HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 05/16/2016 - City CouncilAGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING City Council Chambers, 333 S Green Street Monday, May 16, 2016, 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Presentation of Proclamation recognizing National Garden Week, June 5 —11 in the City of McHenry to the McHenry Garden Club 5. Public Comment: Any person wishing to address the City Council will be required to step forward to the podium and identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public Comment may be restricted to three - minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at public meetings. 6. Motion to approve the following Consent Agenda items: A. Three-year agreement with Eder, Casella & Co. for Municipal Auditing Services for a total cost of $114,400; B. Renewal of Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Lab Membership for $35,985, and Intergovernmental Maintenance Agreement in the amount of $3,000 for total cost of $38,985; C. Change Order #1 for a credit in the amount of $4,241, and authorize final payment to Stuckey Construction Co. in the amount of $97,759 for Municipal Center Phase I Improvements; D. Waive bid requirements and accept proposal from sole provider Corrective Asphalt Materials in the amount of $14,760, for 2016 Pavement Maintenance Program; E. Approve agreement with Compass Minerals America, Inc. for purchase of Road Salt for an amount not to exceed $91,515; F. Parks Special Use, Beer/Wine, & Community Room Liquor Permits; G. March 21, 2016 City Council meeting minutes; H. May 2, 2016 City Council meeting minutes; and L Payment of Bills in the amount of $3,584,215.03. 7. Motion to approve the 2016 Street Resurfacing Program Professional Services Agreement with HR Green, Inc. for the lump sum amount of $60,000 (less than 3% of construction estimate) for design engineering; a time and material amount not to exceed 5% of final construction cost for construction observation engineering; and authorization to publically bid construction of the project The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. McHerlr McHenry City Council Agenda May 16, 2016 Page Two 8. Motion to approve the Lakeland Park Drainage Study Professional Services Agreement with HR Green, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $50,000 9. Motion to authorize staff to advertise for Requests for Proposals for the Upgrade and Relocation of the Police Dispatch Center Radio System and all Associated Services and Hardware 10. Motion to approve the purchase of two (2) Police Ford Interceptor Sedans and three (3) Police Ford utility vehicles from Buss Ford for $133,393; Equipment for four (4) Police vehicles; one (1) Public Works vehicle, and computer mounting hardware for two (2) existing vehicles from Ultra Strobe, Inc. for $24,071.73; vehicle graphics from Eby Graphics for $950; and four (4) Panasonic Touchpad Computers for $10,544 for a total amount not to exceed $168,958.73 11. Committee Reports 12. Staff Reports 13. Future Agenda Items 14. Adjournment The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. TO: FROM RE: ATT: Office of Finance & Accounting Carolyn Lynch, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT May 16, 2016 Mayor and City Council Carolyn Lynch, Finance Director Renewal of Auditing Contract Auditing agreement AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Council is being asked to consider athree-year agreement (2016, 2017, 2018) with Eder, Casella and Company for municipal auditing services for a total cost of $114,400. BACKGROUND Illinois State Statutes (65 ILCS 5/8-8) requires municipalities to conduct an audit of the financial records of the entity and to file a report on the results of the audit within six months after the close of the fiscal year. Eder, Casella and Company has been engaged by the City of McHenry to fulfill this requirement since 1998. Eder, Casella and Company, located in McHenry, has provided auditing services to the City of McHenry since 1998. Throughout this time, Eder, Casella and Company has annually held annual price increases at less than 3%. Eder, Casella and Company has submitted a new three-year agreement for the period May 1, 2016 through April 30, 2018 that would provide audit services for fiscal years 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18. Proposed costs for these services total $37,245 for year 1, $38,110 for year 2, and $39,045 for year 3, for a total 3-year cost of $114,400. Eder, Casella and Company's familiarity with the city's operations and accounting system has allowed staff to address important financial issues and implement new accounting standards. Importantly, per Section 203 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Eder, Casella and Company ensures that audit development and review partners are rotated, at a minimum, every five (5) years, to ensure auditor independence. ANALYSIS Staff has reviewed the agreement submitted by Eder, Casella and Company and finds that the scope of services that it entails meets the comprehensive Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) of the United States and the requirements of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). In addition, Eder, Casella and Company is familiar with the city's operations and accounting system; ability to consistently hold annual price increases to a under 3%; and that they are a local firm that has committed to a relationship with the City. For all of these reasons staff is recommending that Eder, Casella and Company be retained as the City's audit firm under the terms identified in the attached agreement. RECOMMENDATION Therefore, if Council concurs, it is the recommendation of staff to approve the execution of the attached three-year agreement with Eder, Casella and Company for auditing services for a total cost of $114,400. ec&co. April 28, 2016 815.344.1300 mchenry 847.382.3366 barrington www.edercosella.com Mr. Derik Morefield, City Administrator City of McHenry 333 S. Green St. McHenry, IL.60050 This letter is to confirm our understanding of the services we can provide City of McHenry. This letter, and the attached Terms and Conditions Addendum and any other attachments incorporated here in (collectively, "Agreement"), confirms our understanding of the terms and objectives of our engagement and the nature and limitations of the services we will provide. (D We will audit the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business -type ................. activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information, including the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the basic financial (D statements of City of McHenry as of and for the years ending April 30, 2016, Aly, and 2018. Accounting standards generally accepted in the United States of America provide for certain required supplementary information (RSI), such as management's discussion and analysis (MD&A), to supplement City of McHenry's basic financial statements. Such information, although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. As part of our engagement, we will apply certain limited procedures to City of McHenry's RSI in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. These limited procedures will consist of inquiries of management regarding the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management's responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We will not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. The following RSI is required by generally accepted accounting principles and will be subjected - - _-- to certain limited procedures, but will not be audited: 1. Management's discussion and analysis 2. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund - Schedule of Employer Contribution 3. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund - Schedule of Changes in the Employer's Net Pension Liability and Related Ratios 4. Police Pension Plan - Schedule of Employer Contribution 5. Police Pension Plan - Schedule of Changes in the Employer's Net Pension Liability and Related Ratios 6. Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual 0 - General Fund 0 7. Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual - Recreation Center Fund 8. Notes to Required Supplementary Information We have also been engaged to report on supplementary information other than RSI that accompanies City of McHenry's financial statements. We will subject the following supplementary information to the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, and we will provide an opinion on it in relation to the financial statements as a whole: l . Combining Balance Sheet -General Fund 2. Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - General Fund 3. Combining Balance Sheet - Other Governmental Funds 4. Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Other Governmental Funds 5. Combining Schedule of Net Position - Water and Sewer Funds 6. Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position - Water and Sewer Funds 7. Combining Schedule of Net Position - Internal Service Funds 8. Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position - Internal Service Funds 9. Schedule cfFevenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual - Special Revenue Fund -Tax Increment Financing Fund 10. Summary of State Grants 11. Summary of Federal Grants Audit Objective The objective of our audit is the expression of opinions as to whether your financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and to report on the fairness of the supplementary information referred to in the second paragraph when considered in relation to the financial statements. Our audit will be conducted in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and will include tests of the accounting records and other procedures we consider necessary to enable us to express such opinions. We will issue a written report upon completion of our audit of City of McHenry's financial statements. Our report will be addressed to the Board of Trustees of City of McHenry. We cannot provide assurance that unmodified opinions will be expressed. Circumstances may arise in which it is necessary for us to modify our opinions or add emphasis -of - matter or other -matter paragraphs. If our opinions on the financial statements are other than unmodified, we will discuss the reasons with you in advance. If, for any reason, we are unable to complete the audit or are unable to form or have not formed opinions, we may decline to express opinions or may withdraw from this engagement. Audit Procedures -General An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; therefore, our audit will involve judgment about the number of transactions to be examined and the areas to be tested. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We will plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable rather than absolute r assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether from (1) errors, (2) fraudulent financial reporting, (3) misappropriation of assets, or (4) violations of laws or governmental regulations that are attributable to the government or to acts by management or employees acting on behalf of the government. Because of the inherent limitations of an audit,. combined with the inherent limitations of internal control, and because we will not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that material misstatements may exist and not be detected by us, even though the audit is properly planned and performed in accordance with U.S. generally accepted auditing standards. In addition, an audit is not designed to detect immaterial misstatements, or violations of laws or governmental regulations that do not have a direct and material effect on the financial statements. However, we will inform the appropriate level of management of any material errors, any fraudulent financial reporting, or misappropriation of assets that come to our attention. We will also inform the appropriate level of management of any violations of laws or governmental regulations that come to our attention, unless clearly inconsequential. Our responsibility as auditors is limited to the period covered by our audit and does not extend to any later periods for which we are not engaged as auditors. Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in the accounts, and may include tests of the physical existence of inventories, and direct confirmation of receivables and certain other assets and liabilities by correspondence with selected individuals, funding sources, creditors, and financial institutions. We will request written representations from your attorneys as part of the engagement, and they may bill you for responding to this inquiry. At the conclusion of our audit, we will require certain written representations from you about the financial statements and related matters. Audit Procedures -Internal Control Our audit will include obtaining an understanding of the government and its environment, including internal control, sufficient to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements and to design the nature, timing, and extent of further audit procedures. An audit is not designed to provide assurance on internal control or to identify deficiencies in internal control. However, during the audit, we will communicate to management and those charged with governance internal control related matters that are required to be communicated under AICPA professional standards. Audit Procedures -Compliance As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, we will perform tests of City of McHenry's compliance with the provisions of applicable laws, regulations, contracts, and agreements. However, the objective of our audit will not be to provide an opinion on overall compliance and we will not express such an opinion. Other Services We will also prepare the financial statements, Annual Financial Report for the State of Illinois, Pension Fund Annual Statement for the Department of Insurance, and TIF compliance letter of City of McHenry in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles based on information provided by you. Management Responsibilities Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining effectiveinternal controls, including monitoring ongoing activities; for the selection and application of accounting principles; and for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Management is also responsible for making all financial records and related information available to us and for the accuracy and completeness of that information. You are also responsible for providing us with (1) access to all information of which you are aware that is relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements, (2) additional information that we may request for the purpose of the audit, and (3) unrestricted access to persons within the government from whom we determine it necessary to obtain audit evidence. Your responsibilities include adjusting the financial statements to correct material misstatements and confirming to us in the management representation letter that the effects of any uncorrected misstatements aggregated by us during the current engagement and pertaining to the latest period presented are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole. You are responsible for the design and implementation of programs and controls to prevent and detect fraud, and for informing us about all known or suspected fraud affecting the government involving (1) management, (2) employees who have significant roles in internal control, and (3) others where the fraud could have a material effect on the financial statements. Your responsibilities include informing us of your knowledge of any allegations of fraud or suspected fraud affecting the government received in communications from employees, former employees, regulators, or others. In addition, you are responsible for identifying and ensuring that the government complies with applicable laws and regulations. You are responsible for the preparation of the supplementary information in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. You agree to include our report on the supplementary information in any document that contains and indicates that we have reported on the supplementary information. You also agree to include the audited financial statements with any presentation of the supplementary information that includes our report thereon or make the audited financial statements readily available to users of the supplementary information no later than the date the supplementary information is issued with our report thereon. Your responsibilities include acknowledging to us in the representation letter that (1) you are responsible for presentation of the supplementary information in accordance with GAAP; (2) you believe the supplementary information, including its form and content, is fairly presented in accordance with GAAP; (3) the methods of measurement or presentation have not changed from those used in the prior period (or, if they have changed, the reasons for such changes); and (4) you have disclosed to us any significant assumptions or interpretations underlying the measurement or presentation of the supplementary information. With regard to using the auditor's report, you understand that you must obtain our prior written consent to reproduce or use our report in bond offering official statements or other documents. With regard to the electronic dissemination of audited financial statements, including financial statements published electronically on your website, you understand that electronic sites are a means to distribute information and, therefore, we are not required to read the information contained in these sites or to consider the consistency of other information in the electronic site with the original document. You agree to assume all management responsibilities for financial statement preparation services and any other nonattest services we provide; oversee the services by designating an individual, preferably from senior management, with suitable skill, knowledge, or experience; evaluate the adequacy and results of the services; and accept responsibility for them. Engagement Administration, Fees, and Other We understand that your employees will prepare all cash or other confirmations we request and will locate any documents selected by us for testing. To ensure that Eder, Casella & Co.'s independence is not impaired under the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, you agree to inform the engagement partner before entering into any substantive employment discussions with any of our personnel. In order to reduce our professional staff hours and in consideration of the agreed -upon fee, you have agreed that the general ledger will be in balance by individual fund; the cash is reconciled, on a monthly basis, to the amounts shown on your general ledger; your staff will be available to answer questions, locate misplaced documents and resolve problems as needed; and your filing system will allow for easy retrieval of the documents we request. During this engagement we may need to refer to selected records of yours and may require a photocopy of these records for our working papers. It is our policy to return all of your original records after our use along with copies of any financial reports and/or tax returns we issue. It is your responsibility to retain your records as you deem appropriate. Our working papers, including any photocopies that we obtain from you, are our property and will be retained by us in accordance with our established record retention policy. A copy of our record retention policy is available upon request. This policy stipulates that, in general, we will retain these working papers, copies of financial reports, and copies of tax returns for a period of seven years. After this period expires, the files will be disposed of. We estimate our fees to be as follows: Year ending Year ending Year ending 4/30/16 4/30/17 4/30/18 Audit examination $ 32,275.00 $ 33,075.00 $ 33,900.00 Police Pension Fund audit examination 3,575.00 3,625.00 3,700.00 Additional schedules in audit report 450.00 455.00 460.00 TIF compliance letter 670.00 675.00 700.00 Summary of Federal, State, and Local Grants 275.00 280.00 285.00 The actual fees may vary from the amounts shown due to variations in conditions or additional audit procedures requested by the State of Illinois or other agencies. Fees for such additional services would be billed at our usual hourly rates. We would inform you if we were experiencing any difficulty which would cause any increase in the base fee. All services will be billed to you monthly, payable on receipt. Amounts unpaid after 60 days will be charged late fees at a rate of 1 % per month in addition to costs of collection. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to City of McHenry and believe this letter accurately summarizes the significant terms of our engagement. In the event you provide us with some of the information necessary to perform these services, the commencement of our services constitutes your acceptance of the terms of this letter, even if this engagement agreement is not signed. If you have any questions, please let us know. If you agree with the terms of our engagement as described in this letter, please sign below and return this letter to us. Very truly yours, dAA CoLe' 0r EDER, CASELLA & CO. Certified Public Accountants This letter correctly sets forth the understanding of City of McHenry. By: Title: Date: d 815.344.1300 mchenry e C C C 847.382.3366 Barrington www.edercas8lla.com TERMS AND CONDITIONS ADDENDUM Billing and Payment Terms Payment is due within 30 days of the date on the billing statement. If payment is not received by the due date, you will be assessed interest charges of 1.5% per month on the unpaid balance. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate our work for non-payment of fees. If our work is suspended or terminated, you agree that we will not be responsible for your failure to meet governmental and other deadlines, for any penalties or interest that may be assessed against you resulting from your failure to meet such deadlines, and for any other damages (including but not limited to consequential, indirect, lost profits, or punitive damages) incurred as a result of the suspension or termination of our services. Electronic Data Communication and Storage In the interest of facilitating our services to you, we may send data over the Internet, or store electronic data via computer software applications hosted remotely on the Internet or clouds. Your confidential electronic data may be transmitted or stored using these methods. We may use third party service providers to store or transmit this data, such as providers of tax return preparation software. In using these data communication and storage methods, our firm employs measures designed to maintain data security. We use reasonable efforts to keep such communications and data access secure in accordance with our obligations under applicable laws, regulations, and professional standards. We require our third party vendors to do the same. You recognize and accept that we have no control over the unauthorized interception or breach of any communications or data once it has been sent or has been subject to unauthorized access, notwithstanding all reasonable security measures employed by us or our third party vendors. You consent to our use of these electronic devices and applications and submission of confidential client information to third party service providers during this engagement. Client Portals To enhance our services to you, we will use Client Portals, a collaborative, virtual workspace in a protected, online environment. Client Portals allow for real-time collaboration across geographic boundaries and time zones and allows Eder, Casella & Co. and you to share data, engagement information, knowledge, and deliverables in a protected environment. In order to use Client Portals, you agree to be bound by the terms, conditions and limitations of the client portal agreement located on our website. You agree that Eder, Casella & Co. has no responsibility for the activities of Client Portals and agree to indemnify and hold Eder, Casella & Co. harmless with respect to any and all claims arising from or related to the operation of Client Portals. While Client Portals backs up your files to a third party server, we recommend that you also maintain your own backup files of these records. Records Management Record Retention and Ownership We will return all your original records and documents provided to us at the conclusion of the engagement. Your records are the primary records for your operations and comprise the backup and support for your work product. Our copies of your records and documents are not a substitute for your own records and do not mitigate your record retention obligations under any applicable laws or regulations. Workpapers and other documents created by us are our property and will remain in our control. Copies are not to be distributed without our prior written consent. Our workpapers will be maintained. by us in accordance with our firm's record retention policy and any applicable legal and regulatory requirements. A copy of our record retention policy is available upon request. Our firm destroys workpaper files after a period of seven years. Catastrophic events or physical deterioration may result in damage to or destruction of our firm's records, causing the records to be unavailable before the expiration of the retention period as stated in our record retention policy. Workina Paper Access Requests by Regulators and Others State, federal and foreign regulators may request access to or copies of certain workpapers pursuant to applicable legal or regulatory requirements. Requests may also come in the form of peer review, ethics investigations or in the sale of the accounting practice. If requested, access to such workpapers will be provided under the supervision of firm personnel. Regulators may request copies of selected workpapers to distribute the copies or information contained therein to others, including other governmental agencies. If we receive a request for copies of selected workpapers, provided that we are not prohibited from doing so by law or regulation, we agree to inform you of such request as soon as practicable. You may, within the time permitted for our firm to respond to any request, initiate such legal action as you deem appropriate at your own expense to limit the disclosure of information. If you take no action within the time permitted for us to respond, or if your action does not result in a judicial order protecting us from supplying requested information, we may construe your inaction or failure as consent to comply with the request. Summons or Subpoenas All information you provide to us in connection with this engagement will be maintained by us on a strictly confidential basis. If we receive a summons or subpoena which our legal counsel determines requires us to produce documents from this engagement or testify about this engagement and we are not prohibited from doing so by law or regulation, we agree to inform you of such summons or subpoena as soon as practical. You may, within the time permitted for our firm to respond to any request, initiate such legal action as you deem appropriate at your own expense to attempt to limit discovery. If you take no action within the time permitted for us to respond, or if your action does not result in a judicial order protecting us from supplying requested information, we may construe your inaction or failure as consent to comply with the request. If we are not a party to the proceeding in which the information is sought, you agree to reimburse us for our professional time and expenses, as well as the fees and expenses of our counsel, incurred in responding to such requests. Brokerage or Investment Advisory Statements If you provide our firm with copies of brokerage (or investment advisory) statements and/or read- only access to your accounts, we will use the information solely for the purpose described in the scope of engagement section. We will rely on the accuracy of the information provided in the statements and will not undertake any action to verify this information. We will not monitor transactions, investment activity, provide investment advice, or supervise the actions of the entity or individuals entering into transactions or investment activities on your behalf. We recommend you receive and carefully review all statements upon receipt, and direct any questions regarding account activity to your banker, broker or investment advisor. Other Income, Losses and Expenses If you realized income, loss or expense from a business or supplemental income or loss, the reporting requirements of federal and state income tax authorities apply to such income, loss or expense. You are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to such operations, including the classification of workers as employees or independent contractors and related payroll tax and withholding requirements. r Accountant -Client Privilege Internal Revenue Code §7525, Confidentiality privileges related to taxpayer communication, provides a limited confidentiality privilege covering certain tax advice embodied in taxpayer communications with federally authorized tax practitioners in certain limited situations. This privilege is limited in several important respects. For example, this privilege does not apply to your records, which you are required to retain in support of your tax return. In addition, the privilege does not apply to state tax issues, state tax proceedings, private civil litigation proceedings, or criminal proceedings. While we will cooperate with you with respect to the privilege, asserting the privilege is your responsibility. Inadvertent disclosure of otherwise privileged information may result in a waiver of the privilege. Please contact us immediately if you have any questions or need further information about this matter. Management Responsibilities While Eder, Casella & Co. can provide assistance, you are responsible for management decisions and functions, and for designating an individual with suitable skill, knowledge or experience to oversee any services Eder, Casella � Co. provides. You are responsible for evaluating the adequacy and results of the services performed and accepting responsibility for such services. You are ultimately responsible for establishing and maintaining internal controls, including monitoring ongoing activities. Conflicfs of /merest If we, in our sole discretion, believe a conflict has arisen affecting our ability to deliver services to you in accordance with either the ethical standards of our firm or the ethical standards of our profession, we may be required to suspend or terminate our services without issuing our work product. Alternative Dispute Resolution If a dispute arises out of or relates to this engagement letter including the scope of services engagement contained herein, or the breach thereof, and if the dispute cannot be settled through negotiation, the parties agree first to try to settle the dispute by mediation administered by the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") under the Professional Accounting and Related Services Dispute Resolution Rules before resortirig to arbitration, litigation, or some other dispute resolution procedure. The mediator will be selected by agreement of the parties. If the parties cannot agree on a mediator, a mediator shall be designated by the AAA. Any mediator so designated must be acceptable to all parties. The mediation will be conducted in Illinois. The mediation will be treated as a settlement discussion and, therefore, will be confidential. The mediator may not testify for either party in any later proceeding related to the dispute. No recording or transcript shall be made of the mediation proceedings. The costs of any mediation proceedings shall be shared equally by all parties. Any costs for legal representation shall be borne by the hiring party. Loss Limitafion and Indemnification Eder, Casella & Co.'s liability for all claims, damages, and costs arising from this engagement is limited to only the total amount of fees paid by you to Eder, Casella & Co. for services rendered for the period under this agreement. You agree to hold Eder, Casella & Co. harmless from any and all claims which arise from knowing misrepresentations to Eder, Casella & Co. by your management, or the intentional withholding or concealment of information from Eder, Casella & Co. by your management. You also agree to indemnify Eder, Casella & Co. for any claims made against Eder, Casella 8� Co. by third parties which arise from any of these actions by your management. The provisions of this paragraph shall apply regardless of the nature of the claim. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Eder, Casella & Co. and any of its partners, principals, shareholders, officers, directors, members, employees, agents or assigns with respect to any and all claims arising from this engagement, regardless of the nature of the claim, and including the negligence of any party, excepting claims arising from the gross negligence or intentional acts of the firm. Designation of Venue and Jurisdiction We agree that the courts of the State of Illinois have jurisdiction over the parties. We also agree that the laws of the State of Illinois shall govern all such disputes. Statute of Limitations 1. You agree that any claim arising out of this engagement letter shall be commenced within one (1) year of the delivery of the work product to you, regardless of any longer period of time for commencing such claim as may be set by law. A claim is understood to be a demand for money or services, the service of a suit, or the institution of arbitration proceedings against Eder, Casella x Co. Termination and Withdrawal We reserve the right to withdraw from the engagement without completing services for any reason, including, but not limited to, your failure to comply with the terms of this engagement letter or as we determine professional standards require. Assignment All parties acknowledge and agree that the terms and conditions of this engagement letter shall be binding upon and inure to the parties' successors and assigns, subject to applicable laws and regulations. ieverability If any portion of this agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable, said finding shall not operate to invalidate the remainder of the terms set forth in this engagement letter. Entire Agreement This engagement letter, including the Terms and Conditions Addendum and any other attachments, encompasses the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes all previous understandings and agreements between the parties, whether oral or written. Any modification to the terms of this engagement letter must be made in writing and signed by both parties. Office of the Chief of Police John M.Jones McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2200 Fax: (815) 363-2149 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: John M. Jones, Chief of Police FOR: May 16, 2016 Regular City Council meeting RE: Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Lab membership ATT: Copy of NIRCL Invoice 972 Agenda Item Summary Staff is seeking to continue with our contractual relationship with Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory (NIRCL). This will allow the McHenry Police Department to continue to have their evidence relating to criminal investigations processed through NIRCL. The total request is $38,985 which includes $35,985 for membership and $3,000 for an interngovern mental maintenance agreement. Background The Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory (NIRCL) is amulti-jurisdictional laboratory available to member departments for crime scene and evidence processing. The McHenry Police Department has developed a professional relationship with this laboratory for the last (14) fourteen years that has greatly improved the effective and efficient analysis of evidence collected at crime scenes. Analysis The Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory is the vendor that we contract with to handle all of our evidence processing that is not done in house. They are linked to our computerized evidence inventory program (BEAST) that assists in tracking of evidence. They also have the ability to examine evidence, process it and return results much faster than all other regional labs, including the ISP. The NIRCL is equipped to handle all major investigations for its agency members. Their proven track record with this department, including major sexual assault and homicide cases, lead us to recommend continuing our partnership with them. Thousands of pieces of evidence are processed by the NIRCL on behalf of the McHenry Police annually. This year's annual membership amount is $35,985. As in the past, the department is also requesting to pay the intergovernmental maintenance agreement of $3,000 which has remained the same since 2007. Recommendation If Council concurs, then it is recommended to approve payment of the membership fee of $35,985, and intergovernmental agreement of $3,000, allowing the police department to remain an active member of the NIRCL. Note: This amount has been approved through this year's 2016/2017 budget process. Northeastern IL Regional Crime Lab 1000 Butterfield Road Suite 1009 Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Page: Voice: 847-362-0676 Fax: 847-362-0712 McHenry Police Department 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 - Pa�rment _._. M CH EN RY Net 30 Days G. } Safes tep ib r . Shipping Method" ' $hrp Date rk 1` iDue Daie n ,..... ». Airborne 5/31/16 tluaniit`jr Item a µ' Desert �cori' Untt Frtce 1 Arriount - 1.00 FY 2016/2017 MEMBERSHIP 35,985400 35,985400 ASSESSMENT 1.00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL BUTTERFIELD 3,000.00 3,000.00 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR FY 16/17 Subtotal 38,985.00 _ _------- ---------._-___.__-_-._-------- ------- SalesTax Total Invoice Amount 38,985D0 Check/Credit Memo No: Payment/Credit Applied '`^` � Office of the City Administrator w ( w Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street J McHenry, Illinois 60050 ������ Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA DATE: May 16, 2016 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator RE: McHenry Municipal Center Improvements Phase 1 ATT: Change Order #1 Agenda Item Summary: Construction for Phase I of the Municipal Center improvements project has been successfully completed. Staff is satisfied with the work performed by Stuckey Construction and recommends approval of the attached Change Order #1 in the amount of ($4,241) and final payment to Stuckey Construction as recommended by FGM Architects for the final amount of $97,759, Background: On December 21, 2015, the City Council approved a bid from Stuckey Construction Company for the Municipal Center Improvements Phase I project in the amount of $102,000. Staff is pleased to announce the actual cost to complete the project is $4,241 less than anticipated. The savings is due to a credit for unused Contingency Allowance. RECOMMENDATION: If Council concurs, it is recommended a motion is made to approve the change order and final payment to Stuckey Construction in the amount of $97,759 as presented. S.AIA TM Document G701 — 2001 Change Order PROJECT (Hanle and address): CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 001 OWNER: McHenry Municipal Center Reception DATE: April 18, 2016 ARCHITECT: Renovation 3633 Municipal Drive CONTRACTOR: McHenry; IL 60050 TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 15-2031001 FIELD: ❑ Stuckey Construction Co. , CONTRACT DATE: January 4, 2016 OTHER: ❑ Iv 2020 N. Lewis Avenue CONTRACT FOR: General Construction Waukegan,11,;:0087 THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include, inhere applicable, any undisputed amount attributable topreviously executed Construction Change Directives) Credit for unused Contingency Allowance (Allowance No. 4) ($4,241.00) The original Contract Sum was $ 102,000.00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 0.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 102,000.00 The Contract Sum will be decreased by this Change Order in the amount of $ 45241.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $ 97,759.00 The Contract Time will be unchanged by Zero (0) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is NOTE: This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive until the cost and time have been agreed upon by both the Owner and Contractor, in which case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction Change Directive. NOT ;VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. FGM Architects Inc. ARCHITECT (Firm name) 1211 W.22"d Street, Suite Ivu Oak Brook,1L 605.23 ADDRESS... BY (Sign re) Michael Porto, AJA (Typed name) April 18, 2016 DATE Stuckey Construction Co. CONTRACTOR (Firm name) 2020 N. Lewis Avenue Waukegan, IL 60087 m (Typed name) /fo DATE City of McHenry OWNER (Firm name) 333 S. Greenstreet McHenry, IL 60050 ADDRESS BY (Signature) (Typed name) DATE AIA Document G701'TM — 2001. Copyright ©1979, 1987, 2000 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. VIlARNING: This AIA° Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA° Document, or any ,� portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and wilt be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This documentwas produced by AIA software at 15:31:49 on 04/18/2016 under Order No.3382564114_1 which expires on 1 D/08/2016, and is not for resale. User Notes: (896349003) Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: May 16, 2016 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: 2016 Pavement Maintenance Program ATT: Corrective Asphalt Materials Proposal AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to consider accepting a proposal from Corrective Asphalt Materials (CAM) to apply reclamite maltene based rejuvenating agent to the roads which were resurfaced as part of the 2015 Street Resurfacing Program. BACKGROUND: Since 2012 the Capital Improvement Program included funding for a crack sealing maintenance program. Routing, cleaning, and sealing cracks is effective pavement preservation practice for streets that exhibit nominal pavement distress. The primary cause of asphalt failure is water infiltration into the street sub grade. Cracksealing is one of the most cost-effective preventative maintenance practices for City's roadways. Staff has been investigating new ways of extending the life of the city's roads. Besides crack sealing there is a product called Reclamite which will extend the life of the newly resurfaced roads five to seven years before having to resurface again. Reclamite is a product that several communities in Illinois and across the country are using to extend the life of their roads. It rejuvenates and seals the surface in depth by replenishing the lost maltene in the asphalt binder. This product can be applied to the road up to one year after resurfacing. The 2016/17 Capital Improvement Program includes $100,000 for a pavement maintenance program with revenues from the General Fund. ANALYSIS: Corrective Asphalt Materials (CAM) is the sole provider for this material and application. They have provided a proposal to Municipal Partnership Initiative (MPI) group which is comprised of several municipalities in Lake and Cook Counties. CAM has agreed to extend the same pricing to the City of McHenry. Staff is recommending applying the reclamite maltene based rejuvenating agent to the roads which were resurfaced at part of the 2015 Street Resurfacing Program which include: Mead Street; Turnberry Drive; Silver Glen Road; and Deer Run Trail. This is a unit price contract and the final cost of construction will be based on actual final quantities. Several nearby municipalities and the McHenry County Division of Transportation have had success with extending the life of their roadways with the application of this product. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to waive the bidding requirements and accept the proposal from the sole provider for this material and application, Corrective Asphalt Materials of Sugar Grove, Illinois in an amount of $14,760.00 (actual amount may vary based on quantities used). rrective splhalt aterials, LLC Asphalt Solutions and Industrial Dust Control Airports • Roadways • Utilities • Parking Areas May 23 2016 Scott Schweda City of McHenry 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 Office: (815)363-2123 Fax:(815)363-2214 Email: sschwedagci.mchenry.il.us Dear Mr. Schweda, Corrective Asphalt Materials, LLC, (CAM) thanks you for the opportunity to provide services to the City of McHemy's asphalt maintenance program. Please accept the following as our formal proposal to apply Reclamite Maltene Based Rejuvenating Agent. • Apply Reclamite to approximately 18,000 SY. • CAM Responsibilities: o Resident notification o Pre -street sweeping, if necessary o Furnish and apply Reclamite o Furnish and apply lime screenings o All traffic control and signs related to project o Street sweeping 24 hours post application o Handle any complaints or issues that may arise from application • Unit Price $0.82 SY • Total Price $14.760.00 Jack Holleran, Area Supervisor will be contacting you to schedule the project. Info: holleran(u�cammidwest.com ,Cell: 630-853-0832 Name: Phone Number: Billing Information (please fill out upon acceptance) Address: Again, thank you for the opportunity. We look forward to providing our professional services. Sincerely, Rachel Lang Business Development Anthony J. Witte, Jr. (Jack) President Corrective Asphalt Materials, LLC APPROVED BY 43W630 Wheeler Road •Sugar Grove, IL 60554 (800) 374-5560 • (630)631-2854 • www.cammidwest.com Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: May 16, 2016 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: Bulk Rock Salt Purchase ATT: Bid Summary Sheet AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to consider a bulk rock salt contract with Compass Minerals America, Inc., Overland Park, Kansas obtained through a joint bid process coordinated by the McHenry County Purchasing Department. BACKGROUND: At the April 20, 2015 City Council meeting, the City Council approved a contract purchase order for road salt to North American Salt Company (currently Compass Minerals America, Inc.) for $70.51 per ton (2015-16 snow season) with a second year option for $72.63 per ton (2016-17 snow season). Due to the past mild winter and the possibility of lower road salt pricing, the city joined six other municipalities and the McHenry County Division of Transportation to solicit bids for road salt. The McHenry County Purchasing Department facilitated the bid specifications and solicitation. A request for 1,500 tons of road salt was submitted to McHenry County from the City. The bid specifications contains an optional second year contract extension. ANALYSIS: On April 25, 2016 the following bids were received: • Cargill Deicing Technology North Olmsted, Ohio - 1st year $71.32; 2nd year $74.32 • Compass Minerals America, Inc. —Overland Park, Kansas — 1st year $59.23; 2nd year $61.01 • Detroit Salt, Company — Detroit, Michigan - 1st year $59.06; 2nd year $65.06 • Morton Salt - Chicago, Illinois - 1st year $78.65; 2nd year $79.65 With not exercising the second year option on the bid received in 2015 and award the current A to Compass Minerals America, Inc., the city will realize a saving of $20,100. Funding for the purchase of salt for snow and ice control is budgeted in the Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Fund in the amount of $305,000. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to issue a contract purchase order for road salt to Compass Minerals America, Inc., Overland Park, Kansas in an amount not to exceed $88,845.00 (1,500 tons @ $59.23 per ton) and to accept the second year option in an amount not exceed $91,515.00 (1,500 tons @ $61.01 per ton). SUMMARY SHEET County of McHenry Purchasing Date: 04/25/2016 @ 2:00 Bid (RFP: Bid 1&35 Bulk Enhanced Rock Salt & Bulk Rock Salt VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR ' Cargill Compass Minerals America, Inc. The Detroit Salt Co. Vendor Name City/State North Olmsted, OH. Overland Park, KS. Detroit, MI. ORIGINAL SIGNATURE Yes Yes Yes MANDATORY PAGES Yes Yes Yes BID BOND? Yes Yes Yes BULK ROCK SALT (UNTREATED) Base Year Option Year 2 Base Year Option Year 2 Base Year Option Year 2 12/1/16 - 12/1/17 - 12/1/16 - 12/1/17 - 12/1/16 - 12/1/17 - 05/1/17 5/01/18 05/1/17 5/01/18 05/1/17 5/01/18 Bid Item #2 Village of Lake in the Hills $74.61 $77.61 $61.99 $63.85 $58.38 $64.38 Qty Estimated Usage: 1500 Ton Bid Item #3 City of McHenry $71.32 $74.32 $59.23 $61.01 $59.06 $65.06 Qty Estimated Usage: 1500 Ton Bid Item #4 City of Woodstock $72.32 $75,32 $60.07 $61.87 $59.63 $65.63 Qty Estimated Usage: 2000 Ton Bid Item #5 Village of Oakwood $73.79 $76.79 $61.30 $63.14 $58.02 $64.02 Qty Estimated Usage: 250 Ton Bid Item #6 City of Crystal Lake $73.05 $76005 $60.68 $62.50 $58.38 $64.38 Qty Estimated Usage: 3000 Ton Bid Item #8 Village of Greenwood $72,32 $75.32 $60.07 $61.87 $59.06 $65.06 Qty Estimated Usage: 50 Ton SUMMARY SHEET County of McHenry Purchasing Date: 04/25/2016 @ 2*00 RFP: Bid 1&35 Bulk Enhanced Rock Salt & Bulk Rock Salt UNTREATEDTOTAL $437.41 $455641 $36334 $374024 $352953 $388,53 ENHANCED (TREATED) BULK ROCK SALT Base Year Option Year 2 Base Year Option Year 2 Base Year Option Year 2 12/1/15 — 12/1/16 — 12/1/15 — 12/1/16 — 12/1/15 — 12/1/16 — 05/1/16 5/01/17 05/1/16 5/01/17 05/1/16 5/01/17 Bid Item #1 McHenry County DOT $76.98 $7938 $7133 $73.47 $No Bid $No Bid Qty Estimated Usage: 8000 Ton Bid Item #6 City of Crystal Lake $76998 $79.98 $69.84 $71994 $No Bid $No Bid Qty Estimated Usage: 3000 Ton Bid Item #7 Village of Algonquin $76.98 $79.98 $69.84 $71.94 $No Bid $No Bid Qty Estimated Usage: 100 Ton ENHANCED (TREATED) TOTAL $230.94 $239.94 $211.01 $217*35 $0.00 $0000 GRAND TOTAL $66835 $69535 $57435 $591959 $35233 $388,53 Savings $9150 $75.50 $187*50 $179026 $409.62* $382.32* • No Bid for Treated Salt L SUMMARY SHEET County of McHenry Purchasing Date: 04/25/2016 @ 2@00 Bid (RFP: Bid 1&35 Bulk Enhanced Rock Salt & Bulk Rock Salt VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR Independent Salt Co. Morton Salt American Rock Salt Vendor Name City/State' Kanopolis, KS. Chicago, IL. Mt. Morris, NY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE No Yes No MANDATORY PAGES No Yes No BID BOND? No Yes No BULK ROCK SALT (UNTREATED) Base Year Option Year 2 Base Year Option Year 2 12/1/16 — 12/1/17 — 12/1/16 — 12/1/17 — 05/1/17 5/01/18 05/1/17 5/01/18 Bid Item #2 Village of Lake in the Hills $78.65 $79.65 Qty Estimated Usage: 1500 Ton ® Q Bid Item #3 City of McHenry $78.65 $79.65 Qty Estimated Usage: 1500 Ton Bid Item #4 City of Woodstock O O $78.65 $79.65 Qty Estimated Usage: 2000 Ton O O Bid Item #5 Village of Oakwood $78.65 $79.65 Qty Estimated Usage: 250 Ton Bid Item #6 City of Crystal Lake $78.65 $79.65 Qty Estimated Usage: 3000 Ton SUMMARY SHEET County of McHenry Purchasing Date: 04/25/2016 @ 2:00 Bid (RFP: Bid 1&35 Bulk Enhanced Rock Salt & Bulk Rock Salt Bid Item #8 Village of Greenwood $78.65 $79.65 Qty Estimated Usage: 50 Ton UNTREATED TOTAL $471990 $477.90 ENHANCED (TREATED) BULK ROCK SALT Base Year Option Year 2 Base Year Option Year 2 Base Year Option Year 2 12/1/15 — 12/1/16 — 12/1/15 — 12/1/16 — 12/1/15 — 12/1/16 — 05/1/16 5/01/17 05/1/16 5/01/17 05/1/16 5/01/17 Bid Item #1 McHenry County DOT $96.65 $97.65 Qty Estimated Usage: 8000 Ton Q Q Bid Item $96.65 City of Crystal Lake ® ® $97.65 Qty Estimated Usage: 3000 Ton M M Bid Item #7 Village of Algonquin m $96.65 $97.65 W W Qty Estimated Usage: 100 Ton O z O z O O ENHANCED (TREATED) TOTAL $289995 $292.95 GRAND TOTAL $761.85 $770,85 Savings $ $ Sent to 37 potential bidders. Submittals received from 6. E, 4 Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator FOR: May 16, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Parks Department Facilities Special Use, Beer/Wine, and Community Room Liquor Permits associated with Rentals and/or Recreation Programs ATT: Permit List and Applications Agenda Item Summary: Included with this supplement are applications for the service of beer and wine during the Recreation Center Grand Opening and Paint & Sip Party events. All future McHenry Recreation Center Alcohol Permit applications will be presented to Council for approval along with the customary Special Use and Beer/Wine applications. Background: The Community Room in the Recreation Center is open for public rentals. Staff is receiving requests from the public to rent the room for wedding receptions, birthday parties, etc. In some instances, public rental of the Community Room involves the service of food and alcoholic beverages, whereby the renter supplies their own food and beverages. Analysis: In anticipation of offering the new Community Room for public rentals, staff participated in a conference call with the Director of Enforcement and the Licensing Manger for the Illinois Liquor Control Commission Enforcement Division to ensure the city was in compliance with state liquor control regulations: • Regarding the use of the Community Room for events with alcohol, the State Liquor Control Commission does not regulate the city's use of the Community Room as it does not regulate the city's use of park facilities however, without a specific license alcohol may not be sold. • Regarding the use of the Community Room for events such as the upcoming Recreation Center Grand Opening, the city may purchase up to $500 worth of wine beer/spirits from any retailer they choose; if more than $500, the alcohol is required to be purchased from a distributer or local caterer licensed to sell alcohol off premises. If Council concurs it is recommended a motion is considered to approve the attached McHenry Parks Facilities Special Use, Beer/Wine, and Recreation Center Liquor Permits associated with the Community Room Rentals and /or Recreation Programs as presented. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors w/Ni the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. FOR COUNCIL MEETING ON MAY -to, 2016: Beer/Wine Permits These are beer and wine permit requests associated with picnic pennits. Date of Picnic Applicant Address 06/11/16 Roman Bello Bday 3816 Main St, Apt 10, McH 06/11/16 Chinelle Babjak Bday 1512 Evergreen St, Me H 07/09/16 Maria Hernandez -Cruz Bd 616 Lillian StD Special Use Applications There are special use application requests associated with picnic permits. Date of Picnic Applicant Address Special Use 06/11/16 Roman Bello Bday 3816 Main St, Apt 10, McH bounce house 06/11/16 Chinelle Babjak Bday 1512 Evergreen St, McH grill 06/18/16 Monica Anaya Grad 5405 Chasefield Cir grill 07/09/16 Maria Hernandez -Cruz Bday 616 Lillian St, Apr D, McH bounce house, music 08/21/16 B Matchen/N Shore Rods 3808 W Maple, McH DJ, 12 add'l picnic tables 08/27/16 Nicole Cornelius Wedd/Rcpt 4700 Bonner Dr, McH music, tent, chairs, tables, catered Community Room Liquor Permits These requests are associated with McHenry Recreation Center rentals and/or programs. Date of Rentall Program Applicant Address 5/20/16 Parks &Recreation —Grand Opening 3636 Municipal Dr, McH 6/16/16 Parks & Recreation— Paint & Sip Prog. 3636 Municipal Dr, McH 7/11/16 Parks & Recreation— Paint & Sip Prog. 3636 Municipal Dr, McH 8/01/16 Parks &Recreation —Paint &Sip Prog. 3636 Municipal Dr, McH TConaway\pic perm list.doc Contact Person; IVICnUl RY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BIDER/"DINE APPLICATION of Picnicl(A1.6 � ...Address: � �% t�� c_ 5� (� r K e 1� City/Statel ip; IV b Y : I ��rh Come Phonc:Work/Cell Phone; (�--13)q Park: ❑Knox Park (A only) 'tPetersen Park ❑Veteran's Memorial Pt1.rk Area: ❑ Lister A Shelter B o Shelter C C) Other: Arrival Time:v� T_Departure Time: ' GM, Total Number Attending:_) Falsifyrnj,� attentlrrnee ntentGers will result lrz loss of tlepnszt. Groups over 500 must obtain additional:, n dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Water, electricity and reslrooms are avrtilable at all sites. Knox Park A has a portable restroom• Brief description of event (company picnic, car show, craft show, wedding, etc.): Chi! List all activities to be. held: Items brought into park site; ❑ T kQth.er�� ❑ Tent: Location.ln Park; ELECTRICAL es r� Chairs ❑ Benches ❑Carnival Rides L7 Music ❑Animals ❑Catered Pig )••toast FOR TENTS ❑ APPLICAN`1• TU CALL JL1L1E (1-800-892-0123) TO BE LOCATED ❑ NQ ELECTRIC: Shamrock Tent Staked; ❑yes ❑ no xiciw*•k��irk�x***�Cxt*****ir*�icaewxx��*r.�C���icNtt;x*�*x�*k�**�Y'kit�K*kAi�X�is*�K�ie�kK�Ykx4s*xx4t*}'ekK�44eNRWxKr'1x�tfr9; xRKfrxr; Will beer/wine be present: es ❑ No IF YOU CHIICI�'+ +,5, I'I.,EASE ANSWER QUESTIONS l�)+J)JOVV: Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied Indicate amount of beer/wine to be farought into tie City Park under this permit on above date (number of wine ottles, beer cases, beer kegs, etc,) c3 y ocx*_�3 I agree atpmoOt that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permit•date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park, pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the. Special Use and/or Beer/Wine Application(s) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising, from the use of the park property. I al tndersta.nd that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit. Signature: © / _ Date:. Health permits are re iced by la`w 1'or concessions and catering. Tease make arrangements to obtain permits. NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval, Restrictions: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww t64****�vO Reservation Fee: $ 6Deposit Fee: $ Total Fee: Confirmatiod Sent: Initials R OrF1('F C.ISEQNC,Y**w�ww,rwwww�,rw•ewwwwww�w wxwnw�wwwxw,�xww��x,r;r;��,w� Date Paid:. � .� Initials, Cash ❑ Check ❑Char ., •���� Submitted to City Council:—��--��-,�..��tc City Council Approval: parks\forms\picnic forms\special use and beer and or wine application 01 Contact Person: City/State/Lip; IVICHENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEER/WINE APPLICATION QL Date of Picnic:�� Address: oS I-lome Phone;_ J t 3a Wor • ell Park: ❑Knox Park (A only) c�Peteesen Park ❑ Vetera.n's Mcn�orial Park Area: soshelter A ' o Shelter B ❑ Shelter C r.; Other: _ Arrival Time: /, Departure Time: _ Total Number Attending: _ ^ Frcisifyr'ng r�tten�lnnee nury:tiers will result r'rs Ross of creposit. Groups over 500 must obtain additionalrn dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Water, electricity and restrooms are avallable at all sites. Knox Park A has a portable restroom. Brief description of event (compan picnic, car show, craft show, weddin , etc.): \ - .List all activities to be held:_� l � �1� L� l�C t c `(—� �, _=GL C Z6 Items brought into park sit . ❑ TT s ❑Chairs ❑ Benches ❑Carnival Rides ❑ Music ❑Animals o Catered Pig Roast ❑ Oth.er ❑ Tent; Location lip Park: F,LECTRICAL Size: _+`_Tent Staked; ❑yes ❑ no FOR TENTS ❑ APPLICANT• TO CALL J(1LIE (1-$00-892-0123) TO BL LOCATED ❑ N(a ELECTRIC: Sharnrocl< xic****ic�x*Kx**k*is*�•****n;kKicx�;F is �r�k r,��f�;F Pc��r't*•k�K�K��*�:kY.f�t'c �t it+�k4C �ir�x**R�X*Rit sc�kx'r��C�it�s'<k KVtxxxSt�xKxB�;F r'. it r, $t fC'it t'f is Will beer/wine be present; ❑ �'es ❑ No ZF �()CJ CII Cif + DES, f'LEASI~ ANSW 12 QULSTY()NS XJLJ uVV; Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied _. Indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this permit on above date (number of wine bottles, beer cases, beer kegs, etc.)_�,3 I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers oil site on the permit'd.ate and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of Mcl-Ienry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park, pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the. Special Use and/or Beer/Wine Application(s) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising, Fron-i the use of the ark property. I al s ndersta.nd that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit, Signature; Hate; Health permits are req--u"Ir"i51 y law for concessions and catering. 'lease make arrangements to o tain erinits, NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: ���x*,�*�:��,�w�,�,��*�:,����,v�*�;��*r,�,��,�����s•��e*FOR OFFICE USE Q1VC,Y***K*,t�K,t�,eK��•h•h•x��,e ��•�, x,�K�,t*�xn*�x�,r,r;r,r,��k�c>�'� , lteservatian Fee: $Paid:. Payrnen�: ra Cash ❑CheckLCq r Total pee: $ Submitted to City Council: 2ConfirmationSent:_,Initials:_•. City Council Approval: parks\formslpicnic Porrnslspacial use and beer and or urine application 1� McHENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEERMINE APPLICATION � �. _ j/ Contact Person; f pG Q � ,� . Date of Picnic:_..____._ Company/Organization: .`_Address: (- l4 V/Z City/State/Lip: Home Phone: 5 6 ` % Work/Cell Phone: Park: ❑Knox Park (A only) ❑ Pefiersen Park E�'Veterad Memorial Park Area: r2l5helter A telter B ❑ Shelter C r.; Other: _ Arrival Time: 12 _ Departure Time: Total Number Attending:. Frrls fyr'r2g r�ttentlance nurytbers will result r'rz loss a f <lepn,sit. Groups over 500 must obtain additional, ll n dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Water, electricity and restrooms are available at all sites. Knox Park A has a portable restroom, Brief description of event (company picnic, car show, craft show, wedding, etc.): (�;s�-1•,,.�,.�r __._ List all activities to be held: S(, nts'Te�— Items brought into park site; Tables {�/C11a.ir5 u I3encl7es ❑Carnival Rides ❑Music ❑Animals ❑Catered Pig Roast. ❑ Tent; Location In Park:Size: ___Tent Staked: ❑ yes ❑ no ELECTRICAL FOR TENTS ❑ APPLICANTTO CALL JULIE (1-800-89M123) TO BE LOCATED ❑ NO ELECTRIC: Shamrock ick��Y��c•kx��•x*�*�xF�FF�xn��xic'k•kx&�C•kr.�C�ttY�Ys�tkA't�•kFx�r.���k�Y�KSiK�k't'exkK*�Y�it*Rx�sYHr,H�9c�K�YrkK�xx4rs}kseKrtKSYY;xr',r,Rseisxr': Will beer/wine be present: , i�S EASE ANSWER QUESTIONS D.UJ tU VV: Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied _ l Indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this penilit on above date (number of wine bottles, beer cases, beer kegs, etc.)__ 1 agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permit•date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park, pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited, I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the Special Use and/or Beer/Wine Applications) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising front the use of the p rk property. I also understand tiat not comp) ing with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit, A Signature: bate: Health permits are required by law fo concessions and catering. Please make arrangenxents to obtain permits, NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions, ������*�,��,��,�,�,�,���:�����;���*��,���n��*��a•K�+��pOR OFFICE USE QNC.,Y*"***TM�"******x,r�� •�����x,�x ���Kx,r�x,,�,��,���x�>�•r,:t�;�, Reservation Fee: $ (3 5 Date Paid: .�iJ.: -• ,7 47 Initials: `il - Deposit Fee: $ Z✓ Payment: ❑ Cash ❑ Check YChe 14 i l'otal Fee: $---�� Submitted to City Council: /)2 Confirmation Sent: Cnitials: City Council Approval: parkslformslpicnic F«rmslspecial use and beer and or wine application iMP 4 Contact Person: IVIMENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEER/WINE APPLICATION [late of Picnic: -7 Company/Organization; 5 114K rkl� t Lz1Address: & ,1't L8 L S S cd 6 C� i7 Q City/State/Lip;�c>l�e[n r�. � Horne Phone:_ Work/Cell Phone;_ ,F 1S "�7 69 Faso Park: ❑Knox Park (A only) �Pefier•sen Pa.rl< ❑ Vetera.n's Men�i�rial Park Area: ❑ Shelter A per, helter B Shelter• C cr Other: _ _ _ Arrival Time: _ Departure Time:.r Tota.i Number Attending: _ Falsifying attendance nuinbers will result in loss of deposit. Groups over 500 must obtain additional:-❑ dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Water, electricity alzd restrooms are avtrilable at a!1 sites. Knox Park A has a portable restrvom, Brief description of event (company picnic, ca.r show, craft show, wedding, etc.): % C�tM [ �� ��rCN 1C� _� List all activities to be held:_ rck-mi L PTO, tj sC' Items brought into park site: ❑Tables ❑Chairs ❑ Be;nches ❑Carnival Rides ❑Music ❑ An1maIS ❑Catered Pig 1Zoast ❑ Oth.er ❑ Tent: Location In Park:_ -•-_„___—^ _Size: Tent Staked: ❑yes ❑ no ELECTRICAL FOR TENTS ❑ APPLICANTTO CALL JULIE (1-800-892-0123) TO BE LOCATED ❑ NO ELECTRIC: Shamrock x is 4s�*���Sr•k�x***�K*;k**;Y*irk*xx* *ir sY*tYr*sY tt'k* * Mtn * * * *9c;F Ae* ****Ykft>'s * h* o';*ir*it**fr�Cx�irKf'r;Y N r,4*�4 St�>r�o'e f4xx4rRWs'r s'rN x�kxi; r,KKstx is Will beer/wine be present: �CYes ❑ No Ir Y0U CHECi� YES, i'i_,EASE A1N'S'WER QLIESTI()NS 13)JYIOVV: Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied . Indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this pernllt on above date (number of wineFottles, beer cases, beer kegs, etc.) d' I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permit•d.ate and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park, pur•suanl to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. t have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the Special Use and/or Beer/Wine Application(s) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising, fronl the use of the park property. I also understand that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit, Signature: Health pern�ifs are required by lacy f'or concessions and eatering. Please rn<tke arrangements to obtain permits. NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: OFFICE USE 44% 41 < ��,�*��*:���,�*�,�,�*��:K,r��������*,�,���,���*��,• ONLY��:���x�K���;x��n;r���,� Reservation Fee; 4V ._._ _ Date Paid:, l�`�—.1�-• lnitia _0 Payment: 0 Cash ❑ Check `harue l'otal Fee: Submitted to City Council: Confirmation Sent: lnitials:_•__ _ City Council Approval; parks\forms\picnic formslspeciai use and beer and or wine application SPE 1V.�cHENRY PARK FACILITIES L USE AND/OR TER/�ZNE AP�L�CA �� Contact Person; � t �'�� �. C� C�_C��.� __` haste Uf Picnic:.�y M_�._'C Ct_�.. Company/Organ.izatiUn; .__Add.ress: ��C '� J��� � � r City/State/Lip:�C� ��nn�:_ �_ WorlJCcl1 Pllone:�'%`�-�.•CCt— �� Park: r� Knox Park (A or11y) c� Petersen Park �Vatara.n's Menli�rial Park Area: helter A 11e(ter' i3 c� Shelter• C ca Other: _ __.._.,......._-�.__ ..___._._.._ Arrival Time: __ CTl�{��r� ,�'Departr.ire Time: P� #� Total Number Attending: J� i ..`fi' _ a�C � Falstfyln�Y attendance nrsrriGers will result lrz loss of rlep�slt. Groups over 500 must obtain additional; ❑dumpsters o Portable toilets Water, electricity and restrooms are av�rilable at all sites. Knox Park A has a pgrtable restroom, Brief description of event (eornpany picnio, ca.r show, craft show, weddin List all activities to beheld:_ ('� P{,2_�Y? c�Y��_i lid �) 1"7�7 � Items brought o Oth.er ` etc.): ,��`1 ,t f� C� --._ site�ab(es�Clla.irs u Benellas ❑Carnival Rides Music e Animals u Catered Pig Roast o Tent: Looatiorl h1 Pat'k:_ �_ ELECTRICAL FUR TENTS ❑ APPLICAN`I TO 13E LOCATED Size: TO CALL Jl_.1LI�(1-800-892-0123 ��, - ___ ... n NU ELECTRIC; S1larnrock Tent Staked; ❑yes ct 110 xn*�**ie•kx�itx***nn�k;k��: ��Ftt��xk�C�x�rk�f �C'kt�*tt��•r&�K�x�>'eke*�:ANY.'kNt'ax��kK�'irhie*�Kkit*kir��Y�r, trxx�dt�>r tYKf4 iexxSr Se +eKNx�xxrr, Se ie se 4r r'.� . Will beer/wine be present:�'�'es a No Ir'YOIJ CHI�CK7'S��S, T')<,EAS'� AN'S'WEZt QUESTIONS 13�)i✓OVV: Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied ..�,. Indicate amount of beer/wine t ba broug `t alto the ` City Park under this permit on above date (number of wine bottles, beer cases, beer kegs, etc.) __ (�s' ��'�� I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper cent u1 rs Un srte Ulf the permit�d.ate and th�it no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine: brought into the City of Mc1-Ienry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City c>f McHenry park, pr.u•suant to this application wilt be sold, it being understood that the sale of beerlwine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City of McE•-Ienry 1 ark Permit rules. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set i'orth by the City of McHenry regarcling the_ Special Use and/or Seer/Wine Applications) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising, front the use oi'the park property. 1 also understand that not complying wi#h the Park Permit rules wilt result in loss cal deposit, Signature: Hate: � � � ��_ Health permits ar-e required by lary for concessions and catering. Please make arrangements to obtain permits. NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: �,��**�*�;��,���,�,���,�•�*•x�����,��*����*����s•�***1'OIt OrFi('F 11SE QNC_,Y��t;�x�,�,tiN��,t��,��hx,t���;�����x�xn�,t�,�Kn,t�x����,�,��n�s��•r�t�� _ _ Reservation Fee; $ lC�- °� Date Paid:_ ��C Initials; ,�_ Deposit Fee: $ � _,,,.,.�,,,___ Payrnenr: Q Cash C�C�eck har�;e `Total Fee; �_�_� Submitted to City Council: �/ ��%� Confirmation Sent: - ,Initials:,_ City Council Approval: ��V+�,. parkslforms\picnic forn)sispecial use and beer and or wine application Contact Person: lYICHENRY PARK FACILITIES L USE AND/OR BEERMINE Al LCe,nkleimC Company/Organization: moots McFkervI Class zun+c�n Address: City/State/Lip; M(l t1���Iome Phone: CA'I IOIIN Date of Picnic: Cl +� j I Df: Work/CelI Phone(, 15 2 Y 5 -- S t/ 3 l park: II Park (A only) a Petersen Park Vetera.n's Memorial Park Area: r.+f helter A helter B ❑ Shelter C Arrival Time: _3.00 em Departure Time: �7 0 e^" Total Number Attending: Falsifyilig altenclance numbers will result in loss of deposit. Groups over 500 must obtain additional: n dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Water, electricity and restrooms are available at all sites. Knox Park A has a portable restroom. Brief description of event (company picnic, car show, craft show, List all activities to be held:_ weddiUln ng, etc.): 0 a ._ Items brought into park site: ❑Tables ❑Chairs ❑ Benel7es ❑Carnival Rides ❑Music ❑Animals ❑Catered Pig Roast. a Other..._.....�.,.��__ a Tent: Location [n Pack: __. __^ J_Size: _, Tent Staked: ❑yes ❑ no ELECTRICAL FOR TENTS ❑ APPLICANT TO CALL JULIE (1-800492-0123) TO BE LOCATED ❑ NO ELECTRIC: Sharnrock Will beer/wine be present: ❑ Xe5 o No IIr< �rov cl cl�l✓ ors, i'I EAS>a ANSWl+i2 QU)uSTT()NS l31✓LOW: Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied a . Indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought itito the City Park under this permit on above date (number of wine bottles, beer cases, beer kegs, etc.)_ L ire I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be rernoved by applicant or placed in proper containers oils to on the permit'd.ate and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park, pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine tinder this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited, 1 have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. t have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the Special Use and/or Beer/Wine Application(s) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising, From the use of the park property. I also understand that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit, Signature: Date,*SlZ�/to Health permi ar•e required by law f'or concessions rind catering. )'lease make arrangements to obtain permits. NOTE: Approval will be based on the NItems listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: %,�>ti,�FOR OFFICE USE QNt,Y**"K%,t,rN%*"•*%%•h,r �n W Reservation Fee: $ Date Pa.id:.�b lnitials;_,___'`��_ C•/eek u Charge Deposit Fee: Payment: O rash [�C Total Fee: $�� Submitted to City Council,_�'.! Confirmation Sent: Initials City Council Approval; parks\Forms\picnic Pornisispecial use and beer and or wine applicati+m IVICHEINKY PARW F CILZTIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEER/"WINE APPLICATION Contact Person: J(�l 0 n: C - --- — — _Date of Picnic:..... Company/Organization,_ ._Address: 5(ns,- City/State/Zip: i`- Cc41,q„ L �Honle Phone; U (2-l%-3 /a J-7�6 WorWCcl) Phone:_ S�-��__^_ Park: ❑ Knox Park (A only) cetersen Parks ❑ Vetera.n's Memorial Park Area: helter A ❑ Shelter B 0 Shelter C CI 0t.IIeIt: Arrival Time: (D ^_ Departure 7`ime: — — --- —2c�� /�.. Total Number Attending:_ Falsifying attendance numbers will result irz loss of (leposit, Groups over 500 must obtain additional: ❑ dumpst'ers ❑ portable toilets Water, electricity and restrooms are avtr)la.ble at all sites. Knox Park A has a portable restroom, Brief description of event (company picnic, car show, craft show, wedding, etc,):.. . IIst all activities to be Items brought into park site; ❑Tables ra C11a.irs ❑ }3enclles ❑Carnival Rides ❑Music ❑ Aninlais Catered Pig Roast ❑ Tent: Location In Park:_ ELECTRICAL �— -- Tent Staked: ❑ yes ca no FOR TENTS ❑ APPLICANT TO CALL JULIE (i-800492-0123) TO BE LOCATED ❑ NO ELECTRIC: Shamrock K ie hrF Y���icK Yx*�*-icx�$�*��&*Kxx�C F it&eft r.��1F*k�ftxo's*�1Y fi"h;8�;1k'k�:;�Y'�tY S't!Y)f*7@�ie 54%'h 7k 1t'/C �C 1'C 7CX�Y N r,t4�$�nxk�o't t4xx4r Stxx,exK��frxr,RfeKxr'. VYill beer/wine be present: ❑ es ❑ No " X k) U CHI�CICED YES, PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS BELOW: Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied , Indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought Into the City Park under this permit on above date (dumber of wine bottles, beet.,=cas, beer kegs, etc,)__ I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be retnoveb ^-��--' permit'd.a.te and that no underage or intoxicated pers n vNI,),be dslowp o i ot{lpla ,y of �}�e beei/wiper netbrtought ints Oil Site o ttl,oe City of McI Cenry park under this permit. I atthat iotetho�bear w ne allowed in the City of McHenry park, putssuant to this application will be sold, it being enderso:d th t(�le beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited, I have read an w I1 comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules, I have read and understand the rules an regulations that have been set forth by t11e City of McHenry regarding the. Special Use and/or Beer/Wine Applications) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising front the use of the park property. I also understand that not complying wide the Park Permit rules will result in less of deposit, Signature: Date: Health permits ar a required by law Ibr co sions and catering, Please make arrangements to obtain permits, NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above, Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: 1'QR OFFICE C.1SE QNC..Yv����w�K��,a,r��hh,t,r,t�,rr�:�x,�x*,t:r�KK,r�x,r,r�x;���n�>•r,r�;��;:t, Reservation Fee; C�c _ I Otal Fee: --.•--.-_ Payment: 0 Cash tp heck Qhart - Confirmatiori Sent: Submitted to City Council: _— �lnitials: City Council Approval; parks\forms\picnic forms\special use and beer and or wine applioati i �� Contact Person; IV1c.HENRY PARK FACILITIES SP CZAL SSE AND/OR BEER/WINE APPLICATION Gate of Picnic: Coanp(4ny/Organ.ization; ' Add.ress:.,,W ' I / %&�1 City/State/Zlp:% FZy�%j,�r, �,. Home Phone:,6:: 57 Work/Cell Phone: Park: ❑Knox Park (A ally) -Petersen Park Area: ❑ Shelter A ❑ Shelter B Arrival Time: -60_Departure T4 ❑ Vetel°a.n's Metllorial I'a.rk Ci Shelter C �r "Total Number Att, din "F Frils fytng �ttte>zcl�rnce nurriGers will result Irz loss of (lePosit, Groups over° 500 must obtain additional: n durripsters ❑ portable toilets Water, electricity and restroorrts are available at all sites. Knox Park A has a portable restroom, Brief description of event (company picnic, ca.r show. craft show, wedding, etc.): �� �� 'List all activities to be held: _ items brought into park site: ❑ Tables t? Clra.irs ❑Benches ❑Carnival Fides ❑Music ❑Animals o Catered Pig boast ❑ Other VPa3.._/_�_.. __ .mot r ❑ Tent: Location in Park: Size: EI.,ECTRICAL —` — Tent Staked: ❑ yes ca 110 FOR TENTS ❑ APPLICANT TO CALL JULIE (I -80M9M 123) TO BE LOCATED ❑ NO ELECTRIC' Shamrock iF'itiFi:iF%if Yt iC i��C 1c%*K*%:�%7E%'h 7CY%Ti%x%1C%%%%%%'A•CV Si%7�'%TlC%%K%Y%'k%Y,�c%%%%%%%%%%%%'R%%%%%%%%%%%%N%%%%:Y%%%%12%%H`n°Y%%%%%Y %Yk'%%'i{9[ UVill beer/wine be present: ❑ .1 CL",X o Zb YOU CHECi EM VES, PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS BE Indicate the number of beer/w`ine permits denied — . Indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this permit oil above date (number of wine bottles, beer cases, b 'kegs, etc,)_ I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applican r placed in proper containers Clrl site on the permit'd.a.te and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed t onsUnle ally Of the beer/wile brought Into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the bee Me allowed in the City of McHenry park, 171I1,st'lant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale eer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will cot �ly with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules, I have react and understand the rules and regula ns that have been set forth by the City of McHellt,y regarding rile Special Use and/or Beer/Wine Application(s) and assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising front the use of'the park property. I also understa.n tat not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit, Signature _ Date: Health permits are required by law for concessions and catering. Tease make arrangemenDOE ts to obtain perrrrits. NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above..Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: ***x***�**��x���******���x�**"""'�'"'��**'�'��'���'012 OrRtC`E LISE C�NLY�:txx�H fit%�C �,'*ir*hk�*� �;Y 1Y k. ri•'kxh1F*�xR��x'FxlkR%XiYk 9f ifs%:k�*V( Reservation Fee; Deposit Fee; - — Date I aid:_ / initials: $ Payment: e n t: !!lTTT=1� Total Fee: — y ❑ Cash O lack a Charge Confiimatioli Sent; µ- r9. �lnitials: y ,� Submitted to City Council:-."5 42a/`� Ieh 6 h City Council Approval; parkslforms\pienie li>rltis\speCial use and beer and or wine application McHenry Recreation Center Alcohol Permit Application FEE $25.Oi3 to least 3 weeks notice needed) 1. Applicant: •> 1. k- e Application Date: �>/ D/ k � Date of Birth: City/State/Zip: Home Phone: n Cell Phone: 2. Company/Organization (if applicable): A c twk Address: M ut t , P City/State/Zip: M 1A Phone. % ice Type of Business or Organization: i�� b '� {� t B. Date or Rental: 5 '/ l to Hours of Rental: 4. McHenry Recreation Center Room. VA 16,C 5. Type of Alcohol to be Served: J<Beer XWlne 6. Amount of Alcohol: #Wine Bottles # Beer Cases # Beer Kegs 7. Health permits are required by lawfor concessions and catering. Please make arrangements to obtain permits. I agree that all the alcohol containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site an the rental date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any alcohol brought into the McHenry Recreation Center under this permit. I agree that none of the alcohol allowed In the McHenry Recreation Center, pursuant to this application will be sold, It being understood that the sale of alcohol under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the Recreation Center Rental Guidelines. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the McHenry Recreation Center Alcohol Permit Application and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising from the use of city property. I also understand that not complying with the rules will result in loss of deposit. Signature: �����.-�--,1''f41 < j McHenry Recreation Center Alcohol Permit Application FEE $25.OQ tat feast 3 veet notice needed) 1. Appl McHefry, Parks & Recreation Dwrtn�ent Application Date: �o S of Birth: Address: City/State/zip:, Home Phone: Cel! Phone: 2. Company/Organization (if applicable): ('�A c, IA � 'ev V'" &g!!! C- Address: 3 My, ti �; ��� Df . City/State/Zip: Phone �) 3 Z l Type of Business or Organization: 1 N Alm 1 A� 3, gate or Rental:_/ o%w - 7I/k`/ 6 Hours of Rental: p`�^ 4. McHenry Recreation Center Room: )t A KZ &,C 51 Type of Alcohol to be Served: pqpeer &Wine 6. Amount of Alcohol: # Wine Bottles # Beer Cases # Beer Kegs T Health permits are required by law for concessions and catering. Please make arrangements to obtain permits. I agree that all the alcohol containers wi[I be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the rental date and that no underage or intoxicated person wilt be allowed to consume any alcohol brought into the McHenry Recreation Center under this permit. I agree that none of the alcohol allowed in the McHenry Recreation Center, pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of alcohol under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the Recreation Center Rental Guidelines. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the McHenry Recreation Center Alcohol Permit Application and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising from the use of city property. I also understand that not complying with the rules will result in loss of deposit. Signature: ��"'— REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2016 Mayor Low called the regularly scheduled March 21, 2016 meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were the following Aldermen: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer and Peterson. Absent: Condon. Also in attendance: Deputy City Administrator Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Director of Finance Lynch, Director A Public Works Schmitt, Chief of Police Jones, Manager of Human Resources Campanella, City Engineer Pieper, City Attorney McArdle and City Clerk Jones. Absent: City Administrator Morefield. CITY OF MCHENRY MISSION STATEMENT Mayor Low read aloud the Mission Statement of the City of McHenry. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION Mr. Craig Wilcox, 5908 Whiting Drive, addressed Council congratulating those that ran for elected office and those that won office. Mr. Wilcox acknowledged that the City of McHenry has been recognized as the second happiest city to live in the State of Illinois. Mr. Wilcox encouraged Council to make an effort to reduce the property tax levy on the residents of the City of McHenry in 2016, not only maintain a flat levy and continue to support the growth of business in the City. CONSENT AGENDA A. Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Third Quarter Budget Report— For Informational Purposes Only; B. 2016 City of McHenry Annual Zoning Map Update; C. Mayor's execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of McHenry, City of Woodstock, City of Harvard and McHenry Township Fire Protection District for Dispatch Center Operation; D. Pay Application #1 to Williams Brothers Construction, in the amount of $1,412,938,85, for Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements; E. City Council Meeting Minutes: a. January 18, 2016; b. February 1, 2016; and c. February 15, 2016; F. Committee of the Whole Minutes, February 22, 2016; G. Payment of Bills in the amount of $13,594.16; and H. Approval of List of Bills, in the amount of $581,221,01. Alderman Santi requested that Item A on the Consent Agenda be voted on separately. Alderman Schaefer noted scrivener errors on Page 6 on the minutes of the February 15, 2016 Council meeting, Alderman Glab voted nay and it is indicated that he voted both aye and nay, and Page 13 of the February 22, 2016 Committee of the Whole minutes indicates that Alderman Condon is absent, while she was actually present. City Clerk Jones assured Council the errors would be corrected. Motion by Santi, second by Wimmer, approving the Consent Agenda, Items B through H, as amended. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Voting Nay: None. Absent: Condon. Motion carried. Regular Meeting Page 2 March 21, 2016 Alderman Santi opined that he is pleased to see the Third Quarter Budget Report for Fiscal Year 2015/2016. He noted that it is informative without being overly detailed. Motion by Santl, second by Curry, approving Item A, Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Third Quarter Budget Report — For informational Purposes Only. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Condon. MOTION TO APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (PSA) WITH FGM ARCHITECTS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $115,000, FOR POLICE ADMINISTRATION AND COMMUNICATION CENTER CONTRUCTION DESIGN SERVICES Deputy City Administrator Hobson informed Council that the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with FGM Architects (FGM) is for the construction design services for the relocation of Police Administration and expansion of the existing dispatch center. He noted that additional services proposed by FGM is for the selection and procurement of furniture and for audio-visual consulting services related to the expansion, with a total cost of $23,500 ($18,000 furniture and $5,500 audio/visual). Deputy City Administrator Hobson noted the request indicates approval of a construction design PSA with FGM in the amount of $115,000, which does not include the $23,500. Should Council chose to consider the additional services the total scope of service would be $138,500. Deputy City Administrator Hobson informed Council that Mr. Raymond Lee of FGM is present to answer any questions Council may have. Deputy City Administrator Hobson provided Council with a summary of current dispatching service and local dispatch centers. He stated that mandatory consolidation by July 2017 has forced existing dispatch centers and dispatch center customers to evaluate dispatching needs of respective communities in an effort to develop strategies for dispatch consolidation. Prior to the mandatory consolidation the City of McHenry, six years ago, conducted an evaluation of dispatch services, including potential outsourcing. The City of McHenry chose the path of maintaining and expanding its existing dispatch center. The decision resulted in the development of dispatch service agreement with a number of other jurisdictions. Deputy City Administrator Hobson informed Council that the expansion of the dispatch center is critical in the consolidation process because the City of McHenry has been identified as one of the three remaining designated dispatch centers in McHenry County. The endorsement came through a formal process and vote by the McHenry County Emergency Telephone Service Board (ETSB). The facility must be sized appropriately to add new customers in the future. Through the addition of new customers, the enactment of the Partnership Intergovernmental Agreement with additional municipalities, ongoing grant opportunities specifically for dispatch expansion, and the utilization of Police seizure funds, the cost of the expansion of the dispatch center can be reduced or recovered as the City of McHenry moves from its current three (3) dispatch stations to what will ultimately house nine (9) potential active dispatch desks with a civilian supervisor. Deputy City Administrator Hobson outlined the expansion details and the necessity of the relocation of the Police Administrator staff to the recently vacated Parks and Recreation Department on the second floor. He noted that the relocation would provide not only a user friendly and customer friendly space, but provide much needed space on the first floor for five sergeants that are currently sharing a single constrained space. Regular Meeting Page 3 March 21, 2016 Deputy City Administrator stated that FGM has been an excellent partner with the City of McHenry. He informed Council that the proposal outlines all encompassing services for the development of the Police 911 Center and Administrative Spaces, including the design phase, construction document phase, and bidding, negotiation and construction administration. The total cost for the design services is a lump sum fee of $115,000, In addition to the base fee, should Council approve FGM's assistance in the selection and procurement of furniture for the space there is a not to exceed amount of $18,000, Additionally, in a similar arrangement to the furniture design and procurement, FGM has offered the option of audio visual consulting on the project for a lump sum fee of $5,500. Deputy City Administrator Hobson informed Council that the total cost for the development of the Police Department Center and Administrative Spaces, including furniture, is estimated between $893,000 and $997,000. A complete breakdown of the total estimated cost is provided to Council. Chief of Police Jones recognized members of the Police Department Command Staff in attendance. Chief Jones acknowledged Commander King's contribution in writing grant material related to the Police 911 Center and Administrative Spaces. Chief Jones informed Council that a lot of surrounding communities have already expressed an interest in joining the City of McHenry's expanded dispatch center. Alderman Wimmer opined that putting the entire package together appears to be the way to go rather than piecing out the project. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi regarding previous centers of this type and size that FGM has worked on, Mr. Lee stated that FGM has worked on approximately thirty (30) projects of the type, some have been smaller centers and others have been significantly larger. Alderman Glab opined that 15% for engineering fees seems high. Alderman Schaefer stated he is pleased with the proposal. Responding to Alderman Curry's inquiry regarding the services included in the $18,000 proposal, Mr. Lee informed Council that FGM will assist, as an impartial party not affiliated with any particular vendor, in the selection of furniture dealing with vendors in order that the City of McHenry will obtain the best opportunities available. Mayor Low acknowledged the importance of the project to the City of McHenry stating she appreciates all the effort expended in bringing the project to fruition. Mayor Low recognized the commitment and passion of Chief of Police Jones, Deputy Chief Birk, Commander King and the great leadership team of the McHenry Police Department. Mayor Low thanked Mr. Lee and the staff of FGM for their partnership with the City of McHenry. Motion by Wimmer, second by Schaefer, approving the Professional Services Agreement with FGM Architects, in the amount of $115,000, for the design and construction development of the Police Department 911 Center and Administrative spaces, together with the selection and procurement of furniture ($18,000) and for audio-visual consulting services ($5,500) related to the expansion with a total cost of $23,500, for a total of $138,500. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Voting. Nay: .None. Absent: Condon. Regular Meeting Page 4 March 21, 2016 YOB'S STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Low read the Proclamation aloud proclaiming April 29 2016 as Arbor Day and the City of McHenry as a Tree City USA. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Alderman Schaefer informed Council the Chairman's Report for the meeting of the Public Works Committee held earlier this evening would be available shortly. Chairman Alderman Wimmer informed Council that a meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committee is scheduled on Wednesday, March 23, 2016 at 5:30 pm. STAFF REPORTS There were no Staff Reports. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no Future Agenda Items. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Wimmer, second by Curry, to adjourn to Executive Session, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/7(c)(11), to discuss Employment Matters at 7:33 pm. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Condon. Motion carried. Motion by Peterson, second by Wimmer, to return to Open Session at 8:09 pm. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Condon. Motion carried. Council returned to Open Session at 8:09 pm. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Peterson, seconded by Curry, to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 pm. Voting Ave: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson, Voting Nay: None. Absent: Condon. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm. Mayor City Clerk REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2016 Mayor Low called the regularly scheduled May 2, 2016 meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were the following Aldermen: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson and Condon. Absent: None. Also in attendance: City Administrator Morefield, Deputy City Administrator Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Director of Finance Lynch, Director of Public Works Schmitt, Chief of Police Jones, City Attorney McArdle and City Clerk Jones. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY MCHENRY BOY SCOUT TROOP 131 Mayor Low invited those in attendance from Boy Scout Troop 131 to lead the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. CITY OF MCHENRY MISSION STATEMENT Mayor Low read aloud the Mission Statement of the City of McHenry. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF CITY OF MCHENRY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2016A, 2016B AND 2016C FOR FABRIK INDUSTRIES, INC. PROJECT IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $10,000,000, TO FINANCE A PROJECT TO BE OWNED BY K&L EQUITY, LLC AND FABRIK INDUSTRIES, INC., AND OPERATED BY FABRIK INDUSTRIES, INC. TO MANUFACTURE PLASTIC INJECTION MOLDED COMPONENTS Mayor Low opened the Public Hearing regarding the proposed issuance of City of McHenry Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 2016A, 2016B and 2016C for Fabrik Industries, Inc. Project in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $10,000, to finance a project to be owned by K&L Equity, LLC and Fabrik Industries, Inc., and operated by Fabrik Industries, Inc. to manufacture plastic injection molded components at 7:03 pm. Mayor Low inquired if there were comments from Council. Alderman Glab opined he is pleased to see the project moving forward and that Fabrik will remain in the City of McHenry. Alderman Peterson and Alderman Condon concurred stating they are pleased to see the expansion of Fabrik. Mayor Low inquired if there were comments from Council. Director of Economic Development Martin reiterated to Council that in the City's continuing efforts to promote economic development and business retention, the Council unanimously approved an Inducement Resolution regarding Industrial Development Revenue Bond Financing to Benefit K&L Equity LLC and Fabrik Industries, Inc., together with an Ordinance Reserving Volume Cap in Connection with Private Activity Bond Issues and Related Matters, on February 15, 2016. Director Martin informed Council that the Industrial Development Revenue Bond is a tool used for specific statutory projects. In this case the bonds will be used by Fabrik to: Regular Meeting Page 2 May 21 2016 a) b) c) Finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of the 44,000 square foot vacant building, located at 1515 Miller Parkway; Acquisition and installation of equipment at the acquired building and Fabrik's existing location at 5213 Prime Parkway; and A possible second phase of the expansion project. The bonds are issued through the City of McHenry. The City has no fiduciary responsibility and is merely a conduit for Fabrik to capture an interest rate reduction and exclude interest from their gross federal income. Director Martin informed Council that Attorney Cynthia Fletcher is in attendance, representing Fabrik, to answer any questions. none. Mayor Low inquired if there were any comments from the audience and there were Motion by Curry, second by Santi, to close the Public Hearing at 7:04 pm. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent. None. Motion carried. MOTION TO: 1) APPROVE AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS FOR FABRIK INDUSTRIES, INC. PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; AND 2) APPROVE AN ORDINANCE TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL VOLUME CAP IN CONNECTION WITH PRIVATE ACTIVITY BOND ISSUE FOR FABRIK INDUSTRIES, INC. PROJECT Motion by Glab, second by Condon, approving an Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds for Fabrik Industries, Inc. Project and Authorizing the Execution of Documents in Connection Therewith, and, an Ordinance to request Additional Volume Cap in Connection with Private Activity Bond Issues for Fabrik Industries, Inc. Project, as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. PRESENTATION OF CHARACTER COUNTS! RECOGNITION AWARDS Mayor Low announced that Alderman Condon has stepped down as the Chairperson for the Character Counts! Coalition however will continue to serve on the Board of Directors. Regular Meeting Page 3 May 2, 2016 Mayor Low introduced Carl Vallianatos, Director of Curriculum and Instruction for District 156. Mr. Vallianatos introduced two recipients of the Character Counts! Recognition awards. • Ms. Sandy Dwire, a teacher of Social Studies at both East Campus and West Campus; and, • Ms. Leah Vercelli, a third year Biology teacher at East Campus. Mr. Vallianatos spoke highly of both teachers, praising their participation in numerous activities and their interaction with peers and students. Mayor Low introduced Mike Palmer, Superintendent of Water Department for the City of McHenry. Mayor Low stated that Mr. Palmer was nominated by Director of Public Works Schmitt for providing extraordinary customer service to a resident on March 28, 2016. Director Schmitt informed Council that customer service is an important component to the Public Works Department and that Mr. Palmer went far beyond what anyone would expect in order to assist this particular resident. PRESENTATION BY THE MCHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce Board Member Mike Mrachek informed Council Mr. Frank Hosticka is the new Membership Director for the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Mrachek provided Council with a brief summary of the itinerary for Fiesta Days 2016. Chamber Member Sue Miller informed Council about a new event launched by the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce called Downtown Uncorked on September 17, 2016. Ms. Miller informed Council that regrettably Ms. Jane Manny would be leaving her employment with the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce due to health reasons. Ms. Manny's position will not be immediately filled on a full-time basis, however, Ms. Kristina Hosticka will be assisting the Chamber with some general administrative duties. Mayor Low thanked Mr. Mrachek and Ms. Miller, stating Council appreciates the Chamber's quarterly presentations. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one spoke at Public Input Session. CONSENT AGENDA A. Pay application #3 to Williams Brothers Construction, in the amount of $2,077,444.97, for Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements; B. Change Order #1, for an amount not to exceed $18,078, to Keno & Sons of Lake Bluff, IL, for the Fieldstone Lift Station Rehabilitation Project; C. Purchase of 2017 Peterbilt Model 348 Hook Lift Truck with two Sludge Boxes from JZ Peterbilt of Wadsworth, IL, for an amount not to exceed $287,414, through the Lake County Department of Transportation's Joint Purchasing Agreement contract; Regular Meeting Page 4 May 2, 2016 D. Waive bidding requirements and purchase a Case 821F Wheel Loader, including the trade-in of a 1990 Case 821 Wheel Loader, for an amount not to exceed $232,706.35, from McCann Industries, Inc., McHenry, IL; E. Request for Traffic Control on Kane Avenue between Center Street and Green Street on May 19, 2016, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, to accommodate McHenry High School Graduation Ceremony at McCracken Field; F. Special Use Permit to Kelly Miller Circus for the use of Petersen Park and one-time waiver of Municipal Code Chapter 16, Sec. 16-25 to allow overnight camping in Petersen Park from September 7, 2016 to September 9, 2016; and G. Approval of Payment of Bills, in the amount of $330,276.10. Alderman Peterson requested the Item F on the Consent Agenda be voted on separately. Director of Public Works Schmitt responded to Alderman Curry's inquiry regarding Item D and the reason for requesting the bidding requirement be waived. Motion by Wimmer, second by Schaefer, approving the Consent Agenda, Items A through E, and G, as amended. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Alderman Peterson stated that every year he votes in opposition to the Kelly Miller Circus. He noted that Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey has retired their elephants and he would like to see all circuses retire elephants together with some of the other animals. Motion by Wimmer, second by Curry, approving Consent Agenda, Items F, as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: Peterson. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO APPROVE ORDINANCE GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A TAVERN AT 3515 DIAMOND DRIVE AND A VARIANCE FROM THE OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DIAMOND PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER, LOCATED AT 3501- 3525 N. RICHMOND ROAD Director of Economic Development Martin informed Council that the applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a tavern at 3515 Diamond Plaza, in the current space of the Marine Corp Recruiting Center. Applicant is also seeking a variance from the off- street parking and loading requirements for Diamond Plaza Shopping Center to accommodate the tavern use. Staff believes the proposed tavern use is an appropriate land use for the subject property. The shopping center and the surrounding area contain a diverse selection of retail; Regular Meeting Page 5 May 2, 2016 restaurant and service -oriented land uses and the proposed tavern will provide an additional element to complement the existing uses and is appropriately situated along a commercial highway corridor. The applicant operates a video gaming cafe similar to Stella's and Betty's Bistro, located within the McHenry Plaza and McHenry Grounds Shopping Center respectively. The proposed tavern would have varying hours from Verizon and Dunkin Donuts, which occupy a total 7,142 square feet within the Center, and the proposed tavern would draw additional traffic to the Center benefiting the existing uses. With the vacancies currently existing in Northgate West Shopping Center, the proposed use would provide another incentive to attract more tenants to the area. Director Martin informed Council that the Diamond Plaza currently has 43 parking spaces and in accordance with the City's Zoning Ordinance is classified as a shopping center. Lacey's Place is requesting a variance of eight parking spaces to accommodate Lacey's Place. Director Martin pointed out there is some opportunity for shared parking between Verizon and Dunkin Donuts and Lacey's Place, as the parking demands vary by day and time and having a mixture of different uses with varying operational hours and days allows the Center to function efficiently even with a shortage of required parking. Director Martin stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval, by a vote of &0, of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a tavern at 3515 Diamond Drive and a Variance from the Off -Street Parking and Loading Requirements for Diamond Plaza Shopping Center, located at 3501-3525 Diamond Drive. Responding to Alderman Schaefer's inquiry regarding whether the Marine Recruiting Center is closing or moving locations, Director Martin stated that he is unaware of the Marine Recruiting Centers plans. Alderman Curry opined that the proposed use if effectively a video gaming facility. Director Martin stated that as a land use a classed as a tavern, however, the income is being supplemented by video gaming. Alderman Glab stated he would like to see the topic of video gaming establishments addressed on the Committee level. He opined that it is difficult to observe so many moving into the City. Motion by Schaefer, second by Santi, approving the Ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a tavern at 3515 Diamond Drive and an eight (8) space parking Variance from the off-street and loading requirements for Diamond Plaza Shopping Center, located at 3501-3525 Diamond Drive, as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: Glab, Curry. Regular Meeting Page 6 May 2, 2016 Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO APPROVE AN APPLICATION FOR A CLASS Al LIQUOR LICENSE FROM LACEY'S PLACE LLC D/B/A LACEY'S PLACE, LOCATED AT 3515 DIAMOND DRIVE AND AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 4 SEC. 4=6(1) INCREASING THE NUMBER OF CLASS Al LIQUOR LICENSES IN EFFECT FROM TWO (2) TO THREE (3) City Administrator Morefield informed Council that Mr. Jeff Rehberger, President of Lacey's Place LLC Series McHenry d/b/a Lacey's Place, submitted an application for a Class Al liquor license in conjunction with a video gaming cafe in the Diamond Plaza. Lacey's Place is located at 3515 Diamond Drive, the former site of the US Marine Recruiting Office. The Class Al liquor license permits the service of beer and wine for consumption on the premises, with service at a bar and tables, and the retail sale of packaged beer and wine. The )pplicant, Lacey's Place, is marketed as an establishment that offers Blue Nose beers on draft, fine wines and packaged beer at retail in conjunction with video gaming. The food menu would include products such as pizza, burgers, sandwiches and snacks. City Administrator Morefield informed Council that all fees have been paid and all paperwork requirements have been submitted. Mr. Rehberger and the manager, Jeffrey Mick, have been fingerprinted by the McHenry Police Department. Mayor Low informed Council that she met with Mr. Rehberger and his son. Lacey's Place is a family -owned business enterprise. Mayor Low stated that she has no concerns permitting a liquor license for Lacey's Place. Alderman Santi stated that, as stated by Alderman Glab, he also has some concerns regarding the number of video gaming establishments that are in the City. Alderman Peterson opined that as long as applicants are meeting the criteria that have been established by the City it is not up to him to determine what type of business can be opened in the City. Motion by Santi, second by Schaefer, granting a Class Al Liquor License to Lacey's Place LLC Series McHenry d/b/a Lacey's Place, located at 3515 Diamond Drive, with the requirement that all employees involved in the sale and service of alcoholic beverages obtain State of Illinois BASSET certification and approving an Ordinance increasing the number of Class Al Liquor License in effect from two (2) to three (3), as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: Glab, Curry. Absent: None. Motion carried. Regular Meeting Page 7 May 2, 2016 MOTION TO APPROVE AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR'S EXECUTIVE OF AN ECONOMIC INCENTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MCHENRY AND MCHENRY DONUTS INC. RELATING TO THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF OAK AVENUE AND FRONT STREET Director of Economic Development Martin reiterated to Council that on September 21, 2015, Council approved Ordinances granting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-in establishment and outdoor seating in conjunction with a restaurant and variances from the off- street parking and loading requirements, landscaping and screening and accessory uses, yards and fences, as well as a variance from Chapter Seven Article XI Fences in the City of McHenry Municipal Code, to allow a fence in the required corner side yard. The Ordinance would permit construction of a new 2,700 square foot Dunkin Donuts store, which will be the third Dunkin Donuts in the City of McHenry, under the same ownership. Director Martin informed Council that since receipt of approval the franchisee for the McHenry Dunkin Donuts locations has been completing due diligence on the site, which included soil testing to ensure adequate bearing capacity existed to construct the store. Following soil testing the franchisee learned the extent of the poor soil conditions at the subject property, which will require unusable soil to be excavated and removed and new engineered soil/fill to be brought to the site to ensure the building foundation can be property sustained. It has been ascertained that the soil removal and hauling in of new engineered fill is estimated to cost $125,000, which is equal to 50% of the purchase price of the site. The franchisee for Dunkin Donuts in under contract and has spoken with his lender and corporate executives at Dunkin Donuts. For the project to move forward and receive financing from the lender and Dunkin Donuts Corporate, the franchisee requires a mechanism to finance at least half (or $62,500) of the soil remediation cost. Staff is proposing a sales tax rebate in an amount not to exceed $62,500. Due to funds already expended in excess of $10,000, the franchisee is seeking assistance to make the project viable and commence construction, as opposed to finding a new location and beginning the entitlement process again. Assuming an alternative site could be found and placed under contract. Director Martin outlined the proposed agreement, which has a 10-year term and includes 100% of the base sales tax of 1% tax of the total gross receipts. Director Martin noted that the City could still receive .5% Home Rule Sales Tax from day one and through the entire term of the Agreement and following the expiration of the proposed Rebate Agreement, the City would receive 1.5%. Director Martin informed Council the franchisee intends to invest approximately $910,000 in completing the proposed project, which includes land development, building construction and equipment costs. The franchisee estimates annual sales at the subject property at $624,000 with a 10% growth in sales anticipated for year two, three and four, after which the sales would plateau. Regular Meeting Page 8 May 2, 2016 Responding to Alderman Peterson's inquiry regarding whether a structure have ever existed at the proposed site, Director Martin stated that he is unaware of a building that existed on the site. Responding to an inquiry from Council, Mr. Patel, the applicant and franchisee, addressed Council. Mr. Patel stated that the site was chosen because it is the most feasible for the business at that parcel of land. Alderman Glab opined he continues to have concerns regarding traffic issues at the site. Additionally, he stated that the City seems to be giving out a lot of incentives to various businesses. Mayor Low stated part of a City's responsibility is to invest in businesses. That is why the incentive tools are in place. Motion by Wimmer, second by Condon, approving the Ordinance authorizing the Mayor's execution of an Economic Incentive Agreement between the City of McHenry and McHenry Donuts, Inc., as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: Glab. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO APPROVE AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR'S EXECUTION OF AN ECONOMIC INCENTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MCHENRY AND 3017 ROUTE 120, LLC AND NORTHERN ILLINOIS AUTO GROUP INC. RELATING TO THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3017 WEST ROUTE 120 (FORMER SITE OF EXTREME JEEP) Director Martin informed Council that the name of the business is actually Northwest Suburban Auto Group, Inc. The Economic Incentive Agreement (Agreement) requested is for base sales tax only and does not include the .5% Home Rule Sales Tax, which the City does not receive on products licensed and titled by the State of Illinois (including vehicles). Northwest Suburban Auto Group currently have two locations, one in Grayslake and one located at 1701 W. Route 120. They are proposing to relocate their 1701 W. Route 120 location to the former site of Extreme Jeep, located at 3017 W. Illinois Route 120 while still maintaining the Grayslake location. Annual sales in 2015 at the current site were approximately $4.1 million and sales at the Grayslake location in 2015 was approximately $7.2 million. Director Martin outlined the proposed terms of the Agreement and stated based upon the given 2015 sales, under the proposed sales tax rebate structure the City of McHenry would receive $20,500 for the first five (5) years and $30,750 for years six through ten (10), assuming Regular Meeting Page 9 May 2, 2016 no growth in sales. After year ten (10), the City would receive $41,000. The sales tax rebate proposed is predicated on the improvements being completed by the owner locating to the subject property and generating sales tax. Director Martin noted that the assessed valuation of the property at 3017 W. Illinois Route 120 has decreased by $10,000 between 2013 and 2015. The proposed Agreement terminates on the earlier to occur of: a. The City's payment to the Owner of the Maximum Total Payment Obligation; b. The Permanent Closure of the Tenant prior to the City's payment to the Owner of the Maximum Total Payment Obligation of the City; or c. The end of the tenth revenue year (December 31, 2016). Staff believes the proposed Agreement is justified due to the extraordinary circumstances surround the proposed redevelopment. The subject property is a key redevelopment piece within the City of McHenry because of its visibility, accessibility and the amount of traffic that traverses east of the Fox River. The site is deemed critical to the viability of the commercial corridor. Director Martin informed Council that this section of Route 120, which is east of the Fox River, is challenging for prospective retailers. It is east of Richmond Road and far enough away from Chapel Hill Road, which makes it difficult to justify location to the site for many prospective retailers. The site was previously the site of a flea market, but has been vacant for several years. Staff opined that while rebates should be considered on a case by case basis, which has always been the case for the City Council, the proposed rebate is not excessive and the positive impact the redevelopment would have financially, aesthetically and to City residents and businesses outweighs the requested financial incentive. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi regarding how many cars would be at the new location, Mr. Jim Gosnell, President of Northwest Suburban Auto Group, Inc., stated that over 100 vehicles would be displayed at the new location and that four full-time mechanics would be employed. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Wimmer regarding the time frame anticipated until the establishment is operational; Mr. Gosnell stated that two to three weeks is anticipated. Motion by Santi, second by Glab, approving the Ordinance authorizing the Mayor's execution of an Economic Incentive Agreement between the City of McHenry and 3017 Route 120, LLC and Northwest Suburban Auto Group, Inc., subject to a lease between 3017 Route 120, LLC and Northwest Suburban Auto Group, Inc. being executed no later than June 17, 2016, as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Regular Meeting Page 10 May 2, 2016 Absent: None. Motion carried. Mayor Low wished Mr. Gosnell good luck in the venture. She stated that she is looking forward to the corridor once more being a vibrant part of the community. MOTION TO APPROVE AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW AN ASSEMBLY USE FOR AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION AND 3,760 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING ALTERATION FOR MCHENRY MIDDLE SCHOOL, LOCATED AT 2120 W. LINCOLN ROAD Director of Economic Development Martin reiterated to Council that McHenry Elementary School District 15 is currently in the process of a long-range plans to remove mobile classrooms, as well as evaluating space needs to further specific educational needs at all of its schools and construct permanent building additions and/or structural alterations to accommodate additional learning space. The first five building additions approved are: 1. Chauncey H. Duker School; 2. Hilltop Elementary School; 3. Edgebrook Elementary School; 4. Valley View Elementary School; and 5. Riverwood Elementary School, which included a building addition and structural alterations, similar to the request at McHenry Middle School The proposed structural alteration consists of 3,760 square feet. McHenry Middle School was annexed to the City of McHenry in 2001 and included an Annexation Agreement, however, the Agreement has expired (following a ten year term) and a condition use was never obtained when the property was originally annexed. The City of McHenry's Zoning Ordinance classified schools as an assembly use, and assembly uses are Conditional Uses in all residential zoning districts. The Zoning Ordinance requires any expansion, enlargement or structural alteration on a PI operty with a Conditional Use Permit obtain an additional Conditional Use Permit. In this case, a Conditional Use Permit for an assembly use is required because one was not originally obtained; however, if one was obtained a Conditional Use Permit would still be required due to the proposed structural alteration. Staff believes the structural alteration, which consists of an existing open courtyard consisting of 3,760 square feet, which will permit the construction of a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Laboratory (STEM Lab), would not adversely impact neighboring properties or public safety and health. The actual building plans would be reviewed by the Regional Superintendent of Education's Office; however, the City of McHenry would be required to issue a Stormwater Permit for the building alterations pending Council's approval of the request. Regular Meeting Page 11 May 2, 2016 The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval by a vote of (&0) of the application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an assembly use (educational institution) and proposed building alteration totaling 3,760 square feet, with the condition the site is developed in substantial conformance with the site plan prepared by Arcon, dated March 6, 2016, on the subject property located at 2120 W. Lincoln Road. In response to Alderman Curry's inquiry, Director Martin responded the City is not required to review building plans. Alderman Condon commended District 15 on accomplishing their work without the need of a referendum. She opined that the renovations are good for the students. Motion by Curry, second by Santi, granting the Conditional Use Permit to allow an assembly use (educational institution) and proposed building alteration totaling 3,760 square feet, with the condition the site is developed in substantial conformance with the site plan prepared by Arcon, dated March 6, 2016, on the subject property located at 2120 W. Lincoln Road. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Abstain: Condon. Motion carried. MOTION TO APPROVE AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR'S EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT TO RELEASE HOVSITE IRISH PRAIRIE LLC FROM LETTER OF CREDIT/BONDING AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS ARISING OUT OF AN ANNEXATION AGREEMENT, DATED AUGUST 29, 2005, BETWEEN HOVSTONE PROPERTIES ILLINOIS LLC D/B/A TOWN & COUNTRY HOMES AND THE CITY OF MCHENRY Director of Economic Development Martin informed Council that Staff has been working with Avanti Properties, interested in purchasing the southern half of Oaks at Irish Prairie subdivision. Oaks at Irish Prairie subdivision was annexed in 2005. The portion south of Veterans Parkway was platted and includes 206 single-family lots, 54 of which have been completed. The remaining 189 lots are located north of Veterans Parkway. The Annexation Agreement adopts an Integrated Design District Plan and permits a maximum of 395 single- family homes (north and south of Veterans Parkway). Avanti Properties is a land holding company which acquires properties and holds onto it until the vacant platted lots, in this case Oaks at Irish Prairie Subdivision, is ready to be purchased by a builder. Avanti has the resources to hold properties for extended periods until such time lots can be built upon (i.e., homes constructed). Staff believes Avanti would be a better partner than Hovsite Irish Prairie LLC. as Staff had to be diligent regarding maintenance Regular Meeting Page 12 May 2, 2016 A the vacant lots. Hovsite has established they have no real interest in developing the subdivision and therefore, Staff believes it is in the City's best interest to partner with Avanti. The Agreement with Avanti includes several provisions which benefit the City of McHenry and the residents of the subdivision including: • Completion of the Barreville Road improvements within a specific time frame; • Updating current bond amounts, so they reflect current unit costs; • Agreeing to increase their bonds 3% annually to adjust for inflation and unit price increases on labor and material. Director Martin noted that Avanti is not acquiring the northern half of the subdivision, which is not platted and is owned by another party. The northern half of the subdivision would remain part of the Annexation Agreement and the owner of the property is obligated to comply with those provisions. The southern half of Oaks at Irish Prairie subdivision consists of three units: 1, 1A and 2, and secured by three performance bonds. Unit 1 contains 32 platted vacant lots, Unit 1A contains 56 platted vacant lots and Unit 2 contains 64 platted vacant lots. Offsite roadway improvements are required to Barreville Road, secured by a fourth bond. The improvements consist of a southbound to westbound right-hand turn lane; a southbound to eastbound left- hand turn lane and through lane. The public improvements in Unit 1 are completed and accepted and the two-year maintenance period has expired. Hovsite will complete the final requirements and Unit 1 will be off maintenance. Unit 1A Bond and Unit 2 Bond will be submitted by Avanti and replace the bonds the City currently holds with Hovsite, which secure the completion of the remaining uncompleted public improvements other than sidewalks, trees, driveway aprons and parkway landscaping. The "clubhouse" requirement would remain in the Annexation Agreement. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Curry regarding the clubhouse, Director Martin reiterated the residents were approached a few years ago about the clubhouse issue. At that time they expressed their desire not to be responsible for maintenance of a clubhouse. Therefore, an alternative passive park plan was submitted, which the residents supported. Avanti has indicated that when the property is ready for development, the developer will again approach the residents regarding their desire for a clubhouse. The City Attorney has review and modified the bonds to be submitted by Avanti, issued by International Fidelity Insurance Company to secure the public improvements for Units 1A, 2 and Barreville Road. Motion by Wimmer, second by Curry, approving the Ordinance authorizing the Mayor's execution of an Agreement to Release Hovsite Irish Prairie LLC from a Letter of Credit and other Regular Meeting Page 13 May 2, 2016 obligations arising out of an Annexation Agreement, dated August 29 2005, between Hovstone Properties, LLC d/b/a Town & Country Homes and the City of McHenry. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYOR'S STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Low had no Statement or Report. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Alderman Condon informed Council that a meeting of the Community Development Committee is scheduled for Monday, May 9, 2016, at 7:00 pm. STAFF REPORTS There were no Staff Reports. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no Future Agenda Items. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Peterson, to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 pm. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:21 pm. Mayor City Clerk Vendor Name McHenry, IL Account Number Vendor: 5 STAR SPORTS ACADEMY INC 5 STAR SPORTS ACADEMY INC 100-47-5110 Vendor:AIRGASSAFETYINC AIRGAS SAFETY INC 100-41-6920 Vendor: AMERICAN HEATING &COOLING AMERICAN HEATING & 100-45-5110 Vendor: ARAMARK ARAMARK 100-45-4510 Vendor: AT&T AT&T 100-33-5515 AT&T 100-45-5320 Vendor:BLACKSTONELANDSCAPEINC BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 100-33-5110 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 10041-5110 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 510-31-5110 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 510-32-5110 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 620-00-5110 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 620-00-5110 Vendor: BRENNAN, DAN BRENNAN, DAN BRENNAN,DAN BRENNAN,DAN Vendor: BROWN, JUDY I BROWN, JUDY I Vendor: BYRWN, LYNN BYRON, LYNN Vendor: CALEA CALEA Description (Item) PARKS &REC -HOCKEY HELIUM TANK LEASE INSTALLATION OF WATER Expense Approval Register LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/16/16 Payable Number Post Date Amount 4/2/16 9050427717 04281601 EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW 16797360 04/30/2016 Vendor 5 STAR SPORTS ACADEMY INC Total: 04/30/2016 Vendor AIRGAS SAFETY INC Total: 04/30/2016 VendorAMERICAN HEATING & COOLING Total: 04/30/2016 Vendor ARAMARI(Total: ALARM CIRCUITS 4/28/16-5/27/16 OS/16/2016 ALARM CIRCUITS 4/28/16-5/27/16 05/16/2016 Vendor AT&T Total: MOWING SERVICES 2016-E05842 04/30/2016 MOWING SERVICES 2016-E05842 04/30/2016 MOWING SERVICES 2016-E05842A 04/30/2016 MOWING SERVICES 2016-E05842A 04/30/2016 INTERNET-333 S GREEN 5/4/16-6/3/16 05/16/2016 CABLE TV-333 S GREEN 5/8/16-6/7/16 05/16/2016 Vendor BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INCTotal: 100-03-5110 REPAIR FENCE PANELS-1807 100-03-5110 MOWING SERVICES 100-03-5110 MOWING SERVICES 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC INSTRUCTOR lOD-41-3637 100-22-5110 Vendor: CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 610-00-6940 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 PARKS &REC REFUND 4/22/16 04/30/2016 4/28/16 04/30/2016 4/Z9/16 04/30/2016 Vendor BRENNAN, DAN Total: 3/29/16-4/27/16 133076 04/30/2016 Vendor BROWN, JUDY 1 Total: 04/30/2016 Vendor BYRON, LYNN Total: 792.00 453.40 453.40 11940,00 1,940.00 176.35 176.35 4.73 103.34 108.07 1,538.25 5,509.80 756.00 509,70 164.85 29.55 8,508.15 250.00 700.00 630.00 1,580.00 225.00 225.00 80.00 80.00 ANNUAL CONTINUATION FEE INV21421 OS/16/2016 4,065.00 Vendor CALEA Total: 4,065.00 MEDICALSERVICES 170313 O5/16/2016 112.00 MEDICALSERVICES 144235 04/30/2016 246.51 MEDICALSERVICES 169417 04/30/2016 120.00 MEDICALSERVICES 169562 04/30/2016 90.00 MEDICALSERVICES 169724 04/30/2016 30.00 MEDICALSERVICES 169864 04/30/2016 30.00 MEDICALSERVICES 170114 04/30/2016 112.00 MEDICALSERVICES 170160 04/30/2016 60.00 Vendor CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Total: 800.51 5/11/2016 1:53:46 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00451- LAB WATER SUPPLIES Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: CENTURY SPRINGS CENTURYSPRINGS 510-32-6110 LAB WATER SUPPLI ES 1592149/1596944 04/30/2016 48.50 Vendor CENTURY SPRINGS Total: 48.50 Vendor: CHRISTOPHER, DAVID CHRISTOPHER, DAVID 100-33-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW INV0002074 04/30/2016 62.59 Vendor CHRISTOPHER, DAVID Total: 62.59 Vendor: CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 510-31-4510 EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW 4/16/16-4/30/16 04/30/2016 35.69 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 510-32-4510 EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW 4/16/16-4/30/16 04/30/2016 201.30 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 510-324510 EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW 4/16/16-4/30/16 04/30/2016 35.69 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 510-35-4510 EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW 4/16/16-4/30/16 04/30/2016 66.38 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 100-33-4510 EMPLOYING CLOTHING 4/16-4/30/16 04/30/2016 421.41 CINTASCORPORATION LOC 355100-33-6110 EMPLOYING CLOTHING 4/164/30/16 04/30/2016 94.16 Vendor CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 Total: 854.63 Vendor: COMCAST CABLE COMCAST CABLE 620-00-5110 CABLE TV/INTERNET 222 5/11-6/10/16 OS/16/2016 151.54 COMCAST CABLE 620-00-5110 CABLETV/INTERNET 1415 5/12-6/11/16 05/16/2016 129.99 COMCAST CABLE 620-00-5110 INTERNET-333 S GREEN OF 2 5/3-6/2/16 05/16/2016 124.90 COMCAST CABLE 620-00-5110 INTERNET405 N GREEN 5/4-6/3/16 05/16/2016 132A0 COMCAST CABLE 620-00-5110 INTERNET3335GREEN 5/4-6/3 05/16/2016 164.85 COMCASTCABLE 620-00-5110 CABLE TV-333SGREEN 5/8-6/7 05/16/2016 29.55 Vendor COMCAST CABLE Total: 733.23 Vendor: COMED COMED 510-31-5510 PUMPING 3/19/16-4/25/16 04/30/2016 324.26 COMED 510-32-5510 PUMPING 3/19/16-4/25/16 04/30/2016 1,625.50 COMED 510-31-5510 UTILITIES 3/19--4/28/16 04/30/2016 329.63 COMED 510-32-5510 UTILITIES 3/19-4/28/16 04/30/2016 161.00 COMED 510-32-5510 PUMPING 3/29/16-4/28/16 04/30/2016 6123 COMED 100-41-5510 UTILITIES 3/29/16-4/28/16A 04/30/2016 11023.17 COMED 10045-5510 UTILITIES 3/29/16-4/28/16A 04/30/2016 1.45 Vendor COMED Total: 31527.24 Vendor: CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-33-5520 UTILITIES 3/19/16-4/27/16 04/30/2016 56.41 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-33-5520 UTILITIES 3/28/16-4/26/16 04/30/2016 21710,57 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-33-5520 UTILITIES 3/28/16-4/26/16A 04/30/2016 21,454.42 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-44-5510 UTILITIES 3/28/16-4/26/16A 04/30/2016 29.88 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-45-5510 UTILITIES 3/28/16-4/26/16A 04/30/2016 405.17 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-46-5510 UTILITIES 3/28/16-4/26/16A 04/30/2016 25.05 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 510-32-5510 UTILITIES 3/28/164/26/1613 04/30/2016 35.88 Vendor CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC Total; 24,717.38 Vendor: CUTTING EDGE COMMUNICATIONS INC CUTTING EDGE 100-01-6110 KEY CARDS 4802 04/30/2016 275.00 Vendor CUTTING EDGE COMMUNICATIONS INCTotai 275.00 Vendor: EBY GRAPHICS INC EBY GRAPHICS INC 100-22-8400 GRAPHICS 2270 04/30/2016 475.00 Vendor EBY GRAPHICS INCTotai: 475.00 Vendor: EDESIGN CHICAGO EDESIGN CHICAGO 100-22-8300 GRAPHC DESIGN 2015696 04/30/2016 225.OD Vendor EDESIGN CHICAGO Total: 225.00 Vendor: eLINEUP LLC eLINEUP LLC 100-22-5110 SOFTWARE MAINT 261 OS/16/2016 600.00 Vendor eLINEUP LLC Total: 600.00 Vendor: EZOP, DANIELLE EZOP, DANIELLE 10042-5430 LIFEGUARD COURSE INV0002075 04/30/2016 35.00 Vendor EZOP, DANIELLE Total: 35.00 5/11/2D16 1:53:46 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: FAST EDDIES CAR WASH FAST EDDIES CAR WASH 100-22-5370 Vendor: FEDERAL SIGNAL CORPORATION FEDERALSIGNAL 100-22-5370 Vendor: FLORES, JILL M FLORES, JILL M 400-40-5110 Vendor: FOHMEISTER, JAMIE FOH MEISTER, JAMIE 100-41-3637 Vendor: FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY 225-00-5110 Vendor: GALLS LLC GALLS LLC 100-224510 GALLS LLC 100-22-4510 GALLS LLC 100-224510 Vendor:GMIS INTERNATIONAL GMIS INTERNATIONAL 620-OD-5410 Vendor: GOA! SPORTING GOODS INC GOALSPORTING GOODS INC 10D-45-6110 Vendor: GROVE, KELLY GROVE, KELLY 100-47-5110 Vendor: GUARDIAN TRACKING GUARDIAN TRACKING 100-23-5110 Vendor: HARTMANN, PATRICIA HARTMANN, PATRICIA 100-OD-3410 Vendor: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH ILLINOISDEPARTMENT OF 100-22-5430 Vendor: ILLINOIS DIRECTOR OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ILLINOIS DIRECTOR OF 100-22-4010 Vendor: ILLINOIS FBI NA ILLINOlS FBI NA 100-22-5430 Vendor: ILSROA ILSROA 100-22-5430 Vendor: IN TIME SERVICES INC IN TIME SERVICES INC 100-22-5110 Vendor: I -PAC I -PAC 100-22-5410 Packet: APPKT00451"SQUAD CAR WASHES Description IItem) Payable Number Post Date Amount SQUAD CAR WASHES 3/12/16-3/18/16 04/30/2016 50.90 Vendor FAST EDDIES CAR WASH Total: 50.90 VEHICLE REPAIRS 6290507 04/30/2016 113.94 Vendor FEDERAL SIGNAL CORPORATION Total: 113.94 BODY PUMP CLASS REIMB INV0002076 05/16/2016 75.00 Vendor FLORES, JILL M Total: 75.00 PARKS & REC REFUND 133077 04/30/2016 80.00 Vendor FOHMEISTER, JAMIE Total: 80.00 CONTRACTUALSERVICES 3/16- 983357 04/30/2016 11144,00 Vendor FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETYTotal: 1,144400 BIKE OFFICER EQUIPMT 005283598 04/30/2016 567.90 BIKE OFFICER EQUIPMT 005283600 04/30/201G 483.61 BIKE UNIFORM 005307007 04/30/2016 95.24 Vendor GALLS LLC Total: 11146,75 CHAPTER DUES 7/1/16- 300003637 05/16/2016 250.00 Vendor GMIS INTERNATIONAL Total: 250.00 SUPPLIES -SOCCER NETS 274242 04/30/2016 337.60 Vendor GOAL SPORTING GOODS INC Total: 337.60 PARKS & REC INSTRUCTOR 7/27/15-4/2/16 04/30/2016 173.25 Vendor GROVE, KELLY Total: 173.25 ANNUALSUBSCRIPTION FOR 2016-0206 05/16/2016 96210 Vendor GUARDIAN TRACKING Total: 962.00 TEMP USE REFUND4&03-041 16-03-041 04/30/2016 30.00 Vendor HARTMANN, PATRICIA Total: 30.00 RENEWALOF 2 DISPATCHER INV00D2078 04/30/2016 40,00 Vendor ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Total: 40.00 UNEMPLOYMENT 1/1/1&3/31/16 04/30/2016 1,289.00 Vendor ILLINOIS DIRECTOR OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY Total: 1,289.00 MONTHLY MEETING INV0002079 05/16/2016 75.00 Vendor ILLINOIS FBI NATotal: 75.00 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION INV0002081 04/30/2016 398.00 Vendor ILSROA Total: 398.00 iSELINK SERVICES 5/1/16- 4593 05/16/2016 51700,00 Vendor IN TIME SERVICES INCTotal: 5,700.00 16-17 MEMBERSHIP DUES 4/20/16 05/16/2016 50.00 Vendor I -PAC Total: 50.00 5/11/2016 1:53:46 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor:JOHNSON, SEAN JOHNSON, SEAN 510-35-4510 Vendor: KIMBALL MIDWEST KIMBALL MIDWEST, 100-33-5370 Vendor: KLECHAK, SEAN KLECHAK, SEAN 100-22-5420 Vendor: LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 510-35-6110 Vendor: lEADSONLINE LEADSO N LI N E 100-22-5110 Vendor: LES MILLS UNITED STATES TRADING INC LES MILLS UNITED STATES 40040-5110 Vendor: LESNIAK,JONATHAN LESNIAK,JONATHAN 100-47-4117 Vendor: LESNIAK, SHARON LESNIAK, SHARON 100-47-6110 Vendor: MCHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MCHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF 100-00-3410 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF 100-22-5430 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF TRANSPORTATION MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF 100-01-5110 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 100-01-6940 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 510-31-6940 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 510-32-6940 Vendor: METZ, CHRIS METZ, CHRIS 10D-DO-3410 Vendor: MIAT MIAT 100-22-5110 Vendor: MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 1D0-22-6210 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 100-00-6210 Vendor: MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - STARCOM21 NETWORK MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - 100-22-6110 Vendor: MUNICIPAL CLERKS OF LAKE COUNTY MUNICIPALCLERKS OF LAKE 100-02-5410 Description {Item) Payable Number EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW INV0002082 VEHICLE REPAIRS TRAVEL REIMB MATERIALS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - LICENSE FEE PARKS & RECINSTRUCTOR Packet: APPKT00451- EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW Post Date Amount 0S/16/2016 159.24 VendorJOHNSON, SEAN Total: 159.24 4863464 04/30/2016 238.10 Vendor KIMBALLMIDWESTTotal: 238.10 INV0002083 04/30/2016 57.00 Vendor KLECHAK, SEAN Total: 57.00 706063606 04/30/2016 221.00 Vendor LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA Total: 221.00 235848 0S/16/2016 2,578.00 Vendor LEADSONLINE Total: 2,578.00 SIV277944 OS/16/2016 Vendor LES MILLS UNITED STATES TRADING INC Total: 4/5/16-4/12/16 04/30/2016 Vendor LESNIAK, JONATHAN Total: SAFTETYTRAININ6 FOR INV0002084 04/30/2016 Vendor LESNIAK, SHARON Total: TEMP SIGN REFUND - 16-01- 16-01-032 04/30/2016 Vendor MCHENRYAREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Total: MONTHLY MEETING MAY 2016 O5/16J2016 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE Total: APRIL2016-MUNICIPAL 2-14 04/30/2016 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF TRANSPORTATION Total RECORDING FEES APRIL2016 04/30/2016 RECORDING FEES APRIL2016A 04/30/2016 RECORDING FEES APRIL2016A 04/30/2016 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS Total: TEMP SIGN REFUND - 16-03- 16-03-065 04/30/2016 Vendor METZ, CHRIS Total: ANNUAL OPERATION FEE BUSINESS CARDS SUPPLIES SUPPLES MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL BANIN 05/16/2016 Vendor MIATTotal: 85970 04/30/2016 86040 0S/16/2016 Vendor MINUTEMAN PRE55 OF MCH Total: 92089928 04/30/2016 Vendor MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - STARCOM21 NETWORK Total: INV0002086 O5/16/2016 Vendor MUNICIPAL CLERKS OF LAKE COUNTYTotal: 197.00 197.00 80.50 80.50 57.D0 57.00 30.00 30.00 45.00 45.00 2,946.08 2,946.08 200.00 102,00 140.00 442.00 30.00 30.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 45.00 362.20 407.20 807.30 807.30 20.00 5/11/2016 1:53:46 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 510-31-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 510-32-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 510-35-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-03-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-22-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-33-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-41-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 10045-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 10045-6110 Vendor: NEUMANN JR, EDWARD J NEUMANN JR, EDWARD J 740-00-6960 Vendor: NEW ALBERTSONS INC NEW ALBERTSONS INC 100-46-6110 Vendor: NICOR GAS NICOR GAS 510-31-5510 Vendor: NORTH EAST MUL71-REGIONAL7RAINING INC NORTHEAST MULTI -REGIONAL 100-22-5430 Vendor: NORTHEASTERN IL REGIONAL CRIME LAB NORTHEASTERN IL REGIONAL 100-22-5110 Vendor: NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE ALARM SYSTEM NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE 100-22-5110 NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE 100-22-5110 Vendor: NORTHERN ILLINOIS SPECIAL RECREATION ASN NORTHERN ILLINOISSPECIAL 100-41-5110 Vendor: NORTHWEST HERALD NORTHWEST HERALD 100-01-5450 Vendor: NUTOYS LEISURE PRODUCTS NUTOYS LEISURE PRODUCTS 610-00-5960 Vendor: PALA, JOSEFINA PALA, JOSEFINA 400-40-5110 Vendor: PEP51 BEVERAGE COMPANY PEPSI BEVERAGE COMPANY 100-44-6110 Vendor: PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC 100-22-6250 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-03-6250 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-45-6250 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-22-6250 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-45-62SO Vendor: PETTIBONE & CO, P F PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 Packet: APPKT00451- VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIS Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIS 4/2016 04/3D/2016 34.77 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIS 4/2016 04/30/2016 50.62 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIS 4/2016 04/30/2016 111.81 VEHICLEREPAIRSUPPLIES APRIL2016 04/30/2016 36.06 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES APRIL2016 04/30/2016 364.34 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES APRIL2016 04/30/2016 652,27 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES APRIL2016 04/30/2016 3,30 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES APRIL2016 04/30/2016 10.30 VEHICLE REPAIRSUPPLIES APRIL2016 04/30/2016 54.30 Vendor NAPAAUTO PARTS MPECTotal: 1,317.77 PARKING LOT RENTAL-JUNE JUNE2016 05/16/2016 500.00 Vendor NEUMANN JR, EDWARD J Total: 500.00 SUPPLIES APRIL 2D16 04/30/2016 39.26 Vendor NEW ALBERTSONS INC Total: 39.26 UTILITIES 3/18/16-4/19/16 04/30J2016 923,63 Vendor NICOR GAS Total: 923,63 MEMBERSHIP FEES 7/1/16- 204575 OS/16/2016 4,655.00 Vendor NORTH EAST MULTI -REGIONAL TRAINING INCTotal: 4,655.00 FY16/17 MEMBERSHIP 972 05/16/2016 38,985.00 Vendor NORTHEASTERN IL REGIONAL CRIME LAB Total: 38,985.00 ME MBERSHIPASSESSMT 10734 05/16/2016 400.00 FY16-17 EMERG SERV TEAM 10735 05/16/2016 41800aOO Vendor NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE ALARM SYSTEM Total: 5,200.00 MEMBER DISTRICT DUES MAY 2 2016 OS/16/2016 124,443.00 Vendor NORTHERN ILLINOIS SPECIAL RECREATION ASN Total: 124,443.00 SUBSCRIPTIONRENEWAL- 1YR 5/26/16 OS/16/2016 323.40 Vendor NORTHWEST HERALD Total: 323.40 LITTER RECEPTACLE 44264 04/30/2016 1,055.00 Vendor NUTOYS LEISURE PRODUCTS Total: 1,055.00 1/2 REIMB BODY PUMP CERTIF 1NV0002087 04/30/2016 75.00 Vendor PALA, JOSEFINA Total: 75.00 CONCESSIONSUPPLIES 29329901 04/30/2016 40233 Vendor PEPSI BEVERAGE COMPANY Total: 402.73 VEHICLE FUEL 9772091 04/30/2016 1,482.91 VEHICLE FUEL 9774936 04/30/2016 22.36 VEHICLE FUEL 9774939 04/30/2016 232.93 VEHICLE FUEL 9774941 04/30/2016 11554,82 VEHICLE FUEL 9777995 04/30/2016 247.75 Vendor PETROLIANCE LLC Total: 3,540.77 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 69764 04/30/2016 243,99 Vendor PETTIBONE & CO, P f Total: 243.99 5/11/2016 1;53:46 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: PITEL SEPTIC INC PITEL SEPTIC INC 100-45-5110 PITEL SEPTIC INC 100-45-5110 Vendor: PSP-BROOKFIELD PSP-BROOKFIELD 100-22-5370 Vendor: RADAR MAN INC RADAR MAN INC 100-22-5110 Vendor: RADICOM INC RADICOM INC 100-23-5110 Vendor: REINDERS INC REINDERS INC 100-45-5370 Vendor: RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 100-01-6940 Vendor: RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT 100-45-6270 Vendor: SCHAFER, PAT SCHAFER, PAT 100-01-4220 Vendor: SCHMIDT, TRACY SCHMIDT,TRACY 100-01-4220 Vendor: SCHMITT, MATTHEW SCHMITT, MATTHEW 100-22-5420 Vendor: SCHNEIDER, JOEY SCHNEIDER,JOEY 400-40-5110 Vendor: SEMROW JR, HARRY H SEMROW JR, HARRY H 100-03-5110 SEMROW JR, HARRY H 100-22-5110 Vendor: STANS LPS MIDWEST STANS LPS MIDWEST 620-00-5110 STANS LPS MIDWEST 620-00-5110 STANS LPS MIDWEST 620-00-6210 STANS LPS MIDWEST 620-00-6210 STANS LPS MIDWEST 620-00-6210 Vendor: STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS 100-00-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS 100-01-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS 100-04-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS 100-41-6210 Vendor: STEINER ELECTRIC COMPANY STEINER ELECTRIC COMPANY 510-31-6110 Description (Item) PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL VEHICLE REPAIRS RADAR CERTIFICATIONS Packet: APPKT00451- PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL Payable Number Post Date Amount 12629 04/30/2016 12629A 05/16/2016 Vendor PITEL SEPTIC INC Total: 101v120211 RADIO SERVICES/1/16-4/30/17 102163 VEHICLE REPAIRS RETIREMENT SMALL EQUIPMT 1629686-00 129289 3083554 SUPPLIES PETERSEN GARDEN LM16-03 FERTILIZER FOR PETERSEN TRAVEL REIMB LM16-04 INVO002088 1/2 REIMB BODY PUMP CERTIF INVO002089 ADJ LAW JUDGE ADJ LAW JUDGE 04/30/2016 Vendor PSP-BROOKFIELD Total: 04/30/2016 Vendor RADAR MAN INC Total: 05/16/2016 Vendor RADICOM INC Total: 04/30/2016 Vendor REINDERS INC Total: 04/30/2016 Vendor RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP Total: 04/30/2016 Vendor RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT Total: 04/30/2016 Vendor SCHAFER, PAT Total: 05/16/2016 Vendor SCHMIDT, TRACYTotal: 04/30/2016 Vendor SCHMITT, MATTHEW Total• 05/16/2016 Vendor SCHNEIDER, JOEY Total: APRIL 2016 04/30/2016 APRIL 2016 04/30/2016 Vendor SEMROW JR, HARRY H Total: IT/NETWORK 319312 INTERNET 319313 COPY METER READ-PD 319382 COPIER METER READING- 319479 COPY METER READ-PD/ADMIN 319482 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES FREIGHT CHGS 8039017702 8039017702 8039017702 8039017702 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 04/30/2016 04/30/2016 04/30/2016 Vendor STANS LPS MIDWEST Total: 04/30/2016 04/30/2016 04/30/2016 04/30/2016 Vendor STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE Total: 5005334152001A 04/30/2016 Vendor STEINER ELECTRICCOMPANYTotal: 56250 337,50 68.64 770,00 770.00 71544* 26 7,544.26 1,828.02 1334 449,99 449499 3142 3142 50.00 8000 75.00 75.00 56,25 506.25 1,67200 35400 91089 38331 186,95 21369*15 -62,39 432424 11421 51.18 432.24 3,56 156 5/11/2016 1:53:46 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Vendor: ULINE ULINE 100-22-6210 INVESTIGATION SUPPLIES Vendor: ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATIONS INC ULTRA STROBE 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS Vendor: US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE inn -22-5110 COPIER LEASE- USBANKEQUIPMENTFINANCE 100-01-5110 COPIER LEASE - #28 OF 60 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-33-5110 COPIER LEASE US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 510-31-5110 COPIER LEASE -#37 OF 60 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 510-32-5110 COPIER LEASE-#37 OF 60 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-03-5110 COPIER LEASE-#56 OF 60 500 Vendor: V4 GASOLINE INC V4GASOLINE INC 100-00-3410 RETURN SIGN VARIANCE FEE Vendor: VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS 510-31-5320 CELLPHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 510-32-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 100-33-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 100-01-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 100-03-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 100-22-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 100-30-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 100-33-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 100-41-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 100-45-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 100-46-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 100-47-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 620-00-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS S10-31-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 510-32-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 510-35-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE Vendor: WASTE MANAGEMENTOF WI -MN WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI- 510-32-5580 SLUDGE REMOVAL Vendor: WAS7E MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT 100-01-6110 YARDWASTE STICKERS Payable Number 7625046 Packet: APPKT00451- INVESTIGATION SUPPLIES Past Date Amount 04/30/2016 Vendor ULINE Total: 071051 04/30/2016 Vendor ULTRASTROBE COMMUNICATIONS INCTotal: #24 OF 60 OS/16/2016 #28 OF 60 05/16/2016 #37 OF 60 05/16/2016 #37 of60a 05/16/2016 #37 of 60a 05/16/2016 #56 OF 60 05/16/2016 Vendor US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE Total: 16-04-098 04/30/2016 Vendor V4 GASOLINE INC Total: 4/4/16-5/3/16 04/30/2016 16-5/3/16 04/30/2016 16-5/3/16A 04/30/2016 16-5/3/16B 04/30/2016 16-5/3/16B 04/30/2016 16-S/3/16B 04/30/2016 16-5/3/16B 04/30/2016 4J4/16-5/3/16B 04/30/2016 16-5/3/16B 04/30/2016 16-5/3/16B 04/30/2016 16-5/3/16B 04/30/2016 16-5/3/168 04/30/2016 4/4/16-5/3/1613 04/30/2016 5/3/16 04/30/2016 5/3/16 04/30/2016 5/3/16 04/30/2016 Vendor VERIZON WIRELESS Total: 0030175-2742-9 04/30/2016 Vendor WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN Total: 3300579-2013-5 04/30/2016 Vendor WASTE MANAGEMENT Total: 123.69 123.69 225.00 311,00 97.34 97.33 97,33 135.00 963.00 175,00 175,00 126.59 25.82 25.82 79 AS 107.29 1,163189 35.04 152.61 8.78 35,04 157 1.10 40.68 71.18 30.13 76.02 1,981.01 11,387.99 11,387.99 6,620.00 6,620.00 Grand Total: 289,757.62 5/11/2016 1:53:46 PM Expense Approval Register Fund Summary Fund 100-GENERAL FUND 225 -ALARM 80ARD FUND 400 - RECREATION CENTER FUND 510- WATER/SEWER FUND 0- RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 620 -INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 740- RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW Grand Total: Expense Amount 264/951087 1,144.00 422,00 17,850.78 1,301.51 31587,46 500.00 289,757.62 Packet: APPKT00451- YARDWASTE STICKERS Report Summary McHenry, IL Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: ACE TOWING & RECOVERY ACE TOWING & RECOVERY 100-33-5370 Vendor: ADAMS STEE! SERVICE INC ADAMS STEELSERVICE INC 100-33-5370 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 510-35-6110 Vendor: ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS INC ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND 510-32-6110 ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND 510-32-6110 Vendor: ALEXANDER EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC ALEXANDER EQUIPMENT 100-33-5370 Vendor: B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTEGRATION B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS 510-31-5110 Vendor: BAKER &SON CO, PETER BAKER &SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAILER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAILER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 Vendor: CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 Vendor; DECKER SUPPLY CO INC DECI<ERSUPPLYCOINC 100-33-6110 Vendor: DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS 510-32-5375 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS 510-32-5375 Description (Item) towing Expense Approval Register #2 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/16/16 Payable Number Post Date Amount 4/7/16 OS/16/2016 Vendor ACE TOWING & RECOVERY Total: welding 332489 OS/16/2016 Square steel key 332588 05/16/2016 Vendor ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC Total: Upgrade lift station controls 16-2447 05/16/2016 update lift station controls 16-2448 05/16/2016 Vendor ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS INC Total: chute 121924 OS/16/2016 Vendor ALEXANDER EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC Total: WTP #1 Aerator Control Issue- 0185629 OS/16/2016 Vendor B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTEGRATION Total: binder N50. vendorticicet# 10798 surfaceN50. vendorticicet# 10798A surface N50. vendor 10798B binder N50, vendor ticket # 10798C binder N50. vendor ticket # 10798D binder N70. vendorticicet 10798E binder N70. vendorticicet 10798F binder N70. vendor ticket # 10798G binderN70. vendor ticket # 10798H surface N50. vendorticicet# 107981 face N50. vendor ticket # 10798J surface N50. vendorticket# 10798K face N50. vendorticket# 10798L modified surface. vendor 10548 modified surface. vendor 10548A modified surface. vendor 10555 modified binder. vendor 10555A modified surface. vendor 10555C modified surface. vendor 10555D modified surface. vendor 10555F dump asphalt. vendor ticket 10586 modified binder. vendor 10586A modified surface. vendor 10586E sign post 891216 Seal I<it-Non potable pump 1005151 Seal I<it-Non potable pump 1005243 OS/16/2016 OS/16/2016 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 OS/16/2016 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 Vendor BAKER & SON CO, PETER Total: O5/16/2016 OS/16/2016 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 Vendor CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY Total: O5/16/2016 Vendor DECKER SUPPLY CO INCTotal: O5/16/2016 OS/16/2016 Vendor DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INCTotal: 270.00 270.00 168.22 213.00 381.22 4,700.00 41700,00 9,400.00 940.50 940.50 712.96 712.96 345.29 464.64 145.44 364.64 173.29 343.57 384.85 345.29 224.03 380.16 391.68 240.00 383.52 4,186.40 437.32 437.84 338.52 182.00 359.84 81.12 93.08 30.00 327.60 318.76 2,606.08 977.00 977.00 124.50 23.52 148.02 5/11/2016 2:00:53 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: ED'S AUTOMOTIVEJJIM'S MUFFLER SHOP ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S 100-33-5370 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S 100-33-5370 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S 1OD-33-5370 ED'SAUTOMOTIVE/1IM'S 510-35-5370 Vendor: EJ USA INC EJ USA INC 510-35-6110 Vendor: FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 100-33-6110 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 510-35-6110 Vendor: GESKE AND SONS INC GESKE AND SONS INC 100-33-6110 Vendor: HAWKINS INC HAWKINS INC 510-32-6110 Vendor: HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS WD SUPPLY WATERWORKS 610-00-5980 Vendor: HERITAGE -CRYSTAL CLEAN LLC HERITAGE -CRYSTAL CLEAN LLC 100-33-6110 Vendor: HIGH PSI LTD HIGH PSI LTD 510-32-5380 Vendor: KIMBALL MIDWEST KIMBALL MIDWEST 10D-33-5370 Vendor: LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 510-35-6110 LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 510-35-6110 LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 510-35-6110 LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 510-35-6110 Vendor: LEACH ENTERPRISES INC LEACH ENTERPRISES INC 100-33-5370 Vendor: MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY INC MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-32-6110 Vendor: MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT INC MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT 510-32-6110 MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT 100-33-5370 Vendor: MEADE INC MEADE INC 100-33-6110 Vendor: METRO DOOR AND DOCK INC METRO DOORAND DOCK INC 100-33-5115 Vendor: MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC MID AMERICAN WATER OF 510-35-6110 Description (Item) Payable Number Packet: AMU vv452 - safety inspections 405 423 478 Post Date safety inspections 405 423 478 405 423 478 OS/16/2016 Inspection 427 427 OS/16/2016 Safety Inspection 430 430 05/16/2016 Safety Lane SAFETY LANE 05/16/2016 Vendor ED'S AUTOMOTIVEJAM'S MUFFLER SHOP Total: Fire Hydrants 110160018821 05/16/2016 Vendor EJ USA INC Total: STRAW 50364 OS/16/2016 grass seed, blankets, staples 50392 05/16/2016 Vendor FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC Total: HMAsurfaceN50. vendor 35431 OS/16/2016 Vendor GESKE AND SONS INC Total: Chlorine and polymer 3871177 RI O5/16/2016 Vendor HAWKINS INC Totai: Mueller hydrant repair I<it F195902 OSJ16/2016 Vendor HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS Total: parts cleaningtanl< 13923830 05/16/2016 Vendor HERITAGE -CRYSTAL CLEAN LLC Total: Hotsy Pressure washer repair 50290 shop supplies 101697792 FM-2sand 101697820 FM2 sand 101697798 FM2sand CM11 washstone chambers Total nitrogen test OS/16/2016 Vendor HIGH PSI LTD Total: OS/16/2016 Vendor KIMBALL MIDWESTTotal: 42772 OS/16/2016 42772A O5/16/2016 427772B 05/16/2016 706076639 05/16/2016 Vendor LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA Total: 890072 05/16/2016 Vendor LEACH ENTERPRISES INCTotai: 390434 05/16/2016 Vendor MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY INCTotai: Weed Whacker line 166410 05/16/2016 filters 167429 OS/16/2016 Vendor MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT INCTotai: Traffic light locate 673268 East door repair 1415 Industrial 52493 S,S. Clamps 173963W OS/16/2016 Vendor MEADE INCTotai: 05/16/2016 Vendor METRO DOOR AND DOCK INC Total: OS/16/2016 ' if=1'iiitfiir 87.00 29.00 29.00 116.00 �JILII: 5,050.00 5,050.00 760.00 503.00 1,263.00 244.75 244.75 1,523,73 1,523.73 179.00 179.OD 176.22 176.22 355.95 355.95 323,66 3�1Sd: 136.80 140.30 138.50 112.73 528.33 146.40 146.40 60,00 60.00 27.99 23,96 51.95 225,64 225.64 1,844,44 1,844.44 252.00 5/11/2016 2:00:53 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number MID AMERICAN WATER OF 510-32-5380 Vendor: MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS 510-32-5375 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS 100-33-5370 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS 100-33-5370 Vendor: MIDWEST METER INC MIDWEST METER INC 510-31-6110 Vendor: NCL OF WISCONSW INC NCL OF WISCONSIN INC 510-32-6110 Vendor: NETWORKFLEET INC NETWORKFLEET INC 100-33-6110 Vendor: PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC 510-35-6250 PETROLIANCE LLC 510-32-6250 PETROLIANCE LLC 51G-31-6250 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-33-6250 PETROLIANCE LLC 510-35-6250 PETROLIANCE LLC 510-32-6250 PETROLIANCE LLC 510-31-6250 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-33-6250 Vendor: POMPS TIRE SERVICE INC POMPSTIRESERVICEINC 100-33-5370 Vendor: QUALITY TIRE SERVICE QUALITY TIRESERVlCE 510-32-5370 Vendor: REICHE'S PLUMBING SEWER RODDING CORP REICHE'SPLUMBINGSEWER 510-31-5110 Vendor: RNOW INC RNOW INC 510-35-6110 Vendor: ROC CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY ROC CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 100-33-6110 Vendor: RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT RUSSOPOWEREQU[PMENT 100-33-5370 Vendor: STANS LPS MIDWEST STANS LPS MIDWEST 100-30-6210 Vendor: STATE TREASURER STATE TREASURER 100-33-5110 Vendor: TEXAS REFINERY CORP TEXAS REFINERY CORP 51D-3Z-5375 Packet: APPKT00452 - 6" sewer pipe and non shear couplings Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount 6" sewer pipe and non shear 174362W 05/16/2016 268.40 Vendor MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC Total: 520.40 2-3" discharge hose M16780 OS/16/2016 133.98 fittings M16667 05/16/2016 20.66 fittings M16677 05/16/2016 99.04 Vendor MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC Total: 243.68 Meters, fittings, gaskets, seals, 0077419-IN 05/16/2016 51160,89 Vendor MIDWEST METER INC Total: 51160.89 Lab supplies 372094 OS/16/2016 814.06 Vendor NCL OF WISCONSIN INC Total: 814.06 GP5 units INVE0110903 OS/16/2016 1,458.99 Vendor NETWORKFLEET INC Total: 1,458.99 Uti(ityfuel9777958 9777958 OS/16/2016 126.62 fuel 9777993 05/16/2016 392,96 Water fuel 9777994 9777994 05/16/2016 111.59 Streets fuel 9777996 9777996 05/16/2016 569.92 Fuel Utility 9774907 9774907 05/16/2016 78.20 FuelSewer 9774937 9774937 05/16/2016 242.79 Fuel Water 9774938 9774938 05/16/2016 189.86 Fuel Streets 9774940 9774940 05/16/2016 635.68 Vendor PETROLIANCE LLC Total: 2,347.62 tires 640D40891 OS/16/2016 229.00 Vendor POMPS TIRE SERVICE INC Total: 229.00 the 409D4 OS/16/2016 52.00 Vendor QUALITY TIRE SERVICE Total: 52.00 Reiche Plumbing-1703 1703 HIGHVIEW OS/16/2016 260.00 Vendor REICHE'S PLUMBING SEWER RODDING CORPTotal: 260.00 Filter Kit 2016-49706 OS/16/2016 222.65 Vendor RNOW INCTotal: 222.65 12620 marking paint 24501 DS/16/2016 95.76 Vendor ROC CONSTRUCTION SUPPLYTotal: 95.76 air filter 3075448 O5/16/2016 11.02 Vendor RUSSO POW ER EQUIPMENT Total: 11.02 black and magenta toner for 319082 O5/16/2016 178.00 Vendor STANS LPS MIDWESTTotal: 178.00 Traffic light maintenance [DOT 50242 Gear Oil 101735 O5/16/2016 Vendor STATE TREASURER Total: OS/16/2016 Vendor TEXAS REFINERYCORPTotal: 5,752.50 5,752.50 651.60 651.60 5/11/2016 2:00:53 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00452 - street sign Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC TRAFFIC CONTROL & 100-33-6110 street sign 86459 05/16/2016 45.65 Vendor TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC Total: 45.65 Vendor: TREDROCTIRE/ANTIOCH 002 TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 100-33-5370 tire 311976 05/16/2016 537.85 Vendor TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 Total: 537.85 Vendor: WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA WATER PRODUCTS -AURORA 510-35-6110 Brass fittings 0265732 05/16/2016 880.23 WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA 510-35-6110 Clow hydrant parts, Brass 0265733 05/16/2016 878.31 WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA 510-35-6110 Brass fittings 0265795 05/16/2016 94.51 WATERPRODUCTS-AURORA 510-35-6110 Brass fittings 0265796 05/16/2016 123.36 Vendor WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA Total: 1,976.41 Vendor: ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 100-33-5370 brooms 0159764-IN 05/16/2016 47150 Vendor ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC Total: 471.50 Grand Total: 52,885.83 5/11/2016 2:00;53 PM ExpenseApproval Register Fund Summary Fund 100-GENERAL FUND 510- WATER/SEWER FUND 610- RISK MANAGEMENT FUND Grand Total: Expense Amount 23,133.84 29,572.99 179,00 52,885.83 Packet: APPKT00452 - brooms Report Summary AS -NEEDED CKECKS COUNCIL MEETING 5/16/16 100 100-45-5320 AT&T 98.64 04/05/2016 100 100-33-5520 COMED 286.36 04/05/2016 100 100-33-5520 COMED 175.42 04/05/2016 510 510-31-5510 COMED 51.32 04/05/2016 510 510-32-5510 COMED 345.36 04/05/2016 100 10045-5110 COMED 53.48 04/05/2016 100 100-22-8400 MORROW BROTHERS FORD INC 52718,00 04/05/2016 510 510-32-6110 ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS INC 1080,00 04/08/2016 100 100-00-3310 CEC EVENTS & CATERING 250.00 04/08/2016 510 510-324510 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 224.96 04/08/2016 100 1 00-33-451 0 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 364.75 04/08/2016 100 1 00-33-61 10 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 117.70 04/08/2016 100 100-02-5310 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL 2.50 04/08/2016 100 10041-5310 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL 2.50 04/08/2016 100 1 00-01 -531 0 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 3.70 04/08/2016 100 1 00-04-531 0 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 19.34 04/08/2016 760 760-004990 GANDOR, MARK 40496,92 04/13/2016 760 760-004990 PTC CUST ROLLOVER IRA 24214,82 04/13/2016 100 1 00-01 -6940 SECRETARY OF STATE/INDEX DEPT 10.00 04/13/2016 215 215-00-6110 BARKER, TAMMY AND MIKE MARASH 5645.06 04/26/2016 215 215-00-6110 BRENNER, MR. & MRS. 5645,06 04/26/2016 720 720-00-6961 CMA INC 32661,88 04/26/2016 215 215-00-6110 COOPER, MIKE & SHERI 5645,06 04/26/2016 215 215-00-6110 MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL 500.00 04/26/2016 100 100-22-5420 STAYBRIDGE SUITES 199.36 04/26/2016 510 510-32-8500 WILLIAMS BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION INC 1412938.85 04/29/2016 510 510-32-8500 WILLIAMS BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION INC 1657820.54 04/29/2016 3241571, 58 FUND 100 TOTAL FUND 215 TOTAL FUND 510 TOTAL FUND 720 TOTAL FUND 760 TOTAL 54301.75 17435.18 2461,03 61,88 11,74 3241571.58 Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: May 16, 2016 T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: 2016 Street Resurfacing Program ATT: HR Green Inc. Professional Services Agreement with Preliminary Cost Estimate AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to consider a Professional Services Agreement with HR Green, Inc. for the design engineering / construction observation engineering of the 2016 Street Resurfacing Program including the Lakeland Park Community Center Parking Lot and miscellaneous sidewalk removal/replacement. BACKGROUND: The 2016/17 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes: $2,000,000 for the design/observation engineering and construction of the Street Resurfacing Program; 530,000 for the resurfacing of the parking lot at the Lakeland Park Community Center; and $75,000 for sidewalk replacement with revenues from the general fund. Staff is also recommending transferring an additional $68,000 to the Street Resurfacing Program from the Bull Valley Road/Curran Road Intersection Improvement Project due to lower bid received for that project. At the February 1, 2016 and March 21, 2016 Public Works Committee Meetings, the committee unanimously recommended the following streets plus alternates to be included in the 2016 street resurfacing program; Ashley Drive (Chesterfield Drive to Front Royal Drive); Essex Court (Chesterfield Drive to south end); Barnwood Trail (Courtland Trail to Cukcle-sac); Whiting Court (Whiting Drive to south end); Front Royal Drive (Elm Street to Chesterfield Drive); Crescent Avenue (Country Club Drive to John Street); Main Street (Front Street to Green Street); Linda Road (Fairway Drive to Skyway Drive); Skyway Drive (Bauer Road to Ronda Road); Sussex Drive (Front Royal Drive to Ashley Drive); Sarasota Drive (Augusta Drive to Creekside Trail); and Lorient Drive (Ronda Road to Bauer Road). Alternates: Manchester Mall (Front Royal Drive to Manchester Drive); Donnelly Place (Dorchester Place to Brighton Place); and Colony Trail (Deerwood Trail to Timber Trail). To establish the list of possible streets to be included in the 2016 Street Resurfacing Program, staff and the city engineer visited each street to verify and inspect the current condition of the pavement. Street ranking is based on a 10 point system with the ranking of a #1 equivalent to a gravel road and a ranking of #10 equivalents to a newly paved road. The streets chosen for the 2016 Road Resurfacing Program have a ranking of less than #3 (poor condition). Staff and the City Engineer are recommending listing Bauer Road as an additional alternate due to being adjacent to Lorient Drive and Skyway Drive and possibly be included in the program based on the final unit cost of construction. Also included in the 2016 Street Resurfacing Program is the Lakeland Park Community Center parking lot; the sidewalk at the northwest corner of Broad Street and Green Street will be replaced to meet current American with Disabilities Act (ADA); and the replacement of the sidewalk on the south side of Lillian Street from Route 31 to the railroad tracks. ANALYSIS: HR Green has submitted a professional services agreement for design engineering and construction observation engineering. The scope of work includes preparation of detailed contract plans, cost estimate, assistance in bid tabulation, bid award recommendation, field inspections, and payment recommendations. The design engineering services fee is a lump sum amount of $60,000.00 (less than 3% of construction estimate). The construction observation engineering is a time and material amount not to exceed 5% of final construction cost. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended: 1) to approve the attached Professional Services Agreement for a lump sum amount of $60,000 (less than 3% of construction estimate) for design engineering and for a time and material amount not to exceed 5% of final construction cost for construction observation engineering; and 2) authorization to publicly bid the 2016 Street Resurfacing Program. HRGreen PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT For City of McHenry's 2016 Road Program Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works City of McHenry 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL, 60050 Ph: 815.363.2186 HR Green Job No.: 86160152 May 2, 2016 H F-ttar�et�.�:u:ia �'fP�f1f? $15.�$5,177$ Fak $15.3$5.17$1 fir�l1 [-t[st�et5d.728.7$0.5 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 3.0 DELIVERABLES AND SCHEDULES INCLUDED IN THIS AGREEMENT 4.0 ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN AGREEMENT/SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES 5.0 SERVICES BY OTHERS 6.0 CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES 7.0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEE 8.0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Mr. Jon M. Schmitt City of McHenry Professional Services Agreement - 2016 Road Program HR Green Job No.: 86160152 May 2, 2016 Page 1 of 7 THIS AGREEMENT is between City of McHenry (hereafter "CLIENT") and HR Green, Inc. (hereafter "COMPANY"). 1.0 Project Understanding 1.1 General Understanding The CLIENT is requesting engineering services for both the engineering design and construction administration of the CLIENT's Road Program for 2016. 1.2 Design Criteria/Assumptions The following streets to be resurfaced will be included in the base project: • Essex Court (Chesterfield Drove to cukde-sac); • Barnwood Trail (Courtland Trail to cul-de-sac); • Whiting Court (Whiting Drive to cukde-sac); • Front Royal Drive (IL 120 to Chesterfield Drive); • Crescent Avenue (Country Club Drive to John Street); • Main Street (Front Street to Green Street); • Linda Road (Fairway Drive to Skyway Drive); • Skyway Drive (Bauer Road to Ronda Road); • Lorient Drive (Bauer Road to Ronda Road); • Sarasota Drive (Augusta Drive to Creekside Trail); The following streets will be partially reconstructed in the base project: • Ashley Drive (Chesterfield Drive to Front Royal Drive); • Sussex Drive (Ashley Drive to Front Royal Drive). The following streets to be resurfaced will be included as alternate streets and will be included in the project should favorable bids be received by the CLIENT: • Manchester Mall (Front Royal Drive to Manchester Drive); • Donnelly Place (Dorchester Place to Brighton Place); • Colony Trail (Deerwood Trail to Timber Trail). • Bauer Road (Skyway Drive to Bretons Drive) This project also includes the repaving of the Lakeland Park Community Center Parking Lot. The sidewalk located at the northwest corner of Broad Street and Green Street will be replaced to meet current ADA standards and require design of a low level segmental block wall and sidewalk will be replaced along the south side of Lillian Street from Rt. 31 to the Railroad tracks. Funding for the project will consist of CLIENT's local funds. No MFT dollars are anticipated to be used on this project. This project is to be designed, bid, and constructed in this calendar year. 2.0 Mr. Jon M. Schmitt City of McHenry Professional Services Agreement - 2016 Road Program HR Green Job No.: 86160152 May 2, 2016 Page 2 of 7 Scope of Services The CLIENT agrees to employ COMPANY to perform the following services: All work will be done by the COMPANY in accordance with IDOT BLR standards for local road programs done as a part of a maintenance section. The services to be performed by the consulting engineer, pertaining to the various items of work included in the project understanding, shall consist of the following: PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING shall include: Investigation of the condition of the streets, sidewalks or parking lots for determination (in consultation with the local highway authority) of the maintenance operations to be included in the maintenance program; preparation of the estimate of cost, creation of project documents required for a public local letting of the project, bidding assistance, and a recommendation of award; attendance at meetings of the governing body as may reasonably be required; attendance at public letting; and preparation of the contract and/or acceptance of BLR 12330 form. The COMPANY will provide a NOTICE TO BIDDERS for the CLIENT to publish for a local letting. ENGINEERING OBSERVATION shall include: Furnishing the engineering field observation, including preparation of payment estimate for contract, material proposal and/or deliver and install proposal and/or checking material invoices of those maintenance operations requiring engineering field observation, as opposed to those routine maintenance operations as described in Chapter 14-2.04 of IDOT BLRS Manual, which may or may not require engineering observation. Material testing services will be included, as necessary, to satisfy [DOT requirements. 3.0 Deliverables and Schedules Included in this Contract Deliverables for this project will consist of all necessary documents as required by the IDOT process for completing a Maintenance Section project. The schedule for the project is as follows: Bid Opening Contract Award Completion Date May 26, 2016 June 20, 2016 October 1, 2016 This schedule was prepared to include reasonable allowances for review and approval times required by the CLIENT and public authorities having jurisdiction over the project. This schedule shall be equitably adjusted as the project progresses, allowing for changes in the scope of the project requested by the CLIENT or for delays or other causes beyond the control of COMPANY. Mr. Jon M. Schmitt City of McHenry Professional Services Agreement - 2016 Road Program HR Green Job No.: 86160152 May 2, 2016 Page 3 of 7 4.0 Items not included in AgreementlSupplemental Services The following items are not included as part of this agreement: Items that fall outside of the requirements set forth by IDOT Bureau of Local Roads for a project in the maintenance section are not included in this contract. Supplemental services not included in the agreement can be provided by COMPANY under separate agreement, if desired. 5.0 Services by Others COMPANY will be subcontracting out the services of a Material Testing Company to provide the IDOT required material testing. 6.0 Client Responsibilities Provide access, as necessary, to all roadways included in this program. 7.0 Professional Services Fee 7.1 Fees The fee for services will be based on COMPANY standard hourly rates current at the time the agreement is signed. These standard hourly rates are subject to change upon 30 days' written notice. Non salary expenses directly attributable to the project such as: (1) living and traveling expenses of employees when away from the home office on business connected with the project; (2) identifiable communication expenses; (3) identifiable reproduction costs applicable to the work; and (4) outside services will be charged in accordance with the rates current at the time the work is done. 7.2 Invoices Invoices for COMPANY's services shall be submitted, on a monthly basis. Invoices shall be due and payable upon receipt. If any invoice is not paid within 15 days, COMPANY may, without waiving any claim or right against the CLIENT, and without liability whatsoever to the CLIENT, suspend or terminate the performance of services. The retainer shall be credited on the final invoice. Accounts unpaid 30 days after the invoice date may be subject to a monthly service charge of 1.5% (or the maximum legal rate) on the unpaid balance. In the event any portion of an account remains unpaid 60 days after the billing, COMPANY may institute collection action and the CLIENT shall pay all costs of collection, including reasonable attorney's fees. 7.3 Extra Work Any work required but not included as part of this contract shall be considered extra work. Extra work will be billed on a Time and Material basis with prior approval of the CLIENT. Mr. Jon M. Schmitt City of McHenry Professional Services Agreement - 2016 Road Program HR Green Job No.: 86160152 May 2, 2016 Page 4 of 7 7.4 Exclusion This fee does not include attendance at any meetings or public hearings other than those specifically listed in the Scope of Services. These work items are considered extra and are billed separately on an hourly basis. 7.5 Payment The CLIENT AGREES to pay COMPANY on the following basis: A Lump Sum amount of $60,000.00 for the design and bidding phase based on approximately 3% of the estimated construction costs; and a Time and Material amount of $100,000.00, Not To Exceed 5% of the final construction costs for the engineering observation fees. This fee is based on approximately 5% of the estimated final construction costs. Both fees include the cost for subcontracting a Material Testing Company. 8.0 Terms and Conditions The following Terms and Conditions are incorporated into this AGREEMENT and made a part of it. 8A Standard of Care Services provided by COMPANY under this AGREEMENT will be performed in a manner consistent with that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently practicing at the same time and in the same or similar locality. 8.2 Entire Agreement This Agreement, and its attachments, constitutes the entire understanding between CLIENT and COMPANY relating to professional engineering services. Any prior or contemporaneous agreements, promises, negotiations, or representations not expressly set forth herein are of no effect. Subsequent modifications or amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by the parties to this Agreement. 8.3 Time Limit and Commencement of Work This AGREEMENT must be executed within ninety (90) days to be accepted under the terms set forth herein. The work will be commenced immediately upon receipt of this signed Agreement. 8A Suspension of Services If the Project or the COMPANY'S services are suspended by the CLIENT for more than thirty (30) calendar days, consecutive or in the aggregate, over the term of this Agreement, the COMPANY shall be compensated for all services performed and reimbursable expenses incurred prior to the receipt of notice of suspension. If the COMPANY'S services are suspended for more than ninety (90) days, consecutive or in the aggregate, the COMPANY may terminate this Agreement upon giving not less than five (5) calendar days' written notice to the CLIENT. 8.5 Book of Account COMPANY will maintain books and accounts of payroll costs, travel, subsistence, field, and incidental expenses for a period of five (5) years. Said books and accounts will be available at all reasonable times for examination by CLIENT at the corporate office of COMPANY during that time. 8.6 Insurance COMPANY will maintain insurance for claims under the Worker's Compensation Laws, and from General Liability and Automobile claims for bodily injury, death, or property damage arising from the negligent performance by COMPANY's employees of the functions and services required under this Agreement. Mr. Jon M. Schmitt City of McHenry Professional Services Agreement - 2016 Road Program HR Green Job No.: 86160152 May 2, 2016 Page 5 of 7 8.7 Termination or Abandonment The CLIENT has the option to terminate this Agreement for any reason or no reason at all. 8.8 Waiver Either Party's waiver of any term, condition, or covenant or breach of any term, condition, or covenant, shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition, or covenant, or the breach thereof. 8.9 Severability If any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid, illegal, or incapable of being enforced by any Court of competent jurisdiction, all of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect, and no provision shall be deemed dependent upon any other provision unless so expressed herein. 8.10 Successors and Assigns No assignment of this Agreement shall be made without written consent of the parties to this Agreement. 8.11 Third -Party Beneficiaries Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with or a cause of action in favor of a third party against either the CLIENT or the COMPANY. The COMPANY's services under this Agreement are being performed solely for the CLIENT Is benefit, and no other party or entity shall have any claim against the COMPANY because of this Agreement or the performance or nonperformance of services hereunder. The CLIENT and COMPANY agree to require a similar provision in all contracts with contractors, subcontractors, subconsultants, vendors and other entities involved in this project to carry out the intent of this provision. 8.12 Governing Law and Jurisdiction The CLIENT and the COMPANY agree that this Agreement and any legal actions concerning its validity, interpretation and performance shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois, McHenry County without regard to any conflict of laws provisions, which may apply the laws of other jurisdictions. 8.13 Dispute Resolution The CLIENT and COMPANY agree that they will first attempt to mutually work towards a resolution on anv dispute between them arising out of or relating to this agreement. In the event a mutual agreement cannot be made between the parties, anv controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration association under its Construction Industry Arbitration Rules or JAMS Dispute Resolution, In the discretion of the CLIENT, at the McHenry Municipal Center, 333 South Green Street McHenry, Illinois, and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Provided, however, the only exception to this exclusive procedure is with regard to enforcement of equitable remedies such as iniunctive relief and mechanic lien rights which may be maintained by filing suit in the 22" Judicial Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. In the event of arbitration or litigation of this Agreement between the CLIENT and the COMPANY, the prevailing party to any litigation or arbitration shall be entitled to recover from the non -prevailing party all of its expenses incurred includinq but not limited to (a) attorneys' fees, (b) filing costs, (c) witness fees, and (d) other general expenses of the litigation or arbitration. 8.14 Ownership of Instruments of Service All reports, plans, specifications, field data, field notes, laboratory test data, calculations, estimates and other documents including all documents on electronic media prepared by COMPANY as instruments of service shall remain the property of COMPANY. At no cost to LIENT, documents referenced in this section 8,14, shall be provided to the CLIENT in any requested format. 8.15 Reuse of Documents All project documents including, but not limited to, plans and specifications furnished by COMPANY under this project are intended for use on this project only. Any reuse, without specific written verification or adoption by COMPANY, shall be at the CLIENT's sole risk, and CLIENT shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Mr. Jon M. Schmitt City of McHenry Professional Services Agreement - 2016 Road Program HR Green Job No.: 86160152 May 2, 2016 Page 6 of 7 COMPANY from all claims, damages and expenses including attorneys fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. In no event shall the COMPANY be liable for indirect or consequential damages as a result of the CLIENT's reuse of the electronic files. 8.16 Design Information in Electronic Form CLIENT shall retain copies of the work performed by COMPANY in electronic form only for information and use by CLIENT for the specific purpose for which COMPANY was engaged. Said material shall not be used by CLIENT or transferred to any other party, for use in other projects, additions to this project, or any other purpose for which the material was not strictly intended by COMPANY without COMPANY's expressed written permission. Any unauthorized use or reuse or modifications of this material shall be at CLIENT'S sole risk. 8.17 Job Site Visits and Safety Neither the professional activities of COMPANY, nor the presence of COMPANY'S employees and subconsultants at a construction site, shall relieve the General Contractor and any other entity of their obligations, duties and responsibilities including, but not limited to, construction means, methods, sequence, techniques or procedures necessary for performing, superintending or coordinating all portions of the work of construction in accordance with the contract documents and any health or safety precautions required by any regulatory agencies. COMPANY and its personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions. The CLIENT agrees that the General Contractor is solely responsible for job site safety, and warrants that this intent shall be made evident in the CLIENT's AGREEMENT with the General Contractor. The CLIENT also agrees that the CLIENT, COMPANY and COMPANY'S consultants shall be shall be made additional insureds on the General Contractor's and all subcontractor's general liability policies on a primary and non-contributory basis. 8.18 Indemnification The COMPANY agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the CLIENT, its officers, directors and employees (collectively, CLIENT) against all damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and defense costs, to the extent caused by the COMPANY'S negligent performance of professional services under this Agreement and that of its subconsultants or anyone for whom the COMPANY is legally liable. The CLIENT agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the COMPANY, its officers, directors, employees and subconsultants (collectively, COMPANY) against all damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and defense costs, to the extent caused by the CLIENT'S negligent acts in connection with the Agreement and the acts of its contractors, subcontractors or consultants or anyone for whom the CLIENT is legally liable. Neither the CLIENT nor the CONSULTANT shall be obligated to indemnify the other party in any manner whatsoever for the other party's own negligence or for the negligence of others. Mr. Jon M. Schmitt City of McHenry Professional Services Agreement - 2016 Road Program HR Green Job No.: 86160152 May 2, 2016 Page 7 of 7 This AGREEMENT is approved and accepted by the CLIENT and COMPANY upon both parties signing and dating the AGREEMENT. Work cannot begin until COMPANY receives a signed agreement. The effective date of the AGREEMENT shall be the last date entered below. Sincerely, HR GREEN, 1NC. City Engineer Approved by: Titles Vice Pr CITY OF McHENRY Accepted by: Printed/Typed Name: Title: Date: May 2, 2016 HRUreen Man - Hour Estimate 2016 Road Program Job Number: 86160152 Date: May 2, 2016 Exhibit A TASK Personnel MAN- HOURS LAgOR COST Design Project Manager 48 $101000.00 Project Engineer 153 $23,208.00 Staff Engineer 100 $11,500.00 Admin. 10 $940000 Material Testing - $8,000.00 Subtotal: 311 $53,648.00 Bidding Project Manager 10 $2,000000 Project Engineer 24 $3,600900 Admin. 8 $752600 Subtotal: 42 $6,352.00 Construction Observation* Project Manager 48 $101000.00 Project Engineer 640 $78,872000 Admin. 12 $1,128.00 Material Testing $101000.00 Subtotal: 700 $100,000000 Total: 11053 Contract Total. $160,000.00 Based upon our understanding of the project detailed in this Contract, the above is a summary of man- hours and costs associated with the project. *Construction fees will be a Time &Material charge not to exceed 5% of the final construction costs. This fee shown was determined by calculating 5% of the estimated construction costs. Hrgmhnas:\\ 0:\86160162\Design\Contract\ex-050216-Exhihit_A-Man-hour estimate-2016 road program.docx I. CI7Y OF MCHENRY 20T6 RDAD PROGRAM PROJECTSUMMARY BASE PROGRAM ROADS ALTERNATE ROADS ROADWAY I LOCATION NAME ASHLEY DRIVE FRONTROYAL DRIVE ESSED(COURT SUSSEKDRNE LINDA ROAD SKYWAY DRIVE CRESCENT AVENUE MAIN STREET SARASCITADRIVE BgRNWOOU TRAIL WHITINGCOURT LORIENTORIVE MANCHESTER MALL BAUER ROAD DONNELLYPLACE COLONYTRAIL LANELAND PARK COMM.CENTER GREEN ST AI BROAD ST SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL LENOTH(FOOT) 2,370 3,009 200 2021, 306 2,050 1 >50 840 1,250 250 21062 1,= 625 11220 950 - - - 20,6D5 PRMATED VJIOTH(FOOT) 31 20 24 21 20 24 25 25 24 23 24 25 ?tl - - - VARIES O ESTIMATED COST E%TRA AREA (SO YD) D 5T0 0 0 0 0 0 550 550 D 0 0 575 0 - - - 3,220 AREA ISO YDI 64164 131002 1,015 5.39D 714 51012 1,565 5,445 2,240 4,022 1,2" 5.499 34323 1,60 3,964 - - - 65.22T COST PER STREET 5400,84T.00 $302,556.50 $28,395.00 S301116200 516,160.00 $10%288.00 518,217.01) S52,63T.00 S97,388.67 S32,5B3.33 S14,78200 588,401.00 $43,88200 S104,241,67 S52,807.11 S30,DB0.00 52i,5BDAD S531410.00 S;08B,84128 ESTIMATEDCONSTRUCTOR CONSTRUCTOR COST S2,058,B50.08 ENGINEERING Pat S(g000.0D CONSTRUCIGON NC 16%)1 S100,0D0.0D TOTAL ESTIMATED COST^j 82,21B,B50.DD Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: May 16, 2016 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: Lakeland Park Drainage Study ATT: HR Green Inc. Professional Services Agreement AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to consider a Professional Services Agreement with HR Green, Inc. for the Lakeland Park Drainage Study. BACKGROUND: The Lakeland Parl< Subdivision, in the City of McHenry, has a long history of having drainage challenges ranging from localized flooding issues in the subdivision to water quality and maintenance issues within the Lakeland Park Drainage Ditch, likely caused by bank erosion and siltation problems. The drainage ditch was originally installed during the area's agricultural period, sometime prior to 1939. It was later dredged by the State of Illinois when the area began to develop into a residential subdivision. The City has been responsible for the maintenance of the ditch since 1972. Over the years several smaller band -aid type projects have been performed in the subdivision aimed at eliminating the localized flooding and maintaining the ditch. Currently, City staff is looking at establishing a program that creates the process to use for identifying and completing the remaining projects. By looking at the overall drainage area, money will be spent as effectively as possible and the completed projects won't simply push the problems further downstream. This program will identify the existing conditionsI develop project alternates, develop a phasing plan and budgetary estimates, and identify possible funding sources. Currently the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency is reviewing the Boone -Dutch Creek Watershed Planning Area Study, if approved the Lakeland Park Drainage Ditch might be eligible for a "319 Grant". These grants focus on water quality improvements and are typically a 60/40 cost share. Local drainage issues such as the Home/Ramble intersection would not qualify for a 319 Grant although the State Revolving Loan Fund is now available for storm water projects. The 2016/17 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes $50,000 Lakeland Park Drainage Study. ANALYSIS: FIR Green has submitted a professional services agreement for the Lakeland Park Drainage Study. The scope of work includes data gathering, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, alternative analysis, technical memorandum, meeting attendance and project administration. The engineering services fee is a time and material amount not to exceed $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to approve the attached Professional Services Agreement with HR Green, Inc. for the Lakeland Park Drainage Study in an amount not to exceed $50,000. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT For Lakeland Park Drainage Study Mr. Jon M. Schmitt Director of Public Works City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 (815) 363-2100 Chad Pieper, PE, HR Green, Inc. 420 North Front Street McHenry, IL 60050 HR Green Project Number: 86160118 May16, 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 3.0 DELIVERABLES AND SCHEDULES INCLUDED IN THIS AGREEMENT 4.0 ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN AGREEMENT/SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES 5.0 SERVICES BY OTHERS 6.0 CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES 7.0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEE 8.0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Professional Services Agreement Lakeland Park Drainage Study May 16, 2016 Page 1 of 8 THIS AGREEMENT is between City of McHenry (hereafter "CLIENT") and HR GREEN, INC. (hereafter "COMPANY"). 1.0 Project Understanding The Lakeland Park Subdivision, in the City of McHenry, has a long history of having drainage challenges ranging from localized flooding issues in the subdivision to water quality and maintenance issues within the Lakeland Park Drainage Ditch, likely caused by bank erosion and siltation problems. The drainage ditch was originally installed during the areas agricultural period, sometime prior to 1939. It was later dredged by the State of Illinois when the area began to develop into a residential subdivision. The City has been responsible for the maintenance of the ditch since 1972. Over the years several smaller band -aide type projects have been performed in the subdivision aimed at eliminating the localized flooding and maintaining the ditch. Currently, City staff is looking at establishing a program that creates the process used for identifying and completing the remaining projects by looking at the overall drainage area so that money is spent as effectively as possible and so that the projects completed don't simply push the problems further downstream. This program will identify the existing conditions, develop project alternates, develop a phasing plan and budgetary estimates, and identify possible funding sources. Platted back in the late 1830's, The Lakeland Park neighborhood in the City of McHenry was originally open prairie. Over the course of the next hundred years, the prairie was converted to agricultural land and a ditch was dug to drain the area. The date of the original ditch construction is unknown but it appears to have been constructed prior to 1939, as it is visible in the 1939 historical aerial photographs. Beginning in the 1940's, the area around the drainage ditch began to develop into the residential subdivision that it is today. During that development period, the State of Illinois completed a project to dredge the ditch thereby increasing its depth and capacity. This dredging was completed by the State in 1972 and the City of McHenry has been maintaining the ditch ever since. Today the main branch of the Lakeland Park Ditch flows through eleven (11) culverts as it flows from Illinois Route 120 to its confluence with Boone Creek, which is located between Millstream Drive and Freund Avenue, just south of Grand Ave. The total length of the ditch for review and analysis as part of this program is approximately 8,000 ft. At the confluence of the Lakeland Park Ditch and Boone Creek, approximately 1,300 acres of land from Bull Valley to North Richmond Road is draining through this creek. The Lakeland Park Drainage Ditch is identified as a Zone AE floodplain downstream of Central Street; this means that a hydrologic and hydraulic study was performed to determine a floodplain elevation for this portion of the stream. Upstream of the confluence, the Lakeland Park Drainage Ditch is identified as a Zone X floodplain which FEMA considers to be prone to flooding. Zone X is identified as being within the 0.2% annual chance of flooding, an area with a 1 % chance of flooding with an average depth of less than one foot or having a drainage area of less than one square mile (640 acres). The areas surrounding the Ditch are primarily residential single family homes. The roadways are drained using roadside ditches, culvers, and some storm sewer systems. Within the subdivision, the City has identified some locations that have a history of flooding. One area in particular is the intersection of Ramble Road and Home Avenue. A Professional Services Agreement Lakeland Park Drainage Study May 16, 2016 Page 2 of 8 review of the McHenry County topographic data shows this as a low lying poorly drained area. Recently, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) submitted the Boone - Dutch Creek Watershed Plan (BDCWP) to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) for review and approval. Since the Lakeland Park Drainage Ditch is located within the overall Boone Creek Watershed, it was included in the BDCWP. HR Green participated in the development and writing of the BDCWP and identified and included the Lakeland Park Ditch as a location for potential water quality improvements. Once the Watershed Plan is approved by the IEPA, any water quality improvement projects completed along this stretch of the Ditch will be eligible for federal funding through the EPA's Section 319(h) Grant program. This is a 60/40 cost sharing grant program and the application cycle begins in June and ends in July every year pending grant availability. The Lakeland Park Drainage Ditch has become a maintenance issue for the City. There are concerns of bank erosion, overgrowth of vegetation, sediment deposition and transport, and flooding of private property and infrastructure. Localized flooding at residences located around the ditch have led to questions concerning the capacity of the ditch and whether or not the multiple culverts that the ditch passes through are adequate to handle the large amounts of storm water flows from the 1,300 acre tributary watershed area that the ditch sees. Additionally, the City has experienced flooding of the intersection of Ramble Road and Home Avenue. This area appears to be a localized low lying area that does not have adequate infrastructure in place to drain the stormwater that collects there. The City Staff would like to look at the possibility of dredging the ditch anticipating that the additional capacity will help reduce the flooding. However, this may also create a negative impact of passing more flows downstream and creating problems downstream. In addition, since the current alignment of the Ditch is prone to accumulating sediments, it will continue to do so after the dredging is completed, requiring continued future maintenance and dredging, etc. Therefore, a comprehensive strategy is needed to evaluate the existing conditions, prepare proposed alternates to address short-term and long-term objectives along the Lakeland Park Ditch without negatively impacting upstream and downstream areas as well as reducing future maintenance. In addition, the culverts along the ditch will need to be evaluated to determine that they are sized adequately. In addition to developing the long-term comprehensive strategy for the Lakeland Park Drainage Ditch, the short-term goal of developing a solution for drainage problems at Ramble Road and Home Avenue will need to be addressed. Finally, the City would like to explore an improvement plan that may also be funding eligible, in particular the EPA Section 319(h) funding. 2.0 Scope of Services The CLIENT agrees to employ COMPANY to perform the following services: To address the above need, a preliminary engineering study is proposed that will look at the Lakeland Park Ditch and provide a comprehensive strategy to address the flooding and ongoing maintenance issues along the ditch. The following scope of services is proposed: Professional Services Agreement Lakeland Park Drainage Study May 16, 2016 Page 3 of 8 A. DATA GATHERING: 1. Complete cross-section survey of the approximate 81000- of the Lakeland Park Ditch between Illinois Route 120 and its confluence with Boone Creek including survey of eleven (11) existing culverts. Cross -sections will be collected at every 500-ft intervals with a ditch invert obtained at every 100-ft interval. 2. Complete a field reconnaissance to assess and document existing ditch conditions; B. HYRDOLOGIC &HYDRAULIC MODELING: 1. Complete and calibrate an existing conditions hydrologic and hydraulic model of the ditch between Illinois Route 120 and Boone Creek. 2. Complete proposed conditions hydrologic and hydraulic model of the ditch between Illinois Route 120 and Boone Creek. The proposed conditions model will be used to confirm that any of the proposed alternates does not move the problem downstream or upstream; C. ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS: 1. Develop proposed alternates which may include, in addition to the ditch dredging, replacing restrictive culverts along the ditch, detention storage upstream to reduce the flows coming through the ditch and possible diversions, etc. 2. Develop solutions for addressing drainage issues at the intersection of Ramble Road and Home Avenue. 3. Develop a phasing plan along with budgetary costs. 4. Evaluate and summarize permitting requirements. 5. Identify possible funding sources that the improvements may be eligible for such as State Revolving Fund (SRF), EPA Section 319(h), CDBG and others. D. TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM: 1. Based on the above analysis, progress meetings and discussions with the CLIENT, prepare a draft Technical Memorandum for CLIENT review and comments. The Technical Memorandum will summarize project findings, proposed alternatives, phasing plan, and the budgetary costs of proposed alternatives. The grant funding and permit requirement analysis will also be included in the technical memorandum. 2. Upon CLIENT review and comments, a final Technical Memorandum will be issued. E. MEETINGS: 1. Attend progress meetings with the CLIENT and present the findings to the City Council. The following meetings are anticipated: 3.0 Professional Services Agreement Lakeland Park Drainage Study May 16, 2016 Page 4 of 8 • One (1) kickoff meeting • Two (2) progress meetings • One (1) presentation to City Council F. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION: 1. This item will include general administrative tasks associated with the project including but not limited to: • Developing a Project Work Plan and Schedule. • Managing scope, schedule, and budget. • General project correspondence with the CLIENT. • General administrative tasks related to project copying of submittal package, and filing. correspondence , collating and Deliverables and Schedules Included in this Agreement A draft and final Technical Memorandum summarizing the findings of the study along with relevant exhibits, documentation, phasing plan, budgetary costs, and funding options will be submitted to the CLIENT. Item No. Item Description Anticipated Completion Date 1 Data Gathering May 27, 2016 2 Hydrologic & Hydraulic Modeling July 8, 2016 3 Alternative Analysis July 22, 2016 4 Technical Memorandum (Draft/Final) August 5, 2016/September 9, 2016 5 Meetings TBD 6 Project Administration Duration of Contract This schedule was prepared to include reasonable allowances for review and approval times required by the CLIENT and public authorities having jurisdiction over the project. This schedule shall be equitably adjusted as the project progresses, allowing for changes in the scope of the project requested by the CLIENT or for delays or other causes beyond the control of COMPANY. Items not included in Agreement/Supplemental Services The following items are not included as part of this agreement: • Preparation and submittal of applications and fees associated with required permits. • Preparation and submittal of funding applications. Supplemental services not included in the agreement can be provided by COMPANY under separate agreement, if desired. Professional Services Agreement Lakeland Park Drainage Study May 16, 2016 Page 5 of 8 5.0 Professional Services Fee 5.1 Fees The fee for services will be based on COMPANY standard hourly rates current at the time the agreement is signed. These standard hourly rates are subject to change upon 30 days' written notice. Non salary expenses directly attributable to the project such as: (1) living and traveling expenses of employees when away from the home office on business connected with the project; (2) identifiable communication expenses; (3) identifiable reproduction costs applicable to the work; and (4) outside services will be charged in accordance with the rates current at the time the service is done. 5.2 Invoices Invoices for COMPANY's services shall be submitted, on a monthly basis. Invoices shall be due and payable upon receipt. If any invoice is not paid within 15 days, COMPANY may, without waiving any claim or right against the CLIENT, and without liability whatsoever to the CLIENT, suspend or terminate the performance of services. The retainer shall be credited on the final invoice. Accounts unpaid 30 days after the invoice date may be subject to a monthly service charge of 1.5% (or the maximum legal rate) on the unpaid balance. In the event any portion of an account remains unpaid 60 days after the billing, COMPANY may institute collection action and the CLIENT shall pay all costs of collection, including reasonable attorney's fees. 5.3 Extra Services Any service required but not included as part of this contract shall be considered extra services. Extra services will be billed on a Time and Material basis with prior approval of the CLIENT. 5.4 Exclusion This fee does not include attendance at any meetings or public hearings other than those specifically listed in the Scope of Services. These service items are considered extra and are billed separately on an hourly basis. 5.5 Payment The CLIENT AGREES to pay COMPANY on the following basis: Time and material basis with a Not to Exceed fee of $50,000.00 6.0 Terms and Conditions The following Terms and Conditions are incorporated into this AGREEMENT and made a part of it 6.1 Standard of Care Services provided by COMPANY under this AGREEMENT will be performed in a manner consistent with that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently practicing at the same time and in the same or similar locality. 6.2 Entire Agreement This Agreement, and its attachments, constitutes the entire understanding between CLIENT and COMPANY relating to professional engineering services. Any prior or contemporaneous agreements, promises, negotiations, or representations not expressly set forth herein are of no effect. Subsequent modifications or amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by the parties to this Agreement. Professional Services Agreement Lakeland Park Drainage Study May 16, 2016 Page 6 of 8 6.3 Time in and Commencement of Work This AGREEMENT must be executed within ninety (90) days to be accepted under the terms set forth herein. The work will be commenced immediately upon receipt of this signed Agreement. 6A Suspension of Services If the Project or the COMPANY'S services are suspended by the CLIENT for more than thirty (30) calendar days, consecutive or in the aggregate, over the term of this Agreement, the COMPANY shall be compensated for all services performed and reimbursable expenses incurred prior to the receipt of notice of suspension. If the COMPANY'S services are suspended for more than ninety (90) days, consecutive or in the aggregate, the COMPANY may terminate this Agreement upon giving not less than five (5) calendar days' written notice to the CLIENT. 6.5 Book of Account COMPANY will maintain books and accounts of payroll costs, travel, subsistence, field, and incidental expenses for a period of five (5) years. Said books and accounts will be available at all reasonable times for examination by CLIENT at the corporate office of COMPANY during that time. 6.6 Insurance COMPANY will maintain insurance for claims under the Worker's Compensation Laws, and from General Liability and Automobile claims for bodily injury, death, or property damage arising from the negligent performance by COMPANY's employees of the functions and services required under this Agreement. 6=7 Termination or Abandonment The CLIENT has the option to terminate this Agreement for any reason or no reason at all. 6.8 Waiver Either Party's waiver of any term, condition, or covenant or breach of any term, condition, or covenant, shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition, or covenant, or the breach thereof. 6.9 Severability If any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid, illegal, or incapable of being enforced by any Court of competent jurisdiction, all of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect, and no provision shall be deemed dependent upon any other provision unless so expressed herein. 6.10 Successors and Assigns No assignment of this Agreement shall be made without written consent of the parties to this Agreement. 6.11 Third -Party Beneficiaries Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with or a cause of action in favor of a third party against either the CLIENT or the COMPANY. The COMPANY's services under this Agreement are being performed solely for the CLIENT 's benefit, and no other party or entity shall have any claim against the COMPANY because of this Agreement or the performance or nonperformance of services hereunder. The CLIENT and COMPANY agree to require a similar provision in all contracts with contractors, subcontractors, subconsultants, vendors and other entities involved in this project to carry out the intent of this provision. 6.12 Governing Law and Jurisdiction The CLIENT and the COMPANY agree that this Agreement and any legal actions concerning its validity, interpretation and performance shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois, McHenry County without regard to any conflict of laws provisions, which may apply the laws of other jurisdictions. 6013 Dispute Resolution The CLIENT and COMPANY agree that they will first attempt to mutually work towards a resolution on any dispute between them arising out of or relating to this agreement. In the event a mutual agreement cannot be made between the parties any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration association under its Construction Industry Arbitration Rules or JAMS Dispute Resolution, In the discretion of the CLIENT, at the Professional Services Agreement Lakeland Park Drainage Study May 16, 2016 Page 7 of 8 McHenry Municipal Center, 000 South Green Street MCHenry, Illinois and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Provided, however, the only exception to this exclusive procedure is with regard to enforcement of equitable remedies such as injunctive relief and mechanic lien rights which may be maintained by filing suit in the 22" Judicial Circuit Court McHenry County, Illinois In the event of arbitration or litigation of this Agreement between the CLIENT and the COMPANY, the prevailing party to any litigation or arbitration shall be entitled to recover from the non -prevailing party all of its expenses incurred including but not limited to (a) attorneys' fees (b) filing costs, (c) witness fees, and (d) other general expenses of the litigation or arbitration. 6.14 Ownership of Instruments of Service All reports, plans, specifications, field data, field notes, laboratory test data, calculations, estimates and other documents including all documents on electronic media prepared by COMPANY as instruments of service shall remain the property of COMPANY. At no cost to LIENT, documents referenced in this section 8.14, shall be provided to the CLIENT in any requested format. 6.16 Reuse of Documents All project documents including, but not limited to, plans and specifications furnished by COMPANY under this project are intended for use on this project only. Any reuse, without specific written verification or adoption by COMPANY, shall be at the CLIENT's sole risk, and CLIENT shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless COMPANY from all claims, damages and expenses including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. In no event shall the COMPANY be liable for indirect or consequential damages as a result of the CLIENT's use of the electronic files. 6.16 Design Information in Electronic Form CLIENT shall retain copies of the work performed by COMPANY in electronic form only for information and use by CLIENT for the specific purpose for which COMPANY was engaged. Said material shall not be used by CLIENT or transferred to any other party, for use in other projects, additions to this project, or any other purpose for which the material was not strictly intended by COMPANY without COMPANY's expressed written permission. Any unauthorized use or reuse or modifications of this material shall be at CLIENT'S sole risk. 6.17 Job Site Visits and Safety Neither the professional activities of COMPANY, nor the presence of COMPANY'S employees and subconsultants at a construction site, shall relieve the General Contractor and any other entity of their obligations, duties and responsibilities including, but not limited to, construction means, methods, sequence, techniques or procedures necessary for performing, superintending or coordinating all portions of the work of construction in accordance with the contract documents and any health or safety precautions required by any regulatory agencies. COMPANY and its personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions. The CLIENT agrees that the General Contractor is solely responsible for job site safety, and warrants that this intent shall be made evident in the CLIENT's AGREEMENT with the General Contractor. The CLIENT also agrees that the CLIENT, COMPANY and COMPANY'S consultants shall be shall be made additional insureds on the General Contractor's and all subcontractor's general liability policies on a primary and non-contributory basis. 6.18 Indemnification The COMPANY agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the CLIENT, its officers, directors and employees (collectively, CLIENT) against all damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and defense costs, to the extent caused by the COMPANY'S negligent performance of professional services under this Agreement and that of its subconsultants or anyone for whom the COMPANY is legally liable. The CLIENT agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the COMPANY, its officers, directors, employees and subconsultants (collectively, COMPANY) against all damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and defense costs, to the extent caused by the CLIENT'S negligent acts in connection with the Agreement and the acts of its contractors, subcontractors or consultants or anyone for whom the CLIENT is legally liable. Professional Services Agreement Lakeland Park Drainage Study May 16, 2016 Page 8 of 8 Neither the CLIENT nor the CONSULTANT shall be obligated to indemnify the other party in any manner whatsoever for the other party's own negligence or for the negligence of others. 6.19 Municipal Advisor The COMPANY is not a Municipal Advisor registered with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) as defined in the Dodd -Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. When the CLIENT is a municipal entity as defined by said Act, and the CLIENT requires project financing information for the services performed under this AGREEMENT, the CLIENT will provide the COMPANY with a letter detailing who their independent registered municipal advisor is and that the CLIENT will rely on the advice of such advisor. A sample letter can be provided to the CLIENT upon request. This AGREEMENT is approved and accepted by the CLIENT and COMPANY upon both parties signing and dating the AGREEMENT. Services will not begin until COMPANY receives a signed agreement. COMPANY's services shall be limited to those expressly set forth in this AGREEMENT and COMPANY shall have no other obligations or responsibilities for the Project except as agreed to in writing. The effective date of the AGREEMENT shall be the last date entered below. Sincerely, HR GREEN, INC. Ch�itt'J. Pieper, P. City Engineer Approved by: Printed/Typed Name Title: Vice President CITY OF McHENRY Accepted by: Printed/Typed Name: Title: Ajay lain, Date: May 16, 2016 Date: Hrgmhnas:\\O:\86160118\Design\Contract\agt_050416-PSA_Lakeland Park Drainage Ditch Study.docx HRGreen Man -Hour Estimate Lakeland Park Drainage Ditch Study Job Number: 86160118 Date: May 16, 2016 Exhibit A TASK Personnel MAN HOURS LftBOR COST Data Gathering Project Engineer 10 $1,224.00 Survey Crew 64 $6,123000 Direct Costs - $54.00 Subtotal: 74 $71401.00 Hydrologic & Hydraulic Modeling Project Engineer 68 $9,336600 Staff Engineer 148 $15,941000 Direct Costs - $350.00 Subtotal: 216 $25,627.00 Alternative Analysis Project Manager 14 $2,648000 Project Engineer 22 $21900.00 Staff Engineer 8 $864000 Direct Costs - $351.00 Subtotal: 44 $6176100 Technical Memorandum Project Manager 12 $2,208,00 Project Engineer 12 $11640.00 Staff Engineer 16 $1,728.00 Administrative 4 $265.00 Subtotal: 44 $5,841.00 Meetings Project Manager 8 $1,328000 Project Engineer 10 $11260.00 Subtotal: 18 $21588.00 Project Administration Project Manager 4 $772200 Project Engineer 8 $11008.00 Subtotal: 12 $11780.00 Total: 408 Contract Total: $50,000000 Based upon our understanding of the project detailed in this Contract, the above is a summary of hours and costs associated with the project. Hrgmhnas:\\ O:\86160118\Design\Contract\ex-050416-Exhibit_A-Man-hour estimate -Drainage Ditch Study.docx H RC6RT � COX RNLRI% AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John M. Jones, Chief of Police FOR: May 18th, 2016 Regular City Council meeting Office of the Chief of Police John M.Jones McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2200 Fax: (815) 363-2149 www.ci.mchenry.il.us RE: Request to Advertise for Proposal for the upgrade and relocation of the Dispatch centers radio system and all associated services and hardware. ATT: RFP Specifications Agenda Item Summary Staff is seeking authorization to advertise for proposals for the technical component of the renovation of the McHenry Dispatch Center, doing business as NERCOM. This request -for - proposal (RFP) is to upgrade and relocate the center's radio system and all associated services and hardware. The cost of this upgrade and relocation will be split by the cities of McHenry, Woodstock, and Harvard per the percentage enumerated in the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA), signed between the aforementioned cities. The attached RFP will allow the city to identify a contractor to perform the work under our strict specifications. Detailed information regarding this request is provided in the full agenda supplement. Staff will be present at the meeting to answer any questions Council may have. Background The City of McHenry Dispatch has been selected to remain open after the consolidation mandate imposed by the State of Illinois. Due to this consolidation the McHenry Dispatch Center will grow from a three (3) position center to a nine (9) position center. It is the intent of this project to purchase and install six (6) radio dispatch consoles at this time. With this growth, the City of McHenry must expand the current center to accommodate the requirements of a nine (9) position center. This project has two phases to it. The first phase of the project is the general construction build out of the floor plan for the new center. The second phase which is specific to this RFP is to upgrade and relocate the center's radio system and all associated services and hardware. In order to assure no loss of operations during the implementation of this project, the center must be temporarily relocated so that construction of the new dispatch center operations floor can be completed and all new dispatch desks can be installed. The temporary relocation will require the vendor to install three (3) of the six (6) new radio dispatch consoles in a temporary location and then move them to the permanent location after construction is complete. All new and retained hardware must be removed and/or installed in the newly constructed file server room and radio equipment room. This includes the rerouting of existing wiring or the installation of new wiring required. The vendor shall be responsible for the rewiring of all antennas to the new radio equipment room. It is the intent that the City purchases an IP based system with alife-cycle that exceeds 10 years. Any proposal should utilize equipment from a single manufacturer for the dispatch system that has been in the radio dispatch industry and demonstrated past system deployments for at least 10 prior years. The proposed system must integrate at a high level with multiple radio manufactures equipment. It also must support various technologies on multiple platforms. This RFP includes references to features &abilities that the City does not currently use but desires the flexibility to adapt with new technology in the future. The intent is not to preclude any one manufacturer, but to establish a baseline that demonstrates the manufacturer's continuing willingness to adapt to multiple designs, standards, technologies, and provide a diverse state-of-the-art system. Each vendor should list additional abilities of the system proposed. Products proposed for this IP based dispatch console system must be available from a single manufacturer's standard offering including the PCs, screens, PC accessories, Gateways, Central servers, Gateways, Cabinets, Cables, Network components and software. This is to ensure the quality, compatibility and performance level is fully tested & supported by the manufacture. It is preferred that any new base radio products connect directly via IP to the console with the intent to eliminate analog connections where possible. Analysis The RFP attached with this Supplement has been vetted by two local companies that are in the business of Dispatch Center infrastructure, installation and support. It is a true representation of the components, and construction/installation, that will be needed to achieve our goal of constructing a public safety answering point (PSAP) that will allow for future growth and provide emergency dispatch services for all partner agencies, along with any Police/Fire agency that wants to come to the McHenry Dispatch Center doing business as NERCOM for their emergency dispatch needs. __2 � Page Conclusion If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion be considered to approve the request to advertise for proposals for this phase of the renovation of the McHenry Dispatch Center, doing business as NERCOM. Request for Proposals Radio Dispatch System Replacement For: City of McHenry Police Department RFP Issued: Site Tour (upon request) Completed by: Questions Due by: Proposals Due. Page 1 of 57 May 17, 2016 June 1, 2016 June 3, 2016 June 17, 2016 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 P.M. City of McHenry will make no attempt to contact vendors with updated information. It is the responsibility of each vendor to periodically check with the Primary Contact for any and all notifications, releases and amendments associated with this solicitation. BUYER: Carolyn Lynch, Finance Director PHONE: 815 363 2100 FAX: 815 363 2119 EMAIL: clm,ci.mchenr .iy l.us Page 2 of 57 TABLE OF CONTENTS INVITATION......................................................................................................................................... 6 PROPOSALSUBMITTAL..................................................................................................................0 6 INQUIRIES............................................................................................................................................ 6 OVERVIEW OF THE CURRENT DEMOGRAPHICS AND ENVIRONMENT .......................... 7 BACKGROUND.................................................................................................................................... 7 CURRENTVENDOR CONTRACTS.................................................................................................. 7 EXISTINGRADIO SYSTEM.............................................................................................................. 8 EXISTING RECORDING EQUIPMENT........................................................................................... 8 EXISTING E9-1-1 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM........................................................................... 9 EXISTING DISPATCH WORKSTATIONS...................................................................................... 9 EXISTING WORKSTATION HARDWARE..................................................................................... 9 SCOPEOF SERVICES......................................................................................................................... 9 SPECIFICATIONS..............................................................................................................................10 PROPOSED SYSTEM GENERAL REQUIREMENTS..................................................................11 PROPOSEDSYSTEM IP DESIGN................................................................................................... 12 INTER -SITE CONNECTIVITY........................................................................................................12 OPTIONALSITE TOUR....................................................................................................................13 PROPOSALCONTENT.....................................................................................................................13 PROPOSALFORMAT.......................................................................................................................13 LICENSING, CERTIFICATION &OTHER STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS .......................13 TRAINING...........................................................................................................................................14 STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE AND ACCEPTANCE..........................................................14 REFERENCES /OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS................................................................................ 15 Page 2 of 57 .........................................................................................................606000000000413 SYSTEM INSTALLATION AND SUPPORT..................................................................................10 CERTIFICATIONS............................................................................................................................. 15 PRIMARYINTERFACES.................................................................................................................. 16 CERTIFICATION AND REGULATORY APPROVALS REPLACEMENT PART AVAILABILITY...................................................................................... 17 VENDORS) SELECTION................................................................................................................. 17 CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................... 18 Page 4 of 57 ATTACHMENTS (Exhibit -A) Insurance Requirements (Exhibit-B) W-9 Request for Taxpayer ID Number (Exhibit-C) Vendor's Certificate of Compliance (Exhibit-D) References (Exhibit-E) Sample Contract Agreement (Exhibit-F) Technical Console Requirements and Checklist (Exhibit-G) Functional Requirements and Checklist (Exhibit-H) City of McHenry Channels - (Exhibit -I) Corporate Information, Console Manufacturer, Microwave or Router Equipment Mfg (Exhibit-J) Software, Professional Services & Maintenance Cost Summary City of McHenry Office of the Chief of Police 333 S. Green St. McHenry, IL 60050 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Page 5 of 57 A. INVITATION PROPOSALS REQUESTED: Formal sealed proposals from qualified vendors will be received until 4:00 p.m., June 17, 2016 by the City of McHenry Police, 333 S. Green St., McHenry, IL 60050. Shortly after 4:00 p.m., all Proposals will be opened and recorded in the McHenry Police Department Training Room. Radio Dispatch System Replacement Vendors having considerable experience in the Radio Dispatch System Replacement systems or other closely related projects are invited to participate. The purpose of this solicitation is to: 1) Provide the City of McHenry Police Department with a fully operational, flexible, secure and reliable Radio Dispatch System at the City of McHenry Police Department. 2) Replace the radio dispatch console system located at the Police Department. The existing "Zetron" console system in the Dispatch Center shall be upgraded and expanded to include new technology. 3) Provide the City of McHenry Police Department with a complete "turnkey" operational system. B. PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL Interested Vendor(s) shall submit one (1) original written, three (3) copies, and one (1) electronic copy of their sealed proposal to: City of McHenry Police Department Office of the Chief of Police 333 S. Green St. McHenry, IL 60050 C. INQUIRIES Questions regarding this request for proposal and/or project details should be directed to: Chief John M. Jones City of McHenry Police Department Office of the Chief of Police 333 S. Green St. McHenry, IL 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2135 Fax: (815) 363-2149 Email: jjones@ci.mchenry.il.us Page 6 of 57 D. OVERVIEW OF THE CURRENT DEMOGRAPHICS AND ENVIRONMENT The City of McHenry is a diverse community of approximately 28,000 residents offering a variety of housing choices, a wide range of employment options, and unparalleled access to recreational activities. Located at the heart of the Fox River just 50 miles northwest of Chicago, McHenry is located in one of the fastest growing counties in the state yet retains its small town charm. McHenry is conveniently located at the intersection of State Routes 120 and 31 in northeast Illinois, minutes away from Interstates 90, 94 and 43. E. BACKGROUND The City of McHenry Police Department Dispatch Center is amulti-agency, multi- discipline emergency communications center. The Center will be one of three (3) public safety answering points (PSAP), which receive 9-1-1 phone calls, in the County. The Center will provide primary dispatch for the Police Department, six (6) law enforcement agencies and nine (9) Fire -EMS agencies. F. CURRENT VENDOR CONTRACTS The City maintains various maintenance contracts on existing equipment. If any changes (hardware, software, or programming) are required on existing systems, the proposer shall include any fees, or charges required by the current contract holder. This is to ensure the current contract holder is held accountable to fulfill their existing obligations. The following is a list of systems that may require interfaces, and the existing vendor that holds a current contract. Zetron Radio Console Airbus E911 Mapping CAD Radio Infrastructure Eventide Logging Recorder Phone Circuits Video Monitoring Door Intercom Door Access Control Severe Weather Warning System F. EXISTING RADIO SYSTEM Radicom McHenry Co ETSB McHenry Co ETSB McHenry Co ETSB Radicom, Motorola McHenry Co ETSB City of McHenry IT Dept. Radicom, City of McHenry IT Dept. Radicom, City of McHenry IT Dept. Braniff Communications Page 7 of 57 The agencies are currently dispatched on an 800 MHz Trunk System, and multiple VHF conventional radio frequencies. There is some Microwave connectivity established for backup channels. The Center currently has our (4) workstations and is staffed with a minimum of three (3) dispatchers and a maximum of four (4) dispatchers per work shift. The Center handles approximately 40,000 incidents per year. The City is currently looking for potential vendors, which can provide and support locally a turnkey system that includes new workstations, network infrastructure, radio gateways, and all associated interfaces. The City utilizes the 800 MHz Starcom trunked system for law enforcement dispatching. There are multiple zones and talk groups for each resource. One (1) talk group is used primarily for Police dispatching. There are nine (9) additional talk groups utilized for secondary communication. The City dispatches on two (2) VHF conventional systems for Fire &EMS dispatching. The 1st system is used primarily by the McHenry Township Fire Protection District (MTFPD). The MTFPD channel is an analog system currently transmits from one (1) central tower and receives from four (4) voted tower sites. It also has a backup transmitter site. The 2"d system is used primarily by the Marengo/Union Fire Rescue agencies. The Marengo/Union Fire Rescue channel is an analog system currently transmits from one (1) main tower and has a backup transmitter site. Fire and EMS departments within the county operate on either a VHF, UHF, or Starcom system. Various police agencies in the county also utilize the independent VHF, UHF, 800 MHz frequencies, or Starcom system for their daily operations. Most police and fire units have VHF radios in their units. The Police Department's console radio is a Zetron 4000 series System and is in need of a technology upgrade. The transmitters are a mix of Harris, Kenwood, and Motorola and have been upgraded on a regular basis. A chart showing existing channels and current interfaces is provided. It is the vendor's responsibility to verify the information provided. The City of McHenry Police Department has approximately 50 portable radio units and 50 mobile units. There are approximately 150 other mobile and portable units made up of police, fire and EMS agencies being dispatched. G. EXISTING RECORDING EQUIPMENT The Police Department currently has an Eventide recording unit provided by the McHenry County ETSB. Its current method of interface for radio channels is analog. Page 8 of 57 The ETSB will be updating the system to provide IP level recording in lieu of the existing analog connections. In either mode, the vendor is responsible to establish all existing and new channels into the logging recorder. This includes all networking / wiring and circuits necessary. H. EXISTING E9-1-1 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM The City is currently using Cl" Airbus Vesta enhanced 9-1-1 system. The proposed Radio Dispatch system must integrate with the existing system such that the headset and speakers switching operate in the same manor. It shall not require any additional dispatcher keystrokes to answer a call. Any changes to the existing system, interface or levels must be done by an authorized Vesta dealer, and approved by ETSB. The proposer is required to include any additional costs needed to accomplish this section. I. EXISTING DISPATCH WORKSTATIONS The existing furniture will be replaced. All new components will be installed in the new furniture. The vendor will also be required to remove / un-terminate all old un-used components and cabling back to the furthest required termination point. Abandoning cables, or leaving cables with cut ends are not allowed. Cordless headsets are currently utilized by the dispatchers. The headsets have a quick disconnect from the remote PTT unit. The wireless base units are plugged into the radio system headset jackbox. It is the intent of the City to continue using the same Plantronics products on the new system. If listed in the workstation section, the proposer should include a new Plantronics wireless base unit with a headset for each new console position. These should be the same model that the City currently uses. J EXISTING WORKSTATION HARDWARE There is currently one (1) personal computer (PC) at each workstation for radio dispatch. The computers are not connected to the City network or the Internet. K. SCOPE OF SERVICES City of McHenry is seeking proposals for a vendor to provide a Radio Dispatch Replacement system and integrate it to new and existing radio infrastructure for the Police Department Communications Center located at 333 S. Green St. in McHenry, IL 60050. Other integration includes (but not limited to) CAD, NG-911, Microwave, Multiplexers, Phone Circuits, Overhead PA, Door intercom, Door Access, Radio paging and Recording, Tornado Sirens, Enhanced 9-1-1 System and Dispatch Workstation Consoles. The proposed radio dispatch system will have the ability to expand into a centralized multi -agency product. This includes not only local redundancy, but also geo-diverse redundancy. (2 stand-alone systems sharing common resources) Options for a single vendor proposing less than a complete turn -key system or partnering with multiple Page 9 of 57 vendors will not be considered. The selected vendor must have a local service facility capable of providing emergency on -site support. Proposals are being sought through this UP for acquisition of: • IP based Radio Dispatch centralized database servers. • IP based Workstation console positions. • Interfaces to existing radios with increased abilities. • Establish a high -availability network to product end -points. • Establish a redundant network capable to extend to other buildings / towers. • Software licenses for new product and upgrade existing radio products. • Hardware support contract. • Software support contract. • Software enhancement contract. • System installation to current published industry standards • System integration services Project elements that the City will require proposals to include but not limited to: • Radio Dispatch hardware products • Enhancements to existing radio interfaces • New radio interfaces • Computer hardware and setup • Application software • Software implementation • System interfaces • Workstation setup • Software and hardware maintenance • Project management • Comprehensive training • Rewiring of existing cables located on tower to new location(s) • Establish new ground and lightening system protection for all proposed components • Phased installation process allowing temporary location of services to include installation, removal, and relocation of three (3) new complete workstations from the temporary location to the new permanent location. L. SPECIFICATIONS The minimum specifications are intended to define the level of quality and performance of the Radio Dispatch System Replacement and not to be restrictive. Vendors must submit a completed attached Proposal Specification Item Checklist (Exhibit H) with their proposal submittal. Page 10 of 57 M PROPOSED SYSTEM GENERAL REQUIRMENTS The City of McHenry Dispatch has been selected to remain open after the consolidation mandate imposed by the State of Illinois. Due to this consolidation the McHenry Dispatch Center will grow from a three (3) position center to a nine (9) position center. It is the intent of this project to purchase and install six (6) radio dispatch consoles at this time. With this growth, the City of McHenry must expand the current center to accommodate the requirements of a nine (9) position center. This project has two phases to it. The first phase of the project is the general construction buildout of the floor plan for the new center. The second phase which is specific to this RFP is to upgrade and relocate the center's radio system and all associated services and hardware. In order to assure no loss of operations during the implementation of this project, the center must be temporarily relocated so that construction of the new dispatch center operations floor can be completed and all new dispatch desks can be installed. The temporary relocation will require the vendor to install three (3) of the six (6) new radio dispatch consoles in a temporary location and then move them to the permanent location after construction is complete. All new and retained hardware must be removed and/or installed in the newly constructed file server room and radio equipment room. This includes the rerouting of existing wiring or the installation of new wiring required. The vendor shall be responsible for the rewiring of all antennas to the new radio equipment room. It is the intent that the City purchases an IP based system with alife-cycle that exceeds 10 years. Any proposal should utilize equipment from a single manufacturer for the dispatch system that has been in the radio dispatch industry and demonstrated past system deployments for at least 10 prior years. The proposed system must integrate at a high level with multiple radio manufactures equipment. It also must support various technologies on multiple platforms. This RFP includes references to features &abilities that the City does not currently use but desires the flexibility to adapt with new technology in the future. The intent is not to preclude any one manufacture, but to establish a baseline that demonstrates the manufactures continuing willingness to adapt to multiple designs, standards, technologies, and provide a diverse state of the art system. Each vendor should list additional abilities of the system proposed, Products proposed for this IP based dispatch console system must be available from a single manufacture's standard offering including the PC's, screens, PC accessories, Gateways, Central servers, Gateways, Cabinets, Cables, Network components and software. This is to ensure the quality, compatibility and performance level is fully tested & supported by the manufacture. It is preferred that any new Base radio products connect directly via IP to the console with the intent to eliminate analog connections where possible. Page 11 of 57 Na PROPOSED SYSTEM IP DESIGN The proposed system must be an IP based network solution that utilizes only an IP network from various dispatch workstation locations to each IP radio gateway adapter unit to be located at various remote radio locations. The architecture shall also allow for related, independently managed console systems within the radio network to communicate with one another and control radio resources at all locations. As part of the console system architecture, the system shall provide an option to connect remote console system devices and multiple site locations via a multicast to unicast translation application. This removes the need to transport multicast traffic across the span between the dispersed console system devices and/or locations. Therefore conventional IP networking (including VPN technologies) may be used for such remote connections without concern for multicast routing and transport issues. The system shall be capable of expanding to up to 80 consoles and 500 line interface resources. A system utilizing a TDM buss architecture / cards with audio mixers will not be considered. All final IP to audio processing will be done at either the location of the console user, or the RF radio end. The system shall use a common (centralized) and redundant data repository / servers, such that each console, gateway, or router can retrieve its resource configuration as needed from a centralized source. The common servers shall provide full hot -standby operation to each other such that if one fails, the other takes over. Management of the overall system shall be configured from a single radio workstation, or independent PC station with common network access. Password protection if required to prevent un-authorized access to the system configuration. In addition to redundant centralized servers, the system may employ adual-network configuration. Each operator position PC, Central server, and Radio Gateway unit shall have Dual NIC ability on separate subnets. The vendor may supply redundant network switches at each location configured to distribute both subnets. The system redundancy may provide the ability such that a failure of any single NIC (primary or secondary) on a Workstation PC, Server, or Gateway will not cause the device to stop operating. Additionally, any single failure of the redundant network components (switches, routers, etc.) may allow at least 1 of the 2 networks to continue operating keeping the entire system operational. The dispatch console operator software shall contain abuilt-in network monitor that will alert the dispatchers to any major or minor problem with the IP network connections. O. INTER -SITE CONNECTIVITY. In order to fully utilize the advantages of an IP console system, it is required to place the radio interface /gateway that converts analog connections to IP at each base radio. The gateway units must be capable of on -site or off -site placement in order to allow sharing of resources between desperate dispatch centers. The vendor must submit a solution that will leverage a fiber ring between the (3) consolidated centers within McHenry County and potentially other agencies. Page 12 of 57 P. OPTIONAL SITE TOUR An optional site tour may be requested by the vendor. The site tour must be scheduled and conducted prior to June 1, 2016 at 4:00pm. All tours will be conducted on site, at 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois. Interested vendors must call Chief John M. Jones at (815)- 363-2135 to schedule a site tour. This site tour will be the only opportunity provided to vendors to inspect the site prior to the proposal deadline. Q. PROPOSAL CONTENT In order to expedite the evaluation process, proposals for this project should include the following information: • W-9 Request for Taxpayer ID Number(s). Complete, sign and return the attached City of McHenry Request for Taxpayer Identifications Number (W9) form. • References. Briefly describe other projects executed by your Vendors) that demonstrate relevant experience. Also list public sector clients for whom you have performed similar work in the past five years. For each project referenced, include name, address and phone number of a person who can be contacted regarding the project. • Certificate of Compliance. Complete, sign and return the attached City of McHenry Vendor's Certificate of Compliance . • Functional Requirements and Checklist. Complete, sign and return the attached City of McHenry Functional Requirements and Checklist. R. PROPOSAL FORMAT In order to enable the evaluation committee to fairly evaluate each proposal, each vendor sI all include the following information: (Information Must be provided in the order listed below) 1. Cover Letter 2. Table of Contents 3. Executive Summary 4. Functional Requirements and Checklist 5. Completed Cost Summary 6. References 7. System Information Attachments and/or Exhibits S. LICENSING, CERTIFICATION AND OTHER STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS It is the responsibility of the proposer to comply with all applicable federal and state licensing and certification requirements. This shall be done at the proposer's expense, with no cost to the City. All applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations governing telecommunications service contracts will apply to the contract throughout and be deemed incorporated into the contract. Page 13 of 57 T. TRAINING a. Proposer shall provide training to make City personnel familiar with the operation of Radio Dispatch System replacements prior to cut over on the use of all equipment and functions available to the City of McHenry Police Department. Designated employees from the City of McHenry Police Department shall be provided complete on -site system training. b. Training must include all dispatch functions, system administration functions, report generation and use, recording/monitoring, vendor support procedures, and other subjects needed for a full and complete implementation. The successful vendor must provide one (1) manual in hard copy and two (2) electronic copies that utilize windows format of the appropriate written materials for both training and ongoing reference shall be provided. U. STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE AND ACCEPTANCE a. This section establishes a standard of performance, which must be met before the software and hardware is accepted by City of McHenry. This also includes all modifications required to meet the system requirements. b. The performance period shall begin when the proposer notifies City of McHenry that the software and hardware is ready for testing and will continue for a period of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days to determine if the system performs as follows: i. In accordance with manufacturer published specification, including without limitation to all applicable run times and response times. Proposals must list and describe a set of technical and performance test that will constitute this requirement. All major standards, functions and service reporting requirements must be included in their testing requirements. Describe what will be measured, exactly how these measurements will be made, and what documentation will be provided to the City. The list may be added to or modified before award. ii. Meets all of the mandatory requirements as defined in Section III. Scope of Services, Items XD and any optional requirements included in the base system and/or purchased. c. In the event the system fails to meet the standard of performance during the initial thirty (30) consecutive days, the performance period shall continue on a day4o-day basis until the standard of performance is met for a total of thirty (30) consecutive days. d. If the system fails to meet the standard of performance after ninety (90) calendar days, City of McHenry may elect one (1) of the following and so notify the proposer in writing of such election: i. City of McHenry may terminate the license agreement and request the removal of the software and hardware with no charges or penalties and all monies paid will be returned to the City. ii. City of McHenry may demand, and the proposer agrees, to install a direct replacement of the software and/or hardware causing the failure. Such direct replacement shall be subject to all provisions of this Page 14 of 57 section. His City of McHenry may demand that the proposer remove their software and hardware and reinstall/restore the City's previous system. e. In addition to the above, the proposer shall pay the City for any lost commission (revenues) for each day of non -operation based on the amount the City received under the previous system. The City's current investment rate shall be applied to any lost commission system until the previous system is installed and accepted. The system shall not be accepted until the forgoing standard of performance is met. V. REFERENCES /OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS Five (5) references for the proposed manufacture system must be provided where systems of like type are installed. The proposing vendor must provide two (2) references that have purchased and installed the same model system utilizing the proposing vender. These installations shall be made available to City personnel to review the system and be located within 50 miles from McHenry, IL. W. WARRANTY a. All equipment, including material used therein, shall be guaranteed against mechanical, electrical, design and workmanship defects. In the event defects become evident with the warranty period, the proposer shall furnish replacement parts, materials and procedures, and labor as necessary, which shall be provided at no cost to the City for the duration of the warranty period. b. The warranty period shall commence on the date of system acceptance, not on the date of equipment delivery or completion of installation. Acceptance is defined as acceptance by the City after its authorized agent has found it to be in compliance with the specifications and any requirements set forth in Standards of Performance and Acceptance above. X. SYSTEM INSTALLATION AND SUPPORT The proposal must include system installation, configuration, cutover and ongoing normal/emergency technical support from a single vendor. Additional manufacture level system/software support shall be also proposed. Normal support will be &5 Monday — Friday excluding holidays. Emergency support must be available 24X7X365. Phone response is defined as a call-back within 1 hr. Emergency support must be provided within a 2-hour on -site response time from initial contact. An emergency is defined as the inability to provide dispatch service to/from the public or emergency personnel. Y. CERTIFICATIONS The vendor must submit with the proposal a manufacture letter stating that the vendor is authorized to provide McHenry Police Department the proposed console dispatch equipment. Also, the vendor must submit a manufactures certification of successful installation & technical training on the proposed equipment. Page 15 of 57 Z. PRIMARY INTERFACES • Analog Base / Voter Radios • Analog Control Stations • Starcom 21 Control Stations • Door Release System • Panic Alarm System • Airbuss E911 • Paging encoders • Eventide Logging Recording Device • Intercom/P.A. System • Alarm / Notifications • Tornado Siren System Page 16 of 57 AA. CERTIFICATION AND REGULATORY APPROVALS The equipment provider shall be ISO 9000 certified and shall comply with the applicable US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules and regulations for telecommunications equipment. All equipment proposed in which microprocessors are used shall have undergone comprehensive testing and shall meet 47 CFR, Part 15, Subpart "B" of the Federal Communications Commission rules for Class "A" computing devices. BB. REPLACEMENT PART AVAILABILITY The proposed console equipment shall include a comprehensive spares listing for delivery with the system. The manufacture will maintain a stock of critical repair components for the system capable of supporting the system for a period of not less than seven (7) years after initial delivery. Stocked critical parts shall be available for shipment on an expedited basis. CC. VENDORS) SELECTION The Vendor(s) will be selected based upon the apparent qualifications of the Vendor(s) and the availability of its staff to complete the work in time to achieve the City's deadlines. Proposals will be reviewed by an Evaluation Committee and scored on the following criteria: 0-10 points Completeness of the proposal Lowest Qualified Vendors Cost Total X 30 =Points Award This Vendors Cost Total Vendors) s may be asked to provide additional information. Vendor selection will occur on or about July 5th1 2016. Page 17 of 57 DD. CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS A contract will be awarded to the successful Vendor. The vendor who is awarded this contract must be capable of completing the work defined within the contract on or before April 1St, 2017. Terms and conditions must be agreed upon by mutual consent of both parties. A sample copy of the City's Agreement is included in the attachments to this RFP END OF RFP Page 18 of 57 EXHIBIT A INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS I. Supplier shall furnish the City with Certificate of Insurance indicating proof of the following insurance from companies licensed in the State: A. Workers Compensation and Employers' Liability -Worker's Compensation statutory - in compliance with the Compensation law have the State and Employers' Liability insurance with a limit not less than $ 1,000,000 each accident. B. Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability with a minimum limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence, $3,000,000 if aggregate Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability. This insurance shall include, but is not limited to, the following coverage: 1. Premises -Operations 2. Products and Completed Operations 3. Broad Form Property Damage 4. Contractual Personal Injury If excavating, underground or collapse is involved the limits of liability stated above shall be changed to $21000,000. If Asbestos is involved, the limits of liability stated above shall be changed to $5,000,000. C. Professional Liability with a minimum limit of $1,000,000 per injury/$1,000,000 aggregate. D. Automobile Liability with a minimum limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence/$3,000,000 aggregate Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability. This insurance shall include coverage for all of the following: 1. Owned Automobiles 2. Hired Automobiles 3. Non -Owned Automobiles II. The certificate shall list the Certificate Holder and address as follows: City of McHenry, Attn: City of McHenry Purchasing, 333 S. Green St., McHenry II., 60050. III. Such insurance shall include under the General Liability and Automobile Liability Policies City of McHenry, its employees, elected ofFcials, representatives, and members of its boards and/or commissions as "Additional Insureds." IV. Such insurance shall include a thirty (30) day notice to the City of McHenry prior to cancellation or material policy change. The notice shall be given to City of McHenry, 333 S. Green St., McHenry, IL. 60050. NOTE: Standard Cancellation Clause on a Certificate of Insurance is not acceptable. V. Supplier shall require sub supplier; if applicable, to furnish identical Certificates of Insurance to City of McHenry prior to contract taking effect. Page 19 of 57 EXHIBIT B Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Click on the below link to complete the IRS W9 Form as required W-9. pdf Page 20 of 57 EXHIBIT C VENDOR'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE City of McHenry Request for Proposals Radio Dispatch System Replacement GENERAL: This form must be completed in its entirety and submitted with vendor response to acknowledge that vendor meets or exceeds the minimum requirements. INSURANCE: Vendor certifies that the company /individual is in compliance with, or is prepared to comply with the insurance requirements as detailed in the attached Exhibit A. Certificates of insurance must be provided prior to issuance of a contract and/or purchase order. If the certificate(s) of insurance is/are not received by the City of McHenry within five (5) days of notification of award, the City reserves the right to select another vendor. Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements (Exhibit -A) (initials) TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: Vendor has reviewed and completed the Request for Taxpayer Identification Number (W-9 Form). (Exhibit B) Completed W-9 Form Attached CONTRACT TERMS: Vendor has received and reviewed the City of McHenry Agreement. RECEIPT OF ADDENDUM: Vendor acknowledges receipt and inclusion of Addendums Number A through J. Acknowledgement (initials) (initials (initials) PIGGYBACKING: My Company agrees to furnish the items)/service(s) proposed in this proposal to other units of government at the same terms and conditions. Yes No DEBARRED CONTRACTORS: Acknowledgement that the vendor is not on the State of Illinois Department of Labor list of debarred contractors with the effective dates during this project: (initials) EXCEPTIONS TO THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: I hereby certify that all statements herein are made on behalf of: Name of Company: Address: Signature Contact Name: Phone Number: E-mail: Date: (Please list at least 5 with 2 of them being local installations within 50 miles of McHenry, Illinois) Name: Address: ulation: Phone: Contact: Name: Address: lation: Phone: Contact: Name: Address: lation: Phone: Contact: EXHIBIT D References Software Applications Installed Date of Initial Installation Make/ Model Hardware Installed References (continued) EXHIBIT E City of McHenry Radio Dispatch System Aereement This Radio Dispatch System Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between ("Vendor") and the City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050 ("City") effective this _ day of , 2016 and the Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding with respect to the labor and materials to be provided by the Vendor herein. Any terms or conditions of Vendor's proposal inconsistent herewith or in addition hereto shall be of no force and effect and are hereby expressly rejected. 1. Intent of the Parties. The Parties hereto agree that the purpose of this Agreement is to fulfil the following goal of the City: The McHenry Dispatch Center has been selected to remain open after the consolidation mandate imposed by the State of Illinois. Due to this consolidation the McHenry Dispatch Center will grow from a three (3) position center to a nine (9) position center. It is the intent of this Agreement for the Vendor to provide to the City and install six (6) additional radio dispatch consoles. This project has two phases. The first phase of the project is the general construction buildout of the floor plan for the new dispatch center. The second phase, which is subject of this Agreement, is to upgrade and relocate the center's radio system and provide the City with all associated labor and materials. In order to assure no loss of operations during the implementation of this project, the center must be temporarily relocated so that construction of the new dispatch center operations floor can be completed and all new dispatch desks can be installed. The temporary relocation will require the Vendor to install three (3) of the six (6) new radio dispatch consoles in a temporary location and then move them to the permanent location after construction is complete. All new and existing and retained hardware shall be removed and/or installed in the newly constructed file server room and radio equipment room. This includes the rerouting of existing wiring or the installation of new wiring required. The vendor shall be responsible for the rewiring of all antennas to the new radio equipment room. The IP based system provided by Vendor shall have a life -cycle that exceeds 10 years. Any proposal shall utilize equipment from a single manufacturer for the dispatch system that has been in the radio dispatch industry and demonstrated past system deployments for at least 10 prior years. The system provided by Vendor shall provide a diverse state of the art system and integrate at a high level with multiple radio manufactures equipment and support various technologies on multiple platforms and provide the City with the flexibility to adapt to new technology in the future. Each vendor should list additional abilities of the system proposed. Products proposed for this IP based dispatch console system must be available from a single manufacture's standard offering including the PC's, screens, PC accessories, Gateways, Central servers, Gateways, Cabinets, Cables, Network components and software. This is to ensure the quality, compatibility and performance level is fully tested and supported by the manufacture. It is preferred that any new Base radio products connect directly via IP to the console with the intent to eliminate analog connections where possible. 2. Contract Work. The specific labor and materials to be supplied by the Vendor in accordance with the terms of this Agreement are set forth in the attached Exhibit A, being the City's Request for Proposals and Exhibit B, the proposal of the Vendor dated . Exhibits A and B are incorporated herein as if specifically provided for in full. The total not to exceed cost that the City will pay the Vendor for all labor and materials provided hereunder is set forth in Exhibit B. 3. Familiarity with Plans; Qualifications. Vendor acknowledges that it (a) has examined the site of the proposed Work and is familiar with the conditions surrounding same, and (b) has examined the plans and specifications, and has studied and is aware of, and satisfied with, the requirements of the contract documents. Vendor represents to the City that it is fully experienced and properly qualified as an expert to perform the class of work provided for herein, and that it is properly equipped, organized and financed to handle such work. Vendor shall finance its own operations hereunder, shall operate as an independent contractor and not as the agent of the City, and shall hold the City free and harmless from all liability, costs and charges by reason of any act or representations of Vendor, its agents or employees. 4. Extras and Chance Orders. No claim by Vendor that any instructions, by drawing or otherwise, constitute a change in Vendor's performance hereunder, for which Vendor should be paid additional compensation shall be valid, unless prior to commencing such allegedly extra or changed performance written approval is provided by the City. Vendor shall have received a written supplement to this Agreement authorizing such performance signed on behalf of the City by a person with actual authority to do so. No claim for additional compensation on the basis that the Vendor has incurred any expense by reason of any act or failure to act by the City or its contractor, subcontractor, materialmen or any other party shall be valid unless made in writing within 30 days of the alleged act or failure to act and approved by the City, provided however, that if the Vendor should be delayed in furnishing the articles, items, equipment or materials (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "goods") or labor ordered herein, by the omission neglect or default of the City, its agents or employees, Vendor shall be entitled to no additional compensation or damages for such delay, and shall be entitled only to an extension of time for a period equal to the time lost as a result of the aforesaid causes, determined by the City. Any charges for extra not so authorized will not be paid. 5. Inspection and Acceptance. The City shall have the right at all reasonable times to inspect and test all materials furnished by the Vendor, all labor performed or furnished and the performance of the work contracted for herein by the Vendor. Notwithstanding any prior inspection, the passage of title or any prior payment, all labor and materials furnished hereunder are subject to final inspection and acceptance by the City. If, after inspection, the City rejects any goods furnish by the Vendor, the City may, at its election, return those goods to Vendor at Vendor's expense, including the cost of any inspection and testing thereof. If the Vendor fails to proceed promptly with the correction or replacement of any rejected goods or Work, the City may replace or correct such labor or materials and charge the cost incurred thereby to the Vendor or terminate this Agreement for default. By inspecting and not rejecting any labor and materials furnished hereunder, the City shall not be precluded thereby from subsequently revoking its acceptance thereof if the labor and materials and performance of the contracted work are later discovered to be defective or nonconforming with this Agreement. 6. Taxes, Delivery, Risk of Loss. Unless indicated to the contrary on the face hereof, it shall be the responsibility of Contractor/Vendor to arrange for and complete delivery of all goods or materials. If the goods or materials furnished thereunder are equipment, Contractor/Vendor shall give Owner two (2) working days' advance notice of delivery. All goods or materials furnished by ContractorNendor should be shipped in the manner and at the times indicated on the face hereof at the expense of ContractorNendor, it being understood that the risk of loss with respect to such goods is with Contractor/Vendor until such goods come into the actual possession of Owner, regardless of the mode of delivery or earlier passage of title. This Project is tax exempt. The Owner's State of Illinois tax-exempt number is: E000500881-07 and its FEIN number is: 36-6005993. 7. Express Warranty. Vendor warrants, in addition to all warranties which are imposed or implied by law or equity, pursuant to section 313(a) of the Illinois Commercial Code, 810 ILCS 5/2-313(a) ("Act"), that the materials provided for hereunder shall conform to the plans and specifications provided by the City, shall be merchantable and of good quality and workmanship, shall be new, specifically fit for the purpose intended and for which the materials are generally used and free from defects. Vendor shall be liable to the city for enforcement of any applicable manufacturers' warranties. Vendor warrants that all labor provided hereunder shall be performed by qualified and competent personnel in accordance with industry practice and the high standards of care and practice appropriate to the nature of the services rendered. All labor and materials provided under this Agreement shall conform in all respects to all specifications and be fit for the particular. 8. Terms of Payment. Vendor shall be paid by the City within 45 days after the Vendors application for payment is received and the City confirming that the labor and materials invoiced by Vendor have in fact been received and properly installed. The City shall make progress payments based on the total contract sum. Each application for payment shall be based upon a schedule of values submitted by the Vendor in accordance with Exhibits A and B. All application for payments shall be mailed to City's Finance Department — Accounts Payable Division. This schedule of values shall allocate the entire contract sum among various portions of the work and be provided in a form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as may be required by the City. The schedule shall be used as the basis for reviewing the Vendor's applications for payment. Applications for payment shall indicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the work at the end of the period covered by the application for payment subject to the provisions of the contract documents. The amount of each progress payment shall be computed as follows: that portion of the contract sum properly allocated to the completed work as determined by multiplying the percentage completion of each portion of the work by the share of the total contract sum allocated to that portion of the work in the schedule of values less a retainage of 10 percent. Final payment will be made to Vendor when the contract has been fully performed by the Vendor except for the Vendor's correction non -conforming work as deemed to exist by the City. Final payment shall be made by the City not more than 30 days after the issuance of the final certificate of payment as approved by the City and submission of a final lien waiver by the Vendor. 9. Insurance and Indemnification. Vendor will at all times during the term of this Agreement, i) indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability including claims, demands, damages and expenses of every kind including damage to persons or property arising out of or in connection with, or occurring during the course of this Agreement where such liability grows out of acts or omissions of any agent or employee of Vendor and ii) keep in force and effect the following insurance policies, by a company or companies authorized to do business in the State of Illinois, and accepted in writing by the City: a) Workers Compensation Vendor agrees to keep in force policies of workers compensation in the amount required by statute. b) Waiver of Subrogation No workers' compensation insurance shall be obtained by the City concerning Vendor or the employees of Vendor. The City shall not be liable to Vendor or its employees for any injuries to Vendor employees arising out of the performance of work under this Agreement. Vendor and its workman's compensation insurance carrier agree to waive any and all rights of recovery from the City for worker's compensation claims made by its employees. Vendor agrees that the indemnification and hold harmless provisions within this Agreement extend to claims brought on behalf of any employee of Vendor. Vendor shall provide to the City a Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance. c) Liability Insurance Vendor agrees that it has in full force and effect liability insurance to insure itself for any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused by Vendor during the rendition of the maintenance or any other services provided above. Limits of liability shall not be less than $1,000,000 each occurrence and aggregate. d) Fidelity/Crime Coverage Vendor shall provide coverage for employee fidelity/dishonesty related to dishonest acts of Vendor employees and agents, including but not limited to theft or embezzlement of vehicles, materials, supplies, equipment, tools, money, securities, etc., which result in loss to the City. Insurance shall protect the City. The limit of liability shall not be less than $25,000.00 per occurrence. e) Installation FloaterBailee's Insurance Insurance covering property of the City while in the care, custody, or control of Vendor for the purpose of having operations performed on it. Limit of $50,000. f) Automobile Liability Business automobile policy covering all owned, hired and non -owned private passenger autos and commercial vehicles. Limit of liability not less than $500,000 combined single limit. 10. Compliance with Laws. During the performance hereunder, Vendor shall give all notices and comply with all Laws and Regulations of the United States and/or the State of Illinois applicable to the performance of the labor and materials hereunder, including but not limited to those laws and regulations relating to: non-discrimination laws, employment of Illinois workers, labor, wage and collective bargaining. Except where otherwise expressly required by applicable laws and regulations, Owner shall not be responsible for monitoring Contractor/Vendor's compliance with any laws or regulations. 11. Prevailing Wage Act Applies. The City hereby notifies Vendor that not less than the prevailing rate of wages as found by the Department of Labor or as determined by the court on review shall be paid to all laborers, workers, and mechanics providing the labor on this Project. 12. No aLyencv created. The Vendor is an independent contractor and no federal, state, local income tax or payroll tax of any kind shall be with or paid by the City on behalf of Vendor or the employees of Vendor. Vendor shall not be treated as an employee with respect to the services performed hereunder for any purposes including federal or state tax. Vendor has no authority to enter into contracts or agreements on behalf of the City. This Agreement does not create a partnership between the parties 13. Confidentiality. Vendor acknowledges that the information disclosed during the performance of this Agreement is confidential and/or proprietary to the City. Such information shall not be disclosed to third parties without written consent from the City. Vendor shall establish and maintain procedures and controls for the purpose of assuring that no information in its records or information obtained from the City or from others in carrying out its function is disclosed. The City reserves the right to review such procedures to ensure acceptability to the City. Any person(s) requesting information should be referred directly to the City. 14. State Sales Tax/Federal Excise Tax. City is exempt from the payment of State Sales Tax and Federal Excise Tax 15. Non Waiver. The failure of the City to exercise any of its rights under this Agreement for a breach thereof shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such rights or a waiver of any subsequent breach. 16. Notices. Any notice given in connection with this Agreement shall be given in writing and shall be delivered either by hand to the party or by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the party at the parry's address stated herein: To the City: City Administrator 333 N. Green St. McHenry, Illinois 60051 To the Vendor: 17. Remedies, Default. Choice of Law and Venue. In the event Vendor breaches any terms of this Agreement, the City shall be entitled to all remedies provided for within the Act, by common law and if the Vendor's breach results in the City having to provide substitute labor or materials the Vendor shall be liable to the City for all costs incurred by the City including reimbursement of any City employees' wages and benefits paid by the City and all other costs incurred by the City for corrective actions taken. In addition, the prevailing party to any litigation or arbitration proceeding shall be entitled to recover its reasonably incurred attorney fees and costs of such proceeding. Any lawsuit filed relating to this Agreement shall be filed exclusively in the 22nd judicial circuit Court, McHenry County Illinois and all issues shall be decided in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois.Time of delivery of this Purchase Order is of the essence and the City may, by written notice of default to Vendor, cancel the whole or any part of this Agreement (i) if Vendor fails to make delivery of the materials or perform the labor within the time specified or (ii) if Vendor fails to perform or so fails to make progress as to endanger performance hereunder, and in either circumstance does not cure such failure within a period of two (2) days after receipt of notice from the City specifying such failure. The City, by written notice to Vendor, may cancel the whole or any part of this Agreement when it is in the best interest of the City. If this Agreement is so canceled, the Vendor shall be compensated for such cancellation as follows: (a) for materials delivered and labor performed as the reasonable value as part of the contract price; (b) for materials not identified to this Agreement and labor not performed, no compensation allowed; and (c) for Vendor's lost profit or incidental or consequential losses, no compensation allowed. 18. Miscellaneous. This Agreement may not be assigned by Vendor, in whole or in part, without the prior written approval of the City. If any part of this Agreement shall be held unenforceable, the rest of this Agreement will nevertheless remain in full force and effect, so long as a court of law determines the intent of the parties is still being met. This Agreement may be supplemented, amended or revised only in writing by agreement of the parties. City of McHenry By: Susan E. Low, Mayor Vendor Date: By: Date: EXHIBIT F RADIO DISPATCH SYSTEM REPLACEMENT TECHNICAL CONSOLE REQUIREMENTS & CHECK LIST Key* Description Yes - Meets or Exceeds Specifications No - Does NOT Meet Specifications NOTE: The checklist specifies therequirements of this RFP. The ventlor must complete this checklist by indicating at what level each requirement can be met. Please respond by entering the appropriate Key Code next to each requirement. Vendors should use the comments section to further explain how their software meets the requirement. Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. CONSOLE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE F.1 ENVIRONMENTAL F.1.1 The system shall operate over the temperature range 0 to 50°C. F.2 POWER ny centralized equipment of the console system shall be equipped with dual power inputs in order to allow for power integrity in the system design. This console system's power supply shall be configured in a 1 + 1 configuration, such that the loss of single power feed or the loss of a single power supply F.2.1 component shall not cause a disruption in service. Any radio interface card / gateway will be independently power fed from a power source providing a 1+1 configuration. The removal of any single power lead to a series of interface cards or gateways shall not disrupt more than one gateway unit. F.3 CONSOLE EQUIPMENT Consoles shall be PC -based and support a minimum of Windows 7 or 8 644t operating system. Console PCs shall F.3.1 support redundant IP networks and support dual display monitors. 23in multi -touch widescreen touch monitor shall be utilized to display the console user interface and shall support a minimum F.3.2 resolution of 1920x1080. The dispatcher shall be able to perform all dispatch operations by using the combination of the display screen and a mouse. FA FOOTSWITCH The footswitch shall be used by the dispatcher to key the FA 1 selected radio channels . Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. F.5 SPEAKERS The system shall have the ability to add up to the maximum of eight (8) audio speakers at each position. Each speaker shall F.5.1 be in an individual enclosure and have separate volume control knob. Speakers shall also be equipped with LEDs indicating power to F.5.2 he device and receive voice activit . F.6 DESK MICROPHONE The desk microphone shall have a physical button that when F.6.1 pressed shall cause the microphone to be live on the selected radio channels . F.7 HEADSET JACKBOX he jackbox shall be compatible with either 4 or 6 wire F.7.1 headsets. Inserting the headset plug into the jackbox shall automatically F.7.2 route the select audio to the headset and mute the select speaker. If an external telephone system is utilized and connected to the console system such that the dispatcher can use one headset to F.7.3 operate both, separate volume knobs shall be provided on the ackbox to control radio volume and telephone volume. F.8 LAPTOP OPERATION The console software shall run on a laptop that complies with he specifications of the desktop PC position. This option shall F.8.1 allow the dispatcher to use only the console software and a USB headset to perform their dispatching functions. F.g TELEPHONE RADIO HEADSET INTEGRATION (TRHI) The console system shall support the integration of telephone and radio dispatch audio such that the dispatcher can use one F.9.1 headset for operating both an external telephone and the dispatch console. When the telephone is "on -hook" (i.e. telephone not in use), the select audio of the console shall be routed to the earpiece of the F 9 2 headset. When PTT is depressed, the headset microphone audio shall be routed to the selected channels . Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. n "off -hook" (i.e. placed in use) indication from an external telephone device shall cause the Telephone/Radio Headset Interface to route the select audio into the select speaker, and present the user with telephone audio in the earpiece. The microphone audio is routed to the telephone such that the user F.9.3 can converse with the caller in full duplex without the need to press the transmit button. When the user needs to answer a radio call on the console, activation of PTT shall cause the microphone audio to momentarily be routed to the select channel(s). During PTT muting of transmitted audio to the telephone caller shall be selectable. When the external telephone returns to an "on -hook" condition, F.9.4 the Telephone/Radio Headset Interface shall return the select audio to the headset earpiece. F.10 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE The console system shall provide a general indication on the dispatch console screen of the health of the IP network on F.10.1 which it resides and allow for a technician to access additional log information to assist in troubleshooting IP network performance issues. There shall be a centralized method of device discovery and provisioning of device IP network addresses, and all associated F.10.2 parameters for that device, such that it eliminates the need to access each device separately. II primary settings and adjustments on the backroom F.10.3 equipment shall be accomplished via software control. It shall be possible to configure the console system from anywhere on the network on which it resides. A technician shall F.10A not be required to physically connect to a device in order to perform configuration and maintenance tasks. F.11 REDUNDANCY II console system hardware devices shall be capable of supporting redundant IP networks. There shall be no dispatch F.11.1 operational impact based on a single network failure when operating in redundant mode. The architecture of the console system shall allow optional redundancy of critical components and/or application services F.11.2 such that a failure in the component shall not cause disruption of service to the system as a whole. INTERFACE AND CONTROL REQUIREMENTS F.12 TONE REMOTE CONTROL The console system shall be capable of generating, on a channel by channel basis, Tone Remote Control (TRC) F.12.1 compliant with TIA.102-BAHA Fixed Station Interface Messages & Procedures, Section 7.2. Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. In addition to supporting a single function tone sequence, with a capability of selecting up to 15 functions, including up to 8 radio F.12.2 channels, the console system shall also optionally support dual unction tones, with a capability of selecting up to 99 radio channels. In addition to the 15 standard function tones ranging from 650 to 2050 Hz, the console system shall also support extended unction tones including 350, 450, 550, 2250 and 2350 Hz. F.12.3 Guard Tone frequencies shall be field selectable including the following tones: 2100, 2175, 2300, 2325, 2600, 2800, and 2970 Hz. The duration of the High Level Guard Tone shall be adjustable between 60 and 1000 milliseconds in 10 millisecond steps. Function Tone Duration shall be field adjustable between 10 and 250 milliseconds in 10 millisecond steps. The amplitude of each sequential tone shall be independently field configurable between 40 and +10 dBm. The tone frequency accuracy shall be +/- 0.2%, and timing accuracy shall be +/- 1.0%. The transmit path of console system circuits used for TRC shall be capable o monitoring transmissions of other paralleled wireline control equipment, when the console is not transmitting on the circuit. F.12.4 This path shall have a notch filter for Guard Tone to prevent the operator from hearing the Guard Tone generated by paralleled equipment. This path shall also be capable of decoding TRC sequences such that when a parallel device changes the radio fixed station's parameters using TRC, the console system shall update its display to the dispatcher to allow the operator's display to reflect the fixed station's current state. This shall include the ability to see transmit state, and changes to the fixed station's channel. Also in support of paralleled wireline equipment, the console's wireline interface shall support selectable high/low impedance. F.13 DC CONTROL The console system shall also be capable of generating, on a channel by channel basis, EIA standard DC control currents. F.13.1 The currents shall be programmable between +15mA and — 15mA in 0.5mA increments. Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. F.14 LOCAL/E&M CONTROL The console shall be capable of controlling radios using local and E & M methods compliant with TIA.102-BAHA Fixed Station Interface Messages & Procedures, Section 7.1. To support this, he console system shall provide, on a channel by channel F.14.1 basis, a "normally open" output capable of being wired in support of an E&M "M-lead". In addition console circuits that use E&M control shall also support the use of an optically isolated incoming receive indication signal which can be wired in support of an E&M "E-lead". F.15 KENWOOD RADIO INTERFACE The console shall be capable of controlling the following Kenwood radios for specific interface needs: TKx180 for analog/conventional systems, TK-5x10 for P25 CAI conventional and trunking systems, and NX-700/800/900,NX820, NXR700/800for NEXEDGE®systems. The following functions shall be available through the console interface: channel/talkgroup select, group call, individual call, emergency call, PTTdD, scan, and receipt of status messages. F.15.1 F.16 HARRIS RADIO INTERFACE The console shall be capable of controlling a Harris M7300 series radio for specific interface needs: analog/conventional systems, EDACS Trunking, P25 CAI conventional and P25 F.16.1 Trunking systems. The following functions shall be available through the console interface: up to 50 channel/talkgroup select, group call, individual call, emergency call, PTT-ID, scan, and receipt of status messages. F.16 MOTOROLA RADIO INTERFACE The console shall be capable of controlling a Motorola APX 75001 XTL 5000 series radio for specific interface needs: analog/conventional systems, P25 CAI conventional and P25 F.16.1 Trunking systems. The following functions shall be available through the console interface: up to 50 channel/talkgroup select, group call, individual call, emergency call, PTT-ID, scan, and receipt of status messages. F.17 MOTOROLA DIU 3000 The console shall be capable of interfacing to the Motorola Quantar with DIU-3000 to support P25 conventional systems. F.17.1 The following functions shall be available through the console interface: channel select, group call, emergency call and PTT-I D. Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. F.20 DMR DIRECT IP DIGITAL INTERFACE The console shall be capable of interfacing to a product that F.20.1 allows DMR system access. F.21A P25 DFSI DIRECT IP DIGITAL INTERFACE The console shall be capable of interfacing to a P25) per F.21.1A TIA102.BAHA standard base station via a direct Ethernet connection. An extended feature set shall be available to be programmed at each dispatch position F.21 B P25 CSSI STANDARD TRUCK SYSTEM INTERFACE he console shall be capable of interfacing to a trunk system via F.21.1 B a P25 Standard console subsystem interface. F.22 TONE SIGNALING he console shall be capable of supporting the following tone F.22.1 signaling formats: F.22.1A • Motorola Two -Tone F.22.113 • Motorola Quick -Call 2 (1+1) F.22.1 C • GE® Two -Tone F.22.1 D • Reach Two -Tone • Plectron (Two -Tone w/ non-standard frequencies, F.22.1 E durations, and gaps) F.22.1 F DTMF F.22.1G •Knox DTMF F.22.1 F 5/6 Tone To avoid tone distortion due to IP related issues, selective calling/paging tones/ radio signaling tones used for signaling or F.22.2 controlling devices shall be generated and/or decoded at the radio interface device and not transported through the system as VoIP audio. PTT ANI SIGNALING FORMATS F.23 P25 UNIT ID SIGNALING The system shall support decode / display of P25 units. The F.23.1 ollowin features shall be supported: PTT ID for individual radios and groups, Emergency alert, call F.23.1A alert and selective call. F.24 MDC 1200/FLEETSYNC SIGNALING The system shall support encode and decode of MDC 1200/Fleetsync. The interface to MDC 1200/Fleetsync radios F.24.1 shall use a 4W analog interface and tone remote signaling. The following features shall be supported: PTT ID for individual radios and groups, Emergency alert, call F.24.1A alert, selective call, status request/report, radio availability check, radio enable/disable, and remote radio monitor. F.25 GE -STAR SIGNALING The following GE -Star formats shall be supported: Multi -System 0 124t decode, Multi -System 1 124t decode, Multi -System 2 124t decode, Multi -System 3 124t decode, Standard 114t F.25.1 decode, Mobile/Portable 124t decode, Mobile/Portable 134t decode, GE -Star #4 144t decode, GE -Star #3 144t decode, ID Star #1 14-bit decode. The following features shall be supported: PTT ID for individual F.25.2 radios and groups [Rx&Tx], Emergency alert [Rx], status report [Rx]. F.26 TELEPHONE INTERFACE The system shall support an interface to one or more analog (POTS) telephone lines. The interface shall be compatible with F.26.1 lines terminated at a central office or at a local PBX fitted with an analog port. F.27 LOGGING RECORDER OUTPUT The system shall provide both 2-wire analog logging recorder F.27.1 outputs and an interface to an IP voice logger system. he analog logging recorder output shall record on a per F 27 2 channel basis. In addition to all voice transmissions, the following data items, if available in the system, shall be made available to the external F.27.3 IP logging system: PTT ID/Caller ID, Radio Channel ID, Privacy code ID, encryption key, encrypted status, telephone line ID. F.28 TIME SYNC INPUT he console system shall have the capability to accept a master F.28.1 clock data input which utilizes NTP protocol. The master clock source shall be used to keep all displayed F.28.2time/date fields synchronized. EXHIBIT G RADIO DISPATCH SYSTEM REPLACEMENT FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS & CHECK LIST Kev* Description Yes - Meets or Exceeds Specifications No - Does NOT Meet Specifications NOTE: The checklist specifies the requirements of this RFP. The vendor must complete this checklist by indicating at what level each requirement can be met. Please respond by entering the appropriate Key Code next to each requirement. Vendors should use the comments section to further explain how their software meets the requirement. Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. 1.1 GENERAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Proposed console system must support multi -agency and 1.1.1 multi-'urisdictional dispatching Proposed console system must provide end -to -end IP 11 2 processing. (dispatcher to base radio Proposed console system must not use IP to transport critical tone signaling. All keying, status, function, or 1.1.3 paging tones must be produced at the radio interface / atewa Proposed console system must include a high -availability 1.1.4 IP network Proposed console system must reside on its own 1.1.5 independent IP network. Any cross connection to other existing networks must include an approved method. Proposed console system must include a dual -redundant 1.1.6 IP network architecture to all main components. Proposed console system must be upgradeable to support 1.1.7 geo-diverse nodes that independently operate with resource sharing between them. Proposed console system must include a network health 1.1.8 monitor that alerts dispatch personnel along with administrative and technical personnel Proposed console system shall support both analog and IP 1.1.g di ital recording outputs for a Ion -term recorder. Proposed console system must support multi -agency and 1.1.10 -sdictional dispatching multi'uri Proposed console system must utilize a central data 1.1.11 repository architecture and provide a backup / failover system. Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. Proposed console system must be expandable to 80 1.1.12 positions and 500 endpoints to be spread over multiple multi -age cnodes Proposed console system must operate on a 64bit PC, 1.1.13 Laptop, or Tablet running a 64bit application. Proposed console system shall include "No single point of 1.1.14 failure" on key components. Proposed console system must provide Dual or N+1 power supply on central equipment and radio interfaces. AC 1.1.15 power sources to each power system shall be on different circuits. Proposed console system must include On -site operator 1.1.16 training with classes to be spread over 3 shifts, including after hours. Proposed console system must include On -site 1.1.17 administrator training with classes to be during regular hours. Proposed console system must include On -site basic maintenance training for City employees to perform simple 1.1.18 maintenance / troubleshooting. Classes to be during regular hours. The system must comply with FCC, FAA, EIA, TIA, IEEE, 1.1.19 ISO, NENA, Federal, State, and Local codes. The system must comply with Motorola R56 or Harris 1.1.20 E/LZT 123 4618/1 grounding practices. The system installation must comply with OSHA & NFPA 1.1.21 1221, Standard for the Installation & Maintenance, for use of Emergency Services Communications Systems n optional Laptop position with hardware, software, and 1.1.22 installation is provided. 1.2 CONSOLE FEATURES 1.2.1 The system must provide the following console features: 1.2.2 Operator sign -on shall require the entry of an operator ID. 1.2.3 The password must not appear when entered. he workstation software shall have the ability to display 1.2.4 multiple static screens configured by the administrator. he workstation software shall have the ability to display a 1.2.5 d namic screen configured by the operator. The workstation software shall have the ability to configure 1.2.6 any resource on to multiple screens configured by the administrator. Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. The workstation software shall have the ability to import / 1.2.7 change backgrounds and change icons to allow customization configured by the administrator. Each time the console application is run, it will retrieve its 128 8 confi uration from the central repository. Proposed console system shall support at a minimum the 1.2.9 following PTT ID formats. MDC1200, GE -Star, P25, 5/6 tone, & Fleets nc Proposed console system shall support at a minimum the 1.2.10 following Radio technologies: Conventional Analog, Conventional Digital, P25, EDACS, Smartnet / Smartzone. Proposed console system shall support at a minimum the following Radio interfaces. Analog EIA 2/4 wire tone remote, Analog local interface, DC control interface, Digital 1.2.11 P25 DFSI, Harris M7300, Motorola APX7500, XTL5000, Motorola DIU 3000, Kenwood TK-x180, TK-5x10, NX- 700/800/900 connection. Proposed console system shall support an enhanced P25 control station interface that includes 50 system / group 1.2.12 selections, Unit & Group display, and Emergency ID unctions. Each console position must be capable of up to (8) amplified audio speakers. Each must have a physical 1.2.13 volume control and an activity indicator on the speaker. (4) Speakers at each position will be included with proposal. Proposed console system shall include the ability to patch 1.2.14 multiple channels / groups at a console. Multiple patches must be available. Proposed console system shall interface to the existing 1.2.15 Vesta E-911 with full headset integration Proposed console system shall interface to existing door 1.2.16 controls in dispatch Proposed console system shall support simultaneous paging on multiple channels. The need to delay particular 1.2.17 pages / channels must be available due to possible frequency / tower collisions. Proposed console system shall support a widescreen 1.2.18 touch monitor of 1920x1080 resolution via a USB connection. Proposed console system shall include a short term recorder (IRR) for each channel configured on the console. 1.2.19 The display will be tied directly to the channel icon. (not in a combined channel list / format Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. Proposed console system shall include a call history including time and Unit ID for each channel configured on 1.2.20 he console. The display will be tied directly to the channel icon. not in a combined channel list / format) Proposed console system shall include an activity view that 1.2.21 displays recent channel activity for a programmed amount of time. 1.3 INTEGRATION & NETWORK STRUCTURE 1.3.1 Proposal shall include optional cost for structural analysis 1.3.2 of any tower or building requiring additional antenna s stems. (Final need to be determined by the City) Proposal shall include cost to provide IP connectivity 1.3.3 through system Backroom equipment will be in a full size equipment 1.3.4 cabinet regardless of space needs. All equipment will be individually rack mounted with factory 1.3.5 racks to provide a neat installation. Full cable management will be included and installed at all 1.3.6 sites. 1.3.7 1.3.8 1.3.9 1.3.10 Analog record audio will be presented into the existing 1.3.11 logging recorder n Optional digital IP long-term recording with all licenses 1.3.12 services and installation is proposed. Removal of all old / unused equipment including cabling 1.3.13 back to a point of needed service will be included. IA GENERAL USER INTERFACE The console software shall be designed to operate in a 64bit 1.4.1 mode on Windows 7 or later. Older 32bit software is not desired. The user interface shall support the configuration of multiple 1.4.2 workspaces views for a dispatch screen. Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. Each workspace shall have the ability to remain static 1.4.3 (dispatcher cannot modify) or dynamic (dispatcher can configure "on the fly" or a combination of both. Workspaces shall allow for "on the fly" configuration by dispatch personnel such that they may add and delete resources to and 1.4.4 from the workspace, move resources around within the workspace and resize certain resources. There shall be an option provided to a technician or system administrator level to lock each individual workspace such that nothing may be moved, added or deleted from the workspace. 1.4.5 There shall also be an option to lock each visual control and system resource displayed on the screen such that a workspace that is unlocked may have locked items on it to prevent a dispatcher from changing them while the console is running. In order to minimize visual distractions to the dispatcher, the user interface shall be capable of being configured such that information and indications appear only when applicable to an 14 6 event. It shall not be necessary to have every indication constantly visible on the screen regardless of its state in order or the dispatcher to access it. The dispatcher shall have access to system resources in the 1.4.7 system that may not be permanently displayed on their screen including: • Adding a radio channel to their workspace for as long 1.4.7A as the dispatcher requires. • Allowing for an instant transmit or access to receive 1.4.7E notifications for radio channels that they do not add to the workspace. 1.4.7C Adding Aux 1/0 sensors and controls to their workspace for as long as the dispatcher requires. The user interface shall allow the ability to associate individual, 1.4.8 customized images to represent each entity stored in the consoles stem data repository. The console software shall allow for the ability to display the 1.4.9 dispatch center's name, logo, or other graphic icon on all screens. 1.5 UX/10 The console system shall support connection to auxiliary digital I.5.1 inputs (for receiving status from external equipment) and digital outputs for external device control). Input shall be capable of showing at least two indication states 1.5.2 within the same indicator on the console screen in order to reflect different status levels. Output controls shall be available in latching and momentary 1.5.3 operation. The output control shall be capable of showing at least two indication states. Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. combined input and output control shall be available such that he dispatcher views the input status and controls the output 1.5.4 from a single visual control. Activation of the output would send activation but only change the indication based on state of input Each console position and gateway device shall have a 1.5.5 minimum of (4) inputs and 4 outputs available. In addition, an independent 1/0 device shall be available to 1.5.6 increase the quantity and relay current capability to include 2am s per relay. RADIO CONTROL 1.6 SELECT The dispatcher shall have the ability to place a channel into the selected state via a single operation. When a radio channel is placed into the selected state, that audio is routed to the appropriate device, either the select speaker or the headset or 1.6.1 both. Microphone audio is routed to either the headset microphone or a desk microphone depending on the console configuration. There shall be a visual indication that the dispatcher has placed a channel into the selected state. 1.7 TRANSMIT The system shall support the ability to transmit on a selected channel or channels. The user interface shall provide visual feedback to the dispatcher that the transmission is either 1.7.1 successful or blocked. When transmitting on multiple selected channels, if any channel is busy or unavailable, this shall not prevent transmission on non -busy channels. 1.8 INSTANT TRANSMIT The system shall allow the dispatcher to perform an instant transmit on a radio channel without the need to place the 1.8.1 channel into a selected state. An instant transmit on a channel shall not result in a transmission on currently selected radio channels. 1.9 RECEIVE The user interface shall provide a visual indication that there is incoming audio traffic on a radio channel. If the channel is 19 1 selected, the audio is routed to the applicable device (headset o selectspeaker). The user interface shall provide a method for dispatchers to see that there is an incoming call on a channel(s) that is not visible in heir primary workspace. This method shall allow the dispatcher 1.9.2 to interact (select and/or transmit) with that radio channel if necessary. Which channels appear to the dispatcher via this method shall be configurable by a technician or system administrator. Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. 1.10 MONITOR, IDLE STATES The user interface shall allow the dispatcher to place audio from a specified radio in a monitor speaker. The user interface shall 1.10.1 be capable of allowing the dispatcher to change which monitor speaker the audio is routed to at any time. The user interface shall allow the dispatcher to view activity and visual indications on a radio channel on their screen without 1.10.2 requiring the audio to be present in the select or monitor ,speakers. loll RADIO ID & ALIAS When available, the PTT ID shall be displayed on the user I.11.1 interface for an incoming radio transmission. When available, the contact entry name shall be displayed for 1.11.2 he matching PTT ID from the console s stem's data repository. I.12 TIME STAMP The user interface shall display the time that an incoming or 1.12.1 outgoing radio transmission occurs. I.13 ALERT TONE The system shall be capable of transmitting a predefined alert 1.13.1 tone on the selected channels . 1.14 MULTI -SELECT The user interface shall support multi -channel selection where selecting a channel does not change the state of a previously 1.14.1 selected channel. The user interface shall support this without requiring the dispatcher to change modes. 1.15 FREQUENCY/TALKGROUP CHANGE The system shall allow the dispatcher to change the frequency or talkgroup on a radio channel if allowed by the base station. The system shall support the ability for a technician or 1.15.1 administrator to label the radio frequencies/talkgroups to a desired name. When the dispatcher changes the frequency on a radio channel, the change shall be reflected on all consoles. 1.16 PATCH The system shall support the ability to connect two or more channels together such that the receive audio of one channel is repeated on all other channels who are members of the patch. 1.16.1 Each radio channel that is a member of a patch shall clearly display that they are in a patch and of which patch they are a member. This indication shall be shown on all consoles displaying that 1.16.2 channel. Dispatchers shall have the ability to add and delete individual 1.16.3 radio channels to and from an active patch. Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. They shall also have the ability to tear down the entire patch all 1.16.4 at once. Dispatchers shall have the ability to become active members of 1.16.5 the patch or remove themselves from the member list. The user interface shall provide a list of the patch members. The 1.16.6 dispatcher shall be able to view the members in all system patches. I.17 PERMANENT GROUPS The console system shall allow for a pre -defined group of radio channels to be established and saved permanently in the 1.17.1 system. This group shall be represented on the user interface via a single visual element. Selecting and transmitting on the visual control operates the same as if the dispatcher had individually selected each channel. 1.18 DYNAMIC GROUPS The console system shall allow for a dispatcher to create a 1.18.1 group of radio channels dynamically during their console session. 1.19 PRIORITY/CHANNEL MARKER The system shall allow for a priority marker to be placed on any and all channels in the system as desired on a channel by 1.19.1 channel basis. The frequency, duration, interval, and amplitude of the priority marker shall be adjustable in software. TELEPHONE CONTROLS 1.20ANSWER/RELEASE The user interface shall allow the dispatcher to answer an incoming telephone call. It shall not be necessary to have a 1.20.1 telephone line resource present on screen in order to receive and answer an incoming call. The dispatcher shall have the abilitv to terminate the call via a user interface control. 1.21 OUTGOING CALL The user interface shall allow the dispatcher to place an 1.21.1 outgoing call via a dialer from their console screen. It shall not be required to have the dialer permanently displayed on the screen in order for the dispatcher to place the call. The 121 a2 system shall support the ability to also dial from a keypad at the console position. The system shall support the ability for the dispatcher to place 1.21.3 an outgoing call from a predefined contact entry. 1.22 REDIAL The user interface shall allow the dispatcher to redial the last number used for an outbound call without the need to re-enter 122 1 the digits. The user interface shall display the call information before placing the call. Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. 1.23 CALLER ID When available the caller identification information shall be 1.23.1 displayed on the user interface for an incoming call. The contact entry shall be displayed on the user interface if the 1.23.2 calling number matches an entry in the console system's data repository, 1.24 MUTE The user interface shall allow the dispatcher to mute their 1.24.1 microphone source to the telephone caller. 1.24.2 There shall be a visual indication that the microphone is muted. 1.25 HOLD The dispatcher shall have the ability to place a telephone call on hold. There shall be a visual indication that the call has been 1.25.1 placed on hold. A technician configurable hold timer shall be available such that when the timer expires, the telephone call ill re -ring at the position. 1.26 CALL MONITOR The system shall allow for another position to monitor a telephone call. While monitoring a call the user can listen to the 1.26.1 parties on the call but not have their microphone live as part of he telephone call. 1.27 JOIN CALL The system shall allow for another dispatcher to join an active 1.27.1 telephone call. 1.28 PATCH TELEPHONE TO RADIO The system shall provide the ability for a telephone call to be 128 1 patched to one or more radio channels. PAGING CONTROL I.29 INSTANT CALL PAGE The system shall provide the ability to initiate a paging alert 1.29.1 through activation of a single action. Instant calls may be pre-programmed with one or more pages with differing formats. 1.30 PAGE STEERING Instant call pages may be programmed to go out on pre -defined 1.30.1 channels or programmed to go out on the selected channels . 1.31 PAGE TRANSMISSION The console shall provide both audible and visual cues of the progress of the paging process. The dispatcher shall have the 1.31.1 ability to stop the page transmission after initiation. There shall be an indication to the dispatcher if a page was transmitted successfully or not. The system shall support the ability to simultaneously send 1.31.2 different pages on multiple channels. Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. The system must also have the ability to delay the page 1.31.3 sequence on a particular channel until another channels page is completed. GENERAL CONTROLS & SYSTEM FUNCTIONS 1.32 VOLUMEwINDIVIDUAL, MASTER The user interface shall have increase/decrease volume controls 1.32.1 that are adjustable by the dispatcher. There shall be controls to change the volume level on each individual channel independently from one another and controls 1.32.2 to change volume level on all channels routed to a particular speaker. 1.33 VOLUME SETTING/PROGRAMING The user interface shall allow the dispatcher to set the volume to a pre -defined level for each channel independently and for any 1.33.1 speaker. A visual indication shall appear when that item is laced into the selected state. 1.34 MUTE The user interface shall allow the dispatcher to mute the volume to a pre -defined level for each channel independently and for 1.34.1 any speaker. However, muting of the selected channel(s) shall not be allowed. 1.34.2 A visual indication shall appear when that item is placed into the muted state. 1.35 ALL MUTE The user interface shall allow the dispatcher to mute all monitored channels (anything not selected) simultaneously to a pre -defined level. There shall be an indication on the screen that 1.35.1 channels are in a muted state. The all mute function may be removed by either the dispatcher invoking the action or via a timer. The timer length shall be adjustable by a technician or administrator. 1.36 CONSOLE VOICE INTERCOM The system shall allow a console dispatcher to talk directly to one or more dispatchers within the console system. The user 1.36.1 interface shall allow the dispatcher to select the destination consoles from a list of logged in users. I.37 CONSOLE TEXT MESSAGING The system shall allow a console dispatcher to communicate 1.37.1 with one or more dispatchers within the console system via text messaging. Req. Requirement Key* Comments No. The user interface shall provide an indication that the dispatcher has an incoming and/or unread text message. In order to not disrupt the dispatcher from their current tasks, the dispatcher shall have the ability to read that message when desired versus 1.37.2 immediately upon receipt. For outgoing text messages, the user interface shall allow the dispatcher to select the destination console(s) from a list of logged in users or modify the destination console(s) when replying. 1.38 CALL HISTORY The system shall provide a history of all radio transmissions, incoming and outgoing, for each channel displayed on the screen regardless of its selected state. The dispatcher shall be able to perform an instant transmit to a caller from the activity 1.38.1 entry. The following information shall be displayed for each transmission: time, Mobile ID or contact alias (when available), and status. The dispatcher shall have access to the transmission recording from the activity history. 1.39 EVENT REPLAY The system shall provide short term recording/instant playback functionality for transmissions. The dispatcher shall have access o the individual transmission playback via their workstation. The 1.39.1 system shall also support the ability to playback recordings on a particular channel in succession without needing the dispatcher to individually initiate the playback of each recording. Each recording should include the PTT ID if captured. IA0 PARALLEL STATUS The status of any system resource (e.g. Radio, Phone, Aux 1/0) 1.40.1 shall be indicated at all consoles where the resource is displayed* The user interface shall display visual indication on a radio 1.40.2 channel of transmissions from other dispatchers on the console system. 1.41 CONSOLE CROSS MUTE The system shall provide a means of muting the transmit audio from one or more other consoles within the system on a console 1.41.1 that is monitoring the channel on which the transmission occurred. IA2 CHANNEL CROSS MUTE The system shall provide a means of muting incoming audio (both transmit monitor and receive) on one or more channels 1.42.1 when the system is transmitting on a given channel and frequency. EXHIBIT H MCHENRY DISPATCH CENTER CHANNELS RADIO DISPATCH SYSTEM REPLACEMENT 2/4 TX TX RX RX UNIT ID Voter Controls & I/O Existing PD Voter (2 sites) SpectaTAC Existing FD Voter (4 sites) JPS OPTIONALLY PRICED ADDITIONAL CHANNELS Marengo PD VHF Multiple Provide a minimum of (18) 2-amp relays & (32) inputs Vendor must provide full monitoring and control at all posons. Vendor must provide full monitoring and control at all positions. Uses 4 wire circuit as Main, with Control Station as standby. Marengo PW VHF Harvard PD VHF Harvard FD VHF Harvard PW VHF Woodstock PD VHF Woodstock FD VHF Woodstock PW VHF Fox River Grove PD Mchenry PD Starcom CS3 Mchenry PD Starcom CS4 DOORINTERCOM Existing Aiphone for Door # 1 Existing Aiphone for Door # 2 Existing Aiphone for Door # 3 Existing Aiphone for Door # 4 Existing Aiphone for Door # 5 Existing Aiphone for Door # 6 Existing Aiphone for Door # 7 Existing Aiphone for Door # 8 Existing Aiphone for Door # 9 Spare Aiphone for Door # 10 Spare Aiphone for Door # 11 Spare Aiphone for Door # 12 DOOR CONTROLS Existing Door Release #1 Existing Door Release #2 Existing Door Release #3 Existing Door Release #4 Existing Door Release #5 Existing Door Release #6 Existing Door Release #7 Existing Door Release #8 Harris M7300 P25 800 Mhz ID 800 Mhz ID P25 50 Groups Harris M7300 P25 800 Mhz ID 800 Mhz ID p25 50 Groups Outer North door (by stairwell) Entry from 3 door sallyport to detention area Entry from garage into 3 door sallyport Bond posting exterior door Outside garage side -entry door Corridor outside of detention personnel port Secure area with -in detention personnel port Employee entrance -lower level. Handicap front entrance lobby Additional / Spare Door Additional / Spare Door Additional / Spare Door Corridor outside of 2 door personnel port Secure area with -in 2 door personnel port Entry to Cell Block "B" Entry to Cell Block "C" Entry to Cell Block "A" Jail Cell: Block "B" - right cell Jail Cell: Block "B" - left cell Jail Cell: Block "C" - right cell 4Wire interface for Siren Control Uses 4 wire circuit as Main, with Control Station as standby. Uses 4 wire circuit as Main, with Control Station as standby. 4Wire interface for Siren Control Uses 4 wire circuit as Main, with Control Station as standby. Uses 4 wire circuit as Main, with Control Station as standby. 4Wire interface for Siren Control Uses 4 wire circuit as Main, with Control Station as standby. Additional Control Station for Mchenry Dispatch Additional Control Station for Mchenry D Provide a minimum of (12) 2-amp relays & (32) inputs Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Existing Door Release #9 Jail Cell: Block "C" - left cell Existing Door Release #10 Jail Cell: Block "A"- left cell Existing Door Release #11 North entrance by stairwell Existing Door Release #12 Jail Cell: Block "A"- right cell Existing Door Release #13 Entry from garage into 3 door Sallyport Existing Door Release #14 Bond Posting Door entry Existing Door Release #15 West side sallyport garage entry door Existing Door Release #16 Corridor along the East wall of 911 Center Existing Door Release #17 Corridor door next to D6 sallyport Existing Door Release #18 Employee entrance in lower level Existing Door Release #19 Alarm Ack Common Alarm ACK to consoles Existing Door Release #20 OPEN Tra-Cor Northwest corridor (near Northwest door) Existing Door Release #21 OPEN MLOBBY Lobby - side toward conference/bathroom Existing Door Release #22 OPEN 911-CTR North entrance to 911 dispatch center Existing Door Release #23 OPEN E-LOBBY Lobby - side toward Records Existing Door Release #24 OPEN D3 Exterior entrance to 3 door Sallyport Existing Door Release #25 OPEN D4 Entrance to detention from 3 door Sallyport Existing Door Release #26 CLOSE G3 Garage Sallyport - Southwest door Existing Door Release #27 OPEN G3 Garage Sallyport - Southwest door Existing Door Release #28 CLOSE G4 Garage Sallyport - Southwest door Existing Door Release #29 OPEN G4 Garage Sallyport - Southwest door Existing Door Release #30 OPEN G1 Garage Sallyport - Northwest door Existing Door Release #31 OPEN G2 Garage Sallyport - Northwest door Spare Door Release #32 Spare Door Release #33 Spare Door Release #34 Spare Door Release #35 Spare Door Release #36 Snare Door Release #37 Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system Vendor to provide comperable functionality as existing system PANIC /Security Alarms Provide a minimum of (32) optically isolated inputs. Existing Alarm it "C%O l %J% k Panic Alarm Provide Audible, Visual, and historical interface to console. Existing Alarm #2 "City Hall" Panic Alarm Provide Audible, Visual, and historical interface to console. Existing Alarm #3 "Park Dept" Panic Alarm Provide Audible, Visual, and historical interface to console. Existing Alarm #4 "Building & Zoning" Panic Alarm Provide Audible, Visual, and historical interface to console. Existing Alarm 4F5 Existing Alarm #6 Existing Alarm #7 Existing Alarm #8 Existing Alarm #9 Existing Alarm #10 Existing Alarm #11 Existing Alarm #12 Spare Alarm #13 Spare Alarm #14 Spare Alarm #15 Spare Alarm #16 Spare Alarm #17 Spare Alarm #18 ALARM INPUTS /INDICATORS MABAS ALERT Generator ON UPS ON UTILITY AC FAIL "Judges Desk" Panic Alarm "Court Chamber Clerk" Panic Alarm nancial Clerk" Panic Alarm (Right booth) "Court Payment Clerk 1" Panic Alarm (Middle booth) "Court Payment Clerk 2" Panic Alarm (Left booth) "REC CENTER" Panic Alarm "Sally Port" entry door (contact to open door) "Hallway" door Provide Audible, Visual, and historical interface to console. Provide Audible, Visual, and historical interface to console. Provide Audible, Visual, and historical interface to console. Provide Audible, Visual, and historical interface to console. Provide Audible, Visual, and historical interface to console. Provide Audible, Visual, and historical interface to console. Provide Audible, Visual, and historical interface to console. Provide Audible, Visual, and historical interface to console. Provide optically isolated inputs for ALARMS. Provide a 24one decoder that alarms on the Console Provide cabling to Generator for others to interface. Provide cabling to UPS for others to interface. Provide cabling to AC MAINS for others to interface. EXHIBIT I CITY OF MCHENRY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RADIO DISPATCH SYSTEM REPLACEMENT CORPORATE INFORMATION Vendor Name Address City/State/Zip Contact - Title Phone Facsimile Email Address Length of Time in Business Number of installed accounts Size of Full -Time Support Staff Number of Personnel Trained To Support Recommended Equipment Location of Support Personnel (street, city, state zip) : CONSOLE MANUFACTURER Firm Name: Location (street, city, state, zip): Contact Person: Telephone: Fax: Years in business. ROUTER EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER Firm Name: Location (street, city, state, zip): Contact: Telephone: Fax: Years in business. EXHIBIT J City of McHenry Proposal Form Request for Proposals Radio Dispatch System Replacement System and Service Software, Professional Services and Maintenance Costs Initial Cost Cost VENDOR TO SUPPL Y ITEMMED PRICE PAGES INCL UDE IN RESPONSE IP Radio Dispatch Console System with 6 consoles Optional Laptop Console position with remote VPN operations. (6) P25 control stations with full instalb Note: City currently has (2) M7300 Harris Radios and 3 Motorola APX 7500 Consolettes available to be re ur osed. Relocate Existing Base units /equipment with new cables, grounding & lightning protection into the new equipment room. Relocate Door Release, Door Intercom, Aux IO, Panic Alarm, PA system and associated/needed cables to new equipment room. Subcontract costs to integrate with existing systems & maintain existing contract integrities. 1s` Year Hardware, Software, and On -site support. Starts upon system operations) Optional:5 Year Manufacture Hardware maintenance support e ins year 2 through year 5 Optional:5 Year Manufacture Software maintenance support e ins year 2 through year 5 Optional: 5 Year On -Site 24X7X365 service contract with 2hr guaranteed onsite technician response. (begins year 2 through year 5 Programming Software / Hardware / Tools Miscellaneous Costs Freight Costs Other charges (Explain in detail Total Initial Costs Additional Recurring Annual Costs Cost Hardware Software Uffull7es Total Recurring Costs Office of the Chief of Police John M.Jones McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2200 Fax: (815) 363-2149 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John M. Jones, Chief of Police Jon Schmitt, Director of Public Works FOR: May 16th, 2016 Regular City Council meeting RE: Purchase of (4) Police Vehicles, (1) Public Works Vehicle, Vehicle Equipment and (4) Squad Computers. ATT: Buss Ford Pricing Sheets Ultra Strobe Equipment Estimates Eby Graphics Estimate CDS Office Technologies — Computer Estimate Agenda Item Summary Council is being asked to consider staffs request to purchase four (4) new police vehicles and one (1) new Public Works vehicle. Included in this request is the purchase and installation of vehicle equipment (lights, sirens, radios, decals, computers, etc.) for these five new vehicles and the purchase and installation of two additional police in -squad computers for existing vehicles. City staff sought competitive pricing for the purchase of all vehicles identified. Through the purchasing power of Illinois Joint Purchasing Contracts and established relationships with vendors specializing in emergency equipment, City Staff has been able to secure purchasing for all five vehicles (including equipment) for $168,958.73. Approval of this project will allow for a savings of approximately $15,341.27 in CIP funds. Detailed information regarding this request is provided in the full agenda supplement and attachments. Staff will be present to answer any questions Council may have at the meeting. Background The City (both Police and Public Works) has continued to seek out the most cost effective and efficient way to purchase and use vehicles. The City has adopted and follows a vehicle replacement plan and vehicle equipment replacement plan as highlighted in the 2016/17 Capital Improvement Plan. Factors considered in the replacement of City vehicles and equipment include upfront costs, vehicle/equipment maintenance cost during the life of the vehicle, projected longevity of the vehicle and equipment, community expectations and work performance needs. The recently approved 2016/17 fiscal budget includes the following C.I.P. Funds for the purchase of police vehicles and equipment: • General Fund - $149,300.00 The recently approved 2016/17 fiscal budget includes the following C.I.P. Funds for the purchase of a public works vehicle and equipment: • General Fund - $35,000.00 At this point the City is looking to purchase four (4) police vehicles (2 Ford Police Interceptors & 2 Ford Utilities) with equipment, one (1) public works vehicle (Ford Utility) with equipment, and four in -squad computers. All of these new vehicles and equipment will replace vehicles, equipment and computers that are at the end of their service life. Once all the new vehicles are purchased and placed into service staff will bring forward a second request to council to auction a total of five (5) retired vehicles. The sale of these vehicles will allow for a portion of the funding expenses to be recovered. Analysis Two (2) Ford Interceptor Sedan Vehicles: The State of Illinois currently has a Joint Purchasing Contract (Contract #4018017) for the new 2016 Ford Interceptor Sedan, through Morrow Brothers Ford. Comparative pricing was obtained from Morrow Brothers Ford and Currie Motors in Frankfort Illinois (Currie is part of the Ford Suburban Purchasing Cooperative). Morrow Brothers Ford provided a base price of $26,169.00 per vehicle with needed options. Currie Motors provided a base price of $25,743.00 per vehicle with needed options. In an effort to find local pricing which was comparable, Buss Ford was contacted as they are authorized to order government vehicles through the Ford Government Concession Program. Buss Ford offered a base price of $25,848.00 per vehicle with needed options. All three price quotes are for the same vehicle with the same options. Three (3) Ford Utility Vehicles: The State of Illinois currently has a Joint Purchasing Contract (Contract 408223) for the new 2016 Ford Utility base model vehicle. This contract is valid until 12/14/2016 but the order cutoff date was 3/4/2016. In order obtain the state contract pricing for the Ford Utility base model Buss Ford was contacted and they confirmed that prebuilt vehicles would need to be located and acquired. Buss Ford subsequently located and acquired two (2) Ford Utility vehicles and provided pricing quotes of $27,105.00 and $27,287.00. Pricing varied on the two 2016 vehicles slightly as they are pre -manufactured with minor differences in equipment options. A search of the dealerships in the Midwest for a third Utility vehicle was met with negative results. Although there is no state contract pricing yet for the 2017 Ford Utility vehicle, Buss Ford provided competitive pricing through Ford's Government Concession Program. Buss Ford subsequently offer a base price of $27,305.00 for one (1) 2017 Ford Utility base model. Titles and licensing fees of $105.00 per vehicle are included in each quote. In addition to the Illinois contract pricing staff requested a comparative price quote from the National Auto Fleet Group under the National Joint Powers Alliance Contract #102811. Pricing for each of the three Ford Utility base model vehicles was quoted at $30,689.00. Equipment: Ultrastobe Inc. and Eby Graphics have provided estimates for the purchase and installation of equipment with the following costs. Equipment and Installation (2 — 2016 Ford Interceptor Sedans —MPD Vehicles) $12,540.50 Equipment Installation (2 — 2017 Ford Utility Vehicles — MPD Vehicles) $71705.08 Equipment Installation (2 New Computers into existing MPD Vehicles) $2,231.06' Decals (2 — 2016 Ford Interceptor Sedans — MPD Vehicles) $950.00 Equipment Installation (1— 2017 Ford Utility Vehicle — Public Works) $1,595409 CDS Office Technologies has supplied the below pricing for four (4) in -squad computers. Two of these computers will be placed into the new Interceptor Sedans and two will be installed existing police vehicles in need of computer replacements. Total Cost for all 4 Panasonic Touchpad Squad Computers $10,544.00' Recommendation Staff requests City Council authorization to purchase; two (2) Ford Interceptor Sedans and three (3) Ford Utility vehicles from Buss Ford for $133,393.00, Equipment for four (4) Police vehicles, one (1) Public Works vehicle, and computer mounting hardware for two (2) existing vehicles from Ultrastrobe Inc for $24,071.73, vehicles graphics from Eby Graphics for $950.00 and four (4) Panasonic Touchpad Computers for $10,544.00 for a total amount not to exceed $168,958.73. 111 S. Route 31 • McHenry, Illinois 60050 Ph: 815-385-FORD (3673) or 815-385-2000 Quick Lane: 815-759-LOBE (5823) www.bussford.com • www.busslincoln.com SALESMAN Rich Wolf EMAIL jbirkCc ci.mchenry.i1.us PURCHASER City Of McHenry CELL PHONE ADDRESS 333 S Green St HOME PHONE WORK PHONE_(815) 363-2100 CITY Mchenry STATE IL zIP 60050 DATE 2016 EW YEAR MAKE & MODEL OF VEHICLE BODY STYLE COLOR SERIAL NUMBER STOCK NO. 2016 Ford Sedan Police Interce for -Dr Shadow Black TRADE IN -Serial No. - - Stock No. _ Year & Make_ Model Trim Color. Odometer_ Payoff Ins, Co. Great American Ins Co Agent Phone # Finance Co. Address Payment Driv. Lic. No. Soc. Sec. No. DEALER INSTALLED Birthdate Driv. Lic. No. Soc. Sec. No, Birthdate MEMO ODOMETER In the event that the transaction referred to in this order is not a cash transaction, the Buyer herein before or at the time of delivery of the vehicle, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of payments indicated on the front of this order, will execute either a chattel mortgage. conditional sales contract, additional loans or such other form of security agreement as may be required to complete this transaction upon a time credit basis. The Purchaser represents and warrants that he is of legal age: that he has title to and good right to sell and dispose of the used car traded in described above that there are not liens, claims and/or encumbrances thereon and agrees to furnish good and sufficient tide and hereby grants Buss Ford Sales power of attorney to assign and endorse said title for him, and to sign any and all applications with would be necessary to register the title car being purchased in any state or territory. After careful inspection and demonstration, the undersl�ned purchases the above automobile with equipment at the prices and on the terms specified above in the event of a out of state or or Fitness for a Particular SELLING PRICE $25,743.00 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE _ $ MIDI CASH DIFFERENCE $25743.00 $ DOCUMENT FEE $ 0.00 ELECTRONIC FILING FEE $ SUBTOTAL $ 25743.00 SALES TAX $ 0000 LICENSE &TITLE $ 105000 TOTAL $25848.00 BALANCE OWED ON TRADE $ 0200 EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN $ 0,00 REBATE -$ 0,00 TOTAL PRICE $25848.00 DEPOSIT $ 25,848.00 UNPAID BALANCE $ 0.00 DEPOSIT NOT REFUNDABLE UNLESS SO STATED ACCEPTED- I OR WE APPROVE AND BUSS FORD SALES BY: ( ) ACCEPT THE ABOVE TERMS ( ) ( ) THIS ORDER IS NOT VALID UNLESS SIGNED AND ACCEPTED DATE BUYER DATE CO -BUYER DATE i • A 111 S. Route 31 • McHenry, Illinois 60050 Ph: 815-385-FORD (3673) or 815-385-2000 Quick Lane: 815-759-LOBE (5823) www.bussford.com • www.busslincoin.com SALESMAN Rich Wolf EMAIL jbirk(fti.mchenrul.us PURCHASER City Of McHenry CELL PHONE ADDRESS 333 S Green St HOME PHONE WORK PHONE (815) 363-2100 CITY Mchenry STATE IL ZIP 60050 DATE 5/9/2016 NEW YEAR MAKE & MODEL OF VEHICLE BODY STYLE COLOR SERIAL NUMBER STOCK NO. i I �1 HMO 2016 Ford Sedan Police Interce for 4-Dr Shadow Black`` TRADE IN Stock No. Year & Make DEALER INSTALLED MEMO SELLING PRICE I TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE _ CASH DIFFERENCE $ 25,743.00 _ $ _ 0200_ _ $ 26743.00 .Model- $ Trim $ Color Odometer Payoff DOCUMENT FEE $ O.00 Ins, Co. Great American Ins Co Agent ELECTRONIC FILING FEE $ Phone # SUBTOTAL $ 25743.00 Finance Co. SALES TAX $ 0.00 Address j�hurt s� P� LICENSE &TITLE ��,��.r� ODOMETER $ 105.00 Payment TOTAL �----�" $ 25848.00 Driv. Lic. No. Soc. Sec. No. Birthdate BALANCE OWED ON TRADE $ 0.00 Driv. Lic. No. Soc. Sec. No. Birthdate EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN $ 0.00 In the event that the transaction referred to in this order is not a cash transaction, the Buyer herein before or at the time of delivery of the vehicle, and in accordance with the terms and REBATE - $ 0200 conditions of pa ments indicated on the front of this order, will execute either a chattel mortgage. conditional sales contract, additional loans or such other form of security agreement as may be required to complete this transaction upon a time credit basis. TOTAL PRICE $ 25848.00 The Purchaser represents and warrants that he is of legal age: that he has title to and good right to sell and dispose of the used car traded in described above that there are not liens, claims and/or encumbrances. thereon and agrees to furnish good and sufficient tide and hereby grants Buss Ford Sales power of attorney to assign and endorse said title for him, and to sign any and all applications with would be necessary to register the title car being purchased in any state or territory. DEPOSIT $ 25,848.UU After careful inspection and demonstration, the undersigned purchases the abovas utomobile with equipment at the prices and on the terms specified above in the event of a out of state sale, title to the above vehicle shall remain with the Selrer until said title is endorsed to and received by the Purchaser through the U.S. Mails. TRANSFER OF TITLE TO ABOVE AUTOMOBILE IS SUBJECT TO FINAL PAYMENT OF ANY AND ALL' CHECKS CLEARING BANK UPON WHICH DRAWN. $ 0.00 Purchaser consents and a�rees to dealer removing the Monroney label from vehicle. All identifying numbers on said vehicle agree with those on title or Certif cote of origin. UNPAID BALANCE The Seller Buss Ford Sa es, hereby Expressly disclaims All Warranties, Either Expressed or Implied Including Any Implied Warranty of Merchantability or Fitness for a Particular Purpose, Neither Assumes Nor Authorizes Any Other Person to Assume for it Any Liability in Connection With the .Sale of the Vehicle. This Disclaimer BY the Seller in No Way Affects the Terms of the Manufacturers Warranty. (Except Per Separate Limited Warranty) No PUBLIC LIABILITY OR DAMAGE ISSUED WITH THIS the DEPOSIT NOT REFUNDABLE UNLESS SO STATED ACCEPTED- I OR WE APPROVE AND BUSS FORD SALES BY: ( ) ACCEPT THE ABOVE TERMS I THIS ORDER IS NOT VALID UNLESS SIGNED AND ACCEPTED DATE BUYER DATE CO -BUYER DATE BILL OF SALE 111 S. Route 31 • McHenry, Illinois 60050 Ph: 815-385-FORD (3673) or 815-385-2000 Quick Lane: 815-759-LUBE (5823) www.bussford.com • www.busslincoin.com Rich W01f EMAIL ibirk .ci.mchenryJ1.us PURCHASER City Of McHenry _ CELL PHONEL81 ADDRESS 333 S Green St HOME PHONE CITY Mchenry STATE 482-5706 WORK PHONEl8151 363-2100 zIP 60050 DATE 5/9/2016 0 NEW 0 USED 0 DEMO YEAR 12016 MAKE & MODEL OF VEHICLE Ford Explorer BODY STYLE I 4-Dr COLOR Shadow Black SERIAL NUMBER 1 FM5K8B87GGD00052 STOCK NO. TRADE IN DEALER INSTALLED MEMO Serial No. Stock No. Year & Make Model Trim Color Odometer Payoff Ins. co, Great American Ins Co Agent Phone # Finance Co. Address Payment ODOMETER Driv. Lic. No. Soc. Sec. No. Birthdate Driv, Lic. No. Soc, Sec. No. Birthdate In the event that the transaction referred to in this order is not a cash transaction, the Buyer herein before or at the time of delivery of the vehicle, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of payments indicated on the front of this order, will execute either a chattel mortgage. conditional sales contract, additional loans or such other form of security agreement as may be required to complete this transaction upon a time credit basis. The Purchaser represents and warrants that he is of legal age: that he has title to and god right to sell and dispose of the used car traded in described above that there are not liens,, claims and/or encumbrances. thereon and agrees to furnish good and sufficient tide and hereby grants Buss Ford Sales power of attorney to assign and endorse said title for him, and to sign any and all applications with would be necessary to register the title car being purchased in an Y state or territory. After careful inspection and demonstration, She undersigned purchases the above automobile with equipment at the prices and on the_terms specified above in the event of a out of state or or Fitness for a Particular SELLING PRICE $27,000.00 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE $ 0000 CASH DIFFERENCE $ 27000.00 DOCUMENT FEE $ O.00 ELECTRONIC FILING FEE $ SUBTOTAL $ 27000.00 SALES TAX $ 0200 LICENSE &TITLE TOTAL $27000.00 BALANCE OWED ON TRADE $ 0000 EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN $ 0000 REBATE -$ 0.00 TOTAL PRICE $27000.00 DEPOSIT $ 27,000.00 UNPAID BALANCE $ 0.00 DEPOSIT NOT REFUNDABLE UNLESS SO STATED ACCEPTED- I OR WE APPROVE AND BUSS FORD SALES BY: ( ) ACCEPT THE ABOVE TERMS � � � � THIS ORDER IS NOT VALID UNLESS SIGNED AND ACCEPTED DATE BUYER DATE CO -BUYER DATE BILL OF SALE 111 S. Route 31 • McHenry, Illinois 60050 Ph: 815-385-FORD (3673) or 815-385-2000 Quick Lane: 815-759-LOBE (5823) www.bussford.com • www.busslincoln.com PURCHASER City Of MCHen ADDRESS 333 S Green St HOME PHONE a L I 4 Cr0 L N' SALESMAN Rich Wolf EMAIL jbirk@ci.mchenryJI.us4825706 CELL PHONE WORK PHONE (815) 363-2100 CITY MchenLy STATE IL z►P 60050 DATE 5/9/2016 0 NEW YEAR MAKE & MODEL OF VEHICLE BODY STYLE COLOR SERIAL NUMBER STOCK NO. 0 USED 0 DEMO 120161 Ford EX lorer I 4-Dr Blue Jeans Metallic 1 FM5K8B89GGC66101 TRADE IN Serial No Stock No. Year & Make Model Trim Color Payoff Ins. Co. Great American Ins Co Agent Phone # Finance Co. Address Payment Driv, Lic, No. Driv, Lic. No. In DEALER INSTALLED Soc. Sec. No. Birthdate Soc, Sec, No. Birthdate h�iT�C•� ODOMETER the transaction referred to in this order is not a cash transaction, the Buyer herein before or at the time of delivery of the vehicle, and in accordance with the terms and ments indicated on the front of this order, will execute either a chattel mortgage. conditional sales contract, additional loans or such other form of security agreement as to complete this transaction upon a time credit basis. presents and warrants that he is of legal age: that he has title to and good right to sell and dispose of the used car traded in described above that there are not liensclaims noes thereon and agrees to furnish good and sufficient tide and hereby grants Buss Ford Sales power of attorney to assign and endorse said title for him, and to s,ign any ns with would be necessary to register the title car being purchased in anystate or territory, ection and demonstrationi , the undersigned purchases the above automoble with equipment at the prices and on the terms specified above in the event of a out of state or or Fitness -for a Particular SELLING PRICE $27,182.00 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE $ 0,00 CASH DIFFERENCE $ 27182,00 DOCUMENT FEE $ 0.00 ELECTRONIC FILING FEE $ SUBTOTAL $ 2718100 SALES TAX $ 0800 LICENSE &TITLE $ /0® TOTAL $2718100 BALANCE OWED ON TRADE $ 0.00 EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN $ 0,00 REBATE -$ 0000 TOTAL PRICE $ 27182.00 DEPOSIT $ 27,182.0097 UNPAID BALANCE $ 0000 DEPOSIT NOT REFUNDABLE UNLESS SO STATED ACCEPTED- I OR WE APPROVE AND BUSS FORD SALES BY: ( ) ACCEPT THE ABOVE TERMS I � � � THIS ORDER IS NOT VALID UNLESS SIGNED AND ACCEPTED DATE BUYER DATE CO -BUYER DATE _... - �: , 111 S. Roufie 31 e McHenry, Illinois 60050 Ph: 815-385-FORD (3673) or 815-385-2000 Quick Lane: 815-759-CUBE (5823) www:bussford.com www.busslincoln.com }t Li N`COL,N SALESMAN h Wolf EMAtL jbirk@ci.mchenry.il.us PURCHASER Clty Of McHenry CELL PHONE A��REss 333 S Green St HOME PHONE woRK PHONE (815) 363-2100 ctTY Mchenry sTATE IL z►P 60050 DATE 5/10/2016 NEW YEAR MAKE &MODEL OF VEHICLE BODY ST,Y�}E COLOR SERIAL NUMBER STOCK N0. 0 USED ��" ��C_�c`D2 � �.Q� �f DEMO 2017 Ford Ex lorer 4-Dr Shadow Biack TRADE IN DEALER INSTALLED MEMO SELLING PRICE $ 27,200.00 l� C'L � f� � S �Gi l��r� ,� � �fv � TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE $ OAO Serial No. / �-7 Stock No. �� r C. � �� i<i e�55 jV,�J p/ -�.� � (.�� / CASH DIFFERENCE $ 27200.00 Year &Make � Model _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ Trim ��� �Q /�/�'� ,�, V 7 $ Color Odometer Payoff DOCUMENT FEE $ O.00 Ins. co. Great American Ins Co Agent ELECTRONIC FILING FEE $ Phone # SUBTOTAL $ 27200.00 Finance Co. SALES TAX $ ,y 0.00 Address LICENSE &TITLE $ �"�' Payment TOTAL $ 27200.00 Driv, Lic. No. 5oc. Sec. No. Birthdate ODOMETER BALANCE OWED ON TRADE $ O.00 Driv. Lic. No. Soc. Sec. No. Birthdate EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN $ 0.00 In the event that the transaction referred to in this order is not a cash transaction, the Buyer herein before or at the time of delivery of the vehicle, and in accordance vuith the terms and REBATE - $ 0.00 conditions of payments indicated on the front of this order, will execute either a chattel mortgage. conditional sales contract, additional loans or such other form of security agreement as maybe regwred to complete this transaction upon a time credit basis. TOTAL PRICE $ 27200.00 The Purchaser represents and warrants that he is of legal age: that he has title to and good right to sell and dispose of the used car iraded in described above that there are not liens,. claims and/or encumbrances.thereon and agrees to furnish good and sufficient tide and hereby grants Buss Ford Sales power of attorney to assign and endorse said title for him, and to sign any s® �� and all applications with would be necessary to register the title car being purchased in any state or territory. DEPOSIT $ 1 +�OQ•�Q �� ' After careful inspectipn and demonstration, "the undersigned purchases the above automobile with equipment at the prices and on the terms specified above in the event of a out of state sale, title to the above vehicle shall remain with the Seller until said title is endorsed to and received by the Purchaser through the U.S. Mails. TRANSFER OF TITLE TO ABOVE AUTOMOBILE IS SUBJECT TO FINAL PAYMENT OF ANY AND ALL' CHECKS CLEARING BANK UPCN WHICH DRAWN. UNPAID BALANCE 26 200.00 Purchaser consents and aggrees to dealer removing the Monroney label from vehicle. All identifying numbers on said vehicle agree with those on title or Certificate of origin. $ � The Seller Buss Ford Sales, hereby Express)y disclaims All Warranties, Either Expressed or implied Including Any Implied Warranty of Merchantability or Fitness for a Particular Purpose, t�,either yAyssumes NorAuthoriyzes An Other Person to Assume for it Any�Liab'il'ity in Connection With the Sale of the Vehicle. No PUBLIC LIABILITY OR DAMAGE ISSUED WITH THIS TRANSACTION revs Warranty. (6ccept Per Separate Limited Warranty) DEPOSIT NOT REFUNDABLE UNLESS SO STATED ACCEPTED- I OR WE APPROVE AND BUSS FORD SALES BY: � ) ACCEPT THE ABOVE TERMS ( � � � THIS ORDER IS NOT VALID UNLESS SIGNED AND ACCEPTED DATE BUYER DATE CO -BUYER DATE Estimate � o'o�:ICoA 14�o�i OiH�t� � Idli �' StrobeUltra • • Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 Name /Address City of McHenry Attn: Accounts Payable 333 S. Green St McHenry, IL 60050 Date Estimate # 5/4/2016 2833 P.O. No. Job Name Marked Sedans 314 Item Description Qty Price Total 21TR47ISPJP Code 3 2100 series lightbar, configuration attached 1 700.00 700.00 VTX609B Whelen super LED light, single self contained lighthead 2 60.00 120.00 with 25 scan lock flash patterns, blue VTX609R Whelen super LED light, single self contained lighthead 2 60.00 120.00 with 25 Scan -Lock flash patterns AVNS2RB Whelen Avenger with synchronize wire, red/blue 2 149.00 298.00 WK0513ITS12 Setina steel window barriers for Ford Sedan 1 169.95 169.95 10-XL Setina Model #10-XL Uncoated Clear Polycarbonate 1 599.00 599.00 Partition for sedan model vehicles and Ford Utility price includes shipping SI240-T-IH Secure Idle ignition override for new Ford Interceptor 1 175.00 175.00 sedan and SUV CG-X Havis delay timer 1 59.95 59.95 Ds-Pan-702 Havis Toughbook Certified Docking Station for Panasonic 1 459.95 459.95 Toughpad FZ-GI tablets with Power Supply MB8U Laird 17' RG58U solid center conductor cable antenna kit 2 11.95 23.90 C-ARM401 Havis top mount arm rest with small pad external mount 1 53.95 53.95 adjustable height C-CUP2-I Havis dual cupholder internal mount 1 28.95 28.95 C-MD-302 Havis Heavy Duty Computer Monitor / Keyboard Mount 1 289.95 289.95 and Motion Device C-SM-SA Havis Universal Mounting Brackets For Angled Console 1 29.95 29.95 DS-DA-602 Havis Third Generation Communications Hub 1 135.95 135.95 C-VS4508-INSE Havis console for Ford Interspetor sedan. 23" console. 1 279.95 279.95 EQUIPMENT BRACKETS MUST BE SPECIFIED AT TIME OF ORDER TO AVOID ADDITIONAL CHARGES. Signature Date Our quotes are valid for 90 days Subtotal Sales Tax (7.75%) Total Phone # Fax # E-mail Web Site 8154791717 8154794818 STACEYcrULTRASTROBE.COM www.ultrastrobe.com Page I Estimate 1� nlPnBo.`o.Ul i liesui y ,- ••- • • Crystal Lake, EL. 60014 Name /Address City of McHenry Attn: Accounts Payable 333 S. Green St McHenry, IL 60050 Date Estimate # 5/4/2016 2833 P.O. No. I Job Name Marked Sedans 314 Item Description Qty Price Total XT4R/B Code 3 XT4 LED interior/exterior lighthead 12/24V 2 49.95 99.90 Red/Blue XT4LBKT Code3 XT4 universal L-bracket 90 degree 2 T50 15.00 2760011 Radio Shack LED lamp with leads 2 4.95 9.90 ESB-TARI I Federal Signal 2011 Taurus, Charger, and new Interceptor 1 0.00 0.00 sedan ES 100C Federal Signal 100-Watt compact speaker with neodymium 1 149.00 149.00 driver CWIAF58 Laird mini UHF male crimp on for RG58 2 1.00 2000 Misc. 3 Position switch for arrow stick control 1 0.00 0.00 Misc install equipt Includes wire, connectors, standard fuses/ fuse holders,fuse 1 200.00 200.00 block, and one 30 amp relay. Installation Installation of equipment 1 1,750.00 1,750.00 Removal Removal of equipment 1 250.00 250.00 Pre-emption Pre-emption for lightbar 1 250.00 250.00 Subtotal $6,270.25 Signature Date Sales Tax (7.75%) $0.00 Our quotes are valid for 90 days Total $6,270.25 **PLEASE NOTEg,IGf�71Y�A1k�S / PARTITIONS TAKE 6-� WEEKS TO ARRIVE FROM O�IC+1�.1IDA7CIEy* Phone # Fax # E-mail Web Site 8154791717 8154794818 STACEY@ULTRASTROBE.COM www.ultrastrobe.com Page 2 Estimate i� ;o roil ifiii�No 7M 'JET I fn1: •• • • Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 Name /Address City of McHenry Attn: Accounts Payable 333 S. Green St McHenry, IL 60050 Date Estimate # 5/4/2016 2834 P.O. No. I Job Name Marked Sedans 312 Item Description Qty Price Total 21TR47ISPJP Code 3 2100 series lightbar, configuration attached 1 700.00 700.00 VTX609B Whelen super LED light, single self contained lighthead 2 60.00 120.00 with 25 scan lock flash patterns, blue VTX609R Whelen super LED light, single self contained lighthead 2 60.00 120.00 with 25 Scan -Lock flash patterns AVNS2RB Whelen Avenger with synchronize wire, red/blue 2 149.00 298.00 WK0513ITS 12 Setina steel window barriers for Ford Sedan 1 169.95 169.95 10-XL Setina Model 410-XL Uncoated Clear Polycarbonate 1 599.00 599.00 Partition for sedan model vehicles and Ford Utility price includes shipping SI240-T-IH Secure Idle ignition override for new Ford Interceptor 1 175.00 175.00 sedan and SUV CG-X Havis delay timer 1 59.95 59.95 Ds-Pan-702 Havis Toughbook Certified Docking Station for Panasonic 1 459.95 459.95 Toughpad FZ-Gl tablets with Power Supply MB8U Laird 17' RG58U solid center conductor cable antenna kit 2 11.95 23.90 C-ARM401 Havis top mount arm rest with small pad external mount 1 53.95 53.95 adjustable height C-CUP24 Havis dual cupholder internal mount 1 28.95 28.95 C-MD-302 Havis Heavy Duty Computer Monitor / Keyboard Mount 1 289.95 289.95 and Motion Device C-SM-SA Havis Universal Mounting Brackets For Angled Console 1 29.95 29.95 DS-DA-602 Havis Third Generation Communications Hub 1 135.95 135.95 C-VS4508-INSE Havis console for Ford Interspetor sedan. 23" console. 1 279.95 279.95 EQUIPMENT BRACKETS MUST BE SPECIFIED AT TIME OF ORDER TO AVOID ADDITIONAL CHARGES, Subtotal Signature Date Sales Tax (7.75%) Our quotes are valid for 90 days Total Phone # Fax # E-mail Web Site 8154791717 8154794818 STACEY@ULTRASTROBE.COM www.ultrastrobe.com rage .i All All 9 •• • is Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 Name /Address City of McHenry Attn: Accounts Payable 333 S. Green St McHenry, IL 60050 Estimate Date Estimate # 5/4/2016 2834 P.O. No. I Job Name Marked Sedans 312 Item Description Qty Price Total XT4R/B Code 3 XT4 LED interior/exterior lighthead 12/24V 2 49.95 99.90 Red/Blue XT4LBKT Code3 XT4 universal L-bracket 90 degree 2 7.50 15.00 2760011 Radio Shack LED lamp with leads 2 4.95 9.90 ESB-TART 1 Federal Signal 2011 Taurus, Charger, and new Interceptor 1 0.00 0.00 sedan ES100C Federal Signal 100-Watt compact speaker with neodymium 1 149.00 149.00 driver CMUET58 Laird mini UHF male crimp on for RG58 2 1.00 2.00 Misc. 3 Position switch for arrow stick control 1 0.00 0.00 Misc install equipt Includes wire, connectors, standard fuses/ fuse holders,fuse 1 200.00 200.00 block, and one 30 amp relay. Installation Installation of equipment 1 1,750.00 1,750.00 Removal Removal of equipment 1 250.00 250.00 Pre-emption Pre-emption for lightbar 1 250.00 250.00 Signature Date Our quotes are valid for 90 days9911 III Subtotal $6,27o.2s Sales Tax (7.75%) 0000 Tota I $6,270.25all Phone # Fax # E-mail Web Site 8154791717 8154794818 STACEY@ULTRASTROBE.COM www.ultrastrobe.com Nage 1 Estimate odi,i ilo6i Inw�:i le I _� Airs, �. •• •Iwo Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 City of McHenry Attn: Accounts Payable 333 S. Green St McHenry, IL 60050 Date Estimate # 5/4/2016 2837 Job Name Umarked Utility-L Item Description Qty Price Total SIFZS-3076913 Federal Signal spectralux ILS low profile for Ford Utility 1 650.00 650.00 with full flood XT4R/B Code 3 XT4 LED interior/exterior lighthead 12/24V 6 49.95 299.70 Red/Blue XT4LBKT Code3 XT4 universal L-bracket 90 degree 6 7.50 45.00 ETHFSS-SP Sound Off Headlight Flasher 1 42.95 42.95 CNSM8R-26546955 Federal Signal CN SignalMaster 8-head rear model; 4 1 699.99 699.99 amber/red reflectors, 4 amber/blue reflectors 31.2515.4040PG Able 2 undercover siren/switch box and mini controller 1 324.95 324.95 with progressive programming ES100C Federal Signal 100-Watt compact speaker with neodymium 1 149.00 149.00 driver GKO068E Setina Blac-Rac 1080E single vertical weapon system with 1 489.00 489.00 single T-rail 11.1005SF Able 2 LED Flasher 1 26.95 26.95 Installation Installation of equipment 1 1,025.00 1,025.00 Mise install equipt Includes wire, connectors, standard fuses/ fuse holders,fuse 1 100.00 100.00 block, and one 30 amp relay. Signature Our quotes are valid for 90 days Subtotal $3,852.54 Sales Tax (7.75%) $o.00 Total $3,852.54 **PLEASE NOTE LIGHTBARS /PARTITIONS TAKE 6=8 WEEKS TO ARRNE FROM ORDER DATE*''` Phone # Fax # E-mail. Web Site 8154791717 8154794818 STACEY@ULTRASTROBE.COM www.ultrastrobe.com Estimate ,�`:��4.i 9nBV ti ilYo ilaw091�;�, _L Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 City of McHenry Attn: Accounts Payable 333 S. Green St McHenry, IL 60050 Date Estimate # 5/4/2016 2836 Job Name Umarked Utility-T Item Description Qty Price Total SIFZS-3076913 Federal Signal spectralux ILS low profile for Ford Utility 1 650.00 650.00 with full flood XT4R/B Code 3 XT4 LED interior/exterior lighthead 12/24V 6 49.95 299.70 Red/Blue XT4LBKT Code3 XT4 universal L-bracket 90 degree 6 T50 45.00 ETHFSS-SP Sound Off Headlight Flasher 1 42.95 42.95 CNSM8R-2654695S Federal Signal CN SignalMaster 8-head rear model; 4 1 699.99 699.99 amber/red reflectors, 4 amber/blue reflectors 31025159404OPG Able 2 undercover siren/switch box and mini controller 1 324.95 324.95 with progressive programming ES 100C Federal Signal 100-Watt compact speaker with neodymium 1 149.00 149.00 driver 1161005SF Able 2 LED Flasher 1 26.95 26.95 GKO068E Setina Blac-Rac 1080E single vertical weapon system with 1 489.00 489.00 single T-rail Installation Installation of equipment 1 1,025.00 1,025.00 Misc install equipt Includes wire, connectors, standard fuses/ fuse holders,fase 1 100.00 100.00 block, and one 30 amp relay. Subtotal $3,852.54 Signature Date Sales Tax (7.75%) $0.00 Our quotes are valid for 90 days 11 Total �• 1 $3,852.54 Phone # Fax # E-mail Web Site 8154791717 8154794818 STACEY@ULTRASTROBE.COM www.ultrastrobe.com Estimate 1 Pyott Road Unit 106 Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 Name /Address City of McHenry Attn: Accounts Payable 333 S. Green St McHenry, IL 60050 Date Estimate # 5/9/2016 2841 P.O. No. I Job Name PW Utility Item Description Qty Price Total XT4A/W Code 3 XT4 LED interior/exterior lighthead 12/24V 2 49.95 99.90 Amber/White XT4LBKT Code3 XT4 universal L-bracket 90 degree 2 T50 15.00 AVNS2AC Whelen dual avenger Amber/Clear with sync wire 2 289.90 579.80 AVNBKT2 Whelen headliner bracket for dual avenger 2 13.95 27.90 M138U Laird 1T RG58U solid center conductor cable antenna kit 1 11.95 1 L95 QW152 Laird 152462 MHz 1/4 wave antenna (stainless) 1 8.95 8.95 CPL9C Laird UHF MALE CRIMP FOR RG58 1 1.59 1.59 Misc install equipt Includes wire, connectors, standard fuses/ fuse holders,fuse 1 75.00 75.00 block, and one 30 amp relay. Installation Installation of equipment 1 775.00 775.00 Signature Our quotes are valid for 90 days Subtotal $1,s9s.o9 Sales Tax (7.750L) $o.00 Total $1,595.09 **PLEASE NOTE LIGI3TBARS /PARTITIONS TAKE 6-'8 WEEKS TO ARRIVE FROM ORDER DATE'* Phone # Fax # E-mail Web Site 8154791717 815-4794818 STACEY@ULTRASTROBE.COM www.ultrastrobe.com os`D`aIF tlal fLr,iil�l Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 Name /Address City of McHenry Attn: Accounts Payable 333 S. Green St McHenry, IL 60050 Item Estimate Description C-DMM-122 Havis Dash Monitor Mount Base For 2013-2014 Ford Interceptor Sedan C-KBM-102 Havis quick release slide for keyboard mounting plate PKG-FAM-105 Havis Flex Arm package including flex arm and mount for 2013=2016 Ford Interceptor Sedan Ds-Pan-702 Havis Toughbook Certified Docking Station for Panasonic Toughpad FZ-Gl tablets with Power Supply DS-DA-602 Havis Third Generation Communications Hub Labor Labor to remove old computer mount and install new mounting Signature I Our quotes are valid for 90 days Date Estimate # 5/5/2016 2838 P.O. No Qty � Price 2 1 1 2 2 2 Subtotal Sales Tax Total 257.68 46.95 126.95 459.95 135.95 175.00 Job Name Total 515.36 46.95 126.95 919.90 271.90 350.00 $2,231.06 $o.00 $2,231.06 **PLEASE NOTE LIGHTBARS /PARTITIONS TAKE �r-8 WEEKS TO ARRIVE FROM ORDER I➢ATE** Phone # Fax # E-mail Web Site 8154791717 815-4794818 STACEY@ULTRASTROBE.COM www.ultrastrobe.com Eby Graphics, Inc. 930 Pyott Rd. #108 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Name /Address City of McHenry Police Attn John Birk 333 S Green St McHenry, IL Estimate Date Estimate # 4/18/2016 1620 Project Police Department Description Qty Rate Total Sedan Lettering - 3751RA / 290G, 510OR / 7125 WHT, S Blue 2 475.00 950.00 Total $950600 iECi!!11BL@'ialES Customer McHenry City Police Department (24825) Foerster, Jeffery 333 S. Green St. McHenry, IL 60050 United States (P)815-363-5014 (F) 815=363-2149 Customer PO: 'Special Instructions: CDS Office Technologies 1271 HAMILTON PARKWAY Itasca, Illinois 60143 United States (P) 630-625=4519 (F)630-305-9876 Date May 04, 2016 08:52 AM CDT Doc # 450153 rev 1 of 1 Description 4 x FZ-GlJ0536CM SalesRep Gottlieb, Mark (P) 630=625=4519 (F) 630-305-9876 Customer Contact Foerster, Jeffery (P)815-363-5014 jfoerster@ci. mchenry.il. us Bill To Ship To McHenry City Police Department McHenry City Police Department Accounts, Payable Foerster, Jeff 333 S. Green St, 333 S. Green St. McHenry, IL 60050 McHenry, IL 60050 United States United States (P) 815-363-5014 (F)815-363-2149 jfoerster@ci,mchenry.il.us Terms: � Ship Via: Undefined UPS Ground Carrier Account #: IL State Master Contract #CMS5848520 I 1 Panasonic Toughpad FZ-G1 Win7 (Win8.1 Pro COA), vPro, Intel Core i5-53000 2.30GHz, 10.1" WUXGA 10=pt Gloved Multi Touch+Digitizer, 128GB SSD, 8GB, Intel WiFi a/b/g/n/ac, TPM, Bluetooth, Dual Pass (Upper:WWAN/Lower:GPS), 4G LTE Multi Carrier (EM7355), Webcam, 8MP Cam, No DVD Drive __. .. 2 Panasonic Extended Warranty Extended service agreement - parts and labor - 2 years ( 4th/5th year ) "for Toughpad FZ-G1 FZ- 4 $2,361.00 $9,444.00 G1J0536CM FZ- 4 $275.00 $1,100.00 SVCTPEXT2Y Subtotal: $10,544.00 Tax (0.000%): $0,00 Shipping: $0.00 Total: $101544.00 CDS Office Technologies disclaims any responsibility for product information and products described on this site. Some product information may be confusing without additional explanation. All product information, including prices, features, and availability, is subject to change without notice. Applicable taxes & shipping may be added to the final order. All returns must be accompanied by original invoice and authorized RMA number within 30 days of invoice date and are subject to a 15% restocking fee. Due to manufacturers restrictions, Panasonic items are not eligible for return. Late fees may apply to payments past 30 days from invoice date. Please contact your sales representative if you have any questions.