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Packet - 11/7/2013 - Teardown Committee
. i �,,. .,,,,� Departmer�t of Community& ! � `""'� Econvmic Developmerrt j �, ;,� Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator � � � t McHenry Municipal Cenker 333 Green Street McHenry, illinais 60050 ,��,, �� Phone:{815�363-217Q ' Fax.(815)363-2173 dmartin@ci.mchenry.il.us TEARDfJWN C�MMITTEE MEETING DATE: Thursday, November 7, 2(}13 TIME: 7:00 p,rn. RLACE: McHenry Municipal Center � First Floor Conference Room 333 South Green Street McWenry, Illinois 6005Q AGENQA 2. Call ta Order 2. Roll Cali 3. Public Input—5-Minute Ltmitation Q ����M� �' ��"' °'' ��"0`�" � � ��� �j Nomination of Chairaerson �. �3v�rview of Ar#ide XiV. Residentia( Teardown S�i�s and infili Rraperti�s Spectal Requirements and Teardown Committee Responsibilities 6. Constderation of Resident(al Teardown and Construction Request tv teardow�l axisting single-family hame at 3208 Golfview for t}ie purpase of CCM1YS�i'ltCtttl��TI�W 2•esidential additton to the applicant's existing IiQme at 3214 Galfview g 7. Ad aurn � � � � � � � I. � � f # 6 i i TEARDOWN COMMITTEE SUPPLEMENT TO: Members of the Teardown Committee I. Alderman Victor 5anti � Shawn Strach, Chairperson of the Planning and Zoning Commission 3 Pat Wirtz, Chairperson of the Landmark Commission y Ross Polerecky, Building Inspector I Community and Economic Development Department �, Nancy Fike, Member of the Public FROM: Douglas Martin, Deputy City Administrator FOR: November 7, 2013 Teardown Committee Meeting RE: Request to teardown existing single-family home at 3208 Golfview for the purpose of constructing a new residential addition to the exist(ng home at 3214 Golfview Al?: 1. Articie XIV. Residential Teardown Sites and infill Properties Special Requirements 2. Design Guide(ines for Resldential Teardowns and Infill Parcefs 3. Comprehensive Plan Chapter 3 Overall Goals and Chapter 6 Neighborhood Character 4. Candmark Commiss(on Demolit(on Approval Form 5. Application Packet � Residential Sites and lnfill Properties Special Requirements Ordinance �ln accordance with the City's Residentia[ Sites and fnfil) Properties Specia( Requirements ordinance in the municipal code, all proposed teardown sites are to be reviewed by a committee consisting of the following members: 1. Alderman holding office in Ward; 2. Chair of Planning and Zoning Commission or their designee; �. Chair of the Landmark Commission or their designee; 4. Staff inember from the Community and Economic Development Department 5. Member of the public, appointed by the Mayor with fihe advice and consent of the City Council. i The Residential Sites and Infill Properties Speclal Requirements ordinance defines a teardown site as follows: 1 Teardown Slfe: Residentially zoned property having an existing older residence on it, which will be razed and removed from the site so that a new residential building can be constructed in its place. A sign is required to be posted on the impacted property and abutting property owners notified of the proposed demolition and construction. The purpose of the Teardown Committee is to consider each request for residential demolition and construction at a public meeting. The Teardown Committee is responsible for revlewing the demolition plans, site layout and all building plans for the exterior of a new home on a teardown site or infiU parcel in accordance with the following: 1. Conformance with requirements of the teardown ordinance (attached); 2. Conformance with the Design Guidelines for Residential 7eardowns and ]nflll Parcels {attached); 3. Compatibility with the existing characteristics of the site and surrounding area; 4. Compatibility with the architecture style and character of existing buildings along the same street; 5. Conformance with the goals and objectives of the Official Comprehensive Plan, the Downtown Plan, and the Historic Preservation Plan of the City (Comprehensive Plan Chapter 3 Overa[I Goals and Chapter 6 Neighborhood Character attached). , In accordance with the ordinance the Teardown Committee shall render a decision on an application, passed by a majority of its members in attendance, at the close o# the public meeting. The Committee shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny an application based on the criteria previously outlined in this supplement. The Committee may not defer vo#ing on any application for more than one meeting unless the applicant agrees to any further postponement. Additionalfy, applications that have been denied by the Teardown Committee cannot be resubmftted for at feast one year from the date of denial, except on the grounds of new factual evidence or a change in conditions found to be va[id by the Teardown Committee. An appeal procedure is also included (n the ordinance, whereby the applicant has the rlght to appeal any � decislon by the Committee to the City Council. Site development requirements are detailed in ; the teardown ordinance ifi the application is approved by the Committee and the project moves #orward to construction. Proposed Teardown at 3208 Golfview and Construction of Residential Addition to 3214 Golfview Attached is an application to demolish an exlsting single-famiiy home located at 3208 Golfview and thereafter construct a new residential addition to an existing home located at 3214 Golfview. The size of the existing single—family home site at 3208 Golfview is approximately 21,581 square feet and the lot at 3214 Golfview is 12,921 square feet. In totaf the two lots combined equa[34,502 square feet,which is.79 acres. 2 The applicant's existing home, 3214 Goifview, is 2,921 square feet in floor area including the � existing garage. In total the new home including the attached garage would consist of 10,864 square feet. A floor plan and rendering of the proposal are included as part of the application packet. The properties at 3208 and 3214 Golfview are zoned RS-4,which requires a minimum side yard building setback of six feet however the teardown orciinance requires the side yard se#back on a lot having a lot width that exceeds the average width of all the lots on the same block to be increased by the same proportlon as the iot width. The total lot width of the applicant's property, including 3208 Golfview and 3214 Golfview, is 250'. The average lot width of the Iots within the surrounding block is approximately 78.5', which would require a side yard setback o# 19.1 feet for the proposed project. This is achieved by dividing 78.5' into 250' and multiplying that number (3.18) times six feet (required side yard setback). The proposed side yard setback is currently eight feet on the east side of the lot and seven feet on the west side of the lot so a variance is required from the City Council if fihe Teardown Committee recommends approval o# the attached plan. The applicant is also seeking permission to demolish the home at 3208 Golfview as soon as possible. The teardown ordinance states no demolition of a structure can occur until slxty days after the notice requirements have been met or an application is approved by the Teardown Committee, whichever occurs last. Sixty days folfowing the completion of the notification requiremen#s would be December 25, 2013. lf the Committee approves the proposal before them the applicant wiH be seeking a variance from this provision of the ordinance from the City Council as well. Final(y, the proposed plan depicts three driveway curb cuts onto Golfview however the City's subdivision ordinance permits a maximum of two. This variance will need to be considered by the Planning and 2onin�Commission and ultimately approved by the City Council. 3 E{ E � ARTICLE XIV. RCSIDEIVTIAL T�ARDt)WN SITES AND 1NI+ILL PROP�RTIES SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS MC-O5-877 Sec.7-191.Applicab�tity. All i•esidential teardo«rn sites and infill parcels, as defined herein,shall be subject ta the requirements of this Article. See.7-192,Defii�itions. For tlie purpose of this section,the foliotiving teiYns s13a1(have tl�e meaning herein desci•ibed: Develaprrre��t De�crt�t�lie�rt: Sliall mean the Canstruction and Neighborhood Seivices Depart3nent of the City of McHef��y. I,fll Pnrcel:Residentially zoned propef•ty that is vacant,undeiutilized,or cotitains a builciin�that has been unocctipied far a tninimun�of ten years.The parcel's boundaries shall have r•en�ained cansistent fo�•a minimwn of te��ycars. Tcat•d��vrr Site:Residentially zoneci propei�ty having an existing alder residenca on it,Svliicii�vilI l�e razed arid retnovec�fi•om the site so that a ne�v residential building can be cot�structed in its place. Sec.7-193.Design Gnidelines. The Desigr� Gtriclelines for Resi�lerttial Teardo�vns{rfxllrtfrll Pae•cels, prepai`ed by the City of McHe��ry Constiuction and Neighborhood Setvices De��art�nent and bearing a date of August 2405, are hereby a�iopted by reference. See.7-194.Aclditioual Building Layouk Requiremer�ts. In acic�ition tt�tlie requirements of other appliaable Codes and Ordinances of the City,zll teai•do1�i� sites a�iti irrfill parcels shall�7ieet the foltowing rec�uirements: (a}Lot Co►rerage. A new residential stiucture shall nat cover anore than 4D°!a of tlie tatal lot a��e�upan tvhich said sh�uctui•e is lacated. (b).Setbach fa�•Grrrc�ges�crcr'rig a Ptrblic Street. An attached garage far a principal l�uilding having garage tlaors facing a public street shall be sethack a ininimum of five feet fi�om the inain ar primary wall of tlie priucipal builcting. (c:}Si�le Yin•c�Set�ack. The rec�uired side yard setb�ck for a teatYjO�'VIl SitB OY infill pat�cel sh�ll be ec�t�al to the requii•ed sicle yard setback af the district ii��vliich said praperty is located. �xception: The i��quired side yaz•ci setback on a lot having a lot��ri�th that exceeds tlie a�erage width of all tl�e iots on the saine block shall be increased by the same propot�tion as Ic�t�vidtll. Sec.7-195.T'eardotivn Cornntittee Establislied. A Teardo�vii Gainmittee,eonsisting of five members shall be cliai•geci�vith revie�ving ttie detnalition � plans,site layout and all builc�ing plans for the exterior of a new home on a teardo�vn site ox�infill parcel.The Cc�ttunittee shall inelude: 1)the Alderman then holding office in tlie Ward in�vhicti the demolitionlcai�shuction is proposeti;2)the Chai�Ynan of the Planning and ZoYiin�Comxnissio�i,or his/irer desi�nee,3)the Chairinan of the Laitd�nai'k Commission,or his(her designee;4}one Staff �neniber fi•on�the Consti�uction�nd Neighborhood Seivices Depat�trnent; and 5)a member of th� � public,���ainted by the Mayor i�ith the advice aud consent of the City CouneiL ; Sec.7-196.Duties of Teardo�vn Commiftee. 1 The TeAz•ciocvti Cammittee is charged with revie�t�iilg the cieitiolition plans,site layout�nd buildin� ' plans far tl�e exteriat�vf a ne�v home on a tea�•do�vn site or infill�arcel.The Cominittee shall review saict plans fat�: (a)Canforinance with the requirements ofttiis Article. (b)�onfoi�tiaur,e�vitli tl3e Desigrr Garidelirres fof•Resitle�ttitrl Tec��clo�vtrs Qricl Ii f Il f'crf•cels. � (c)Compatibiliky�vith the existing chai�aeteristies of the site and surraunciing a�•ea. (d)CoinpRtibility with the architecture style and cl�aracter of existing buildings alang the same street. � 1 i (s}Confoi-►nance�vith the goats and objectives of the Official Comprehensive Plan,the I�owntow�i. Plati,and the Historic Preseivation Plan of the City. Sec,7-i97.Application to Appe���Befare the Teardown Com�uittee. Applications to appear vefore the Teardo�vn Conunittee shall be oii forms provided by the City. Every applieation slial[iuclude as a�niniu2um,the ite�ns indicated an tl�e applicatian,and a filing fee of$175. Sec.7-198.TcaY•do�►-u Canimittee Review Process. (a)Sirb�rrittnl;Meeti�rg dr�te. Upon receipt of a completed ariginal application ta appear befare tl�e Teardo�vn Cs�i�unittee and six copies,a date shall be established foi•a public ineeting and fhe copies of tlie ap�licatioi�shall be failvarded to the tneiYif�ers af tl�e Tearda�vn Colnmittee. (b)tValiee of Gt�rttr��e�zcer��etit of Der��oliliari o��Constr•rrctiorr. The applic�nt sl�all cause notice of tl�e pi�oposed cier�laIition or consttuction: (l}WitEiin seve�i days after submitting a completed application to appear be£or•e the Teardo��vn Cominittee,the applicat�t must pi•ovide notice of tl�e penciing deniolitio�i o�•construction,by ceitified n�ail,retu�•n�•eceipt,ta ttie o�vner(s)of all pi•opei•ties directly abutting the site ar ac�•ass a sti•eet,alley or atlier��ublic uJay. A list of tl�ese prapeiTy o�vners shall be submitted�vith the a�plication, and must be ap�a��oved by the City priar to maiiin�. Cittrent otvnership(taxgayer)infQrination cai�be obtainecl at the McHem°y County Assessor's Office,G67 Ware Road,Waodstock,Illinois GOU98, [815]3'34- 4290.Postal Return Receipts(white inailing receipts and gceen rehiin cards}fi•om ttie cei•tified n�ailing sl�all be pr•ovided to tl�e devalopnient depa��trnent�vithin fauirteen days after saic�mailing occurs. (2}Within seven days after submitting a completeci application to ap�eat�befoi•e tlie Teardown Gointnittee,the a�plicaiit must post tt�e subject prope��ty,in a pro�nit�ent place,with a sigY.� announcing sucli cona�nencement.The size,sltape,cotor and message of such sign sltall be as �rovided by the deveiopment depAi�tment. Such sign shall include notice that the rules and��egul�tions applicable to cienialition and construction�voi•k are available at tl�e development depart�i�ent. Sucl1 si$i1 sttall be rnaintained on tt�e s�bject property until all�vork on the sublect�roperty has b�en aom�leted and appraved,or until removal of the sign is approved by the I7irecto:•of Construction aticl Neighbat�liooci Seivices De�artment. (3)'Nu demalition or construction on a teardown site or infi4l parcel sl�all oceur uz�til sixty days aft�r t�ie natice requirements af t��is Article have been fulfilled or an applicatian is approveci by the Te�rdo�vn Coiru�rittee,�vluchevsr occurs last. (c)Puhlic Meetirrg. The Teardotvn Cotiui�ittee shal(hotd a pttblic tneetitig to conside3•tlie �pplicatio��.No ineeting shall be held in the absenee of a quorum,��vlueh sha11 consi�t of three ineYnbers of the Comn�ittee.During the meeting,an applicar�t inay pi�esent�vit��esses ta speak o�i behalf of theil�project and the Coniu�ittee shall have tlie right to c�uestion the applicant and a«y �V1tI1�3S�5. (tt� 7ecr►�clo�s>>r Carrtrrritice Decesio�ts. The Teardo�vn Committea sliatl�•ender a c�ecision on an ap�lication,passed by a majority ofits�nembei•s in attendat�ce,at the elose of th�public meeting. The Co���mit�ee shall approve, appA•ove�vitli conditions,or deny an applicatioii based aii the criteria l�e�•ein, Tl�e Con�unittee inay not defer vc�ting on any applicatian for mare than one meeti«g u��less tiie �p�licaiit agrees to aiiy further postponement.Applicatians appi•aved, approved tvith conditipns,or clenied shali be farwarcied to the development de�arhnent anci kept on file. (e)Resula�rrrssrorr. No application that has been denied by the Teardo�vn Cam�uittee sh�ll�ie resubmitted tivithin one year of the date of denial,except oi�the grounds of ne�v facY�3al evicienee or�a change iu conciitions fotiincl to be valid!�y the Teardo��vn Coiiunittee. Sec.7-199.Appcals of Teardo�vn Cominittee Decisiou. Any applic�nt aggcieved by a ciecision c�f tt�e Tearda�vn Com�aiittee tnay appea}ta the City C'ouncil. (a}Nolice ofAppe�l. A notice of appeal shall be fited��ith the cievelopment clepartinent�vit(tin thirty days af thc decision being appealed, The notice sl��tl include the name,address aud telepho�ie nucnber of the person filing ttie appeal,the address of tlte�ropeily affected by the ciecision beii�g appealed,identification of ttie sectioti of the ordinance gavec•ning the decision being a���eRled,a statement of the grounds upon�vliieh the appeal is based, the reasai2 given by the Teardown Gamn�ittee for the decision, a summa�y of factual evicienee upo1��vhich tlie appeal is based,anc��11 plans and speeifications of the use af�'ected by the decision being appealed. (U)Sta,��of Praeeedings. The filing of a Notice af Appeal shatl stay all proceedings in furthei�a�ice af tlte action appealed f.rom. (c)He�ri•ittg t�ud Actiola. U13on receipt,tlie development departtnent sl�atl transmit the Natice of Appeal and the complete reca�•d of the decisioYi to the City CounciL Tl�e Council shatl fix a i•easonable time for a l�earing on tlie appeal ancl sliall give a�nifumum of ten days notice ta the pai�ty filiiYg the I���ice. (d}A��rov�!C�•ite�•rrr fof•Appeals. Tlie Council sliall reverse the ordei•a�pealeci only if it finds that tlie decisioli al�pealed: 1)�vas arUitrary or capt•icious;or 2}rvas based on an ei7•oneot�s fiutiing af a �naterial fact;oi•3)constit�xted afi abuse af disci•etion; or 4}�vas based on eironeous intelpretatioF�of this Article. �ec.?-ZOt},La��dmark ComEnissiou Access fo Struc#ures for Salvage Purposes. Pi•iot�to tlxe demalition af any shucture on a ieaz•da�vn site or infill parcel,the pro��et•ty o�t�lier sliall grarYt to th.e City of McHenry Landma�•k Canunission�eimission to access such stMucture{s) fot�t}ie putpose of salvagi�ig iterns that may be of historicat signific�nce.These ite�ns.tnay be placed into a ��iuseum far display puipases or sald to x•aise funds for historical p��servation activities in the City. Sec. 7-2U1.Permit Time Lirnit. No pe1-�nit ot•appraval for a teardown site or infill parcel made pursuant to this chapter af th� 1�Iunieipal Cacle shall be valid for���eriod of fnare than one year af�er the date of issuance.The fee far any rene�val or re-issE�ance af any peimit or approval shall be the same cost as th�origi�ial pei�nit of appt�oval. Sec.7-Z02.Re���ired Plaus and Specificntions for Obtaining a Bui[ding Permit. Every E�uildin��erniit a}�plication foY•a teardo�vn site or infill parcel shatl iuclude the follo�ving��lairs and s��ecifications: (a)Bttitdi�tg Pl�ns ntirl Specificatinrts. (i)If tl�e application inctuctes deinolitioi�of a principal stiuctui�e,the application sliali inciutie builciing plans and specifications,pre��ared i�i eompliance with the p��ovisions af ttlis Chapter, for any stcucttu•e to be b�tilt on the subject�ropei�ty. {2)If coi�tamencen�ent af eonstru.ction of sueh st�ucture is not�laluied or daes no occu�•�vitfun 3Q days after cotnpletion of deuiotition,the ap�lication also sha1L include a c�etailed site�•estaration plan as providecl in si�bsection(b)of this section. t6}Site�estoraFior�Pla�rs arrd Specificc�tio�r. If the ap�iication includes demalition af a p��i�ic�pal stiuchn•e�nd co�runencement of cansfxuction f a ne3v sttucture is nat planned ar does nat Qccur �vithin 30 days after completian of demolition,the application shall inclucie a detaited site�•estoratio�� � plan ctepicting all��rork reyuired to restoi•e tlie subject propei�ty,�vithin 30 days afte�•conipletit�n of � decnalitian,tcr a safe,clean condition taitit construction of a ne�u structure has eomiixenced, � including,�vit�iout liniitation,backfilling afany excavation,gr�ding,s�eding,fencing,stc�t•in�aate�� ` �nanagement,etc. (e)Sto��»t}vrrte�'MCi1TC1�61ttEi11 QI1CI SOII SCC�l1718)11QI1011 C[ll(�Et'OS1Oft COttfl•ol Plarr,s. ltt addiYian to all ot�er City depart�nental re�lations, ox�dinances,plans and speeifications,the�ercnit application sha[�. include d�tAiied plans ai�d specifications for stoirti water inanagement,soil e�•asion cant�•ol ai�d g�•acling an flie subject��ropeiTy. Such plans anc!specifications shall be on a dra�vin�separate fro�n all ottzer�Ians and s�ecifications labeled as"stoi7n�vatec•management plans° andloi•"soil sedimentatian � f and erosion cantrol plans". Such plans and specifica#io�rs shall be�repai�ed by a professional engitxeer,sliall be matle in confoirnance�vitl�th�requireinents of thc City's subdivision and engi�ieeriri�guide and shall inclucie a cei�tificatian by the applicant,in a f�i7n provided by the Gity, ' tl�at�ll requii•emecits af the City's codes,ordinaTices, and regulations related to storiii�vater ' inaz�agement,soil e►nsion control and gi•ading shait be satisfied Uy the appliearit at all ti�nes.Aznong otlier detai(s,the required storin�vate�•management pla��s shall inclucle: (1}Draina,�e plans and soil erosion cantrol cfuring c�emolitian,if any. ', (2)Star�ii tivater management and sail erasion control during any period of time bet«�een completia�t of de�iiolitiar�and comme��cement of constiuction. {3)StoY•r�i�vates�management and soil erosion control,coltunencing with tlie pi•eparation for ', found�tion pou�•iz�g ancl co�itinuing dua�ing the entire ne�v const�uctioii process z�ntil final grading af '' the st�bject p�•ope�#y. (tl��ccessrbilr`ry, Pcrr kirtg alyd Loarli�tg Pl�r�rs. The pei•niit agplication shall include separate platis:and s��eci�cations,shotiving tl�e location of all work affecting,and all parking and loading activities plailned to take piace of�,public streets,sidewalks,and othe;•rights-of-�vay. Such�1�Zis aixi speeificatior�s sliall inetude,but not be linuted to the: (�)Lacation of paveinent,sidetivalks aud h•ees that may be affectect by the proposed�,vo�•k; (2)Imp�ct on sueh pave���ent,side�valks and trees; (3)Praposecl location far all parking of contractoi•and�vorker v�hicles; (4}Pi•oposed lacation of aily lo�ding or unloading activities,inclu�ing concrete ta occur�vithin any t•ight-of-way; (5}Proposed locatian ofthe geavel mat requireci by section 7-205(c); (6}Proposed feneing oi•other protective measui�es;anci {7)TeuZporal•y pavement ar ather tempora�y accessibility measui�es. �8�I�Ct�61 lCIIS G77fI S�l01IS S101�age Plm�s. The pei�niit applieatiori sliall iticlude plans depicting tl�e p�-+a�osed location for sto��age of matei•ials and spoils on the subject prope��ty that are consistent�vzth City soil and sedimentation and erosion control requireii�ents. ; {fl Drrst atrt!Air�bor�re Prr�liele Carrtrot. The�ermit ap��lication shail include pi•ovisions for conh-alling dust and other aii•barne particles fibin the subject property,including,�vithout li.tnitation, a source of�vater and s�raying equip�nent,and any athei•measui�es ta be taken to contral aii•boi�tYe par�ticles. Sec.7-203.Tencirig. ' (a)If a perrait issued by the Ciry authorizes demo}ition or constiuction of a ne�v structure,then t}ie a�plicatit shall install a six-foot chainlink fence araund the perimeter of the stiucture unde�• eonstrueeion,ai•ouud the perimeter of the entire sire,or around the pe�•imet�r af adjacent stiue�ri��s cancuj•rently uirder constiuction,and suc12 installation shall be in a locatian and manner app��oved by the develop�i�et�t depattment.The fencing shalt be installed not more than seven days,i�or less than fazrr days before comn�encement ofany�voi•k on fhe subject propeirty,inciuciing mass�i•acling anct ft�e installation af site utilities,pwsuant to any�ermit issued by the City, Stach fencing shail reniain iu ; place uaatil a certi�cate of occupancy is issued for the stiucture.The IoGation of the perit7ietei'�£I1GIFIQ �nay be chang�d during ttie cotusti�uction period�vith the appi�val of the cievelopme�it depai�t�i�ent. , '"N�T�•esp�ssirig"signs shall be inounted on the fencing in conspicuous locations�i•ounci the site. {b)Any�Ate in a pe�7meter fence must be ctosed ftt all titnes,except to attow ingress and ega�ess to anct fi•om the site. Sucli gate inust be locked at all tinies,other than peirnitted hours of consti�uction, �nd at ai�y other tirne�vhen no woi•k is being perfoi7ned on the site,for exunple Sunday or holidays. , (c)�encing, as pi•�avicied in this seetion,shati also be required around any activity,whethei•a l�uilding ' pei•�nit is reqtrired or nat,�vhei•e constivction or landscaping tnAtei�ials are stored or stackpiled. (d)In addition to perimeter fencing as rec�uireci in this seetion,tlie pei7uit applicant sliall cause safety fencing to��installed around eveiy fi•ee iu the park�vay abutting the su�jecC propei�ty. Suc[i tree , i fencing sI1al1 be located,as far as feasible,at the ctri��line�f the tcee,�vherher on public o�•private I property;p�•avided,lta�vevec, tf�at this subsection sh�ll not be constiued or applied to autlioi•ize pla�eEner�t of tree fencing on�riv�te propei•ty not o�vi�ed by the applicant,unless proper per���ission far such h�ee fencii�g has been secured from the p�•o�erty ownet•by the ap�licant,If placemetrt of tree � fencing is not feasible at the dripline of tlie ti•ee,theii suc1Y fencing shail be insta[led in a location � appt�ovec3 by the develo�ment depatrtiner�t. {ej When a violaifon of this section is oUseived, the per�nittee,general contcactor,or praperty o�vnei• � sl��ll be notifed pro�nptly and shall eorrect the vialatioz��vithin hvo haucs ofreceiving notice thereof j Ifthe vialation is not cot�•ected, the City shall I�ave tlie right,but nor an obligatio��, to coreect tl�e ' vio�ation.The costs anci fees associated�vith such corrective actioiY shall be charged to tlie pe��nittee a�•��ro��e�ty awner,aiid tlie City may plaee a lien on the prope��ty to collect sueh costs.The City siiail also have the rigl�t ta isstte an immediate stop work oc•der apt�licable to tlie site until compliance is achieuecl and/o�•the costs,fees or fines are paid. Se�,7-204.T3•ee Re�zioval Fee. A fec�f`$50 per inc}�calipe�•shall be paid at tl�e tifne afpe�•mit issuanee,for any tree having a cali�er of 10" az•�a�ore, lueasured 4" fi•om the ground tliat is reYnaved fi•om a teardocan ar inf I1 site.Tlie fi�ze fot•relnovin�any tree not specified on an approved pern�it shall be$500,�lus$250 far every indi calip�r. �ec.7-205.SifC MA11A�'CIllCtit Stt1IItIAi•ds. The foltowifig site manageinetit stanciards shall a�ply to all�vork: (a)Accessibility,F�rr•ki�rg a�rd I..oa�lirrg. No pavement or side�valk�vithin any public right-of-rvay shall�e unavailable fox•publie use at any tiine,except when sucli pavement or sitletvatk is reii�c�ved � an�t re�laced.Na such pavetnent or sidewalk that is reuioved and x�e��laced shall be out of se►viee for ixtore than three days�uifhout the prioc•approval of the developrnent clepai�#ment.T'�o�arking, loading, or storage af ctemaliticrn clebris,soil oi•coristruction materials shall be peix�7itted�vithin any right-of- �vay,or�any}�ubIic propei•ty or�vithin ten feet of any right-of-�vay adjacent#o puhlic or�n�ivate propei•ty,uttless specifically approved by the City and sho�vn on appibved accessibiiity plans as rec���i�•eci by section 7-202(d}. The City may prohibit parking in any pat•ticular locatioi�on a put�lic right-of-way if the City detei•nunes that such parking has an adverse impact on neighboi�ing prope��ty or t��a#'fic cor�trol. All uses of vehicles shall compiy�vi#h applicable codes related fa parking anci tii�7e ofs��e�•ation afvehicles. (b}�'r��•tie�rl�tte Co�atf•aL Aii�ba��ne pa�rticles shall be c�ntralled at the subjec�propei�ty at all ti�i��s ciut�ing work by means of a�vater tiuck and spraying equipment or otlzei•�vater so�.trce capable pf sp�`aying and tlio�•ou�;hly saturafing all portions of t}ie st�uctuce anci suri�ounding pra�erty affected by the tivork. �uch spraying sh�ll be undei�taken at�11 tiines as necessary to thoraughly cantt•ol the ci•eation ac�d riligration of aii•borne partic3es, iticluding,�vithout liinitation,dust,fi•om the su�ject p��ope�-ty. (c) �rf�i�el M�rt. Wlien cletermined by th�City Enginee�•ta be appropriate ai�cl�raeticable, tl�e applicant shal(cat�se a gi•avel mat to be installed on the subject prapei-ty,of a size and ick a Iacatioti st�fficient to lvast�da�vn alt vehicles used on the subjeet p��opei�ty ancl ta cause dirt anci tx�ucl to be remaved fi•om the tiz•es af sueh vehicles.The gravel i�iat shall be locateci so as not to interfe►•e with ai�y tise by the put�lic of the public rights-of-���ay and not to cause any nuisance oi•inconvenience to � acijacent��ublic ar private pro�et-ty. (d}Str�titrrt�an facilities. A po�-tabie toilet shall be prc�vided at eve►y site of const��uc#ioY�af a new pri�ieipRl st�•i�cture, or acidition thereto,prior to the con�menccme�it af conskiuction,utiless an existing faeility is auailabie on the canst�uction site.The proposed l.ocation af any pprtable toilet sliall be depieted on�lans sabFnitted at t12e ti�ne of application for the revietv and approval of t}te buiiciing de��a�-tuleiit,so ttiat the tocation shall have the least possibls impact on adjaceat pra�xer�ties. , � I i . � ) {e)Litter afitd De��•is Corrtt•ol arid Clea��rrp. Littlei•and debris at the subjec#pro�erty shaIl t�e cont�=oIlecl at all times.The applicant shall ctesignttte a peison re�ulacly preseiit at the subject propei�ty as havii��res}�onsibility to assure that no littei•ot�debris leaves the subject pi�perty and that�al litter anc�clebr•is is removed fi•oii�the subject property 6efore the etid of every day, including�veekends, anci re�ardless af�vhether work�vas conductect that day on the subject p��opei�ty,The peimit sl�all s�ecify the location of the duY�ipstej;as approveci by tlze Conshuctian and Neighborltood Setviees Depaitment. ��St�'LGl t1TiCI,StlIG'1t�lYIJC CI8pi11ilg. The applicant stiall cause all dirt,mud,gravei,ancl otl�er debx•is fi•otn t��e stxbject property or related.to any wax�k coi�ducted on the subject pi�aperty to be cleaned regula��ly fi•om all sicle�valks and st��eets adjoin.ing anci in the area of the subject pi�operty on every d�y that canstrucfiQn occurs on such property. {g}�ttt��r.flutltor-iz�zCiolr. No��ex•init issued pursuarit to tttis chapte�•sha11 autl�orize o�•be constn�ed to Tuthorize any eittiy onta propei�ty adjoining the subject p�•operty oi•any 4vark fai•tivllic[i entry onta proi�ei�ty adjoining tlie subject pinpe��ty is or n�ay be necessaty,unless a proper right of entry has been secured fi•oin the owner of such�roperty. (h)Sto�r1r tYciter hfcrrr�egenre�rt. Storm tivater sliall be managecl dt�ring all phases af dernolition a�id new eonstruction so as not to impact adjacent prapeirties ancUor�ublic rights-of-�v�y in accordance �vith the requirements of tl�e subdivision anci enginee�•ing guide. (i} l3'cz.ste►vater�Discha�ge, No pe►•san shall randeitake any work pursua�lt ta a pei�n�it issued under this cl�apte�•from�vhich the discharge of any tivas#ewater will be caused or assoeiated,urithout prioi° ap�roval of the Direetoi•of Public Works. It shall l�e ttie duty of the person untlertaking aizy s«ch �vork to d'u•ect all tivastetivater flo�v to the pai�ticular•Iocation designated by the Puhlic Works De�ai•tment.I�io pei-son uiidet-taking sucl��vork shall cause or allotv Any cemefit tiuck rva�h to be discharged anto any public pr�operty o into any catchbasin ar at�ier City se�ver facility. {j}Li�rritativrts ofNvise. Al1 work undeitaken��ursuant to a perinit issued under this Aifiicle shall be subject to the pi�ovisions of Municipal Coc�e Chapter 14,Section 14-8 t�erein,related to the liiiiitations c�n noise.Fuithec,no persan sl�all operate ar cause to be operated a�iy radio,pllonograph, telecotnirtunications device nor other such object at such a valume or in any other manner that tivould cause a uuisanee or disturbance to any person.Every cor�t�•ac#or nnd permittee shall he i•espansibtc for all acti�ns of their emplayees,agents,and subcantractoi•s under tllis subsectian,and shall be liable foz•�lI violati�ns of tlie provisions af tl�is s�ibsection commi.tted by sucl�employees,age�ts,or suhcontt•actors. (k}Pe�°afrissible Hour s of Co�rstr^rre#iorr. All�vork�ande��taken pursuant to a per►nit issu+�d under this AY�ticle ntay oocur onty bet�veen the follawing hours: 1)7:Q0 a.m, -8:00 p.tn. on�veekdays 2� 8:00 s.m. �4:00 p.m. Saturdays. ; �ec.7-2Q6.Gommencemetit of Constrttctioi�or Site Restoratian. � � Eit�ier const�•uction of an appi•oved aiew stiuctuce stiall have coimi�enced,ar ths subjee#p�•opeity sliatl l�ave been fu)ly restorecl in confoiynance�vith tl�e approved site restoi•ation pl�n,if any,or�vztli s��cli at�xer plan as niay be appraveci by the City,�vithin 30 clays a#}er the completion of the detnolitior�. S��ch 30-ctay�erioti may be extended by one day for every�usiness day that weat}�er conciitions ��revent consttucfion or restoration lvork on the subject property,as cietet�nined by t12e Dif•ectar t�f Canstiuctioi�and Neighboi•hoad Seivices Department. Sec.7-2Q7.Viotatians; Penalties. (a)Except as othef�yise indicatecl,any pet•san�vho violates,disobeys,o�nits,negiects, or�•efuses ta j coniply with vr resists the enforcemecit of any of the p�•ovisions c�f this article sliall�e fined not less � thaci�500,nor�nai•e than�1,000. Each day such violation or failiit�e to camply is permitted to exist aftet•notificatic�n thet•eof shall constitute a separate c>ffense. € t � � (b)No�ertificate of occupancy shall be issued for any constiuction undei�aken in conjt�netion�vith � tl�e provisians of this aiticle uiitil stich titne that all penalties and fines have been resolv�d to the � satisfaction af the Director of Consti�uction ancl Neigti�orhaod Seivices Dep�ctment. � Sec 7-208-7-215.Reserved. � 1 � 1 � f E � � iE I t i E � t I� "YC c¢`�iNs�P .+t.w�l.w+*Mrs' wm'n�a^az �nF z_.. _.�.�.usu.a�ev uw....�.tw- � � 1 S ti��� � I � � : � ��� � 3, � �� � � � �� E }M a i � �P � �,.d :�- �.. .€.;.�+a.. . .. , . . .., . , .. . . „. , a, � ... ...... . .. :....�.... . :w::_. .. .. ... .. .... - . , a 2�,... ;,.a�:� ..x, . , . ..:ky�k:L' ,. . . k 6 � �, F � �� � D�SIGN GUIDELINES � � �t� for RESIDENTIAL � .: ' TE�IRDO�WNS and �NFILL FARCELS � ��. � � .� � � � City of McHenry � � . � � � q a �u �.y���^i�Y, • ±�N,�.�''� Jf I ,gf �4. ;� ' � • �•t,�Y 11��n)�' . . '! . ,K r.� .�. .� �� .t�; �•''� ��'t�+s �,. € f a „' � `� . >; � t {" i � [ ���� ;i t � 1 R i i< � a � � i � � ! j ! i � C E Rugust 2005 � �...��:�.��� ��� �.ua.. �� � ,.. -�� ,�� w,� ������:_ �... � � . e��� �.��. _......__.�_. _.:�- d�..� � � , .�,..., ...... ,� „r�.,:: � E 1 ���� �,�,.rv.. _ n � �,.������.����� ,.. ._ �.�....� ��. _ �a�,��n�,��u<� Page 2 t This doaument was creafed by the City of McHe�ry Coznmunity Deuetopment Depa�tment. For additional informatian please calt 815.3B3.2170 ; �esf€�� ���d�if��� f�r� T'����c�c�stiai 'F��rdoF��i� �r�d �xyf311 ParccYs, G`ity vE [��:�e��r� � ���u�m� .,....m��.�..��.:��,. .,.-��. �..���.��� _.,... ._ �. _.�,s,��. ... - __�_s�,.��:.� �7-���� :�� Page 3 �'���1� �� Cor�fe�t� � fntroductlon............................................................................................................................................................4 Definitions....................................................... .......................................................................................................5 DesignGaldetines.................................................................................................................................................5 � � SftvGonsiderations........................................................................................................................................6 i f BuDcling 5cate and Massing...........................................................................................................................8 ; BuilclingDesign..............................................................................................................................................�3 � G�tages............................................................ ..,.,,...............,...........,,......................,.............................10 : FrnntYard Landscaping.................................................. E ....................... ....................................................1.Cf E Adm(nistrative Repuirements............................................................................................................................11 � Resources............................................................................................................................................................12 ! Acknawiedgments.......................................................................................................................................13 � 3�e�ic�t� Gt�idel�x�es ftrz Rcsicte�tti�l `�'e���dc���•r�s �;ri�i Ittf�Il Parcaic, t'i#}� c�� �=�c��rtay i s,���.; �� r � � >�,„ .�... ��<._».., . � � 'ga-`� �..��� A�..z__�__�a�. �..ow:� .. ^-�:,�.. F ��. ,. .,���., ,.�..,< �:;.�.u., �.< <<.,r�,<�., � . � ( � � � r.�...� 3w�K__�� ..� ��.�. �..�.�,�.e� d.0���.�.� „�R.,�.���.����� ..�.�����..,.��._.�, ����..s_�� ���. ����., � Page 4 I E E � I�ttY����tlL�Il E � � he City of McHenxy has a xich history of �� residential developznent dating back to the rnid-1800`s. It's loaation, wide range of �-- empl�yment opporfunitiesf and unparalleled ac- cess to recreational opporfunitiss make McHenty ��',,� ' _ . , b�;; � � .�.,, ; a desirable plaee fo live,work and play. T�te pxesent city af McHenry was settled in 1836 wIth the first log cabin builf on what was the L.C. Gates property,just wesk af the current Riverside - tR� �= I?rive. In 1$3?, fhe Village of McHenry was the first tr�wn or village Iaid out in the newly created MeHenry County and became the County Seat. MeHenxy was incarporated as a village in 1872. Fifty-ar�e years later, in 1923,McHenry was incor- ! porated as a City. McHenry flourished as a resort area because of the Fox Rivex and took the title, "Gateway to the Chain af Lakes." Its stability is awed ta the farmers who settled here. The Caunt's House,3813 W.Weukegan Road 7hfs Greek Rev)vol style msidence ts befreved to have been buiit prror to the Grit War, Caunt Oscar von Oberstodt lived here witfi Housiit� opportunities abound in MGHenry, his family In the t 410's. 7he home was piuced an ttia Na�ionaf Nevsrer subdivisians are eurrentl}r being COri- Register o(Histaric Ptaces in l481. struc#ed on vacant farmland and fhese new homes ' ofEer th�space and amenities that today's home buyers seek, However, this can place the City's ex- isting hausing stock at a disadvantage, especialty those homes located in the alder dawn#own areas. ' l�s these alder homes seli, the new owners may be temptsd to renovate, remodel or rebuild, And while the City can benefit from these changes, it is�znpoxtant to snsure that this zedevelopment wiT2 anaintain and enhance the qualities that make McHenry a desirable place ta live. New aonstructian rrtust blend wifh the existing character of the area. It must be coznpatible wxth ihe architectural de- sign, scale and cantext af the existing residential properties, which surround it. �n oxder ta accaxn.- ptish tttese gaals and take fu11 advantage of the historp o#the area, City afficials believe it is neces- sary to adopt these guidelines. ' These Design Guidelines are intended to serve as a guide far property owners, architects, �iesign- ers, developers and cantractoxs intending to remove and reconstruct a xesidential property, az to develop vacant smaller pieces af property in estabiished areas of the City. There are twa types of sites on which these guidelines wiit apply. One is a teardown site. Teardown sites currently have a viak�le x�sidence on them. However, the residence does not meet the space or amenity needs of the owner and is ta b� torn down and replaced with a new home. The second is a vacant or nnderuti- lized site. It may have been passed over an the natural course of development or its si2e or shape may�e a constrainf ta develapment. This is a site that may have a building on it,bat it has been va- cant so long that it cannot be xepaired, ox it may be being used as a parking lot ar starage ar�a. �'or whatever reasons these parcels are currently underdeveloped, this booklet will assist with redevel- opment, b�s3q�t #���la��;IzFte� ��r lt�s�de�atial `ie�sr���°rna «��� Irtfiti P�rcels, f'fiy csf C�Sc�3�i�xy �,� .;��.-�..�.. �..:�:�� ......�...... .�� , ............. .�,,m.::. .::•:' ;S�»„m"' - .,3�.�q`.s��,.,w».,»...�..��:. :..,..�U° "':':,..�...�� - r.. �,^,""`w..�._.w�"��z .. .....�. �..,i.�«...p . ._....�.. ��m Fa��_��.��.� ����t��IQI�S The foll�wing definitions will detail what properties are to be cansidered teardown sites oz infill par- cels: Teardown: A teardown property is one that qualifies as an older,existing residence. The ex- � isting x�sidential structure will be razed and removed fro�m the site and a new r�sidential buitding wiIl be constructed in its place. Inf:I,�: An infill site is vacant,underutiIized or contains a building that has been unoccupied for an extended amount of time. The parcels boundaries sha21 have remained consisfenf far a minimum of 10 years. An iniill site wilt z�eed ta meet as manq of the current aode require- menfs as possible without making the site unbnildable. ��s�c��� ��i�e�i�les The following pages are design guideline�for teardown sites and infill parceis. Th�se standards will provids the criteria by which City Boards, Commissions and Staff wiil evaluate d�ve�apznent plans far consistency with the existing established areas o#the Gify. Sife� C`orrs.irleralivns Wh�n iaying out a new hame, the exzsting characteristics af the site and surr�unding area should be cc�nsidered. The new home should reflect the characfer of the site upan which it is located, F"actor� fo consider inclucie the context af nearby sCrucfures, existing mature trees and other v�getation,anci topography. � • ,f'rnrnn!Yard�Sethacks In gen�rat, the new hame should maintain the front building line of existing adja�eant harnes (See Figure 1). Even if the dimension for"a"is less than the current required front setback for new constructian, no variance wiil be needed, because the construction will fall under these guidelines and existing language in the 2oning Ordinance. When the front building line of adjacent structures is not the same,an average shouldbe used {See fYgure 2). Tnis new se#back dimension wi12 not require a variance beca�se it will fall un- der these guidelines and existing language in the Zoning Ordinance. ♦ Side Yard�el�acks VVh+�xe#here is a cansistent side yard setback established on a bloak,a new home shall match the �xisting se#back pattern (see FYgure 3}. As lot width increases, khe side yard sefback should increase proportionaiiy to reduce mass and provide mare appropxiate separation from adjacent buildings. For example, if the majority of existing hoxnes are oz�a SO'vsride lot and a new home is pxaposed on a 100' wide 2at, the required side yard setback sh4uld in:- crease by two. (see F'igure 4) � � � I',��i�,� C�dai�cli��es [qr ��esideci#iat `�'rard��rtts ��ac' l�'t�"�ti i'�»rr,�Es, ��g� taf FrI��T�p�ry �,.�«.��x � .., E ��� .�,.�,., �..����� � _. .., ee.�,.. ����,��. ,,,..�� ._���.�-�__w �. ��� . .,.�� �. .... ...�_.. �s�,���....:�� _:� � i � i I I , � Page 6 ,�,�� �»��.� �, �. ..,.�.. .. . �v. �_�, w.��. ,..�, .�,�� .�.��.���� ���lt�t� �i1.11E���IIt�" � Slfe Cvns,�rlerafivns, Cor�t � � � � , � � � � , I � � � � r f � � � � I � � � � � I 1 I 1 ! a a+b �^ a a a I 2 b — — ---1--- �_ � ----� — � NeSv Str•uttures Should STAEET New Struct�res Shauld be sTRE�' Maintatn the Front 5etback an Average of tha Bailding Line of Existing Front Buffd�ng L€nes o{ Adjacent Hames Existing Adjacent H+omes i Ftgure t. Front Yard Secback Figure 2. Front Yard SQtback C , , � � � I I I � , , , I I r � � � I I t 1 � � � � �b� � r a b 2a a b a b a b a b a b � W As lot width fncreases,the side Ncw Structures Sh4uld yard setback shoutd increase pro- Maintain the Established STREET portiona0y to rede�ce mass and srtteeT Side Yard Setback of f pravide more appropriate separa- Existing Adjacent Names don from adjacene buiidings I i Flgure 3.Consistent Side Yard Setback Flgure 4.Increased Slde Yard Set- ♦ BnJ/rl!llfllieYdGf � When pianning fhe layout of a new home an a teardown site or infill parcel, there are several factors to aonsider; o The topagraphy of the site should be taken into account when planning the layout af a new hame. Design the home to take advantage o£existing grade ck�anges for Ioakout or walk- � out features. The existing grade should not be significantly modified to acaommodate a ; x�ew home. � � �Je�i����� �e���€��I3rt��� �ts� it���€?cr�t4�r�t `!'t°�rdr�t�ns �r�t� It�fil� ���h��r.el�� �3ty �f �tei��nry �_��.._������ �w , � �-",.�. , .._.. _ . � _ �.__y _.,..W���,. �..a� �.« �.�..,. ��...� ���. .. .u�, . ��� ���� .�x ,.�,�� ��.��s�.�� �>_�r_����..��d _�-.���� � �,������., .�..���_ _z .�„r�� _.�� -�,_�..��a� Page 7 �esic�� ��i�eli���� �'ile Cons}deralions, �'ant. �o Presexvation of exieting mature trees is strangly encouraged. Normally, a home can be ' cox�figuzed in several different ways. Always choose the configurafian that will preserve trees and have the least impact on the sife (see Figure 5). Place windows to take advan- ' tage af the view provide by mature frees and rregetation. Also, refer to the requirements af the City's Tree Freservation ordinance. a Imperviaus surface should be kept to a minimum. Remember that the k�uiidi�►g will x�at be the only non-porous surface on the Iat. A drivaway and pathways are requir�d and decksl patios and built-in pools axe other items that are frequently added in the#uture. fl Consider all available options for garage and driveway plaaement. The different types af garages a�railable to use are discussed latex in this document. Again, choose the c�nfigu- ration thaf wilt preserve trees and have the Ieast impact on the site. . ....__.__. .�. _ ______. _ _ . .____.__�___ , __ _.____ __.._..___ � � � � i �- � �`..� � � � � ; -- E �,`,Fa � �. �o. � '��.� �,. , . �f�. � �E� +'r;�. '�fi4 i � `tl,t\ 3 � _ _. ` � i � ' � � � � � � �i \ � \ a tr.. = ! �` � 1_• � f [ � Q 14�� F � € �k � �v� 1 1 S �..i j f `..,F 4 _ � -i � �,. �. ...� �� .._•. __... ..........�.. ......._... �...... : ... .' _..., . ..._..,_ _._. _._..... ,...............� Paor Stte layout Good Sice Layouc FJgure 5. Building Layout t 1/fi/iltes ' I�tewly iristalled utility services and serviae revisions necessitafed by new construction shall be underground. ', ♦ lifeclranica/L'ovipment Mechanical equipment ar other utility hardware shall be screened fram viet+u� by materials compatible with the building or with landscaping. �3rsi�t� t�ui�l�li��� for {�esid�rnliat �'car�o�s�s ���d I��6i1! P�sreela, Ci�� t�f I�ici�����r� t. .��.. .. .,d���,.__��_. ::.�� ,. .�.e�. ..�.�...e�. ���..:.. �,. . �...� .. .. ..;,�.�. .._..w..�._.u,.___� ..�.�x�r^, '. .. . ..�, �.����..��., �..�,� .�.��.-.,���,.�� 1'age 8 � �,._ ...,.>.»� .,...,,.W,��.� �..�.a,...,�<..�.�_.E,,�n�,.,������,�..�_-��<��s�� ��sic�� G��ic��iir�es Bu�ld�'na SCale anaf lilassirta When designing a home, the scale (heiqht and width) and mass of existing buildings along the street shouid be respected. The average height and widfh of nearby buildinys can be used fo determine a general set of proportions for a new residential building (See Figure 6). A new home need not always be the same height as its neighbars, but is should visually relate to the establisk�ed roof line. Details such as sloping roofs, wider horizontal #rizn, and crafted wood trim at the end of gsbles can bring the scals of a new home down. Care should aisa be#aken to creat�a residence with sirnilar square footage or appear to have similar squaze foo#age to the existing residences{See Figure T). � I ( I I � i i r � � ! 1 1 1 I � I I �— — � —i— --i- IVew home asing simitar pro- Street ' portions as existing homes Flgure 6. Butfding Propontans ' Additlonal square footage � $ide entrY � behEnd the structura E � garage '—� �'` � ' I 1 I � E i f ' 0 I I ) 1 I 1 ! I t I � ' . , _- , � I 1 t _1_._:_._._._._.—.—•l..•---._._._._._.J._._._._._._._._.1... ' i View from street � ' Flgure 7. New Home Having Appearance of Similar Square Faotage to Exist'sng Homes ' 1�����{�ti �k€��r��t�r��s ��� ���ic�ez�tf�I Tea�d�j����� �s�c� �a�fiil �uraels, C£€} o� f�t��Eerr�xy ��, �,��,.,. a.�,��> �,..��.4��� -----�.�_.�.�� . � . �,� � �.�.r�..e ,.. ..... .3 ,.. ,..x.au .au .,, . .. .. >,. ... c n2�.i��`�.�.�it.Ew. . ........... .. �� � Page 9 ��„ _ i t ���i��� ��i��li��� ( Build3rer�Des}gn The design af a new home should be compatible with the style and character of its surraund- � ings. t Axehitecfural sfyle is not restricted, however, extremes of style, or attempts to recreafe a style unc2taracteristic with the neighborhood are discauraged. ♦ Th�entry of the home shauld serve as the facal point. Doors and windows should be simi- lar in size, praportion and alignment based on the architectural style of the building, ancl to those on adjacent homes. ♦ The uss of front porches is encouraged.Garage doors faaing a street shall be minitnized to the g�reatest extent possible fhrough the use of increased setbacks ar speeial design. elements. ♦ A variety of roof lines shall be used. In general, gable, gambrel, or hip xoofs ar� pre- ferred, Fiat roofs should be avoided. + Detaiis from adjacent buildings, such as the masonry work, eornice lines, windaw shapes and bulkheads should be reflected in the architeature. ♦ Construction materials such as brick, stone,vvood siding and shingles are preferred. Ma- ter'rals such as atuminum siding, aluminum paneis, mirrors or reflecfive glassa corru�ated fiberglass and metal are not considered appropriate. Aluminum, steel, or vinyl cased wot�d windows may be used, but should have an apprapriate finish and colox consistent with fhe overall color scheme. a All sides o€a home should receive design consideration. Projecting bays, dormers, and wra� around porches provide good arkiculation. Expanses of blank wall can also be sof- tened thraugh the use of landscape treatments such as foundation plantings ar tr�:llises. F'igure 8 below iltustrates several of the above items. Brick and sto�e �aried roof fines Archltectural details Entry as focal point Flgure 8. Build(�g Design � ��c g�g� f��s��ctine� fax I�c�si�niati�t '�'e�srdcsc�ns �.s�d Iraffl� �arc.�is, City �,i ��t����t�y � r�«....�� ..��ti�,.a .�..::�_.-. .a.:-�.� �._ __...�._. , ,,.��m���.:�.,s.... .. �..a..__.__.��w.a�� �..�� � � �.o��._.A.a� w. .��� � E � � � ��,�,.-� ..��-��,..-�--��.��..� :�, Page !0� � ��.�.a..� ___..m�„�, �-_.._w,,��.�.�,� � ���ic�� G��ic���ii��� �`arages ���_, �.._,.._ ,.._ A garag�should b�incorporated into the overall design of the new home. Garage daors that take up a large portion of the front fa�ade should be avoided. There are several garaga optians available for new homes,including: Tandem Garage Front Loaded Garage Side Loaded Garage Detached Garage Attached Garage to the Rear Caurtyard Style Garage If a front Ioaded garage is used, it should be setback farther frorn the sfreet than the main fxont wali,or incorporate design elements to reduce its visual impacts. Approprtate Garsge Design In��roprkte Girage O¢s�gn Flgure 4. Garage Examples Fra,nt Yard Larrdxcap�i�g Goad landscaping provides the setEing for a hame and will help the new building fit into an ex- isting z�eighborhood. A vaxiety of plant xnaterial should be used when designing the landscap- ing,inclutling trees, shrubs,groundcover and perennials. Hardscape rnatexials including brick and stone shouid be used for driveways,walkways and paths ta campliment the exterior of fhe building. Decorative fencing can add visual interest for a residence. without#irst obtaining a permif. ���s��s� Gt�trtc��is�es fc�� �?�saelcitti�t `c"eaad�tE��€s �iiad ���fxt3 �'art;c°Is, Cat} uf [tiT��t��tc� , ��x � � � � � e ���?.�t�n ���a �s�� t.���,�a��:.� ��E � _ � .�,,��. w.. _�,.�. . ... ..e;��..�>�, W.a.�b �....�b z.���- _-,� .__.������,.,,. ��w��e;� � ��� ��s Page I i �t���in�����tiv� ��c���ire�����s Jldmirtisfratiart The City of McHenry has established fhese guidelines in order to preserve histaxy and guide new developmen#in residential areas. The following details the procedure new development should take to prc�perly proceed through the City process. ♦ Cantact the Ci#y to determine if fhe property would be subject to these guidelines. ♦ Revi�w these quidelines to deter3nine what the requirements will be to develap the pxoperty, ♦ Submit an application package containing, a Application fee of$175.00 o Teardown or In#ill Application o Proof of CJwnership a Plat af�urvey with 1ega1 deacription o List of Uwners of all abutting praperties{certi�ed mailed notices wilI be rec�uired to th��e praperty owners) o Site Plan a Landscape Plan o Architectural renderings of the building elevations Additional infarmation that maybe required could be a;Tree Survey,'I'xaffic Analysis ax School Impact.Analysis, Theze is a 60-day waiting periad ta demolish a building, This time period aliows City staff to submit Che request to the Teardawn Corrtmittee for revi�w and aation. After the Teardown Committee ap- praves a req�est, fhe required dacuments can k�e submitted to the City for issuance of a building permit, Priar ta#h� demolition the Landmark Commission shall have an opportunity to access the strueture for salva�e items. Thege items may be placed inta a znuseum for display ar sold to raise funds for preservafion activities in the City, €���i�;r� ���a��t�2�'�e� fi�r lt�.�i€1���t�2�� T�ardtztvY�s ka�.�tt l��f"il( i���c�:t�, Ci�,y°c�£ZvlcHc�tr�� ��_,�,��_� ��...���a ��, ,���.. . , _..... _�,�.�.���.��-��.,<u. . ,�. ....�� ,�.. ,.,��.;�.aW, �. W �. w . ��.ow..am���.� . ��,M... . i �.�;�< ti.�.�.:.�.....� . ��� .�.,�.�.�. �_.��y ��- 6�,-����....�..�r�-�.� ���-���E.. ���� , � :.��.�� M��.��.� Page 12 ����A�'��� ' There are a multitude of resources available to assist yau with the planning of your developmsnt or ' redevelopment pxojeat. A few are lisfed below: City of Mc.Henry Landmarlc Commissf on Illinofs Hfstorlc Presexva[ion llgency Grag Lofgren,Ghairman Pceseivation Services 333 S.Green Street #1 Old State Capitol Plaza MeH�nxy,IL BOt15Q Springfield lL 82701-1607 ($16)383-2170 ss�wxu.ci.mchenry.i�.u� (21Y)785-4812 �r,rww.state.il.us/Ir�a McHenry Public Lfbrary Natiar:al Trust far HlsEoric Preservaticn 8U9 N.Front Stzeet 1785 Massachusetts Ave,NW, McHenry,IL 60064 Washington,DC 20036 (81&)385-0086 �ttv rnche�e library org (202)588-6218 G+nrrYr:natiottaitrust.ara and va�v.rnainst�e�t.orc� NicNenry Caunly Xistorica2 Society 6428 Main Sfreet �tdv}'sory Counci!on Historic Preservatton P.Q.Box 434 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,Suite 8R9 Univn,IL 60180 41d Posk Ql�ce Building (815}323-22B7 �m�n+v.mel�aniine.orcr Wasltington,DC 200Q4 (202)606-88U3 �.ach�a�e IltinoFs Main Sfreet Otfice oi Lt.Goveznor Pat Quinn Mctlenry Counfy Chamber of Comritexce Thampson Center 128T North Green Street 100 W,Randolph,Suite 1S-2U0 McHenry,IL 60080 Chicago,IL 8d601 (816)38v-43f}Q ww►v.mchenrychacrrber.oam (312)814-�a220 �v�t.state.il.uslltgav/mainstreet Websifes wvrw_nresetvaiiondirectorr,com �.prgserveamerica.gav Af'ter yau've planned out the details af your project, you're ready to move fo the z�ext step—aom- pleting fhe wark. If the work ia rather simple,you xnay choose to do it yourself. For the moxe com- plicated tasks, it's best to hire a professional, There are many reputabie contractors who can com- plete the job on fime and within buclget, Unfortunately, others out to make a fast buck, resultirtg in :po�r quality, or unfinished work. The fallowing tips will help in selecting a reputable cantractor: ♦ Get more than orte estimate and get them in writing, ♦ .Ask the contractor for references and addresses f4r sirnilar work. Drive by those sites and if pos- sible, contact the property owner fo discuss their experience with the contractar. ♦ Inspect the contract carefulty to make sure it incIudes the contractor`s full name, address and phane number, a description of the work to be perfozmed, starting and corcipletion dates, total costs of wozk ta be performed, and a schedule for the dawn payment, subsequent payments, and final paymenf. ♦ Never sign a contract with blank spaces or one you do not fully understand. If you are taking out a loan to finance the pxoject,do not sign the contraet unfil your lender approves your laan. ♦ Find out if fhe contractar has a waxranty or guarantee on his or her work. ♦ Mak�sure the contractor has minimum atnaunts of insurance for propeity damage,bodily injury, and impxoper repair. ♦ G�t llen waivers. This pratects you frorn claims against you or your property in the event you contractor faits to pay his or her suppliers or sub-contractors. ♦ Don't make final payment until you are satisfied and all subcontractoxs are paid. �-�n�,.,,_. .�.-��� ` ,.��".. __a�<,.. _ ..a.. ,�- k.,,���� � ����<� �r,.�� � _,, _��W��-..�_Page I 3 ue�..� i A�kllQ�l��c����:�t� I fihese des'tgn guidelines have been developed from many sources,Of particular note is the Nationai Trust for Historic Pxes- ervation's Main Street program,who's work is a model far a11 commanxties looking ta maintain and enhance the vifaIity of the►r downtown areas. Also,thanks are extended to the many cornmunities who have drafted and implemented t2ieir vwn des[gn guidelines,many of which were refined and used in the preparation of this document. i _ .. _ � , � � � ' �.- , z� : _ ` , ��t�NG1'�.T�E�,�1�5.�"'C����t$N`I'�.AI.'�E1�.RI�(���',�,, , ' �I�LL I':A�tC$�;�,CtTX C1�'Y!%I+C'�NR"Y' ,; .<: �� r - �> . : � ��� F �[ M f:��•, .. �� �. � :�."�t)I,��Ot� � ' Gbfnmuriity DeYtivp+�telti� e`r� E P �� � �� ��ce�St.'� � , �: � � hlfH�n�y�,l�l�iQ�b � ' � � � � � � Pti�n�����63���'�0�_�� � � � �.�����CT3 �: t Ehiaik�(,�n�a�tj'Flitii '�� € A � � � � £ � ____—�: ,b.�» � _..-..r»��_s„�"�.�.�., .�-"� Ci#y of McHenx�y .� ��.��, �:.. . � ���.Fr �,,��.��ri_m .,.�..._ ��.R�.� � � 1 � . i � i ��� McHct�t°y ::-�� � ��:�i 4 �� f'M�3� : 4���rn�� � �� $ ��.� �.��,�1 �. R�.%'� p .9�. � �7 � � yy��yy e � ? Z _ j 1 � t �� ��� . ..�(�' ���'��;. ,`i'� �p 4,� 'N 4. K ���e� L ��.E il i��, f ri � I �I � r r�� ��+I f����W�l��ll�V@I���1��I���I �Uid4G�v I�a,i � �1 ��:, .�!� y I��,I,,I I, �( ��ry � , �i � 3 ,,'" i.� , , � i� ,. ,�, �� �.: � „ r � r. � �� 4 r`�- „ ;,� ��, �f �� �` ��, ' � '� ,� � f �: °�� .$��� � �' 4 "~ F ,�,,�'�� � � .:3 �' �'� �" �i ^`'9��p , P '�'���, . '{� �`$fi�'.d5 `L. � - �,?'�. � � � +�y � N � � � .� � � �� �� 's � f ���� � � � �f R � � �, E � J � ��� ��� �'� ��� � � �e ��',��,� „_.;. �� � „ .. �_ i (� E � � k �J�iJ� ��4 �,�� E f . .....�....,d,�„.,_.�� i �ity�of`��cNene}.-C"o����ret�er�sive PYan 2l 200$ i � i i ! �ry r� ()verail Cioals McHen�' MeHenry llas tliany qualities�vhich are highly vah�ed �y its eesideuts anci busiiiasses. A gr��rl��f tlrePlrrsl is tl�e�f��ese�'Vl//IOtIJ ellll!lI1C8ittC/!/llflll C'l�Jf!/1S%011 O_f fltE ljtt([I!I%eS WItIGII iitl/ILL I fe trrv��e e�rj�yaGle anrl rr»irJue ta tlie Ci!}7. Tl�ese include: • A fi•ie��dly, small to�vn atmosphere; * Tl�e pt�esence of apen spaces, lakes and Fox River and its tributat•ies���hich are attractive, urtique a�id add ta tl�e quality of Iife; • An enYploy���errt and sliopping base�vl�ich is divecse and affords the City witli a sounc� eco►iamic base; + Historic camn�ercial and residentia{ areas wl�ich give the City a sease of place, identity and a tie to the histarieal accomplishments of eaclier generations. Soi3�e chaz•acteeistics of contemporaty g�•o�vth in kh.e Ctiicago regipn create toc�l }�roE�le�ns arYd planning c�n help correct prQblems anci avoid then� in tlle fut��re. A gaa/af tfre Pkrn is trr s�fve� citrEl avoicC��•abfems nfgr�rvtlr aj�d cfiunge. T{�ese �roble�ns and chal(enges include: • Cr�owth whictt c�•eates a cost of publie services at�d facilities(sucCt as school operations,park facilities,roadway improvemetits ai�d utility extcnsions}which is riat��aicl for by ne�v develop�n�i�t; • Cos�gestic�l�of streets and cut tlu•augh te�ffic i��resicientia! neighbartYoads; • Los�of cl�a��actet�acld destr�iction of uniqu�community featu��es sctch as EiistoK•ic ��eighborhood�and struct�n•es, local institutions, visual a��d fiii�etianal accEss to the I�oac Rive►• ai�d ather►�eci�eafianal ameciities; � Lc,ss of large rj�aCt�re street trees, �voadla��d�atid rural ciiaractet�, a��d, • A lack of diversity in t1�e ta� base, employmetit a�id sliopping o�po��tc�nities tivl�ich are attracteci to competin�commimities. Failtzre to Y�espo«d to tliese challeiiges wilE: • Cortstrai��t�� reve�iues nee�led to E�ay fa��tl3e c�st of govern��lenta(services; ` • Reduce enlploymei�t and stiop�i�lg opportunities so that loeal residents anust travel o��tside the caminun'rty to satisfy these needs; • Li�nit tl�e qc�ality and diversity of hoasi��g oppoi�tunities; • I)egrade tlie attt•activeness of N�e colt�tmu�ity to desirable ��etv resiciettts and pi•i�rate i►tvesta�•s; and, • Eroc�e environment�l quality dFie ta encraachEne�it or degradation of flaod plaiiis, wetlands, �rairies,rare and enclange�•ed species h�bitat,a�td poll��tion of su►•face and grounc��vater resott►•ces. � �� � Gity of b9c}ienry-Co�ttprehensive Plan 22 2ppg 'i € ; �r�F� Overal) Gaals MCH�tit�+ URiic�ue ap�a�-tianities and possibi(iries have bcen identified whiefi the City hopes to reaiize. A �anl of t/re Plarr is to re�tlize�rew soeirel, CCOtJOitl1C� flE'S/IIeJlL'Qi�IT 81�UJi•orrlr��jrt��1 paterrtinl.r irrfie�'ty/IJ 111 ffJB pJ•oeess vf clrtu:gc•, trj�rl in!he endru•itrg rjutrlitie.r r�f Nie Crt,��, it.s��en��/et Incalior�, ee�ntrt�ay C/!t(I1IlC iltf/!fl'llI C/t NlFO/liiteilt Of iV{tICIi %1%S!1�)fll•t. How do you cevitalize tEie oldei•com��iercial and residential areas af t}�e City? I-Io�v do you mait�tail� divec•sity i�� tlte econotnic base an�f expand tlie shoppi�3g,service aiid job appoi�ttmities within tE�e City in tl�e face �afcorilpetitia�i fi-om ��ea��by communities? How do yor� retair�desirat�le e�isting busitlesses�ilc1 rect•uit�3etv ones? Ho�v do you aniiex and deveiQp (and witfiin tlie planr�ing jurisdictio�� 4vliile cr�a�in�residantia(treigtzhoi•hoods with: a ut�iqire ideniity;a diversity of housi�ig ap}�ra►-t��nities, p►°oaimity to daily needs;atid open space and i•ecreatioa�al oppor�tunities bt�ilt tipan tlie nat«►�al ' ►•esources and character of the landscape? The City of McHenry beiieves tl�at these broad goals can best f�e achieved by follo�uii�g the pi•inciples ancl directian set by the Plan. These are contained in tlje goats, objectives, F�utut•e Land Use Map a�id desig��guiclelines faund in this Plan. ( E ; � € � f � � � �.[ty o1 Mctiettry—t,o��ipreiieilsive Ptan 23 ~_� � � 24U8 � ( � � ;l }A. �..�AL+Ie� tC'1� r,� r '" xe..� "� . ,-fyFp� � �< . .�`i ' �e +d� 1�'�": . N,+�... s 1F1 �� . 1� � f. '" 'p k ,'. ,.�� , �.�� F � . ;� .^� t �1 ��rt 's �e df> , C� i � �•�t��, ��+ �. � a �_�� �� a�� ) � u v . ,�y n 3�'�y S ,e L[t `.� S�� , rf q s ,� ,�',�` �s'i: ?�� �.*",� a T»E . ���,L�. � �' � �.'�f�� i3'�`�y « 1, y.n y� �y 3 :,jy� �.tti 1 a f �. . r` i'�ti♦.. �' � ..'.���1 �2 p f - ` e!R` � � � °� t•jY� ,� ` ��"y��.� � �g�� �.�. 1 t . t tR. #"R.a� �• � $i ��: yy�x�, � w y�fi� ... � �} ���' .�Jc��. ���� `�(q P 4 � � �y,�,�x '��� '�<�o�'r_, � 9'�, i'Y� r� _�:' ,�� �� �� r,�� �' da '�s. � �.,�. i�i s'Ylt.�. •� �d'p # �°�'�ai` .�`�' i, � d t� � x j�" w, `i yy�� � ;���}<� � � .. � �1 .X d:..5�.:.yo .:t.i���.da_ xY tp,.s' . � � � �.y �,' 'r f Y � s! s�. � . �ai�9 �� ' � d - � R'11rs� ()�� � � �'� ;� \ t H =4 �m, . + � a' � ��x f "'w^ n'�5+ � �^s'�.� �'°:'Y , � � 1�`; � � �- �`s•_x" { ± �'a^ �a �����r� {y ���� }� i'C Y � �F'e� +a ��,. ��„�� ` � � j y� , . ,.. t�„„ �. . . �v�= �. . � � - — .ra:.,�. � ��� ��:.� . ",�-�, '` '^ ^.ry.�, � ��.�." .-. ,..,�,. - . a . �m� . . i � � , � � . � � ` � ------ �._ �... ,: s - � � ��, i ; 3 E � � 3 T�Teig}�lbor(iood Gharacter ����� � ` Mc�-Ierlry g Neight�orl�aod character is a co�nbinatian of the many factars that come together to give an at•ea its distinct�i�e persoi�alify. These cotnpflnents it�clude lartd use, scafe, and type of deve[o}�r�icnt; historic feat�u•es;patterns aiid volumes of tl�affic; noise levels;a�ld ott�er physical or social clgaracteristics that iyel�define a comi�limify.Not all of these eleme�Tts affect tieigl�bort��od c}�ar•acfei•;a neig}zbochood usually dr•a�vs its distinetive character fi•om a few decisive elements, � Larid Use � Pa,�rli��e E�'f�c�s: When deve(opment follows wl�tat has been laid out by the F��tur•e Lai�tl�7se Ma��. UVlten Nlere is a transitior� frarn lo��vei•density developmeirts arounci the eci�;e af�i�e Ctty to hi�;hee density dup(ex,ta�vn homes and multi-family develapmet�t to be located in proxiFnity to��ublic tr•ansportation, ptrblia open space at�d recreational facilities, shap,ping,em�loyrne�lt, service at�ci employnie��t ce�iters 'rn the cer�ter of tc�wn. 1Vegatii�e.Cffeets: When deveio�ment resuEti�ig fi•om the pi•o�ased actions�vould iiave t(ie potential t�o cliange►ieighborhood character b�� ititcodueing a new�, incompatible laa�cl use; � conftieting vvitEi land use policy ot•ottier public��la►�s far the area;cl�angitlg l�tnd �ise � character;ar resulting in signi�cant (and use impacts. € UrbRn Desi�n and Visual Reso��rces P�.rili�se�,ffect,r:New developrnents have the opportunity to create a neighborl�oocl that can be ir�terwoven with t(�e estabtished ��eighbarhaods ofthe community. The City asks that evety n�w residential develo�ment provide a�•cl�itectural design st�iic�ai•ds to t�e a��roved by tlie City Co�►nci1. This allows the neigllborhood to be distinguisl�ed fi•oni atl��rs but still ble��id witl�iu the character of the coi��nt�nit}r. All de�igi�stax�dards rniist meet th� � SubdivisiQi�Contro( and Development Ordinance along�vith the Zoiairig Ordii»nce arid � Mta�7icipal Code. Design standards shouid "u�clude but ai•e nat limited to the follot��ir�g; � Anti-i4lol�otony � Architectura( Character � Architectu►•al Review ' Cammwyity Character 1, Camntunity Desi�n Theme � Elevation Varie#y Roof Accessories, Gi�ftets and Downspauts Scale, Mass,artd Fa�•m �ai•ieCy of Optiot�s ' Negcrti��e�ffec�s: In developeci areas,l�rbarl desi�n changes l�ave the pote�itiat to affect � neighbarhood ct�araet�eE•b}� iiitrodifcin� si�bsta�ltiatly cfiffe�~eEtt b��ilding bulk, fo��tn, si�e, I scale,or ac•ra��ge►nent. Urban design changes may also affect block forn�s, street patte�•r�s o��street hierarchies as�vell as stceetscape elen�efats such as steeet w�lIs, Candscaping, curb ctits,atid loadii�g docics.Viscial resoiu•ce cha�iges l�ave the pater�tial to affect neighborhood cl�aracte�•by directly ehanging visual features, sueh as t�niquc ancl impoi�tant pu�lic view coi•riciors and vistas,or public visual access ta sucls featu�•es, � E I � M�IIIIM�� �� � Lity oi��rictfenry Compiehensive Plan �5 2008 i i ��1�ighborhood Gharacter �,�� McHen�: Historic Resources 1'osrli�xe Effect.s: W}�en there is a historic resource within a neighbai•hoad it should be preservec! a»d slio�vcased as a part af the City's past a�id stepping stone for where the City is today. Thet•e is the passibility of designating the sfructt�re as a laa�dmark or incfudiri�it ic�to a historic c�istrict if tl�ere a�•e many historic�•esa����ces in one arca. N�g�ati��e Fffe�fs: Whetz an actio�a �voulcl resulf iri substantial direct chailges to a I�istot•ica! reso�irce or substailtia(cha»ges to�uUlic uuiews of a resource, ar�vlien a historic resoui•ces analysis identifies a significai�t impact ii�this categoiy such as neglect that �tjc�t�(ci compi•omise the historic valae oFtlie reso�arce or renovations that�vould canfliet �vitli its histarie integrity,there is a potential to affect neigi�bor•I3ood cliacacte�•, Socioeconai��ic�onditions Fosi�i��e E,�feets: The City af McHei�ry utelcomes people of a1I sacioecQncrrnic st�tus aaci ufants tQ encourage a mi�of liousing values.Affordab(e 11o�ising should be auailable in all �ceas of tf�e community. ��e�;rt�rve ���ects: �l�a►iges in sociaecano�nic conciitia��s have the pot�ntia[to affect rieighborhoad ciiaracter wtien they result in substantial direct or indirect dis��aeen�ent or addition of popula#ion,employment,or businesses;oc substa�itial differe��ces in populatioia c�r en�playment density. Ti•affic anc�Pedestcians �"c�siti��e Ej'J'ect.�.• Tt•affic counts anci st��di�s E��ust be pre�ai•�d for a►�y ne�v develo�rnent. Wl�en ttle st�•eet I�ieracchies are respected the traffic flow and de(ays are lo�ve€•. It is alsa safer• far rleigl��iarhoods and pedestrians. Ne�crtn}e Lffects: Cl�aitges in traffc aiid pedestrian co��ditions can xffect neigl�borl�ood ehai•acte�- ua a �7u�nber of t��ys. E'or traffic to have an effect on neighborhooci charactec, it mt�st 6e a contribrxting ele��ie��t to the character of the neigl�horhood(either by its absence of its presence),a�id it must cli�nge substa«tially as a►•esl�ilt af the action sueh as ts•affie �attei�ns;cl�ange in t•aadway classifications;change in vehicie mi�es; substantiai irtci�eases in tcaffic vahmaes on residential st�•eets; or signi�cant traf�c i�ltpacts, as ic�enti#ied in t(�at technica(analysis. Regarding pedeskR•iar�s, tivlien a f�ro�osed actio�� wau[d cesult in st�bstantia(ly different peci�stria�� activity and circi�latiot�, it h�s th�r� poterxtiai to affect neighborhood character. Existing Hpusing Stock The cleinanci foi•housi�g is a direct z•esu(t fibm the rapid popti�lation growth,and ici t•eti�rii tlie �aopulation characteristics are a direct cesult fi•om the type of housin�canstracted.Accorcti►i�t� the 2t?04 eensas the eui•rent hausing mix for McHency is 75%low de►�sity, 18°/a meditnn �iensity,atid 7%high density. �f the totat hotEsing pop�►latioc�23%of tltosc are l�ei�tals. Ideaily, tlie C:ity �ity of Mc.FIenry—Co�n�rel�ensive Plan 46 2408 Nei�hborhoaci Character ��,�� ; 1VIcHei�t�r : «roul�i like to see the housing stock�ecome 80°10 low�iensity, 15%n�cciium density,a»d S%o hi�l� densiky,�vitl�approailnateiy 20°la rentals. The best ���ay to make these adjustments is b}� ' e�xcou��xging tie�v developments to be low c3ensity and encaucage redeveloprnents to be tligf� � I clenfiity. � F�ttui•e Development Newv col�se�vatioci-focused developmeiats acourtd the Boane Creek lo���lancis have the patezttial to preserve the natural lands and habitats aeound Booi�e Cr-eek as well as�rovidilig a unique atte��r�ative to t}ie ty}�ical ho��sing developmeiit. l'��e dow�itowii arcas of 1vicHetli•y{Zave the potential of being joined togetl�er as ane laeger downta�vn wi#h the additia�� of Elew mixed-us� developinents that ax•e pedesti•ian frie�ic{ly and can ca�italize an the Met�•a �t�tiai and tl��e Rive�•�valk. Pote�atiai krojects Cor�se��vation Develot�ment • Appropriate for Estate Residential, Low Density Resir�etltial, or ID�? Integrated Uesig» District. Glusteri��g of building encouraged with I�rger areas of p��eserved opeex space. • Homes sliouid be built using"g►�een"concepts and equipped���it}�appliances that canse��ve ener�y. � Nat�rral storii�water detention areas should be used ai�d incorporatirtg best manage�uent prac��ices. • The open s{�ace should be permanently dedicated wi#li provisians�Yiacie fot�manageme»t at�d�i�taii�Eenance in perpe[f�ity. The open space may incl��de eiivirotymental carri�ioz•s sho�v��arY tlie Camprel�ensive Plan,open space easements along major peri�neter i•c�acls, wctlands, flaad plains etc, The inclusian af storm water retentio�i oi•detention aceas as a pai�oftlie o�en space will be at the discr�tion of the City depending �k�aoi�tl3e aesttr��ic, recreational anci/or liabit�t val��e of tltose facilities;ai1d, * Uses of the open space may include gardens, organic or specialty fa►�min�, reci•eation and otl�ers�vliich are conipatibie �vith the open space character a�id enE�anceme��t of tit� ne���by residentia( community. (}pen space could aiso be used for coin►n�uiity Fvells and se}stkc fie(ds if sewer is liot available. 'Che allo�vable uses should be identified antt agreed tc�bet�veec�the developer and tl�e City at tite time of planlAnnexation revi�w. * Active o�•�assive uses of c�pen s�ace sliall be plannecl to have tninimal disr«ptive effeets � o�i the t�at��ral latidscape. Far exan�p[e trails shall have�vood chips, lirnestane,}?ea g�•avel � b,ase rather t}�an asphalt or cancrete. � � Infor��3a#ioii shall t�e pravided to ttie residents explaining wttat it mearis to live it�� � conservation developmenf, with t•ecommended la�vn eare practiees, prairie style landscaping enco�u•aged,and warning of any fhreatened oi°endai�geced species ori the area. Git ofMcllen p -�:.�� �-� y ry—�a�z� reE�ensive Pian q7 '��p� � i Neiglit�or�sc�oc� Character �r��� : McHenr� Downta��n Redsveiopment G�ty leadets have reeognized tlle ciow��tawn is a h•em�facious asset far the�City. Mait�tai�zi���;�fid enhancing tl�e viabi(ity of tlie downto��n�areas has been and�vill eo�ltiuue to be a tap��riarit�y � cviti�the City. Miicli attentio��has been paid to the downtawn a�•eas «rith the installalion af sti•eetscape iinprovements,t��e creation of a Tax Inci•e�aient Fina�icit�g Dist�•ict,tl�e consti�uctia��of tfie �rst pl�ase af the River�valk,and the creatiaci of a Do�vntow�i Maii�tenanee Division uiide�• tl;e City's Pi�tblic Works De�art�nent. These steps are intended to�Eio�v the City's cos7in�ihnei�t to tl�e area,wllich in tucn should encourage private u�vestment i�i existi�ig btiildi�igs anci basinesses. Itedeveloprneiit that daes occur in t��e downtow►� ai�eas sl�o�ld: • Encoura�e pedestcian-fi•iendly, mi�e�i-use develapment�vith first floot•commerci��iases ancl u�per level dwelling units. f Complii�lent the Riverwalk. • Freserve ai�d enha��ce the architectura!style of eYistin�buildin�s. • Ericoucage restaurant atid entei�tainrnent tises. Goal P�'flVIC�Q tl@IgIII)Ol•hoods Hiat ai•e staule and diverse, �xroviding a wide i•a�ige of housi��g O()xt0115�linki��g r•esicients to a vuriety of land uses whicli meet the neecls of tlie c4mmu��ity. C?Gjec/ive �rtcotar•r�ge lotit�-�l�nsity co�tse�'YQ1iDYl!�@t�CI0�7171G't1fS. Policy Si�igle-f��nily resideiitia!zoning should be prottZoted to encoijra�e lo��rer densities ak the outskirts of the City. Polic,y Bncoiu�age cal�sei•vation desigu principles withifi tlie developmeiit of new ncighbo�•hoocls. Polic,y Ev�luatc�t•�sid��ttial g�•owth based on existir�g schaol at�d utility capacities. Poiic,y Aciequate bt�ffecing a��d tr•ansitianal uses shal! be required adjace�tt to sii�gle-fai��ify residential Iarid uscs to�•etail oc employment�ises to pi•otect tlle cfaaf•acter,p��ivacy, and value c�f t�ie l�otnes. � Objeetit�e � Pr•ontote Dn►itntnii�n Hntrsi`rg � i'olic,y � Approve high-density mutti-fa��tily zoni��g iti the do�vntawn center of the City Lvl�e�•e s«fficiei�t sei•vices already eaisf. PQliey 3 �pp�•ove higl�-density mufti-family residential i�i eonjunction r�vith carn��e��eial retai( to create a�1ti�ed-use area. E eity a�'�1cl�e��ry—Compeehej�sive Plait 4$ 2(�0$ � ( I i � t t �rq��< ' Neigl�borllood Cliaracter ���.I�np�,� OGjectiite P1•onrate�ritrrrcti��e Ne�ghl�or{rc�ods. Policy Promote tl�e�reservation of trees and tlze recommendation of future gx•o���tl�as�vritiei� in o��r tr�e preservation ardinarace a«d ene�rt�rage th�continued revie�v of eomp��eliei�sive �� landscape plans foc a(l develapmetits. I'oticy ' Proci�ote beautification efforts to define streetscapes in orde�•to c�•eate a ciistinct sense af place and desti�iation within communifies and neigl�borl3oods. ; Policy ', Promote the creatiau of a community publie ai�ts program it�tvhich deveiopers mt�st : contrib��te eitlier monetary fitnds or the doi�ation of public art. ' Palicy : Requice»e�v developments to have an anti-r�ionatony policy fo enstire tlte di��ersity of ' architectural clesign. Policy : Reqeiire ne�v developments ta create mitiim��►n desigiy standarcis beya�id tlie cit}r's desig�� guidelines. 41�jeeti�+ee B�tilcl otr the rrssels eslaUlrs{re�l by exilir�g rteiglt�iorhoo�ls. ' �'olicy Develop mecha��is�t�s ta a(low foc residersti�l adaptive reuse in existij�g nei�(t�a2•hoocis. Policy ' Identify appropc•iate locations for compatible infi(i housing that woulci rsp(ace vacanE or underutilized sites in existi��g neigliborhoc�ds. ; �'olicy Identify olctec abancloned structures in need of preservation, stabilization, cepair or detnolition. Paticy Pt•t���ot��i•eservation a��d restoration of liisto�•ie ste�ictui•es. t'�bjecti�e Pr�oviE�e corv�eetr`c=ity betiveer��ltffel�ing lcrrat/rrses ta pro��rde r�atrlli�l� !r•at�s�orlcrtiot�optior�s f�l�r•�.sir�errt.s c�nd et�rployees. ', Pal�cy � Sup}�art transit-orie»ted developments and other h•anspartation pcograms that coy�nect peaple to jobs and services whiie reducing traffic congestion,air�olfution ac�d otlrer ' tz'atisl�ortAtian related eosts. Ci#y of Mc�ieniy -Comprehensive Plan 49 2408 ' Neighborhood Characte�• ��`� McHerlry Policy Pro«�ote a comprehensive plan for geeen�vays, bil�eways,a��d trails�vithin ne�v a�ad exisking cievelapments. �o>>Gy, Encourage parks,wAlkways and open spacc dSat liak ta a�id l�etwee«nei�;ht�or#ioqcls, schoals,shopping and othe��anzenities. City of McHenry—Co►uprelicnsivc Ptan 50 2008 ..M..- �� Departcnent of Community& � � Economic Deve(opment � � Doug Martin,Deputy Cicy Administratar McHenry Municipal Geriter 333 Green Street � �Y ,� McNenry, Illinois 60050 1 Phone:(815j 363-217d Fax: (815�363-2173 dmarCin@ci.mchenry.ii.us ww�v.ci.mchenry.il.us D�Mo��oN No�rlcE TO; Cli�irman Pat�Virtz�id A�Icntl�ers of tl�e Ci�y of i�icHen�•y L:��u�dma��lc Cainn�ission T<'ROM; Conuitunity and�conou�ic Det�elopiZtent I�epartn�ctYt I�ATE: Oct+�ber I, 2013 l'lie Goxi�►nui�ity a�ici Lcoaion�ic Dcvelop�ncnt Degu•t�i�ent receit�ecl notice of��ossible deinoliti�n of tl�e l���operlyjstructure(s} located at 320$ Golf��ie�v Avenue 'rit tl�e Cit�� of \�fcHenry. Flc�se ��vie�v d�is �rc�per�y/structure(s) for liistoric�il signifie�uice anct IlltltC�lfC tlie TK�►tcli��:uk Cc�n�z�tission's��osition rcg�e•ding t��is ctem�litioti in ilie space F3i•oviclecl l�clotv. UpoiY coin��letion c�f}raur reti�etv;ietui•n tliis eloeumci�t to the Coini��unily�u�c1 Econon�ic De��eloi����ent I�epa��r��ze���. T'eel fi•ee to attacli a tvritten repoi•t or aiiy ot�ier a�i�terial relatii��;to die properry's lustoz-}r, Lt�NDMAItTC C4MMISSI�N ��Ieeling Datc; Octaber 1,2013 ACTI(?�+I: ❑ To appro��c. . . , �, f : (�' 'I'o ap�x•ove,suhject ta ,�J ��_��%-���? �.'(f�G� _L�•��'��it�:°� ��;�1 ,�G-��� �� -,�(� � .� 1�` _ - 1�'��L.�.t���11� � �y r �� � t �� .�.��:z� ` _r��������_ ���r1� ���.�.�����"����/��f ❑ To deny tl�tleznolition (Inc ucic reasons for cie�iial). '4Vritt 'story: ❑ Attactied� 'I'o Follo�v - � -_- --�- --____ �G�__�_ ���� C i�irni�i�, I.x�nclui�•k Coinmis o Uate � " �ITY�C�I' McHEi'�I�t.Y� PE3�MIT APPLI+CATX�N ��,'���� � PERMIT NO. PROPERTY ( ` t�p (�, ..r-�� �i `-� 1 `r OFFiCE USti ONLY �ADzt�ss� ��I`'{ �i'� V('? �1���t-1/1��'.��� 1���tCC Lo'r No. ZONING DIST: _�___. � 3� �j�� L)�5 � St7BpIVTs c�t�� �"�;1��;P.I.N.#� ,:�; -�7,� .�`�(� FLOOD ZONE: ; NAMB _ • a ` � -- �, (� OWNER ❑ 'TENANT TOWNSHIP: HOME PHONE� �.. '�j� WORIC PI�ONB L� . ,. _ � 4'.'. ., - . " �sTnvrA�r�n cosT ar cor�s�RucrzoN� � ' ; ;. . ���rYrE o�us�: � �����- l.� ����� ❑SINGLE�AMILY ❑ MULTI-PAMILY ❑ NEW ❑ADDITION � ❑COMMERGIAL ❑ INI�USTIO�FICE ❑ ALTERATION ❑OTHER ' �`T�' ' ' ,.,_.,_.. .._.,_., ....,.....w._ UENERAL GONTRACT�}R �D�xEss rxorr� PLAN RCVI�'W FE� ROOFING C�NTRACTt}R LICENSfi# ADDRESS PHQN� � ELECTRICAL CUNTRACTOR PERMIT F��S � ADDRfiS� PHONE BUILDIN�i'r: I.ICENSB 2�t0. ISSUING JURISDICTION • PLLTMBING: PLUMBING CONTRACTOR: NQ'T�!Submit tl�e fotta�ving: I,ettcr of intent,on ptumbing contracfors tefferiiead DEV.DONATIQNS: _ (with co���ai•at�senl,or i�otar�*s�al)stating tLat ttioy nre doing#hts job; co�y of plutnhing license;copy of cerfific�te of Stnte registration. SAI�TA�Y TAP: NC►TES: �}�f �c�,.r.��,.,� �'^.c,� WATERTAP: �y ( �+�'✓t r�. �a�.r,.t Caw.,,,. .�r c� WATER METER: WATER CAP.DEV. S�1.N.CAP.DBV. ANNEXATION: PW BOI�; MiSC. TOTAL: OPERATIONS; � n . T HEREBY DECLAttG THAT THE ORMATION HEREIN AND ATTACHED IS CORRECT ANF?AGREB It4 CONSIDERATIpN OF AND UPOAt ISSUANCfi QF � I'fiRMiT,TQk7 Oli ALLQIY TO B AO1VE ONLY StJCH tiVORK AS HERE�YITH APPLiED FOR AND THAT SLTCF[PRBItif[SES kt�ID ITS EXtSTING ANQ E 1'ROPOS iS BUli.A , GS AND STR �TURES SHALL BE US OR AT.L0IVE TO BF3 USED FQR ONLY SUCH PURPOSFS AS ET F4R'F[-T. SiGN'D� � L�. DATE: ` � � '� � '�t� R OR AU 0 I D ENT} ' , � � . � THIS PL+RA41T j S GRANTED AND ACCEPTED�VITfi THE L�XPRESS UNDERSTAIdDING AND AGREEMENT THAT SAID BUILI3Ii�IG AND CQNNBCT[ONS € SHALL CONFOtI�M 1N ALL RESPEGTS iVF'fH THE ORDINANCES OP 1'E��GITY 4F McHE�lILY AS N01Y lid PQRGE REGULt1TINC3 THE CO23STItUCTi�N OI7 � �3DII bINGS. � DATL�: � {UIIiECI'QZt,CdMMUNITY DEV�LQPMENT} � . . r 333 S.GItEEN STRELT McHENRY TI,I.IiYOIS 6QOS0 (815}363-217n i i To:Ross Poferecky,Vic Santi,Shawn Strach, Pat Wirtz and Nancy Fike FrQm:lamie Grut�ich Re:Grubicf�Home Addition October 21,2013 1 just want to take a moment af time your time and share a little bit about my family and hapefu!!y, it may answersome of the questions that peopie have asked on why we would want to put this type af ' add�tior�on Qur house. � I have three children ranging in age from 8 to 16.All three are very gifted academically,musically and � a#hletically.As a family we have lots of interests and are part af many competitive youth sports � organizatiflns and lead a very active lifestyle.We have been or are part of McHenry Basebali,Mcttenry � Saccer,McHenry Tawnship lunior Warrior FootbaD,McHenry pigtai!League and Mar Ray aance Studio ' here in tvwn far many years as weli as our participation an many of the school teams in ctance,softba(I, basketbali,and track.We also belong to sports organizations and dance studios in surroundirtg communittes. We have committed as a family to coaching basebalt for eight years naw and currently have two chitdren in travel programs.(have a great involvement in my children's academics and also volunteer weekly in the ciassroom at Edgebrook;samethii�g I have been doing for three years now. To succeed in manq of taday's competitive activities,the athletes need to work on improving their ski!!s � year roun6, nat just during the game season.Qur lacatian in the Midwest prevents many of#!�e sports � fram being pra�ticed year round, but cornpetitive sports coinpete with each other acr�ss the United States,There are currently no facilities in tcrwn for the public to use that are in doar exeept far the schaoi gyrrtnasiums and there are generally very limited opportwnities for the public to use therx►. ! beiieve ir�developing both athletic and academic abilities in all children. tt takes a lat of cammitme�t and hard wori�from the parents,caaches,and teachers and the kids themselves to make`it happen. Kids that do well in scho�l ancf on ihe athletic field open up opportuni#ies far selection into coi(eges and also the abiiity to earn scholarship rnoney through their own hard work and dedication;things l believe wi(I s+�rve them wett the rest of their life. ln addition to learning respect,integrity,and required commitment by being�aart of athletic teams,we are also developing good citizens and young teaders. Being in tawn and close to the schools,athletic fields,friends and teammates is important with all#he � commitments to the practice and game schedules as well as the participation ir�tf�e performing arts activities that we are part of and it woufd be very difficult far us to maintain this level of cs�rnmitment ta � all these actiuities and live#urther out in the country on more acreage where sorne folks have sugges.ked � we move if w�want�o build some recreational areas as part of our hame. E i love my h4me; it just isn't big enough. I am a life time resident of McHenry as are my paren#s an�t this house was built k�y my grandfather.We have done a lot of work#o it and are very happy with same of its existing spaces,but find that it just isn't large enoirgh for our family,a!t our gear and our otfler hobbies, We enjoy being on the golf course and being close to town and would like ta increase the size of our home so we can be mare comfortable In it.We have a huge belief in the health benefi#s that an active � i F � � � � � lifestyle can bring and we would like to make it easier for our family to maintain their commitrrient to exercise and activity over some pf the other epidemics currently facing society today due to inaetivi#y, poor faod rhoices and reliance an medicatlon through the use of recreational areas in our home design. We also find aurselves with the opportunity to da more wark from home�ather than at the office necessitating the need to reaUocate existing spaces in aur home. My floor plan and size is something I have given a whoie lot of thaught to;Can I affarct to da th'ts?;Will the space be used?;Wha#will!do with the space once my children are grown and an their own?;Woufd anyone be intetested in this hame when i died?I think"yes"wauld be the short answer to these questions. I was a work[ng mother up until five years ago and also a member of the armed services for thirteen years.My#�usband and I currently have 36 combined years of service in the steel industry and he is sEill active in it.The big debate about saving all your money for retirement age and leaving it for yaur children when you die or enjaying same of it while you are young enough to enjoy it is something mast people are farGed to think about by the time they approach their fifties.We have inade the d�cisian to spend part of what we have and enjoy it with our chifdren instead of leaving it for them when we are gone. This addition also gives us flexibility for care for aging family members,returning college students, and enjoying many family gatherings and holidays shared together. We betieve that X�ese spaces will be used an incredible amount in the next 10 years by our family and some teammates and friends.We have also come up with a laundry list of how we can use these spaces anc�the kids leave with some minor modifications and have tried to design with these ideas in mind as well. I do believe that there�n+ould be real interest in this hame with the addition it it were placed on the r�al estate market and the price reflected the amenities and met a family's needs.There are a few other homes arvund'the golf course with some recreational areas included in their design that have not been unoccupied thraugh the years. l further believe that many other residents must also believe it is time tv upgrade and modernize some of the properties around the golf course that have been in a state of decline in the past several years because you have seen a few hames pop up an vacant lots over the past decade and you do see peopke doing remodeling right now and others that want ta do remadefing and upgradir�g. ln the past several years,there have been several houses turned into rentals, become unoccupied c�r have been foreclosed on.This area needs ta have residents willing to commit the ticrie and effort into restoring these praperties around the go(f eourse to keep this area a truly thriving piece of MeHenry's histoty.The goff course has added on and modernized to keep up with the demands of its members and has eQnsistently tried to maintain a high enough membership that it is able to cost effective(y manage the grounds and the dubhouse. I do believe that the members would appreciate beautiful and wel!maintained homes around their course. I have always taken pride in my home and yard and 4rriU continue to do sa.I woutd like my addit�on completed as quickly as possible and will not allow the canstruction ta linger on any longer than is necessary. f plan to 6egin just as soon as the ground will allow in March concentrating on completing the outside over the inside and ge#ting the landscaping pfanted as soon as we are able.We will do everything in our power to minimize the noise and mess that gaes along with projects such as this and will cQntinue to work within the guidelines and the ordinances currently in piace for our city.We are working with great contractors now an some maintenance to aur existing home and wi(I give every apportunity ta local contractors to help us with this project.Orainage is a key concern for all the homeowners around the area.We are no different.We have some minor flooding issues coming from the west whieh is up hill as well when the rains are tremendaus like the two storms we had eartier thEs year.We are currently warking with Vanderstappen Engineering on how we can handle the water and vur architect also holds a degree in civil engineering and used a great deal of his knawiedge to layout the initial design workin�with the elevations of the land as it exists. 1 have pondered the idea of expanding for years now and have made many inquiries to the city and town�hip asking questians about laws and procedures for acquiring abutting properties. I approached Che land owrters on both sides of ine expressing my interest when they were ready to seil and the property at 32�8 became availabie early this year and so I purchased it My offer and interest ta purchase 3226 which is the rental proper#y to the west of my property is still an the table. I woutd love to purchase it and clean up the yard,trees and remove the fence and house and create a beautifully landscaped area when the opportunity presents itself. We do have a long term cammitment to the future of fhis property and the community in which t have fived#or nearfy S0 years now.If there are otfier questions or curiosities abaut why I want to da this, i will do my best ta address them to any member of the eornmittee so please feel fres to cantact me at 815-363-1347. I truiy do appreciate your taking the time to read through this background on my thc�ught process and how I came to this design. ,�-� � c •�—�_ -.! �� � .-»� �� �.. _ �,�""� � � � � �� �'' � � ���„7/�y� - �-'��►� �+��,..�s� �Lh�-ioa �t.t�.t�aa � ��► G,�-5..,.GU�..,�+'Twr-Iy� ��'i' r�+.��.��� '�,�"� �C!!��`�� � �- - - � �'Rv�vfr..�d '�ZIA- b�.FY1�� i�S�laHys.�-f.f�, . ----------� �--_---._._— ..... _ .._.. ___. � - ..-- � . ---- � �7s��T'� : �,ra,� ��. —. .o . x .�s -._.1. 7Q ..... 2.3 n ra � 23 .. . :.: Y�,_ - - --- - - �_. ��� � -� 23,1 xZ5'. 1 x 5$p � � � �`ro,a._.x .�1.2__y �Z�f 8 ��--. . .. Z4Z_1. -- '�, ---- .' �"j7L�l'�'t�t�L� . . , ; --_ . .. e __._._ '��'9� . J4-___x �Q... y � _�''� . �R� ---�p -•x-.Z.S—�--••�'1 p- �. `_ -•- -_. - �i+J �j' )5 1 S � }y� _ . .�:.:. '�; � ---- . . :. �`�n t?- ,n I� ? . Z �� _ .�. � . . .,. .. ..--- .._..... �',�. r�M �S . x x.�'.._____1.a8�.. . � . . - .._E'x�o�, �. 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Generally, communities address 4`, � teardowns with finro goals in mind: adopt- � - � ��' ing measures that will help preserve older �` houses threatened as teardown targets; , � �`4 ;�? ""� �, � and/or influencing the type of new infill � �: , `+ housing that is built in the community. So- ��., lutions to these objectives are varied de- .� ,,;;�� " pending on a community's specific policies � " and concerns. R • �� ' ;� � i"� , ` � �� � Some approaches seek to prevent or dis- _. _ courage demolition of older, historic � � --��^� � homes through measures such as local Teardown in Denver, CC? historic district ordinances and demolition delay ordinances. Others create policies to give homeowners and developers an incen- tive not to demolish existing houses, such as tax abatement programs, demolition taxes, and waivers on permit fees for rehabilitation. More often, policies are created with intent to slow the amount of teardown activity by reducing or eliminating the economic pres- sure for teardowns in one of two ways: �Changes to zoning and land-use regulations which limit the size, placement, and square footage of a new house. �New procedures, such as design review and conservation overlay districts, that are geared more toward influencing the way in which new replacement houses may or may not be built in a community. Increasingly communities embrace policies that respond to neighborhood disruptions caused by teardowns, such as limiting construction activity time periods and regulating debris removal procedures. A growing number of communities have established "green" building programs. As such, preservation of historic buildings and conservation of his- toric neighborhoods are key green building strategies. NATIOIVALTRUST FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION TEARDOWN TOOLS ON THE WEB � www.PreservationNation.orglteardowns/ TEARDOWNS RESOURCE GUIDE , � . ' I . � � ; .. �'.:� . . , y . I 5`� a . . . ., �g�. . . . . , ' . . � . I � I I . I �:, ��+ . ' ` . , _ :i° ,. ' . 1� } �. . '{ ' � �"� . . , �. _ :>.; • � '" �� �? � , . , f - � �� ,{ � . �� .. ' , � � .. � �'..=�' �(y � .. � I t,. S.��:=� � . . � - . . � .. - . .�. . . Y�, _, . ' .� . . _ ' . - . _'�; . . , . . �.�' , I � .k �+ � 4 �'�ti'�l����.� 1�•� ` � ��� t~4� .,�� .i. Lt.t ����+7 !� ` 1 r�. ,�c �: 'ti'- �'� � Regulatory Tools: .�.. ., � , �'�a` ` 1 �. , ., � .. ' - '� -.� . Accessory Structures, 3 ' �� f��e' r. " ' Conservation Districts, 5-6 ,, �: Construction & Demolition Debris, 6 �;:, � 1� ` � �^ .�.'4; Demolition Delays, 7 4 _ � � •�°�, '-,�, �"� Demolition Fees& Notice 7-8 ��`t J � ' " ' -a:� Development Standards, 9 �" �e����� ` � Development Moratoriums, 10 � ���''�`�� '�' Downzoning, 10-11 � �'`' a � "�� Floor Area Ratios, 12-13 �� a Form-Based Codes, 13 � ,.� � � :"` � '"" . �- '� " � ' Historic Districts, 13-14 Community activists in Tu1sa, OK Infill Ordinances, 14-16 Mansionization Ordinances, 16 More and more communities also pursue policies that Ove�ay Zones, 17 address the environmental impacts associated with Tres Ordinances, 19-20 teardowns through tree ordinances, landfill tipping Zoning and Land Use, 21 fees, deconstruction ordinances, and drainage stan- Voluntary Tools: dards. Community Land Trusts, 4 Easements& Covenants, 11 Communities can do a great deal to discourage tear- Historic Resource Surveys, 14 downs and facilitate compatible new development. Moving Houses, 16-17 They have choices. But not all communities and Incentive-Based Tools: states are created equal. The range of tools and de- Abatement Programs, 3 velopment regulations that are available for use var- Development Incentives& Bonuses, 10 ies from state to state and community to community. Real Estate Riders, 18-19 As a community looks to manage teardowns and im- Transfer of Development Rights, 19 plement specific approaches, it must consider how p�anning � Information: regulations are enabled, written, and administered as Affordable Housing, 3 part of state law that expressly allows local govern- guild-Out Analysis, 3-4 mental units to enact specific development regula- Community Planning, 4-5 tions. Design Guidelines, 8-10 Economics of Teardowns & Preservation, 11-12 The National Trust for Historic Preservation's House Size, 13 Teardown Tools on the Web is intended Pattern Books, �� Public Participation &Visioning, 17-18 as a clearinghouse for some of the primary tools and Sustainability, 19 approaches available online — regulatory, voluntary, Web Sites, Blogs & Films, 20 and incentive-based —that communities around the country are using to address teardowns and Index, 21 "McMansions." Community Spot Lights: Atlanta, Georgia, 22 Austin, Texas, 23 Chevy Chase, Maryland, 23-24 Denver, Colorado, 24 Durango, Cotorado, 24-25 To get started, click your computer's mouse on Kenilworth (Chicagoland), Illinois, 25 the highlighted tool to be directed to the online re- Los Angeles, California, 25-26 source. Salt Lake City, Utah, 26 NATIONAL TRUST FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION TEARDOWN TOOLS ON THE WEB www.PreservationNation.org/teardowns/ TEARDOWNS RESOURCE GUIDE ;6. .' 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This one time farm by 1921 belonged to a Syndicate made up of Charles S.Owen of Chicago,grandson of Daniel Owen;Carl W.Stenger,avid golfer and bank cashier from the West McHenry State Bank and; Charles Ailen,Cary attorney, real estate developer and one time Cary Mayor. The subdivision itself is actuaily made up of seven additions to the original Owen,Stenger and Allen's First Addition. Many of the reasons why the Syndicate owners successfully developed this subdivision relate to what was happening all over much of America during the 1920's. Changes brought about by new technology in transportation,communication and industry made leisure time more available to the newly established middle class. The popularity and increasing affordability of the automobile in turn brought about the"Good Roads Movement"that fead to more paved roads. Mechanization of farm production le5sened the need for increasing farm careers. With fewer Americans turning to farming, individuals found themselves with more leisure time and more spendable income. Communities like McHenry (ocated only 60 miles from Chicago became do-able destinations for leisure activities tike swimming, fishing, boating and the increasingly popular sport of golf. McHenry offered all of the above. It was an easy drive from the city to McHenry located on the scenic Fax River. It was no coincidence,for example,that in 1921 the Illinois Auto Club erected motorist guide signs through McHenry. The following year McHenr�s Community Club met at Justen's Hotel on Riverside Drive to push McHenry as a resort area. The city fathers and local businessmen certainly did their part to attract vacationers to the area. Everett Hunter's Boat Company launched the recently built "Gladine", a 150 passenger tourist boat,with a trip to the lotus Beds for Chicago's logan Square Masonic Order. On the east side of the river M. M. Niesen and son Clarence opened a new dancing pavilion on Lincoln Road. A motor tourist camp in that location serviced automobile campers. New subdivisions along the river filled up with summer homes and swelled the population of McHenry and surrounding area during the summer season, a feat that continued through the 1950's. On August 1�., 1921 the first organizational meeting was held in the West McHenry Bank building on Main St.to establish the McHenry Country Club on the grounds of the Syndicate owned Owen property. Sixty-two acres were rented upon which to develop a 9 hole golf course. M.J. Freund was engaged to clear the land, raze the existing farm buildings and landscape the property "to conform with#he natural The oidest home,extremely remodeled, is the old F.M.Goodman two story home built in 1880. The home is located at 808 John St., just passed the golf course pond and dam and gaing up the hiti into the subdivision on the east side. . � • A few other points of interest i�clude the opening of the goif course on July 6`", 1922 when 300 were in attendance. The first foursome consisted of syndicated cartoonist Sidney Smith (Andy Gumpj who had a summer cottage at Howe(I's Villas on the east side of the river behind Chapel Hill Goif Course;county judge C.P. Barnes o#Woodstock;Otto F.Sohm,a Chicago businessman with a summer cotta�e on the east side of the Fox River the first house south of what became the II. Route 120 bridge;and course designer and subdivision summer residen#H.H. King. Not long after the goif course opened,a beautiful archway was constructed over John Street where it leaves Green Street to go into the club and subdivision. It was constructed of wood,cement and terra cotta. It read "McHenry Country Ciub". A photo rnay be found on page 57 of the Arcadia publication, MCHENRY AND MCCULLOM LAKE compiled and written by Sandra Landen Machaj. When the archway was removed is unknown. Well known dredger Julius Keg who worked dredging on the Panama Canal for 9 months and was responsible for dredging out and developing lots along Boone Creek also dredged the shoreline in front of the Owen,Stenger and A11en First Addition Subdivision. For many years John Street leading into the subdivision was dirt and gravel,at times almost impassable. Because the City realized the draw the country ctub had for tourists and summer residents,the city fathers in 1937 proposed a resolution to the Illinois Dept.of Highways for the use of motor fuef taxes to blacktop lohn Street to the club entrance and up to the Goodman properiy. Such a proposal received support from the Country Club Improvement Association. In 1938 the contract for that work went to F.M. Melahn Construction of Algonquin. It would take almost another 20 years before side streets within the subdivision were blacktopped. lncluded within the plats of survey for the various additions making up McHenry Country Club Subdivision are designated river access lots identified as"Private Beach"'for the use of those property owners within the subdivision but not located on the river. One such beach is located at the curve in Crescent Ave.where it turns into Country Club Drive. Another ties at the eastern base of Charlotte Ave., a third Is located on Country Club Drive between Victoria and Virginia Avenues. A fourth beach sits between addresses 602 and 518 Country Club Drive and the fifth one is located between 418 and 410 Country Club Drive. In the 1950's beach associations for at least the beaches at the base of Crescent and Chartotte were active in clean up and beach improvements. 3. This subdivision like other eariy McHenry subdivisions established prior to and shortly after Worid War II deserve historical research and public signage. They clearly reflected the changeover from rural marketplace to resort destination,suburban center and bedroom community. Such research might . also include biographica!on some influential residents of the various subdivisions. The McHenry Country Club Subdivisian,for example, included individuals like Harry Hall King,the golf course designer; Harry Eckland,one of Chicago's political office holders and;Glen Welty, big band director. Additionally, long time living residents should be interviewed and such information included with the history. Nancy J. Fike 2913 W.Virginia Ave. McHenry, 11. 6�50 February,2013 _ i i f , � '""�,��-'y _ . , - � �"� ' � i ; , . . ._... ��� � �,..- � � , ' ,s..y:. . , .. ... , . .»._,. 1 . . . � . .. . � .. � . ... : i • :.. ............... , . ^ : .; .: :. .,_,..._ ; �, _- . �-. . . . . . . � __ :- ._ �_ : , ; , � �, � t-�_`"1' , '. . . . �_ �' r'^' 1 . . . . . .. � . � ; -��..�' - f��..`�',.�.�,,..-�:.� �� ; ; . �. ,, ,, ; ; . � .f" �,.� � ... �� . � . . . � . � � . � . ^•r "�•.�'�;�.._ 1 "` � f � . . . . . . . . I . ; p. , �' ' �' ..,` � .,>.^"'- ...-. . ,. I . . '.. � .. . � � . . : �. � . -. . .. . s. � `�.. , y . ,,�� ,� � � , � . s �y. _ .� � , , / . . . ; . , _.�.___._�_.r � , . ''`�-----�., '`;.,-.�.. �: � _- .- '`.,. , . - _ '� �y '; ,r„",.,,;,,,.,,. : � �,-�;., �, �" ,�'`�'� _ : -. � ''{,. `;.u . _ �` . �. . --.;.__. : . . . . 's . � . . � . . � .d3f ' ' . �"^. ..._.__"__.._.___.,._...,._-_ .__ / � I _... ..�_ ._ . . _..-..__� _._. - � . 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