HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/22/1988 - Parks and Recreation Committee . F < �`ii�;�l�$ h;r_�- . nT * * * ' PARK CO;�`•iITIEE ���E(ING � T�.;es�ay, ',ov�,;nber 22, 19�8 7:45 p.m. Council Cha��Sers f1-P3ERS PRESENT: Aldernen Patterson and �v'olan. 0 I�S�=,;3ERS ,43SENT: Al�e�,�nen �icCl atci�ey and I_ieder, OTyFRS ?;ESENT: Parks and P„cr�a�ion Director '�ierkel , ��ayor 5!�sse, :�1 'e� ��:�i S�r�r i tel l �, Ter-,sa t�. I rwi n, Lei sure T�chnol ogy, Irvi ng I_ . Cc;pel , �_r; -,u ,� T�,�1��nolog,y, Cai�y Glenner, �t�orney �or Leisure Teci�nology, and �i�rk Ju�tcn. FU�POSE 0�= �"EF-1-Ih:G: Park and r�,er_r�a�ion Relat?d Ite,�s. -FIRST Ii41TER DISCUSSED: Park Land/Cash Dona�ion for Riverside T;=rrac;� D�Va�Op��� lt. RECO�;,•t�tdG�7I0N: Co.���;�ittee r�co;�nendation �o apply 50 percent land and 50 percent �ash donati on for,nul a for t��i s dev�l opi��nt. Park area to �� dedi ca�ed as 1 ots 41 �I���ough 51 i ncl udi ng tiie cul -de-sac area on the revi s��� ��ap pr�s,� i��d by Lei sure T��chnol ogy. The cash donation E��oul d be 50 perc��n� of ti�e ��`�s i n effect at ��i�� i,i��e �ti�at a bui 1 di ng permi t i s appl i ed for. A,DJOJRNtft?JT TIP1�: 9:20 �.m. Pei,e f'erkel , Di rector Parks & Recrea�ion Departrnent Taker of i�1i nutes NOTICE OF ��EETING: Date pos�ed and gi ven to Co��Pi ttee ��ernbers - 11 -18-53