HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/10/1988 - Parks and Recreation Committee * * * MINUTES REPORT * * * PARK COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, August 10, 1988 8:00 p.m. City Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Aldermen Patterson, Nolan and Lieder. MEMBERS ABSENT: Alderman McClatchey. OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Busse, Alderman Teta, Roger Gerstad, Developer. PURPOSE OF MEETING: Discuss Park Land Donation. -FIRST MATTER DISCUSSED: Developer ponation - Winding Creek Unit 5, lst Addition. DECISION OR RECOMMENDATION: After much discussion about the general inadequacies of our developer donation fees as stated in the Subdivision Control Ordinance, and a number of land and dollar donation combinations suggested by council members in attendance, the recommendation stated below was felt to be in the best interest of the City Park system and fair to the developer. Preservation of open space within easy access to homeowners whose purchase price included those fees seemed to be common comment from all in attendance. Developer did not fully agree with the recommendations. The Park Committee recor�nends to the full City Council that the developer be required to donate five (5) acres and $50,000 in lieu of any other developer donation fee for parks. The land should be along the northern border of the parcel to allow for further expansion with the future development of land north of this site. The exact location of the five (5) acres shall be determined after on site inspection by the Director of Parks and Recreation and members of the City Council . ADJOURNMENT TIME: 9:30 p.m. Randy Patterson, Chairman Parks & Recreation Committee Taker of Minutes NOTICE OF MEETING: Date posted and given to Committee Members - 08-09-88