HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 5/15/2003 - Parks and Recreation Committee � _ _ _ „ _� . . ,.�. - • .,�,,,.y� � r �^ r � :� . A�ENDA Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Thursda.y, May 15, 2003 IvicHenry Municipal Center Aldermen's Conference Room 7:00 pm 1. Discussion on Disposition of Buildi.n�s in Wheeler Park Fen 2. Set Dates for SEC Planning Consultants Meeting on Petersen Park Addition � � ' 3. Approval of Engineering, Preparation of Contraet Plans, and Specifications for Freund Field 4. Review of Plans and Specifications for Fox Ridge Park Playground Renovations 5. Presentation on Urban Forestry Demonstration Project 6. Parks and Recreation Directors Report a. Request to Nam.e a Park Facility in Recognition of a Local Resident b. Report on Status of Riverside Hollow and Liberty Trails Parks c. Report on Skate Park Improvements and Supervisioa d. Project Time Line for Capita.l Improvement Projects Fiscal Yeaz 20U3/04 Pn►erkel\Far1c&Rec Mtg\Park Comm Mts S-IS-03 � tz� u � -�: � r � � MEMORANDUM To: Parks & Recreation Committee From: Pete Merkel, Director of Parks &Recreation For: May 15, 2003 Parks &Recreation Committee Meeting Date: May 8, 2003 1. DISCUSSION ON DISPOSITION OF BUILDINGS IN WHEELER PARK FEN The City of McHenry is now the owner of the Knox Barn and Farm House located across the street from the Municipal Center. This land and structures were transferred to the city from the county as part of the Miller Road Project. The buildings are in poor condition and a decision needs to be made on the restoration or demolition of these structures. Attached to this memorandum is a property inspection report of these two buildings prepared by Ryan Schwalenberg (#1). I have asked that Ryan attend our meeting to answer any technical questions regarding his report. I have also had a brief discussion with members of the Landmark Commission on these buildings. Landmark Commission members have had an opportunity walk through the house and the barn. This walk through was done prior to the water leak and subsequent damage in the house. If we were considering demolition of these buildings, this would best be coordinated with the Community Development Department. I have had conversations with Steve Laing of the McHenry Township Fire Protection District and Ken Fiske of Conservation Services regaxding possible demolition activities. I would be glad to share information on my conversations with these two individuals on the interest in assisting the City of McHenry with this project. Page 2 2. SET DATES FOR SEC PLAN1vING CONSULTANTS MEETING ON PETERSEN PARK ADDITION The first step of the planning process for the Petersen Park addition is a public planning meeting to solicit input and comments from neighbors and user groups. Meeting dates should be set to begin this planning process. In discussion with SEC Planning, they would like to target an evening from June 16-27, 2003. Peter Verdicchio, ASLA, will be the Project Manager for this CDBG funded project. We have received a notification from the McHenry County Planning and Development Department that additional CDBG funding was received from HUD. An amended action plan has been forwarded for the County Board approval that will increase our planning grant by $8,086. Our original request was for $25,000. The initial funding was approved at $11,100. The new total of$19,186 is available for this planning proj ect. I have met with Smith Engineering and SEC Planning to request a Phase II proposal for additional services that were deleted based on the original $11,100 grant allocation. These services were but not limited to soil borings, grading plans and preliminary engineering. 3. APPROVAL OF ENGINEERING PREPARATION OF CONTRACT PLANS, AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR FREUND FIELD Attached to this memorandum (#3) is a proposal from Smith Engineering to provide services for the Phase III Renovation at Freund Field. These services would include surveying, engineering plans and specifications, bid documents and bid review. The cost for these services is $11,966.40 as presented. The Freund Field Phase III project is budgeted in the 2003-04 CIP for $135,000. Project costs are from the Developer ponation Fund. Improvements identified in Phase III are parking lot renovation and drainage, relocation of the ball field, new fencing, spectator seating and landscape improvement. This project will be put out to bid this summer with a Fall 2003 (hard scapes), Spring 2004 (landscapes) completion. Page 3 4. REVIEW OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR FOX RIDGE PARK PLAYGROUND RENOVATIONS Fox Ridge Park playground is scheduled for renovation as part of our 5-year CIP. These improvements will include removal of the existing equipment and safety surfacing, installation of subsurface drainage, new safety surfacing and new play apparatus. A copy of the new play equipment specification is attached (#4). A large full color layout will be on display at the committee meeting. Two options were submitted and we have recommended Option 1. Upon approval by the Parks and Recreation Committee, bid specifications will be prepared and authorization to go to bid will be presented to the City Council. Bids will be submitted to the city for approval in the summer and a Fall/Winter conslxuction schedule will be set. This project is included in the FY 2003 CIP and is budgeted at $100,000 (Developer ponation Fund). 5. PRESENTATION ON URBAN FORESTRY DEMONSTRATION PRO.TECT Tom Schmidt, Superintendent of Park Maintenance/City Forester, will be in attendance to make a brief presentation on the Urban Forestry demonstration project proposed for this year. Attached to this memorandum(#5) is a description of this new forestry initiative. The Parks & Recreation staff has sought to implement this type of program in previous years but has not been able to secure funding in the city budget or through IDNR Forestry Grant programs. The city will be receiving $84,600 in funds from the Meyer Material annexation to replace trees removed on site for their future expansion. We believe this demonstration project would be an excellent use of these funds to reinvest in the communities forestry program. The implementation of this project will coincide with the city's efforts for downtown improvements and the Riverwalk Development(TIF District). Page 4 A. Request to Name a Park Facilitv in Reco�nition of a Local Resident Attached (#6) is correspondence from a local resident and a memo from Mayor Althoff requesting that a park facility be named in honor of Curt Bremer. The naming of a ball field in one of our park facilities would be appropriate in this request. B. Reaort on Status of Riverside Hollow and Libertv Trails Parks Director Merkel and Superintendent of Maintenance, Tom Schmidt has met with the local developers and Custom Landscaping to review the plans for the development of these two parks. The annexation agreement for these two new subdivisions requires that the developer install the playgrounds to city specifications. The tentative scheduled installation of Riverside Hollow is June and Liberty Trails Park in July. C. Report on Skate Park Imnrovements and Sunervision Now that the FY 2003-04 budget has been approved we will begin to set up the Skate Park Facility for supervision. The budget included $29,000 for part-time salaries and $18,000 for fencing to enclose the two SkateBike facilities. Bids will be solicited for fencing to be installed in June. We will tazget June 30 for the beginning of staffing along with revised posting of rules and regulations. A final report on the proposed programming changes on this facility will be presented at the June 12 Parks & Recreation Committee meeting. Page 5 D. Proiect Timeline for Canital Imnrovement Proiects Fiscal Year 2003/04 Staff is developing a project timeline for the many capital improvement and planning projects for FY 2003/04. This year we will experience the most development and planning projects we have ever under taken in a 12-18 month period. This project timeline will assist staff in keeping projects on schedule and inform the city council on the timing of various phases of these projects. A list of these development and planning projects is attached (#7). Please note this listing does not include the City of McHenry/YMCA Recreation Center development, which will continue to be an ongoing joint planning effort. PM/klq /Pete/P&R Mtg/Pazk Mtg of 5-14-03 . � � � ATTACHMENT #1 MEMORANDUM Community Development Department To: Joseph Napoli�ano From: Ryan Schwalenberg Date: March 26, 2003 Subject: Knox Farm, 312 Barreville Road (Green Street) As you requested I did a walk through of the buildings located at the above listed address. The following is a brief history and breakdown of the items noted while inspecting the property. House constructed around 1920 Barn constructed in November 1913 by an A. Buchert HOUSE (NOT FIT FOR OCCUPANCY, UNSAFE) • Several cisterns exist just south of the house and need to be filled or covered in order to prevent someone from falling in. • Several windows have been broken out on the east side of the building • Both the front and back door are open. (The front inside door is missing) • Both the front and back porches have rotted to a point where someone could fall through if they don't watch where they are walking. • The house has no electric or water. • Damage was caused by a leak from a sink on the second floor causing the following. o Ceiling finish (plaster and tile) in the dining room collapsed. o Hardwood flooring on both the 1 St and 2"d floors buckled. o Fight fixtures filled with water, froze and broke. • Open electric wiring exists through out the house _ • Holes are present in the roof causing the additional water damage and promoting decay. • A section of a wall was removed in the basement and questionable support was provided. • Additional plumbing damage could have been caused because the water was left during cold weather, without heat in the house. • Hydronic heat exists in the house. This could have been damaged by not winterizing the system for cold weather storage. BARN (STRUCTURE IS DANGEROUS AND UNSAFE) • Well pit off north/west side of the building is covered with several scraps of plywood. • The north wall of the barn is leaning out at the top approximately 3 to 6 inches. • Support posts on the east side of the barn have decayed and slid off the foundation. • The structure is open and needs to be secured. • Several posts and beams are cracked and splitting. • The main floor has decayed to a point where large holes are present. � • The northeast '/4 of the main floor of the barn is settling causing support posts to break through the flooring. � Wood pins are being sheered off or torn from mortise and tenon joints. • The vent stack for the lower level of the barn has decayed to a point that it is ready to collapse. • Structure is no (onger weather tight. (Holes in roof and siding) • Open electric exists. (No power to barn indicated) , , ATTACHMENT #2 COPIEST�o DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND � �-�".""..-� DEVELOPMENT ; �,j � �C''_ I� ij �;;; (VIcH Y COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER -ANNEX BUILDING A C 14 s� �'�r �-`"---�---; � 2200 NORTH SEMINARY AVENUE ��� ` �j ;1 - WOODSTOCK, IL 60098 i�:L!� M a Y 5 2��3 � t�;�� 815/334-4560 FAX#815/337-3720 :�c f� �� ' i � v:T ��' !!�i;i.43��' � .� • � �r�:ri��F�s in'��tr�e� �� �r r May 1, 2003 ---- - Doug Maxenier, City Administrator ---- - City of McHenry 333 S. Green St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 Re: Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)Applications for Fiscal Year 2003 Second Funding Round . Dear Mr. Maxenier: The Community Development Block Grant Commission recently completed its review of applications submitted to McHenry County for the second CDBG funding round. The review was undertaken to further develop the County's 2003 Action Plan and was done in conformance with the strategies developed by the County in its Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan. The response the County received to its notice of extra funding availability far exceeded the amount of funds that were available. The County received 19 new applications for . , funding: Those requests, comoined with the unfunded and under-�nded requests from the previous funding round, totaled over$3.2 million for approximately$556,000 in CDBG funding. The Commission undertook the daunting task of formulating itsrecommendations to the County Board based on a number of factors. It primarily relied upon the County's Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan to establish the priority needs of the community for the use of these limited funds. In addition, infrastructure, public facility, and public service projects were numerically ranked based upon project ranking criteria approved by the County Board. Recommendations were then formulated based upon the actua�l dollars available. The Commission is making a recommendation,pending County Board and HUD approval of the County's 2003 Amended Action Plan, of an additional allocation of $8,086 for the Petersen Pazk Expansion Plan Project bringing the total project funding to $19,186. The Commission's recommendation will be forwarded to the McHenry County Boazd for final action. This letter does not constitute a commitment of funds to this project. A funding commitment will be made after final County Board and HUD approval of the recommendations being made by the Commission. Any expenditure of funds for reimbursement purposes can only be made after final County Baard and HUD approval. Yot�will receive notification when final County Board and HUD approvals aze received. �Staff for the Department of Planning and Development will be contacting you in the future td review the_scope of service for your prnie�t. At that time,important administrative and operational aspects of the CDBG program will also be discussed. No expenditure of funds on behalf of the recommended project can be made until a fully executed contract for services has been executed. Please do not hesitate to call if there are any questions regarding this letter o�r the County's CDBG program, The staff of the Department of Planning and Develo ment looks forwazd to working with you to successfully implement the County's CDBG program in 2003. Sincerely, Matthew Hansel Community Development Coordinator � ATTACHMENT #3 Snuth Engineering Consultants, Inc. Civil/Structural Engineers and Surveyors PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT ENGINEERING AND pREpARATION OF CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Athletic Field and Parking Lot Improvements At Freund Field Mr. Pete Merkel Director of Parks and Recreation . City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: 815-363-2160 Fax: 815-363-3183 Job No.: MCHE -P030272-3 (Engineering) MCHE-P030272.01-3 (Reimbursables) MCHE -P030272-4 (Surveying) MCHE- P030272-7 (Bid Documents) Date: April 11, 2003 Prepared by: Scott L. Smith, Project Engineer Reviewed by: Timothy J. Hartnett, Vice President 4500 Prime Parkway,McHenry,IL 60050 wwwsmithengineering.com Telephone 815.385.1778 Fax 815.385.1781 Mr.Pete Merkel McHenry Parks and Recreation Freund Field Improvements MCHE-030272-3,4,7&.01-3 April 11,2003 Page 2 Scope of Work Design Criteria/Assumntion The City of McHenry plans to renovate existing facilities at Freund Field near the intersection of Illinois Route 120 and Illinois Route 31 South. Plans call for the expansion of existing parking facilities, a new baseball field, and proposed paths to connect existing facilities with the new parking lot irnprovements. The City would also like to dedicate the new baseball field as a tribute to the former,City baseball team, The McHenry Shamrocks. Efforts will be made to include the potential for memorials/special landscaping for the tribute. It is anticipated that this proj ect will be paid for entirely through the City of McHenry's general fund using no state or federal grants and therefore,no grant application help is included in this scope of services. The project is assumed to not require a detention basin per discussion with the City of McHeruy staff. If the City of McHenry staff determines that detention is required, then this time will be billed on a time and materials basis to MCHE-030272.01-3 (Reimbursables). Survevin� Services (MCHE-030272-4) The following steps will be taken to facilitate the development of a proper base map: Research and Coordination—Obtain necessary information to complete proj ect—boundaries, easements, utility locations, and public rights-of-way. Topographic Survey—Locate existing visible topographic information for site, including existing buildings,parking facilities, landscaping features, and surrounding roads. Underground facilities will be located where possible. Topographic information will be shown with contours of one (1) foot interval. Limits of topographic survey will include any improvements within 25'of subject proj ect. Topographic survey information will be used in the overall site grading and improvement plans. No actual Plat of Topography is included in this proposal. Cost of Surveying Services (MCHE-030272-4) LumpSum............................................................................................$1,600.00 Mr.Pete Merkel McHenry Parks and Recreation Freund Field Improvements MCHE-030272-3,4,7& .01-3 April 11,2003 Page 3 Final En�ineering Plans and Specifications (MCHE 030272 3) Using a preliminary layout from the City's Department of Parks and Recreation, Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. (SMITH)will develop a site plan for presentation to the City of McHenry for approval. The site plan will include parking lot layout, athletic field layout, sidewalks, areas reserved for landscaping. This proposal assumes that no detention facilities will be required for this improvement. Drainage for the expanded parking area will be designed to use the existing storm sewer networks. Upon approval of the site plan by the City, SMITH will develop a plan set that will be used for bidding and construction purposes. A typical set of engineering plans and specifications include the following items: • Cover sheet/general information; • General notes/specifications; • Overall site plan/geometrics; • Grading/drainage; • Erosion controUsedimentation details; and • Standard details. Once finalized—with input from City staff— SMITH will prepare bid documents, assist the City through the bidding process, attend the bid opening, tabulate bids, and recommend approval of a contractor for the project. Items not included in this contract,but may be required, include,.but are not limited to, are as follows: • Retaining Wall Design; • Irrigation System; • Soil Borings; • Easement Documents; • Landscaping Plan; • Meeting Time; and • Reimbursables. If the City desires, SMITH will prepare contracts to assist the City with construction staking and construction observation services. These services will be handled under a separate contract. Cost of Final Engineering Plans, Specifications (MCHE-030272-3) -Lump Sum..................................................................$6,585.00 Mr.Pete Merkel McHenry Parks and Recreation � Freund Field Improvements MCHE-030272-3,4,7&.01-3 April 11,2003 Page 4 Bid Document Preparation and Bid Process (MCHE 030272 7) SMITH will prepare bid documents for use in bidding the construction of the park improvements described above. This work will consist of generating quantity takeoff sheets for inclusion in the bid package. Also included are provisions for bidding of this job as well as any special provisions needed to complete the improvements shown on the overall engineering plans. SMITH will also attend the bid letting at the City of McHenry and be available for answering any questions that contractors may have during the bidding process at the direction of the City of McHenry. Time for answering contractor questions will be billed to the Time and Material portion of this contract under MCHE-030272.01-3. Also included in this scope of service is a review of the received bid and tabulation of the corresponding bids. SMITH will generate a letter of recommendation to the City of McHenry based on the lowest responsible bidder. (MCHE-030272-'1� -Lump Sum..................................................................$2,540.00 Meetings /Reimbursable Items (MCHE-030272 O1 3) _ Meetings (.01-3) Estimate of Potential Cost Estimated time needed for meetings are listed below: • Client- four(4)hours • Design Team-two (2)hours • FieldlJob Site -two (2) hours • Bid letting—one (1)hours The above listed estimated meeting times are shown for budgeting purposes only.� Estimated Cost for Meetings=$855.00 Reimbursable Items (.01-3) Printin�(Estimate)• • The set of engineering plans will contain approximately eight(8) sheets of plans and details. • There will be five (5) sets of blacklines for submittal to the Client. • There will be ten(10) sets of blacklines for bidding purposes. Mr.Pete Merkel McHenry Parks and Recreation Freund Field Improvements MCHE-030272-3,4,7& .01-3 April 11,2003 Page 5 • There will be four(4) sets of blacklines for submittal to the contractor selected. � There will be four (4) check sets of blacklines for internal review. Blacklines 23 sets of plans x 8 sheets/set= 184 sheets 184 sheets x $2.10/sheet = $386.40 (potential cost) Meetings/Reimbursable Items (MCHE-030272.01-3) Time and Materials—(BUDGETARY COST ONL�.........................................$1,241.40 SUMMARY OF COSTS Cost of Surveying Services (MCHE-030272-4) Lump Sum....................................................................$1,600.00 Cost of Final Engineering Plans, Specifications (MCHE-030272-3)-Lump Sum..................................................................$6,585.00 Cost of Bid Document Preparation and Bid Process (MCHE-030272-'n -Lump Sum..................................................................$2,540.00 TOTAL (Not Including Meetings and Reimbursable Items).............................$10,725.00 Meetings/Reimbursable Items (MCHE-030272.01-3) (Time and Materials)—Budgetary Cost Only................................................$1,241.40 GRAND TOTAL (Budgetary Cost)...........................................................$11,966.40 Mr.Pete Merkel McHenry Parks and Recreation Freund Field Improvements � MCHE-030272-3,4,7&.01-3 April 11,2003 Page 6 Extra Work Any work required but not included as part of this contract shall be considered extra work. Extra work will be billed on a Time and Material basis with prior approval of the CLIENT. Outside Consultants SMI'TH ENGINEERING CONSLTLTANTS,INC.(SMITI-�is not responsible for accuracy of any plans,surveys or informarion of any type including electronic media prepared by any other consultants,etc.provided to SMITH for use in prepararion of plans. SMITH is not responsible for accuracy of topographic surveys provided by others. A field check of a topographic survey provided by others will not be done under this contract unless indicated in the Scope of Work. Design Without Construction Review It is agreed that the professional services of SMITH do not extend to or include the review or site observation of the contractor's work or performance. It is further agreed that the CLIENT will defend,indemnify and hold harmless SMITH from any claim or suit whatsoever,including but not limited to all pa}ments,expenses or costs involved,arising from the contractoi's performance or the failure of the contractor's work to conform to the design intent and the contract documents. SMITH agrees to be responsible for its employees negligent acts,errors or omissions. Attorneys'Fees In the event of any litigation arising from or related to the services provided under this AGREEMENT,the prevailing party will be enritled to recovery of all reasonable costs incurred,including staff rime,court costs,attomeys'fees and other related expenses. Certificate of Merit The CLIENT shall make no claim for professional negligence,either directly or in a third party claim,against SMITH unless the CLIENT has fust provided SMITH with a written certification executed by an independent design professional currently practicing in the same discipline as SMITH and licensed in the State of Illinois. This certification shall: a)contain the name and license number of the certifier;b)specify each and every act or omission that the certifier contends is a violarion of the standard of care expected of a Design Professional performing professional services under similar circumstances;and c)state in complete detail the basis for the certifier's opinion that each such act or omission constitutes such a violation. This certificate shall be provided to SMITH not less than thirty(30)calendar days prior to the presentation of any claim or the institution of any arbitration or judicial proceeding. Standard of Care Services provided by SMITH under this AGREEMENT will be performed in a manner consistent with that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently pracricing under similar circumstances. Job Site Safety Neither the professional activities of SMITH,nor the presence of SMITH'S employees and subconsultants at a construction site, shall relieve the General Contractor and any other enrity of their obligations,duries and responsibiliries including,but not limited to,construction means,methods,sequence,techniques or procedures necessary for performing,superintending or coordinating all portions of the work of construction in accordance with the contract documents and any health or safety precaurions required by any regulatory agencies. SMITH and its personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construcrion contractor or other entity or their employees in commecrion with their work or any health or safety precautions. The CLIENT agrees that the General Contractor is solely responsible for job site safety,and warrants that this intent shall be made evident in the CLIENT"s Mr.Pete Merkel McHenry Parks and Recreation Freund Field Improvements MCI�-030272-3,4,7& .01-3 April l l,2003 � Page 7 AGREEMENT with the General Contractor. The CLIENT also agrees that the CLIENT,SMITH and SMITfi'S consultants shall be indemnified and shall be made additional insureds under the General Contractor's general liability insurance policy. Reuse of Documents All project documents including,but not limited to,plans and specifications fumished by SMITH under this project are intended for use on this project only. Any reuse,without specific written verification or adoption by SMITH,shall be at the CLIENTs sole risk,and CLIENT shall indemnify and hold harn�iless SMITH from all claims,damages and expenses including attomey's fees arising aut of or resulring therefrom. Ownership of Instruments of Service All reports,plans,specifications,field data,field notes,laboratory test data,calculations,estimates and other documents including all documents on electronic media prepared by SMITH as instruments of service shall remain the property of SMITH. SMITH shall retain these records for a period of five(5)years following complerion/submission of the records,during which period they will be made available to the CLIENT at all reasonable times. Failure to Abide by Design Documents or to Obtain Guidance The CLIENT agrees that it would be unfair to hold SMITH liable for problems that might occur should SMITH'S plans, specifications or design intents not be followed,or for problems resulting from others'failute to obtain and/or follow SMIT�I'S guidance with respect to any errors,omissions,inconsistencies,ambiguiries or conflicts which are detected or alleged to exist in or as a consequence of implementing SMITH'S plans,specificarions or other instTuments of service. Accordingly,the CLIENT waives any claim against SMITH,and agrees to defend,indemnify and hold SMITH harmless from any claim for injury or losses that results from failure to follow SMITH'S plans,specifications or design intent,or for failure to obtain and/or follow SMITH'S guidance with respect to any alleged errors,omissions,inconsistencies,ambiguiries or conflicts contained within or arising as a result of implementing SMITH'S plans,specifications or other instruments of services. The CLIENT also agrees to compensate SMIT'H for any time spent and expenses incurred by SMITH'S prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. Opinion of Probable Construction Cost SMITH shall submit to the CLIENT an opinion of probable cost required to construct work recommended,designed,or specified by SMITH. SMITH is not a construcrion cost estimator or construction contractor,nor should SMITH'S rendering an opinion of probable construcrion costs be considered equivalent to the nahue and extent of service a conshuction cost estimator or construcrion contractor would provide. SMITH'S opinion will be based solely upon his or her own experience with construction. This requires SMITH to make a number of assumprions as to actual condirions that will be encountered on site;the specific decisions of other design professionals engaged;the means and methods of construcrion the contractor will employ;the cost and extent of labor,equipment and materials the contractor will employ;contractor's techniques in determining prices and market conditions at the time,and other factors over which SMITH has no control. Given the assumprions which must be made, SMITH cannot guarantee the accuracy of his or her opinions of cost,and in recognirion of that fact,the CLIENT waives any claim against SMITH relarive to the accuracy of SMITH'S opinion of probable construcrion cost. Design Information in Electronic Form Because CADD information stored in electronic form can be modified by other parties,intenrionally or otherwise,without notice or indication of said modificarions,SMITH reserves the right to remove all indicia of its ownership and/or involvement in the material from each elech�onic medium not held in its possession. The CLIENT shall retain copies of the work performed by SMITH in CADD form only for information and use by the CLIENT for the specific purpose for which SMITH was engaged. Said materials shall not be used by the CLIENT,or transferred to any other party,for use in other projects,additions to the current project,or any other purpose for which the material was not strictly intended by SMITH without SMI'TH'S express written permission. Mr.Pete Merkel McHenry Parks and Recreation Freund Field Improvements MCHE-030272-3,4,7&.01-3 April l l,2003 Page 8 Any use or reuse of original or altered CADD design materials by the CLIENT,agents of the CLIENT,or other parties without � the review and written approval of SMITH shall be at the sole risk of the CLIENT. Furthermore,the CLIENT agrees to defend, indemnify,and hold SMITH harcriless from all claims,injuries,damages,losses,expenses,and attomey's fees arising out of the modification or reuse of these materials. The CLIENT recognizes that designs,plans,and data stored on electronic media including,but not limited to computer disk and magnetic tape,may be subject to undetectable alteration and/or uncontrollable deterioration. The CLIENT,therefore,agrees that SMITH shall not be liable for the completeness or accuracy of any materials provided on electronic media after a 30 day inspection period,during which time SMITH shall correct any errors detected by the CLIENT to complete the design in accordance with the intent of the contract and specifications. After 40 days,at the request of the CLIENT,SMITH shall submit a final set of sealed drawings,and any additional services to be performed by SMI'I'H relarive to the submitted electronic materials shall be subject to separate AGREEMENT. Dispute Resolution In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the design or conshuction of the project or following the complerion of the proj ect,the Consultant and CLIENT agree that all disputes between them arising out of or relating to this AGREEMENT shall be submitted to nonbinding mediation unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. If the dispute cannot be settled amicably,it shall then be settled by arbitrarion in the State of Illinois in accordance with the American Arbitration Associates. The Award of the arbitrator shall be conclusive and binding upon the parties. The CLIENT agrees,to the fullest extent permitted by law,to limit the liability of SMITH and its subconsultants to the CLIENT for any and all claims,losses,costs,damages of any nature whatsoever or claims expenses from any cause or causes,including attorneys'fees and costs and expert witness fees and costs,so that the total aggregate liability of SMITH and its subconsultants to all those named shall not exceed SMITH'S total fee for services rendered on this project,whichever is greater. It is intended that this limitation apply to any and all liability or cause of action however alleged or arising,unless otherwise prohibited by law. Exclusion This fee does not include attendance at any meetings or public hearings other than those specifically listed in the Scope of Services.These work items are considered extra and are billed separately on an hourly basis. Payment 1. All work will be invoiced on a monthly basis. All invoices shall be paid within 30 days of the invoice date.All outstanding invoices greater than 30 days shall have 1.5%interest compounded monthly added to the invoice. Additionally,all outstanding invoices must be paid in full before-Final Plats of Subdivision will be submitted for recording or record drawings are submitted to municipaliries for final approval. 2. This AGREEMENT shall not be enforceable by either party until each has in its possession a copy of this AGREEMENT signed by the other. Time Limit This AGREEMENT must be executed within thirry(30)days of the composition date to be accepted under the terms set forth herein. This contract shall expire one yeu from date of execution. Work cannot begin until we have your signed AGREEMENT. If this AGREEMENT merits your approval and acceptance, please sign both copies,retain one copy for your files and retum one to our office Mr.Pete Merkel McHenry Parks and Recreation Freund Field Improvements MCHE-030272-3,4, 7&.01-3 April l l,2003 Page 9 We sincerely appreciate this opporhznity to offer our services. If this AGREEMENT merits your approval and acceptance, please sign both copies,retain one copy for your files and return one to our office. Sincerely, � SNIITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. ���'C� � Scott L. Smith Proj ect Manager KAH/SLS/dmw � 'I Approved by: (Timot y J. Hartnett) Title: Vice President Date: Accepted by: Title: Date: Client: N:Uobs\Smith�2,003\030272 MCHE Freund Field Improvements�administration\conri�act\030272-3-4-Contract-kah-04-09-03.doc , � ATTACHMENT #4 MATERIAL BID Miracle Recreation Equipment Company REPRESENTATIVE: Park And Recreation Supply, Inc. P.O. Box 201, Geneva, Illinois 60134 630/365-1944 FAX: 630/365-1947 DATE: April 11, 2003 PROJECT: Fox Ridge Park, City of McHenry TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Net 30 days to government agencies. For all others,terms will be negotiated. MATERIAL: Option #1 Fox Ridge Park Structure Ages 5-12 7145019 TRIANGLE DECK (ATTACHES TO 3 POSTS) MT II 1 7145029 SQUARE DECK (ATTACHES TO 4 POSTS) MT II 1 7145109 RECT OPEN DECK (ATTACHES TO 6 POSTS) MT II 1 71453869 CST 6' 6" OCTAGON DECK FOR ROOF, MT II 1 714552 5" OD X 136" POST (3' TO 5' DECKS) 11 7147155 JUMP PANEL (5' DECK) 1 714716 VIEW GROOVE PANEE� 1 714724 UPHILL CLIMBER (6' 6" & 8 ' DECK) 1 714730 CST OCTAGON TREE HOUSE ROOF 1 714734 SAFETY PANEL AGES 5-12, FREE STANDING 1 7147341 SAFETY PANEL AGES 2-5, FREE STANDING 1 714750 CHAMELEON SLIDE ENTRY & EXIT SECTION 1 714750Z CHAM. EXIT SECTION PRICE INCLUDED IN 714750 1 7147502 CHAMELEON SLIDE RIGHT TURN SECTION 2 7147503 CHAMELEON SLIDE LEFT TURN SECTION 2 71475725 SLOPED CLIMBING WALL (4 ' & 5' DECK) 1 714765 TENSILE TOUGH OVERHEAD CLIMBER W/END LADDER 1 7147716 DUPLI-GATOR SLIDE/CLIMBER (6' & 6' 6" DECK) 1 714785 TORNADO DECK MOUNTED W/TEMPLATE & INSERTER 1 714808 CLIMBING POLE (3' , 5' OR 6' 6" DECK) 1 7148096 TENSILE TOWER (6' 6" DECK) 1 7148153 VERTICAL LADDER CLIMBER (3' DECK) 1 7148376 TENSILE TOUGH NOODLE CLIMBER (6' 6" DECK) 1 714843 CHINNING BAR W/POST 1 7149071 "L" SLIDE RH, ROCKITE (3' DECK) 1 7149599 ADA STAIRS BETWEEN DECKS W/2 ' RISE, MT II 1 7149659 TRANSFER POINT W/SINGLE STEP (3' DECK) MT II 1 7149748 WIGGLY WORM CLIMBER (5 ' , 6' 6" OR 8' DECK) 1 71499226 COMMAND POST W/WHEEL 1 7149939 ADA STAIR BTWN DECKS W/1 ' 6" RISE, MT II 1 This bid is valid 30 days and cannot be extended without expressed written confirmation from the manufacturer. Above prices do not include installation, border, safety surfacing, drainage, site restoration or other site preparation necessary for a safe and accessible playground. Sales tax, if applicable is not included. There will be a 1% charge to change any colors after the order has been placed. No retentions allowed. FoxRidge.bid MATERIAL BID ' Miracle Recreation Equipment Company REPRESENTATIVE: Park And Recreation Supply, Inc. P.O. Box 201, Geneva, Illinois 60134 630/365-1944 FAX: 630/365-1947 DATE: April 11, 2003 � PROJECT: Fox Ridge Park, City of McHenry TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Net 30 days to government agencies. For all others, terms will be negotiated. MATERIAL: Option #1 — Continued Fox Ridge Park Structure A es 2-5 7185019 TRIANGLE DECK (ATTACHES TO 3 POSTS) MT II 1 7185029 SQUARE DECK (ATTACHES TO 4 POSTS) MT II 1 718552 3 1/2" OD X 130" POST (3' TO 5' DECKS) 5 718700 5' SIDE-BY-SIDE SLIDE W/CANOPY (3' DECK) 1 718787 TOT ROCK CLIMBER (3` DECK) 1 718900 WALL ENCLOSURE W/STEERING WHEEL 1 718965359 TRANSFER POINT OPEN HANDRAIL (3' DECK) MT II 1 7189694 SPIRAL CLIMBER (3' OR 4 ' DECK) 1 Site Accessories 1266 6' BENCH, PUNCHED MIRATHERM-PERM q 2840 SWG PART SLASH PROOF SEAT W/CHAIN (8 ' TR) 4 2990 SWG PART TOT SEAT 360 DEG W/CHAIN (8' TR) 4 7147358 SINGLE SWG FRAME ONLY 5" OD 8 SEATS REQ 1 4561 TARANTULA CLIMBER 1 952 FLIPPO OFFSPRING "C" SPRING RIDER 1 953 ATV "C" SPRING RIDER 1 Option #1 Total Delivered Price $39,773.00 This bid is valid 30 days and cannot be extended without expressed written confirmation from the manufacturer. Above prices do not include installation, border, safety surfacing, drainage, site restoration or other site preparation necessary for a safe and accessible playground. Sales tax, if applicable is not included. There will be a 1% charge to change any colors after the order has been placed. No retentions allowed. FoxRidge.bid r FOX RIDGE PAI��( - OPTION #1 -�� CITY OF McHENRY FULL SITE LAYOUT . � � 1r7. ?9, rN�" rLa. r`a. �a �� �� ,� ��� � �°° ,�� �Q ��- � � �� �� '�� A � �, ....,v, ,�..�.. ,.... �� _ �..�. �� /} � �9 � � �ir � ,S�a ��+,s !� � � � � � � �, J;�..0 °�, . °a�r � ,�.r,,, cE �p � o MIRACLE F � To promote safe and proper equipment use by children,Miracle recommends the installatlon oi either a Miracle safety s(gn or other appropdate safery signage near each playsystem's maln entry point(sj to inform parents and supervisors of�he age appropriateness of the playsystem and general rules for safe piay. �c�"n°N E�a+T co�u'�"r THE PLAYCOMPONENTS IDEN7IFIED IN THIS PLAN CD90440 & CD90441 � coMP�iEs To cPsc DESIAGES FOR SCALE: 1"=16'-O" ARE IPEMA CERTIFIED.THE USE AND LAYOUT OF THESE COMPONENTS CONFORM TO THE ✓ COMPLIES TO ASTM ` A��� NOTED Amccc�F DATE: 4/7/03 REQUIREMENTS OFASTM F1487. GROUND SPACE: T1�X F)4� fIEMS NEEDEO FOq AW�CONPIWICE AN ENERGY ABSORBING PROTECTIVE SURFACE IS PROTECTIVE AREA: 88�X 85' � COMPLIES TO ADA TMPE:n QUAN�ITY: rnNNIE FOX RIDGE PAI�K - OPTION #1 CITYOF MCHENRY �� Ages 5-12 �T4-�p� � �� . �1� �b MIOqOLyT9WpO�IW ',�t". ��� 71�-p4-! f�rf_.. T4-YYS-i � ��r� a�Pm � �� CLHBIIO WML 714-7l6 T4-767-25 r . �O F � "flvu°R�°0� r ,r n4-rs t"r'j` YL-LN IL �M�h"=!' . . . , . TyY�t ADA SItTS ��0� - . '"�4R 711r-YWO�Y�-Y . YFi y �� y�p� 714-OIo-Y �lap:'yM � �g�f� `—� ,�� � r,—�, � �� � �,�`s �'° ',• n+-a�s r�� ua�srer u-oes-o 0 �,ru.yq, � SAFE7Y PNIEI. � . ACES 6-14 714-7M �E �� MIRACLE F � To promote safe and proper equipment use by chiMren,Miracle recommends the installatlon ot eitlier a Miracle safety sign or other appropriate safety signage near each playsystem's main enUy point(s)to inform parents and supervisors of the age approprfateness oi the playsystem and general rules for safe play. R�'rw�EW�e�nT co�w"rn THE PLAY COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED IN THIS PLAN ✓ COMPLIES TO CPSC DESI6NED FOR ARE IPEMA CERTIFIED.THE USE AND LAYOUT OF C D90443 AGES SCALE: 1"=1 O'-O" THESE COMPONENTS CONFORM TO THE ✓ COMPLIES TO ASTM ���.�?���� DATE: 4/7/03 REQUIREMENTS OFASTM F1487. GROUND SPACE: 4O�X 38� fIENS NEFDEO FOfl ADA CONPINNCE AN ENERGY�ABSORBING PROTECT`IVE ScR�A�E�s pROTECTIVE AREA: �JT' X 54' � COMPLIES TO ADA TMPE:1 QUANTITY: CONNIE FOX RIDGE PARK - OPTION 1 � CITY OF MCHENRY Ages 2-5 � �Od���` d`y)d'� \.�^� //OOo �O J� � /� ���o O� �� • � e � ECK � � 18-501— W v ^ °° d- v � � 0o N m 3� _� �o� DECK v rn o m N 718-502-9 Q� 0 0 � � m a� � . < . . . . � TRANSFER POINT W/OPN HNDRL 718-965-359 0 �"""°"^ SAFETY PANEL CE ED 7 4 5734�2 F To promote safe and proper equipment us�by children,Miracle recommends the installation of either a Miracle safety sign or other appropriate safety signage near each playsystem's mafn entry M I R A�L E point(s}to i�orm parents and supervisors of�he age approptlateness of the playsystem and general rules for safe play. r�cx�rior�EQuw�r�r coMr�►+r THE PLAY COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED IN THIS PIAN ✓ COMPLIES TO CPSC DESIAGES FOR SCALE: 1"=5'-O" ARE IPEMA CERTIFIED.THE USE AND LAYOUT OF CD90442 THESE COMPONENTS CONFORM TO THE ✓ COMPLIES TO ASTM 2 �2 REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F1487. GROUND SPACE: 1 Z' X 14� '�°°`°°"""j"°""°`�'����� DATE: 4/7/03 IIENS NEFDED FOq ADA COIIPWNCE AN ENERGY ABSORBING PROTECTIVE SURFACE IS PROTECTIVE AREA: Z5� X Z7' � COMPLIES TO ADA NPE:� QUANTITI(: �nN�IIF � ATTACHMENT#5 BUDGEi REQUEST SUPPLEMENT To: Mayor and City Council From: Tom Schmidt,Superintendent of Park Maintenance For: Budget Consideration/Funding Re: Urban Forestry, Downtown Service Area The National Arbor Day Foundation will name McHenry for the ninth consecutive year a Tree City U.S.A. "Tree City U.S.A. recognized communities that have proven their commitment to an effective,ongoing community forestry program." As part of McHenry's commitment to an ongoing community forestry program,the Parks and Recreation Department is requesting funding for an urban forestry demonstration area. The purpose of this demonstration area is to show what a comprehensive community forestry program can accomplish in our City. The demonstration area will encompass the area north of Elm Street from Riverside Drive to Richmond Road and south of Washington Street. The streets included in the service area are: Riverside Drive, Park Street,Court Street, Green Street, Richmond Road,Elm Street,Pearl Street, Broad Street,and Washington Street. (see map attached) This highly visible part of our community was chosen based on several criteria: a large number of hazardous and dead tress that require removal (see photos 1 and 2 attached)and abundant planting spaces and pruning requirements for the trees remaining in the area. Also included are other complex elements that an older section of town provides,such as overhead and underground utilities,road and driveway configurations,planting space variables and tree species requirements. All of these elements must be addressed in order to have a successful project and are what make this area well suited for the demonstration. The time frame for all work in the demonstration area would be from the summer of 2003 to the spring of 2004. Underthis timetable,tree removal would occur first. During the summer of 2003,thirteen trees would be removed that have been identified as hazardous or dead(see tree removal list attachment). Secondly, in the late summer and early fall,all remaining trees would be pruned. Finally in the spring of 2004 all tree planting would take place. Work in the demonstration area will be completed by a combination of private contractors and city crews. Private contractors will handle the large and difficult tree removals and tree planting. City crews will handle the smaller and less difficult tree removals,along with all pruning operations. The proposed budget for this demonstration area is$25,000 with the following distribution of funds: Tree Removals: 13 trees at$750 $9,750.00 Tree Pruning: 200 man hours at$25/hr $5,000.00 Tree Planting: 41 trees at$250/tree $10,250.00 Thank you for your consideration of this project. Maintenance\correspondence\urban forestry,downtown service area i . ■�I�n _ �11��� �1 ��o��■ �� � ::11�, . � . _. _ � . � � ����� �� � � �1�i � �- . .. . w,:�� =� ��' � _�N.��. � ����• ��- _• ° , �a���a "�_��►���• � � .��..tOT� � h���'��� ���� , �=��• / ••y � ��A�:_�� � ' ^��'� y'�• �����l1����/1 �' �"' ' �, � � ���= � . ��1��/ '�•� � .. .��. �.Y i►�i.e►-�!, = � �� � � �a . � ��T�.�.i��,:.' �r i=�� 1'� I�� �:�:� :,I��� • � .r1�' •, .� �■��. • , . ����-••Sj�� , � ,fR:i��.�:l�l��";�,,, ���'���4=� � ■ `�1►���t` a� ,�� ai i��-��r� n �,. � � .,�.�� �j T��?�,, __ , ,, .. ]' .�,.�-.- �,������ � �r1M1�1��� 3�Q1..1� � Q I f �`� �.��,..,,,��. "��,,,■ a..:�.i�..�� C� / 11//1��. 4 t�����-��� ����.� 1�!!NM!*' "�����:n�srli�� ,;,,. �/ ti • �!M�� �� ���r 'w�« . � �- w �� � :�� )��1��� �.� �,/ ,���"=w� �r�w 'Si=��� �11�i/I� , i���'Ir� � cr '�, , .�� y l�l���.��� �����1���I�111�►� ����1����-� �,� i�'"Z?+��::C;." � i�1�1�1�11��= ♦ ��j ; � �� T � � ��_ .►-��% �I���i ;;1 111%■ ��� � � � �,:,�:,� O��E� . l���1�1'�1�����/"��. �` ��..�,..r�_. �3����4��. ��� ;� �..� ■������a��m��i�i�N��N�nr._ :,� . -.,. . . .. ;� � �►��� wT . �•�a�m � � ��.' , �� 'r� w' ': ��� — .1lIIIHIIiII� — � • �► • . \�• 1111� 1111� �,�_� ---------- ;- �� �.. �i�� ,• :;,\�/,� � ■111�:���t�� :�111l111t�1id111 =_ . ,� �v� •� . �� I ��,:,,.,. ,�, �I��..:.,,....T....,.,�, . ,��ta, `� � .�`�. . .� �.� IJj�� ♦ //11 ■■����=�►�.,'�` ��Ill��s ��� v� �1 , • ,� � � I/ I� ' _ --- _':�� \� •/.�M�Iq.I_�'C �. �. ` ` �. ���� �' '•,``` •,'�•,, � . � nn���� � �,...� �� . .A .� ��.`� ,� , �� �� �.as:,:i:�.:•r, �� �1���=`�_��/,�,` `� � � 1� �� � ��� ���� =��1111G ...�.: ♦ �►♦ � �•' �`�1 •j�I�� !: �����1�//,��.��.,. s •• � , . 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'�r I � .:�`.:�;�f ..� � �V;� , '�`, , �` ��I, �' �� � � �� � ���, � � ` _ �-A. ` ! W� � , ' i w . i .�"�! iF"' r� � :,�,��.�ii . . . ! ..nr :��—ti �'2 � �I ����� . 1 � . . . . . � .. ,ti �'�"0�. ,. �,=� .� � ��f ' � I�F - r . �� ��N�y,}•�_ � • I ' . � � � I�� �i�IA+S> >�'� �� � y �., i� � 'iC� �y.f, �: ���i' , ' � , ,rp�r��'�''.A^ _ ��, , V ) I�� t � , � � r�{{G/��y,*:• ~�.. 1 '� {•I . z^l ! '+.�'-i�.j�. � �r.^. ,. 'e�. ,��� ��y� �' { ,I�� `� � , � � �!.r�;�tiy'� ':,1!+a fllaj, � ,��y, "� ni�u a`�I}aR� � 1 w ,f�,I:i 7i'����- �' �� .� � i 4 A., � � j . . � �...� , ,;. �,:_ _ , ;r �� ..� ,r; _- _ „ � _ , , : . ,E�' � � . � -- ... � "" �..� � � -a �r,��� � � ! w. � .� . � �..+�•.�1:� __ � '� �� •i�, f,� � ' i. -: f; - r. . � i:� 1 � ��: r�t�r,. ..� ��.. � . '',.�.,•� � ATTACHMENT #6 Memorandum , To: Director Parks and Recreation Merkel C: Parks and Recreation Committee Chairman Low Fm: Mayor A1 �o Date: Ma.rch 28, 2003 Subj: City Parks I would like to suggest we name one of our City parks in honor of Curtis Bremer, who is a longtime City resident and local baseball umpire. He has even been inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. Maybe we could add as an Agenda Item on the next Pazks and Recreation Committee Meeting? If you ha.ve questions and/or comments, please feel free to contact me— /kmk ��'I� t� r1/� �r'�l� {���-' � ��I�t F R ,4 �v� ' .b,a v�£S� �'T�i�}�' ��',�s ory �'o-R T��'S L � rr�'r� ;s C" � e-u �n.,�.y T�<<� k �.�n a��.�y ��x,`T' � . � ��-v r k i Y'a r�� � C�R � �7 � ��v f�R s m;�c� T','r� r_-' / �I!V i � i A'�� N�� �/'�/f t M� �f ,{ �tr{r f . i , _ � t� h M l�R s�� �� r'�'�s�'� r��y �.�s-r s u ,� M.�r� . r,��h r �- c r l a���c R F�r�- C �c �'�r , .,,�' Ti'f��v k y d y Fa R T�f�-T , �.li' 77f�'3' tF7'T��c � � � ��kT Ae y o r� �"f,�1 h� 1� o j� Tf�'t z p C�, ?"o /k,a�I�E � �� d �" T'��' ��� 1�"���ras ,a R /���c �,t �'r� r�,s l� T� L^'A��" G',`'T�y . i /�r /7�-,'S. '�N!�4-'N11=,� ,.� l�'X 0' w Tffi4� f7` � /�`}/°►�S' 1�' G G t� N/��' �"l�} ?'tf t''' /X�C tf er N R y L �`7T�r_ ` �,� � ; �� � �8 y� � r�s w�s o�cc Tf�E �R�s. �Lus d T��� � �r ����s ,� u� � �� �: �� .y���s. �� � �-�- o _ s � �G Q � ��R S 'Te cv��t �T ht�;S ��c� �/yr.J'E` id�'�'l'f�' T�tf I�t.0 ff�� � l � �� ;L'�A(� D�-�, . � �� s u �� y d U �n�o w �.�. 7--�c o-��tc r� -r�+����s f�E �?o�s fo R o u R c ,t�'y, �' bo. h`a�°� au � Tr�%�k � ���m �' T"�,'.r �t��k, �lu'/� 7`/f,o, T� y � N� G� R � �y 7'��n� � `��►�� � � o�r �� ,7""' ` i ,� C � y �a � ,���s s ,o � � : � � __ � � � v�s - ATTACHMENT #7 CITY OF MCHENRY DEPARTMENT OF PARKS & RECREATION CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT & PARK PLANIVING PROJECTS FY 2003/04 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Petersen Park Waterfront Development—Boat Access Improvements - IDNR Grant Petersen Park Waterfront Development—Washroom/Storage CDBG Grant Fox Ridge Park Playground—Renovation Freund Field Improvements—Renovation Phase II &III Knox Park SkateBike Park—Fencing/Repairs Knox Pazk Barn—Roof Reshingle Parking Lot Resurfacing—Petersen Park& Lakeland Park Urban Forestry Demonstration Project—Meyer Material Annexation PLANNING PROJECTS Petersen Park Waterfront Development—Phase II IDNR Grant Application Due 7/1/03 Petersen Park Addition—CDBG Grant Shamrock Park Plan- $3,000 Payment from Developer for Concept Plan Development Petersen Park Historic Farm Plan Natural Resources Protection Plan—Hey& Associates PM/klq /Pete/Capital Development Info/Projects for 2003-04