HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/7/2013 - Teardown Committee TEARDOWN COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday,November 7, 2013 Municipal Center Council Chambers, 7:00 pm In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Shawn Strach, Chairperson of the Planning and Zoning Commission; Alderman Victor Santi, Alderman, Ward 1, Pat Wirtz, Chairperson of the Landmark Commission, Ross Polerecky, Building Inspector — Community and Economic Development Department,Nancy Fike, Member of the Public. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, City Attorney Cahill and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: See attached Attendance Sheet. City Attorney Cahill called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. City Attorney Cahill requested a Motion from the Committee to elect a Chairperson for the Teardown Committee. Nomination of Chairperson Motion by Wirtz, seconded by Santi nominating Shawn Strach as Chairman of the Teardown Committee: Aye: Fike, Polerecky, Santi, Strach,Wirtz. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Public Input Deputy City Administrator Martin briefly outlined the necessity of the Teardown Committee and the reason for tonight's meeting. He stated the Committee is interested in the public input; however,he requested that anyone speaking limit their speech to 5 minutes. Alderman Strach requested input from members of the public in attendance, beginning with those persons who had signed the Sign-In Sheet. He noted that it was not a requirement that anyone who signed the sheet speak. Karen Burns, 706 South Emerald, McHenry: • Ms. Burns stated that she supports the project and feels that the improvements being made by the applicants is a strong selling point for the property. Rogers and Darlene Schlies, 3212 Golfview Road,McHenry: • Mr. Schlies informed the Committee that he lives around the corner from the subject property. He opined that the proposed improvements are too large for the area, stating that he would like to see a compromise regarding the size of the structure. • Mrs. Schlies chose not to speak. Teardown Committee � November 7, 2013 Page 2 Pat Wirtz, 1503 N. Richmond Road, McHenry: • Pass. Carol Cooney, 1313 N. Richmond Road, McHenry: • Pass Donald Davis, 3204 Golfview Terrace, McHenry: • Mr. Davis opined that government should not interfere with property owners. He stated that his concerns regarding the proposed improvements to the property are regarding water issues. He requested assurance that adequate engineering has been performed and provisions are in place to address drainage issues for surrounding property owners. Nanci Piccone, 3304 Fairway Drive, McHenry: • Ms. Piccone stated that she has no issues with the proposed construction. Terry Donovan, 3408 W. Fairway Drive,McHenry: • Pass Sandy Donovan, 3408 W. Fairway Drive, McHenry: • Mrs. Donovan stated that there have been many improvements made to the property and from what she has seen; a nice job has been done to date. Mrs. Donovan expressed no issues regarding the proposed construction. Geri Davis, 3202 Golfview Terrace, McHenry: • Ms. Davis informed the Committee that she resides at the bottom of the hill and that her home is the recipient of all the water that flows down hill. Ms. Davis advised that she does not know the Grubichs and that her first contact with them was via a registered letter. • Ms. Davis stated that Country Club Subdivision is a modest subdivision, however her main concerns are related to water issues and the possible impact the construction might have on surrounding properties. • � • Ms. Davis thanked Ms. Fike for alerting her regarding this issue in the neighborhood. John Landon, 3202 Golfview Terrace, McHenry: • Mr. Landon informed the Committee that he served for a number of years on the Crystal Lake Zoning Board and stated that his background is in engineering. • Mr. Landon expressed concerns that a 10,864 square foot structure is proposed on the existing lot. He noted that the 10,864 sq. ft. does not include the pool and surrounding area, the hot tub,patio, driveway, fire pit or overhang of the structure. Teardown Committee � November 7, 2013 Page 3 � Mr. Landon expressed concerns regarding the impervious surface, stating from an engineering standpoint it is not possible to double the amount of impervious surface and have less run-off. Dennis Conway, • Pass. Greg Lofgren, 3805 W. Clover Avenue, McHenry: • Mr. Lofgren stated that construction of this magnitude is precedent setting. He stated that it happened in Naperville and it could happen here. Christ Quarterman, 2903 Cherryhill Court, McHenry: • Pass. Kathleen Gies, 800 Center Street, McHenry: • Pass. Chairman Strach asked if anyone else in the audience had input. Rodney Ackerman, 711 John and 7201 Crescent, asked to be recognized by the Committee and allowed to speak. • Mr. Ackerman stated that to his knowledge the City of McHenry has no maximum regarding the size of construction. He noted that the Grubichs have been good neighbors and he supports allowing them to construct the home they desire. Robert Lake, 608 John Street, asked to speak: • Mr. Lake stated that he has lived in the Country Club Subdivision for 30 years and likes the neighborhood the way it is. Chairman Strach again asked if any member of the audience had public input. There was no response from the audience and the Public Input portion of the meeting was closed. Chairman Strach requested a presentation from the applicants, Jeff and Jamie Grubich. Mrs. Grubich stated that issues only started to commence upon presentation of their plans before the Landmark Committee regarding the demolition. She stated that she is a lifetime resident of McHenry and the current family residence was previously owned by her grandparents. Their family consists of three children. All the children are gifted academically, musically and athletically. As a family they take part in youth sports and are involved in sports organizations. Mrs. Grubich opined she is puzzled at the reaction because the demographics of the Country Club Subdivision had, over the years, become diverse. Mrs. Grubich stated that she loved her home and the family has done a lot of work to the existing space, but it has just reached a point where the home is not large enough. Teardown Committee ' November 7, 2013 Page 4 Mrs. Grubich stated that they believe the proposed space will be used significantly over the next ten years by family, friends and teammates. Additionally, the space allows flexibility to care for returning college students and aging family members. The home is on the golf course and the improvements and amenities would provide interest should the home be placed on the market. Mrs. Grubich advised the Committee that she takes pride in the appearance of her home and will continue to do so. She noted she would like the addition completed as quickly as possible. They intend to make every effort to remain good neighbors and minimize the noise and trash that accompanies construction. Mrs. Grubich informed the Committee that they are currently working with Vanderstappen Engineering regarding water issues and how they can be managed. She noted that their architect, Lynde Anderson, also holds a degree in civil engineering and has used that knowledge to layout the initial design, working with the elevations of the land as it exists. Mr. Grubich addressed the Committee. He stated that he and his wife thought they were following all the requirements necessary to perform the remodeling work they desired on the site. He stated that while he is not a lifetime resident of the community he has come to love the property they live on and the community and they want to nurture that feeling with their children. He and his wife have no desire to hurt anyone and they are willing to work with the City in an effort to appease any concerns. They are cognizant about protecting their neighbor's properties. Mr. Grubich expressed some concerns regarding security since the topic of his home construction has become such a public matter. Mr. Lynde Anderson, ALA, of Lynde Anderson and Associates Architects, addressed the Committee. Mr. Anderson stated that the Grubich family has been a pleasure to work with. He noted he is impressed by how thoughtful and careful the Grubich family is about each phase of construction. Overview of Article XIV.Residential Teardown Sites and Infill Properties Special Requirements and Teardown Committee Responsibilities Deputy City Admimstrator Martin informed the Committee that three letters and a signed petition have been received by the City regarding the project. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the applicants submitted an application and are seeking to demolish an existing single-family home located at 3208 Golfview ("3208"); and thereafter, construct a new residential addition to an existing home located at 3214 Golfview ("3214"). The size of the existing single-family home site at 3208 Golfview is approximately 21,581 square feet and the lot at 3214 is 12,921 square feet. In total the two lots combined are 34,502 square feet, which is .79 acres. The applicant's existing home at 3214 is 2,921 sq. ft. in floor area, including the existing garage. In total, the new home, including the attached garage, would consist of 10,864 square feet. A floor plan and rendering of the proposal are displayed and have been provided to the Committee. Teardown Committee November 7, 2013 Page 5 The properties at 3208 and 3214 Golfview are zoned RS-4, which requires a minimum side yard building setback of six feet; however, the Teardown Ordinance requires the side yard setback on a lot having a lot width that exceeds the average width of all the lots on the same block to be increased by the same proportion as the lot width. The total lot width of the applicant's property, including 3208 and 3214 is 250 feet. The average lot width of the lots within the surrounding block is approximately 78.5 feet, which would require a side yard setback of 19.1 feet for the proposed project. This is achieved by dividing 78.5 feet into 250 feet and multiplying that number (3.18) times six feet, equals the side yard setback. The proposed side yard setback is currently eight feet on the east side of the lot and seven feet on the west side of the lot, so a variance is required from the City Council if the Teardown Committee recommends approval of the Plan. The applicant is also seeking permission to demolish the home at 3208 Golfview as soon as possible. The Teardown Ordinance states no demolition of a structure can occur until sixty days after the notice requirements have been met or an application is approved by the Teardown Committee, whichever occurs last. Sixty days following the completion of the notification requirements would be December 25, 2013. If the Committee approves the proposal before them, the applicant will be seeking a variance from the City Council regarding the Teardown Ordinance. Also, the proposed plan depicts three driveway curb cuts onto Golfview; however, the City's Subdivision ordinance permits a maximum of two. This variance would need to be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and ultimately approved by the City Council. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that in accordance with the City's Residential Sites and Infill Properties Special Requirements Ordinance in the Municipal Code, all proposed teardowns are to be reviewed by a Committee. The purpose of the Teardown Committee is to consider each request for residential demolition and construction at a Public Meeting. The Teardown Committee is responsible for reviewing the demolition plans, site layout and all building plans for the exterior of a new home on a teardown site or infill parcel in accordance with the following: 1. Conformance with requirements of the Teardown Ordinance; 2. Conformance with the Design Guidelines for Residential Teardowns and Infill Parcels; 3. Compatibility with the existing characteristics of the site and surrounding area; 4. Compatibility with the architecture style and character of existing buildings along the same street; 5. Conformance with the goals and objectives of the Official Comprehensive Plan, the Downtown Plan, and the Historic Preservation Plan of the City. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that in accordance with the Ordinance, the Teardown Committee shall render a decision on an application, passed by a majority of its members in attendance at the close of the Public Meeting. The Committee shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny an application based on the five criteria outlined above. The Committee may not defer voting on any application for more than one meeting unless the applicant agrees to any further postponement. Teardown Committee � November 7, 2013 Page 6 Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that applications that have been denied by the Teardown Committee cannot be resubmitted for at least one year from the date of denial, except on the grounds of new factual evidence or a change in conditions found to be valid by the Teardown Committee. An appeal procedure is included in the Ordinance, whereby the applicant has the right to appeal any decision by the Committee to the City Council. Site development requirements are detailed in the Teardown Ordinance if the application is approved by the Committee and the project moves forward to construction. Consideration of Residential Teardown and Construction (Request to teardown existing single-familv home at 3208 Golfview for the purpose of constructing a new residential addition to the Applicant's existin� home at 3214 Golfview Chairman Strach inquired about questions from the Committee. Nancy Fike addressed the Committee and requested clarification regarding some terms. She opined that this is not a new residence but an addition to an existing structure. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated he has verified with the City Attorney that while there could be multiple lots, the property will be considered one site. Ms. Fike read from the Design Guidelines for Residential Teardowns and Infill Parcels and requested they be included in the minutes: "Housing opportunities abound in McHenry. Newer subdivisions are currently being constructed on vacant farmland and these new homes offer the space and amenities that today's home buyers seek. However, this can place the City's existing housing stock at a disadvantage, especially those homes located in the older downtown areas. As these older homes sell, the new owners may be tempted to renovate, remodel and rebuild. And while the City can benefit from these changes, it is important to ensure that this redevelopment will maintain and enhance the qualities that make McHenry a desirable place to live. New construction must blend with the existing character of the area. It must be compatible with the architectural design, scale and context of the existing residential properties, which surround it. In order to accomplish these goals and take full advantage of the history of the area, City officials believe it is necessary to adopt these guidelines." Responding to an inquiry from the Committee regarding retention/detention ponds, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that retention/detention ponds kick in at 20,000 square feet of impervious surface. Mr. Polerecky advised that water issues are part of the engineering process and that the concerns brought up so far would be addressed during that process. Chairman Strach pointed out to the Committee that their role is to ascertain whether the applicants have complied with the five items they are required to address in conformance with the Teardown Ordinance. Mr. Wirtz inquired whether those protocols have been followed by the Grubichs. Mr. Polerecky responded affirmatively. Teardown Committee November 7, 2013 Page 7 Alderman Santi opined that Items 3 and 4 are a high priority for him. One of the key issues is the engineering regarding the water issue, and that topic will not be discussed tonight. He stated the Fox River and the Country Club are two areas in the community. He expressed concern regarding the size of the structure. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi, Architect Lynde Anderson stated the approximate square footage of the teardown is 2,320 feet and a variance would be required for both sides. Ms. Fike reiterated that she has lived in the neighborhood her entire life. Her concern is that the structure is so large. She stated that the square footage of living space is nearly 11,000, which is inappropriate for the neighborhood. Ms. Fike stated the only structures in the City of a similar size are commercial buildings. Ms. Fike opined that while the homes in Martins Woods are large, they are built on lots of at least one acre. Ms. Fike requested that the architect be required to provide the Committee with plans depicting the rear elevation exposures. Mr. Polerecky stated he respectfully disagreed with Ms. Fike. He noted that a lot of time and effort has gone into the design of the structure. Mr. Polerecky opined that while he respects Ms. Fike's concerns, the subdivision has gradually changed and there are a number of different size homes currently in the Country Club Estates Subdivision. He stated that the applicant has done everything that can be done and neighboring homes have been taken into consideration. Mr. Polerecky stated that there would actually be 6,000 square feet of habitable space in the home by "building" definition. Mr. Polerecky stated that he believed the project would be beneficial to the subdivision. Ms. Fike reiterated that she feels strongly that the project has not met the required criteria. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi regarding Item No. 5, Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that there is no Comprehensive Plan for the neighborhood. Alderman Santi stated that as the Committee sits tonight, there is no maximum square footage ordinance on the books. He opined that perhaps that is something that should be addressed in the future. Ms. Fike opined that currently the Committee is dealing with an existing neighborhood and a project that is far out of proportion for that neighborhood. Mr. Polerecky informed the Committee that less than 40% of the lot is covered, which is what the current ordinance requires. Responding to Alderman Santi's inquiry about retention design, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that a "pond" does not have to be constructed. There will be grading, which will address the release and direction of water. Mr. Anderson, the architect, informed the Committee that Mr. and Mrs. Grubich have hired an engineer, but engineering has yet to be done. Mr. Anderson assured the Committee that the applicants intend to conform to City codes. Teardown Committee November 7, 2013 Page 8 Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Attorney Cahill stated that if the issue does not pass the Committee, the applicant could re-submit within a year if the design is different. Responding to an inquiry from Chairman Strach regarding whether the Committee is dealing with two issues, teardown and construction, Attorney Cahill stated the matter is considered one proj ect. Chairman Strach asked for a motion from the Committee. Motion by Wirtz, seconded by Santi, approving the Petition with the finding that the applicant has conformed to the requirements of the City's Residential Sites and Infill Properties Special Requirements Ordinance in the Municipal Code, subject to obtaining the three variances from Council. Aye: Polerecky, Santi, Strach, Wirtz. Nay: Fike. Absent: None. Motion carried. Chairman Strach requested a brief statement from Ms. Fike regarding her negative vote. Ms. Fike stated that sh�e° continues to believe that the project does not fulfill the scope of the Teardown Ordinance iri ar,�historic area. Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the next step is for Council to consider the variances required for the proj ect. Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Attorney Cahill stated the only reason the applicant would have to come before the Committee again is if there is some substantial re- design to the project. Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Polerecky, to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 pm. Aye: Fike, Polerecky, Santi, Strach, Wirtz. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, .,/ � _ , � _. � ''= > �_ �- Shawn Strach, Chairman , COMMITTEE MEETING - L �p�'-� � COMMITTEE DATE: � � /�/� SIGN-IN SHEET �PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION FOR LEGIBILIT� Name Address Phone � , �i'� _I� /� J�1' r�`�.� �•�, � C=�f _ _� �� �. \ ,, r \ �� � �5. �:���t..�r�c �I�+�+� Z 2 0 � � � � � � �� � �� . �� � ���- �3 � � c� ��Z c� e .-� � �`� C`� �n� � I� Y3 S DI ��' �or�� /�r�� � � �n ��'���_ �. _ � � �1 ���aC ,� ��/���- �r� � -.r1 7 � � �i(."Yl. <=L /��.L. -y� ,J �`/ �( �U /,r(;Z�c+� �J�r� ` tJ�J ".S�.� i �,. 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