.
(e)Liltcr tr�itl DeG1�ls Call�ol an�f Clemirip. Littler a�id debris�t the s��bject pinperty sl�all be
contc•olled at all times,The applicant shall designate a persoii regularly present at the subject�ropei•ty
as havi�ig responsibility fo ass�tce diat no litter or<lebris leaves tlie subject propet•ty and tl�at fll(littc�•
and debris is removcd finiu tfie subject prope►�ty before tt�e e��d of every day,inclucling�veekends,
�nc[re�ai�lless of wlietlier�ti�oe•k�vas conducted that ct�y ox�the subject pi•operty,TI1C OCI'lllit SI1�iII
specify the iocation of the duuipstei•,as�pprovcd Uy tlie Const�l�ction and Neigliborhood Services
(fl Street aird Sirleiv�rlk C/ea�ii»g.Tlte applica��t sl�al(cause all dii9,mi�d,�rnvel, end otl�er deb�•is
fi•on�the subject propcity or related to any�vork conducte<l o,i the subject property to be cleaned
regtila�•ly fi•ont ail sidewalks�nd sh�eets adjoi�u»g and in tl�e ai•ea of tl�e subject property on every clay
that constcticiion occu�•s on such pro�e►ty.
{g}Li,r�y�lr�r!►orizalioi�. No permit issued pursiiant to this cl�apter shatl authorize or be consUl�e<t to
authorize any e��tty onto propei�ty adjoining the suUject propeity or aiiy work for�vhich ent�y onto
pro��et�ty adjoining the subject prope�•ty is or m�y be necessa�y,unless a proper right of ent�y has
been secured fi�om tlte o���ncr of such property.
(h)Slorni )�YaterAlpnrrgenrent. Stornt water shali be managed cturin�all phases ofcfemolition aud
�ic�v co»stctiction so as tiot to i►npact adjacei�t properties aiici/oc•l�t�blic riglils-of-�vay iii accotYta►icc
tvith the requirements of the subdivision and en�ineering guide.
(i) I�asleii�ater�Disclrafge. No person s}�all u�ideitakc aiiy tvork puisua�it to a lsermit issued uiider
lhis chapter fi•om�vhich tl�e discha�ge of asty wastewAter will be caused or associated,without prior
flpprovat af the Director of Pttblic Works.It shall Ue ilie cluty of tl�e pelson t�ndertaking any such
tvo��k to di�'ect all tvAstewater flo�v to the pa�ticular location c[esignated by die Public Works
Departmeni.No person utidertaking such�voi�k shall cause or allo�v any cement tn�ck�vasli to be
discharged onto any public p�•opeiiy o iiito flny catcl�basin or other City se�ver facilify,
Q).Liniitations of Noise. Ai[�vork tinclertaken pucsuant to a permit iss��eci tu�der this A�•tiele shnl(Ue
subject to tlie pi•ovisions of Mt�iiicipal Code Chapter 14,Section 14-8 herein,related to tlie
limitations on noise.Furtliec,no person sliall opecate oi•cause to be oparated a�iy rTdio,plioitograpl�,
tcleconm�unicatio��s de��ice nor othe�•stich object at such a volunze or in auy other ma�uier that would
cause a naisance or ciishu•bance to any person.Every coi►h•actor attd pe�•iniitee sh�ll!�e responsible
for all actioi�s of their eml�loyees,agenis,and subcontractois under tliis s�tbsection,and shall be
liab[e for al[violations of tlie provisiatis of tl�is s►�bscction conw�ittec�by such employees, age�its,or
(k)Pe»1�isslble Horns of Cons�rt�clio�r. All�vork undei•taken ptn�suant to n peri�iit issued under tl�is
Aeticle may occw�o��ly behveen the follo�ving hou�s:
1}7:00 a.nt, -8:00 p.�u,on weckd�ys
2)8:00 a.m, -4:00 p.m. Salurdays,
Sec.7-206.Conmieiicemeitt of Constcuctlo�i oi•Sitc Restor�tio�t.
Eitl�er consEn�ctio�i of an appro��ed itetiv st�l�chii•e shall have conwienced,or tl�e suUject propei�ty sl»II i
l�ave been fiitly restored in conformai�ce with the approved site resta•alion plan,if auy,or�vith suclt
otliei•pla��fls may be approved by tl�e City,�vitl�iit 30 days after ti�e co�t�pletion of the demolitio�t.
Sucla 30-day period may be extended by oize clay for every business day that�veather conditions
��►�event const�uction or restoration�vork on tl�e subject propeily,as ctetermiueci by the Dicector ot
Const��uciian ai�d Neighborhood Services Department.
Sec.7-207.Vtolatioiis;Penalties, �
(�)Except as other�vise iiidicatecl,any perso�i�vho violates,disobeys,omits,neglects,or refiises ta �
coniply`vitli or resists tl�e enforce�nent of any of the provisio►�s of ttiis�cticle shaU be fineci�iot less
ti�an�500,�ior more than�1,000. Each dfly sucli violation or failia•e to comply is permitted to exist
after notification tha�•eof sl�all constitute a separate offense.
i �
{b}No cei4iftcate of occupAricy shall be issued foc�ny constructiou unctert�ken in conj�u�ction�vith
tlte�rovisions of this ai�ticle iu�til sucli time that all penaltics and fines have t�een��esoived to the
satisfaclion of Ihe Directo►•of Consii�ttctioit and Naighborhood Scivices Depaitment.
Sec 7-208-7-215.Reserved.
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TD�is dauirrnen�was areated hy the
City of 3YC¢Henry
Con►munity Develapmen#Department.
�`az atiditional informaiior�
plense ottll
1���3��€a t������1t�a4� f�s I���3�e��ti��! 'd'��axdo��as ae�i4 ir�ffti �';�r���Is� Cif�r ot C?���tc�����_ �
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froniYard kandscaping.........................................................................................
. .................»....,,....,..,...,10
Adn�tnistratMe Requlrements......................................................,.,....,.........,...,
. ...............................................11
Resources...........................................,.......,..,,.. .
Iic�Sgat �3t��ttct�tst�s [oc Et�st�tt�t�ll�i '!'���stc�c��°rts4 �f�st I�dflti E�xt�+��=1�, t.�tg� �R� I=tc�tl�S�x�g�
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P�ge�i _ �,.... ,., �
hc� Cfty of McHen�y has a Yich history of �� � � .,� �
residentiat development d�ting back ta the ! �� �` � ;� �s�
mid-1#i0�'s. It's lo�ation �ride xan e of ��� � � � � � � � � ��
' � �� �� ., ��" "� '
�� �'�� r� :,
e�tplo�rnezi� opparttYnitics, and eanparalleled ac- �'�� .� "�' ��� �` �� �
cess t��:ecreAttonai oppoxlunitEes make McHenry , ;��._ , `
�� ���>�-�., �
a desirable�laoe to Iive,wo�rk and play, � t � °
�'t������ent ultq o�'ItBeHenry wns�ettleci tn 1838 ��'-�� � �'���
wfth th�fixst 1og cabin built on what was the L.C.
t3ates�zopexty,just yvc�st af ihe curre�t Riverslde m � ° r
Dxlve. I�t �837, the Village of McHanry was the
�'f��E town ar village Iafd out izi ll�e newly ereate�i
McMea�ry County and beaame the County Seat, �
��H�nry wus incorporated as a village fn 1F#72, t
Pi#ty-one years later,in 19231 McHenry was incaz-
p€�ra,ted as R City. McHenry ftourished as a resort
ax�a ��cause �f the Fox RiveX and took the tiCle, �
"��tev��y to flte Ghain af Lakes." Itg atability is 3
c1W+3d ficf fhe f&Ymers Who 88tfiLd heY@. Tl���aunt's Nause,38f3 W.Waukvgar�ltaacJ ;
Thts Greek Rerivat sryte rea►de�ce is betteved to Jusva beer�bERitt
�rtor to the Cidt Wor. Cot�nt fls<ar�on Ubrrstodt tived f�ere w«tir
HQu$ITtt� UpptlXtUTIltI@fi Et'bOUrid �ri McHenry. lits jomttyfn Uic 1420"s. 7he Gome tvos p!t►t<d an thc NnUarrol
Nswex subdivisians are eurrentiy being COri- Regtster orNistork Ptnces Jn J+182.
s#ruet�d on vae�ztt far�nland artd these new homes
affer the space and amenities that today's hame buyers seek, �-Iowever,this can place the Cfty's�x- �
jating housing stock at a disadvantage, especially fhoss homes located in the oldex d�w��towzi ar�as,
As tttese olcter homes eell, the new owners may be tempted ta re�tovate, remodel or rebuild. Rnd
while the City can benefit from these changea, it is itnpartant ta ensure that tlyis xedevelapment will
maintaian and snhanae the qualities that make McHenxy a desizable place fo l�ve. N@W Cf}I1SlXt1C110ri
rr►u�rt blend with the ex€sttng ch�raater of ttie�►rea. It rnust be coznpatible wFth ftie arc2�itectural d�-
sig�t, s�aie a�d context of fhe exigtinc�residenlial pro�erttes, which surrot�nd it. Fn�rdex ta�ccoit�-
plish tt�ese gosls and take fult aclvantage of the histary of the area, Cify official�beliave i#is r�eaQs-
�ary to aclopt theee gtxidelines.
fihe�e 1�eatgn Guidetines are intended ta$erve as a guide for property ownere, arcl�itects, design-
era, c�evelcrpers and contrRetozs intending tca remove and xeconstruat a resideni[al pxaperty, or to
devt�It�p vaca�t#sm�llar ptecas of property ln establtshed�treaa af the Ciry. There �re two typ�s of
sttss Q�wh[c#�these gtiid�linea wlll apply. Csne i�a te�rdawn stte. Teardown sites currentiy hav��t
vla�ile z�sitie�t�e on them. Howsver, the residence does nnt meet the spac�e or amenity needs af the
owstez and�s Eo�ae torn ciown and replaced wifh a new hQme. The secand is a vacant or und+�r��t't-
lized site, It may 2iave beeit passsd over Iti the natural caurse of develogment or its size or shape
i�tay be a cons�rni�t�o develapment. This is�site that may ltave a building ort it,but it has be�n va-
aanf�o lran�that tt cannai be xepaired,ox it may be bsing used as a parki�ng 2ot or stoxage area. For
�t2tatever reasons tFiese parcels are currently underdevela�ed, this booklet w111 assist wtth r�d�vel-
��si��a �t���t�E�s���� f�r I��s�de��#f�1 t€�;ri�t�s�ais{ �-����I ta�t#ID �'�r€c9�, {'�C�� �:�f i����iic���Y
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� Page S
`�he folto5+v�i}tt�detitZttio�ts wJl�defail wh�t propextie�are to be cansi<lered feardawn site�+�r ittfi(1�ar-
�.�r..�yt�: A teArdown properiy is one that quAl�Eies ns axt older,extsttng restdence, `�tie ex-
isiSitg xesidenfial struature will be razed and removed frazn the site c�t�d A new residential
butidittt�will be constrt�ated in its placa
�Ill: A��nfill stte is vAcant,underEitilized ar conEains a building th�t hz�s been unaacupfed for
an exkended amount of time. The p�rcQis boundartes shall havc� remainecl coz�sisteiYt for a
minimum of I4 years, At�iniill site wlll n�ed to meet as n�any of the current code roquire-
xnex�ts as posslbte withaut makEng the sfte unbutldabte,
���i��� ������1������
Tl:c�fQllowing pa+�es are design gu�deJines for tearctown sites and inEitl parc�is. mhese stanc�ards wiit
pr�vide th�criteria by whtch City Baar�ls, Commissiozrs mnd�taff will evatuate developznent pl�ns
f�z cotts�atency with the existfng established areas of the City.
�'�le �"r�ns,l��rafians
When laying ouE a ztew ltome, ttee extstit�g aharactoristics of the site and surrou�d{ng are�sho«t�i �
be co�tsldered, The rtew l�ome should s:eflecf flte character of the sife t�pon w��ieh it is 1o��t�d,
Factara fo consider include the confexE of nearby strueturea, existitt� ma#ure frees atid olher
vegetat[on,and lc��aagraphy.
♦ 1�rnf Yatd Sethecks
in gez�eral, the new 2iome aliould�naintain the fresz�t building line ot�xiati�tg adjacsnt liornes � ;
(S�e��ure 1).E`vezt if the dim�neio�t for"a"is less thln the current req���red fx�nf setb�ck fpX
ztew ca�strue#it��t, no uarianee w111 be needed, becattse the construction will falt i�nciez thesc�
guiclalines and exfsting lAnguar�e in the Zon'tng Ordinancg.
Whe�t the front builciing Ifne of adjaaent siraatures is not the same,an ausrage steoutd be usecl
(a��e Fic�ure 2), Thfs new se#back ditnension wilt not x�c�ufre a varlance bacause it vtrlil fall�.�t�-
d.er tttes�guldelines and ex�sting lattguage in ttie Zoning 4zdinance.
+ �'lrle Yam'�'etbacks
Whez�there is�eonsistenk sid�pard setback estRbiis2ted on a block,a new hame�halt m�tct�
#tte e�tsEittg setback pattex� (eee Figi�re 3). As lot widt�i increAses, the side yard setbacic
sh4utd incrr��ge prapoxtIonally to reduce mass and provide more apprapx�late xepax�ttion
fxam atljacent buiidings, For example, if the ntiajoxity of existfng 2ionies are o��a 60'v{tid�lot
and a ne�sr homo i� proposed on a 100' wide tot, the xequired side yard setbac�shotxlci iit�
�cre�se by two. (s��Fiqur�e�t)
1���[��� U��ictc��fn�� ��r �t�st�si�i€�i `t'����l�ti���s ��� ����tt� ���,r��i�, Cti�r��' ��A��E�G•���
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P:tgc b
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,�i�� Cv.r�x:�rleral'lans, Corrf.
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I ( �
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a �
� a � a a_ � �_ 2 b
��� �
Rfew 5trc�tture€Sitautd STReer New Structures Should be STREFT
Malt�tain th�Frcnt Setback an Average af the
€�ulldtrtg Line of Extsting P►'ont Bullding kl�os of
AdJacent Homes Existing Adja<enc Homcs
�'lgure�. Front Yard Secbac& ftgure 2. F�ont Yanl Setback
� � �
, � , � I f � � I � �
1 � � 1 � I Y
� �� � I � 1
� � I
, , , i � � 2b� � 1
a b 2a b a t�
a b x b a b - � .� _ .,
~ ^ As lot widt�increascs,tha side
f�levr Struccures�oirld yard setback shouid frrcrc�se pra�
�faintaiR the EStablfsfred STAEeT pottionaliy to rede�Ce tttass and bTaEE7 �
Sido Yard Setback af t prov3da moro appropriate separa�
�xtstir�;Adjacent!-Iomes t#on from adjacenc bulldtngs �
ftgtrre 3«Cons#st�nt Slda Yard Setbatk Figure 4.Increased Sfde Yard Set. '
♦ �11�2� �
Whean�alanning tha layout of a new home on a teardowzt site ax infill parcel,ther��re sever�l �
faetors to conaider: �
a The topography o�the sita sliouid be taken iiifo account wher►p2�nning the iAyout of��tew �
home. �es�gn thQ�toma to take advantage o€existing grade changes for laokout oX walk- €
out featcires. The exisling grade should not be significantiy madified tQ Accommodate a �
n�w home,
��.� ,:, �
��r� f����c��l����� lt�� Et�a�u�€�►ii��1 ������t�t���e ���r1 I���ii� ����rccDs, �ity �f �1c9t��i��y �
r .,.... w�,�.,� .. .,,_. .. P. � _ v._ ��- _
4 (.
��Page 7
������ ����c���i����
,�If� Ca.�ts�dcraflv��s� Co�il.
a Pxe�ervattan of extsting mature trees fs strongly encouraged. Noxznatly� A I1qi11@ CAIt }�@
configured!a sevorat different ways. Atway�choose the eontiguration fhat wi11 presexue
trees and have the Ieast impact on the site (see Figure 5�. Place wit�davus to take advan-
tage of the vtew;provide}ay mature trees and vegelation. Alsa, �eEer to the rec�uirem��t;s :
ot the Cf fy's Tree�reservation ordinance.
o Imperviaue surfa�e sitpuld be kept to a init�fmum. Rememher that the buildinc�will a�ot be
tkte a�rty itan-porous surface on the lot. A dr�ve+�vay and pt�thwAys aze xeqttired anti t�eaksl
patios and built-in pools Are other items tltat are frequently'added in the future.
a Cozisider all avaitable opttar►s fox garage and dr�vaway placement. The differeztt types ot
g�xages available to use axe discussed later in th{s document. ,A�aitt,choose the aontigu-
ratian that w1t1 pYeserve trees atid have the least iznpact an the slte.
� . . . _ . _ . . .__.
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Paor Site Layout G4PCI SItC Ldj'Otlt
�'lgure�, BuiE�ng Layowt
t 11llS
N�wly instllled ntitity aervices and servica xevlsfo��s necessitatod by ikew con�fruction shall '
be untlergraund,
a �lech��rcat�"�oipmenf
MQchantcat equipment or other utllity hardware ahall be screened froni view by ma#ertals
eomp�tik�le with the buitding ar with landscaping.
�e�f�r: ������t�l�t€ex �o� It+ez#cte�f�li�t �'����§ataa�s f€rarS �x�ft�i T'�c�°r�E�# ��iy°� c�� I:;�����;r=r��°
s.��.�.���- �.:.. ,.� � � ,,
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Pa�e 8. �, � .. .,,� ... . . ,, ��-� � �._ .�» ,�___�. v_.._� x__.,p..� ._..��.., ... � ,_�s m. ,
������1 ��llt���t�E��
Bufld.�ir��'Cate �r�rl li7ass/1��
Whe3t designing a liome, the seate(heiqht and wldth} And mass ot existing buiidin�s�long the
street ahould be respected. Tlie average height and widiti of nearby btutdings�an bQ t�seci ta
determine a general set of prapartions for a xtew residenttal buiiding (See Fi�ure 6). �i new
k�ortte ztee�d not always be the same hefght as its neigkrbors,hut is showld vist�Alty retate to th�
e�t�blished roaf lina. Detatls such as slopinc� zoafs, wider hozizontal trim, sncl crafted wo4�l
�rim at the end oi gables can bring the scale of a new h4zne ctown, Cara shauld also be taken ta
�re�;te a resicietice wlth simitar square faotage or appear to l�ave simftar square foota�e to the
exisEing r�sidances(See Figurc�?).
� � � � � '
I � � i � t ��
I �
� � f 1 1 '
� ----f----._ _ � � '
Ncw hame usfng simifar pro• Street
partions as extsting homes '
ftgure 6. Q�uildtng Proporcians
' Additional square(ootage �
Sfde en4ry � � bet�ind the struc�ure �
garage �"".. `
i r i
� i i i
i i i i
i � i i
i i i � � i
i i i �
� View frem street � '
Flgttte T� New t�fomc HavJng Appearartce of Slmllar$quare�oatage to�xisting Ftonies
t���it�►� #,ta�tt�l�rae� tax li€r��ctc�stixl `i'ea�ac�9c«�=�r�� ���ari �t¢i�1t Ek��rc�ls, G�t}� c�� i����I�:s.ry
�e_..� _._�z.,�...» . � �
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Page 9
��si�c� �t�����i����
�'r��t�l�ity Des�'�n
Tlie design of a iiew bome should be aompatible with the style �nci character of ita �urxaund-
o .t�.t'�htteckurat styte 3s nat resirteted,however, extreYiies of style, or flttem�ta to recreate �
�lyle u�tc�aracterlstic wttli the nsighbozhood are disaouxagecl,
♦ fihe entxy of the hame shouid sarve as the focal pafnt. Daors ar►ci wtndawa shacild be si�n{-
l�r in size,pzaportion�nd alignment based an the archftectural sfyle af tite buildiYlg, �nd
xo tltr�ae ort adjaeent homes,
o �'l1e ttse of frQnt poxches is enCouraged.Garage doors faat�g a st�'eet shAli#�e mit�imiced
to fh�greatesk exEe�it posstbla through the uae of i�icreasad a�tU�cks az�pecial des[gn
* A vertety of raof lines shAll be used, l'n g�ner�l, gable, gambrel, or Itip xoafs are pre-
fexzed, Flat zoofs should be avoided.
o Aetails frartt adjaeent buildinga,such as the masonry wo�:k, CpYqtCG'IiT18S� tiv#ndow shapes
aztd bulkheads sktauld be reftected in th�architecture.
s Canstru�tfan maferials such as brick,stone,wood siding anct shingles are prefc�rred, tv��-
teriats�uch as at�minurn siding, aluin�tuixn panels, mixrors or xefl�etive glass, corrugafetl
tib�xgl�tss and inetal axe not cansidered appropxlate. Alumfnum, steel� o� YIItyI �#ist3d
woc�d vt�indows may be used, but shoald ktave an approprlate tinish and color Consist�r�t
with t�e overalt color acheme.
♦ All sides af a home should xeceive design considaration, Prajecting bays, dormer�, and
wrap arou�ci porches provide gaod art[culation. Expanses of blank wall can also bo�raf-
tened through tha use of landscape treatments suQh as foundaEiot�plantings or trellises.
Figure£i below itis�sErates s+�veral of fhe above iterns. �
6rick and
s[ane Yaried re�o(
Entry as f�cal � �
�oint � �
! �
� 9
Ftg��re 8. Buildtng f)asign g
I ;
�.g � ,
�sf��� tR€��€t�1�r€�� f�r I�r��lr��o�t3t�l 9c�t���°�ctb r���i� ttsiitl t��xc.€=4a, ��t� �k! te:f���c>��t�y j i
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P�ge I D �. n�. ��, m
���i���� ���ic���i�t��
A garage si�autd be incorpvrated itito the overalT deslgti of tlie new ltatr►e, Garage�ioars titat
take up m I�rg�por#ton oi the front fagade shauld be avoided. There ars sevexRl c�arage optioz�s
&YAiI&b�@ It7Y'XtgW�102tt�S,inclucling:
`P&t1Cia�t Gaz&ge
Fr+�nk�,aadeti Garage
Sid�Loaded Garage
Deta��tc�C�axage �
Attaehe�t C3arage ta the Renr
�aurtyard Style Garage
Tf a front loaded garage i�used, it shauld be setback farther fram the s#reet than the m�tz�f�raitt
wail,ar inccrrporate desfgn elemsnts fo reduce its vlsual irnpac#s,
� a� d���� ��fi ��A�°�i � �i������ ,� ,�
� �,fl�; �aw�.�� �� �i� ������ � , ��q t111��y� ,,�����
� �� �,
'` ��,� �.�;
� �.��.: ..�_
A�traprixte G��a Dasig� (napproprF�ta Gxraart Oe�tln
�lgur$9. Garage Facamplcs
,f'ra�tt Y�xtl.�ands����ny
Gooct landecttping provlde�the setttng for a home and will help the new bt�#ldin�fit into an ex-
istinc�neighbur2ioad. .X variety ot plant materIat should be t�sed when deslc�ning#he landsca�-
inc�,inclt�dinr�trees,shrubs,groundcover and prerennials. Hardscape 7naterlals includinc�brick
and stane shaald be used for driveways,watkways and paths to complitnent the exterior of th�
�u�Idinc�. Deoax�tive fenctng can add visual intezesl for a residence.
without first ok�iain�ng a pexmi#.
E��s��a� ��t.3t�e�i���� €r�r ����#t���iti�=1 '�'es�r�3�k:c�� ;cnt� �t�fill t'-�a��e=1:, �:i�� a� i�€t;�tc��r�,
�,,�...��_.. . ,.,..:��.. �.. .� �.. ��. , � ,�._ ...a�. . ��_, _�.� a ., .
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Pago i l
���i�i�����i�r� ��c�c��r�����Yt�
�Id,�l,iretslrra r�oJt
T�e City of McHenry ha�establisk�ed these guidelines in ozdex to preserve histaxy and guicte x�ew
devsiapmenf in residenfial area�. 'The follawing details the proceduze xiew development�hautd t�ke
to praperly proceed tttrough the City process.
f Co�tt��et tite City to detertttine if the propexty would be st�bject ta these guiclelines.
t Rev�ew these gutdeltnes tv determine whak the xequirements will be to dev�Iop the property,
o Submit an application packlge containing, i
o Application fee of$i78.00
a Teardown ar Intill Application
a Proof of Ow�ership
o Plat of Survey wlth legal descrlptian
o I,ist af Qwners of all abuttIng propexites(cextl{ied mailed notices wlll be x��uired fo
these property owners)
o- Stte Plan '
a �andscape Pian
a Rrchflectural xenderings of the buiiding elavation� '
,t�tiditionai informaiion that maybe zequired cattld be a;Tree Survey,Traifi+�Rnalysis ar
Sahool Im�act.Analysis.
�'here is a 8t}-day wafttrtg pertaci to demoliah a building. This time period allows City statf tca submik
the request to fhe TeAYdown Committea for xeview and actlott, AftQr the Tear�iown Committae t�p-
prov+es a request, the required docutnents can k�e submitteci to ttte City for issuartc� of a butld#t�g
k'rtor to fhe �emolittan the Lat�dmark Commission shall hava an opportunity to aacess the stxuctaxe
far s�lvage items, Theae ifems may be placed fnto a�nuseum far display ar solct to xaise funds for
presertration activitiex in the City.
1���d�ra �tsiof�s!lta�s Cz��•Ite��i�lx°Jr�it�l Tr�dc�tnsviz� aiaz�t lrafiiE i'x��c•��E�, C'rEy t�i It�i•lir.�iri,
�p, y�� _.�w,....��� .=,r�,�. < .�N..���a� �::
,�......,: �., ...,:;;-. .> M� � ._,�w... � x.,,���tt:�,
rR�� r z ,�_a�-� � �_m� �.�,d..�...... .��� .
There are a multitude of resaurces avaitab2e to assist yau wlth the�3lanning of your�i�vc�lopmenkor
zedevelopment projeet. A few are listed below�
Clty oiMeNe�rrry,Laudmarlc Comintsslot� 111lreols Hls{orte ProsatvaUoYc Rr�eitcy
C3reg I�tstgretw,Chairman ProsorvAtion SeYvices
33�S.Green Siraet #1 Oid State Gapital Pia�a
1V[�tiie�y�tL 6QUEfl Sprinqtieici IL$2401-16U7
�$18�38�-�174 vnurr c3 ntc�+enry 3t�ts (21?}?88•9812 y�ry,�,sta��,►���l�
McN�n�y Fttl�ti�Li!>rary Naflorra7 Tnrsl torNlsfurlc l�reservalto�i �
OOD N.FranE F>treet 1786 MassaQhuaetta Ave,NW> �
Mc3ienry,IL 6fl080 Washitlgton,DC 2003G
(818)386-4036 vwnv n�rh�nrg ibra ora (2fl2)BFIa-6219 vrwva.nationalln�st.arct Anci
Mc�Hs�rxy�ot�»ty HJatorleal Soatety ��'ItY tttMinstreet orcr
64��IVlatn Street /I{IYJS02j�COttIt0�1 Qri H�B�flt'/O PX8&BJVdt tfl11
PA.Bax 434 I 200 Aennsyivanta Avenue NW,3uiCe E109
t3nfon,IL 60i80 O!d Post Oftice Buiicling
{81�)823-2264 �ns�i't.111�h.�.o i i . Waaldnglon,AC 2U004
(2ozj aas•eaas xtvtvr.aehu.stavv
dltlnQls Mai�i Streef
Otfice af Lt.Clvvernor Pat Quin�► McHt�»ry G'oanty Ch$mber of Cornreeerae
Tharnpsan Center 1287 Narth Green Sireet '
lOp VY.Randoiph,Suite 1$-24� McHenry,IL 6Q480
�hicago,I4 60801 (816}3$5-4300 vsnvsv.rncheY�rychamhet.com
(312�$14•8224 ���*r,state ft usfltgavtma��streei
swnu,��res�rvatjoxdt�rectory canz
pn,,nr�g�y:rveat�teYSce uov
,After you've plant►eti aut the details of your project, yau`xe ready to mave to the�text st��a--�pzn-
plefing the woxk. If the work is rather simpls,yau ma}r choose to do if yourself. For the moxe com-
pltcat�d tasks, it's be+st t4 hire a professfonal. There are many xeputable contraptors who can�am-
�iete the job an time and within budget. Unfoxtunately, r�thera out ta xnake a fast buc�c,result�ng it�
��or q�zati�y,or unfitiished wark. 'The fallowing tIps witt help in selecting R zepu#able aantrac#oz;
¢ �ef mare tltatt one estiinate and get them In wziting.
o Ask tiie�contractox for xeferez�ces and addresses for simitar work. Dxive by tt�ose s►tes�znct if pos�
sible,contact the properEy owner ta discuss their ex}�eric�nco with the contractor.
o I�t�pQct ttte contract carefully ta make atire xt includes the cantractor'� fu11 na2�ie, address anct
phane z�ui�bex, a description of ttte work to be perfoxcned, staxting and campietion dates, totai
costa of workc to be��rfoxmed,and a sahedule far the c�own payment,sabs�c�uent�t�ymenta,�nd
futal pay�ttent,
a Never sign a conkract with blttnk spacea or one you cio nat fully undergtand. If you are takistc�out
a io�n to iinanee the pxaject, do not sign the aontract untii yaur lender approves your loa�i,
o Find otit if#he eontractor has a waxranty or gaarantee o�n his or her work.
a Mak�sure the ct�ntra+ctox l��s minim«tn Amounts of 3nsurance far properEy damage,badily iti�uxy,
and improper r��air.
♦ Get lien waiver�. This protec#s you lram clairns �gains# you ox your property in tl�e evQnt yo�i
ca�ntractc�r faiEe to pay hts ar her s�ppiiers or sub-c4ntractors,
a bon't make final paymant untit you are satisfiea and all subcon#racEoxs are paid.
�..._.�.,,: .. �����__,� ,.�__- ��
� ,. �,._ . �. �- �._,�_,. ���.� �_�� :��.... .. . . _
� d..._ .
Pzge 13
�ck���v��c�t��������� :
Thsse desigri cJutdelines have baen develaped front many,eatkrces,Of pc�xlicular nofe is the NatianRi 2'rust tor Hiatort�Pa�es-
ervativn's Main SEret�t progrnm,vrho's wark ia c►rnadel tor al!co�aintuni�ies looktny ta�naintain and e�ilzanae the vltaitiy ot
xtt8ir cla�rnloev��rreas. Rlso,thflnks are extended to the marty camzYtutdi[ss t+�ho have dratted ay�d#mplentantecl tliefr�r,rn
deacic�n guidalis�e�,many ot�vhta}i vrere reiined and used in the pxaparation oi thia doournent.
F �
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su��zvrs arr �� 1 �� ���P.I.N.�.�..-�-.�-�� ��oab zor�E: '
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NA11�B . , � ' •, [�°' OtiVNBR ❑ TB1Vt�NT �
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EST`tMATLD CQ�T`t3��OTtSTRUG7TON� i �.-' -''����. �
'!'YkE Or�USE, �� I ;
❑SINC�LF�AMILY ❑ MUi;T�-S�AMILY ❑ N�W ❑ADUIT.[ON i ��`( X','� ;t��� :
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N(3T'P�,��tlbJttlf tll8 fQ110tiYIilg: I.etter of Fntent,on piumbi�rg contracEors lettet9�aAd DEV•bQNATtOAF�:
(Svift�co►•porntc+se�1,or�rotnry sen}}stniing titnt ti�Qy Ara daing 11�is job;
ca��y a�`�Gir�tbing ttcense;coE�y of ccrti�eata ofState registrnfi�3i�. SANI`I'ARY'I'AP:
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333 S.GR��i3 STIiLF.T h1cIiENRY ILL1i�I0IS 6005b (815)36�-217i} '
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To:Ross Polerecky,Vic Santi,Shawn Stract►,Pat Wirtz and Nancy Fike
From:3amie Grubfch
Re:G�ubich Home Addition
October 21,2013
i just want to talce a rnoment of time your time and share a little bit about my family and hopefully, it ;
►nay answer some of the questlons that peopfe have asked on why we would want to put ti�is type of �
addit(on on our house. �
I have three chiEdrei�ranging in age from 8 to 16.Ail three are very gtfted acadernicaliy,musically and
atMeticaily.As a family we have fots of€nterests and are part of many competitive yotitt�sports
organizations and lead a very active Iifestyle.We have been or are part of McHenry Dasehall,McHenry
Soccer,N1cHenry Towr�ship lunior Warrior Football, McHenry Pigtail League and Mar Ray Dance Studio
here in town for many years as well as our participation on many of the school teams(n dance,softball,
basketbail,and track.We also betong to sports organizations and dance studios in surrounding
com►nanities. We have committeci as a farnity to coaching baseball for eight years now and currently
have two chlidren in travel programs.I have a great Involyement in my chfidren's academics and also
volunteer weekty in the classrooin at Ecigebrook;something 1 t�ave been doin�for tf�ree years now.
To succeed in many of today's competitive activities,the athJetes need ta work on improving Fheir skills
year rour�d,noi Just during the game season.Our location in the Midwest prevents rnany of the sports
from being practfced year round, but competitive sports compete with each other across the Unitecl
States.7'here are currently no facllitJes in town for ti�e pubifc to use tt�at are In door except for the
school gymnaslums and tt�ere are generally very Ifmited opportunities for ihe public to use them, ;
I believe in developing both athtetic and academic abiiities in all cliildren,!t takes a iot of commitment �
and hard work from the parents,coaches,and teachers and the kids themseives to make it f�a�pen.Klds
tliat do wefl!n school and on the athietic field open up opportunitles for seleciion into colleges and atso
the abitity to earn scl�olarsf�ip money through their own hard work and dedicatioiz;things!belleve will
serve them weil the rest of their Iife. ln addition to leartiing respect,integrity,and required commltment
by being part of athletfc teams,we are also developing good citizens and young ieaclers.
Seing in tvwn and close to the schools,athletic fields,frisnds and teammates is irnportant witl�all tlie !
commltments to the practice and game schedules as weil as the participatEon in the performing arts
activities that we are part of and it would be very difficult for us to maintain ti�is level of commit►nent to
ail these activ(ties and Ilve further out in the country on more acreage where some folks have suggested
we move if we want to build some recreational areas as part of our t►orne.
I tove itty hame;it just isn't big enough. I am a life time resident of McHenry as are itiy parents and this
I�ouse was built by my grandfather.We have done a 1oi of work to it and are very liappy with sorne of its ;
existing spaces,but find that it just isn't large enougl�far our family,ali our gear and our otl�er hobbies, , ;
We e►�joy being on tl�e golf course and being dose to town and would like ta increase the size of our �
homs so we can be more comfortable fn it.We have a huge belief in the iteaith I�enefits that an active �
Iifestyle can bring and we would ifke to make it easier for our family to maintain their commitiT�ent to
exercise and activity over some of the other epidemics currently facing society today due to inactivity,
poor food c��oices and reliance on medication througt�the use of recreational areas in our liome design.
We also ii►id ourseives wttti the opportunity to do more work frorn home rather tt�an at tlie office
necessftating the��eed to reallocate existing spaces in our tiome.
My floor plan and size is something I have given a whole tot of thought to:Can I afford to do this?;Will
the space be used?;What will I do wiih the space once my ehildrer�are grown and on their own1;Would
anyone be interested in this t�orne when I died?I think"yes"wouid be tt�e st�ort answer to these
!was a working mother up until five years ago and aEso a member of the arrnecl services for thirteen
years.My husband ar�d I currently have 36 combined years of service in tl�e steel fndustry anci fie is still
active in it.The big debate about saving atl your money for retirement age and leaving it for your
children when you die or enjoying some of it white you are young enough to enjoy lt is something inost
people are forced to think aUout by tlie tfine they approach their fifties.We have�nade tl�e decision to
spend part of what we t�ave and enjoy it with our ct�ildren instead of leaving lt for thern wfien we are
gone. This additlon also glves us flexibility for care for aging family members,return(ng coltege students,
and enjoying many family gattierings and hotidays shared together.
We beiieve that tf�ese spaces w111 be used an incredible amourzt in the next 10 years by our family and
some teamrnates and friends.We have also come up witf�a launciry Ifst of how we can use tt�ese spaces
once the kids leave with some minor modiflcations and have trled to design with tt�ese ideas in mind as
t do believe that ttiere would be real interest in this home with the additi�n if it were placed on the real
estate market and the price reflected the amenities and met a family�s needs.3here are a few other
homes aroimd the golf course with some recreational areas incl«ded in their design tl�at have not been
unoccupied tttrough the years. i furtlier believe that many other residents must also believe it is time to
upgrade a►id modernize some of ihe properties around the golf course that have been in a state of
decline in the past several years because you have seen a few homes pop trp�n vacant lots over the
past decade and you do see people doing remodeling right now and others that want to do remodeting
and upgrading.tn the past several years,there have been severa!houses turned into rentals,becoine
unoccupied or I�ave been foreclosed on.This area needs to have residents willing ta commit tfie time
ar�d effort into restoring tl�ese properties around the golf course to keep this area a truly thriving piece
of McHenry's I�istory.The golf course has addec!on and modernized to keep up with the demands of its
members and has consistently tr(ed to maintain a higta enough rnem�ership#hat it is able to cost
effectiveiy manage the grounds and the clubhouse.I do belteve tl�at the members would appreciate
beautiful and well�naintained homes around their course.
I have aiways taken prlde in my home and yard and will continue to do so. I would like my addition
coinpleted as quickly as p�ssiule and wlil not atlow the construction to linger on any longer tftan is
necessary. I plan to begin just as soon as the ground will aliow in March concentrating on completing tlie
outsid�over ti�e in�ide and getting the landscaping�lanted as soon as we are able.We will c!a
everything irt our pawer to minimize the noise and mess#ha#goes�tong with projects suctt as this anc!
will continue to work within the guitielines�nd the orrlinances currentiy in�1ace for o���city.We ar�
working with great contractors r}�w on svme tnalnte�tiar�ce tc�our existin�iiame and will give every
op�aort�ni#y to local cantractnrs to help us with this praject.Drainage is a key cancern for ai!the
1tt�nteowrters�round the area.We are na different.We have some minor Floaclir�g issues coming fro►n
tt�e west which is up hilf as well wtien the rains are tremendatrs like tfie two storrns we I�ad earlier this
Year.V1t�ar+�GurrenCly worktng with Va�iderstappen Engii��eering on how we ca�handle Ct��e water arz�!
o�r arc#�ite�t also hAids a degree in civll engineering anc�used a great d�al of t�is krtiowledge t�tayout �
the i�titlai desi�an working with the elevations of itre lanci as it exists. �
I l�ave�an�iec�d tt�e idea of expanding for years now and have rr�ade many inquiries t�a the city and
Eownsf�ip aski�ig questions about laws and p�ocedures for acqtilring abutting praperEi�s.i ap�roaclted
the land aw�iers vn t�otl�sides of ine expressing tny Interest when they were re�c#y to s�lt a��d the
�rnpert�r�f 32U8 became available early this year and so 1 purchased it,My offer and It�terest tc�
purch�se 3216 which is the renkal property to the west of my�ra�erty is still on tl�e tat�Ie.!waulc!lave
t�a pcirchase it ar�ci ele��up the yard,trees and remove the fertce�nci ttouse and create a iseauEi�tiily
lanc�sca��d area whari the opportunity presents itself,
We�io�t�aue a l�ng tern�cort�mitrnent to the future�f this pra�erty and tha e�mmut�ity in w#�ich f have
�fued for nearl��t3 years now.If there are other questions or curiosities about why I w�nk to da t#iis,I
wlli clo tny best to acldress them to any me�t�ber af the committee sa please feel free to contact me at
815-3G3-1347.i truly do appreciate your taking the tirne to read tltraugh this backgrou►�d on�ny thougt�t'
process and haw!came to this design.
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November 3 2013
City of McHenry
Teardown Cvrnrnittee
333 Sc�uth Creen St,
McHenry.�i., 60t}50
Attn:Sue l4w anci the�'e�rdown Committee
1/tl�are writing this Petter in support of leffrey atid lamfe Grubich for t�ieir re�idential tear•ciowrr
INe have be�n members of McNenry Country Club since 1994 and are resEden�s of'fhe Gity af
McNenry. Qver the years we have seen it�any remodel(n�projects around the goff'�caurse�nd
surroundin�nelghborhaad. tt is good to see a your��s�tccessful eou�le decide to stay ln the
Gity of McH�nry and upgrade their ho►ne. Tao aften our city lases these families ta surrouncJin�
areas. �Cee��ng prt�Jects like this in McHenry will increase property tax revenue whi�#�is
k�eneFtcia)for afl McHenry resi+dents and may encoura�e other families to consider similar
Vife ha��see�the Grubich`s plans for the remodelir�g project and we sup�ort t#���r appHcatfor�
M.. _- -.::�a���,���+�.t�e��r�le��, -�.. _,._ . _ ,-- _._ : . __— -- - ,,.,��P ��-, �.
Sincer�ly, �
�- ���
,. ` �y�'"��"� ,,,.-r - *�,e. ...,.,....�....
���� � �
Dr. Scc�tt and C}lane S�aenge!
Members of McHenry Country Club
City of It�cHenry October 28, 2013
Teardawt� Cc�mmitt�e
333 Snutt� Gre�r� St.
McHenry, Ii.. 60050
Attn; May�r Sue Low
Dear Mayc+r low and fihe Teardown Commlttee:
1N� are v,rrifiing this letter in support of our n�ighbors Jeffery A, an�Jamie L.
Grubich for their residentlai demoiition and construction at 3214 & 32Q8
lN� have lived at 3112 Riverstream Drive for 27 years and far z0 years
before that at 5118 Shore Drive in Lakeland Park. W� have seen lots af chan�es in
t�lci�enry and appl�ud your effc�rts and appreciate the upgrades includin� th�
b�a�tiful Mchenry Rlver Walk which we enjoy every day. aver the years w� h�v+�
see� a Ic�t a�rem�deling p�ojects and new canstructian in our immediate
neigh�or�aod ta homes around the golf course and along our waterfront, It is
rewarding ta see these upgrades which enhance th� beauty arid value of our are�.
tiNe hav� seen the plans for the Grubich home pro�ect and think this wo+uld
add beau�y and style tc► the area We believe th�ir pro�ectt�vill en�anc� ant� �� in
keepang wit#��M�Henry s�continued i� � �. ���_
��� �..�
. ......
___.... , .
' mprovement efforts. We support their I `
ap�lication and believe it shc�uld be approved. �
3 �
1 �
Sincarely: �
4 `
B�nnie ar�d Stev� Leva ����'`����.�� �t',�`.a'`�__.
. .. - .> �--f____�. ....z-- �.�
�3�11� Riverstr��m Dr. �-�� �
S '
11�cHenry, Il. �a1s) z36-�.747
We support the proposed Grubich home addition at 3214 Golfview Terrace,McHenry,as iong as it
follows all the ordinances and special requirements in place at City of McHenry and further feel that
their proposed addition does not change the character of the McHenry Goff Course Subdivision.
Tiie public meeting for the Five Member Teardown Committee is scheduled for Thursday, November 7,
2023,at 7:OOPM at the McHenry Municipal Center located at 333 South Green Street, McHenry, IL.
1. -. l� ( ��,+_.n-w�L��j�, ��-� P e� o NO
2• ���� � J�� �S � or NO
3 �
��� � ��'tU � Y� or NO
4. �o� � I n/lati �.h�, J('2., f es r No
5. ,� .`�/� S��/�/-�N�/i'� /�i d es or NO
6. om, ��ti �r s�w���-�� ; Jc. es o� No
. �
� r
� � T�-�f � �`�i Yes or NO
'/ _ �2�f!"/ ��1��/l��i�G��"�, Ye or NO
9• �6 �i U-�RjL��Dk�-,4Kc , Yes or NO
o. �� � ��� I�c,�xi+� Cfi �;��,�
Yes� or NO
11. -� 3�0`l/�t/'�Jr•�- f�/��� rj�,. Yes or NO
12. ��1� '�U U�/ L �1 NIC� Yes r NO
13. Yes or NO
14. Yes or N�
�5• Yes or NO
16. Yes or NO
17• Yes or NO
. �
We support the proposed Grublch home addition at 3214 Golfview Terrace,McHenry,as long as it
follows all the ordinances�and special requirements in place at City of McHenry and further feei that
their proposed addition does not change the character of the McHenry Golf Course Subdivision.
The public meeting for the Five Member Teardown Committee is scheduled for 7hursday, November 7,
2013,at 7:OOPM at the McHenry Municipal Center located at 333 South Green Street, McHenry, IL.
_.__. . ..._ _ ...... . ...- - - ...__ .. . .. .
1. � U-Z��?J`'tiLvv j
`� l���N= ����'l�✓R1/I�Ia• �P�� Yes or NO
2y� / .�7�.�G��, �%��• .�r/ ��J' Yes �r NO �
. �
� .�. ..���/�l�! � � �/,��'�F� e5 � .
4. �� ,���`•_-,— .����'tcJ r,4,�r� ���Cl�' �
. d�'% es oc Rf0
5• Yes or NO
6• Yes or NO
�• Yes or NO '
$• � Yes or tV0
9� Yes or NO
10. Yes or NO
11. Yes or NO
� 12. � . Yes or NO
13. � • .Yes or NO
1�• Yes or NO
15. Yes or NO
16. � Yes or NO
��• � Yes or NO
We support the proposed Grubich home adciition at 3214 Golfview Terrace, McHenry,as long as it
follows all the ordinances and special requirements in place at City of McHenry and further feel that
their proposed addition does not change the character of the McHenry Go1f Course Subdivision.
7he public meeting for the Five Member Teardown Committee is scheduled for Thursday, November 7,
2013,at 7:OOPM at the McHenry Municipa!Center located at 333 South Green Street,McHenry, IL.
1. � 3��a �� �.�sr�.��,�.
_ Yes or NO
` 2 ,��/Z�vEK$T/Zg/�'�t �i�L Yes o�
3�1,r�, .�`� �-�Cal�.P�IC� � �� �'t��.�q �'t— es or NO
4• Yes or NO
5� Yes or NO
6• Yes or NO
�• Yes or NO
8• Yes or NO
�• Yes or NO
10• Yes or NO
�1• Yes or f�0
12• Yes or NO
13• Yes or NO
14. Yes or NO
�5• Yes or NO
16• Yes or NO
17. Yes or NO