HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 1/16/2024 - City CouncilThe City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, January 16, 2024, 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 333 S Green St, McHenry, IL 60050 1.Call to Order. 2.Roll Call. 3.Pledge of Allegiance. 4.Police Department Presentations: Promotion of Nicholas Clesen to the rank of Commander, and Roger Hendrickson to the rank of Sergeant. 5.Public Comment. 6.Consent Agenda. Motion to Approve the following Consent Agenda Items as presented: A.Ordinance amending 4-2-5 (Ineligibility) and 4-6-4 (Limitations of Establishments of Terminals) of the McHenry City Code. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) B.Appoint Michele Smith to the Landmark Commission with a term to expire April 30, 2026 . (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) C.Authorize the execution of a renewed Lease Agreement between the City of McHenry and Trey and Tom Corp d/b/a Main Street Station, located at 4005 W. Main Street for a term ending January 31, 2025. (Economic Development Director Martin) D.Authorize the Mayor’s execution of five (5) year Intergovernmental Agreements allowing the City of McHenry to provide emergency dispatch services with terms beginning May 1, 2024 and ending April 30, 2029 for the Marengo Rescue Squad District, Marengo Fire Protection District, Union Fire Protection District, Harvard Fire Protection District, Village of Johnsburg Police Department, City of Marengo Police Department, and the Village of Union Police Departmen t. (Police Chief Birk) E.Parks & Recreation Facilities & Special Use Permit Requests; F.December 29, 2023 Special City Council Meeting Minutes; G.December 18, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes; H.Issuance of Checks in the amount of $752,572.63 I.As Needed Checks in the amount of $485,693.28 The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. 7.Individual Action Item Agenda A.Class B Liquor License – Restaurante Hondureno Bustillo Matute Motion to approve a Class B Liquor License to Restaurante Hondureno Bustillo Matute, located at 4113 Shamrock Lane and, if approved, pass an Ordinance Amending Title 4, Chapter 2, Alcoholic Liquor, Section 6, License Classification and Fees; Approval Authority; Limitation on Number of Licenses. (Mayor Jett, Deputy City Clerk Johnson) 8.Discussion Item Agenda 9.Staff Reports. Provided the 1st meeting of each month. 10.Mayor’s Report. 11.City Council Comments. 12.Executive Session. A.Pending Litigation, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) (Finance Director Carolyn Lynch) 13.Adjourn. The complete City Council packet is available for review online via the City website at www.cityofmchenry.org. For further information, please contact the Office of the City Administrator at 815-363-2108. This meeting will be live streamed with a quorum of the City Council physically present. Public comments may only be heard by members of the public physically present at the meeting. Remote public comments will not be heard. The public can listen and view the meeting from the following link: https://cityofmchenry.zoom.us/j/81600793954 ORDINANCE NO. 24- Amending Title 4, Chapter 2: Alcoholic Liquor; and Title 4, Chapter 6: Video Gaming Terminals of the McHenry City Code, to Define and Limit Video Gaming Cafes WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: Section 4 -2 -5: Video Gaming Terminals: Definitions , of the McHenry City Code, shall be amended as follows: Add to the existing definitions in section 4 -2-5: Ineligibility, of the McHenry City Code, shall be amended by adding subsection R as follows: 4 -2-5: Ineligibility: R. Any person proposing to operate a Video Gaming Café provided, however, any licensee operating as a Video Gaming Café as of January 1, 2024, may continue to operate under such license, as renewed from time to time. A change of ownership may also be considered by Council so long as it does not affect the total number of license locations per Section 4 -6-8: Number of Licenses. SECTION 2: Section 4-6-4: Limitations of Establishments And Terminals , subsection C, of the McHenry City Code, shall be amended as follows : 4-6-4: Limitations of Establishments and Terminals: C. Premises on which Video Gaming Terminals are Prohibited : Video Gaming Cafés, as defined in the definition section above, are prohibited. Provided, however, any person or entity in possession of a current City video gaming establishment license and operating a Video Gaming Café as of January 1, 2024 may continue operating under such license, as renewed from time to time. A change of ownership may also be considered by Council so long as it does not affect the total number of license locations per Section 4 -6-8: Number of Licenses. SECTION 3: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not effect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 4: All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed this 16th day of January, 2024. Ayes Nays Absent Abstain Alderwoman Bassi _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Glab _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Koch _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman McClatchey _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderwoman Miller _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Santi _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Strach _____ _____ _____ _____ ______________________ ________________________ Wayne Jett, Mayor Monte Johnson, Deputy City Clerk Monte Johnson Deputy City Clerk City of McHenry 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2108 Fax: (815) 363-2119 mjohnson@cityofmchenry.org January 16, 2024 RENEWAL OF LEASE 4005 Main Street, McHenry, IL 60050 Lessee: Trey & Tom Corp Lessor: City of McHenry The purpose of this document is to memorialize the mutual written agreement by both parties to extend the lease of 4005 Main Street for an additional year. The lease was set to expire on January 31, 2024. Both parties agree to extend the lease an additional year, taking the lease to January 31, 2025. A copy of the lease is attached. Agreed upon by: Lessee: Lessor: Wayne Jett, Mayor -, BEGINNING TERM OF LEASE February 1, 2022 The term of the lease shall be dictated by the lease agreement between Union Pacific Railroad Company and the City of McHenry. MONTHLY RENT SEE ATTACHED EXHIBITS A and B LOCATION OF PREMISES 4005 WEST MAIN STREET MCHENRY, ILLINOIS 60050 PURPOSE To conduct an event space and dram shop operation thereon. LESSEE Trey & Tom Corp. 4005 W. Main Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 LESSOR City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein stated, Lessor hereby leases to Lessee and Lessee hereby leases from Lessor solely for the above purpose the premises designated above (the "Premises"), together with the appurtenances thereto, for the above Term. LEASE COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS I. RENT. Lessee shall pay Lessor or Lessor's agent as rent for the Premises the sum stated above, monthly in advance, until termination of this lease, at Lessor's address stated above or such other address as Lessor may designate in writing. 2. WATER, GAS AND ELECTRIC CHARGES. Lessee will pay, in addition to the rent above specified, all water rents, gas and electric light and power bills taxed, levied or charged on the Premises, for and during the time for which this lease is granted and in case said water rents and bills for gas, electric light and power shall not be paid when due, Lessor shall have the right to pay the same, which amounts so paid, together with any sums paid by Lessor to keep the Premises in a clean and healthy condition, as Herein specified, are declared to be so much additional rent and payable with the installment of rent next due thereafter. 3. SUBLETTING; ASSIGNMENT. The Premises shall not be sublet in whole or in part to any person other than Lessee, and Lessee shall not assign this lease without, in each case, the consent in writing of Lessor first had and obtained; nor permit to take place by any act or default of himself or any person within his control any transfer by operation of law of Lessee's interest created hereby; nor offer for lease or sublease the Premises, nor any portion thereof, by placing notices or signs of "To Let," or any other similar sign or notice in any place, nor by advertising the same in any newspaper or place or manner whatsoever without, in each case, the consent in writing of Lessor first had and obtained. If Lessee, or any one or more of the Lessees, if there be more than one, shall make an assignment for the benefit of the creditors, or shall be adjudged a bankrupt, Lessor may terminate this lease, and in such event Lessee shall at once pay Lessor a sum of money equal to the entire amount of rent reserved by this lease for the then unexpired portion of the term hereby created, as liquidated damages. 4. LESSEE NOT TO MISUSE. Lessee will not permit any unlawful or immoral practice, with or without his knowledge or consent, to be committed or carried on in the Premises by himself or by any other person. Lessee will not allow the Premises to be used for any purpose that will increase the rate of insurance thereon, nor for any purpose other than that hereinbefore specified. Lessee will not keep or use or permit to be kept or use or permit to be kept on the Premises or any place contiguous thereto any flammable fluids or explosives, without the written permission of Lessor first had and obtained. Lessee will not load floors beyond the floor load rating prescribed by applicable municipal ordinances. Lessee will not use or allow the use of the Premises for any purpose whatsoever that will injure the reputation of the premises or of the building of which they are a part. 5. CONDITION ON POSSESSION. Lessee has examined and knows the condition of the Premises and has received the same in good order and repair, and acknowledges that no representations as to the condition and repair thereof, and no agreements or promises to decorate, alter, repair or improve the Premises, have been made by Lessor or his agent prior to or at the execution of this lease that are not herein expressed. 6. REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE. Lessee shall keep the Premises and appurtenances thereto in a clean, sightly and healthy condition, and in good repair, all according to the statues and ordinances in such cases made and provided, and the directions of public officers thereunto duly authorized, all at his own expense, and shall yield the same back to Lessor upon the termination of this lease, whether such termination shall occur by expiration of the term, or in any other manner whatsoever, in the same condition of cleanliness, repair and sightliness as at the date of the execution thereof, loss by fire and reasonable wear and tear expected. Lessee shall make all necessary repairs and renewals upon Premises and replace broken globes, glass and fixtures with material of the same size and quality as that broken and shall insure all glass in windows and doors of the Premises at his own expense. If, however, the Premises shall not thus be kept in good repair and in a clean, sightly and healthy condition by Lessee, as aforesaid, Lessor may enter the same himself or by his agents, servants, or employees, without such entering causing or constituting a termination of this lease or an interference with the possession of the Premises by Lessee, and Lessor may replace the same in the same condition of repair, sightliness, healthiness, and cleanliness as existed at the date of execution hereof, and Lessee agrees to pay Lessor, in addition to the rent hereby reserved, the expenses of Lessor in thus replacing the premises in that condition. Lessee shall not cause or permit any waste, misuse or neglect of the water, or of the water, gas or electric fixtures. See attached Exhibit B providing specific obligations. 7. ACCESS TO PREMISES. Lessee shall allow Lessor or any person authorized by Lessor free access to the Premises for the purpose of examining or exhibiting the same, or to make any repairs or alterations thereof which Lessor may see fit to make, and Lessee will allow Lessor to have placed upon the Premises at all times notices of "For Sale" and For Rent," and Lessee will not interfere with the same. 8. NON-LIABILITY OF LESSOR. Except as provided by Illinois statute, Lessor shall not be liable to Lessee for any damage or injury to him or his property occasioned by the failure of Lessor to keep the Premises in repair, and shall not be liable for any injury done or occasioned by wind or by or from any defect of plumbing, electric wiring or of insulation thereof, gas pipes, water pipes or steam pipes, or from broken stairs, porches, railings, or walks, or from the backing up of any sewer pipe or down -spout, or from the bursting, leaking or running of any tank, tub, washstand, water closet or waste pipe, drain, or any other pipe or tank in upon or about the Premises or the building of which they are a part nor form the escape of steam or hot water from any radiator, it being agreed that said radiators are under the control of Lessee nor from any such damage or injury occasioned by water, snow or ice being upon or coming through the roof, skylight, trap -door, stairs, walls or any other place upon or near the Premises, or otherwise, nor for any such damage or injury done or occasioned by the falling of any fixture, plaster or stucco, nor for any damage or injury arising from any act, occasion or negligence of co-tenants or of other persons occupants of the same building or of adjoining or contiguous buildings or of owners of adjacent or contiguous property, or of Lessor's agents or Lessor himself, all claims for any such damage or injury being hereby expressly waived by Lessee. 9. RESTRICTIONS (SIGNS, ALTERATIONS, FIXTURES). Lessee shall not attach, affix or exhibitor permit to be attached, affixed or exhibited, except by Lessor or his agent, any articles of permanent character or any sign, attached or detached, with any writing or printing thereon, to any window, floor, ceiling, door or wall in any place in or about the Premises, or upon any of the appurtenances thereto, without in each case the written consent of Lessor first had and obtained; and shall not commit or suffer any waste in or about said premises; and · shall make no changes or alterations in the Premises by the erection of partitions or the papering of walls or otherwise, without the consent in writing of Lessor; and in case Lessee shall affix additional locks or bolts on doors or windows, or shall place in the Premises lighting fixtures or any fixtures of any kids, without the consent of Lessor first had and obtained, such locks, bolts and fixture shall remain for the benefit of Lessor, and without expense of removal or maintenance to Lessor. Lessor shall have the privilege of retaining the same if he desires. If he does not desire to retain the same, he may remove and store the same, and Lessee agrees to pay the expense of removal and storage thereof. The provisions of this paragraph shall not however apply to Lessee's trade fixtures, equipment and movable furniture. I 0. HEAT. Where building is equipped for the purpose, Lessor shall furnish to lessee a reasonable amount of heat, from October 1st to May 1st whenever in Lessor's judgment necessary for comfortable use of the Premises, during customary business hours (excluding Sundays and holidays but no earlier than 8:00 AM nor later than 6:00 PM unless specifically stated herein. Lessor does not warrant that heating service will be free from interruptions caused by strike, accident or other cause beyond the reasonable control of Lessor, or by renewal or repair of the heating apparatus in the building. Any such interruption shall not be deemed an eviction or disturbance of Lessee's use and possession of Premises, nor render Lessor liable to Lessee in damages. All claims against Lessor for injury or damage arising from failure to furnish heat are hereby expressly waived by Lessee. II. FIRE AND CASUALTY. In case the Premises shall be rendered untenantable by fire, explosion or other casualty, Lessor may at his option, terminate this lease or repair the Premises within sixty (60) days. If Lessor does not repair the Premises within said time, or the building containing the Premises shall have been wholly destroyed, the term hereby created shall ceases and terminate. 12. TERMINATION; HOLDING OVER. At the termination of the term of this lease, by lapse of time or otherwise, Lessee will yield up immediate possession of the Premises to Lessor, in good condition and repair, loss by fire and ordinary wear expected, and will return the keys therefore to Lessor at the place of payment of rent. If Lessee retains possession of the Premises or any part thereof after the termination of the term by lapse of time or otherwise, then Lessor may at its option within thirty (30) days after termination of the term serve written notice upon Lessee that such holding over constitutes either (a) renewal of this lease for one year and from year to year thereafter, at double the rental (computed on an annual basis) specified in Section 1, or (b) creation of a month to month tenancy, upon the terms of this lease except at double the monthly rental specified in Section 1, or (c) creation of a tenancy at sufferance, at a rental of $950.00 per month for the time Lessee remains in possession. If no such written notice is served then a tenancy at sufferance with rental as stated at (c) shall have been created. Lessee shall also pay to Lessor all damages sustained by Lessor resulting from retention of possession by Lessee. The provision of this paragraph shall not constitute a waiver by Lessor of any right of re-entry as hereinafter set forth; nor shall receipt of any rent or any other act in apparent affirmance of tenancy operate as a waiver of the right to terminate this lease for a breach of any of the covenants herein. 13. LESSOR'S REMEDIES. If Lessee shall vacate or abandon the Premises or permit the same to remain vacant or unoccupied for a period of ten (10) days, or in case of the non-payment of the rent reserved hereby, or any part thereof, or of the breach of any covenant in this lease contained, Lessee's right to the possession of the Premises thereupon shall terminate with or (to the extent permitted by law) without any notice or demand whatsoever, and the mere retention of possession thereafter by lessee shall constitute a forcible detainer of the Premises; and if the Lessor so elects, but not otherwise, and with or without notice of such election nor any notice or demand whatsoever, this lease shall thereupon terminate and upon the termination or Lessee's right of possession, as aforesaid, whether this lease be terminated or not, Lessee agrees to surrender possession of the Premises immediately without the receipt of any demand for rent, notice to quit or demand for possession of the premises whatsoever, and hereby grants to Lessor full and free license to enter into and upon the Premises or any part thereof, to take possession thereof with or (to the extent permitted by law) without process of law, and to expel and to remove lessee or any other person who may be occupying the Premises or any part thereof, and Lessor may use such force in and about expelling and removing Lessee and other person as may reasonably be necessary and Lessor may repossess himself of the Premises as of his former estate, but such entry of the Premises shall not constitute a trespass or forcible entry or detainer, nor shall it cause a forfeiture of rents due by virtue thereof, nor a waiver of any covenant, agreement or promise in this lease contained, to be performed by Lessee. Lessee hereby waives all notice of any election made by Lessor hereunder, demand for rent, notice to quit, demand for possession, and any and all notices and demand whatsoever, of any and every nature, which may or shall be required by any statue of this state relating to forcible entry and detainer, or to landlord and tenant, or any other statute, or by the common law, during the term of this lease or any extension thereof The acceptance of rent, whether in a single instance or repeatedly, after it falls due, or after knowledge of any breach hereof by Lessee, or the giving or making of any notice or demand, whether· according to any statutory provision or not, or any act or series of acts except an express written waiver, shall not be construed as a waiver· of Lessor's rights to act without notice or demand or of any other right hereby given Lessor, or as an election not to proceed under the provisions of this lease. 14. RIGHT TO RELET. If Lessee's right to the possession of the Premises shall be terminated in any way, the Premises, or any part thereof may, but need not (except as provided by Illinois statute) be relet by Lessor, for the account and benefit of Lessee, for such rent and upon such terms and to such person or person and for such period or periods as may seem fit to the Lessor, but Lessor shall not be required to accept or receive any tenant offered by Lessee, nor to do any act whatsoever or exercise any diligence whatsoever in or about the procuring of any care or diligence by Lessor in the reletting thereof; and if a sufficient sum shall not be received from such reletting to satisfy the rent hereby reserved, after paying the expenses of reletting and collection, including commissions to agents, and including also expense of redecorating, Lessee agrees to pay and satisfy all deficiency; but the acceptance of a tenant by Lessor, in place of Lessee, shall not operate as a cancellation hereof, nor to release Lessee from the performance of any covenant, promise or agreement herein contained, and performance by any substituted tenant by the payment of rent, or otherwise, shall constitute only satisfactio n pro tanto of the obligations of Lessee arising hereunder. 15. COSTS AND FEES. Lessee shall pay upon demand all Lessor's costs, charges and expenses, including fees of attorneys, agents and others retained by Lessor, incurred in enforcing any of the obligations of Lessee under this lease or in any litigation, negotiation or transaction in which Lessor shall, without Lessor's fault, become involved through or on account of this lease. 16. CONFESSION OF JUDGMENT. Lessee hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints any attorney of any court of record in this State, to be his true and lawful attorney for him and in his name and stead, to enter his appearance in any suit or suits that may be brought in any court in this State at any time when any money is due hereunder for rent or otherwise, to waive the issuing of process and service thereof and trial by jury or otherwise, and to confess a judgment or judgments for such money so due and or costs of suit and of reasonable attorney's fees in favor of Lessor, and to release all errors that may occur or intervene in such proceedings, including the issuance of execution upon any such judgment, and to stipulate that no write of error or appeal shall be prosecuted from such judgment or judgments, nor any bill in equity filed, nor any proceedings of any kind taken in law or equity to interfere in any way with the operation of such ju dgment or judgments or of execution issued thereon and to consent that execution may immediately issue thereon. 17. LESSOR'S LIEN. Lessor shall have a first lien upon the interest of Lessee under this lease, to secure the payment of all moneys dues under this lease, which lien may be foreclosed in equity at any time when money is overdue under this lease; and the Lessor shall be entitled to name a receiver of said leasehold interest, to be appointed in any such foreclosure proceeding, who shall take possession of said premises and who may relet the same under the orders of the court appointing him. 18. REMOVAL OF OTHER LIENS. In event any lien upon Lessor's title results from any act or neglect of Lessee, and Lessee fails to remove said lien within ten (10) days after Lessor's notice to do so, Lessor may remove the lien by paying the full amount thereof or otherwise and without any investigation or contest of the validity thereof, and Lessee shall pay Lessor upon request the amount paid out by Lessor in such behalf, including Lessor's costs, expenses and counsel fees. 19. REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. The obligation of Lessee to pay the rent reserved hereby during the balance of the term hereof, or during any extension hereof, shall not be deemed to be waived, released ore terminated, nor shall the right and power to confess judgment given in paragraph 16 hereof be deemed to be waived or terminated by the service of any. five-day notice, other notice to collect, demand for possession, or notice that the tenancy hereby created will be terminated on the date therein named, the institution of any action of forcible detainer or ejectment or any judgment for possession that may be rendered in such action, or any other act or acts resulting in the termination of Lessee's right to possession of the Premises. The Lessor may collect and receive any rent due from Lessee, and payment or receipt thereof shall not waive or affect any such notice, demand, suit or judgment, or in any manner whatsoever waive, affect, change, modify or alter any rights or remedies which Lessor may have by virtue hereof. 20. NOTICES. Notices may be served on either party, at the respective addresses given at the beginning of this lease, either (a) by delivering or causing to be delivered a written copy thereof, or (b) be sending a written copy thereof by United States certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, addressed to Lessor or Lessee at said respective addresses in which event the notice shall be deemed to have bee n served at the time the copy is mailed. 21. MISCELLANEOUS. (a) Provisions typed on this lease and all riders attached to this lease and signed by Lessor and Lessee are hereby made a part of this lease. (b) Lessee shall keep and observe such reasonable rules and regulations now or hereafter required by Lessor, which may be necessary for the proper and orderly care of the building of which the Premises are a part. (c) All covenants, promises, representations and agreements herein contained shall be binding upon, apply and inure to the benefit of Lessor and Lessee and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns. (d) The rights and remedies hereby created are cumulative and the use of one remedy shall not be taken to exclude or waive the right to the use of another. (e) The words "Lessor" and "Lessee" wherever used in this lease shall be construed to mean Lessors or Lessees in all cases where there is more than one Lessor or Lessee and to apply to individuals, male or female, or to firms or corporations, as the same may be described as Lessor or Lessee herein, and the necessary, grammatical changes shall be assumed in each case as though fully expressed. If there is more than one Lessee the warrant of attorney in paragraph 16 is given jointly and severally and shall authorize the entry of appearance of, and waiver of issuance of process and trial by jury by, and confession of judgment against any one or more of such Lessees, and shall authorize the performance of every act in the name of and on behalf of any one or more of such Lessees. 22. SEVERABILITY. If any clause, phrase, provision or portion of this lease or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be invalid, or unenforceable under applicable law, such event shall not affect, impair or render invalid or unenforceable the remainder of this lease nor any other clause, phrase, provision or portion hereof, nor shall it affect the application of any clause, phrase, provision or portion hereof to other persons or circumstances. 23-30 SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrument as the Date of Lease started above. LESSEE: LESSOR: Kelly Covalt , President Wayne Jett, Mayor Trey & Tom Corp. City of McHenry EXHIBIT A RIDER TO LEASE AGREEMENT 23. SUBJECT TO LESSOR'S LEASE WITH UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. This lease shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement between Union Pacific Railroad Company ("Union Pacific"), as Lessor, and City of McHenry, as Lessee, dated November 1, 2000, a copy of which is attached hereto, incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof as though set forth herein in full ("Underlying Lease"). Lessee shall comply with each of the covenants to which the City of McHenry is bound by the Underlying Lease. 24. DRAM SHOP. Subject to Lessee's compliance with the laws of the State of Illinois and the Ordinances of the City of McHenry pertaining to dram shops, and the terms of this Lease, alcoholic beverages may be sold at retail in the Premises. 25. INSURANCE. Liability Insurance. A. Lessee shall obtain and maintain with carriers acceptable to the Lessor, not less than the insurance coverages set forth below, which coverages shall be primary as to any other valid and collectible insurance or self insurance which may be available to the Lessor: a. workers compensation and employer's liability coverage in accordance with statutory requirements of the state having jurisdiction over the employee, and having an employer's liability limit of no less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) for each occurrence; and b. commercial general liability coverage with at least limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per each occurrence, and two million dollars ($2,000,000) in the aggregate, which includes coverage for liability arising out of operations performed by or on the Premises, specifically incl uding coverage for premises liability, broad form contractual liabilities, insuring any and all contemplated operations and for any related exposure at the Premises. c. business automobile liability coverage, including all motor vehicles, including equipment used in connection with operation or maintenance of any business or enterprise at the Premises, and d. liquor liability coverage, including liability under Section 6 -21 of Act 5 of Chapter 735 of the Illinois Compiled Statues, commonly known as the "Dram Shop Act," and all laws amendatory thereof, having a liability limit of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and in the aggregate. B. Lessee's insurers shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the Lessor for losses arising from the Lessee's operations. C. Lessee shall furnish the Lessor with certificates of insurance naming the Lessor and Union Pacific as additional insured, and with original endorsements affecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. D. Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail return receipt requested, has been given to the Lessor and Union Pacific. 26. Property Damage to the Premises. Lessor shall at Lessee's sole expense and at all times during the term hereof, maintain fire, wind, storm and extended coverage, vandalism, malicious mischief broad form, in not less than the replacement value of the building, as specified by Union Pacific from time to time as required in the Underlying Lease. Upon execution of this Lease Agreement, and thereafter upon request, Lessee shall furnish Lessor with copies of each of said policies. 27. ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITY. The Lessee assumes liability for all injury or death of any person or person including employees of the Lessee, any sub-Lessee, any supplier or any other person and assumes liability for all damage to property sustained by any person. 2s. INDEMNIFICATION. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Lessee hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Lessor and Union Pacific against all injuries, deaths, loss, damages, claims, suits, liabilities, judgments, costs and expense, which may in any way accrue against the Lessor and Union Pacific, and the Lessee shall, at its own expense, appear, defend and pay all charges and attorneys and all costs and other expenses arising therefore or incurred in connection with this license, and, if any judgment shall be rendered against the Lessor and/or Union Pacific, the Lessee shall at its own expense satisfy and discharge the same. 29. NOTICES AND RENT PAYMENTS. All notices herein required shall be in writing and shall be served on the parties at their following addresses, at such other addresses as they may hereafter from time to time in writing to the other party designate: City of McHenry City Administrator 333 S. Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Trey & Tom Corp. d/b/a/ Main Street Station 4005 W. Main Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 The mailing of a notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the aforesaid addresses, or the actual delivery of notices thereto in any other manner, shall be sufficient service for purposes of this Lease. Lessee shall mail rent to Lessor at Lessor's aforesaid address, or at such other address as Lessor may from time to time designate. 30. TERM AND RENT. Lessee shall pay Lessor or Lessor's agent the sum of $950.00 per month for a term of one (l) year commencing on February 1, 2024 and terminating on January 31, 2025 or sooner as provided herein with an option to renew upon mutual written agreement by both parties for an additional period of one -year, and subject to the terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement between Union Pacific as Lessor, and City of McHenry, as Lessee, dated November 1, 2000. EXHIBIT "B" Lessee shall be responsible for the following maintenance obligations: 1) All expenses relating to maintenance and repairs to the building on the Premises relating to ordinary wear and tear ite.ms such as keeping the building in good condition and the HVAC system in good operating condition. 2) Except for sewer and water service line repair expense, with respect to any repair expenses relating to the building on the Premises, in excess of $2,500, the Lessee shall pay up to $2,500 for each occurrence and the Lessor shall pay all repair expenses in excess the reof. With regard to repair expenses and damages relating to sewer and water service line expenses, including damage from backups, the Lessee shall pay up to $500 for each occurrence and the Lessor shall pay all repair expenses in excess thereof. Office of the Chief of Police John R. Birk McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2200 Fax: (815) 363-2149 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John R. Birk, Chief of Police FOR: January 16, 2024 Regular City Council meeting RE: Authorization to sign and execute Intergovernmental Agreements for dispatch services provided by the McHenry Dispatch Center to; Marengo Rescue Squad District, Marengo Fire Protection District, Union Fire Protection District, Harvard Fire Protection District, Marengo Police Department, Union Police Department and the Johnsburg Police Department. ATT: Intergovernmental Agreements between the City of McHenry and; Marengo Rescue Squad District, Marengo Fire Protection District, Union Fire Protection District, Harvard Fire Protection District, Village of Union, City of Marengo and Village of Johnsburg. Agenda Item Summary: The McHenry Police Department has been providing emergency dispatch services for the Marengo Rescue Squad District, Marengo Fire Protection District, Union Fire Protection District, Harvard Fire Protection District, Union Police Department, Marengo Police Department and Johnsburg Police Department for multiple years. The current intergovernmental agreements between these seven organizations are set to expire on April 30, 2024. Staff has negotiated new agreements with each of these customers and is seeking Council’s approval to authorize the Mayor to enter into new intergovernmental agreements with each of the seven customer agencies. Staff is available for any questions Council may have. Background: Currently the City of McHenry owns and operates a Public Service Answer Point (PSAP) that provides multi-jurisdictional emergency dispatch services for (16) sixteen different police and fire agencies. The Marengo Rescue Squad District, Marengo Fire Protection District, Union Fire Protection District, Union Police Department and Marengo Police Department have been existing customers of the dispatch center since May of 2016. The Harvard Fire Protection District has been an existing customer since December of 2016 and the Johnsburg Police Department has been an existing customer since 2002. Effective April 30th, 2024 the current intergovernmental agreements between the City of McHenry and these seven agencies will expire. Contact was made with all seven agencies notifying them of the pending contract expirations and all five agencies wish to renew their contracts for dispatch services. 2 | Page Analysis: With the approval of the NERCOM Board of Directors, the City has revised the fee structure for dispatch services that would take effect with the newly proposed agreement on May 1st, 2024. The newly proposed agreement is set for a five (5) year term. Beginning on May 1, 2024, each agency shall pay annual dispatch fees to McHenry, to be paid no later than the 10th day of each month (“Dispatch Fees”). Dispatch Fees for Fiscal Year 2024/2025 shall be calculated at the rate of $33.45 per service call (“Service Call Rate”) and $15.00 per traffic stop (“Traffic Stop Rate”) multiplied by the number of service calls and Traffic calls dispatched by McHenry for each respective agency during calendar year 2023. Commencing on each anniversary date of this Agreement, the Service Call Rate and Traffic Stop Rate shall each increase by 3.5% each year (“Adjusted Dispatch Rates”) and the Adjusted Dispatch Rates shall be multiplied by the number of service calls and traffic stops dispatched by McHenry for each agency in the prior calendar year, thereby arriving at the Adjusted Dispatch Fees for the next year of Dispatch Services to be paid on the same annual basis as the Original Term Dispatch Fee. Service Call Rate Chart FY 24/25 (3.5%) FY 25/26 (3.5%) FY 26/27 (3.5%) FY 27/28 (3.5%) FY 28/29 (3.5%) Call Rate $33.45 $34.62 $35.83 $37.09 $38.38 Traffic Stop Rate $15.00 $15.53 $16.07 $16.63 $17.21 Recommendation: If Council concurs, then it is recommended that a motion authorizing the Mayor to entering into five year intergovernmental agreements with the following local governments, allowing the City to provide emergency dispatch services for terms beginning on May 1, 2024 and ending on April 30, 2029: Marengo Rescue Squad District; Marengo Fire Protection District; Union Fire Protection District; Harvard Fire Protection District; Village of Johnsburg Police Department; City of Marengo Police Department; and the Village of Union Police Department. Intergovernmental Agreement for Dispatch Services Between the City of McHenry and Harvard Fire Protection District This Agreement is effective this 1st day of May, 2024 by and between the City of McHenry (“McHenry”) and the Harvard Fire Protection District (“Harvard”). Recitals A. McHenry provides, among other services, radio dispatched police / law enforcement services and fire / ems services (“Dispatching Services”). B. Harvard desires to continue utilizing Dispatching Services of McHenry for the purposes of providing 24-hour E 9-1-1 telephone answering service, emergency radio dispatch to fire personnel employed by the District and other services. C. McHenry and Harvard have the power and authority to enter into this Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution of 1979, and the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, as amended, 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq., and other applicable authority. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged as being received, Harvard and McHenry agree as follows: 1. Term of Agreement: This Agreement shall commence on May 1, 2024 and terminate on April 30, 2029, unless earlier terminated by either party upon (6) six month’s written notice to the other party for any reason or no reason at all. In no event shall any portion of the fee payable herein be subject to reimbursement due to early termination of this Agreement by either party. This Agreement may only be extended by written agreement of both parties hereto. 2. McHenry’s Obligation: McHenry shall provide Dispatching Services to Harvard during the term of this Agreement in accordance with Illinois law including but not limited to 210 ILCS 50/ et seq. commonly known as the “Emergency Medical Services EMS Systems Act”. Additional services may include the initiation of emergency weather warning sirens. 3. Harvard Hardware: At its sole expense, Harvard shall install and maintain any required radio infrastructure necessary to receive radio communications from its personnel and relay them to the McHenry Communications Center in McHenry, Illinois. The cost of telephone lines and interface equipment necessary to accomplish these services shall be the responsibility of Harvard. 4. No Supervision of Direction: McHenry Dispatching Services provided to Harvard hereunder are limited to the dispatch of Harvard Fire Protection District personnel. McHenry dispatchers and on-duty supervisory personnel have no responsibility to ensure that Harvard fire personnel comply with any applicable rules and regulations. The supervision and direction of Harvard fire personnel are outside the scope of this Agreement and remain the responsibility of Harvard. 5. Dispatch Fee: Beginning on May 1, 2024, Harvard shall pay monthly dispatch fees to McHenry, to be paid no later than the 10th day of each month (“Dispatch Fees”). The Dispatch Fees for Fiscal Year 2024/2025 shall be calculated at the rate of $33.45 per service call (“Service Call Rate”) multiplied by the number of service calls dispatched by McHenry for 2 Harvard during calendar year 2023. Commencing on each anniversary date of this Agreement, the Service Call Rate shall each increase by 3.5% each year (“Adjusted Dispatch Rates”) and the Adjusted Dispatch Rates shall be multiplied by the number of service calls dispatched by McHenry for Harvard in the prior calendar year, thereby arriving at the Adjusted Dispatch Fees for the next year of Dispatch Services to be paid on the same monthly basis as the Original Term Dispatch Fee. Service Call Rate Chart 24/25 (3.5%) 25/26 (3.5%) 26/27 (3.5%) 27/28 (3.5%) 28/29 (3.5%) Call Rate $33.45 $34.62 $35.83 $37.09 $38.38 Miscellaneous Provisions 6. No Agency Created: Only an independent contractor relationship is created by this Agreement and neither party shall constitute an authorized agent of the other. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and no other person or entity shall be deemed to be a beneficiary of this Agreement. No party shall assign this Agreement or the rights and duties hereunder. All notices give or required under this Agreement shall be in writing and sent by certified mail to McHenry Police Chief or the Harvard Fire Chief, respectively. 7. Indemnification: Harvard hereby indemnifies McHenry and its elected and appointed officials, attorneys, officers, and employees, and hold them harmless from any claim, injury, or loss, no matter how allegedly sustained, arising out of or related in any way to the provision of, the use of, the disruption of, or the fai lure of McHenry to adequately or effectively provide Dispatching Services pursuant to this Agreement. Harvard shall reimburse McHenry for any attorneys’ fees incurred by McHenry in connection with defense of any such alleged claim, injury or loss, occurring during the term of this Agreement or thereafter arising out of the activities contemplated by this Agreement provided that the cause of action is not the result of negligence, lack of due care, gross negligence or willful and wanton misconduct on behalf of McHenry or its agents. 8. Insurance: Harvard shall maintain, for the term of this Agreement, and any extensions thereof, comprehensive general liability insurance, issued by an insurance company qualified to do business in the State of Illinois, with minimum li mits of $1,000,000/$3,000,000. McHenry shall be named as an additional insured on said policy and the policy shall provide that McHenry be given 30 days written notice of cancellation or material charges thereto. Harvard Fire Protection District City of McHenry By__________________________________ By _________________________________ Board President Date Its Mayor Date Intergovernmental Agreement for Dispatch Services Between the City of McHenry and Village of Johnsburg This Agreement is effective this 1st day of May, 2024 by and between the City of McHenry (“McHenry”) and the Village of Johnsburg (“Johnsburg”). Recitals A. McHenry provides, among other services, radio dispatched police / law enforcement services and fire / ems services (“Dispatching Services”). B. Johnsburg desires to continue utilizing Dispatching Services of McHenry for the purposes of providing 24-hour E 9-1-1 telephone answering service, emergency radio dispatch to police personnel employed by the Village and other services. C. McHenry and Johnsburg have the power and authority to enter into this Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution of 1979, and the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, as amended, 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq., and other applicable authority. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged as being received, Johnsburg and McHenry agree as follows: 1. Term of Agreement: This Agreement shall commence on May 1, 2024 and terminate on April 30, 2029, unless earlier terminated by either party upon (6) six month’s written notice to the other party for any reason or no reason at all. Any annual fee paid by Johnsburg shall be subject to prorated reimbursement due to early termination of this Agreement by either party. This Agreement may only be extended by written agreement of both parties hereto. 2. McHenry’s Obligation: McHenry shall provide Dispatching Services to Johnsburg during the term of this Agreement in accordance with Illinois law including but not limited to 210 ILCS 50/1 et seq. Commonly known as the “Emergency Medical Services EMS Systems Act”. Additional services include monitoring telephone services after 4 :00 p.m., or as needed, initiation of emergency weather warning sirens and closed -circuit camera monitoring. 3. Johnsburg Hardware: At its sole expense, Johnsburg shall install and maintain any required radio infrastructure necessary to receive radio communications from its personnel and relay them to the McHenry Communications Center in McHenry, Illinois. The cost of telephone lines and interface equipment necessary to accomplish these services shall be the responsibility of Johnsburg. 4. No Supervision of Direction: McHenry Dispatching Services provided to Johnsburg hereunder are limited to the dispatch of Johnsburg police personnel. McHenry dispatchers and on-duty supervisory personnel have no responsibility to ensure that Johnsburg police personnel comply with any applicable rules and regulations. The supervision and direction of Johnsburg police personnel are outside the scope of this Agreement and remain the responsibility of Johnsburg. 5. Dispatch Fee: Beginning on May 1, 2024, Johnsburg shall pay annual dispatch fees to McHenry, to be paid no later than the 10th day of each month (“Dispatch Fees”). Dispatch Fees for Fiscal Year 2024/2025 shall be calculated at the rate of $33.45 per service call (“Service Call Rate”) and $15.00 per traffic stop (“Traffic Stop Rate”) multiplied by the number of service calls and Traffic calls dispatched by McHenry for Johnsburg during calendar year 2023. Commencing on each anniversary date of this Agreement, the Service Call Rate and Traffic Stop 2 Rate shall each increase by 3.5% each year (“Adjusted Dispatch Rates”) and the Adjusted Dispatch Rates shall be multiplied by the number of service calls and traffic stops dispatched by McHenry for Johnsburg in the prior calendar year, thereby arriving at the Adjusted Dispatch Fees for the next year of Dispatch Services to be paid on the same annual basis as the Original Term Dispatch Fee. Service Call Rate Chart FY 24/25 (3.5%) FY 25/26 (3.5%) FY 26/27 (3.5%) FY 27/28 (3.5%) FY 28/29 (3.5%) Call Rate $33.45 $34.62 $35.83 $37.09 $38.38 Traffic Stop Rate $15.00 $15.53 $16.07 $16.63 $17.21 Miscellaneous Provisions 6. No Agency Created: Only an independent contractor relationship is created by this Agreement and neither party shall constitute an authorized agent of the other. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and no other person or entity shall be deemed to be a beneficiary of this Agreement. No party shall assign this Agreement or the rights and duties hereunder. All notices give or required under this Agreement shall be in writing and sent by certified mail to McHenry Police Chief or the Johnsburg Village Administrator, respectively. 7. Indemnification: Johnsburg hereby indemnifies McHenry and its elected and appointed officials, attorneys, officers, and employees, and hold them harmless from any claim, injury, or loss, no matter how allegedly sustained, arising out of or related in any way to the provision of, the use of, the disruption of, or the failure of McHenry to adequately or effectively provide Dispatching Services pursuant to this Agreement. Johnsburg shall reimburse McHenry for any attorneys’ fees incurred by McHenry in connection with defense of any such alleged claim, injury or loss, occurring during the term of this Agreement or thereafter arising out of the activities contemplated by this Agreement provided that the cause of action is not the result of negligence, lack of due care, gross negligence or willful and wanton misconduct on behalf of McHenry or its agents. 8. Insurance: Johnsburg shall maintain, for the term of this Agreement, and any extensions thereof, comprehensive general liability insurance, issued by an insurance company qualified to do business in the State of Illinois, with minimum limits of $1,000,000/$3,000,000. McHenry shall be named as an additional insured on said policy and the policy shall provide that McHenry be given 30 days written notice of cancellation or material charges thereto. Village of Johnsburg City of McHenry By__________________________________ By _________________________________ Its President Date Its Mayor Date Intergovernmental Agreement for Dispatch Services Between the City of McHenry and Marengo Fire Protection District This Agreement is effective this 1st day of May, 2024 by and between the City of McHenry (“McHenry”) and the Marengo Fire Protection District (“Marengo”). Recitals A. McHenry provides, among other services, radio dispatched police / law enforcement services and fire / ems services (“Dispatching Services”). B. Marengo desires to continue utilizing Dispatching Services of McHenry for the purposes of providing 24-hour E 9-1-1 telephone answering service, emergency radio dispatch to fire personnel employed by the District and other services. C. McHenry and Marengo have the power and authority to enter into this Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution of 1979, and the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, as amended, 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq., and other applicable authority. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged as being received, Marengo and McHenry agree as follows: 1. Term of Agreement: This Agreement shall commence on May 1, 2024 and terminate on April 30, 2029, unless earlier terminated by either party upon (6) six month’s written notice to the other party for any reason or no reason at all. In no event shall any portion of the fee payable herein be subject to reimbursement due to early termination of this Agreement by either party. This Agreement may only be extended by written agreement of both parties hereto. 2. McHenry’s Obligation: McHenry shall provide Dispatching Services to Marengo during the term of this Agreement in accordance with Illinois law including but not limited to 210 ILCS 50/ et seq. commonly known as the “Emergency Medical Services EMS Systems Act”. Additional services may include the initiation of emergency weather warning sirens. 3. Marengo Hardware: At its sole expense, Marengo shall install and maintain any required radio infrastructure necessary to receive radio communications from its personnel and relay them to the McHenry Communications Center in McHenry, Illinois. The cost of telephone lines and interface equipment necessary to accomplish these services shall be the responsibility of Marengo. 4. No Supervision of Direction: McHenry Dispatching Services provided to Marengo hereunder are limited to the dispatch of Marengo Fire Protection District personnel. McHenry dispatchers and on-duty supervisory personnel have no responsibility to ensure that Marengo fire personnel comply with any applicable rules and regulations. The supervision and direction of Marengo fire personnel are outside the scope of this Agreement and remain the responsibility of Marengo. 5. Dispatch Fee: Beginning on May 1, 2024, Marengo shall pay monthly dispatch fees to McHenry, to be paid no later than the 10th day of each month (“Dispatch Fees”). The 2 Dispatch Fees for Fiscal Year 2024/2025 shall be calculated at the rate of $33.45 per service call (“Service Call Rate”) multiplied by the number of service calls dispatched by McHenry for Marengo during calendar year 2023. Commencing on each anniversary date of this Agreement, the Service Call Rate shall each increase by 3.5% each year (“Adjusted Dispatch Rates”) and the Adjusted Dispatch Rates shall be multiplied by the number of service calls dispatched by McHenry for Marengo in the prior calendar year, thereby arriving at the Adjusted Dispatch Fees for the next year of Dispatch Services to be paid on the same monthly basis as the Original Term Dispatch Fee. Service Call Rate Chart 24/25 (3.5%) 25/26 (3.5%) 26/27 (3.5%) 27/28 (3.5%) 28/29 (3.5%) Call Rate $33.45 $34.62 $35.83 $37.09 $38.38 Miscellaneous Provisions 6. No Agency Created: Only an independent contractor relationship is created by this Agreement and neither party shall constitute an authorized agent of the other. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and no other person or entity shall be deemed to be a beneficiary of this Agreement. No party shall assign this Agreement or the rights and duties hereunder. All notices give or required under this Agreement shall be in writing and sent by certified mail to McHenry Police Chief or the Marengo Fire Chief, respectively. 7. Indemnification: Marengo hereby indemnifies McHenry and its elected and appointed officials, attorneys, officers, and employees, and hold them harmless from any claim, injury, or loss, no matter how allegedly sustained, arising out of or related in any way to the provision of, the use of, the disruption of, or the fai lure of McHenry to adequately or effectively provide Dispatching Services pursuant to this Agreement. Marengo shall reimburse McHenry for any attorneys’ fees incurred by McHenry in connection with defense of any such alleged claim, injury or loss, occurring during the term of this Agreement or thereafter arising out of the activities contemplated by this Agreement provided that the cause of action is not the result of negligence, lack of due care, gross negligence or willful and wanton misconduct on behalf of McHenry or its agents. 8. Insurance: Marengo shall maintain, for the term of this Agreement, and any extensions thereof, comprehensive general liability insurance, issued by an insurance company qualified to do business in the State of Illinois, with minimum li mits of $1,000,000/$3,000,000. McHenry shall be named as an additional insured on said policy and the policy shall provide that McHenry be given 30 days written notice of cancellation or material charges thereto. Marengo Fire Protection District City of McHenry By__________________________________ By _________________________________ Board President Date Its Mayor Date Intergovernmental Agreement for Dispatch Services Between the City of McHenry and City of Marengo This Agreement is effective this 1st day of May, 2024 by and between the City of McHenry (“McHenry”) and the City of Marengo (“Marengo”). Recitals A. McHenry provides, among other services, radio dispatched police / law enforcement services and fire / ems services (“Dispatching Services”). B. Marengo desires to continue utilizing Dispatching Services of McHenry for the purposes of providing 24-hour E 9-1-1 telephone answering service, emergency radio dispatch to police personnel employed by the Village and other services. C. McHenry and Marengo have the power and authority to enter into this Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution of 1979, and the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, as amended, 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq., and other applicable authority. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged as being received, Marengo and McHenry agree as follows: 1. Term of Agreement: This Agreement shall commence on May 1, 2024 and terminate on April 30, 2029, unless earlier terminated by either party upon (6) six month’s written notice to the other party for any reason or no reason at all. Any annual fee paid by Marengo shall be subject to prorated reimbursement due to early termination of this Agreement by either party. This Agreement may only be extended by written agreement of both parties hereto. 2. McHenry’s Obligation: McHenry shall provide Dispatching Services to Marengo during the term of this Agreement in accordance with Illinois law including but not limited to 210 ILCS 50/1 et seq. Commonly known as the “Emergency Medical Services EMS Systems Act”. Additional services include monitoring telephone services after 4:00 p.m., or as needed, initiation of emergency weather warning sirens and closed-circuit camera monitoring. 3. Marengo Hardware: At its sole expense, Marengo shall install and maintain any required radio infrastructure necessary to receive radio communications from its personnel and relay them to the McHenry Communications Center in McHenry, Illinois. The cost of telephone lines and interface equipment necessary to accomplish these services shall be the responsibility of Marengo. 4. No Supervision of Direction: McHenry Dispatching Services provided to Marengo hereunder are limited to the dispatch of Marengo police personnel. McHenry dispatchers and on-duty supervisory personnel have no responsibility to ensure that Marengo police personnel comply with any applicable rules and regulations. The supervision and direction of Marengo police personnel are outside the scope of this Agreement and remain the responsibility of Marengo. 5. Dispatch Fee: Beginning on May 1, 2024, Marengo shall pay annual dispatch fees to McHenry, to be paid no later than the 10th day of each month (“Dispatch Fees”). Dispatch Fees for Fiscal Year 2024/2025 shall be calculated at the rate of $33.45 per service call (“Service Call Rate”) and $15.00 per traffic stop (“Traffic Stop Rate”) multiplied by the number of service calls and Traffic calls dispatched by McHenry for Marengo during calendar year 2023. Commencing 2 on each anniversary date of this Agreement, the Service Call Rate and Traffic Stop Rate shall each increase by 3.5% each year (“Adjusted Dispatch Rates”) and the Adjusted Dispatch Rates shall be multiplied by the number of service calls and traffic stops dispatched by McHenry for Marengo in the prior calendar year, thereby arriving at the Adjusted Dispatch Fees for the next year of Dispatch Services to be paid on the same annual basis as the Original Term Dispatch Fee. Service Call Rate Chart FY 24/25 (3.5%) FY 25/26 (3.5%) FY 26/27 (3.5%) FY 27/28 (3.5%) FY 28/29 (3.5%) Call Rate $33.45 $34.62 $35.83 $37.09 $38.38 Traffic Stop Rate $15.00 $15.53 $16.07 $16.63 $17.21 Miscellaneous Provisions 6. No Agency Created: Only an independent contractor relationship is created by this Agreement and neither party shall constitute an authorized agent of the other. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and no other person or entity shall be deemed to be a beneficiary of this Agreement. No party shall assign this Agreement or the rights and duties hereunder. All notices give or required under this Agreement shall be in writing and sent by certified mail to McHenry Police Chief or the Marengo Village Administrator, respectively. 7. Indemnification: Marengo hereby indemnifies McHenry and its elected and appointed officials, attorneys, officers, and employees, and hold them harmless from any claim, injury, or loss, no matter how allegedly sustained, arising out of or related in any way to the provision of, the use of, the disruption of, or the failure of McHenry to adequately or effectively provide Dispatching Services pursuant to this Agreement. Marengo shall reimburse McHenry for any attorneys’ fees incurred by McHenry in connection with defense of any such alleged claim, injury or loss, occurring during the term of this Agreement or thereafter arising out of the activities contemplated by this Agreement provided that the cause of action is not the result of negligence, lack of due care, gross negligence or willful and wanton misconduct on behalf of McHenry or its agents. 8. Insurance: Marengo shall maintain, for the term of this Agreement, and any extensions thereof, comprehensive general liability insurance, issued by an insurance company qualified to do business in the State of Illinois, with minimum limits of $1,000,000/$3,000,000. McHenry shall be named as an additional insured on said policy and the policy shall provide that McHenry be given 30 days written notice of cancellation or material charges thereto. City of Marengo City of McHenry By__________________________________ By _________________________________ Its Mayor Date Its Mayor Date Intergovernmental Agreement for Dispatch Services Between the City of McHenry and Marengo Rescue Squad District This Agreement is effective this 1st day of May, 2024 by and between the City of McHenry (“McHenry”) and the Marengo Rescue Squad District (“Marengo”). Recitals A. McHenry provides, among other services, radio dispatched police / law enforcement services and fire / ems services (“Dispatching Services”). B. Marengo desires to continue utilizing Dispatching Services of McHenry for the purposes of providing 24-hour E 9-1-1 telephone answering service, emergency radio dispatch to fire personnel employed by the District and other services. C. McHenry and Marengo have the power and authority to enter into this Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution of 1979, and the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, as amended, 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq., and other applicable authority. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged as being received, Marengo and McHenry agree as follows: 1. Term of Agreement: This Agreement shall commence on May 1, 2024 and terminate on April 30, 2029, unless earlier terminated by either party upon (6) six month’s written notice to the other party for any reason or no reason at all. In no event shall any portion of the fee payable herein be subject to reimbursement due to early termination of this Agreement by either party. This Agreement may only be extended by written agreement of both parties hereto. 2. McHenry’s Obligation: McHenry shall provide Dispatching Services to Marengo during the term of this Agreement in accordance with Illinois law including but not limited to 210 ILCS 50/ et seq. commonly known as the “Emergency Medical Services EMS Systems Act”. Additional services may include the initiation of emergency weather warning sirens. 3. Marengo Hardware: At its sole expense, Marengo shall install and maintain any required radio infrastructure necessary to receive radio communications from its personnel and relay them to the McHenry Communications Center in McHenry, Illinois. The cost of telephone lines and interface equipment necessary to accomplish these services shall be the responsibility of Marengo. 4. No Supervision of Direction: McHenry Dispatching Services provided to Marengo hereunder are limited to the dispatch of Marengo Fire Protection District personnel. McHenry dispatchers and on-duty supervisory personnel have no responsibility to ensure that Marengo fire personnel comply with any applicable rules and regulations. The supervision and direction of Marengo fire personnel are outside the scope of this Agreement and remain the responsibility of Marengo. 5. Dispatch Fee: Beginning on May 1, 2024, Marengo shall pay monthly dispatch fees to McHenry, to be paid no later than the 10th day of each month (“Dispatch Fees”). The Dispatch Fees for Fiscal Year 2024/2025 shall be calculated at the rate of $33.45 per service call (“Service Call Rate”) multiplied by the number of service calls dispatched by McHenry for 2 Marengo during calendar year 2023. Commencing on each anniversary date of this Agreement, the Service Call Rate shall each increase by 3.5% each year (“Adjusted Dispatch Rates”) and the Adjusted Dispatch Rates shall be multiplied by the number of service calls dispatched by McHenry for Marengo in the prior calendar year, thereby arriving at the Adjusted Dispatch Fees for the next year of Dispatch Services to be paid on the same monthly basis as the Original Term Dispatch Fee. Service Call Rate Chart 24/25 (3.5%) 25/26 (3.5%) 26/27 (3.5%) 27/28 (3.5%) 28/29 (3.5%) Call Rate $33.45 $34.62 $35.83 $37.09 $38.38 Miscellaneous Provisions 6. No Agency Created: Only an independent contractor relationship is created by this Agreement and neither party shall constitute an authorized agent of the other. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and no other person or entity shall be deemed to be a beneficiary of this Agreement. No party shall assign this Agreement or the rights and duties hereunder. All notices give or required under this Agreement shall be in writing and sent by certified mail to McHenry Police Chief or the Marengo Rescue Squad Chief, respectively. 7. Indemnification: Marengo hereby indemnifies McHenry and its elected and appointed officials, attorneys, officers, and employees, and hold them harmless from any claim, injury, or loss, no matter how allegedly sustained, arising out of or related in any way to the provision of, the use of, the disruption of, or the fai lure of McHenry to adequately or effectively provide Dispatching Services pursuant to this Agreement. Marengo shall reimburse McHenry for any attorneys’ fees incurred by McHenry in connection with defense of any such alleged claim, injury or loss, occurring during the term of this Agreement or thereafter arising out of the activities contemplated by this Agreement provided that the cause of action is not the result of negligence, lack of due care, gross negligence or willful and wanton misconduct on behalf of McHenry or its agents. 8. Insurance: Marengo shall maintain, for the term of this Agreement, and any extensions thereof, comprehensive general liability insurance, issued by an insurance company qualified to do business in the State of Illinois, with minimum li mits of $1,000,000/$3,000,000. McHenry shall be named as an additional insured on said policy and the policy shall provide that McHenry be given 30 days written notice of cancellation or material charges thereto. Marengo Rescue Squad District City of McHenry By__________________________________ By _________________________________ Board President Date Its Mayor Date Intergovernmental Agreement for Dispatch Services Between the City of McHenry and Union Fire Protection District This Agreement is effective this 1st day of May, 2024 by and between the City of McHenry (“McHenry”) and the Union Fire Protection District (“Union”). Recitals A. McHenry provides, among other services, radio dispatched police / law enforcement services and fire / ems services (“Dispatching Services”). B. Union desires to continue utilizing Dispatching Services of McHenry for th e purposes of providing 24-hour E 9-1-1 telephone answering service, emergency radio dispatch to fire personnel employed by the District and other services. C. McHenry and Union have the power and authority to enter into this Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution of 1979, and the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, as amended, 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq., and other applicable authority. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged as being received, Union and McHenry agree as follows: 1. Term of Agreement: This Agreement shall commence on May 1, 2024 and terminate on April 30, 2029, unless earlier terminated by either party upon (6) six month’s written notice to the other party for any reason or no reason at all. In no event shall any portion of the fee payable herein be subject to reimbursement due to early termination of this Agreement by either party. This Agreement may only be extended by written agreement of both parties hereto. 2. McHenry’s Obligation: McHenry shall provide Dispatching Services to Union during the term of this Agreement in accordance with Illinois law including but not limited to 210 ILCS 50/ et seq. commonly known as the “Emergency Medical Services EMS Systems Act”. Additional services may include the initiation of emergency weather warning sirens. 3. Union Hardware: At its sole expense, Union shall install and maintain any required radio infrastructure necessary to receive radio communications from its personnel and relay them to the McHenry Communications Center in McHenry, Illinois. The cost of telephone lines and interface equipment necessary to accomplish these services shall be the responsibility of Union. 4. No Supervision of Direction: McHenry Dispatching Services provided to Union hereunder are limited to the dispatch of Union Fire Protection District personnel. McHenry dispatchers and on-duty supervisory personnel have no responsibility to ensure that Union fire personnel comply with any applicable rules and regulations. The supervision and direction of Union fire personnel are outside the scope of this Agreement and remain the responsibility of Union. 5. Dispatch Fee: Beginning on May 1, 2024, Union shall pay monthly dispatch fees to McHenry, to be paid no later than the 10th day of each month (“Dispatch Fees”). The Dispatch Fees for Fiscal Year 2024/2025 shall be calculated at the rate of $33.45 per service call (“Service Call Rate”) multiplied by the number of service calls dispatched by McHenry for Union during 2 calendar year 2023. Commencing on each anniversary date of this Agreement, the Service Call Rate shall each increase by 3.5% each year (“Adjusted Dispatch Rates”) and the Adjusted Dispatch Rates shall be multiplied by the number of service calls dispatched by McHenry for Union in the prior calendar year, thereby arriving at the Adjusted Dispatch Fees for the next year of Dispatch Services to be paid on the same monthly basis as the Original Term Dispatch Fee. Service Call Rate Chart 24/25 (3.5%) 25/26 (3.5%) 26/27 (3.5%) 27/28 (3.5%) 28/29 (3.5%) Call Rate $33.45 $34.62 $35.83 $37.09 $38.38 Miscellaneous Provisions 6. No Agency Created: Only an independent contractor relationship is created by this Agreement and neither party shall constitute an authorized agent of the other. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and no other person or entity shall be deemed to be a beneficiary of this Agreement. No party shall assign this Agreement or the rights and duties hereunder. All notices give or required under this Agreement shall be in writing and sent by certified mail to McHenry Police Chief or the Union Fire Chief, respectively. 7. Indemnification: Union hereby indemnifies McHenry and its elected and appointed officials, attorneys, officers, and employees, and hold them harmless from any claim, injury, or loss, no matter how allegedly sustained, arising out of or related in any way to the provision of, the use of, the disruption of, or the fai lure of McHenry to adequately or effectively provide Dispatching Services pursuant to this Agreement. Union shall reimburse McHenry for any attorneys’ fees incurred by McHenry in connection with defense of any such alleged claim, injury or loss, occurring during the term of this Agreement or thereafter arising out of the activities contemplated by this Agreement provided that the cause of action is not the result of negligence, lack of due care, gross negligence or willful and wanton misconduct on behalf of McHenry or its agents. 8. Insurance: Union shall maintain, for the term of this Agreement, and any extensions thereof, comprehensive general liability insurance, issued by an insurance company qualified to do business in the State of Illinois, with minimum li mits of $1,000,000/$3,000,000. McHenry shall be named as an additional insured on said policy and the policy shall provide that McHenry be given 30 days written notice of cancellation or material charges thereto. Union Fire Protection District City of McHenry By__________________________________ By _________________________________ Board President Date Its Mayor Date Intergovernmental Agreement for Dispatch Services Between the City of McHenry and Village of Union This Agreement is effective this 1st day of May, 2024 by and between the City of McHenry (“McHenry”) and the Village of Union (“Union”). Recitals A. McHenry provides, among other services, radio dispatched police / law enforcement services and fire / EMS services (“Dispatching Services”). B. Union desires to continue utilizing Dispatching Services of McHenry for th e purposes of providing 24-hour E 9-1-1 telephone answering service, emergency radio dispatch to police personnel employed by the Village and other services. C. McHenry and Union have the power and authority to enter into this Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution of 1979, and the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, as amended, 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq., and other applicable authority. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged as being received, Union and McHenry agree as follows: 1. Term of Agreement: This Agreement shall commence on May 1, 2024 and terminate on April 30, 2029, unless earlier terminated by either party upon (6) six month’s written notice to the other party for any reason or no reason at all. Any annual fee paid by Union shall be subject to prorated reimbursement due to early termination of this Agreement by either party. This Agreement may only be extended by written agreement of both parties hereto. 2. McHenry’s Obligation: McHenry shall provide Dispatching Services to Union during the term of this Agreement in accordance with Illinois law including but not limited to 210 ILCS 50/1 et seq. Commonly known as the “Emergency Medical Services EMS Systems Act”. Additional services include monitoring telephone services after 4:00 p.m., or as needed, initiation of emergency weather warning sirens and closed-circuit camera monitoring. 3. Union Hardware: At its sole expense, Union shall install and maintain any required radio infrastructure necessary to receive radio communications from its personnel and relay them to the McHenry Communications Center in McHenry, Illinois. The cost of telephone lines and interface equipment necessary to accomplish these services shall be the responsibility of Union. 4. No Supervision of Direction: McHenry Dispatching Services provided to Union hereunder are limited to the dispatch of Union police personnel. McHenry dispatchers and on-duty supervisory personnel have no responsibility to ensure that Union police personnel comply with any applicable rules and regulations. The supervision and direction of Union police personnel are outside the scope of this Agreement and remain the responsibility of Union. 5. Dispatch Fee: Beginning on May 1, 2024, Union shall pay annual dispatch fees to McHenry, to be paid no later than the 10th day of each month (“Dispatch Fees”). Dispatch Fees for Fiscal Year 2024/2025 shall be calculated at the rate of $33.45 per service call (“Service Call Rate”) and $15.00 per traffic stop (“Traffic Stop Rate”) multiplied by the number of service calls and Traffic calls dispatched by McHenry for Union during calendar year 2023. Commencing on each anniversary date of this Agreement, the Service Call Rate and Traffic Stop Rate shall each increase by 3.5% each year (“Adjusted Dispatch Rates”) and the Adjusted Dispatch Rates shall be 2 multiplied by the number of service calls and traffic stops dispatched by McHenry for Union in the prior calendar year, thereby arriving at the Adjusted Dispatch Fees for the next year of Dispatch Services to be paid on the same annual basis as the Original Term Dispatch Fee. Service Call Rate Chart FY 24/25 (3.5%) FY 25/26 (3.5%) FY 26/27 (3.5%) FY 27/28 (3.5%) FY 28/29 (3.5%) Call Rate $33.45 $34.62 $35.83 $37.09 $38.38 Traffic Stop Rate $15.00 $15.53 $16.07 $16.63 $17.21 Miscellaneous Provisions 6. No Agency Created: Only an independent contractor relationship is created by this Agreement and neither party shall constitute an authorized agent of the other. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and no other person or entity shall be deemed to be a beneficiary of this Agreement. No party shall assign this Agreement or the rights and duties hereunder. All notices give or required under this Agreement shall be in writing and sent by certified mail to McHenry Police Chief or the Union Village Administrator, respectively. 7. Indemnification: Union hereby indemnifies McHenry and its elected and appointed officials, attorneys, officers, and employees, and hold them harmless from any claim, injury, or loss, no matter how allegedly sustained, arising out of or related in any way to the provision of, the use of, the disruption of, or the failure of McHenry to adequately or effectively provide Dispatching Services pursuant to this Agreement. Union shall reimburse McHenry for any attorneys’ fees incurred by McHenry in connection with defense of any such a lleged claim, injury or loss, occurring during the term of this Agreement or thereafter arising out of the activities contemplated by this Agreement provided that the cause of action is not the result of negligence, lack of due care, gross negligence or willful and wanton misconduct on behalf of McHenry or its agents. 8. Insurance: Union shall maintain, for the term of this Agreement, and any extensions thereof, comprehensive general liability insurance, issued by an insurance company qualified to do business in the State of Illinois, with minimum limits of $1,000,000/$3,000,000. McHenry shall be named as an additional insured on said policy and the policy shall provide that McHenry be given 30 days written notice of cancellation or material charges thereto. Village of Union City of McHenry By__________________________________ By _________________________________ Its President Date Its Mayor Date City Council Special Meeting Minutes December 29, 2023 Page 1 McHenry City Council Special Meeting Minutes December 29, 2023 Call to Order The City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, met in a special session on Friday, December 29, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at McHenry City Hall, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL. Roll Call Mayor Wayne Jett called the roll. Roll call: Members present: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller, and Mayor Jett. Public Comment No members of the public wished to comment during the public comment portion of the meeting. Chartered Transportation Drop-Off Ordinance Mayor Jett explained that the original copy of the ordinance given to the Council has a small change that needs to be made. Under Section 7 of the ordinance, the places that list 4-14-3 need to be changed to 4-14-2. Alderman McClatchey stated that the proposed ordinance is a great start in the right direction. He wishes the state and federal governments would follow suit as people’s lives are at stake. He is hopeful that other municipalities pass a similar ordinance, and wishes the fines were even higher. One member of the public stated that she didn’t understand what is proposed. She wanted to make sure the City of McHenry would not be a sanctuary where we would house people. Mayor Jett stated that the intent of the ordinance is that large groups of people would not be dropped off without proper and prior notice. If people were to be dropped off, the City would work with the McHenry County Emergency Management Agency to get people where they need to go. A motion was made by Alderman Strach and seconded by Alderman Santi to pass an Ordinance Amending the City’s Code Title 4: Business and License Regulations, to Create a New Chapter 14: Chartered Transportation Drop -Off License, Amending Title 7, Chapter 10: Vehicle Impoundment, and Amending Title 15: Fines, Penalties, and Fees , with the change under Section 7 as explained by Mayor Jett. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman McClatchey, Alderman Glab, Alderwoman Miller, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Koch, Alderman Strach. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. City Council Special Meeting Minutes December 29, 2023 Page 2 Adjournment A motion was made by Alderman Strach and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to adjourn the meeting at 6:07 p.m. _________________________________ _________________________________ Mayor Wayne Jett Deputy Clerk Monte Johnson City Council Meeting Minutes December 18, 2023 Page 1 McHenry City Council Regular Meeting Minutes December 18, 2023 Call to Order The City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, met at McHenry City Hall, 333 S Green St, on Monday, December 18, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call Deputy Clerk Johnson called the roll. Roll call: Members present: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderman Strach, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller, Mayor Jett. Others present: Attorney McArdle, Director of Public Works Wirch, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Finance Director Lynch, Director of Economic Development Martin, Director of Parks and Recreation Hobson, and Chief of Police Birk. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Jett led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Public Hearing Mayor Jett opened the Public Hearing for the 2023 Property Tax Levy at 7:01 p.m. No members of the public wished to comment during the public hearing session. Mayor Jett closed the Public Hearing at 7:01 p.m. 2023 Property Tax Levy Ordinance Alderman McClatchey noted that this property tax levy is flat, and this will not raise the taxes from the City of McHenry for this year. A motion was made by Alderwoman Miller and seconded by Alderman Santi to adopt the 2023 Property Tax Levy Ordinance in an amount not to exceed $3,074,352. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-absent, 0- abstained. Motion carried. Presentations: McHenry Police Department Presentation of Award to McHenry Police – Volunteerism towards Paint It Forward 2023 Justin Leibach, owner of Allegiant Painting, explained that they joined with the PCA (Painting Contractors Association) for a humanitarian painting and clean up event, the largest in North America, on September 22, 2023. Part of that event was to paint the Alexander Leigh Center for Autism. Nine individuals from the Police Department volunteered their off -duty time as part of City Council Meeting Minutes December 18, 2023 Page 2 the event. He presented an award to Chief Birk and the McHenry Police Department in recognition of the type of employees working for the Police Department. Lead Telecommunicator Promotions – Ryan Miller & Kate Wilbur Chief Birk explained that the City runs a regional dispatch center, NERCOM, which is the largest in the County. The center dispatches for sixteen fire and police agencies county -wide. NERCOM is a partnership and was set up to be conservative, but leadership recognized they needed a first- line supervisor on each shift. They developed a plan to create Lead Telecommunicators, who are on-duty supervisors but also are working supervisors. Justin Liebach was the first Lead Telecommunicator. There are four working shifts in NERCOM, and Dexter Barrows was promoted in May of 2019 to fill the second seat. Through fiscal responsibilities, they have now been approved to hire the last two Lead Telecommunicators. Chief Birk introduced the police chiefs from Harvard and Woodstock and thanked them for their support and partnership. Ryan Miller and Kate Wilbur were each called up and introduced and recognized for their promotions. They each had family members pin on their new badges. Chief Birk thanked their family members, the police staff, and friends for coming and supporting the new Lead Telecommunicators. Alderman Glab commented that we used to have unrest in the Police Department, but wanted to thank this new group because the current Police Department has the feeling of a large family that supports each other. Public Comment There were no comments from the members of the public that were present. Consent Agenda A. Motion to approve Ordinances providing for the abatement of Real Estate Taxes for Various Bond Issues totaling $1,215,176.26 as follows: • GO Bonds (Refunding) Series 2020A - $382,200.00 • GO Bonds (Alternate) Series 2012 - $211,062.50 • GO Bonds (Refunding) Series 2013 - $ 37,887.50 • GO Bonds (Refunding) Series 2015 - $584,026.26 B. Motion to pass an Ordinance Amending Title 7, Chapter 4, Section 7, Subsection C of the McHenry City Code related to Downtown Parking Permits C. December 4, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes D. Issuance of Checks in the amount of $562,703.73 E. As Needed Checks in the amount of $187,878.70 City Council Meeting Minutes December 18, 2023 Page 3 A motion was made by Alderman Koch and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to approve consent agenda items A through E as presented. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-absent, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Individual Action Items Class A Liquor License – The Kraken/4509 W. Elm Street Alderman Glab stated that we do have a lot of empty buildings that need filled, but there comes a time when we have too many bars and liquor establishments in town. Years back we were a party town but now we want to be a community for families. Unless something interesting comes in, he won’t support any more liquor licenses. Alderman McClatchey asked the petitioner when they planned to open if approved and Brandon Barnes, the petitioner, responded that they hope to open in May. A conceptual presentation was shown to the Council and Mr. Barnes spoke through each slide to explain the plan moving forward. He stated that McHenry is much like the town he is from, and he wants to open this type of establishment that would fit in nicely in our suburban area. The property does need a lot of work, both inside and out. The plan would be to open at 6:30 a.m. for coffee and breakfast sandwiches. Many bars in the area open in the afternoon, but he also wants to cater for the morning crowd that could work remotely or relax from his establishment. Alderwoman Miller asked Mr. Barnes if he would still be willing to move forward with the project without video gaming, and he stated that he is committed to the project. Her concern is that he is not local and may not be as accessible living far away. He explained that he does have partners in the area and that they would find a local manager that lives within 10 miles of the City. A motion as made by Alderman Strach and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to approve a Class A liquor license to the Kraken at 4509 W Elm Street, pending the successful completion of a background check and obtaining a local manager within 10 miles of the City of McHenry within 30 days of opening. Roll Call Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 1-nay: Alderman Glab. 0 absent, 0 abstained. Motion carried. Video Gaming License – The Kraken/4509 W Elm Street Alderwoman Miller stated that her concern has nothing to do with the petitioner but rather with his expected absenteeism as an owner. She stated that we hold gaming owners to a high standard, and we have no way to judge how this would work with an owner living far away. She would like the business to prove they are viable for a year to establish a level of credibility with their current business plan. Alderman Santi agreed with Alderwoman Miller. A motion was made by Alderman McClatchey and seconded by Alderman Strach to approve a video gaming license to The Kraken at 4509 W Elm Street. Roll Call Vote: 2-ayes: Alderman McClatchey, Alderman Santi. 5-nays: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-absent, 0 abstained. Motion failed. City Council Meeting Minutes December 18, 2023 Page 4 Alderman Santi urged the petitioner to apply for gaming again once they have been in business for a year. Whiskey Diablo Economic Incentive Agreement Amendment Mayor Jett explained that Whiskey Diablo has run into issues getting their certificate of occupancy because of unexpected delays in the construction and buildout process of the new restaurant. Multiple Council members voiced their support of extending this agreement because the problems have been caused by no fault of the owner . A motion was made by Alderwoman Miller and seconded by Alderman Santi to approve a second amendment to the Amended Economic Incentive Agreement between the City of McHenry and 1325 Riverside Inc. d/b/a Whiskey Diablo. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller . 0-nays, 0-absent, 0- abstained. Motion carried. Referendum Authorizing Ordinance – Recreation Center Expansion Parks and Recreation Director Bill Hobson stated that this ordinance comes forward after an extensive discussion on the expansion of the Rec Center at the December 4 th meeting. After having an architect review the construction numbers, it is estimated that it will now take $45 million to build the outdoor aquatics center, the indoor aquatics center, and the indoor gymnasium. The proposed gymnasium has been expanded to three courts in order to accommodate the programs and tournaments that our community needs. There would also be an indoor walking track included with the gymnasium. Of the cost increases, the indoor pool construction cost remained the same. The outdoor aquatic center and gymnasium had the big cost increases. Although the total project cost increa sed dramatically, the tax rate is actually lower than in 2017 because of the growth of McHenry and the increase in the EAV. Alderman Glab asked how much was owed on the bonds for the current Rec Center, and Finance Director Lynch stated that it is about $1.7 million and that is to be paid off in 2035. It is not feasible to pay those bonds off early because bonds do not work like a loan. Alderwoman Bassi asked how many members we have at the Rec Center and how many are residents. Director Hobson stated that we have about 1239 members, of which about 75% are residents. A long discussion was had regarding the number of residents using the facility, the estimated number of residents that may use it once it is expanded, and what the membership fees would be if approved. Director Hobson estimated that we could accommodate about 1,000 people in one day with the new facility, assuming the outdoor aquatics center is included. City Administrator Derik Morefield reminded the Council that our current outdoor pool is nearing the end of its life, and a decision will have to be made soon about replacing that facility even if this proposed expansion is voted down. Alderman Santi asked about what it would take to educate the residents and voters on the issue. Open houses and presentations to many organizations would be held. Alderman Glab stated that he is not comfortable taking this for a vote without having more information to give our residents. He would also rather wait until a City Council Meeting Minutes December 18, 2023 Page 5 general election to get a better voter turnout. Alderwoman Miller stated that we live in a different world now since we last tried the referendum because COVID has taught us that we can communicate better to get the word out and educate our public. She does not want to wait because costs are increasing, and this is already goi ng to be a long project if approved. Alderman Strach stated that he feels rushed and is not ready to take this to the voters at this time. He is concerned that we will be taxing residents for a new project while we still have infrastructure that needs to be taken care of. Alderman Koch stated he values water, sewer, roads, and the parks, but those aren’t being properly maintained at this time. He isn’t necessarily against this project but wants to wait until the November election. Alderman McClatchey said that on all of our surveys the indoor pool is the number one thing people want. He wants to put this on the ballot to see if this is what people really want. Council debated the costs of decommissioning the current outdoor pool and what would become of that facility if this moved forward. A motion as made by Alderwoman Miller and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to execute an Authorizing Ordinance to place a binding referendum question of public policy on the ballot for the March 19, 2024 General Election and that the ordinance be submitted to the McHenry County Clerk no later than January 2, 2024. Roll Call Vote: 3-ayes: Santi, McClatchey, Miller. 4- nays: Glab, Bassi, Strach, Koch. 0-abstain, 0-absent. Motion failed. Discussion Item Agenda Amendments to McHenry City Code Regarding Video Gaming Mayor Jett explained that he brought this issue to Attorney McArdle for guidance on defining Video Gaming Cafes. If Council doesn’t want more cafés, and if those can be defined, then we can stop those applications and simplify the process. Alderwoman Miller asked Deputy Clerk Johnson if this ordinance would help him sort through the applications. He stated that an ordinance like this would enable him to stop those businesses from coming forward that Council does not want. There are two businesses that are proposing establishments, and if this ordinance is passed, he can stop the process from moving forward and save the businesses, Staff, and Council time. He did state that one concern of his is the way the ordinance currently reads. The proposed ordinance states that if an existing gaming café is closed for more than 30 days, then they would lose their license and go out of business. Although he is not part of the Finance Department, he is concerned with the City losing any gaming revenue. The City has been fortunate to keep the tax levy flat, but gaming is on pace to bring in nearly $1 million this year. The tax levy that was just passed is only $3 million. Gaming cafes that transfer owners are shut down for longer than 30 days, and one current café brings the City nearly $80,000 a year. Council has allowed the change of ownership in the past, and current members agreed that they do not have a problem with existing cafes remaining in business. All Council members agreed that the language to the proposed ordinance should be changed. City Council Meeting Minutes December 18, 2023 Page 6 Alderman Strach pointed out that in the definition of a Video Gaming Café, we use the term “commercial kitchen”. There is no definition of a commercial kitchen, however. Mr. Johnson pointed out that many parts of the ordinance are subjective, which can be both good and bad. The bad part is that we don’t have definitions for commercial kitchens, so there aren’t necessarily any strict guidelines to go by. But the ordinance does read that those factors “may be considered” when defining a café. It would be up to the Local Liquor Control Commissioner, which is the Mayor, to make that determination. One of the good things about having subjective definitions is that there are some establishments that most would agree aren’t cafes but may be defined as a café by certain parts of the ordinance. One good example is Ye Olde Corner Tap. Mr. Johnson stated that most would agree that it is not a café, but rather a well-established bar that has been in existence for a long time. They have made great strides in improving their facility and continue to be a viable business on Main Street. But going by many definitions of the ordinance, they would fit in as a gaming café. The subjective part allows us to recognize them as a bar. Mayor Jett stated that he and the Deputy Clerk would have a good handle on what those cafes would be. Mr. Johnson also stated that we have many Staff members who work together and as a group we can make a good determination on those cafes moving forward. A motion was made by Alderman McClatchey and seconded by Alderwoman Bassi to pass an Ordinance Amending Title 4, Chapter 2, Section 4-6-1 (Definitions) and Title 4, Chapter 6, Section 4 -6-4 (Limitations of Establishments and Terminals) of the McHenry City Code, and by omitting Section 2 of the ordinance as presented. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller . 0-nays, 0-absent, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Staff Reports Director Polerecky thanked everybody that came to the evening sessions of public input for the Comprehensive Plan. The next step is to have a joint meeting with Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission to set goals and objectives. Staff has recommended a date of February 21st for that meeting. He will send an email to Council to get a sense of how many people could attend on that date. Mayor’s Report Mayor Jett had nothing to report. City Council Comment Alderman Glab stated that he has received feedback from constituents that they have put in requests that the City won’t handle because they may be an unreasonable request. Alderman Glab suggests that Staff contact that Alderperson in that Ward to let them know that the request was denied so they have a heads up about the s ituation before they are contacted by the constituent. Public Works Director Steve Wirch stated that all residents receive a response to all requests. City Council Meeting Minutes December 18, 2023 Page 7 Alderman Koch reported that he has a couple of people complaining that West Beach Park looks “icky”. He wants to know if it can be cleaned up more. They also want a parking lot and piers for fishing. Alderman Koch told the residents we had porta potties and picnic tables, but they want to see more improvements. Alderman Strach stated that he loves the fact that somebody wants piers, but he wants somebody to raise the taxes so that we can pay for them. Alderwoman Miller thanked Staff for inviting Council to the Employee Christmas Party. She also commended the Parks Department for their work on the Christmas decorations. Alderman Glab extended a “Merry Christmas” to all present at the meeting. Adjournment A motion was made by Alderwoman Bassi and seconded by Alderman Strach to adjourn the meeting at 9:06 p.m. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller . 0-nays, 0-absent, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Mayor Wayne Jett Deputy Clerk Monte Johnson _________________________________ ________________________________ Expense Approval Register McHenry, IL List of Bills Council Meeting- 1-16-24 Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: AEP ENERGY AEP ENERGY INV0015520 01/16/2024 UTIL 100-33-5520 5,827.08 AEP ENERGY INV0015520 01/16/2024 UTIL 100-42-5510 424.64 AEP ENERGY INV0015520 01/16/2024 UTIL 100-45-5510 632.27 AEP ENERGY INV0015520 01/16/2024 UTIL 400-00-5510 2,008.92 AEP ENERGY INV0015521 01/16/2024 UTIL 510-31-5510 12,897.96 AEP ENERGY INV0015521 01/16/2024 UTIL 510-32-5510 25,956.17 Vendor AEP ENERGY Total: 47,747.04 Vendor: BAXTER & WOODMAN BAXTER & WOODMAN 0253668 01/16/2024 MILL STREET WATER MAIN 510-31-8500 3,825.00 BAXTER & WOODMAN 0254364 01/16/2024 OAKWOOD DR BRIDGE REHAB 100-33-5300 2,834.39 Vendor BAXTER & WOODMAN Total: 6,659.39 Vendor: COMED COMED INV0015522 01/16/2024 UTIL 100-33-5520 23.43 COMED INV0015523 01/16/2024 UTIL 510-32-5510 2,304.08 Vendor COMED Total: 2,327.51 Vendor: CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INV0015524 01/16/2024 UTILITIES 100-33-5520 21,015.49 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INV0015524 01/16/2024 UTILITIES 100-44-5510 58.53 Vendor CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC Total: 21,074.02 Vendor: FILIPPONE, NICK FILIPPONE, NICK 20991 01/16/2024 1ST PLACE PLAYOFFS 100-41-3637 440.00 Vendor FILIPPONE, NICK Total: 440.00 Vendor: FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY IN00638450 01/16/2024 HARBOR FRT INSTALL 225-00-5110 195.00 FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY IN00651490 01/16/2024 MTHLY MAINT 11/16-12/15/23 225-00-5110 3,158.00 FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY IN00655117 01/16/2024 OLD WORLD JEWELRY REMOVE 225-00-5110 200.00 FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY INOO655116 01/16/2024 RADIO MAINT 225-00-5110 200.00 Vendor FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY Total: 3,753.00 Vendor: HAYASHI, DEBORAH HAYASHI, DEBORAH 12-16-23 01/16/2024 1 SWIM MEET 100-47-5110 100.00 Vendor HAYASHI, DEBORAH Total: 100.00 Vendor: KINGAN, AMY KINGAN, AMY 12-16-23 01/16/2024 1 SWIM MEET 100-47-5110 100.00 Vendor KINGAN, AMY Total: 100.00 Vendor: LEXISNEXIS LEXISNEXIS 1236684-20231231 01/16/2024 DECEMBER CONT FEE AND 100-22-5110 131.00 Vendor LEXISNEXIS Total: 131.00 Vendor: MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OFFICE OF PATRICK MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW DECEMBER2 2023 01/16/2024 TRAFFIC DECEMBER 100-01-5230 4,000.00 Vendor MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OFFICE OF PATRICK Total: 4,000.00 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER INV0015525 01/16/2024 DECEMBER 2023 100-01-6940 372.00 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER INV0015526 01/16/2024 DEC REC FEES 510-31-6940 93.00 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER INV0015526 01/16/2024 DEC REC FEES 510-32-6940 217.00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS Total: 682.00 Vendor: MCHENRY SPECIALTIES MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2024-09 01/16/2024 DESK PLT CITY ADMINISTRATOR 100-01-6110 7.00 Vendor MCHENRY SPECIALTIES Total: 7.00 1/11/2024 9:32:29 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02905 - 1-16-24 AP CKS Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: PITNEY BOWES INC PITNEY BOWES INC 1024408604 01/16/2024 QTRLY BILL - POSTAGE METER 100-01-5310 261.00 Vendor PITNEY BOWES INC Total: 261.00 Vendor: REINDERS INC REINDERS INC 6044173-00 01/16/2024 VEHICLE REPAIRS 100-45-5370 504.91 Vendor REINDERS INC Total: 504.91 Vendor: ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD 23120130 01/16/2024 MCH WELL NO 14 580-31-8500 2,458.00 ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD 23120131 01/16/2024 MCH N RIVERSIDE DR P LOT CE 100-01-8900 4,675.75 ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD 23120132 01/16/2024 MCH WATER TOWER 4 PH I,II & 510-31-8500 4,317.50 Vendor ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD Total: 11,451.25 Vendor: TREASURER STATE OF ILLINOIS TREASURER STATE OF ILLINOIS #125456 01/16/2024 LINCOLN RD 510-32-8500 130,494.01 TREASURER STATE OF ILLINOIS 125456 01/16/2024 LINCOLN ROAD 270-00-8600 321,002.80 Vendor TREASURER STATE OF ILLINOIS Total: 451,496.81 Vendor: WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO 12947 01/16/2024 SLUDGE 510-32-5580 429.20 Vendor WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO Total: 429.20 Vendor: ZASADA, RYAN ZASADA, RYAN 21093 01/16/2024 SECOND PLACE IN LEAGUE 100-41-3637 100.00 Vendor ZASADA, RYAN Total: 100.00 Vendor: ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & MCARDLE ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 166194 01/16/2024 CORP 100-01-5230 7,556.25 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 166195 01/16/2024 TRAFFIC 100-01-5230 4,955.15 Vendor ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & MCARDLE Total: 12,511.40 Grand Total: 563,775.53 1/11/2024 9:32:29 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02905 - 1-16-24 AP CKS Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 100 - GENERAL FUND 54,018.89 225 - ALARM BOARD FUND 3,753.00 270 - MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 321,002.80 400 - RECREATION CENTER FUND 2,008.92 510 - WATER/SEWER FUND 180,533.92 580 - UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 2,458.00 Grand Total: 563,775.53 Expense Approval Register McHenry, IL #2 List of Bills Council Meeting - 1-16-24 Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: ADAMS STEEL SERVICE & SUPPLY, INC ADAMS STEEL SERVICE & JAN2024-7 01/16/2024 Oxy-Acetylene Torch Bottle 100-33-6110 100.00 Vendor ADAMS STEEL SERVICE & SUPPLY, INC Total: 100.00 Vendor: ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS INC ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND 23-4262 01/16/2024 RAS Station Repairs # 23-4262 510-32-5375 1,081.94 Vendor ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS INC Total: 1,081.94 Vendor: AMERICAN LITHO AMERICAN LITHO 2024 W-S 01/16/2024 Brochure - W/S 2024 100-41-5330 4,031.00 Vendor AMERICAN LITHO Total: 4,031.00 Vendor: AQUALAB WATER TREATMENT, INC AQUALAB WATER TREATMENT, 12500 01/16/2024 12500 100-03-5120 100.00 AQUALAB WATER TREATMENT, 12583 01/16/2024 12583 100-03-6110 175.00 Vendor AQUALAB WATER TREATMENT, INC Total: 275.00 Vendor: ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES LLC ARAMARK REFRESHMENT 3447300 01/16/2024 Water Filter #3447300 100-01-6110 82.63 Vendor ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES LLC Total: 82.63 Vendor: ARCO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SALES ARCO MECHANICAL 21472 01/16/2024 Gas Detection Calibration 2023 100-33-5115 1,440.00 Vendor ARCO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SALES Total: 1,440.00 Vendor: AT&T LONG DISTANCE AT&T LONG DISTANCE 2942 12-6-23 01/16/2024 AT&T Long Distance 620-00-5320 2.76 Vendor AT&T LONG DISTANCE Total: 2.76 Vendor: AT&T AT&T 0764055804 01/16/2024 AT&T Monthly Phone Invoice 620-00-5320 645.55 AT&T 1775265804 01/16/2024 AT&T Fiber Internet 100M 620-00-5110 821.90 Vendor AT&T Total: 1,467.45 Vendor: AUTO TECH CENTERS INC AUTO TECH CENTERS INC INV084529 01/16/2024 502 (084529) 510-31-5370 60.00 Vendor AUTO TECH CENTERS INC Total: 60.00 Vendor: BADGER METER INC BADGER METER INC 80148108 01/16/2024 Inv# 80148108 Monthly service 510-31-5110 955.94 Vendor BADGER METER INC Total: 955.94 Vendor: BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC 0212989-IN 01/16/2024 plow repair parts (0170352) 100-33-5370 12,066.56 Vendor BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC Total: 12,066.56 Vendor: BUSS FORD SALES BUSS FORD SALES 5049659 01/16/2024 312 (5049659) 100-22-5370 193.43 BUSS FORD SALES 5049715 01/16/2024 422 (5049715) 100-33-5370 121.22 BUSS FORD SALES 5049723 01/16/2024 321 (5049723) 100-22-5370 169.95 BUSS FORD SALES 5049724 01/16/2024 422 (5049724) 100-33-5370 66.90 BUSS FORD SALES 5049821 01/16/2024 314 (5049821) 100-22-5370 106.49 Vendor BUSS FORD SALES Total: 657.99 Vendor: CABAY & COMPANY INC CABAY & COMPANY INC 68817 01/16/2024 custodial supplies 400-00-6111 124.72 CABAY & COMPANY INC 68817 01/16/2024 custodial supplies 400-40-6110 198.26 CABAY & COMPANY INC 68819 01/16/2024 custodial supplies 400-00-6111 30.00 CABAY & COMPANY INC 68862 01/16/2024 custodial supplies 400-00-6111 98.76 CABAY & COMPANY INC 68862 01/16/2024 custodial supplies 400-40-6110 99.13 CABAY & COMPANY INC 68894 01/16/2024 City wide paper products 100-01-6110 856.04 CABAY & COMPANY INC 68909 01/16/2024 custodial supplies 400-00-6111 266.65 1/11/2024 9:39:52 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02906 - 1-16-24 INV PRC Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount CABAY & COMPANY INC 68909 01/16/2024 custodial supplies 400-40-6110 297.39 Vendor CABAY & COMPANY INC Total: 1,970.95 Vendor: CAREY ELECTRIC CAREY ELECTRIC 405459 01/16/2024 Merkel Pool electrical 100-42-5110 1,448.00 CAREY ELECTRIC 405460 01/16/2024 RIsk Management: Richmond 610-00-5960 7,481.00 CAREY ELECTRIC 405461 01/16/2024 RIsk Management: Rt 610-00-5960 6,908.00 Vendor CAREY ELECTRIC Total: 15,837.00 Vendor: CARY PARK DISTRICT CARY PARK DISTRICT 2208 01/16/2024 Trip - Little Shop 100-46-5110 258.40 CARY PARK DISTRICT 2211 01/16/2024 Trip - Charlie & Choc. Factory 100-46-5110 97.80 Vendor CARY PARK DISTRICT Total: 356.20 Vendor: CASSIDY TIRE & SERVICE CASSIDY TIRE & SERVICE 925004353 01/16/2024 634 (925004353) 510-32-5370 32.00 Vendor CASSIDY TIRE & SERVICE Total: 32.00 Vendor: CDW GOVERNMENT INC CDW GOVERNMENT INC NW59867 01/16/2024 Epson Flatbed Scanner 620-00-6270 318.30 Vendor CDW GOVERNMENT INC Total: 318.30 Vendor: CINTAS CINTAS 5190394033 01/16/2024 Shop first aid 100-45-5110 61.95 Vendor CINTAS Total: 61.95 Vendor: CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY MCH024247 01/16/2024 Contactors Screen Building 510-32-5375 79.90 CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY MCH024299 01/16/2024 MS#1 Elect.Fittings Wash water 510-32-5375 94.58 CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY MCH024402 01/16/2024 SBR Bloser Solenoid Fittings 510-32-5375 39.20 Vendor CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY Total: 213.68 Vendor: COMCAST CABLE COMCAST CABLE 0291 1-1-24 01/16/2024 CH Cable TV 620-00-5110 27.40 COMCAST CABLE 2866 1-5-24 01/16/2024 PW Internet 620-00-5110 164.57 COMCAST CABLE 3136 1-4-24 01/16/2024 WW Cable TV & Internet 620-00-5110 191.70 COMCAST CABLE 7920 12-27-23 01/16/2024 CH Monthly Internet 620-00-5110 218.35 Vendor COMCAST CABLE Total: 602.02 Vendor: COMCAST ENS COMCAST ENS 190871426 01/16/2024 Comcast Ethernet Network 620-00-5110 3,889.00 Vendor COMCAST ENS Total: 3,889.00 Vendor: DACRA TECH LLC DACRA TECH LLC DT2023-12-092 01/16/2024 Dacra Citations Q2-23 620-00-5110 18.00 Vendor DACRA TECH LLC Total: 18.00 Vendor: DAHLIN, M, PC DAHLIN, M, PC 264 01/16/2024 DECEMBER ADJUDICATION 100-03-5110 59.25 DAHLIN, M, PC 264 01/16/2024 DECEMBER ADJUDICATION 100-22-5110 533.25 Vendor DAHLIN, M, PC Total: 592.50 Vendor: DAHM ENTERPRISES, INC DAHM ENTERPRISES, INC 1973 01/16/2024 December Land Application # 510-32-5580 670.68 Vendor DAHM ENTERPRISES, INC Total: 670.68 Vendor: DELL MARKETING LP DELL MARKETING LP 10720740780 01/16/2024 Dell vxRail RAM (Qty. 4 - 32GB) 620-00-6110 3,128.72 Vendor DELL MARKETING LP Total: 3,128.72 Vendor: DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS 0201774-IN 01/16/2024 slam ball 400-40-6142 57.55 Vendor DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS Total: 57.55 Vendor: DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS IO4772 01/16/2024 MS #1 Wash Water Pump 510-32-5375 891.66 Vendor DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC Total: 891.66 1/11/2024 9:39:52 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02906 - 1-16-24 INV PRC Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: EDESIGN CHICAGO EDESIGN CHICAGO 2017147 01/16/2024 Brochure - W/S Design 100-41-5330 112.50 Vendor EDESIGN CHICAGO Total: 112.50 Vendor: ED'S TESTING STATION AND AUTOMOTIVE ED'S TESTING STATION AND 1017 01/16/2024 Veh. Safety Inspection UTY 510-35-5370 59.50 ED'S TESTING STATION AND 1017STS 01/16/2024 Veh. Insp. 417 477 440 410 402 100-33-5370 379.50 Vendor ED'S TESTING STATION AND AUTOMOTIVE Total: 439.00 Vendor: FBI - LEEDA FBI - LEEDA 200098250 01/16/2024 Public Relations Training - 100-22-5430 795.00 Vendor FBI - LEEDA Total: 795.00 Vendor: FISCHER BROS FRESH FISCHER BROS FRESH 21420 01/16/2024 Concrete for Sherman Water 510-31-6110 458.50 Vendor FISCHER BROS FRESH Total: 458.50 Vendor: GALLS LLC GALLS LLC 026512798 01/16/2024 Lead TC wallet for badge 100-23-6110 72.98 GALLS LLC 026513054 01/16/2024 LEAD TC pins 100-23-6110 137.00 GALLS LLC 026542513 01/16/2024 Uniform Order 100-22-4510 54.51 GALLS LLC 026542521 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - Pederson 100-22-4510 302.00 GALLS LLC 026664609 01/16/2024 Uniform Order 100-22-4510 822.62 Vendor GALLS LLC Total: 1,389.11 Vendor: GARAVENTA USA INC ANTIOCH GARAVENTA USA INC ANTIOCH 54031 01/16/2024 1415 Industrial - Elevator Lift 100-33-5115 483.08 Vendor GARAVENTA USA INC ANTIOCH Total: 483.08 Vendor: GORDON FLESCH COMPANY INC, GORDON FLESCH COMPANY IN14504609 01/16/2024 MFP DaaS / Monthly Page 620-00-5110 311.87 GORDON FLESCH COMPANY IN14506136 01/16/2024 MFP Monthly Page Count Ricoh 620-00-5110 403.68 Vendor GORDON FLESCH COMPANY INC, Total: 715.55 Vendor: GRAINGER GRAINGER 9925780661 01/16/2024 Seal Water Solenoid Valve 510-32-5375 669.97 GRAINGER 9930085395 01/16/2024 SBR Solenoid Valves 510-32-5375 550.77 Vendor GRAINGER Total: 1,220.74 Vendor: HANSEN'S ALIGNMENT, DON HANSEN'S ALIGNMENT, DON 5812 01/16/2024 321 (5812) 100-22-5370 100.00 Vendor HANSEN'S ALIGNMENT, DON Total: 100.00 Vendor: HAWKINS INC HAWKINS INC 6647022 01/16/2024 Demurrage 510-31-6110 40.00 HAWKINS INC 6649172 01/16/2024 Chemical Delivery #6649172 510-32-6110 9,321.90 HAWKINS INC 6652347 01/16/2024 Chemical Delivery #6652347 510-32-6110 8,030.40 HAWKINS INC 6652407 01/16/2024 inv# 6652407 Hawkins 510-31-6110 9,141.87 HAWKINS INC 6660035 01/16/2024 Chemical Delivery #6660035 510-32-6110 8,026.90 Vendor HAWKINS INC Total: 34,561.07 Vendor: HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS, LLC HEARTLAND BUSINESS 656914-H 01/16/2024 Windows Enterprise License 620-00-5110 1,039.50 HEARTLAND BUSINESS 657176-H 01/16/2024 Microsoft Monthly M365 620-00-5110 4,172.25 Vendor HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS, LLC Total: 5,211.75 Vendor: HERO INSUSTRIES, INC HERO INSUSTRIES, INC 17196 01/16/2024 Poker Chips 100-22-6110 2,500.00 Vendor HERO INSUSTRIES, INC Total: 2,500.00 Vendor: HID GLOBAL CORPORATION HID GLOBAL CORPORATION 13402016981 01/16/2024 Livescan Annual Maintenance 620-00-5110 1,053.00 Vendor HID GLOBAL CORPORATION Total: 1,053.00 Vendor: HOT SHOTS SPORTS HOT SHOTS SPORTS 3253 01/16/2024 Fall 2 Invoice 3253 100-47-5110 4,606.00 Vendor HOT SHOTS SPORTS Total: 4,606.00 Vendor: IMPRESSIVE IMAGES IMPRESSIVE IMAGES 7101 01/16/2024 Silk Screen for Uniforms #7101 510-35-4510 12.00 1/11/2024 9:39:52 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02906 - 1-16-24 INV PRC Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount IMPRESSIVE IMAGES 7105 01/16/2024 Oland Uniforms #7105 100-01-4510 249.43 IMPRESSIVE IMAGES 7111 01/16/2024 City Apparel - City Admin #7111 100-01-6110 48.22 IMPRESSIVE IMAGES 7112 01/16/2024 Uniform Embroidery #7112 100-33-4510 9.00 Vendor IMPRESSIVE IMAGES Total: 318.65 Vendor: IN-PIPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY INC IN-PIPE TECHNOLOGY 2459 01/16/2024 Monthly Invoice # 2459 510-32-5110 8,525.00 Vendor IN-PIPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY INC Total: 8,525.00 Vendor: INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 3035303057 01/16/2024 416 (3035303057) 100-33-5370 2,622.00 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 3035333259 01/16/2024 802 (3035333259) 510-35-5370 245.22 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 3035359656 01/16/2024 414 (3035359656) 100-33-5370 369.48 Vendor INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC Total: 3,236.70 Vendor: JENSEN, TED JENSEN, TED 03833 01/16/2024 Dumpster 634C Repair Parts 510-32-5370 142.00 Vendor JENSEN, TED Total: 142.00 Vendor: JG UNIFORMS INC JG UNIFORMS INC 124854 01/16/2024 Uniform Order 100-22-4510 475.49 JG UNIFORMS INC 124855 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - Barjaktarevic 100-22-4510 170.00 JG UNIFORMS INC 124857 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - McCauley 100-22-4510 170.00 JG UNIFORMS INC 124858 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - Walsh 100-22-4510 11.00 Vendor JG UNIFORMS INC Total: 826.49 Vendor: KIMBALL MIDWEST KIMBALL MIDWEST 101698688 01/16/2024 kimball stock (101698688) 100-33-5370 305.86 KIMBALL MIDWEST 101720922 01/16/2024 kimball stock (101720922) 100-33-5370 238.01 KIMBALL MIDWEST 101766994 01/16/2024 kimball stock (101746617) 510-35-5370 190.16 KIMBALL MIDWEST 101767014 01/16/2024 kimball stock (101746264) 510-32-5370 616.46 KIMBALL MIDWEST 101775736 01/16/2024 kimball stock (101775736) 100-33-5370 216.75 Vendor KIMBALL MIDWEST Total: 1,567.24 Vendor: KOMLINE-SANDERSON KOMLINE-SANDERSON 42058691 01/16/2024 2m Belt Press-Emergency Stop 510-32-5375 1,012.24 Vendor KOMLINE-SANDERSON Total: 1,012.24 Vendor: LIFEGUARD STORE INC, THE LIFEGUARD STORE INC, THE INV001374644 01/16/2024 MMAC End of Season Champ 100-47-6110 486.50 LIFEGUARD STORE INC, THE INV001375915 01/16/2024 instructor suits 100-47-6110 70.00 Vendor LIFEGUARD STORE INC, THE Total: 556.50 Vendor: LUBRICATION ENGINEERS LUBRICATION ENGINEERS IN516304 01/16/2024 Sludge Dryer Grease 510-32-6110 1,092.42 Vendor LUBRICATION ENGINEERS Total: 1,092.42 Vendor: MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC P46176 01/16/2024 447 (49176) 100-33-5370 79.73 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC P49177 01/16/2024 447 (49177) 100-33-5370 9.25 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC P49633 01/16/2024 447 (P49633) 100-33-5370 370.00 Vendor MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC Total: 458.98 Vendor: MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DIST 156 MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH 2-9-24 FAC REN 01/16/2024 Event - Dad/Daughter School 100-46-6920 204.00 Vendor MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DIST 156 Total: 204.00 Vendor: MCHENRY SPECIALTIES MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2023-981 01/16/2024 Retirement plaque 100-22-6210 125.00 Vendor MCHENRY SPECIALTIES Total: 125.00 Vendor: MENARDS - CRYSTAL LAKE MENARDS - CRYSTAL LAKE 3561 01/16/2024 Park supplies 100-45-6110 14.99 Vendor MENARDS - CRYSTAL LAKE Total: 14.99 Vendor: METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES INV#057765 01/16/2024 W.Dartmoor Impeller & Wear 510-32-5380 6,039.61 Vendor METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES Total: 6,039.61 1/11/2024 9:39:52 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02906 - 1-16-24 INV PRC Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC MID AMERICAN WATER OF 266612W 01/16/2024 6" Valve and 2 PVC Megalug 510-31-6110 1,315.58 MID AMERICAN WATER OF 266613W 01/16/2024 2 6" Hymax Couplings 510-31-6110 1,107.32 MID AMERICAN WATER OF 266957W 01/16/2024 B box plugs and caps 510-31-6110 137.77 Vendor MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC Total: 2,560.67 Vendor: MIDWEST METER INC MIDWEST METER INC 0162276-IN 01/16/2024 2" E series meter 510-31-6110 1,590.98 Vendor MIDWEST METER INC Total: 1,590.98 Vendor: MIDWEST POWER INDUSTRY, INC MIDWEST POWER INDUSTRY, 1477 01/16/2024 Sioux tower gen (1477) 510-31-5370 330.00 Vendor MIDWEST POWER INDUSTRY, INC Total: 330.00 Vendor: MOBILE HEALTH SOLUTIONS CORP MOBILE HEALTH SOLUTIONS 29734 01/16/2024 Post Accident Drug/Alcohol 610-00-6940 455.00 Vendor MOBILE HEALTH SOLUTIONS CORP Total: 455.00 Vendor: NCL OF WISCONSIN INC NCL OF WISCONSIN INC 496748 01/16/2024 Lab Supplies # 510-32-6110 838.03 Vendor NCL OF WISCONSIN INC Total: 838.03 Vendor: NENA NENA 300073966 01/16/2024 NENA 911 Association 100-23-5420 147.00 Vendor NENA Total: 147.00 Vendor: NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL 17594126 01/16/2024 Electrical supplies 100-45-6110 76.41 Vendor NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC Total: 76.41 Vendor: NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE OCC HEALTH NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE 546581 01/16/2024 Randoms, New Hire, Post 100-05-5110 559.00 NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE 546581 01/16/2024 Randoms, New Hire, Post 610-00-6940 45.00 NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE 546583 01/16/2024 Post Accident Drug Screen 610-00-6940 42.00 Vendor NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE OCC HEALTH Total: 646.00 Vendor: NUTOYS LEISURE PRODUCTS NUTOYS LEISURE PRODUCTS 55195 01/16/2024 Miller Point site furniture 280-41-8800 12,077.00 Vendor NUTOYS LEISURE PRODUCTS Total: 12,077.00 Vendor: OFFICIAL FINDERS LLC OFFICIAL FINDERS LLC 23049 01/16/2024 INvoice 23049 100-47-5110 320.00 OFFICIAL FINDERS LLC 23089 01/16/2024 Invoice 23089 100-47-5110 240.00 Vendor OFFICIAL FINDERS LLC Total: 560.00 Vendor: PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, I9580193 01/16/2024 DMR-QA Study Analysis # 510-32-5110 127.00 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, I9580194 01/16/2024 Pace monthly inv# I9580194 510-31-5110 2,250.90 Vendor PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC Total: 2,377.90 Vendor: PETROCHOICE LLC PETROCHOICE LLC 51403990 01/16/2024 SWWTP/Regional Gen Fuel 510-32-6250 918.17 PETROCHOICE LLC 51407349 01/16/2024 Fuel - UTY - 51407349 510-35-6250 815.96 PETROCHOICE LLC 51407360 01/16/2024 51407360 100-03-6250 430.25 PETROCHOICE LLC 51407362 01/16/2024 Fuel - WTR - 51407362 510-31-6250 291.34 PETROCHOICE LLC 51407363 01/16/2024 Fuel: 51407363 100-45-6250 1,306.38 PETROCHOICE LLC 51407364 01/16/2024 Fuel - STS - 51407364 100-33-6250 3,192.93 PETROCHOICE LLC 51407365 01/16/2024 Fuel - 51407365 100-22-6250 7,686.96 Vendor PETROCHOICE LLC Total: 14,641.99 Vendor: PHOTO BOOTH OF THE STARS PHOTO BOOTH OF THE STARS 1871 01/16/2024 Event - Dad/Daughter Photo 100-46-6920 549.00 Vendor PHOTO BOOTH OF THE STARS Total: 549.00 Vendor: PITEL SEPTIC INC PITEL SEPTIC INC 25318 01/16/2024 Toilet rentals 100-45-5110 160.00 Vendor PITEL SEPTIC INC Total: 160.00 Vendor: PLATINUM HEATING & COOLING INC PLATINUM HEATING & 12306 01/16/2024 Sludge Building Air Handler 510-32-5375 305.00 1/11/2024 9:39:52 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02906 - 1-16-24 INV PRC Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount PLATINUM HEATING & 12307 01/16/2024 1415 Industrial - Detective 100-33-5115 1,420.88 Vendor PLATINUM HEATING & COOLING INC Total: 1,725.88 Vendor: QUBIT NETWORKS QUBIT NETWORKS 13339 01/16/2024 Extreme SFP Modules & Fiber 620-00-6270 822.80 Vendor QUBIT NETWORKS Total: 822.80 Vendor: RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT SPI20469699 01/16/2024 Pole saw and hand saw blades 100-33-6110 162.51 RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT SPI20470248 01/16/2024 Shop tools 100-45-6110 95.99 RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT SPI20470258 01/16/2024 Small Equipment 100-45-6270 839.00 Vendor RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT Total: 1,097.50 Vendor: SAFE KIDS WORLDWIDE SAFE KIDS WORLDWIDE PO#724-498 01/16/2024 Child Seat Class - Ashley 100-22-5430 95.00 SAFE KIDS WORLDWIDE PO#724-499 01/16/2024 Child Seat - Diana Hernandez 100-22-5430 95.00 Vendor SAFE KIDS WORLDWIDE Total: 190.00 Vendor: SECTION 8 SUPPLY, INC SECTION 8 SUPPLY, INC 10245 01/16/2024 Recreation Center door repairs 400-00-6110 1,120.00 Vendor SECTION 8 SUPPLY, INC Total: 1,120.00 Vendor: SERVICEMASTER BY THACKER SERVICEMASTER BY THACKER 25270 01/16/2024 1415 Industrial Cleaned (Jan 100-33-5115 500.00 Vendor SERVICEMASTER BY THACKER Total: 500.00 Vendor: SHAW MEDIA SHAW MEDIA 10105871 12-31-23 01/16/2024 Well #14 Permanent Drilling 510-31-5110 177.64 Vendor SHAW MEDIA Total: 177.64 Vendor: SUNNYSIDE COMPANY SUNNYSIDE COMPANY 18629 01/16/2024 Air Cond Condenser - 319 100-22-5370 1,459.14 Vendor SUNNYSIDE COMPANY Total: 1,459.14 Vendor: TEXAS REFINERY CORP TEXAS REFINERY CORP 271650 01/16/2024 55gal Drum Gear Oil INV# 510-32-6250 3,170.60 Vendor TEXAS REFINERY CORP Total: 3,170.60 Vendor: T-MOBILE T-MOBILE 9554594422 01/16/2024 Subpoena Fee - report 23- 100-22-5110 25.00 Vendor T-MOBILE Total: 25.00 Vendor: TODAY'S UNIFORMS TODAY'S UNIFORMS 248260 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - O'Herron 100-22-4510 41.00 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 248416 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - Zajac 100-22-4510 56.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 248417 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - Wegner 100-23-4510 62.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 248598 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - Zajac 100-22-4510 59.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 248884 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - Havens 100-23-4510 160.00 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 248986 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - Havens 100-23-4510 69.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 249136 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - Martinez 100-22-4510 75.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 249151 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - Hernandez 100-22-4510 49.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 249310 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - Cummings 100-22-4510 164.90 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 249324 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - McClure 100-22-4510 74.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 249395 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - McClure 100-22-4510 501.65 TODAY'S UNIFORMS 249716 01/16/2024 Uniform Order - Hendrickson 100-22-4510 60.80 Vendor TODAY'S UNIFORMS Total: 1,379.00 Vendor: TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP 26529 01/16/2024 K9 Food/Boarding 100-22-6310 535.00 Vendor TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP Total: 535.00 Vendor: TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC TRAFFIC CONTROL & 117480 01/16/2024 Street Signs 100-33-6110 658.45 TRAFFIC CONTROL & 117492 01/16/2024 Street Signs 100-33-6110 177.45 TRAFFIC CONTROL & 117572 01/16/2024 Sign Hardware and ID stickers 100-33-6110 572.60 TRAFFIC CONTROL & 117639 01/16/2024 Street Sign Lights 100-33-6110 290.00 Vendor TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC Total: 1,698.50 1/11/2024 9:39:52 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02906 - 1-16-24 INV PRC Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATIONS INC ULTRA STROBE 084351 01/16/2024 MARKED DURANGO 445-00-8400 2,069.85 ULTRA STROBE 084352 01/16/2024 MARKED DURANGO 445-00-8400 2,069.85 ULTRA STROBE 084353 01/16/2024 DURANGO MARKED 445-00-8400 2,069.85 ULTRA STROBE 084354 01/16/2024 DURANGO MARKED 445-00-8400 2,069.85 Vendor ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATIONS INC Total: 8,279.40 Vendor: USA BLUEBOOK USA BLUEBOOK INV00240211 01/16/2024 W # 00240211 Vent tube 510-31-6110 58.29 Vendor USA BLUEBOOK Total: 58.29 Vendor: VERIZON CONNECT FLEET USA LLC VERIZON CONNECT FLEET USA 354000047649 01/16/2024 GPS For PW Vehicle Fleet 620-00-5110 895.45 Vendor VERIZON CONNECT FLEET USA LLC Total: 895.45 Vendor: VILLAGE OF LAKE IN THE HILLS VILLAGE OF LAKE IN THE HILLS 2023-50000142 01/16/2024 Trip - MCC Planetarium #2 100-46-5110 26.32 Vendor VILLAGE OF LAKE IN THE HILLS Total: 26.32 Grand Total: 188,797.10 1/11/2024 9:39:52 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02906 - 1-16-24 INV PRC Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 100 - GENERAL FUND 61,577.04 280 - DEVELOPER DONATION FUND 12,077.00 400 - RECREATION CENTER FUND 2,292.46 445 - CAPITAL ASSET MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT 8,279.40 510 - WATER/SEWER FUND 71,515.40 610 - RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 14,931.00 620 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 18,124.80 Grand Total: 188,797.10 AS NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 1-16-2024 100 100-46-5110 BENCE, JENNIFER 12/01/2023 $96.00 100 100-42-5110 AMERICAN LEAK DETECTION 12/08/2023 $600.00 290 290-00-8900 COMED 12/08/2023 $69,988.21 445 445-00-8800 ROYER ASPHALT PAVING INC 12/08/2023 $53,000.00 100 100-01-6940 SECRETARY OF STATE 12/08/2023 $15.00 100 100-01-5110 31 NORTH BANQUET & CONFERENCE CENTER 12/14/2023 $2,983.25 100 100-22-8300 ANCHOR BUILDING SOLUTIONS INC 12/15/2023 $2,247.00 100 100-45-6110 CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/14/2023 $154.95 100 100-45-6110 CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/14/2023 $22.44 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 12/14/2023 $20,447.50 100 100-44-5510 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 12/14/2023 $61.67 400 400-00-5375 ELITE DOOR COMPANY 12/14/2023 $2,033.51 100 100-22-5420 HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS SAUK CITY 12/14/2023 $607.70 620 620-00-8300 IMPERIAL SURVEILLANCE 12/14/2023 $4,961.77 100 100-23-5430 INTERNATIONAL ACADEMICS OF EMERGENCY DISPATCH 12/14/2023 $165.00 100 100-45-5370 KNAPHEIDE EQUIPMENT CO-CHICAGO 12/14/2023 $84.42 100 100-45-5370 KNAPHEIDE EQUIPMENT CO-CHICAGO 12/14/2023 $866.10 100 100-47-5110 MUNDELEIN MUSTANG SWIM CLUB 12/14/2023 $828.00 100 100-45-6270 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC 12/14/2023 $276.10 100 100-45-6110 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC 12/14/2023 $22.06 210 210-00-5110 PLOHR, MATTHEW 12/14/2023 $340.00 100 100-23-6110 SHARP CUSTOM PAINTING 12/14/2023 $894.00 100 100-33-6110 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC 12/14/2023 $388.45 100 100-33-6110 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC 12/14/2023 $239.50 510 510-31-8500 WATER WELL SOLUTIONS 12/14/2023 $54,040.50 100 100-03-6110 ACE HARDWARE 12/20/2023 $70.26 100 100-33-6110 ACE HARDWARE 12/20/2023 $8.99 100 100-47-6110 ACE HARDWARE 12/20/2023 $61.08 100 100-47-6110 ACE HARDWARE 12/20/2023 $510.62 510 510-31-6110 ACE HARDWARE 12/20/2023 $422.17 510 510-32-5370 ACE HARDWARE 12/20/2023 $20.47 510 510-32-5375 ACE HARDWARE 12/20/2023 $59.48 510 510-32-6110 ACE HARDWARE 12/20/2023 $187.29 100 100-01-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 12/20/2023 $1,650.00 100 100-01-6940 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 12/20/2023 $89.46 100 100-06-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 12/20/2023 $529.87 100 100-06-5410 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 12/20/2023 $125.00 100 100-06-6210 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 12/20/2023 $25.18 100 100-22-5410 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 12/20/2023 $190.00 100 100-22-5420 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 12/20/2023 $112.60 100 100-22-6210 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 12/20/2023 $320.44 100 100-03-5370 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $114.75 100 100-22-5370 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $359.80 100 100-22-6210 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $170.84 100 100-22-6270 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $74.35 100 100-41-5330 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $234.40 100 100-41-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $457.58 100 100-46-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $288.81 100 100-46-6920 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $183.27 100 100-47-5110 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $280.00 100 100-47-5430 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $296.79 100 100-47-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $944.94 400 400-00-6210 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $650.00 400 400-40-5110 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $718.00 400 400-40-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $239.92 620 620-00-5110 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $262.50 620 620-00-6270 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $240.63 510 510-32-5430 FIRST BANKCARD 12/20/2023 $55.00 510 510-32-6110 HERITAGE-CRYSTAL CLEAN LLC 12/20/2023 $254.80 100 100-22-5430 ILLINOIS HOMICIDE INVESTIGATORS ASSN 12/20/2023 $825.00 100 100-33-6110 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 12/20/2023 $247.02 100 100-01-5230 OTTOSEN DINOLFO HASENBALG & CASTALDO, LTD 12/20/2023 $360.00 100 100-33-4510 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 12/20/2023 $241.99 100 100-33-4510 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 12/20/2023 $206.79 100 100-47-6110 SAM'S CLUB 12/20/2023 $46.61 510 510-31-8400 SUNNYSIDE COMPANY 12/20/2023 $40,876.98 100 100-46-5110 THE MARTIN LOPEZ ACADEMY 12/20/2023 $390.00 510 510-32-5310 UPS 12/20/2023 $39.48 620 620-00-5110 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 12/20/2023 $658.42 400 400-00-5375 ALTHOFF INDUSTRIES INC 12/22/2023 $485.00 620 620-00-5320 AT&T 12/22/2023 $389.60 510 510-31-5110 BADGER METER INC 12/22/2023 $955.19 600 600-00-6960 CONDUENT HR SERVICES LLC 12/22/2023 $85.50 620 620-00-5110 CRITICAL REACH 12/22/2023 $680.00 100 100-33-5370 ED'S TESTING STATION AND AUTOMOTIVE 12/22/2023 $160.00 510 510-32-5370 ED'S TESTING STATION AND AUTOMOTIVE 12/22/2023 $99.50 610 610-00-5980 ELECTRICAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 12/22/2023 $5,485.00 510 510-32-5375 EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLD 12/22/2023 $1,431.40 100 100-33-6110 GESKE AND SONS INC 12/22/2023 $77.52 100 100-03-5110 HDR, INC 12/22/2023 $16,000.00 100 100-03-5110 HDR, INC 12/22/2023 $16,000.00 510 510-31-6110 HOLCIM-MAMR, INC 12/22/2023 $130.78 100 100-03-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 12/22/2023 $411.15 100 100-22-5370 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 12/22/2023 $33.17 100 100-33-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 12/22/2023 $311.42 100 100-45-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 12/22/2023 $1,590.08 445 445-00-8800 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 12/22/2023 $10,321.00 510 510-32-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 12/22/2023 $257.15 440 440-00-8600 HRGREEN 12/22/2023 $648.00 440 440-00-8600 HRGREEN 12/22/2023 $561.00 510 510-32-5375 L&S ELECTRIC INC 12/22/2023 $689.00 100 100-03-5430 MCHENRY COUNTY COLLEGE 12/22/2023 $171.00 100 100-03-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 12/22/2023 $383.06 100 100-22-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 12/22/2023 $873.92 100 100-33-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 12/22/2023 $571.88 100 100-45-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 12/22/2023 $901.11 510 510-35-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 12/22/2023 $125.37 100 100-01-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 12/22/2023 $68.57 100 100-03-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 12/22/2023 $191.36 100 100-04-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 12/22/2023 $71.43 100 100-22-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 12/22/2023 $173.61 100 100-30-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 12/22/2023 $159.99 100 100-41-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 12/22/2023 $391.48 510 510-31-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 12/22/2023 $100.29 510 510-32-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 12/22/2023 $91.85 100 100-01-4220 VARDA, JEFF 12/22/2023 $163.78 100 100-22-5370 VICTOR FORD, INC 12/22/2023 $537.63 100 100-45-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 12/29/2023 $285.96 100 100-22-6210 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 12/29/2023 $287.72 100 100-22-6270 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 12/29/2023 $2,086.76 100 100-22-6270 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 12/29/2023 -$279.00 620 620-00-6270 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 12/29/2023 $538.80 100 100-01-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 12/29/2023 $738.67 10 100-03-6210 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 12/29/2023 $39.37 100 100-01-5110 AMERICAN LEGAL PUBLISHING 12/29/2023 $500.00 100 100-01-6110 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES LLC 12/29/2023 $243.99 210 210-00-5110 ASCAP 12/29/2023 $500.00 210 210-00-5110 ASCAP 12/29/2023 $25.00 100 100-33-5520 COMED 12/29/2023 $46.73 100 100-45-5510 COMED 12/29/2023 $13.58 510 510-32-5510 COMED 12/29/2023 $2,003.56 510 510-32-5510 COMED 12/29/2023 $34.63 230 230-00-5110 ECCEZION 12/29/2023 $14,550.00 100 100-42-5110 ECO TECHNOLOGY CONSTRUCTION INC 12/29/2023 $760.00 445 445-00-8200 FREUND & SON INC, S H 12/29/2023 $15,690.81 100 100-03-6110 HOME DEPOT PRO 12/29/2023 $150.08 100 100-30-5410 ILLINOIS PUBLIC WORKS MUTUAL AID NETWORK 12/29/2023 $250.00 100 100-22-5110 MCHENRY HEATING & AIR INC 12/29/2023 $8,225.00 100 100-22-5110 MCHENRY HEATING & AIR INC 12/29/2023 $1,797.00 100 100-42-5510 NICOR GAS 12/29/2023 $438.08 100 100-43-5510 NICOR GAS 12/29/2023 $161.96 100 100-45-5510 NICOR GAS 12/29/2023 $543.26 100 100-45-5510 NICOR GAS 12/29/2023 $108.46 100 100-46-5510 NICOR GAS 12/29/2023 $78.04 400 400-00-5510 NICOR GAS 12/29/2023 $395.09 510 510-31-5510 NICOR GAS 12/29/2023 $1,175.88 510 510-32-5510 NICOR GAS 12/29/2023 $7,711.20 100 100-33-6110 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 12/29/2023 $3,997.50 510 510-31-6110 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 12/29/2023 $3,997.50 510 510-31-6110 SERV-A-PURE 12/29/2023 $2,121.35 210 210-00-5110 SESAC 12/29/2023 $1,159.00 510 510-35-5370 SUNNYSIDE COMPANY 12/29/2023 $44.70 100 100-22-5310 UPS 12/29/2023 $11.64 620 620-00-5110 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 12/29/2023 $336.21 100 100-45-6110 WILSON LANDSCAPE SUPPLY INC 12/29/2023 $49.25 445 445-00-8200 KM CONSTRUCTION 12/29/2023 $83,633.00 TOTAL: $485,693.28 1VIcHenr License Classification Application Date* 12/15/2023 License Type* A Class"D"(Special EvenP'license has a separate application A B C E F G H Liccnsc Classifications-Link to classifications list in the City Code New/Transfer* New Business Transfer of License Applicant Business Name of Business* Restaurante Hondureno Bustillo Matute Name on License Name to appear on liquor license(if different than above). Yanina matute Address* 4113 w shamrock In McHenry IL 60050 Phone* Email* Type of Business* Sole Proprietor Partnership LLC or Corporation Principal Business Type* Bar Restaurant Retail Store Hotel Gas Station Gaming Parlor Other Video Gaming Do you intend to apply for video gaming? No Yes A separate application will need to be filled out for video gaming. The issuance of a qualified liquor license in the City of McHenry does not guarantee that a video gaming license will be issued. State of Filing List state of filing for LLC,Corporation,Partnership and Sole Proprietor Alcohol Sale Length How long has the business been in the business of selling alcohol?List date. Zoning What Zoning Classification is the business property? Business Location History Date Date on which the business opened or will open at the above Business Location 11/11/2023 Property Ownership Is the property at which the applicant business is located owned or lesed by the applicant? Owned Leased List the property owner information for the leased property. A copy of the property lease agreement must also be submitted. If the property is owned by a land trust,trustee must file affidavit disclosing names and addresses of all beneficial owners and percentage of interest. Person or Business Name GNS properties Ilc Address 27979 N converse rd island lake IL 60042 Phone Number 8473410571 Email Location Qualifications* Is the location of the applican'ts business for which the license is sought within one hundred feet of any church,schook,hospital,funeral home,home for aged or indigent persons or for veterands and their families or any military or naval station? No Yes Parking How many private property parking spaces are associated with the business location? 10 Business Agent An agent is the authorized representative of the Licensee who has supervisory authority over all employees of the license premises.An agent may be an owner, partner, member,or designated manager. Full Name* Yanina matute Date of Birth* Home Address* Street Address,City,Zip Phone* Email Business History History* Have the applicant(s)(including all 5%or higher owners),corporation,LLC,or partnership ever engaged in the business or sale of alcoholic liquor at any other location? No Yes Business Licensing and Filing Identification ROT# ApplicanYs Retailer's Occupation tax(ROT)Registration Number 93-3880864 Delinquency* Has applicant been delinquent in the payment of the Retailer's Occupational Tax(Sales Tax)? No Yes Insurance List the name and address of dram shop insurance company along with the policy numbers for both the applicant business and owner of the building(if leased)in which the alcoholic liquor will be sold for the duration of the license. Insurance Company State farm Insurance Company Address 218 main Street woodstock Illinois 60098 Policy Number 93-NG-P165-6 Owner Insurance Company State farm Owner Insurance Address 4113 shamrock In McHenry IL 60050 Owner Policy Number 93-NK-U995-2 f Background Questionnaire The following questions are in relation to the McHenry City Liquor Ordinance and Illinois law as it pertains to liquor licensing.All questions must be answered honestly. Failure to do so may disqualify you from the application process. Are you familiar with all the laws of the United States, State of Illinois and ordinances of the City of McHenry pertaining to the sale of alcoholic liquor;and will you abide by them? Yes No Will you maintain the entire premises in a safe,clean and sanitary manner free from conditions,which might cause accidents? Yes No Will you attempt to prevent rowdiness,fights and disorderly conduct of any kind and immediately notify the McHenry Police Department is any such events take place? Yes No Has any manufacturer, importing distributor or distributor of alcoholic liquors directly or indirectly paid or agreed to pay for this license,advanced money or anything else of value or any credit(other than merchandising credit in the ordinary course of business for a period not in excess of 90 days),or is such a person directly or indirectly interested in the ownership, conduct or operation of the place of business? Yes No Have any of the applicants, including all listed agents and partners who have a minimum of a 5%ownership in the business been convicted of any violation of any law pertaining to alcoholic liquors? Liquor Violations? Yes No Felony/Misdemeanor?* Have any of the applicants,including all listed agents and partners who have a minimum of a 5%ownership in the business been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor? Yes No Will you and all your employees refuse to serve or sell alcoholic liquor to an intoxicated person or to a minor? Yes No Has any owner(s)or member(s)of a Partnership been issued a federal gaming devise stamp or a federal wagering stamp by the federal government for the current tax period? If a Corporation, has any officer, manager,or director thereof;or, any stockholder owning in the aggregate more than twenty(20)percent of the stock, been issued a federal wagering devise stamp or a federal wagering stamp by the federal government for the current tax period? Federal Gaming/Wagering Stamp* Yes No Have you,or any partner,or owner of 5%or more shares of the business or Agent, ever had a liquor license revoked or suspended? Suspension* Yes No Liqour Suspension Information For a large number of suspensions, a separate document may be submitted in lieu of filling out the boxes below. Name Date and Location of Offense Is any individual who is directly or indirectly interested in applicanYs place of business,a law-enforcing official or elected public official (mayor,alderman, and member of any City commission,committee or board)? Official or Officer* Yes No Public Official or Officer Information Name Address Phone Have you ever been convicted of a gambling offense(if a partnership or corporation, include all partners,owners of 5°/o or more shares of the corporation and the local manager)? Gambling Offense Yes No Ownership Records A List of all owners, partners,stock holders and members must be listed below. In lieu of filling out multiple boxes, additional supporting paperwork may be submitted. Owner Information Name Yanina matute Date of Birth Address Street Address,City,Zip Phone Email Percentage of Ownership 50% Name Edin bustillo Date of Birth Address Street Address,City,Zip Phone Email Percentage of Ownership 50% File Upload Upload supporting documents,certificate of insurance,etc 17026796143821542665573553952096.j pg 1.86M B I,the undersigned, being first duly sworn,deposes and says that I(we),have read the above and foregoing Application,caused the answers to be provided thereto and all of the information given on said Application to be true and correct,and consent to investigation and background check by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner or his designee and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and the rules stated on this application. Signature of Authorized Agent of Corporation V Acknowledgement* I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature and confirms that I have filled out this form to the best of my ability. Date* 12/15/2023 ORDINANCE NO. 24- Amending Title 4, Chapter 2, Alcoholic Liquor, Section 6, License Classification and Fees; Approval Authority; Limitation on Number of Licenses WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: Section 4-2-6, subs ection D-2, of the Municipal Code relating to liquor license clas sifications, shall be amended as follows : D.2. Class B (Service) License: Issuance of a Class B license shall authorize the sale of alcoholic liquor, for consumption on the premises only when served as follows. No full bar is permitted. a. Restaurant Table Service: All sales, service, and consumption conducted at tables; and b. Theatre And Entertainment Service: All sales and service conducted over a concession counter with consumption in theater and entertainment center seats; and c. Mixed Use Service: All sales and service conducted at tables or over a temporary counter and consumption within the defined area of the mixed use special event facility. The annual fee for a Class B license shall be eight hundred dollars ($800.00). No more than fifteen (15) Class B licenses shall be in force in the City at any time. SECTION 2: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not effect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 3: All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed this 16th day of January, 2024. Ayes Nays Absent Abstain Alderwoman Bassi ____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Glab ____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Koch ____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman McClatchey ____ _____ _____ _____ Alderwoman Miller ____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Santi ____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Strach ____ _____ _____ _____ ______________________ ________________________ Wayne Jett, Mayor Monte Johnson, Deputy City Clerk STAFF REPORT FOR JANUARY 2024 The purpose of this report is to provide the City Council and public with the most up-to-date information regarding the latest projects and happenings within the municipal government of the City of McHenry. This report is organized by operating department and will be updated and transmitted as part of each City Council Agenda Packet. Council is welcome to contact any Department Director for more information on any item included in this report, as well as topics from previous reports or items not included in the report. This report does not include projects or other information that is considered confidential in nature. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Contact: Doug Martin, Director of Economic Development – 815/363-2110 Bludot Technologies The Economic Development Department, together with the help of Alderman Strach, has recently signed a contract with Bludot Technologies, www.bludot.io, to implement a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system and business directory. This system will provide a comprehensive directory of all the businesses in the City, which is currently scattered across multiple spreadsheets, all under one umbrella. This will allow the staff to easily sort and filter businesses based on type and geography for communication purposes, promotional events, and other activities. Moreover, the system will track all the conversations via email that the staff has with prospective retailers and other employers using the City's email system so that staff will have a complete transcript of all the dealings with existing and potential businesses. The information on City businesses has been uploaded through platforms like Google and Yelp, as well as through existing spreadsheets maintained by the Economic Development Department. Additionally, the Bludot Program includes a Customer Awards component, which is an exciting shop-local program. The program allows customers to receive rewards for shopping at businesses that are within our city limits. The City is putting some funds in an account for these rewards. The rewards must be used in other City of McHenry businesses only. This program is a one-year contract with Bludot. The program is a trial-and-error program and will start in a few weeks. To receive rewards, customers can use an app and a credit card or upload a receipt. The businesses don't have to do anything to be part of the rewards program, only the people utilizing it. Staff will be responsible for marketing it, hopefully in concert with the businesses. Bludot, not the City, tracks the money used for rewards. This way, the City does not have to issue rewards back to customers. Staff designates businesses where the rewards can be used and can change them from time to time. This program is the ultimate shop local program, as the rewards can be used in City of McHenry stores only. Once the program is fully operational and the database is created, our staff would be happy to provide individual demonstrations to all Council members. We will also keep the Council informed of the awards program's progress through regular updates. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Director Martin. Next Site-Alpha Map The Economic Development Department has also signed a two-year contract with Next Site (Alpha Map), www.alphamap.com, a Geographic Information System (GIS) that provides valuable demographic, socioeconomic, traffic, and pedestrian data for specific sites and locations. This system is designed to help us suggest tenants for particular locations based on site characteristics when compared to other similar sites across the country. This will help us acquire useful data to provide customers, retailers, developers, brokers, and others. The program includes a property records component as well as a trade area analysis tool that can be utilized for specific locations within and around the City of McHenry. McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting: Clarity Group Midwest, 4302 W Crystal Lake Road, Suite C, 11:00 a.m., January 11th Chamber Mixer: Alexander Leigh Center for Autism, 4100 Veterans Parkway, 5:00-7:00 p.m., January 16th Boombox Ball: McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce Gala, Holiday Inn Crystal Lake, 6:00-11:00 p.m., January 27th COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Contact: Ross Polerecky, Community Development Director – 815/363-2182 Bugsys 2314 Route 120 Bugsy’s, formally Firewood Bar and Grill, has received a certificate of occupancy and is open for business. A grand opening is scheduled for the weekend of January 26th. Taylor Place Apartments Staff received building plans and engineering for the approved Taylor Place apartment development at the corner of Crystal Lake Road and Mill Street. Northpoint development plans to break ground on 46 apartments and 4 town homes this spring. The Hanly Mill will be repurposed into townhomes as part of this project. Special Meeting for Comp Plan A special joint meeting of the city council and planning and zoning commission is scheduled for Wednesday February 21st. This meeting is designed for city council and planning and zoning members to discuss the goals and objectives of the city moving towards year 2050. HDR, the city’s comprehensive plan consultant will be running the special meeting. Please review the city existing conditions report prior to this meeting, this can be found at the following link: https://mchenry2050.com/application/files/4817/0429/7052/Final_McHenry_Existing_Conditio ns_web.pdf The following projects are currently under construction: Wingstop 4213 Elm Street Whiskey Diablo 1325 Riverside Drive Courthouse 1401 Riverside Drive Toast and Roast 1258 Green Street Green Street Tavern 1259 Green Street Former Corkscrew Point 1402 Riverside Drive Rock Solid Buildings 1615 Oak Drive PARKS & RECREATION Contact: Bill Hobson, Director of Parks & Recreation – 815/363-2159 Downtown Map Update Parks and Rec staff met with Think McHenry and with the McHenry Chamber of Commerce to update the existing Downtown Map that is currently on the kiosk along the Riverwalk adjacent to BuddyZ. The overall map view will be updated and all the businesses will be updated. The map will be digitized as well and have the ability to be used in electronic kiosks and websites as well as the hard copy. The map was last updated in 2018. In order to accomplish this new drone photography of the area was taken. The project hopes to be completed by March 1st. Parks and Recreation Website Staff met with a web designer and city IT staff to proceed with a design for a stand-alone parks and recreation website. The website would aid in marketing the recreation center and the departments programs. Staff felt that the city’s parks and programs could be better identified and promoted with a stand-alone site. Parks and Recreation Master Plan Hitchcock Design Group has composed a community survey to be posted and distributed. There will also be a community meeting for citizens to come in and provide input on Parks. Kid’s Fishing Derby A local citizen has come forward and had discussions regarding bringing back the kid’s fishing derby in June at the Whispering Oaks Ponds. The event was formally organized by the McHenry Jaycees but has not been help for a number of years. More details will be presented as they become available. Community Garden at Petersen Farm Parks Maintenance staff began construction of the community garden beds for Petersen Farm. Each Bed will be approximately 4’ x 10’ and raised approximately 30”. There will be 10 total beds for rental. Program details and being worked on. Riverwalk Riverwalk Phase 4 plans are out to bid. There was an excellent turn-out for a mandatory pre-bid meeting last month. Bids are to be opened on January 16th. This will provide a true picture of the construction costs for the phase between the Route 120 bridge and the Pearl Street Bridge Riverwalk electrical burial planning is underway. A pre-construction meeting with Associated Electric, City staff and Com-Ed is planned for this week. Distinguished Citizen Wall/Walk at Green Street Park Staff is working with Hitchcock Design Group for initial conceptual plans or a wall along the walk through Green Street Park that would recognized nominated distinguished citizens. This is being done pro-bono until a decision is made to possibly proceed further with the concept as a replacement to the honorary street sign program. PUBLIC WORKS Contact: Steve Wirch, Director of Public Works – 815/363-2205 Route 31 Widening We have received notice from IDOT that our water and sanitary mains will be included in construction plans for the Route 31 widening project. Snow Event The snow event on January 9th required 72 man hours and 100 tons of salt. POLICE Contact: John Birk, Chief of Police – 815/363-2200 Personnel Update The following personnel have recently completed the respective years of service with the McHenry Police Department: • Sergeant Brian Aalto – 23 years • Officer Marc Fisher - 23 years • Officer Jason Ducak - 22 years • Officer Michael Spohn – 22 years • Officer Matthew Schmitt – 16 years • Officer Christina Noyes – 13 years • Telecommunicator Justin Leibach – 9 years • Officer Zachary Diebold – 2 years The following personnel have recently retired from the McHenry Police Department: • Commander Michael Cruz – 01/02/2024 – Commander Cruz had been with the McHenry Police Department since September 16, 2003. During his time with the department Mike’s specialty assignments included Bicycle Patrol Officer, Firearms Instructor, School Resource Officer (MCHS – East Campus) and Detective. He has also held the ranks of Sergeant and retired as Commander. • Officer Omar Morales – 01/03/2024 – Officer Morales had been with the McHenry Police Department since April 12th, 2002. During his time with the department Omar’s specialty assignments included being assigned to the McHenry County Sheriff’s Office as a Narcotics Officer (April 2006 – August 2007), a member of the department’s Street Crimes Unit (April 2011 – December 2014) and assigned by the department as a Task Force Officer with the Department of Homeland Security (January 2015 – April 2016). Training • Officer Roger Hendrickson attended Police Supervisor Liability training at Arlington Heights Police Department • Officer Martinez attended a Bloodstain Evidence Workshop at the McHenry County Regional Training Facility • TC Fitzgerald completed 24 hours of remote training for Communications Training Officer • Officer Hernandez attended No Limits Pistol training at the Arlington Heights Police Department • Officer Fisher attended Law Enforcement Use of Force Review training at the Hoffman Estates Police Department Public Relations On December 17, 2023 Mayor Wayne Jett, Chief John Birk, Deputy City Clerk Monte Johnson, and members of the McHenry Police Department (a their family members) delivered presents on behalf of the McHenry Rotary Secret Santa program. PUBLIC WORKS Contact: Steve Wirch, Director of Public Works – 815/363-2125