HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 2/5/2024 - City CouncilThe City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, February 5, 2024, 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 333 S Green St, McHenry, IL 60050 1.Call to Order. 2.Roll Call. 3.Pledge of Allegiance. 4.Public Comment. 5.Consent Agenda. Motion to Approve the following Consent Agenda Items as presented: A.Resolution Regarding CMAP’s Report Entitled Plan of Action for Regional Transit (PART) (Mayor Jett) B.Reject all bids for the production of Well #14 and discontinue any further work on Well #14 at this time (Director Wirch) C.Authorize staff to purchase five vehicles through McHenry County BID 23-6516 now, with payment and delivery in FY 24/25, for an amount not to exceed $204,266.00 (Chief Birk) D.Approve the transfer of a Class B Liquor License and Video Gaming License from PAPAJAY LLC, d/b/a Wild Crab Boil to Northern Cafe IV LLC at 341 Front Street, McHenry (Deputy Clerk Johnson) E.Parks & Recreation Facilities & Special Use Permit Requests F.January 16, 2024 City Council Meeting Minutes G.Issuance of Checks in the amount of $770,218.22 6.Discussion Item Agenda. A.Dining & Entertainment District (Chief Birk and Director Hobson) B.TIF District Presentation by SB Friedman (Director Polerecky) C.Conceptual Presentation by Shodeen Group for 1111 Green Street (Director Polerecky) 1 The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. 7. Individual Action Item Agenda. A. ComEd Engineering Agreement Motion to approve the execution of a contract, pending attorney review, with ComEd in the amount of $30,000.01 and approve a budget amendment in the amount of $30,000.01 (Director Polerecky) B. Riverwalk Phase IV Motion to award the bid for the construction of the Riverwalk from the Pearl Street Bridge to the Route 120 Bridge, referred to as Phase 4, to Alliance Contractors in the amount of $1,501,085.60 (Director Hobson) 8. Staff Reports. Provided the 1st meeting of each month. 9. Mayor’s Report. 10. City Council Comments. 11. Executive Session to discuss the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) 12. Adjourn. The complete City Council packet is available for review online via the City website at www.cityofmchenry.org. For further information, please contact the Office of the City Administrator at 815-363-2108. This meeting will be live streamed with a quorum of the City Council physically present. Public comments may only be heard by members of the public physically present at the meeting. Remote public comments will not be heard. The public can listen and view the meeting from the following link: https://cityofmchenry.zoom.us/j/81600793954 2 Resolution 24-1 Resolution Regarding CMAP’s Report Entitled PLAN OF ACTION FOR REGIONAL TRANSIT (PART) WHEREAS, transit agencies in Northeastern Illinois are facing an estimated $730 million operating budget shortfall beginning in 2026 due to changes in travel behavior following the COVID-19 pandemic and expiration of federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) emergency assistance funds; and WHEREAS, through Public Act 102-1028 in 2022, the Illinois General Assembly tasked the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) with identifying options regarding funding and governance for the Chicago region’s transit system; and WHEREAS, CMAP considered the findings of the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) strategic plan, Transit is the Answer, and CMAP’s Mobility Recovery project; conducted multiple discussions at various levels from riders to system administrators and boards; and developed an in-depth analysis of three question areas: the system we want, how to pay for it, and how to implement it; and WHEREAS, CMAP completed its analysis and final report in the last half of October 2023 and will submit the report to the Geneal Assembly for review and consideration during the 2024 Legislative Session; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of McHenry supports all efforts to strengthen the region’s transit system and understands that transit is crucial to addressing the region’s goals of improving mobility, increasing economic development and competitiveness, combating climate change, and building a more equitable region; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of McHenry supports a combination of new revenue options in the form of: System Generated Revenues, Baseline Actions and Durable Sources, as well as Transformational Investment and Meaningful Change, all outlined in the PART report. The City of McHenry does so recognizing new revenue options as necessary to maintaining the region’s transit system and making visionary, targeted improvements and investments for the future. However, the City of McHenry strongly voices the position that any new revenue generated from residents of McHenry County be largely directed to service improvements in areas of McHenry County currently unserved or underserved by transit; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of McHenry strongly opposes the integration of the RTA board and associated service boards (CTA, METRA and PACE) into one single regional transit agency governance unit. Instead, the Council strongly supports keeping the current transit governance structure with the unique service boards and strengthening of the RTA; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of McHenry also strongly opposes any changes made to regional board appointments that would dilute the voices of suburban residents who 3 today feel underrepresented in regional transit decision-making. Instead, the Council strongly supports increased local government representation from collar counties; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that regardless of the governance structure, funding allocation policy remain the same as current policy; that is, CTA 58%, METRA 34% and Pace 8%, and that a super majority vote be required to pass any budget or funding for any City or suburban program or project; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be forwarded to The Honorable Governor JB Pritzker, Members of the Illinois General Assembly, Chicago Regional Councils of Governments, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning and the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus to make them aware of the commitments of the City of McHenry regarding regional transit. PASSED this 5th day of January, 2024. ___________________________________________ Wayne Jett Mayor City of McHenry Attested: ___________________________________________ Monte Johnson Deputy City Clerk City of McHenry 4 Department of Public Works Steve Wirch, Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: February 5, 2024 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Steve Wirch, Director of Public Works Russell Ruzicka, Treatment Operations Manager RE: Well #14 Potable Water Well Drilling & Testing AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests that the City Council reject both bids and discontinue any further work on the production of Well #14. BACKGROUND: Water Plant #1 located at 105 Green Street is supplied by wells #2 and #3. The raw water in well #2 has a high iron content that causes the well screen to become restricted, reducing the flow from the well. To alleviate this problem, the City of McHenry has been rehabilitating the well screen every other year (or as needed) to maintain satisfactory flows. Well #2 is also the only water well in the City that has tested positive for a PFAS chemical. Although the sample result was above the Minimum Reporting Level (MRL), neither the USEPA nor the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) have set action levels for PFAS chemicals . Currently, no action is required by the City except to notify residents of the test result. Staff began investigating the possibility of drilling another well that would eliminate the need to rehabilitate the screen for well #2 and would greatly reduce or remove any PFAS in the water system. Staff hired Robinson Engineering Ltd. in Volo, Illinois, to identify a new water source and well location and to drill and sample a test well. The test well produced an adequate flow and was free of PFAS chemicals. Robinson Engineering Ltd. created production well specifications and a bid package. The project was released for public bid on December 15, 2023, and the City of McHenry received the following two (2) bids on January 18, 2024: 1. Municipal Well & Pump, $359,063 2. The Cahoy Group, $398,589 5 The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. ANALYSIS: The approved budget for this project was $200,000, which was based on an initial quote. However, the engineer’s opinion of probable costs (EOPC) was $395,750, and both bids received were nearly double the budgeted amount. Therefore, staff recommends rejecting the bids and continuing to look for alternative solutions. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if City Council concurs, it is recommended that the City of McHenry reject all bids for the production of Well #14 and discontinue any further work on Well #14 at this time. 6 Chief of Police John R. Birk McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2200 Fax: (815) 363-2149 www.cityofmchenry.org CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John R. Birk, Chief of Police FOR: February 5, 2024, Regular City Council meeting RE: Authorization to Purchase 5 City Vehicles for FY 24/25 Attachments: Sunnyside Company Invoice & Order Confirmation Agenda Item Summary: Staff is seeking Council’s authorization the purchase five City fleet vehicles for the Police Department. Staff is present to answer any questions Council may have. Background: With the supply, demand and delivery issues surrounding vehicle purchasing and extremely high inflation costs, Staff has looked for alternative methods to acquire new vehicles. Ordering patrol police vehicles has been difficult for the past few years. In FY 23/24 Council approved the purchase of Dodge Durango PPV Vehicles as these vehicles cost less that the Ford comparable PPV and maintenance records for the Durango show a reduced price if vehicle repair and maintenance costs. The FY 24/25 Capital Investment Plan lists five new patrol police vehicles for replacements. Analysis: As done in the previous fiscal year, staff has begun the process of purchasing five police rated Dodge Durango PPV SUVs to replace patrol vehicle at end of useful life. Durango continues to have a better service record over the last two years compared to our Ford SUVs and pricing is lower. Staff then met with Sunnyside Dodge Company in McHenry. Sunnyside is the current bid winner (BID 23-6516) for 2024 Dodge Durango for McHenry County. Because of this completive Bid Award, Sunnyside is able to offer us the identical competitive pricing for the purchase of the 2024 Dodge Durango. Furthermore, Sunnyside is able to place orders for these five vehicles immediately which would allow staff to take delivery of the vehicles between July and September of 2024. Ordering early will allow us to take delivery of the vehicle and get them upfitted prior to the end of FY 24/25. Competitive Pricing for these five vehicles is as follows: Vehicles #1 through #4 (black) $40,782.00 (MSRP $46,250) and Vehicle #5 (blue) $41,138.00 (MSRP $46,645). See attached invoice and order forms for full details. Total savings between Competitive Bid 23-6516 and MSRP is $21,911.00. Recommendation: Staff requests City Council authorization to order/purchase these five vehicles through McHenry County BID 23-6516 now, with payment and delivery in FY 24/25, for an amount not to exceed $204,266.00. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Video Gaming License Application The annual license term runs May 1st through April 30th. The annual license fee payable to the City for a licensed private business shall be $1,000 for each video gaming establishment and $1,000 for each video gaming terminal. Fees for non-for-profit establishments shall be $250 per establishment and $250 for each video gaming terminal. Applicant's Corporate Name * Business Address * Business Phone #* Email * # Terminals Previous App? Previous Info License Revoked? The local business is not the terminal operator. The terminal operator is the business that you get your machines from. Name of Operator Address of Operator Phone # of Operator Operator Email Applicant Signature * Acknowledgement * Title Northern Cafe IV LLC 341 Front St, McHenry, IL 60050 3474190419 elsagroupil@gmail.com Number of video gaming terminals to be operated (maximum 6) 6 Have you made an application for a similar license for premises other than described in this location No Yes Provide the date, location of premises, and disposition of the previous application. Chen Jackpot Cafe INC 4117 W Shamrock Ln Mchenry, IL 60050 7/1/2020 Approved Has any license previously issued to you by State, Federal, or local authorities been revoked? No Yes Terminal Operator Information Cody Zhao 765 ELA RD, STE 206 LAKE ZURICH, IL 60047 +1 (847) 809-2818 illinoisgamingentertainment@gmail.com I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature and confirms that I have filled out this form to the best of my ability. LLC Member 22 Date *1/30/2024 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 City of McHenry Council Executive Meeting Minutes 1.16.24 1 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, January 16, 2023, 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 333 S Green St, McHenry, IL 60050 Roll Call: Mayor Jett called the roll call. Members present Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Mille, and Mayor Jett. Others present Attorney McArdle, Administrator Morefield, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Finance Director Lynch, Director of Parks and Recreation Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Chief of Police Birk, City Planner Sheriff -absent, Director of Public Works Wirch, Deputy Clerk Johnson, and City Clerk Ramel. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Jett led the pledge. Public Comment: none Police Department Presentations: Promotion of Nicholas Clesen to the rank of Commander, and Roger Hendrickson to the rank of Sergeant. Chief Birk presented the promotion to the above while families were present in the audience to applaud them while each received their pins. Public Comment: None Consent Agenda: Motion to Approve the following Consent Agenda Items as presented: A. Ordinance amending 4-2-5 (Ineligibility) and 4-6-4 (Limitations of Establishments of Terminals) of the McHenry City Code . (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) B. Appoint Michele Smith to the Landmark Commission with a term to expire on April 30, 2026. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) C. Authorize the execution of a renewed Lease Agreement between the City of McHenry and Trey and Tom Corp d/b/a Main Street Station, located at 4005 W. Main Street for a term ending January 31, 2025. (Economic Development Director Martin) D. Authorize the Mayor’s execution of five (5) five-year Intergovernmental Agreements allowing the City of McHenry to provide emergency dispatch ser vices with terms beginning May 1, 2024, and ending April 30, 2029 for the Marengo Rescue Squad District, Marengo Fire Protection District, Union Fire Protection District, Harvard Fire 33 City of McHenry Council Executive Meeting Minutes 1.16.24 2 Protection District, Village of Johnsburg Police Department, City of Marengo Police Department, and the Village of Union Police Department. (Police Chief Birk) E. Parks & Recreation Facilities & Special Use Permit Requests; F. December 29, 2023 Special City Council Meeting Minutes; G. December 18, 2023, City Council Meeting Minutes; H. Issuance of Checks in the amount of $752,572.63 I. As Needed Checks in the amount of $485,693.28 A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Strach t o approve the Consent Agenda Item as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Alderman Glab wanted to comment on Item C, would like to have the ability for the commuters to have a nice warm place to see if there is a way to accommodate them. Alderman McClatchey also agrees with Alderman Glab and wants to know if there is grant money available to help fix the façade. According to Director Martin, next year there will be more funds. Alderman Koch asked about the parking lot, according to Director Hobson, the parking lot is being looked at. Individual Action Item Agenda: A. Class B Liquor License – Restaurante Hondureno Bustillo Matute Motion to approve a Class B Liquor License to Restaurante Hondureno Bustillo Matute , located at 4113 Shamrock Lane and, if approved, pass an Ordinance Amending Title 4, Chapter 2, Alcoholic Liquor, Section 6, License Classification and Fees; Approval Authority; Limitation on Number of Licenses. (Mayor Jett, Deputy City Clerk Johnson) A motion was made by Alderman McClatchey and seconded by Alderman Santi t o approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays. 0-abstained. Motion approved. No public comment. Alderwoman Miller wanted to encourage others to go out and experience the restaurant it is unique to experience. The petitioner was here to say thank you. 34 City of McHenry Council Executive Meeting Minutes 1.16.24 3 Discussion Item Agenda: None Staff Reports: Provided the 1st meeting of each month. Mayor’s Report: City Council Comments: Alderman McClathchey shout out to Public Works, for taking care of business it was cold this week. Alderman McClatchey read a thank you to Administrator Morefield for his time and professionalism and thanked him for his service with the City of McHenry. Alderwoman Bassi, thank you to public works and to Chief Birk for the exposure on dealing with the speeding in Martin Woods, residents are appreciative. Alderman Strach spoke regarding the survey, which should be posted on the city's Facebook Page, and would like consistency in forms of communication. Some kind of process in place for the review with the new Administrator comes on. Mayor Jett stated that he did not realize that the survey was not on the city page, but it was sent from d15 and D156. He has received the process to go through for reviews and will be giving that out to the council. Alderwoman Miller also thanked Derik for his years of service. City Clerk Ramel also thanked Derik for his service and for the opportunity for her to work here at the city. Executive Session: A motion was made by Alderman Santi seconded by Alderman Strach to adjourn to Executive Session at 7:20 p.m. to Pending Litigation, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) (Finance Director Carolyn Lynch) Mayor Jett reconvened the meeting from the Executive Session at 7:46 p.m. A motion was made by Alderman Koch and seconded by Alderwoman Bassi to return to an open session. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0- abstained. Motion carried. Adjourn: A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderwoman Bassi to adjourn the meeting at 7:46. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach , Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nay-, 0-abstained. Motion carried. 35 City of McHenry Council Executive Meeting Minutes 1.16.24 4 X Mayor Wayne Jett X City Clerk Trisha Ramel 36 Expense Approval Register McHenry, IL List of Bills Council Meeting 2-5-24 Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: BAXTER & WOODMAN BAXTER & WOODMAN 254727 02/05/2024 MILL STREET WATER MAIN 510-32-8500 2,456.25 BAXTER & WOODMAN 254730 02/05/2024 RIVERSIDE SIDEWALK GAP 100-01-8900 92.50 Vendor BAXTER & WOODMAN Total: 2,548.75 Vendor: BMI BMI 51441535 02/05/2024 ANNUAL LIC FEE 200-00-5110 435.00 Vendor BMI Total: 435.00 Vendor: CHICAGOLAND PAVING CONTRACTORS, INC CHICAGOLAND PAVING 238802 02/05/2024 PAY REQUEST #2 N RIVERSIDE 100-01-8900 76,543.00 Vendor CHICAGOLAND PAVING CONTRACTORS, INC Total: 76,543.00 Vendor: CHRISTOPHER B BURKE ENGINEERING, LTD CHRISTOPHER B BURKE 189205 02/05/2024 MAIN ST P LOT REHAB 100-01-8900 4,383.50 CHRISTOPHER B BURKE 189206 02/05/2024 RIVERSIDE DR STREETSCAPE 100-01-8900 18,540.00 CHRISTOPHER B BURKE 189207 02/05/2024 IL RT 120 & IL RT 31 100-01-8900 2,547.50 Vendor CHRISTOPHER B BURKE ENGINEERING, LTD Total: 25,471.00 Vendor: CITY OF HARVARD CITY OF HARVARD INV0015576 02/05/2024 FY22-23 DISPATCH REFUND 100-22-5110 15,923.00 Vendor CITY OF HARVARD Total: 15,923.00 Vendor: CITY OF WOODSTOCK CITY OF WOODSTOCK INV0015577 02/05/2024 FY22-23 DISPATCH REFUND 100-22-5110 45,248.00 Vendor CITY OF WOODSTOCK Total: 45,248.00 Vendor: CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INV0015590 02/05/2024 UTIL 100-33-5520 20.90 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INV0015590 02/05/2024 UTIL 100-44-5510 72.94 Vendor CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC Total: 93.84 Vendor: DIXON ENGINEERING INC DIXON ENGINEERING INC 24-0060 02/05/2024 AT&T SIOUX LN RET PERS 740-00-5220 1,850.00 Vendor DIXON ENGINEERING INC Total: 1,850.00 Vendor: FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY IN00656541 02/05/2024 MUN WIRELESS MAIN 225-00-5110 3,132.00 Vendor FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY Total: 3,132.00 Vendor: IMPERIAL SURVEILLANCE IMPERIAL SURVEILLANCE 212231 02/05/2024 P8664 620-00-8300 4,961.00 Vendor IMPERIAL SURVEILLANCE Total: 4,961.00 Vendor: LANGTON SNOW SOLUTIONS, INC LANGTON SNOW SOLUTIONS, 58594 02/05/2024 6.72 PLOW/SALT ROADS 100-33-5110 1,041.60 Vendor LANGTON SNOW SOLUTIONS, INC Total: 1,041.60 Vendor: MARSH USA INC MARSH USA INC 376332740051 02/05/2024 D WOLF NOTARY 100-01-6940 55.00 Vendor MARSH USA INC Total: 55.00 Vendor: MCHENRY SPECIALTIES MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2024-50 02/05/2024 NAME TAGS CITY ADMIN 100-01-6110 7.00 Vendor MCHENRY SPECIALTIES Total: 7.00 Vendor: MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DIST MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE INV0015578 02/05/2024 FY22-23 DISPATCH REFUND 100-22-5110 17,781.00 Vendor MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DIST Total: 17,781.00 Vendor: MIDWEST METER INC MIDWEST METER INC 0162745-IN 02/05/2024 FOX MEADOWS 31 & VETS 510-31-6110 63,813.50 Vendor MIDWEST METER INC Total: 63,813.50 1/31/2024 11:32:46 AM 37 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02922 - AP CKS 2-5-24 Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: MORTON SALT MORTON SALT 5402974498 02/05/2024 BULK SALT 100-33-6110 2,092.91 MORTON SALT 5402976195 02/05/2024 BULK SALT 100-33-6110 17,854.33 Vendor MORTON SALT Total: 19,947.24 Vendor: NICOR GAS NICOR GAS INV0015579 02/05/2024 UTIL 100-42-5510 296.46 NICOR GAS INV0015579 02/05/2024 UTIL 100-43-5510 215.61 NICOR GAS INV0015579 02/05/2024 UTIL 100-45-5510 929.42 NICOR GAS INV0015579 02/05/2024 UTIL 100-46-5510 94.47 NICOR GAS INV0015579 02/05/2024 UTIL 400-00-5510 444.85 NICOR GAS INV0015580 02/05/2024 UTIL 510-31-5510 1,400.06 NICOR GAS INV0015580 02/05/2024 UTIL 510-32-5510 8,631.66 Vendor NICOR GAS Total: 12,012.53 Vendor: ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD 24010028 02/05/2024 MCH N RIVERSIDE DR PARKING 100-01-8900 3,320.00 ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD 24010045 02/05/2024 MCH WELL NO 14 580-31-8500 6,260.25 ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD 24010047 02/05/2024 MCH WATER TOWER 4 PH I,II & 510-31-8500 1,397.75 Vendor ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD Total: 10,978.00 Vendor: US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 519937908 02/05/2024 C H COPIERS 620-00-5110 598.56 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 520495979 02/05/2024 PW COPIER 620-00-5110 336.21 Vendor US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE Total: 934.77 Grand Total: 302,776.23 1/31/2024 11:32:46 AM 38 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02922 - AP CKS 2-5-24 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 100 - GENERAL FUND 207,059.14 200 - TOURISM FUND 435.00 225 - ALARM BOARD FUND 3,132.00 400 - RECREATION CENTER FUND 444.85 510 - WATER/SEWER FUND 77,699.22 580 - UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 6,260.25 620 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 5,895.77 740 - RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 1,850.00 Grand Total: 302,776.23 39 Expense Approval Register McHenry, IL #2 List of Bills Council Meeting 2-5-24 Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: 1ST AYD CORPORATION 1ST AYD CORPORATION INV#PSI669679 02/05/2024 Skid of Salt INV#PSI669679 510-32-6110 530.19 Vendor 1ST AYD CORPORATION Total: 530.19 Vendor: ADAMS STEEL SERVICE & SUPPLY, INC ADAMS STEEL SERVICE & 386899 02/05/2024 Nitrogen Refill # 386899 510-32-6110 52.75 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE & INV#386744 02/05/2024 1/8" Plate-Clarifier limit switch 510-32-5375 19.00 Vendor ADAMS STEEL SERVICE & SUPPLY, INC Total: 71.75 Vendor: AHW, LLC AHW, LLC INV#11803451 02/05/2024 Gator Service Kit INV# 510-32-5370 63.24 Vendor AHW, LLC Total: 63.24 Vendor: AMERICAN HEATING & COOLING AMERICAN HEATING & 04043179 02/05/2024 Hickory Creek Farm: Heating 280-41-8800 13,500.00 Vendor AMERICAN HEATING & COOLING Total: 13,500.00 Vendor: AMERICAN VENDING SALES, INC AMERICAN VENDING SALES, #INV105708 02/05/2024 Vending Machine Repair 400-00-5110 336.65 Vendor AMERICAN VENDING SALES, INC Total: 336.65 Vendor: APCO INTERNATIONAL INC APCO INTERNATIONAL INC 00086878 02/05/2024 CTO Re-Certification - 100-23-5430 60.00 Vendor APCO INTERNATIONAL INC Total: 60.00 Vendor: AQUA ILLINOIS AQUA ILLINOIS MS-4861548 02/05/2024 11/20/23-1/19/24 SHORES 510-32-5110 161.70 Vendor AQUA ILLINOIS Total: 161.70 Vendor: ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES LLC ARAMARK REFRESHMENT 06937686 02/05/2024 Coffee #06937686 100-01-6110 342.59 Vendor ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES LLC Total: 342.59 Vendor: ARAMARK ARAMARK 26093187 02/05/2024 Doug Mace Uniform Allowance 510-31-4510 123.56 Vendor ARAMARK Total: 123.56 Vendor: AT&T AT&T 0954595800 02/05/2024 Voice Over IP - IP-Flex 620-00-5320 389.60 AT&T 1789346806 02/05/2024 AT&T Fiber Internet 100M 620-00-5110 821.90 AT&T 2324946803 02/05/2024 AT&T Monthly Phone Invoice 620-00-5320 645.85 Vendor AT&T Total: 1,857.35 Vendor: AUTO TECH CENTERS INC AUTO TECH CENTERS INC INV084659 02/05/2024 314 (84659) 100-22-5370 664.84 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC INV085060 02/05/2024 317 085060 100-22-5370 659.24 Vendor AUTO TECH CENTERS INC Total: 1,324.08 Vendor: BARBATO, EMIL BARBATO, EMIL 227979 02/05/2024 shop DEF storage jug 100-33-5370 110.00 Vendor BARBATO, EMIL Total: 110.00 Vendor: BROWN EQUIPMENT BROWN EQUIPMENT INV24158 02/05/2024 Camera repair 510-32-5370 997.29 Vendor BROWN EQUIPMENT Total: 997.29 Vendor: BUSS FORD SALES BUSS FORD SALES 5049882 02/05/2024 129 5049882 100-45-5370 57.90 BUSS FORD SALES 5049883 02/05/2024 427 (5049883) 100-33-5370 543.69 BUSS FORD SALES 5049898 02/05/2024 325 5049898 100-22-5370 182.15 BUSS FORD SALES 5049962 02/05/2024 Lamp assembly 100-22-5370 623.58 BUSS FORD SALES 5049981 02/05/2024 327 (5049981) 100-22-5370 597.47 BUSS FORD SALES 5049986 02/05/2024 321 (5049986) 100-22-5370 730.08 1/31/2024 11:42:23 AM 40 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02925 - 2-5-24 RECT INV Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount BUSS FORD SALES 5050041 02/05/2024 431 5050041 100-33-5370 155.42 BUSS FORD SALES 5050062 02/05/2024 317 5050062 100-22-5370 90.92 BUSS FORD SALES 6092970 02/05/2024 322 (6092970) 100-22-5370 764.33 Vendor BUSS FORD SALES Total: 3,745.54 Vendor: CABAY & COMPANY INC CABAY & COMPANY INC 68933 02/05/2024 custodial supplies 400-00-6111 61.96 CABAY & COMPANY INC 68933 02/05/2024 custodial supplies 400-40-6110 99.13 CABAY & COMPANY INC 69021 02/05/2024 custodial supplies 400-00-6111 155.08 CABAY & COMPANY INC 69021 02/05/2024 custodial supplies 400-40-6110 297.39 Vendor CABAY & COMPANY INC Total: 613.56 Vendor: CAREY ELECTRIC CAREY ELECTRIC 405400 02/05/2024 Riverwalk Electrical Design 100-41-5110 280.00 Vendor CAREY ELECTRIC Total: 280.00 Vendor: CASTLE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP CASTLE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP 5110813 02/05/2024 Vehicle repairs 100-45-5370 769.84 Vendor CASTLE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP Total: 769.84 Vendor: CINTAS CINTAS 5194394337 02/05/2024 First aid kit 100-45-5110 70.84 Vendor CINTAS Total: 70.84 Vendor: CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY MCH/024870 02/05/2024 Reducing bushing/wire nuts 510-32-5375 25.75 Vendor CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY Total: 25.75 Vendor: CONDUENT HR SERVICES LLC CONDUENT HR SERVICES LLC 1708334 02/05/2024 DECEMBER 23 HSA FEES 600-00-6960 85.50 Vendor CONDUENT HR SERVICES LLC Total: 85.50 Vendor: CONSERV FS CONSERV FS 65168447 02/05/2024 Winter supplies 100-45-6110 365.05 CONSERV FS 65168502 02/05/2024 Winter supplies 100-45-6110 365.05 Vendor CONSERV FS Total: 730.10 Vendor: CORE & MAIN CORE & MAIN U168883 02/05/2024 Mueller break away kits 510-31-6110 919.94 CORE & MAIN U174729 02/05/2024 Hydrant shoes 510-31-6110 7,305.00 Vendor CORE & MAIN Total: 8,224.94 Vendor: CUMMINS INC CUMMINS INC INV# F2-35241 02/05/2024 Generator Parts INV# F2-35241 510-32-5380 121.45 CUMMINS INC INV# F2-35243 02/05/2024 Generator Parts INV# F2-35243 510-32-5380 104.03 Vendor CUMMINS INC Total: 225.48 Vendor: DELL MARKETING LP DELL MARKETING LP 10726848679 02/05/2024 Public Works Server (DC / File / 620-00-8300 6,428.17 Vendor DELL MARKETING LP Total: 6,428.17 Vendor: DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS 0585795-IN 02/05/2024 equipment repairs 400-40-5375 130.00 DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS 0587053-IN 02/05/2024 Bi-annual maintenance repairs 400-40-5375 1,084.20 Vendor DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS Total: 1,214.20 Vendor: DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INV#I05786 02/05/2024 2M BFP Motor Bearings INV# 510-32-5375 27.66 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INV#I06167 02/05/2024 2m BFP Hydraulic Pump INV# 510-32-5375 125.53 Vendor DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC Total: 153.19 Vendor: EJ EQUIPMENT EJ EQUIPMENT P44616 02/05/2024 Camera cable 510-32-5370 551.87 Vendor EJ EQUIPMENT Total: 551.87 Vendor: ELECTRONIC ENTRY SYSTEMS INC ELECTRONIC ENTRY SYSTEMS 2023/09104 02/05/2024 Dog Park Passes 100-41-6110 1,845.00 Vendor ELECTRONIC ENTRY SYSTEMS INC Total: 1,845.00 1/31/2024 11:42:23 AM 41 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02925 - 2-5-24 RECT INV Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: ENERCON ENGINEERING, INC ENERCON ENGINEERING, INC INV#115881 02/05/2024 SWWTP-Surge Protector INV# 510-32-5375 2,080.27 Vendor ENERCON ENGINEERING, INC Total: 2,080.27 Vendor: GALLS LLC GALLS LLC 26685591 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Zajac 100-22-4510 57.47 GALLS LLC 26802687 02/05/2024 New Hire Uniform Order 100-22-4510 603.90 GALLS LLC 26803180 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Hendrickson 100-22-4510 425.63 Vendor GALLS LLC Total: 1,087.00 Vendor: GALVICIUS, DEREK GALVICIUS, DEREK 2-9-24 02/05/2024 Event - Dad/Daughter DJ 100-46-6920 300.00 Vendor GALVICIUS, DEREK Total: 300.00 Vendor: GOPHER GOPHER #IN342893 02/05/2024 Basketballs, Scoreboards, 100-47-6110 1,655.75 Vendor GOPHER Total: 1,655.75 Vendor: GRAINGER GRAINGER 9963102232 02/05/2024 Recreation center water heater 100-45-6110 73.21 Vendor GRAINGER Total: 73.21 Vendor: HARBOR FREIGHT COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT HARBOR FREIGHT e7ccae35 02/05/2024 shop (7470) 100-33-5370 86.13 Vendor HARBOR FREIGHT COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT Total: 86.13 Vendor: HAWKINS INC HAWKINS INC 6663433 02/05/2024 Chemical Delivery 510-32-6110 6,173.10 HAWKINS INC 6671208 02/05/2024 Chemical Delivery #6671208 510-32-6110 12,448.60 HAWKINS INC 6673121 02/05/2024 Chemicals 510-31-6110 8,155.49 HAWKINS INC INV#6665814 02/05/2024 W Inv#6665814 510-31-6110 40.00 Vendor HAWKINS INC Total: 26,817.19 Vendor: HDR, INC HDR, INC 1200588941-9 02/05/2024 2023 COMPREHENSIVE & 100-03-5110 16,000.00 Vendor HDR, INC Total: 16,000.00 Vendor: HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS, LLC HEARTLAND BUSINESS 663797-H 02/05/2024 Microsoft Monthly M365 620-00-5110 4,202.01 HEARTLAND BUSINESS INV#666892-H 02/05/2024 Axis Camera Replacements 620-00-8300 304.34 HEARTLAND BUSINESS INV#666892-H 02/05/2024 Axis Camera Replacements 620-00-8300 4,093.08 HEARTLAND BUSINESS INV#666892-H 02/05/2024 Axis Camera Replacements 620-00-8300 1,203.83 HEARTLAND BUSINESS INV#666892-H 02/05/2024 Axis Camera Replacements 620-00-8300 238.50 HEARTLAND BUSINESS INV#666892-H 02/05/2024 Axis Camera Replacements 620-00-8300 159.00 HEARTLAND BUSINESS INV#666892-H 02/05/2024 Axis Camera Replacements 620-00-8300 142.94 Vendor HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS, LLC Total: 10,343.70 Vendor: HOME DEPOT PRO HOME DEPOT PRO 783364102 02/05/2024 Cleaning Supplies 100-03-6110 161.28 Vendor HOME DEPOT PRO Total: 161.28 Vendor: HRGREEN HRGREEN 165776 02/05/2024 Riverwalk Phase 4 engineering 290-00-8900 27,886.88 HRGREEN 165781 02/05/2024 Engineering Miller Point Park 100-41-5110 1,944.00 HRGREEN 168075 02/05/2024 Riverwalk Phase 4 engineering 290-00-8900 1,790.87 Vendor HRGREEN Total: 31,621.75 Vendor: IMAGETEC LP IMAGETEC LP 1182024 02/05/2024 Imagetec Monthly Lease 620-00-5110 698.20 Vendor IMAGETEC LP Total: 698.20 Vendor: IMPRESSIVE IMAGES IMPRESSIVE IMAGES 7116 02/05/2024 Embroidery on uniforms #7116 510-35-4510 9.00 Vendor IMPRESSIVE IMAGES Total: 9.00 Vendor: INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL SOLUTIONS LLC INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL C58795A 02/05/2024 Police Candidate testing 100-21-5110 567.00 Vendor INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL SOLUTIONS LLC Total: 567.00 1/31/2024 11:42:23 AM 42 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02925 - 2-5-24 RECT INV Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: IN-PIPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY INC IN-PIPE TECHNOLOGY 2482 02/05/2024 Monthly Invoice # 2482 510-32-5110 8,525.00 Vendor IN-PIPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY INC Total: 8,525.00 Vendor: INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 3035675704 02/05/2024 415 (3035675704) 100-33-5370 404.70 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 3035747565 02/05/2024 417 (3035747565) 100-33-5370 435.00 Vendor INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC Total: 839.70 Vendor: JENSEN, TED JENSEN, TED INV#03850 02/05/2024 2m Hydraulic Motor INV# 510-32-5375 40.00 Vendor JENSEN, TED Total: 40.00 Vendor: JG UNIFORMS INC JG UNIFORMS INC 125800 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Foley 100-22-4510 174.50 JG UNIFORMS INC 125801 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Diebold 100-22-4510 245.00 JG UNIFORMS INC 125804 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Chris 100-22-4510 1,241.35 Vendor JG UNIFORMS INC Total: 1,660.85 Vendor: JULIE INC JULIE INC #2024-1090 02/05/2024 JULIE WTR 2024 Assessment 510-31-5110 1,870.23 JULIE INC 2024-1090 STS 02/05/2024 JULIE STS 2024 Assessment 100-33-5110 1,870.23 JULIE INC 2024-1090 02/05/2024 JULIE WW 2024 Assessment 510-32-5110 1,870.23 Vendor JULIE INC Total: 5,610.69 Vendor: KIMBALL MIDWEST KIMBALL MIDWEST 101795270 02/05/2024 kimball stock (101795270) 100-33-5370 253.50 KIMBALL MIDWEST 101819868 02/05/2024 kimball stock (101819868) 510-35-5370 318.84 KIMBALL MIDWEST 101843402 02/05/2024 kimball stock (101843402) 100-33-5370 276.39 Vendor KIMBALL MIDWEST Total: 848.73 Vendor: KNAPHEIDE EQUIPMENT CO-CHICAGO KNAPHEIDE EQUIPMENT CO- 068F74962 02/05/2024 430 (068f74962) 100-33-5370 348.72 KNAPHEIDE EQUIPMENT CO- 068F75526 02/05/2024 Vehicle Repairs 100-45-5370 515.00 Vendor KNAPHEIDE EQUIPMENT CO-CHICAGO Total: 863.72 Vendor: KOMLINE-SANDERSON KOMLINE-SANDERSON INV#42058808 02/05/2024 Sludge Dewatering Machine 510-32-5375 580.85 Vendor KOMLINE-SANDERSON Total: 580.85 Vendor: LAI LTD LAI LTD INV#011260 02/05/2024 SBR Blower #2 Safety Relief 510-32-5375 1,100.00 LAI LTD INV#011307 02/05/2024 SBR Blower #3 Pulley INV# 510-32-5375 417.00 Vendor LAI LTD Total: 1,517.00 Vendor: LIFEGUARD STORE INC, THE LIFEGUARD STORE INC, THE INV001377408 02/05/2024 Invoice 001377408 100-47-6110 314.00 Vendor LIFEGUARD STORE INC, THE Total: 314.00 Vendor: MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DIST #15 MCHENRY COMMUNITY 103 02/05/2024 Invoice 103 100-47-5110 1,405.00 Vendor MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DIST #15 Total: 1,405.00 Vendor: MEADE INC MEADE INC #707381 02/05/2024 Traffic Signal Maint. 100-33-5110 418.41 Vendor MEADE INC Total: 418.41 Vendor: MENARDS - CRYSTAL LAKE MENARDS - CRYSTAL LAKE 5357 02/05/2024 Construction supplies: Knox 100-45-6110 1,290.34 Vendor MENARDS - CRYSTAL LAKE Total: 1,290.34 Vendor: MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC MID AMERICAN WATER OF #267023W 02/05/2024 Hydrant seats Inv #267023W 510-31-6110 1,170.00 MID AMERICAN WATER OF 267229W 02/05/2024 12In valve,12in Hymax 510-31-6110 7,265.31 MID AMERICAN WATER OF 287183W 02/05/2024 Stainless steel bolts 510-31-6110 121.32 Vendor MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC Total: 8,556.63 Vendor: MIDLAND STANDARD ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC MIDLAND STANDARD 270230 02/05/2024 Soil and Concrete testing for 280-41-8800 6,110.00 MIDLAND STANDARD 270316 02/05/2024 Soil and Concrete testing for 280-41-8800 2,416.95 1/31/2024 11:42:23 AM 43 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02925 - 2-5-24 RECT INV Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount MIDLAND STANDARD 270409 02/05/2024 Soil and Concrete testing for 280-41-8800 2,153.00 MIDLAND STANDARD 270534 02/05/2024 Soil and Concrete testing for 280-41-8800 2,007.00 MIDLAND STANDARD 270659 02/05/2024 Soil and Concrete testing for 280-41-8800 1,302.85 Vendor MIDLAND STANDARD ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC Total: 13,989.80 Vendor: MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS 231757 02/05/2024 411 231757 100-33-5370 143.38 Vendor MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC Total: 143.38 Vendor: MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 99224 02/05/2024 FTO books 100-22-6210 184.50 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 99264 02/05/2024 Boil Order Hang Tags #99264 510-31-6110 112.55 Vendor MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH Total: 297.05 Vendor: MONROE TRUCK EQUIPMENT INC MONROE TRUCK EQUIPMENT 5493351 02/05/2024 411 (5493351) 100-33-5370 5,532.67 Vendor MONROE TRUCK EQUIPMENT INC Total: 5,532.67 Vendor: MOTOROLA MOTOROLA 8084220231204 02/05/2024 Starcom21 Monthly Invoice 100-22-5320 3,359.00 Vendor MOTOROLA Total: 3,359.00 Vendor: NISRA NISRA 3017 2023/2024 02/05/2024 NISRA Annual Dues 23/24 100-41-5410 138,180.00 Vendor NISRA Total: 138,180.00 Vendor: NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE OCC HEALTH NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE 546821 02/05/2024 New Hire, Randoms, Post 100-05-5110 169.00 NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE 546821 02/05/2024 New Hire, Randoms, Post 610-00-6940 42.00 NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE 547290 02/05/2024 New Hire, Random, Post 100-05-5110 257.00 NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE 547290 02/05/2024 New Hire, Random, Post 610-00-6940 45.00 Vendor NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE OCC HEALTH Total: 513.00 Vendor: OTTER SALES & SERVICE INC OTTER SALES & SERVICE INC BUR-1048754 02/05/2024 449 (1048754) 100-33-5370 199.90 Vendor OTTER SALES & SERVICE INC Total: 199.90 Vendor: PETROCHOICE LLC PETROCHOICE LLC 51337686 02/05/2024 Parks: 51337686/51421803 100-45-6250 1,705.27 PETROCHOICE LLC 51421789 02/05/2024 Fuel - UTY - 51421789 510-35-6250 615.34 PETROCHOICE LLC 51421800 02/05/2024 51421800 100-03-6250 267.10 PETROCHOICE LLC 51421801 02/05/2024 Fuel - WW - 51421801 510-32-6250 531.30 PETROCHOICE LLC 51421802 02/05/2024 Fuel - WTR - 51421802 510-31-6250 180.70 PETROCHOICE LLC 51421803 02/05/2024 Parks: 51337686/51421803 100-45-6250 936.42 PETROCHOICE LLC 51421804 02/05/2024 Fuel - STS - 51421804 100-33-6250 7,375.64 PETROCHOICE LLC 51421805 02/05/2024 Fuel - 51421805 100-22-6250 4,324.08 Vendor PETROCHOICE LLC Total: 15,935.85 Vendor: PROSHRED SECURITY PROSHRED SECURITY 1322013 02/05/2024 Monthly Shred 100-22-5110 80.13 Vendor PROSHRED SECURITY Total: 80.13 Vendor: PUCHALSKI GOODLOE LLP PUCHALSKI GOODLOE LLP 658 02/05/2024 LEGAL SERVICES 760-00-5110 1,697.56 PUCHALSKI GOODLOE LLP 497 02/06/2024 LEGAL FEES 760-00-5110 805.00 Vendor PUCHALSKI GOODLOE LLP Total: 2,502.56 Vendor: RABINE DORS & DOCKS RABINE DORS & DOCKS 2781 02/05/2024 UV Building Garage door 510-32-5375 1,611.50 Vendor RABINE DORS & DOCKS Total: 1,611.50 Vendor: RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE RED WING BUSINESS 740-1-86456 02/05/2024 Boot allowance: Zimmerman 100-45-4510 211.19 Vendor RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE Total: 211.19 Vendor: RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 8200STS 02/05/2024 Spoils Pile Removal STS #8200 100-33-6110 245.00 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 8200WTR 02/05/2024 Spoils Pile Removal WTR #8200 510-31-6110 245.00 Vendor RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL Total: 490.00 1/31/2024 11:42:23 AM 44 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02925 - 2-5-24 RECT INV Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD 24010046 02/05/2024 Spoil Pie Testing & Sampling 100-33-5110 187.50 Vendor ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD Total: 187.50 Vendor: ROTARY CLUB OF MCHENRY ROTARY CLUB OF MCHENRY 3691 02/05/2024 Quarterly Dues 100-22-5410 110.00 ROTARY CLUB OF MCHENRY 3708 02/05/2024 Quarterly Dues 100-22-5410 110.00 Vendor ROTARY CLUB OF MCHENRY Total: 220.00 Vendor: RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT SPI20497478 02/05/2024 Chainsaw #SPI20497478 100-33-6270 1,259.99 Vendor RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT Total: 1,259.99 Vendor: SAFELITE FULFILLMENT INC SAFELITE FULFILLMENT INC 532059 02/05/2024 323 (01807 532059) 100-22-5370 501.64 Vendor SAFELITE FULFILLMENT INC Total: 501.64 Vendor: SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS INC SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS INC 103755 02/05/2024 Recreation Center:Pest control 400-00-5110 85.00 Vendor SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS INC Total: 85.00 Vendor: SNAPOLOGY OF MCHENRY SNAPOLOGY OF MCHENRY 1274 02/05/2024 Cont - Snapology Inv. 1274 100-46-5110 154.00 Vendor SNAPOLOGY OF MCHENRY Total: 154.00 Vendor: STUCKEY CONSTRUCTION STUCKEY CONSTRUCTION FINAL 1-22-24 02/05/2024 Miller Point FINAL Pay 280-41-8800 98,858.60 Vendor STUCKEY CONSTRUCTION Total: 98,858.60 Vendor: SUNNYSIDE COMPANY SUNNYSIDE COMPANY 115969 02/05/2024 324 (115969) 100-22-5370 646.10 SUNNYSIDE COMPANY 116039 02/05/2024 324 (116039) 100-22-5370 591.81 Vendor SUNNYSIDE COMPANY Total: 1,237.91 Vendor: TEST GAUGE INC TEST GAUGE INC INV1-122661 02/05/2024 RPZ Rebuild Kit # 1-122661 510-32-5375 594.05 Vendor TEST GAUGE INC Total: 594.05 Vendor: T-MOBILE T-MOBILE 9556767135 02/05/2024 Subpoena - Report 23-002345 100-22-5110 25.00 T-MOBILE 9557440922 02/05/2024 Subpoena fee - Report 23- 100-22-5110 75.00 Vendor T-MOBILE Total: 100.00 Vendor: TODAY'S UNIFORMS TODAY'S UNIFORMS 249312 02/05/2024 Uniform Orer - Foley 100-22-4510 119.90 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 249587 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Zajac 100-22-4510 75.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 249588 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Zajac 100-22-4510 57.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 249591 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Foley 100-22-4510 99.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 249717 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Hendrickson 100-22-4510 57.70 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 249832 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Cummings 100-22-4510 305.85 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 249848 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Cummings 100-22-4510 127.90 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 249942 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Hendrickson 100-22-4510 61.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 250056 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Hendrickson 100-22-4510 11.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 250410 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Clesen 100-22-4510 52.00 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 250415 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - McKeen 100-22-4510 30.85 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 250447 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Hendrickson 100-22-4510 149.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 250654 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - McKeen 100-22-4510 151.90 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 250829 02/05/2024 Uniform Order - Hernandez 100-22-4510 149.79 Vendor TODAY'S UNIFORMS Total: 1,453.59 Vendor: TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP 122622 02/05/2024 Uniform Alterations - J. Birk 100-22-4510 19.00 TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP 946748 02/05/2024 Uniform Alterations - Lorenz 100-22-4510 30.50 Vendor TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP Total: 49.50 Vendor: TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC TRAFFIC CONTROL & 117668 02/05/2024 Sign rivets 100-33-6110 219.40 TRAFFIC CONTROL & 117702 02/05/2024 Ordinance Signs Buses 100-33-6110 711.45 1/31/2024 11:42:23 AM 45 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02925 - 2-5-24 RECT INV Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount TRAFFIC CONTROL & 117718 02/05/2024 Stop Signs 100-33-6110 160.45 TRAFFIC CONTROL & 177667 02/05/2024 Stop Here Signs 100-33-6110 285.50 Vendor TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC Total: 1,376.80 Vendor: ULINE ULINE 172919795 02/05/2024 Maintenance Supplies 510-32-6110 418.90 ULINE 173028091 02/05/2024 Entry Scraper Mats 100-33-6115 723.90 Vendor ULINE Total: 1,142.80 Vendor: ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATIONS INC ULTRA STROBE 084361 02/05/2024 Getac A140 Docking Station 620-00-6270 664.95 ULTRA STROBE 084388 02/05/2024 Repliace lights/grill - 323 100-22-5370 157.50 Vendor ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATIONS INC Total: 822.45 Vendor: USA BLUEBOOK USA BLUEBOOK #INV00251253 02/05/2024 Sample valve lead free 510-31-6110 92.19 USA BLUEBOOK INV00256772 02/05/2024 Polymer Unit-PVC fittings 510-32-5375 232.54 USA BLUEBOOK INV00256828 02/05/2024 Polymer Unit-PVC fittings 510-32-5375 143.69 USA BLUEBOOK INV00256895 02/05/2024 Polymer Unit-PVC fittings 510-32-5375 21.49 Vendor USA BLUEBOOK Total: 489.91 Vendor: VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS 9953304113 02/05/2024 Monthly Cell Phone 620-00-5320 2,464.34 Vendor VERIZON WIRELESS Total: 2,464.34 Vendor: WM CORPORATE SERVICES, INC WM CORPORATE SERVICES, INC 0068422-0006-2 02/05/2024 Account Setup for Spoils 100-33-6110 70.00 Vendor WM CORPORATE SERVICES, INC Total: 70.00 Vendor: WORLD SECURITY & CONTROL INC WORLD SECURITY & CONTROL 34036 02/05/2024 1415 Industrial Drive Fire Alarm 100-33-5115 195.00 Vendor WORLD SECURITY & CONTROL INC Total: 195.00 Vendor: XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INC XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INV#3556D03769 02/05/2024 Anne St. Impeller & Wear Ring 510-32-5380 336.60 XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INV#3556D07992 02/05/2024 SBR Decanter Arm Limit switch 510-32-5375 255.00 XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INV#3556D07996 02/05/2024 Anne St. Impeller & Wear Ring 510-32-5380 1,784.50 XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INV#3556D08446 02/05/2024 Anne St. Pump Rebuild Kit 510-32-5380 2,343.00 Vendor XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INC Total: 4,719.10 Grand Total: 467,441.99 1/31/2024 11:42:23 AM 46 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02925 - 2-5-24 RECT INV Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 100 - GENERAL FUND 211,202.11 280 - DEVELOPER DONATION FUND 126,348.40 290 - TIF FUND 29,677.75 400 - RECREATION CENTER FUND 2,249.41 510 - WATER/SEWER FUND 72,832.55 600 - EMPLOYEE INSURANCE FUND 85.50 610 - RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 87.00 620 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 22,456.71 760 - POLICE PENSION FUND 2,502.56 Grand Total: 467,441.99 47 Office of the Chief of Police John R. Birk McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2200 Fax: (815) 363-2149 www.cityofmchenry.org Discussion Item TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John R. Birk, Chief of Police Bill Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation FOR: February 5, 2024, Regular City Council meeting RE: Dining and Entertainment District Discussion Summary: This is a follow up discussion with Council to review the concept of creating a Dining and Entertainment District and gain direction as to whether Council wishes staff to move forward with an ordinance. Background: On October 2, 2023 staff presented the concept of creating a Dining & Entertainment District. Upon the conclusion of this discussion the majority of Council wished for the concept to move forward. The majority of Council agreed to the following guidelines after the first discussion. Term: One year only (2024) to be evaluated and voted on by Council in order to be renewed for future years. Location: •The Riverwalk in its entirety (except for the section east of the walking bridge in front of townhomes) •Riverside Drive from Weber’s Park to Miller Point Park •Park Street from the Polish Legion to Route 120 •Northside of Route 120 between Park Street and Riverside Drive •Green Street from Pearl Street to Waukegan Road •Main Street from Route 31 to the Railroad Tracks Operational Time Frame: •Time of Year: May 1, 2024 through October 31, 2024 •Days of Week: Thursday through Sunday •Time of Day: 4:00pm to 9:00pm daily (Sales end at 8:30pm) Businesses with Liquor Licenses Participating: •Bars and Restaurants with a Class A or G Liquor License are eligible to participate. •Special alcohol endorsement on local license required. $300 annually. •Required waiver releasing the City from liability. •Required signage with regulations clearly posted at each establishment. •Certificate of Insurance listing the City of McHenry as additional insured. Alcohol Restrictions: 48 • Limit of two drinks sold per transaction. • Limited to beer, wine, pre-packaged alcoholic seltzer • All drinks to be served in approved clear plastic (per ordinance) 16-ounce cups. • Only participating alcohol establishments may sell. • Outside possession and consumption is permitted from alcohol purchases at participating establishments. You cannot bring in your own alcohol to drink, you must buy from local licensed businesses. Community Feedback: In December, staff met with all eligible liquor license holders in the Green Street / Riverside Drive area. Absent from this meeting was representation from Old Bridge Tavern, Bimbos, Green Street Tavern, All Retro Marine and Green Pea Pod. After a review of the program that was presented and revised by Council previously, the group was in unanimous support of the program. In December, staff met with eligible liquor license holders from Main Street. Absent from the meeting was representation from Plum Garden. After a review of the program all alcohol license holders except for the future Greek Restaurant were not in favor of this program for Main Street. They were however interested in a trolly that would bring people back and forth from Green Street to Main Street during the Dining & Entertainment District hours. In December a survey was sent out via email to all other businesses that are located within the Dining & entertainment District area (excluding Main Street). They were given the above stated parameters and then asked (1) if they would support the concept and (2) if they did support the concept would they allow patrons to enter their establishments with approved alcohol while shipping. Only seven businesses inside of the D&E area responded to the survey. Four were in favor answering both questions with a yes and three responded no. In January, a survey was also sent out to the Riverwalk townhome owners asking for their feedback on the subject as well. Of the eighteen homeowners who responded, nine were in favor of the concept and nine were not in favor of the concept. Council Direction: Staff is seeking Council’s direction as to whether they wish staff to create an ordinance establishing a Dining and Entertainment District with the above identified parameters, that can be brought back to Council for a formal vote in March. 49 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.cityofmchenry.org REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Ross Polerecky, Community Development Director FOR: February 5th, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting RE: TIF Presentation from TIF consultant SB Friedman ATT: Presentation Slides, McHenry TIF Map Agenda Item Summary: With many potential developments on the horizon within the TIF, staff felt it was important to bring in a consultant to refresh council and staff on how a TIF is designed to function. TIF consultant SB Friedman is here to give a brief presentation to the council. Background: The City of McHenry is currently in a standstill agreement with the Shodeen Group for multiple city owned properties within the downtown. These properties include the former McHenry Savings Bank site, former carpet store site and the former funeral home site. This agreement also includes the central wastewater treatment plant s ite. The standstill agreement was approved on April 3rd, 2023, and runs through March 1st, 2025, this agreement states the city will not sell the properties during the term of the agreement to allow Shodeen Group to perform due diligence and feasibility studies to develop these properties. In addition to these properties Shodeen Group also has a contract to purchase the former city hall located at 1111 Green Street, this is an agreement with the current property owner and Shodeen separate from any agreemen t with the city. All the properties mentioned above are located within the current TIF district, If Shodeen decides to move forward with development on these sites’ city council will need to make some future decisions as it relates to the TIF. Staff has brought in TIF co nsultant SB Friedman to give a brief presentation on TIF districts, why they are established, benefits of establishing a TIF, challenges and ultimately how they work. The council will be able to ask questions of the consultant related to specific properties or general TIF inquires. https://sbfriedman.com/ 50 DRAFT McHenry City Council Meeting | February 5, 2024 An Overview Public-Private Partnerships and TIF 51 DRAFT WHO ARE WE? WHAT IS OUR ROLE? SB Friedman Development Advisors is a Chicago-based consultancy working with the public and private sectors in a range of disciplines Public-Private Partnerships and Implementation Market Analysis and Real Estate Economics Development Strategy and Planning Our role: Advisor to the City Conduct TIF eligibility study Prepare TIF plan Provide analytical and other support in negotiations with developers seeking financial assistance from the City 2 Geoff Dickinson, AICP Partner 52 DRAFT PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS Public-private partnerships for economic development typically involve the use of public financial assistance programs and other public levers or interventions in partnership with the private sector to facilitate development outcomes. Typically, these partnerships are used to support real estate projects that align with public policy objectives, but that are not feasible without public participation. 3 53 DRAFT WHY DO MUNICIPALITIES PARTICIPATE FINANCIALLY? Why help fund private projects? Finance public infrastructure/improvements Fund extraordinary development costs Subsidize a proposed project that is “proving the market” Obtain higher quality development or development that delivers more public benefits than the market will generate on its own Attract or retain investment in a strategic area Even if a project is “market feasible,” it may not be “financially feasible” if there are extraordinary costs or uncertainty Need for assistance is evaluated based primarily on the economics of a specific deal, not the overall assets of the applicant 4 54 DRAFT WHY DO MUNICIPALITIES PARTICIPATE FINANCIALLY? Municipalities use TIF funds to incentivize investment and encourage growth in their community The purpose of TIF is generally to: Eliminate blight through redevelopment Foster economic development Enhance the tax base Successfully addressing these challenges benefits residents and improves the long-term fiscal health of the municipality 5 55 DRAFT WHAT IS TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF)? Area-based, local government-controlled, public/private finance tool Captures incremental property tax revenues in a defined geographic area for reinvestment in that area Flexible, powerful tool to foster high quality development and redevelopment Not an additional tax or tax abatement Discretionary tool – not an entitlement 6 56 DRAFT WHAT COSTS CAN TIF FUNDS REIMBURSEFOR? Most commonly-observed extraordinary development costs (public and/or private) Demolition Environmental remediation Private stormwater detention Pioneering land uses Improvements in public right of way (extension of water & sanitary sewer mains, roads, stormwater transportation facilities) Soft costs (legal, architecture, engineering, planning, administration, and financing costs for TIF) 7 57 DRAFT NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR PROVIDING TIF ASSISTANCE 8 Project contributes to important public policy goals Project is economically feasible with assistance Project would not proceed as desired ‘but for’ the assistance Project pays for itself through generated revenues and/or justifies the investment via economic/community impacts 58 DRAFT WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF TIF? Incentives are based on future development (new taxes) – don’t give up existing revenue Can generate significant “gap financing” to make priority projects feasible (e.g., retail in a town center environment, employment land uses / tax base diversification) Locally controlled – one of few resources, particularly for non-home rule communities Flexible – pairs well with other development financing tools (e.g., business districts, sales tax sharing (EIA) agreements) Can pay for certain public capital and operating costs Provides a source of funds to offset public costs of administering TIF program 9 59 DRAFT WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES/CRITICISMS OF TIF? Does TIF increase property taxes for existing residents/businesses?No. A TIF is not a tax increase; taxpayers continue to pay the same tax rate as before the TIF No real “do nothing” option Does TIF divert money from school districts and other taxing districts? No. Schools continue to receive the same tax revenue as before the TIF Tuition payments are required (if there are school-aged children living in TIF-supported housing) to support added costs resulting from development Tax capped taxing bodies receive the full levy amount with or without TIF Can distribute some of TIF increment and/or pay for certain taxing district capital costs Is the success of TIF dependent on growth in the tax base?Yes. Without development, revenue generation can be minimal. 10 60 DRAFT HOW DOES TIF WORK? 11 PR O P E R T Y V A L U E S TIF TERM (23 YEARS) TIF Adoption Used to reimburse developer via grants or rebates Pledged to support bond debt service Used to fund public projects Revenues to Taxing Districts Revenues to TIF Fund Revenues to Taxing Bodies as Usual Frozen Base Value Growth in Area Tax Base 61 DRAFT HOW DOES TIF WORK? 12 PR O P E R T Y V A L U E S TIF TERM 23 YEARS Frozen Base Value Growth in Area Tax Base Revenues to Taxing Districts TIF Adoption TIF Expiration Unfrozen Revenues to Taxing Districts 62 DRAFT HOW DO COMMUNITIES SET UP A TIF DISTRICT? 13 Major Steps Send notices to affected taxing bodies that the feasibility study is underway Conduct eligibility research Prepare an eligibility study and redevelopment plan File eligibility study and redevelopment plan with City Clerk Conduct required public noticing Conduct Joint Review Board meeting Conduct Public Hearing City Council approves three ordinances to create the TIF district Send copies of ordinances to County to define base value/set up mechanisms 63 DRAFT CONCLUSIONS TIF is a public-private finance tool intended to support important projects for a community that would otherwise not get built. TIF captures the increased property taxes generated in a defined area. TIF is a flexible source that can fund a wide range of public and private improvements. 14 64 DRAFT 70 W Madison St, Suite 3700 Chicago, IL 60602 312-424-4250 | sbfriedman.com VISION | ECONOMICS MARKET ANALYSIS AND REAL ESTATE ECONOMICS STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY AND PLANNING FINANCE | IMPLEMENTATION PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS AND IMPLEMENTATION SB Friedman Development Advisors, LLC 15 65 66 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.cityofmchenry.org REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Ross Polerecky, Community Development Director FOR: February 5th, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Conceptual Presentation by Shodeen Group for 1111 Green ATT: Presentation Slides, Plat of Survey , SB Friedman Proposal Agenda Item Summary: Shodeen Group is in attendance to give a conceptual presentation for the former city hall building located at 1111 Green Street. Shodeen is looking for feedback from the City Council as they move closer to potentially developing the site into a multi -use building which will include apartments, private and public parking and commercial space. Background: Shodeen Group currently has 1111 Green Street under contract to purchase. Staff has been working with Shodeen on site development concepts along with financial obligations and utility obstacles. Staff and representatives from Shodeen have recently met with Commonwealth Edison and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) consultant SB Friedman to discuss these items. This conceptual presentation will be followed by discussions regarding obligations to relocate the overhead utilities to underground similar to the work done for Riverwalk Phase 4. Two items to note on the plat of survey: the property lines of 1111 Green on the southeast corner of the property and the proposed building limits on the lower level of the parking garage entrance on Green Street (slide show page 4). Currently on the southeast corner of the property, the property line limits extend beyond the right-hand turn lane onto Waukegan and into the island, at the lower entrance to the proposed parking garage the building extends into the current right of way limits on Green Street. If this conceptual plan were to move forward, a small portion of Green Street would need to be vacated for the access on Green Street to function properly. Other utility obligations include relocation of the storm sewer that currently runs through private property, as seen on the attached survey. For a project of this magnitude to be financially feasible, the developer is requesting the property be removed from the current TIF district, and for a new TIF to be established. The request is being made to utilize a full 23-year term for the TIF, which is the maximum amount of time any TIF may be established. Staff has reached out to SB Friedman and received the attached proposal for this 67 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.cityofmchenry.org work. The total amount to remove this property from the current TIF and establish a new TIF is $29,860, with an estimated time frame of 6 months. If Council is in favor of this, staff is recommending this proposal be built into a master development agreement to be executed at a later point. At the time of this agenda supplement, staff has not yet received a pro forma for the property, and the developer’s financial ask is not known. This agenda item is to allow the developer to give the City Council an update, and to provide City Council with the opportunity to give direction to staff and the developer. 68 galgalgalgalgalgalgallgalgalgalgalgalalgagggsgasgasgasgagasgasgagasgasgagasgagjjjjjjjjjj Green & Waukegan Redevelopment McHenry, Illinois MCHENRY CITY COUNCIL PRESENTATION February 5, 2023 Shodeen Inc., Developer Sheehan Nagle Hartray Architects, A Woolpert Company 69 site GREEN & WAUKEGAN REDEVELOPMENT | SHODEEN INC., DEVELOPER | SHEEHAN NAGLE HARTRAY ARCHITECTS, A WOOLPERT COMPANY | 2 70 SURVEY SURVEY (FOR REFERENCE)(FOR REFERENCE)CITY IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY IMPROVEMENTS PLANS (FOR REFERENCE)(FOR REFERENCE) UNDERLAY PLAN: CITY ROAD UNDERLAY PLAN: CITY ROAD CONFIGURATIONCONFIGURATION OVERLAY PLAN: CITY RIVERWALK OVERLAY PLAN: CITY RIVERWALK IMPROVEMENTSIMPROVEMENTS PROPERTY LINESPROPERTY LINES PROPOSED SEWER EASEMENTPROPOSED SEWER EASEMENT EXISTING SEWER EXISTING SEWER EASEMENTEASEMENT R.O.W.R.O.W. GREEN & WAUKEGAN REDEVELOPMENT | SHODEEN INC., DEVELOPER | SHEEHAN NAGLE HARTRAY ARCHITECTS, A WOOLPERT COMPANY | 3 71 GREEN & WAUKEGAN SITE STUDY 6 NOVEMBER 7, 2023 RESIDENTIAL 4 STORIES 88 STUDIO 12 1-BR 36 2-BR 40 COMMERCIAL 3,200 SF GARAGE PARKING 157 STREET PARKING 7 LOWER GARAGE & COMMERCIAL LEVEL EL. +/-745 LOWER G A R A G E EL. 745 CITY WATER-FRONT IMPROVEMENTS & WALKWAY OUTDOOR DINING E T L COMM E R C I A L WAU K E G A N R O A D GR E E N S T R E E T RESIDENTIAL ENTRY GARAGE ENTRY GREEN & WAUKEGAN REDEVELOPMENT | SHODEEN INC., DEVELOPER | SHEEHAN NAGLE HARTRAY ARCHITECTS, A WOOLPERT COMPANY | 4 72 UPPER GARAGE & COMMERCIAL LEVEL EL. +/-756 GREEN & WAUKEGAN SITE STUDY 6 NOVEMBER 7, 2023 RESIDENTIAL 4 STORIES 88 STUDIO 12 1-BR 36 2-BR 40 COMMERCIAL 3,200 SF GARAGE PARKING 157 STREET PARKING 7 OUTLINE OF BUILDING ABOVE UPPER G A R A G E EL. 745 E L OPEN T O C O M M E R C I A L WAU K E G A N R O A D GR E E N S T R E E T RESIDENTIAL ENTRY GARAGE ENTRY GREEN & WAUKEGAN REDEVELOPMENT | SHODEEN INC., DEVELOPER | SHEEHAN NAGLE HARTRAY ARCHITECTS, A WOOLPERT COMPANY | 5 73 ) $ 1 $ ) $                                                                  &2/&2/ &2 / 9& 7 &$ 5 3 ( 7 &$ 5 3 ( 7 %$ 7 + 5 2 2 0 .,7 & + ( 1 /,9 , 1 *  5 2 2 0 87 , / , 7 < &/ 2 6 ( 7 $/ , * 1 9& 7 7,/ ( 9& 7 $/,*1        1 $ ) & 5 $ 5 $ 1 % 1 $      8 8 8 8  5 ' 5 $ ) $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 &    0 ,1                      $     &                                                                       8 8                                                                                                            8 8 8 8 8   /, 9 , 1 *  5 2 2 0 87 , / , 7 < ., 7 & + ( 1 %( ' 5 2 2 0 &/ 2 6 ( 7 %$ 7 + 5 2 2 0 '( 1 &2 / &2 / &2 / &2 / &$ 5 3 ( 7 &$ 5 3 ( 7 9& 7 9& 7 9& 7 7,/ ( 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ ) $ 1 $ ) $ 1 $ 1 % 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 ' ) $ $/ , * 1$/,*1  0,1   &/ 2 6 ( 7 &/26(7 ) & ) $ ) &1 $ ) $                                    1 & 9$5,(6 &2817(575$16,7,21 $)) %( / 2 : $     ' 5$5&5$ 5$  0,1                                                                                                                                                                                                        8 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 5$ 1' 1' )& )$ 1$ 1'1' 1$1$ 1$ 8 1$ 1$ 1$ )$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ :2 5 . 6 7 $ 7 , 2 1        0 , 1     $ ) ) &2 8 1 7 ( 5  75 $ 1 6 , 7 , 2 1    $ ) ) 0,1   [ [ [   [       [    [                &2/&2/ &2/ &2/ %('5220 %$7+5220 0$67(5%$7+5220 0$67(5%('5220 ',1,1*5220 /,9,1*5220 .,7&+(1 87,/,7< &/26(7 &/26(7 &/ 2 6 ( 7 &/ 2 6 ( 7 9&7 9&7 &$53(7 &$53(7 7,/( 7,/( 9&7 &$53(7 $/,*1 $/ , * 1                           0,1       1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 0,1   $)) &2817(5 75$16,7,21 9$5,(6 1& %(/2:   $ % $ &                                                                          &/ &/ &/ &/&/                                                                                                                                                     8 8 8 8 8 8 ) $ ) & 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 % 1 $ 1 $ ) $ 1 % 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 ' 1 $ ) $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 8 8 8 8 8 %$ 7 + 5 2 2 0 &/ 2 6 ( 7 %( ' 5 2 2 0 /, 9 , 1 * 52 2 0 0$ 6 7 ( 5 %( ' 5 2 2 0 0$ 6 7 ( 5  %$ 7 + 5 2 2 0 ., 7 & + ( 1 ',1 , 1 * 52 2 0 9& 7 7,/ ( 9& 7 7, / ( &$ 5 3 ( 7 &$ 5 3 ( 7 &$ 5 3 ( 7 9& 7   0 ,1      &/ 2 6 ( 7 &/ 2 6 ( 7 &/26(7 87 , / , 7 < 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ $/ , * 1 $/,*1 $/,*1 1 ' 0,1   0,1                                      $)) &2817(575$16,7,21 9$5,(6 1 & %( / 2 :   $     % $     % RESIDENTIAL LEVELS (4 FLOORS) EL. +/-767+ GREEN & WAUKEGAN SITE STUDY 6 NOVEMBER 7, 2023 RESIDENTIAL 4 STORIES 88 STUDIO 12 1-BR 36 2-BR 40 COMMERCIAL 3,200 SF GARAGE PARKING 157 STREET PARKING 7 E ROOF DECK ONE BEDROOM UNIT INSIDE CORNER UNIT OUTSIDE CORNER UNIT TWO BEDROOM UNIT GREEN & WAUKEGAN REDEVELOPMENT | SHODEEN INC., DEVELOPER | SHEEHAN NAGLE HARTRAY ARCHITECTS, A WOOLPERT COMPANY | 6 74 LOT 24 ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 75 LOT 24 ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 76 SB Friedman Development Advisors, LLC 312 424 4250 70 W Madison Street 37th Floor Chicago IL 60602 sbfriedman.com November 1, 2023 Mr. Ross Polerecky Director of Community Development City of McHenry 333 S Green St. McHenry, IL 60050 RE: Proposed TIF District Designation Support Dear Mr. Polerecky, Pursuant to our recent discussions, SB Friedman Development Advisors, LLC (SB Friedman) is pleased to present this proposal to the City of McHenry (the “City”) to provide tax increment financing (“TIF”) consulting services for a potential TIF district at the northwest corner of Waukegan Road and Green Street. Background and Approach It is our understanding that the City is considering establishing a TIF district to encourage private investment and support development/redevelopment in the “Study Area” as shown in Map 1 on the following page. This new TIF district would provide as a potential source of funds to help pay for improvements required to make development feasible. In support of this effort, the City is seeking assistance in evaluating the eligibility of and designating a potential TIF district for the Study Area. The Study Area is currently in the existing Downtown McHenry Redevelopment Project Area (“RPA”). We assume that the City will remove the one parcel and adjacent rights of way from the Downtown McHenry RPA prior to the adoption of a new TIF district encompassing the Study Area. SB Friedman proposes to support the City’s effort to establish a TIF district for the Study Area. Under this scope of services, SB Friedman will work with City staff to conduct a full TIF district designation process for the Study Area. We have organized our scope of services for this assignment into four phases: 1) Conduct TIF Eligibility Reconnaissance Study 2) Prepare Redevelopment Plan and Project Document 3) Prepare Mailing Lists 4) Support Notice and Deliberation Process We will begin the engagement by conducting a TIF Eligibility Reconnaissance Study. Assuming the Study Area is eligible, the designation support process would include documentation of our findings in a formal Eligibility Report, preparation of the TIF district Redevelopment Plan and Project document, and assisting the City with the public deliberation process, including preparation of mailing lists. Due to the absence of homes in the Study Area, we have assumed that a Housing Impact Study will not be required. 77 McHenry, IL / TIF District Designation Support SB Friedman Development Advisors, LLC 2 SB Friedman has broad and deep experience in all aspects of TIF, such as: TIF district designation and amendment, including housing impact studies; developing incremental property tax projections for TIF assistance requests and underwriting of various financing obligations; supporting the negotiation of term sheets and redevelopment agreements; and documenting and supporting TIF compliance activities. We are noted for our rigorous analyses of TIF eligibility, feasibility, and the market, fiscal, economic and related aspects of public-private development projects. Map 1: Study Area 78 McHenry, IL / TIF District Designation Support SB Friedman Development Advisors, LLC 3 Scope of Services Our proposed scope of services and work steps for each phase are as follows: PHASE 1: CONDUCT TIF ELIGIBILITY RECONNAISSANCE STUDY 1) Conduct Project Kickoff Call We will conduct a kickoff call with the City to:  Discuss the project scope and timeframe;  Confirm the Study Area boundary;  Review existing documents compiled by the City, including the City’s first and current Comprehensive Plans;  Identify additional key sources of data that we will need for our analysis, and  Confirm the assumptions to be used in developing the TIF budget, goals and objectives, and the projections of future incremental property taxes. 2) Obtain and Examine Necessary Data We will pursue key data to determine whether the Study Area qualifies for TIF district designation, based on the criteria outlined in the TIF Act. To complete our Eligibility Reconnaissance Study, we will:  Obtain current GIS parcel shape files and/or existing base maps from the City and/or County, and prepare internal base maps;  Obtain and review building age data;  Obtain and review five-year history of building permit data for the Study Area;  Obtain information about the age and condition of infrastructure serving the Study Area from City staff and others, as available;  Prepare PIN list, and order and enter taxpayer and six-year history of equalized assessed values (EAV) for the Study Area and City; and  Enter, proof and map eligibility criteria, as required. 3) Conduct Fieldwork We will conduct field research for the Study Area to document field-observable eligibility factors. We anticipate up to one day of field research in the City for two staff members. 4) Analyze EAV Growth We will analyze the growth in EAV over the past six years (five year-to-year periods) and compare Study Area growth to City growth and Consumer Price Index growth over those periods. 79 McHenry, IL / TIF District Designation Support SB Friedman Development Advisors, LLC 4 5) Analyze Additional Eligibility Factors/Required Findings and Tests Based on our field research and other data, we will assess the presence and distribution of factors to establish eligibility and to meet the “but for…” and “lack of growth through private investment” requirements, as outlined in the Act. The eligibility findings and boundary will be documented in a series of maps for the Study Area. If for any reason the Study Area does not qualify for a TIF district designation, we will meet with you to discuss potential strategies at that point. If necessary, this may also include engaging and coordinating with an engineering firm to prepare a flooding study on the vacant land parcels. 6) Prepare Eligibility Study Summary We will prepare slides documenting the findings of our eligibility research, including maps and tables. 7) Conduct Call with City We will conduct a call with the City to discuss our findings and recommendations. PHASE 2: FINALIZE ELIGIBILITY RESEARCH AND PREPARE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PROJECT DOCUMENT 1) Prepare Maps of the Proposed TIF District A series of maps of the proposed TIF district will be prepared for inclusion in the Redevelopment Plan and Project document. These maps will include: the proposed boundary, documented distribution of eligibility factors, existing land use, and future land use. 2) Obtain and Proof Boundary Legal Description We will engage and manage a licensed surveyor on the City’s behalf to draft a boundary legal description for the proposed TIF district. If the City prefers to work with a particular surveyor, we will engage with that company. Otherwise, we can use a surveyor with whom we have worked in the past. To ensure accuracy of the boundary legal description, we will conduct a proof of it. We will work with City Staff to ensure that the legal description of this new TIF district fits up against the revised legal description of the amended Downtown McHenry RPA. We will also coordinate with McHenry County to ensure that they are comfortable with the legal description prior to filing the TIF report with the City Clerk. 3) Prepare Draft of Redevelopment Plan and Project (Redevelopment Plan) Document We will prepare a Redevelopment Plan and Project document for the proposed TIF district. We assume this will represent the second half of the combined Eligibility Report and Redevelopment Plan and Project document. As required by the Act, the Eligibility Report and Redevelopment Plan document will include: • Redevelopment Project Area (RPA) Description • Boundary Legal Description of the RPA 80 McHenry, IL / TIF District Designation Support SB Friedman Development Advisors, LLC 5 • Summary of Blight/Conservation Area Conditions and Analysis of Eligibility Factors • Redevelopment Plan Goals, Objectives and Strategy • Existing and Proposed Land Use • Most Recent EAV and Estimated Future EAV • Estimated Redevelopment Project Costs (line-item budget) • Assessment of Impacts on Other Taxing Districts • Affirmative Action Plan • Statement of Conformance with Other Community Plans Preliminary projections of incremental property taxes from the TIF district will be prepared to confirm the supportable budget for the TIF plan and estimating the future EAV of the Redevelopment Project Area, as required by the Act. We will prepare a final Eligibility Report and Redevelopment Plan and Project document combining the Eligibility Study, redevelopment Plan, legal description, appropriate maps, and other required documentation. We anticipate first preparing draft documents to be distributed to and reviewed by the City. Any revisions to the draft Plan documents will be incorporated into the final Redevelopment Plan document, which will be filed with the City Clerk at least 10 days prior to introduction to the City Council. PHASE 3: PREPARE MAILING LISTS AND SUPPORT NOTICE PROCESS 1) Create Mailing Lists for Noticing The Act requires that municipalities make a good faith effort to provide notice of the availability of the Eligibility Report and Redevelopment Plan and how to obtain the report by mail to all residential addresses within 750 feet of the boundary of any proposed TIF district. We will prepare a map identifying this buffer area. We will conduct fieldwork to gather the addresses in this area as part of our eligibility fieldwork. Additionally, we will prepare other mailing lists for noticing, as required by the Act. Our scope includes preparation of the following mailing lists: • Affected taxing bodies and Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity • Taxpayers within the proposed TIF area • Taxpayers of properties within the proposed TIF area for which taxes were not paid in the prior year • Residential addresses within 750 feet of the TIF district boundary The City may elect to engage a mailing company for preparation and distribution of the mailings or to prepare the mailings using City staff resources. 2) Support Notice and Approval Process We assume that the City will print and prepare the mailings and publish required notices in local newspapers. We will coordinate with the City to ensure all mailing addresses are provided in a timely fashion. We assume that the City’s legal counsel will establish and manage a timeline for mailings, meetings and noticing based on state law, the overall project timeline, newspaper publishing dates, and the City Council meeting schedule. 81 McHenry, IL / TIF District Designation Support SB Friedman Development Advisors, LLC 6 PHASE 4: SUPPORT PUBLIC REVIEW PROCESS We will attend and, as appropriate, make presentations at the two key meetings that are part of the review process as provided in the Act. These meetings include the Joint Review Board Meeting and the Public Hearing, both of which we assume will be held in person. We are available for additional meetings or public presentations, as described in the “Additional Services” section below. Additional Services If additional meetings are required, we are able to attend and present our findings at the billing rates provided below. We are also available to provide other TIF-related services, such as tax increment projections or financial deal reviews for projects requesting TIF assistance. Timeframe and Fees Based on the scope of the work outlined herein and our experience with similar projects, we estimate it will take approximately 30 to 45 days to complete the TIF Eligibility Reconnaissance Study, 30 to 45 days to complete the Redevelopment Plan and Project, and 90 to 120 days to complete the public approval process. However, we will work with you to meet any specific deadlines, where possible. Professional fees for our services will be based on the time required at the billing rates of the SB Friedman personnel assigned to the project. The scope of the engagement and our experience with similar services indicate that our professional fees and expenses will total $29,860, as shown in the detailed budget. Phase 1: Conduct TIF Eligibility Reconnaissance Study $13,060 Phase 2: Prepare Redevelopment Plan and Project Document $9,350 Phase 3: Prepare Mailing Lists and Support Notice Process $3,070 Phase 4: Support Public Review Process $3,880 General Expenses $500 TOTAL SB FRIEDMAN FEES AND EXPENSES $29,860 Other expenses to be incurred directly by the City:  Surveyor - Boundary Legal Description This fee estimate is based upon the detailed work steps and time budgets shown in the attached budget table. Actual billings will be based on time expended at the special project rates that are currently as follows: Senior Vice President $300 Vice President $260 Project Manager $245 Associate Project Manager $225 Associate $185 Research Associate $160 82 McHenry, IL / TIF District Designation Support SB Friedman Development Advisors, LLC 7 Travel, publications, maps, outside data, report reproduction, and other out-of-pocket expenses will be billed as incurred without mark-up. We anticipate that the City will publish notices in the local paper and have not included an allowance for these costs. This fee estimate is subject to revision if the engagement entails more time than estimated due to problems that are encountered that could not reasonably have been foreseen at the commencement of the engagement or if the scope is changed. In this event, we will discuss the matter with you so that a mutually acceptable revision may be made. If the time spent on this engagement is substantially less than we have estimated, we will bill you a lesser amount. This estimate contemplates our in-person attendance at the following meetings: • Joint Review Board Meeting • Public Hearing Additional meeting time and additional services, beyond what has been included in the budget, will be billed at the project rates outlined above. Invoices will be rendered not more frequently than monthly as our work progresses for services and costs incurred. These invoices are payable within 30 days. If at any point the decision is made to discontinue our services, our fee will be based upon the actual time expended and out-of-pocket costs incurred to that date. Acceptance Procedures We appreciate the opportunity to continue to assist the City. To indicate your acceptance of this proposal, please sign and return it to us as authorization for us to proceed. Sincerely, Geoffrey Dickinson, AICP Senior Vice President SB Friedman Development Advisors, LLC Accepted: _____________________________________________ Signature Date ______________________________________________ Name Title 83 McHenry, IL / TIF District Designation Support SB Friedman Development Advisors, LLC 8 DETAILED BUDGET Person: Senior Vice President /Partner Project Manager Associate Special TIF Project Rates Rate:300$ 245$ 185$ Phase 1: Conduct TIF Eligibility Reconnaissance Study Conduct Project Kickoff Call 111 Obtain/Examine Existing Reports/Data 24 Conduct Fieldwork 220 Analyze EAV Growth 24 Analyze Additional Eligibility Items 2 2 8 Prepare Eligibility Study Summary 1 2 8 Conduct Call with City 111 Subtotal Hours for Phase 1-Conduct Eligibility Recon Study 63 7 10 46 Subtotal Dollars for Phase 1-Conduct Eligibility Recon Study 13,060$ 2,100$ 2,450$ 8,510$ Phase 2: Finalize Eligibility Research and Prepare Redevelopment Plan and Project Document Prepare Maps of the Proposed TIF District 4 12 Obtain and Proof Boundary Legal Description 1 2 4 Prepare Draft of Redevelopment Plan and Project (Redevelopment Plan) Document 4 4 12 Subtotal Hours for Phase 2-Prepare Redevelopment Plan 43 9 6 28 Subtotal Dollars for Phase 2-Prepare Redevelopment Plan 9,350$ 2,700$ 1,470$ 5,180$ Phase 3: Prepare Mailing Lists and Support Notice Process Create Mailing Lists for Noticing A. Prepare Buffer Map 2 B. Conduct Fieldwork and Collect Addresses (included as part of initial fieldwork) C. Enter Addresses/Obtain Postal Information 1 4 D. Compile/Proof List for Mailing 14 Support Notice and Approval Process 1 1 1 Print/Package/Mail All Applicable Notices Subtotal Hours for Phase 3-Prepare Mailing Lists 15 1 3 11 Subtotal Dollars for Phase 3-Prepare Mailing Lists 3,070$ 300$ 735$ 2,035$ Phase 4: Support Public Review Process Prepare/Attend/Present at Joint Review Board Meeting 4 4 Prepare/Attend/Present at Public Hearing 4 4 Subtotal Hours for Phase 4-Support Public Review Process 16 8 8 Subtotal Dollars for Phase 4-Support Public Review Process 3,880$ 2,400$ -$ 1,480$ Total Hours 137 25 19 93 Total Dollars 29,360$ 7,500$ 4,655$ 17,205$ General Expenses 500$ TOTAL BUDGET FOR PHASES 1 - 4 29,860$ Allowance for Boundary Legal Assumed incurred directly by City Mailing Costs and Title Company Tax Delinquency Research None Assumed TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT BUDGET 29,860$ Assumed Completed by City 84 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.cityofmchenry.org REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Ross Polerecky, Community Development Director FOR: February 5th, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Engineering contract with ComEd to bury overhead electric from Waukegan Road to Elm Street. ATT: Draft contract, site plan, Budget Amendment Ordinance Agenda Item Summary: Staff is looking for the approval of an engineering contract with Commonwealth Edison for the burial of overhead wires. The engineering would cover burying all overhead wires located west of Green Street from Waukegan to Elm Street. Background: City Staff along with representatives from Shodeen Group met with Commonwealth Edison to review design concepts and discuss the burial of overhead utilities along Green Street. The proposed area affected begins on Waukegan Road and includes 1111 Green Street, the former McHenry Savings Bank site and all properties north of the Green Street Café restaurant to Elm Street. Analysis: Staff has verified with ComEd the limits of the work, which includes all locations mentioned above. However, the draft contract attached specifically references only 1111 Green Street, which is where the work will initiate. ComEd is currently working to adjust the contract document to clearly show the limits of the work and to be between ComEd and the City of McHenry. While the contract is not yet finalized, staff believed that including the item on the agenda this evening was important to accompany the 1111 Green presentation from Shodeen. Therefore, staff is requesting approval of this contract pending attorney review and approval with the aforementioned changes. Staff is requesting the cost for this engineering contract be covered with a budget amendment using tax increment financing (TIF) funds. Therefore, if Council concurs, then staff requests that a motion be made for the execution of the contract, pending attorney review and approval, with ComEd in the amount of $30,000.01 and approve a budget amendment in the amount of $30,000.01 85 CUSTOMER WORK AGREEMENT CWA#: LF230017 R:0000 PL#: Date: 01/30/2024 EDWARD NEUMANN ("Customer") and ComEd ("Company") agree that the Company will furnish at the Customer's expense the labor and materials necessary to do the work for the Customer on or adjacent to the Customer's premises at 1111 N GREEN ST, MCHENRY, MCHENRY TWP, IL 00000, described below. CUSTOMER WORK AGREEMENT - CUSTOMER WORK ORDER ENGINEERING DEPOSIT ADVANCED DEPOSIT ENGINEERING DEPOSIT FOR OH TO UG RELO $30,000.01 The Customer agrees to pay to the Company the sum of $30,000.01, payment in full due prior to beginning of Company work. The charges listed in this contract are for performing the work identified herein under normal field conditions. If abnormal field conditions are encountered and additional labor and materials are required to complete the work, or if the scope of work is altered, ComEd reserves the right to collect, and the owner agrees to pay, additional money to cover the increased costs. The sketch, if any, attached hereto is hereby made a part of this Agreement and expressly designates ownership of the facilities refered to. The Total Customer Charge reflects the scope of work described in this Customer Work Agreement that will be performed by the Company. This does not include charges for the relocation or removal of equipment owned by others, such as cable television or communication companies, that are attached to the Company's poles. It is the Customer's responsibility to contact these other companies to schedule the relocation or removal of their equipment from the poles. These companies will bill the Customer separately for the work they must perform. Work will be done during the Company's regular working hours, unless otherwise specified. This Agreement shall be void if not accepted by the Customer within thirty days from date submited. Transformers and metering equipment installed in conjunction with this work, shall in all cases, remain the property of the Company. In the event the work covered by this Agreement cannot be completed within one year from the above date as a result of delays on the part of the Customer or because the Company has been denied access to the premises, the charge to the Customer shall be recomputed based on the level of costs prevailing at the time of completion of the work as stipulated in the Company's General Company Order No. 25. This agreement is subject to the provisions of the Company's Schedule of Rates and Information and Requirements for Electric Services as on file with the Illinois Commerce Commision. TOTAL CUSTOMER CHARGE $30,000.01 Mail Bills To: Payment Stamp Work Task Number: 1906228801 Account Number: 0213733003 Official CapacityPrint Name Print NameSignatureAccepted By SignatureAccepted BySubmitted By FOR APPLICANT:FOR THE COMPANY: HUZAIFAH KHAN EDWARD NEUMANN 308 COUNTRY CLUB DR MCHENRY, IL 60050 86 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.cityofmchenry.org Location of overhead utilities 87 ORDINANCE NO. 24- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FY2023/2024 BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING APRIL 30, 2024 WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City’s home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, the City of McHenry acting by and through its Mayor and City Council has previously approved the FY23/24 Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2024 by a motion at the Regular City Council Meeting held on April 17, 2023; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and appropriate to delete, add to, or otherwise change certain line items in said Budget Ordinance as provided in Exhibit A to this Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: That the amendments to the Budget Ordinance for the Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2024 are hereby approved in the form and content as provided by Exhibit “A” which is attached hereto and made part hereof. SECTION 2: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 3: All ordinances, or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed this 5th day of February 2024. Ayes Nays Absent Abstain Alderman Koch _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Glab ____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Bassi ____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman McClatchey _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderwoman Miller ____ _____ _____ _____ 88 Alderman Santi _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Strach _____ _____ _____ _____ ______________________ ________________________ Wayne Jett, Mayor Monte Johnson, Deputy City Clerk EXHIBIT A The following budget items are amended by this Ordinance: FY23/24 Budget Amendment – TIF Account (290-00-5110) - $30,000.01 89 Bill Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation McHenry Recreation Center 3636 Municipal Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2160 Fax: (815) 363-3119 www.cityofmchenry.org AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: February 5, 2024 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation RE: Award of Price Quote for Riverwalk Phase 4 Attachment: Riverwalk Phase 4 Plans Bid Tabulations including Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Cost TIF Past Performance and Projections AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: At the November 6th City Council meeting, as a part of the discussion centered around the overall community investment plan and the burying of the electric behind Riverside Drive, Council directed staff to complete the plans for Phase 4 of the Riverwalk and to bid both seawall only , as well as the phase in its entirety . Those bids were opened on January 16th and subsequently reviewed by HR Green. The low bids were provided by Alliance Contractors for the entire project at $1,501,085.60, and by Shorewerks for the seawall only at $209,420.88. Staff recommends proceeding with the project in its entirety at this time and to utilize Downtown Tax Increment Financing District (TIF) funds to accomplish the construction. BACKGROUND: Over the last 14 months, the city has been working with HR Green, McHenry Riverwalk Foundation President John Smith and local business owners to develop construction plans for Phase 4 of the McHenry Riverwalk. It is the current missing link section that would create a continuous walk from Green Street to Weber’s Park. It is the key section between the Pearl Street Bridge and the Route 120 Bridge. During this time, the city was able to secure all necessary easements from landowners, particularly through the amendments and redesign of the existing Riverwalk plan. One other item of note is a necessary repair to the Pearl Street Bridge abutment that was worked into the plans and included in the bid. This is a section that when completed will be well lit and offer an immediate link from the Fox River to the businesses on Riverside Drive. With plans completed and easements in place, the item was brought before City Council as part of the community investment plan discussion on November 6th. At this meeting, discussion was centered on two models of construction for Phase 4; a phased approach that would solely construct the seawall at this time and build off of that in future years , or the possibility of constructing the entire phase at this time. Items of concern were both commitment to the landowners and the easements that they had dedicated; completing a connection that can 90 actually be used by pedestrians; disruption of businesses; and most notably, the availability of funds on a project that had an engineer’s opinion of probable cost of $1,935,144. Upon the completion of this discussion, it was Council’s direction to bid the project both in its entirety and as the seawall only. Doing so would provide a true construction number to each option in order to make the best decision with real information. The bid package was sent to numerous contractors and advertised publicly . Those bids were opened on January 16th at City Hall, and four bids were received for each option. Each of the bids was reviewed and verified by HR Green as part of the process. Unfortunately, due to some bid discrepancies, one of the four bids for each had to be withdrawn. A compilation of the bids is attached to this document. The low bid for the entire project was provided by Alliance Contractors with a bid of $1,501,085.60. The low bid for the seawall only was provide d by Shorewerks at a bid price of $209,420.88. ANALYSIS: The city has already begun significant improvements to this section with the commitment to move forward on the burial of power lines. The two Riverwalk sections adjacent to this section are complete; however, this section has provided the most questions and the most challenges. Through design, communication and negotiation, the city has finally been able to answer all of those questions and get the businesses and landowners to buy in and to grant easements for the work. This is the section that cements the city’s presence along the Fox River, along one of the busiest sections of waterways in the nation. It does so in a manner that puts the city’s best foot forward and has businesses seeing that they have two front doors; one on the street and one on the river. It completes a section that time and again has been raised in strategic plan discussions. The bid for the entire project received from Alliance Contractors was over $400,000 less than the engineer’s estimate and $350,000 less than the next closest bidder. They are an excellent contractor that in fact was the original contractor for the Riverwa lk in 2005. They are local and use local sub-contractors. They are also a firm that is certified in bridge repair and are more than qualified to make the necessary improvements to the Pearl Street Bridge abutment. Frankly, this is an opportunity that staff could not have predicted given the recent history of construction prices. In short, this is an excellent price from a known, highly qualified firm. Constructing the phase in its entirety also minimizes the disruption to local businesses as opposed to a phased approach that would see multiple seasons of construction being staged and on-going adjacent to their businesses. While the work would impact the summer season, boat docks would remain usable and accessible as they were during the construction of phases 2 and 3. If approved, construction would likely commence in March and extend through September. Included in the 23/24 budget is $200,000 from the City’s Downtown Tax Increment Financing District (TIF) funds for Riverwalk improvements. This amount will essentially cover the seawall. A desire to accomplish more has been expressed by members of the City Council, and the bid that was received for the entire phase should warrant serious consideration. If City Council opts to move forward with the full Phase 4, the City would utilize TIF funds to accomplish this work. 91 The TIF was established specifically for public improvements within the downtown area. Construction of the entire project would be accounted for from the TIF Fund. This would draw this account into a negative balance, as the current fund balance is $240,000. The additional $1.3 Million would be recaptured over the course of the next two years as the fund replenishes itself in two installments each year tied to the tax bills in June and September. Last year, the city realized $800,000 in increment to be used for public projects within the defined district. There is one remaining $219,000 payment on the initial $2.9 million bond for phase 1 that will be paid off next year. That means that the beginning of FY24/25 will show a $1.3 million negative balance. The city will net an estimated $600,000 into the TIF Fund in FY 24/25, leaving a balance at the end of the fiscal year of approximately (-$700,000). Additionally, in FY25/26 the city is expected to receive another $800,000+ returning the fund to the black by at least $100,000 in October of 2025. These calculations would of course change if TIF funds were to be utilized for any additional projects during this same time period. It is quite common to run a TIF Fund into the negative; in fact, the City of McHenry carried a negative balance in the Downtown TIF Fund from its establishment in 2002 until FY2018/19. Carrying a negative balance illustrates that the City of McHenry is working towards the goals established when developing the TIF District and shows that revenue is continually being reinvested into the defined area. The attached chart provides an illustration of the prior year’s performance and estimated next two years. One caveat is that these are estimated amounts, and TIF actuals have recently outperformed and exceeded estimates. The most recent examples of this investment into the area are the $600,000 invested for Riverwalk Phase 3 and $250,000 invested into Miller Point. In summary, the City has the ability to complete the continuous Riverwalk from Weber’s Park to Green Street with TIF funding for significantly less than the estimated cost. With the use of TIF funds, this project can be completed with no impact to the City’s General Fund or ability to maintain its other infrastructure or parks. As such, staff recommends proceeding with Alliance Contractors to complete Phase 4 of the Riverwalk in its entirety for the bid price of $1,501,085.60. If City Council concurs, then a motion should be considered to award the bid for the construction of the Riverwalk from the Pearl Street Bridge to the Route 120 Bridge, referred to as Phase 4, to Alliance Contractors in the amount of $1,501,085.60. 92 Open date: 01/16/2024 By:Chad J. Pieper, PE Check:Sean Murphy, PE Engineer's Opinion of Probable Costs Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost 1 CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVAL/REPLACEMENT (Boat Co)SF 280.00 50.00$ 14,000.00$ 47.20$ 13,216.00$ 26.00$ 7,280.00$ 150.00$ 42,000.00$ 2 CONCRETE SIDEWALK REMOVAL (HOTEL)SF 550.00 15.00$ 8,250.00$ 14.50$ 7,975.00$ 11.00$ 6,050.00$ 5.00$ 2,750.00$ 3 EXISTING POST REMOVEAL & DISPOSAL (HOTEL)EACH 6.00 250.00$ 1,500.00$ 1,450.00$ 8,700.00$ 420.00$ 2,520.00$ 500.00$ 3,000.00$ 4 SIDEWALK 4" (RAMP AND STAIRS)SF 774.00 35.00$ 27,090.00$ 89.05$ 68,924.70$ 37.00$ 28,638.00$ 150.00$ 116,100.00$ 5 PAVER WALKWAY SF 1,368.00 375.00$ 513,000.00$ 115.10$ 157,456.80$ 32.00$ 43,776.00$ 55.00$ 75,240.00$ 6 EXISTING PIER ROMOVAL & DISPOSAL FOOT 160.00 25.00$ 4,000.00$ 30.00$ 4,800.00$ 310.00$ 49,600.00$ 200.00$ 32,000.00$ 7 MODIFY DOCK CONNECTION TO MEET NEW BOARDWALK EACH 7.00 2,000.00$ 14,000.00$ 300.00$ 2,100.00$ 16,500.00$ 115,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 17,500.00$ 8 COMPOSITE BOARDWALK & STRUCTURE FOOT 341.00 1,100.00$ 375,100.00$ 956.00$ 325,996.00$ 2,400.00$ 818,400.00$ 1,200.00$ 409,200.00$ 9 BOARDWALK CONNECTION TO EXISITNG - NORTH END LS 1.00 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 4,000.00$ 4,000.00$ 11,000.00$ 11,000.00$ 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 10 PAVER WALKWAY CONNECTION TO EXISITNG WALK - SOUTH END LS 1.00 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 21,150.00$ 21,150.00$ 21,000.00$ 21,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 11 SEAWALL (Steel)FOOT 372.00 550.00$ 204,600.00$ 705.00$ 262,260.00$ 1,350.00$ 502,200.00$ 1,200.00$ 446,400.00$ 12 CONCRETE SEAWALL RE-TOP FOOT 72.00 100.00$ 7,200.00$ 890.00$ 64,080.00$ 150.00$ 10,800.00$ 400.00$ 28,800.00$ 13 STEEL RAILING/FENCE FOOT 487.00 650.00$ 316,550.00$ 240.00$ 116,880.00$ 460.00$ 224,020.00$ 450.00$ 219,150.00$ 14 HAND RAILING (Non-Riverwalk)FOOT 65.00 300.00$ 19,500.00$ 150.00$ 9,750.00$ 300.00$ 19,500.00$ 300.00$ 19,500.00$ 15 4 – FOOT STEEL GATE – PROPERTY ACCESS EACH 2.00 3,000.00$ 6,000.00$ 1,525.00$ 3,050.00$ 3,100.00$ 6,200.00$ 5,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 16 PEDESTRIAN LIGHTS – WITH BASE (F1)EACH 1.00 4,000.00$ 4,000.00$ 9,185.00$ 9,185.00$ 11,000.00$ 11,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 17 BOLLARD LIGHTS (F2)EACH 11.00 2,500.00$ 27,500.00$ 4,180.00$ 45,980.00$ 3,000.00$ 33,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 55,000.00$ 18 STRING LIGHT POLES (F3)EACH 18.00 1,500.00$ 27,000.00$ 3,590.00$ 64,620.00$ 2,000.00$ 36,000.00$ 4,000.00$ 72,000.00$ 19 STRING LIGHTING LS 1.00 12,810.00$ 12,810.00$ 14,000.00$ 14,000.00$ 20,000.00$ 20,000.00$ 20 CONDUIT AND WIRE L.S. 1.00 20,000.00$ 20,000.00$ 17,050.00$ 17,050.00$ 21,000.00$ 21,000.00$ 20,000.00$ 20,000.00$ 21 LIGHTING CONTROLLER MODIFY EACH 1.00 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 1,765.00$ 1,765.00$ 3,100.00$ 3,100.00$ 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 22 GUY WIRE RELOCATE EACH 1.00 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 2,040.00$ 2,040.00$ 2,600.00$ 2,600.00$ 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 23 STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN EACH 2.00 5,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 5,500.00$ 11,000.00$ 3,100.00$ 6,200.00$ 5,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 24 STORM SEWER, 12' PVC FOOT 42.00 200.00$ 8,400.00$ 216.70$ 9,101.40$ 140.00$ 5,880.00$ 75.00$ 3,150.00$ 25 SEAWALL PENITRATION FOR STORM SEWER EACH 2.00 500.00$ 1,000.00$ 2,675.00$ 5,350.00$ 5,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 26 UNDERDRAIN - 6" PERF PIPE IN SOCK FOOT 300.00 30.00$ 9,000.00$ 35.70$ 10,710.00$ 40.00$ 12,000.00$ 10.00$ 3,000.00$ 27 GATEWAY ARCH (Complete)LS 1.00 80,000.00$ 80,000.00$ 95,900.00$ 95,900.00$ 160,000.00$ 160,000.00$ 115,000.00$ 115,000.00$ 28 Pearl St Bridge Abutment repair Complete LS 1.00 8,000.00$ 8,000.00$ 70,400.00$ 70,400.00$ 270,000.00$ 270,000.00$ 40,000.00$ 40,000.00$ 29 BENCH EACH 2.00 3,000.00$ 6,000.00$ 6,000.00$ 12,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 6,000.00$ 2,500.00$ 5,000.00$ 30 TRASH CAN EACH 1.00 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 2,350.00$ 2,350.00$ 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 31 LANDSCAPE WALL (bench at Old Bridge)FOOT 25.00 100.00$ 2,500.00$ 300.00$ 7,500.00$ 360.00$ 9,000.00$ 250.00$ 6,250.00$ 32 PARKING BUMPERS REMOVE AND REPLACE EACH 17.00 150.00$ 2,550.00$ 430.00$ 7,310.00$ 150.00$ 2,550.00$ 100.00$ 1,700.00$ 33 PARKING LOT PATCHING (15% ESTIMATE OF AREA)SY 120.00 100.00$ 12,000.00$ 65.00$ 7,800.00$ 85.00$ 10,200.00$ 40.00$ 4,800.00$ 34 HMA GRIND 1.5"SY 794.00 5.00$ 3,970.00$ 16.00$ 12,704.00$ 20.00$ 15,880.00$ 7.00$ 5,558.00$ 35 HMA SURFACE 1.5"TON 69.00 100.00$ 6,900.00$ 187.00$ 12,903.00$ 330.00$ 22,770.00$ 400.00$ 27,600.00$ 36 Pavement Markings 4" Yellow Paint FOOT 306.00 2.00$ 612.00$ 13.95$ 4,268.70$ 4.00$ 1,224.00$ 2.00$ 612.00$ 37 LANDSCAPE COMPLETE LS 1.00 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 8,000.00$ 8,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 15,000.00$ 15,000.00$ Subtotal: 1,759,222.00$ As-Read $1,501,085.60 As-Read 2,571,388.00$ As-Read 1,857,810.00$ 10% Contingency: 175,922.20$ Calc'd 1,501,085.60$ Calc'd 2,571,388.00$ Calc'd 1,857,810.00$ Total: 1,935,144.20$ Bid Alternates SEAWALL (Galvinized)FOOT 372 600.00$ 223,200.00$ 755.00$ 280,860.00$ 1,450.00$ 539,400.00$ 1,630.00$ 606,360.00$ 2.5 – FOOT STEEL GATE – PIER ACCESS HOTEL EACH 6 3,000.00$ 18,000.00$ 2,100.00$ 12,600.00$ 4,300.00$ 25,800.00$ 6,000.00$ 36,000.00$ 5 – FOOT STEEL GATE – PIER ACCESS (Archos)EACH 1 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 2,600.00$ 2,600.00$ 6,000.00$ 6,000.00$ 25,000.00$ 25,000.00$ Subtotal 246,200.00$ 296,060.00$ 571,200.00$ 667,360.00$ 36,930.00$ TOTAL:283,130.00$ BID WITHDRAWN NO BID ** This EOPC is based on current pricing from July 19, 2023. This estimate should only be used for budgeting purposues for the next 30 days. 15% Contingency Bid Tabulations Riverwalk Phase 4 - Rt 120 to Pearl St - BASE BID COMPLETE City of McHenry Job No. 220531 Alliance Contractors, Inc Copenhaver Construction Foundation Mechanics Bruceskis, Inc.Shoreworks HR Green is not a construction cost estimator or construction contractor, nor should HR Green ’S rendering an opinion of probable construction costs be considered equivalent to the nature and extent of service a construction cost estimator or constructioncontractor would provide. This requires HR Green to make a number of assumptions as to actual conditions that will be encountered on site; the specific decisions of other design professionals engaged; the means and methods of construction the contractor will employ; the cost and extent of labor, equipment and materials the contractor will employ; contractor's techniques in determining prices and marketconditions at the time, and other factors over which HR Green has no control.Given the assumptions which must be made, HR Green cannot guarantee the accuracy of its opinions of cost, and in recognition of that fact, the CLIENT waives any claim against HR Green relativeto the accuracy of J:\2022\220531\Design\Bid\Bid Open\Bid Tab_Riverwalk PH4_cjp-011624.xlsx 93 By:Chad J. Pieper, PE Check:Sean Murphy, PE BID ALT - SEAWALL ONLY Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost 1 EXISTING PIER REMOVAL & DISPOSAL FOOT 160.00 25.00$ 4,000.00$ 310.00$ 49,600.00$ 200.00$ 32,000.00$ 10.00$ 1,600.00$ 2 MODIFY DOCK CONNECTION TO MEET NEW BOARDWALK EACH 7.00 2,000.00$ 14,000.00$ 16,500.00$ 115,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 17,500.00$ 100.00$ 700.00$ 3 SEAWALL (Steel)FOOT 372.00 550.00$ 204,600.00$ 1,350.00$ 502,200.00$ 1,100.00$ 409,200.00$ 500.00$ 186,000.00$ 4 CONCRETE SEAWALL RE-TOP FOOT 72.00 100.00$ 7,200.00$ 150.00$ 10,800.00$ 400.00$ 28,800.00$ 10.00$ 720.00$ GUY WIRE RELOCATE EACH 1.00 2,600.00$ 2,600.00$ 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 5 STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN EACH 2.00 5,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 3,100.00$ 6,200.00$ 5,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 3,500.00$ 7,000.00$ 6 STORM SEWER, 12' PVC FOOT 42.00 200.00$ 8,400.00$ NO BID 140.00$ 5,880.00$ 75.00$ 3,150.00$ 57.14$ 2,399.88$ 7 SEAWALL PENETRATION FOR STORM SEWER EACH 2.00 500.00$ 1,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 2,000.00$ -$ -$ 8 UNDERDRAIN - 6" PERF PIPE IN SOCK FOOT 300.00 30.00$ 9,000.00$ 40.00$ 12,000.00$ 10.00$ 3,000.00$ 1.67$ 501.00$ 9 PEARL ST BRIDGE ABUTMENT REPAIR COMPLETE LS 1.00 8,000.00$ 8,000.00$ 270,000.00$ 270,000.00$ 40,000.00$ 40,000.00$ 9,000.00$ 9,000.00$ 10 LANDSCAPE RESTORATION LS 1.00 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 15,000.00$ 15,000.00$ -$ -$ $ 271,200.00 As-Read As-Read 1,034,780.00$ As-Read 615,870.00$ As-Read 209,420.88$ $ 27,120.00 Calc'd Calc'd 1,034,780.00$ Calc'd 565,650.00$ Calc'd 209,420.88$ 298,320.00$ Sub-Total 10% Contingency Alliance Contractors, Inc BIDFORM Riverwalk Phase 4 - Rt 120 to Pearl St - SEAWALL ONLY BID City of McHenry Job No. 220531 Copenhaver Construction Foundation Mechanics Bruceskis, Inc.Shoreworks Engineer's Opinion of Probable Costs HR Green is not a construction cost estimator or construction contractor, nor should HR Green's rendering an opinion of probable construction costs be considered equivalent to the nature and extent of service a construction cost estimator or construction contractor would provide. This requires HR Green to make a number of assumptions as to actual conditions that will be encountered on site; the specific decisions of other design professionals engaged; the means and methods of construction the contractor will employ; the cost and extent of labor, equipment and materials the contractor will employ; contractor's techniques in determining prices and market conditions at the time, and other factors over which HR Green has no control. Given the assumptions which must be made, HR Green cannot guarantee the accuracy of its opinions of cost, and in recognition of that fact, the CLIENT waives any claim against HR Green relative to the accuracy of HR Green's opinion of probable construction cost. J:\2022\220531\Design\Bid\Bid Open\Bid Tab_Riverwalk PH4_cjp-011624.xlsx 94 L O C A T I O N M A P McHENRY RIVERWALK PHASE 4 CONSTRUCTION PLANS McHENRY, ILLINOIS 2023 1391 CORPORATE DRIVE, SUITE 203 | McHENRY, IL 60050 Phone: 815.385.1778 | Toll Free: 800.728.7805 | Fax: 713.965.0044 | HRGreen.com C O N T A C T S Know what's below. before you dig.Call R PROJECT LOCATION Sheet List Table 95 ” “ ” Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 96 Know what's below. before you dig.Call R . 97 EX I S T . P I E R TO B E R E M O V E D A N D D I S P O S E D EX I S T . P I E R TO B E R E M O V E D A N D D I S P O S E D EX I S T . P I E R TO B E R E M O V E D A N D D I S P O S E D EXIST. SEAWALL EXIST. SEAWALL EXIST. POSTS TO BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED EXIST. POSTS TO BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED EXIST. CONCRETE TO BE REMOVED EXACT LIMIT OF REMOVAL TO BE COORDINATED WITH CITY CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. EXIST. BOAT LIFT TO REMAIN EXIST. BOAT LIFT TO REMAIN EXIST. PIERS TO BE CUT TO ACCOMMODATE NEW BOARDWALK STRUCTURE. EXACT LENGTH TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR (TYP) EXIST. CONCRETE STEPS TO BE REMOVED EXIST. PIERS TO REMAIN EXIST. PIERS TO REMAIN EXIST. CONCRETE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED. EXIST. PIERS TO BE CUT TO ACCOMMODATE NEW STEEL SHEET WALL. EXACT LENGTH TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR. TYPICAL (6) LOCATIONS EXIST. GUY WIRE TO BE REMOVED AND REATTACHED BY OTHERS EXIST. STEEL SHEET WALL TO BE CUT TO ACCOMMODATE NEW BOARDWALK. SEE DETAIL 2 ON SHEET C.12 REMOVE TOP EXIST. STEEL CAP AND CUT EXIST. STEEL SHEET WALL TO ACCOMMODATE PROPOSED PAVER WALK. PRESERVE EXISTING TIEBACKS FOR REATTACHMENT TO NEW SHEET WALL. EXIST. CONCRETE TO BE REMOVED AT THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF CONCRETE RIBBON OF EXISTING PAVER WALK SECTION.PROP. SEAWALL SECTION SEE 2/C.10 FOR DETAILS TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PERMANENT EASEMENT JWK-HRG 1050 NOTES: 1. ACCESS TO PRIVATE PIERS TO BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CITY CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AND PIER OWNERS FOR ANY TIME REQUIRED TO CLOSE PIER TO COMPLETE PROJECT WORK. 2. ALL GATES ON PRIVATE PIERS ARE SHOWN AS A BID ALTERNATE. SEE PRIVATE PIER GATE TABLE FOR MORE INFORMATION. 98 EX I S T . P I E R TO B E R E M O V E D A N D D I S P O S E D EX I S T . P I E R TO B E R E M A I N EXIST. SEAWALL EXIST. POSTS TO `BE REMOVED EXIST. SIGNS BE REMOVED, POLES AND BASES TO BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED AND SIGN PANELS RETURNED TO OWNER UNDAMAGED. EXIST. BOARDWALK REMOVE 16 LIN. FT. OF BOARDWALK RAILING EX I S T . P I E R T O B E R E M O V E D A N D D I S P O S E D EXIST. PIERS TO BE CUT TO ACCOMMODATE NEW BOARDWALK STRUCTURE. EXACT LENGTH TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR (TYP) EXIST. PIERS TO BE CUT TO ACCOMMODATE NEW BOARDWALK STRUCTURE. EXACT LENGTH TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR (TYP) REMOVE DECK CLEATS AND MOUNTING HARDWARE AND RETURN TO EMPLOYER TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PERMANENT EASEMENT PERMANENT EASEMENT EX I S T . P I E R T O B E R E M O V E D & D I S P O S E D PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER AND UNDERGROUND WIRING BY OTHERS PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER AND UNDERGROUND WIRING BY OTHERSREMOVE CONCRETE PARKING BUMPERS, STORE AND REINSTALL AT PROPOSED LOCATION. SEE SHEET C.04 FOR NEW LOCATIONS. JWK-HRG 1050 NOTES: 1. ACCESS TO PRIVATE PIERS TO BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CITY CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AND PIER OWNERS FOR ANY TIME REQUIRED TO CLOSE PIER TO COMPLETE PROJECT WORK. 2. ALL GATES ON PRIVATE PIERS ARE SHOWN AS A BID ALTERNATE. SEE PRIVATE PIER GATE TABLE FOR MORE INFORMATION. 99 FOX RI V E R VALLEY B O A T COMPA N Y PROPOSED GATES ON PRIVATE PIERS (TYP.) SEE PIER GATES BID ALTERNATE TABLE ON THIS SHEET AND SEE C.06 FOR 2.5' GATE DETAILS PROPOSED GATES ON PRIVATE PIERS (TYP.) SEE PIER GATES BID ALTERNATE TABLE ON THIS SHEET AND SEE C.06 FOR 2.5' GATE DETAILS ALL BOARDWALK SHALL BE PITCHED TO MAINTAIN A MIN. .5% SLOPE TOWARDS RIVER PROP. SEAWALL SECTION SEE 2/C.10 FOR DETAILS PROP. PCC CONCRETE PROP. TRANSFORMER ON CONC. PAD BY-OTHERS EXIST. UTILITY POLE TO REMAIN PROPOSED GATES (TYP.) SEE C.06 FOR GATE DETAILS PROP. BENCH SEE DETAIL 2A ON SHEET C.08 PROP. TRASH RECEPTACLE SEE DETAIL 2B ON SHEET C.08 PROP. SIDEWALK SEE DETAIL 5 ON SHEET C.11 PROP. 1' WIDE TOOLED CONCRETE RIBBON PROP. 4" PIPE PILE WITH WELDED CAP AND GUY WIRE CONNECTION FITTING SIZE, STYLE , LOCATION, DEPTH TO BE FIELD VERIFIED WITH THE UTILITY OWNER. PROP. 12" PVC STORM SEWER THROUGH SEAWALL INV = 736.50 SEE SEAWALL PIPE PENETRATION DETAIL 7/ C.13 PROP. CATCH BASIN TY-C SEE 9/C.09 FOR DETAILS IDOT TYPE 11 F&G (NEENAH R-3281-A) SEE 8/C.09 FOR DETAILS RIM = 741.64 T/C INV = 736.85 12" SE PROP. 12" PVC STORM SEWER THROUGH SEAWALL INV = 737.00 SEE SEAWALL PIPE PENETRATION DETAIL 7/ C.13 PROP. 116 LIN. FT. OF 4" PERFORATED DRAIN TILE WITH FILTER SOCK PROP. 32 LIN. FT. OF 4" PERFORATED DRAIN TILE WITH FILTER SOCK PROP. 12" PVC STORM SEWER @ 1.0% PROP. WELDED CONNECTION TO EXISTING SEAWALL. SEE DETAIL 2/ C.12 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PERMANENT EASEMENT PROP. CATCH BASIN TY-C SEE 9/C.09 FOR DETAILS RIM = 739.65 OL INV = 736.65 12" NW INV = 736.65 4" NE INV = 736.65 12" E PROP. 16 LIN. FT. 12" PVC STORM SEWER PROP. 14 LIN. FT. 12" PVC STORM SEWER PROP. CATCH BASIN TY-C SEE 9/C.09 FOR DETAILS RIM = 739.65 CL INV = 737.45 8" W INV = 737.20 4" NE INV = 737.15 12" E SEE DETAIL 8/C.13 FOR RAILING MOUNTING IN CONCRETE PIER GATES BID ALTERNATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION REMARKS P-1 2.5FT WIDE PRIVATE PIER GATE INSTALL 1FT OFF NEW BOARDWALK P-2 2.5FT WIDE PRIVATE PIER GATE INSTALL 1FT OFF NEW BOARDWALK P-3 2.5FT WIDE PRIVATE PIER GATE INSTALL 1FT OFF NEW BOARDWALK P-4 2.5FT WIDE PRIVATE PIER GATE INSTALL 1FT OFF NEW BOARDWALK P-5 2.5FT WIDE PRIVATE PIER GATE INSTALL 1FT OFF NEW BOARDWALK P-6 2.5FT WIDE PRIVATE PIER GATE INSTALL 1FT OFF NEW BOARDWALK P-7 5.0FT WIDE PRIVATE PIER GATE INSTALL 1FT OFF NEW BOARDWALK JWK-HRG 1050 NOTES: 1. ACCESS TO PRIVATE PIERS TO BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CITY CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AND PIER OWNERS FOR ANY TIME REQUIRED TO CLOSE PIER TO COMPLETE PROJECT WORK. 2. ALL GATES ON PRIVATE PIERS ARE SHOWN AS A BID ALTERNATE. SEE PRIVATE PIER GATE TABLE FOR MORE INFORMATION. 100 FOX RIVER PE A R L S T R E E T PROP. HANDRAIL SEE DETAIL 4/C.12 PROP. RELOCATED CONC. PARKING BUMPERS PROPOSED GATES ON PRIVATE PIERS (TYP.) SEE BID ALTERNATE GATES TABLE ON THIS SHEET AND SEE C.06 FOR 5.0' GATE DETAILS ALL BOARDWALK SHALL BE PITCHED TO MAINTAIN A MIN. .5% SLOPE TOWARDS RIVER PROP. METAL SEAWALL (TYP.) 5 GAUGE STEEL 12' SHEETS SEE PAN STYLE 5 GA STEEL SHEET PILE DETAIL 8/ C.08 PROP. RIVERWALK MONUMENT WALKWAY PROP. RELOCATED CONC. PARKING BUMPERS PROP. 6' WIDE CONCRETE SIDEWALK RAMP PROP. STAIRS CONNECT TO EXIST. BOARDWALK SEE EXISTING BOARDWALK CONNECTION DETAIL 1/ C.13 PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER BY OTHERS PROP. TRANSFORMER ON CONC. PAD BY OTHERS PROP. SIDEWALK SEE DETAIL 5 ON SHEET C.11 PROP. BENCH SEE DETAIL 2A ON SHEET C.08 EXIST. 4" DOWNSPOUT THROUGH SEAWALL INV = 737.58 EXIST. 4" DOWNSPOUT PROP. 91 LIN. FT. OF 4" PERFORATED DRAIN TILE WITH FILTER SOCK PROP. 80 LIN. FT. OF 4" PERFORATED DRAIN TILE WITH FILTER SOCK INSTALL 4" X4" CROSS, CONNECT DRAIN TILES AND EXTEND EXIST. SEE SEAWALL PIPE PENETRATION DETAIL 7/ C.13 EXIST. 12" PVC STORM SEWER THROUGH SEAWALL INV = 736.93 SEE SEAWALL PIPE PENETRATION DETAIL 7/ C.13 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PERMANENT EASEMENT PERMANENT EASEMENT PROPOSED CONCRETE WALL RE P A I R UNDER PEARL STREET BRIDGE. S E E DETAIL 3 ON SHEET C.12 SEE DETAIL 8/C.13 FOR RAILING MOUNTING IN CONCRETE SEE DETAIL 5/C.12 FOR RAILING MOUNTING ON STEEL SEAWALL PIER GATES BID ALTERNATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION REMARKS P-1 2.5FT WIDE PRIVATE PIER GATE INSTALL 1FT OFF NEW BOARDWALK P-2 2.5FT WIDE PRIVATE PIER GATE INSTALL 1FT OFF NEW BOARDWALK P-3 2.5FT WIDE PRIVATE PIER GATE INSTALL 1FT OFF NEW BOARDWALK P-4 2.5FT WIDE PRIVATE PIER GATE INSTALL 1FT OFF NEW BOARDWALK P-5 2.5FT WIDE PRIVATE PIER GATE INSTALL 1FT OFF NEW BOARDWALK P-6 2.5FT WIDE PRIVATE PIER GATE INSTALL 1FT OFF NEW BOARDWALK P-7 5.0FT WIDE PRIVATE PIER GATE INSTALL 1FT OFF NEW BOARDWALK JWK-HRG 1050 NOTES: 1. ACCESS TO PRIVATE PIERS TO BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CITY CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AND PIER OWNERS FOR ANY TIME REQUIRED TO CLOSE PIER TO COMPLETE PROJECT WORK. 2. ALL GATES ON PRIVATE PIERS ARE SHOWN AS A BID ALTERNATE. SEE PRIVATE PIER GATE TABLE FOR MORE INFORMATION. 101 OLD B R I D G E TAVER N FOX RI V E R VALLE Y B O A T COMPA N Y PE A R L S T R E E T PROP. HANDRAIL PROP. RELOCATED CONC. PARKING BUMPERS ALL BOARDWALK SHALL BE PITCHED TO MAINTAIN A MIN. .5% SLOPE TOWARDS RIVER PROP. RIVERWALK MONUMENT WALKWAYPROP. RELOCATED CONC. PARKING BUMPERS PROP. 6' WIDE CONCRETE SIDEWALK RAMP PROP. STAIRS PROP. TRANSFORMER ON CONC. PAD EXIST. UTILITY POLE TO REMAIN EXIST. TRANSFORMER ON CONC. PAD PROP. SIDEWALK SEE DETAIL 5 ON SHEET C.11 PROP. BENCH SEE DETAIL 2A ON SHEET C.08 EXIST. 4" DOWNSPOUT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PERMANENT EASEMENT PERMANENT EASEMENT PROP. 4" SOLID YELLOW STRIPING PROP DECORATIVE GRASSES PROP DECORATIVE GRASSES PROP. 4" SOLID YELLOW STRIPING PROP. 4" SOLID YELLOW 45° DIAGONALS PROP. METAL SEAWALL (TYP.) 5 GAUGE STEEL 12' SHEETS SEE PAN STYLE 5 GA STEEL SHEET PILE DETAIL 8/ C.08 CONNECT TO EXIST. BOARDWALK SEE EXISTING BOARDWALK CONNECTION DETAIL 1/ C.13 PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER BY OTHERS PROPOSED CONCRETE WALL REP A I R UNDER PEARL STREET BRIDGE. S E E DETAIL 3 ON SHEET C.12 PROPOSED GATES ON PRIVATE PIERS (TYP.) SEE BID ALTERNATE GATES TABLE ON THIS SHEET AND SEE C.06 FOR 5.0' GATE DETAILS JWK-HRG 1050 NOTES: 1. ACCESS TO PRIVATE PIERS TO BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CITY CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AND PIER OWNERS FOR ANY TIME REQUIRED TO CLOSE PIER TO COMPLETE PROJECT WORK. 2. ALL GATES ON PRIVATE PIERS ARE SHOWN AS A BID ALTERNATE. SEE PRIVATE PIER GATE TABLE ON SHEET C.04 FOR MORE INFORMATION. 102 Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 103 ⅊ Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 104 ⅊ Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 105 ≥ 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 A A B B C C D D SHEET 1 OF 1 DWG NOSIZE SCALE REV TYPICAL RECTANGULAR INLET FILTERCOMBINATION INLETFILTER FOR CURB HOODS TYPICAL ROUND INLET FILTER STAINLESS STEEL ROUND INLET FILTERS forNYLOPLAST CASTINGSCATCH-ITS SPECIFIED W/ FX or FX-S BAGS WALL MOUNT INLET FILTERS FOROPEN THROAT GUTTERS STAKES PER BALE(2) 2"x2"x4'ANCHOR BALES WITH BALES TO BUTT 10' MIN. VA R I E S POLYETHYLENESHEETING BINDING WIRE STRAW BALE (TYPICAL) WOOD STAKE (TYPICAL) 10 MIL 30"± 6" MIN DEPTH AGGREGATE 6" MIN IMBEDMENT(TYPICAL) EXISTING GRADE 18"± 12" MAX AGGREGATE TRUCKSALL CONCRETE WASHOUT HERESHALL 18" 12 "BLACK LETTERSON WHITEBACKGROUND GALVANIZED "U" 7'-0" TO BOTTOM OF SIGN 3'-0" MINSOIL EMBEDMENT FINISH GRADE SIGN SHALL BE PLACEDIN A PROMINENT LOCATIONAT WASHOUT AREA CHANNEL POST TYPICAL SECTION PLAN WASHOUT SIGN ALL AROUND 12 " M I N POLYETHYLENESHEETING 10 MIL NOTES: 1. CONTAINMENT MUST BE STRUCTURALLY SOUND AND LEAK FREE AND CONTAIN ALL LIQUID WASTES. 2. CONTAINMENT DEVICES MUST BE OF SUFFICIENT QUANTITY OR VOLUME TO COMPLETELY CONTAIN THE LIQUID WASTES GENERATED. 3. WASHOUT MUST BE CLEANED OR NEW FACILITIES CONSTRUCTED AND READY TO USE ONCE WASHOUT IS 75% FULL. 4. WASHOUT AREA(S) SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A LOCATION EASILY ACCESSIBLE BY CONCRETE TRUCKS. 5. ONE OR MORE AREAS MAY BE INSTALLED ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND MAY BE RELOCATED AS CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES.6. AT LEAST WEEKLY REMOVE ACCUMULATION OF SAND AND AGGREGATE AND DISPOSE OF PROPERLY. SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATERTABLE 106 107 108 1'-0" 60" MIN LANDING HORIZONTAL PROJECTION (RUN) 60" MIN. LANDING 1'-0" 34 " - 3 8 " HANDRAIL 36" CLEAR (MIN) "A" "B" ELEVATION 30" MAX. RISE BEFORE A 5'-0" LONG INTERMEDIATE LANDING IS REQUIRED SET PIPE IN CONC. FOOTING DETAIL "A" DETAIL "B" 114"Ø TO 112"Ø HANDRAIL34 " - 3 8 " A. F . F . 8" SQUARE 3" MI N 1' - 0 " VE R I F Y HANDRAIL 12" RI S E PAINT HANDRAIL BLACK POWDER COAT 34 " - 3 8 " NOTES: 1. RAMPS & HANDRAILS TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH SECTIONS 405 & 505 OF THE 2010 ADA STANDARDS FOR ACCESSIBLE DESIGN 2. VERIFY ALL STATE & LOCAL REQUIREMENTS FOR RAMPS & HANDRAILS 3. USE ONLY COMMERCIAL GRADE ALUMINUM FENCING WITH BLACK POWDER COAT FINISH 27 " M A X . 27 " M A X . < 4 " 109 110 100A 2P 20A 1P 15A 1P 20A 2P HOAC PE PO L E / B O L L A R D LI G H T S ST R I N G L I G H T S 30A, 4 POLE CONTACTOR TO UTILITY 20A 2P 20A 1P PO L E L I G H T / GA T E W A Y S I G N / ST R I N G L I G H T S BO L L A R D L I G H T S JWK-HRG 1050 INSTALL IN EXISTING METERED PEDESTAL 1. PROVIDE ONE(1) 20A, 2-POLE BRANCH CIRCUIT BREAKER TO SERVE BOLLARD LIGHTS. 2. PROVIDE ONE(1) 20A 1-POLE BRANCH CIRCUIT BREAKER TO SERVE STRING LIGHTS RECEPTACLE. 3. PROVIDE ONE(1) 20A, 2-POLE BRANCH CIRCUIT BREAKER TO SERVE POLE LIGHT AND GATEWAY SIGN. -F1 -F2 METERED PEDISTAL ONE-LINE DIAGRAM D3 ALL HARDWARE, FASTENERS AND PLATES TO BE STAINLESS STEEL. D3. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL ANY ADDITIONAL BACKING, SUPPORT BEAM, ANGLE OR REINFORCEMENT JOIST OR MEMBER TO INSURE STURDY LIGHT POLE AND BASE ATTACHMENT TO SEAWALL OR BOARDWALK. E.00 E.01-E.02 111 FOX RI V E R VALLE Y B O A T COMPA N Y (1,3) 2 #12 (CKT 1,3) 1 #10 GND IN 1" PVC CONDUIT(1,3) (1,3) (1,3) 2 #12 (CKT 1,3) 1 #10 GND IN 1" PVC CONDUIT2 #12 (CKT 1,3) 1 #10 GND IN 1" PVC CONDUIT 2 #12 (CKT 1,3) 1 #10 GND IN 1" PVC CONDUIT OVERHEAD STRING LIGHT (TYP) OVERHEAD STRING LIGHT (TYP) STRING LIGHT POLE (TYP) STRING LIGHT POLE (TYP) OVERHEAD STRING LIGHT (TYP) STRING LIGHT POLE (TYP) JWK-HRG 1050 112 6 " 8 " 6 " GRINDERS ALE HOUSE WHALE'S WASH 2 #12 (CKT 1,3) 1 #10 GND IN 1" PVC CONDUIT 2 #12 (CKT 1,3) 2 #12 (CKT 2) 1 #10 GND IN 1" PVC CONDUIT (2) PEDESTRIAN LIGHT POLE (TYP) PROPOSED LIGHTING CONTROLLER, PANEL & ENCLOSURE EXISTING UTILITY POLE (1,3) GATEWAY SIGN (TYP) 2 #12 (CKT 2) 1 #10 GNDIN 1" PVC CONDUIT (1,3) (1,3) (1,3) (1,3) (1,3) (1,3) 2 #12 (CKT 2) 1 #10 GND IN 1" PVC CONDUIT 2 #12 (CKT 2) 1 #10 GNDIN 1" PVC CONDUIT (2) (2) (2) (2) 2 #12 (CKT 1,3) 1 #10 GND IN 1" PVC CONDUIT 2 #12 (CKT 1,3) 1 #10 GND IN 1" PVC CONDUIT 2 #12 (CKT 1,3) 1 #10 GND IN 1" PVC CONDUIT 2 #12 (CKT 1,3) 1 #10 GND IN 1" PVC CONDUIT 2 #12 (CKT 1,3) 1 #10 GND IN 1" PVC CONDUIT 2 #12 (CKT 1,3) 1 #10 GND IN 1" PVC CONDUIT 2 #12 (CKT 1,3) 1 #10 GND IN 1" PVC CONDUIT OVERHEAD STRING LIGHT (TYP) STRING LIGHT POLE (TYP) OVERHEAD STRING LIGHT (TYP) STRING LIGHT POLE (TYP) JWK-HRG 1050 113 ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE OF THE TIF IN THE COMING YEARS Fund Balance/Deficit DifferenceMisc. Expenses Transfer to General Fund TIF Increment Payment Total Bond PaymentsMisc. RevenuesEstimated Property TaxesEAV Year $ (583,453.07)$ 193,477.54 $ 1,763 $ 2,500 $ 66,686 $ 237,840 $ 1,000.00 $ 501,266.20 18,438,497 12-13 $ (462,197.17)$ 121,255.90 $ 13,838 $ 2,500 $ 66,417 $ 242,100 $ 1,000.00 $ 445,110.90 16,995,146 13-14 $ (788,455.69)$ (326,258.52)$ 371,092 $ 2,500 $ 61,090 $ 240,950 $ 1,000.00 $ 348,373.48 14,974,942 14-15 $ (433,662.09)$ 354,793.60 $ 15,478 $ 2,500 $ 56,771 $ 214,588 $ 329,220.00 $ 314,910.60 13,956,490 15-16 $ (338,696.73)$ 94,965.36 $ 2,500 $ 54,262 $ 221,435 $ 51,000.00 $ 322,162.36 13,961,847 16-17 $ (247,062.99)$ 91,633.74 $ 9,190 $ 2,500 $ 60,300 $ 217,735 $ 1,000.00 $ 380,358.74 14,335,696 17-18 $ (45,621.62)$ 201,441.37 $ 2,500 $ 67,095 $ 219,035 $ 1,037.00 $ 489,034.37 18,454,127 18-19 $ 225,112.86 $ 270,734.48 $ 2,500 $ 144,031 $ 220,235 $ 1,000.00 $ 636,500.48 24,018,886 19-20 $ 625,742.39 $ 400,629.53 $ 2,500 $ 76,686 $ 221,335 $ 1,000.00 $ 700,150.53 26,420,775 20-21 $ 1,125,737.44 $ 499,995.05 $ 2,500 $ 11,328 $ 222,335 $ 1,000.00 $ 735,158.05 27,741,813 21-22 $ 1,668,918.40 $ 543,180.96 $ 2,500 $ 3,000 $ 223,235 $ 771,915.96 29,128,904 22-23 $ 2,253,895.15 $ 584,976.75 $ 2,500 $ 4,000 $ 219,035 $ 810,511.75 30,585,349 23-24 $ 2,856,468.26 $ 602,573.11 $ 2,500 $ 5,024 $ 224,730 $ 834,827.11 31,502,910 24-25 $ 3,713,840.18 $ 857,371.92 $ 2,500 $ 859,871.92 32,447,997 25-26 114 STAFF REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2024 The purpose of this report is to provide the City Council and public with the most up-to-date information regarding the latest projects and happenings within the municipal government of the City of McHenry. This report is organized by operating department and will be updated and transmitted as part of each City Council Agenda Packet. Council is welcome to contact any Department Director for more information on any item included in this report, as well as topics from previous reports or items not included in the report. This report does not include projects or other information that is considered confidential in nature. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Contact: Doug Martin, Director of Economic Development – 815/363-2110 McHenry Chamber Upcoming Events McHenry Bank & Trust Mixer – Tues 2/13/24 2205 N. Richmond Rd. 5:00-7:00 p.m. McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting – Tues 2/20/24 – new location 1307 Green St. 1:15 p.m. Multi-Chamber Mixer-Woodstock Opera House-Wed 2/21/24-121 W Van Buren St. 5:00-7:00 p.m. Regional Economic Development Professionals Meeting Director Martin and Coordinator Wolf attended the quarterly Regional Economic Professionals Meeting held in Woodstock on February 1. McHenry Chamber Gala Mayor Jett, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Miller, City Administrator Ostrovsky, Director Martin and Coordinator Wolf represented the City of McHenry at the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce annual Gala event on Saturday 1/27/24. Former Economic Development Commission member and community partner Mike Mrachek was awarded the Frank E. Low Award for community service. Green Street Cruise Nights The Economic Development Department has been contacted by a business owner interested in reviving the popular Cruise Night events. Connections have been made with Director Hobson and the former organizer for the event. ThinkBig GoLocal 10 Year Business Recognition A Business Recognition event was held in City Council Chambers on Friday 1/26/24 for ThinkBig GoLocal. Owners Bobbi Baehne and Brian Rugg received a certificate of appreciation for their investment and partnership in the McHenry business community for 10 years. 115 https://www.shawlocal.com/northwest-herald/2024/01/29/mchenry-honors-think-big-go- local/ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Contact: Ross Polerecky, Community Development Director – 815/363-2182 Comprehensive Plan A special combined meeting for City Council and Planning and Zoning is scheduled for February 21st at 7pm. This meeting is to focus on goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan. Fox Meadows Apartments Commonwealth Edison is currently in the process of running electric service to the site. Service is expected to be completed to the first residential building and the clubhouse next week. It is anticipated occupancy will be granted to the clubhouse and first residential building within 30 days. 116 U-Haul, 2019 N Richmond Road Council recently approved an expansion of the conditional use for outside storage at the U-Haul facility. Work has begun on placing the outdoor units. PUBLIC WORKS Contact: Steve Wirch, Director of Public Works – 815/363-2205 Director Wirch met with HR Green on 1/22/24 to begin process of engineering water main replacement on Kane Avenue under railroad tracks. Water Main Repairs 1/19/24: 523 Kensington Drive – Repair completed without disruption to service. 1/21/24: Dale Avenue & Clover Avenue – Repair required shutdown, 4 homes were affected, boil order issued and lifted 1/23/24 after receiving satisfactory results of boil order sample. 1/26/24: 203 Windridge Drive – Repair completed without disruption to service. Treatment Operations Manager Russell Ruzicka is scheduling a tour of the water and wastewater facilities with District 156 AP Science students. He will also give a presentation about stormwater. The Bull Valley Road STP resurfacing project that was approved by City Council, September 18, 2023, was awarded to Geske and Sons Inc. in the amount of $255,964.00. The City’s local matching requirement is $85,163.00. Staff Engineer Greg Gruen met with the consulting engineer CBEL to go over lighting design for South Main Parking Lot. Final engineering plans are anticipated to be completed in March 2024. POLICE Contact: John Birk, Chief of Police – 815/363-2200 Personnel Update The following personnel have recently completed the respective years of service with the McHenry Police Department: • Officer Katelyn Lorenz – 7 years • Telecommunicator Grant Havens – 7 years • Lead Telecommunicator Kate Wilbur – 4 years • Officer Kate Zajac – 3 years 117 The following personnel have recently retired from the McHenry Police Department: • Telecommunicator Pat Garrett – January 31, 2024 – Pat has served with the McHenry Police Department since October 2016, starting as a part-time telecommunicator and transitioning into full-time on January 1st, 2017. Prior to Pat joining the McHenry Police Department, she was a Police Assistant and Dispatcher for the City of Harvard for over 13 years. Pat also served our country in the United States Army, retiring as a Sergeant. The following personnel changes have occurred: • Sergeant Jaimie Prather transitioned from Patrol Sergeant to Investigations Sergeant. Training • Officer Szoke and Officer Lopez attended Enhanced Traffic Enforcement for Patrol at the Bloomingdale Police Department. • Officer Lopez and Officer Lincicum attended Beneath the Body Armor at the Mundelein Police Department. • Officer Lopez attended Universal Trauma Care at the McHenry County Regional Training Center. • Officer Krueger and Officer Shafer attended Conflict Resolution and De-Escalation Strategies for Police hosted here at the McHenry Police Department. Public Relations • On 01/18/2024 Public Affairs Officer O’Herron toured the Youth and Family Center with The McHenry Area Rotary Club and on 01/25/2024 officially became a Rotary member. • On 01/30/2024, two McHenry High School Upper Campus students started their Social Science Internship with the McHenry Police Department. PARKS AND RECREATION Contact: Bill Hobson, Director of Parks & Recreation – 815/363-2200 Shamrocks the Fox Planning is well under way for the event to be hosted in Miller Point Park March 15th – 17th. There is a large push for Event Sponsors at this time. A form is attached outlining the levels. If 118 you know anyone that is interested please contact Director Hobson for more information. In addition, the parade application is available on-line at the event website: https://www.naturallymchenrycounty.com/shamrocks-the-fox/ Downtown Kiosk and Map The City is working with a graphic designer to update the Downtown Kiosk Map with Business Listing. This map will also be digitized placed our the city website and shared with the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce for the new digital kiosk at the McHenry Riverwalk Shoppes. Parks and Recreation Master Plan Meeting The McHenry Rec Center will be hosting a public meeting gathering input for the McHenry Parks and Rec Master Plan on February 7th at 6:30pm. The community survey has been well received to date garnering approximately 640 responses and will remain open through the end of February. The graphic below contains all the information including the website and a QR Code that is a link to the survey. Fox Ridge Park Ice Rinks The ice rinks at Fox Ridge Park will not be able to be established this year. Overall, the weather has been unseasonably warm for the season. This has initially prevented the ground from achieving a hard freeze. Once the freeze finally came, snow removal from the downtown areas became a priority. Forecasted temps moving forward are reaching and into the 40’s. These conditions will not make the rinks feasible. 119 Riverwalk Electric Burial Staff hosted an onsite pre-construction meeting for the burial of the Riverside Drive Power lines. Work by Associated Electric will begin in earnest after Shamrocks the Fox with Com-Ed arriving for their portion a month later. 120 Downtown McHenry Presents: Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in McHenry with an entertaining event filled weekend for all ages! March 15-17, 2024 Event Organizers: City of McHenry McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce McHenry Downtown Business Association Visit McHenry County Lock in your sponsorship today! Live music at Miller Point Park ShamRock Shuffle 5K Race Children’s activity area Parade Green Beer! And dyeing the Fox River Green Get your company name in front of thousands during the event! Sponsors are recognized all weekend and the event pulls in attendees from McHenry County and the entire Northwest suburbs. Call Bill Hobson to discuss opportunities at 815.363.2159 or bhobson@cityofmchenry.org Sponsorship Deadline: February 20, 2024 SPONSORSHIP LEVELS GOLD - $2,000 PLATINUM - $5,000 SILVER - $1,000 BRONZE - $500 Fireworks Sponsor (2 Available) Grande Festival Sponsor (1 Available) Recognition signage on property Promotion on Facebook page Promotion in all advertising & press releases Logo on all posters and flyers Banner center stage Booth space available during event Entertainment Sponsor Recognition signage on property Promotion on Facebook page Logo on all posters and flyers Banner at stage level Stage Sponsor Banner over stage Promotion on Facebook page Sponsor recognition in all press releases Stage announcements recognizing sponsor ShamRock Shuffle Sponsor Recognition signage on property Promotion on Facebook page Banner at race start Parade Sponsor Recognition signage on property Promotion on Facebook page Banner at start or parade Beer Tent Sponsor Banner at entrance to tent Promotion on Facebook page Sponsor recognition in all press releases Stage announcements recognizing sponsor Kid’s Play Area Sponsor* Banner displayed at all ShamRocks the Fox event Booth space available Promotion on Facebook page Sponsor recognition in all press releases Stag announcements recognizing sponsor *Requires a rep on site to monitor your sponsored inflatable. Saturday, 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM | Sunday, 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM 121