HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 10/18/2023 - Planning and Zoning Commission ,u�l'�V,wmwu IIVWI�IOOIf
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DATE: Wednesday, October 18, 2023
TIME: 5:30 p.m.
PLACE: City Council Chambers, City Hall.
333 S Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of the A�enda
4. Consideration of Approval of the Meeting Minutes: September 20, 2023
5. Public Input— (five minutes total on non-agenda items only)
6. Z-2023-16—Request for a Conditional Use Permit for the operation of an Assemblv Use to
accommodate Youth and Familv Center of McHenry Countv at the propertv commonlv known as
1007-1011 N Green Street. Petitioner: Youth and Family Center of McHenry County
7. Z-2023-17—Request for a Conditional Use Permit for the operation of Child Davcare Center at the
property commonly known as 3430 W. Elm Street. Petitioner: Veronica Clark
8. Z-2023- Request for Preliminary& Final Plat of Subdivision Approval and Conditional Use Permit for
a Commercial Planned Unit Development for the operation of a Stora�e Facility and future Drive-
Thru Restaurant. Petitioner: Ivy Schwoch (UHaul)
9. Open Discussion
10. Staff Report: Next Meeting Date: November 15, 2023 @ 5:30PM
11. Adiourn
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City of McHenry
Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes
September 20, 2023
Chairwoman Rockweiler called the September 20, 2023, regular meeting of the City of McHenry
Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 5:30 p.m. In attendance were the following:
Commissioners Bremer, Locke, Rockweiler, Lehman, and Davis. Absent were Commissioners
Riley and Gleason. Also in attendance were City Planner Cody Sheriff, Community Development
Director Ross Polerecky, and Deputy City Clerk Monte Johnson.
Approval of the Agenda:
A motion was made by Commissioner Bremer and seconded by Commissioner Lehman to
approve the agenda as presented. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Commissioners Bremer, Rockweiler,
Locke, Davis, and Lehman. 0-nay; 0-abstained; 2-absent: Riley, Gleason. Motion Carried.
Approval of Minutes:
Approval of the August 16, 2023, regular meeting minutes as presented. A motion was made
by Commissioner Bremer and seconded by Commissioner Locke for approval as presented.
Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Commissioners Bremer, Rocl<weiler, Locke, Davis, and Lehman. 0-nay; 0-
abstained; 2-absent: Riley, Gleason. Motion Carried.
Public Input
No members of the public offered any public input.
File No. Z-2023-15
McHenry Battery Storage LLC of 132 N York St,Suite 3L, Elmhurst, IL 60126
Request for a Use Variance to allow an expansion of the existing footprint of the Battery Storage
Facility by approximately 20 feet east, and 9 feet south,for an overall footprint of 24,123 square feet
on the property commonly known as 302 N. Front Street
Chairwoman Rockweiler opened the file at 5:31 p.m. Planner Sheriff stated that all
publication requirements have been met. Patrick Hart of McHenry Battery Storage LLC and
Chris Meyers, doing construction management, were sworn in by Chairwoman Rockweiler.
Mr. Hart explained that they are applying for an expansion of the existing site. Last fall his
company took over the site from a previous owner. They are working to re-power the site.
They will remove the outdated technology and replace it with advanced technology and use
the site as it was in the past. Due to changes in safety standards,they are required to increase
pacing between containers, which is causing the request to increase the size of the project.
Planner Sheriff stated that they are seeking an amendment of use variance by 20 feet east
and 9 feet south. There is 140 feet of separation from the adjoining sing-family residences,
Planning and Zoning Commission
May 17,2023
Page 2
there are trees and landscaping surrounding the site, and the must adhere to the landscape
plan. The units must also be painted an earth tone. Staff does not see any adverse impacts
from the property.
Commissioner Locke asked what caused the operation to break down years ago. Mr. Hart
explained that the ISO for the region changed the duration of the signal it sends to the site.
The plant operates on frequency regulation. The signal was at a shorter duration but
increased, and that caused the site not to respond. The new technology has been built to
handle future changes, so they won't be subject to issues if frequency changes are made in
the future. Commissioner Locke asked how the batteries generate power. Mr. Hart explained
that the batteries charge during peak solar and wind hours, and discharge at other times. He
expects this site to operate 22-23 hours a day. Commissioner Locl<e asl<ed how they are
integrated and how they sell the energy. It was explained that the ISO purchases their energy
when needed. The power is generally localized to the area where it operates, but there is no
way to tell exactly where the power goes.
Commissioner Davis asl<ed if the new technology would increase noise, light, or radiation.
Mr. Hart stated that none of those are a factor.
Chairwoman Rockweiler opened the public hearing at 5:39 p.m. With nobody wishing to
speak, she closed the public hearing at 5:39 p.m.
Commissioner Locke asked what measures are taken for runoff or spills, or if there was a fire
in the battery. Mr. Hart explained that each container has a secondary containment within
it. Any liquid spilled would stay inside the container. Each container also contains fire
detection, gas detection, and fire suppression. The overall site has detection software that
monitors the temperature of each container. If a container experienced an increase thermal
event, the container would be shut down and isolated.
Commissioner Locke sated that he is in favor of the project as it is simply replacing the
footprint, using better technology, and nobody from the public was present to object to the
project. All other commissioners agreed with Commissioner Locke and there were no issues
brought up.
A motion was made by Commissioner Lehman and seconded by Commissioner Locke to
recommend approval of the petitioner's request for a Use Variance to allow an expansion of
the existing footprint of the Battery Storage Facility by approximately 20 feet east, and 9 feet
south, for an overall footprint of 24, 123 square feet subject to the following conditions:
1. All development on site shall be in substantial conformance with the submitted plans.
2. All containers located within the fenced-in area shall be painted an earth-tone color.
Planning and Zoning Commission
May 17,2023
Page 3
AND, by making said motion, I agree that the approval criteria for Use Variances have been
met as outlined in the staff report. Roll Call Vote: 5-ayes: Commissioners Bremer, Rockweiler,
Locke, Davis, and Lehman. 0-nay; 0-abstained; 2-absent: Riley, Gleason. Motion Carried.
Chairwoman Rockweiler closed file Z-2023-15 at 5:43 p.m.
Clerk's Note: File Z-2023-16 was not discussed and was pulled from the agenda.
Open Discussion:
There was no open discussion.
Staff Report: Planner Sheriff explained that the Commission will continue to meet at 5:30 p.m.
as the time does not appear to be an issue for anybody. There has been a lot of community
outreach for the comprehensive plan. Everall everybody is happy with the things going on in
McHenry. There are some improvements requested, like work at the former K-Mart site, more
restaurants, senior housing, and affordable housing. All age ranges and a broad scope of
demographics were reached for help with the comprehensive plan.
Commissioner Locke asl<ed if there were any requests for more industry. Director Polerecky
explained that the big focus from the citizens was the downtown areas. More residential in
downtown has been requested to keep a small-town feel, but to grow at the same time. Bigger
industries and companies will not come to McHenry without enough housing available for their
workforce. The City will have to look at where they should allocate the limited resources. A list
of items will be needed for the City's priorities for the next 25 years.
Commissioner Bremer stated that somebody in her neighborhood has been asking about frisbee
golf. It was explained that this topic will come up at a Council meeting in the near future. There
is a push for a frisbee golf course, but there have been many objections to having the course
located next to a specific subdivision. Commissioner Bremer also asked when the fiscal year starts
and if there are no fa�ade grants available. It was explained that May 15t is the start of the fiscal
year, and that all of the money allocated to fa�ade grants has been used for this current fiscal
Adjourn: A motion was made by Commissioner Lehman and seconded by Commissioner Davis
to adjourn the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Commissioners Bremer, Rockweiler,
Locke, Davis, and Lehman. 0-nay; 0-abstained; 2-absent: Riley, Gleason. Motion Carried.
Staff Report for the City of McHenry Planning & Zoning Commission
Petition: Z-2023-16 Hearing Date: October 18, 2023
Applicant: Youth & Family Center of McHenry Site Information: The site consists of 0.516
County acres, more or less, and is located on the
southwest corner of the intersection of Green
Request: Request for a Conditional Use Permit Street and Main Street with a common address
for the operation of an Assembly Use. of 1011-1007 N Green Street. ("Subject
Zoning: RS-4 High Density Single Family
Residential District
Future Land Use Designation: Medium Density
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Zoning Map
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Zoning Ordinance Definitions Zoning Designation
RS-4 High Density Single-Family Residential District - The purpose of this RS-4 High Density Single Family
district is intended to provide for the appropriate zoning of existing single Residential
family neighborhoods in the City developed years ago under less stringen
development standards.
Adjacent Zoning & Land Use
North: RS-4 (Single Family)
South: RS-4 (Single Family)
West: RS-4 (Single Family)
East: RS-4 (McHenry East
City of McHenry Future Land Use Map
�f`-� ` �% Future Land Use
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Future Land Use Map
Comprehensive Plan Text Designation
Land Use Medium-Density Residential
❑ Objective: "Allow a mixture of land uses in appropriate areas to
promote responsible growth while providing a high quality of life to the
residents." (p. 27)
❑ Policy: "Locate intense commercial and office uses where they will not Adjacent Future Land Use
negatively affect residential or open space uses. (p. 28)
Growth North: Medium-Density Residential
❑ Policy: "Encourage responsible, orderly growth in the City by assisting
property owners with annexation, supporting development plans and South: Medium-Densiry Residential
promoting redevelopment." (p. 28)
East: Institutional
West: Medium-Density Residential
Staff Report for the City of McHenry Planning&Zoning Commission
Staff Comments
The following comments and conclusions are based upon staff analysis and review prior to this hearing and are
to be considered viable unless evidence is established to the contrary. Staff may have additional comments
based upon the testimony presented during the public hearing.
The petitioner, Youth & Family Center (YFC) of McHenry County, is seeking the following zoning approval(s):
• Conditional Use Permit to operate an Assembly Use at 1007-1011 N Green Street.
The subject property was formerly occupied by the School District 15 Administration Office up until this year.
The City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance requires a Conditional Use Permit for operations that require regularly
scheduled gatherings/programming of more than 25 persons. The YFC is a nonprofit organization that
provides afterschool and summer programming with a focus on middle school and high school aged children.
Their programs provide a safe environment for social, emotional, and academic growth. The YFC also provides
free English as a second language courses for adults on Wednesday nights from 6:OOPM-7:30PM.
• The petitioner must meet the Approval Criteria for Conditional Uses, listed in §11-15-5 of the City of
McHenry Zoning Ordinance
The Future Land Use Map recommends Medium-Density Residential land use. Although not in compliance
with the Future Land Use Map recommendation, institutional/residential land use is recommended within the
vicinity of the subject property.
The subject property is currently zoned RS-4 High Density Single-Family Residential District. Assembly Uses are
allowed as a Conditional Use Permit within the underlying district. The primary concern is how the property
will interact with the surrounding single-family residential. Given the site's former operation as an office
building, the site is equipped with 33 parking spaces which is more than enough parking to accommodate the
size of estimated potential occupancy (60 x 0.25 = 15 spaces). With an adequate amount of parking provided
onsite and majority of services provided indoors, staff does not anticipate any adverse impacts on the
adjoining property owners.
Overall, staff believes the proposed development is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan objectives
and policies. Staff comments italicized.
View full list of City Plans at�ru�r;un�;;,,�;��;�✓�r���h��a� .��c�/ ����a��a�a����a�����s
• Land Use, Objective—"Allow a mixture of land uses in appropriate areas to promote responsible
growth while providing a high quality of life to the residents." (p. 27)
Staff believes the proposed use of the property to provide afterschool programming for children and
English as a second language courses for adults is supportive of promoting a high quality of life to
• Land Use, Policy—"Locate intense commercial and office uses where they will not negatively affect
residential or open space uses." (p. 27)
The site has operated for decades as an office use and is next to the High School. Staff believes the use
of the property for afterschool services is complimentary to existing educational institutions within the
vicinity of the subject property.
• The site has an adequate amount of parking to accommodate the assembly use.
• The use of the property as an educational/afterschool assembly-type use matches an existing trend in
the area being next to the high school.
• Staff does not believe approval of the request would generate any adverse impacts.
If the Planning& Zoning Commission agrees with staff's assessment, then the following motion is
MOTION: I motion/move to recommend approval of Youth and Family Services of McHenry County's request
for a Conditional Use Permit to operate an Assembly Use at 1007-1011 N Green Street.
By making said motion, you agree that the approval criteria for Conditional Uses have been met as outlined in
the staff report.
APPROVAL CRITERIA FOR CONDITIONAL USES (§11-15-5). Staff comments italicized below.
A. Traffic: Any adverse impact of types or volumes of traffic flow not otherwise typical in the zoning
district has been minimized.
Staff believes there is adequate traffic infrastructure in place to service the development.
B. Environmental Nuisance: Any adverse effects of noise, glare, odor, dust, waste disposal, blockage of
light or air, or other adverse environmental effects of a type or degree not characteristic of
permitted uses in the zoning district, have been appropriately controlled.
Staff does not believe the proposed request would generate any environmental nuisances.
C. Neighborhood Character:The proposed use will fit harmoniously with the existing natural or
manmade character of its surroundings, and with permitted uses in the zoning district.The use will
not have undue deleterious effect on the environmental quality, property values, or neighborhood
character already existing in the area or normally associated with permitted uses in the district.
The surrounding area consists of a mix of residential and educational institutions. Commercial areas
are also within wall<ing distance of the site. Staff believes the proposed use of the site as an afterschool
assembly-type use is not out of character with the neighboring properties.
D. Public Services and Facilities: The proposed use will not require existing community facilities or
services to a degree disproportionate to that normally expected of permitted uses in the district, nor
generate disproportionate demand for new services or facilities, in such a way as to place undue
burdens upon existing development in the area.
The site is currently serviced by city water and sanitary sewer.
E. Public Safety and Health: The proposed use will not be detrimental to the safety or health of the
employees, patrons, or visitors associated with the use nor of the general public in the vicinity.
Staff believes the proposed use would not endanger local public health and safety within the vicinity of
the subject property.
F. Other Factors:The proposed use is in harmony with all other elements of compatibility pertinent to
the conditional use and its particular location.
Located next to a school, the programs provided are complimentary of the existing use(sJ within the
area. Staff believes the afterschool programs and English as a second language courses provide an
inherent benefit to the overall wellbeing of the community.
Attachments: 1) Petitioner's Application and attachments. 2) Receipt of publication of legal notice.
FORM� File Number
Planning and Zoning Cammission
City of McHenry
333 South Green Street�McHenry,IL 60050�Tel:(815)363-2170�Fax:(815)363-2173
�1 , �y
l. Name ofApplicant��I (� ,� r ���,� �/ �� ���������ITeI ��� J �� �e�,���'�
Address �� �. � 1 f4��,��p�,�e
�� Fax
Ernail ��������� �����.�"� ��(���� ��,����
2. Name of Property Owner Tel � 1� ��� ���`� ���
(If other than Applicant)
Address Faa�
3. Name of Engineer Tel
(If represented)
Address Fax
4. Name of Attorney Tel
(If represented)
Address Faac
5. Cammon Address or Location of Property � �1 � � � ���( ;� �'� . ���/�
6. PTN#(s}
7. Requested Action(s)(check all that apply)
_Zoning Map Amendment(Rezaning) _Zaning Variance—Minor(Residential)
�Conditianal Use Permit _Zoning Text Amendment
_Zoning Variance(Nan-residential) �Use Variance
_I'lanned Unit Development _Sukrdivision/P1at Development
Pubiic Hearing Appiication Packet Page 5 of 22
Provide a brief description of the Requested Action(s). For example, the operation that reyuires a
Conditionai Use Permit, the specific Zoning Variance needed, or the new zoning classification that is
requested. The narrative description may also be included as a separate attachment.
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Public Hearing Application Packet Page 6 of 22
8. Current Use of Property 1 ° � �
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9. Current Zoning Classification of Property, Including Variances or Conditional Uses (
�� � ��� � � " ' � . 9 �W u � r � ��������
10. Current Zoning Classification and Land Use of Adjoining Properties(` }
North: E�-� ..� , ._ t��-f°y�,..�,�,Y,%l E�t��� �.�G��,�������_�,���1�
South: � .�., �.. ` �I a ����� ;� �����_J � ��
� East: `�r �. � � �� �� � t���,�1� V �� ��t��
west. �� � r ��^�� � � ���� "�F��,��.1 � !��,
11. Required Attachments(check all items subrnitted)
Please refer to the Public Hearing Requirements Checklist to determine the required attachments.
1 Applicatian Fee(arnount)$��
Narrative Description of Request
3 FORM A—Public Hearing Application
4. FORM B—Zoning Map Amsndment(Rezoning)Application
__�5 FORM C—Conditional Use Application
6. FORM D—Zoning Variance Application
7. FORM E—Use Variance Application
� FORM F—Planned Unit Development Applicatian
7. FORM G—SubdivisionlPlat Development Applicatian
8. Proof of Ownership and/or Written Consent from Property Owner in the Form of an
9 Plat of Survey with Legal Description
List of Owners of all Adjoining Properties
Public Hearing Notice
2 Sign(Provided by the City)
3 Site Plan
14. Landscape Plan
15. Architectural Rendering of Building Elevations
16. Performance Standards Certification
17. Traffic Analysis
18. Schoal Impact Analysis
Public Hearing Application Packet Page 7 of 22
12. Disclasure of Interest
The party signing the application shall be considered the Applicant. The Applicant must be the owner
ar trustee of record, trust beneficiary, lessee, contract purchaser, or optian hotder of the subject
property or his or her agent or nominee.
Applicant is Not Owner
If the Applicant is not the owner of record of the subject property, the application shall disclose the
legal capacity of the Applicant and the full name, address, and telephone number of the owner(s). In
addition, an affidavit of the owners(s) shall be filed with the application stating that the Applicant has
the authority from the owners(s)to make the application.
Ap�ant or Owner is Corporation or Partnershi�
If the Applicant, owner, contract purchaser, option holder, or any beneficiary of a land trust is a
carporation or partnership, the application shall disclose the name and address of the corporation's
officers, directors, and registered agents, or the partnership's general partners and those shareholders
or limited partners owning in excess of five percent of the outstanding stock or interest in the
carporation or interest shared by the limited partners.
Apt�licant or Owner is a land Trust
If the Applicant or owner is a land trust or other trust or trustee thereof, the full name, address,
telephane number,and e�rtent af interest of each bene�ciary shall be disclosed in the app�ication.
13. Gertification
I hereby certify that I am aware of all code requirements of the City of McHenry that relate to this
properly and that the proposed use or development described in this application shall comply with all
such codes.
I hereby request that a public hearing to consider this application be held before the Planning and
Zoning Commission, and thereafter that a recommendation be forwarded to the City Council for the
adoptian of an ordinance(s) granting the requested action(s), including any modifications to this
application or conditions of approval recommended by City Council.
Si�nature of Applicant(s;L,
Print Name and Designation of Applicant(s)
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Public Hearing Application Packet Page 8 af 22
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�`he undersigned, bein��rst duly s�c�rn, on aakh depas�s and stat�s �hat the attac�ed lisq af adjaining property
owners have been properly notified via First Class I�ail ar Certified Mail, and all other public na�ice requirements
pravided in the City af McH�nry Zonir►g Ordinanee have been rnet in connec�ian with the curren� applicatian
before the City af McHenry.
Fil�d by:
F�r appr�v�B�f:
S�e��t�eP��d n�tie�.
(�4pplic�nt's Si�n�tcar�)
C�,pplic�rn#`s t��rra��nd�ddr�ss)
Subscribed and sworn to
before me this day
of 2023.
Notary Public
�Q E�A'TT.A�I31VIEl'�'I'4 List a��"Adi�in�� �r��� 4���� �I,� �al��t���P��bl�c��aa�a�
Publi�Hearing Ap�lication Pa�k�t Pa�� 9 of 22
FORM�C File Number
Plannrng and Za►ning Commissian
City of McHenry
333 South Gre�n Street�McHenry,IL 60050�Tel: (815)363-2170�Fax: (815)363-2173
§]1-15-5 of the City of McHenry Zoning �rdinance provides that in recammending approval or
conditional approval of a Conditional Use Permit,the Planning and Zoning Commission shall transmit to
the City Council written fndings that all of the conditions listed below apply to the requested action.
Flease respond to each af these canditions as it relates to your rec�uest.
l. Tra�c
Any adverse impact of types or volumes of tra�c flow not otherwise typical in the zoning district has
been minimized.
�`� ! , C� � ' �..w r� � �� ��� � L�� � ���'���« � ��� �� 1���,� �����'�
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2. Environmental Nuisance
Any adverse effects of noise, glare, odor, dust, waste disposal, blockage of light or air, or other adverse
environmental effects of a type or degree not characteristic of permitted uses in the zoning district have
been appropriately controlled.
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3. Neighborhood Character
The praposed use will fit harmaniously with the existing natural or man-made character of its
surroundings and with permitted uses in the zoning district. The use will not have undue deleterious
effect an the environmental quality, praperty values, or neighborhood character existing in the area or
normally associated with permitted uses in the district.
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Public Hearing Application Packet Page 11 of 22
4. Public Services and Facilities
The propased use will not require existing community facilities or services to a degree disproportionate to
that normally expected of permitted uses in the district, nor generate disproportionate dernand for new
services or facilities,in such a way as to place undue burdens upon existing development in the area.
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5. Public SafetY and Health
The proposed use wiil not be detrimental to the safety ar heaith of the employees, patrons, or visitors
associated with the use nor of the general public in the vicinity.
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6. Other Factors
The proposed use is in harmony with all other elements of compatibility perkinent ta the Conditional Use
and its particular location.
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Public Hearing Application Packet Page 12 of 22
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��aa�.inccum PAqCEI t:
I)IGN.AIuJIronSi. pp�(of Lol 1 in Biock 8 of tha Orlginol Piat ot Weet McHonry,according to ihv Plai therool recorded in tha Recorder'a Office of
WnnAstn�k.llllnnlr fi0h4N
ph.BIS�J1]�BLO(ea 815-019-AJtu MCHenry County,IOfiols,in Book 24 of�eede,page 23,dsecribed oe Iollowe,to-wii: 8eqinntng ot a polnt oa Ihe West Ilne o gn
awayah�tnlvieo�neproperrynnc' Road 60A feak Norlhedy of ihe Soulhauel curnor of eaid Lol 1; thence��Waetarly parailal with tho Souiharly line n(cafd Lo1 1 to iha
. ... Easiedy Ilne o1 a pioce of land conveyed by Wlllam 7each and wife to Wdliom G.Schreiner Jr.,by Warunly Doed dutoJ September 19,
� " 1910 and recorded In tho Recorder's ONice ot McHenry County In 6aok 131 of baeds,page 273; lhenca Northeasiarly olong ihe
Eoeterly�Ine of sald pieae of Iand so conve5red to Wllinm G.Schrelner Jr.to tha Northaoet comar Iheroof ond the Norlhndy ilna of
anid I.o1 i; thence Souiheastedy along tha Norihedy Ilne at aold Lot 1 ta the Norlheaet corner o(said Lot 1; thenco Southedy along
ihe Eaeierly Ilne of said LoY i to tha Plaeo of Beginning,sald 81ock 6eing localed in ond baing part of the Norlhweet Ouarter ot
8edton 3S,Toxnship 45 Nmth,Ronge 8 Eoe1 a1 tho Thtrd Pr'mctpa�Meridlao, ituuted,lyi�ood betng In tho City af 1AcHanry,Coun4y
ot IAcHanry and Stote ot iliinoie; aleo,the East 58A feet ot the Weai 118A feet of Sublot i,Lot 1 In Block 8 0!Weet IAcHenry,
according to the Plat theraof recorded in tho Rocurder'e Otflce o1 McHenry Coanly,ill(nola,in Book 24 ot Deeds,pago 23,all situoted
in lhe Northwast Ouarler nf Seetion 35.Township 45 North.Ranqa 8 East ol the Third Prindpal Aleridlon,In McHenry Counly,Illinols.
pARCE1 2:
Port oi Lot 1 In 81ock 8 of the Orig(nol Plit of Wast McHenry,oacording lo lhe Piai thereof recorded in the Racordars Otlite in
MeHanry County,Iilinols,{n 800k 24 ot Dee1.'s,pago 23,6ovadad ond described oa foliowe,to-wiL Beglnning ut u polnt on the Waet
line oi Elgin Rood(now known as Graen Sk�-_a�el)ol tha Souihaa9l comar of eold Lo1 t,ond running thence Northedy dong lhe Weet
Ilne of eaid Elgin Rood and the Easterly iln:nf soid Loi 1,50.0 feok thenco Weatedy pornllel wIU the Soulher�y Iine ol eaid Lot 1,to
the Eastetly Iine al a piece of land conv�,od by Williom Teech ond wife lo'Mlliam G.Schreiner,Jr.by Wmwnty Deed doted September �
19,1910,and recorded.in sold Reco�dere Ofloe in 8dak 1a1 of Oeede,on puge 273; thence Southweeiady along lhe EaeYedy Iine of
aald pbce of land eo conveyed to W�Iliom G 5chrcinor,Jr.to tha Southeast comer lhereof ond the Southady Iina oi sold Lot 1;
lhence Soulheastady obng the Southarly Iine of aold Loi 7,119.1 toet,more or leae,lo the Ploce o1 Beginning,eaid Block being
locoiad in and baing a pari of ibe Nortbwast Ouortar of SecUorr 35,Township 45 North,Ronge 8 Eaet of the Third PrinciDal Maridlon,
In AdcHenry Couniy,IIIlnoie,
PMC@L 3:
Part of Lot 1 in Biock B o1 lho Orlglnal P�at of Waet IAcNonry,occording to the Plot therooi rocordod In tha Recnrder'a ONice ot
McHenry Counly,Illinqis in 8opk 24 of Doade,page 23,daecribad os follows,to-wiF. Baginning ol a pofnt on the Wast Ilne ot Elgin
Rood(now known oa Graen Street)5D.0 leet Northedy ot the Southeast comer of sald Lot 1; ihence Weaterly parallel wllh the
Saulhetly iine of sold Lot 1 to tho Eastedy Ilne ot a pleca ot lond convayed by Willlam Tqech ond wite l0 4filliam G.Schreiner,Jr,by
Worronty Deed doted Septomber 19,1910 and recorded in tha Resordara 011tee in Book 131 of Deeds,Page 273; ihance Northeoelady
olong Iho Eoetedy Iine of eoid plece ot land eo conveyed to wil)nm C.Scbralnaq Jr. 10A feel; Ibence SouYheastedy parollni io the
Soulhorly Iine oi aoid lo�1 to 1he Easterly Iine oF satd Lot 1; fhence Soulhedy alonq iho Easterly Ilne oi eald lot 7 to lhe Place of
Beginning,eoid Block bainq located in and being o part oi lhe Northweei Quurier of Section 35,7ownship 45 North,Ronga B Eaet af
the Third princlpai IAeddian,in McHenry County,iliinois. ,
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P.O, pIACE Oi'BEGINNIN ehoea on!RecordCd Subdivldaa Plet sTe Wo1ln hetaon '.,OCK, ��;,��
mka.tha dovcripUua ordered la De surve7ed conlelne c �p my profeeelona4 opintoa,and haeed on���riq obearvetlona,i Lareby nerlYfy
proper deeodpUon ot the reqnlred bulldfnt Itne�ur that xe Lsve eurvayed the pxamlaee ebo�e de�crlbed,end lhst tha plet
andemoalu, hereon ie n We repraeantnUon ot 4ha eald ewroey.Thie pmteeefonel earvine
CI.16NT:AICNENRY SCHOQL DISTRICT 15 •No dietance ehould bc ae�uroed 6�ecolln�. cuufarme to i6e current ItBaole mlulmum dnaderds tor�boundary arurvep.
•No uaderaround Improremanb hove beea locatad
pg�1qN gY:SES CHBCKBD BY:AP� unleie�Lown wd aoted. Aated a6 800drtoolc, MoHenry County, Illfnoie d3�� A.D., 20 2�.
g�,�;�"e2p' gg�, 35 T.�R.08g •No rapre�eniaUoa ee to oxner�Lip,v�e,
OASIS OF BRARINC:IL FAST ZONE NADB3{pp11) ar poueaioa�hodd be herann Implled. Vanderdeppen Isnd 3uneying Ine.
�'C61s Survey and Pl�t ot Burvc�ere�ofd wtthout Daef`n Pirm No� 184-002782
p,�,N.:09-35-128-014� -017 orl�lnel nmboerod ar colored�eel and d;nature
JOH NO.:�301J1 I�D,�._� �fti=ed. /
PIBLI11fORK CQMP.:9k�.4•1�3�-HK•—p�•— Compnre your de�mipUon nnd dte m�ritln{e wiW t61�plat Hp: � �" "�"
��pa�aaa,m���ro w aaua�,�roiu,amice end AT ONCB report any diacrepmoleo aAleL)ou muy�fi.nd. Ttllnoie�Arafeeetoaal��Land Survaqor No.�3867
Staff Report for the City of McHenry Planning & Zoning Commission
Petition: Z-2023-17 Hearing Date: October 18, 2023
Applicant: Veronica Clark (A Journey to Site Information: The site consists of 0.194
Success Early Learning Center) acres, more or less, and is located
approximately 113 feet east of the intersection
Request: Request for a Conditional Use Permit of W. Elm Street (IL-120) and Green Street with
for the operation of a Child Daycare Center. a common address of 3430 W. Elm Street.
("Subject Property").
Zoning: C-4 Downtown Commercial District
Future Land Use Designation: Historic
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Zoning Map
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Zoning Ordinance Definitions Zoning Designation
C-4 Downtown Commercial District: The purpose of this district is C-4 Downtown Commercial
intended to provide appropriate standards for development in the City's
older central business areas and to reflect and protect the existing
character of those areas.
Adjacent Zoning & Land Use
North: C-4 Downtown (Natural
Therapy Wellness Center)
South: C-4 Downtown (Law
West: C-4 Downtown (�aw
East: C-4 Downtown (Hair Salon)
City of McHenry Future Land Use Map
( � Future Land Use
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Future Land Use Map
Comprehensive Plan Text Designation
Land Use Historic Downtown/Office
❑ Objective: "Allow a mixture of land uses in appropriate areas to
promote responsible growth while providing a high quality of life to the
residents." (p. 27)
❑ Policy: "Locate intense commercial and office uses where they will not Adjacent Future Land Use
negatively affect residential or open space uses. (p. 28)
Growth North: Commercial
❑ Policy: "Encourage responsible, orderly growth in the City by assisting
property owners with annexation, supporting development plans and South: Commercial
promoting redevelopment." (p. 28)
East: Office
Unique Character
❑ Policy: "Promote mixed-use land uses in the downtown to preserve a West: Commercial/Historic
more natural historic feel to the area." (p. 28)
Staff Report for the City of McHenry Planning&Zoning Commission
Staff Comments
The following comments and conclusions are based upon staff analysis and review prior to this hearing and are
to be considered viable unless evidence is established to the contrary. Staff may have additional comments
based upon the testimony presented during the public hearing.
The petitioner, Veronica Clark (A Journey to Success Early Learning Center), is seel<ing the following zoning
� Conditional Use Permit to operate a Child Daycare Center at 3430 W Elm Street.
The subject property was formerly occupied Youth and Family Center of McHenry County who was granted
approval of a Conditional Use Permit to operate an assembly use for afterschool programming. The proposed
Daycare Center would hold a class size of 50 and under, consisting of age ranges from 6 weeks to 6 years, and
employ up to 12 full-time employees. Hours of operation are not specified in the petitioner's application. The
site provides 10 parl<ing spaces (6 required) and therefore meets the minimum parl<ing standards for child
daycare centers for a 3,000 SF building. However, the site is exempt from parl<ing standards because it is
located within the C-4 Downtown Commercial District. The parcel is landlocl<ed with access provided by an 8-
foot-wide ingress/egress easement (see image below).
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• The petitioner must meet the Approval Criteria for Conditional Uses, listed in §11-15-5 of the City of
McHenry Zoning Ordinance
The Future Land Use Map recommends office land use. Daycare facilities are allowed as a conditional use in
office districts and is therefore considered in conformance with the Future Land Use Map's recommendation.
The subject property is currently zoned C-4 Downtown Commercial District. Parking and access will remain a
challenge—as with most property located in the downtown. Given the prior assembly use which is not all that
different in terms of land use with drop off and pick up times scheduled at regular intervals staff does not
believe approval of the request would generate any different adverse impacts in comparison to the former use
of the property. There are currently no childcare centers located within the downtown area. Should the trend
in development continue at the current rate, staff believes the addition of a daycare would be a welcome
amenity within the downtown.
Overall, staff believes the proposed development is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan objectives
and policies. Staff comments italicized.
View full list of City Plans at�ru�rrun✓.,.����a����h����:.a��q��������a.�.s��������s
• Land Use, Objective—"Allow a mixture of land uses in appropriate areas to promote responsible
growth while providing a high quality of life to the residents." (p. 27)
Staff believes the proposed use of the property to provide daycare services in the downtown is an
appropriate amenity. As more multifamily housing is developed in the downtown, daycare facilities will
be needed to help maintain a walkable environment. Staff believes approval of the request would be
supportive of promoting a high quality of life to residents within the area.
• Land Use, Policy—"Locate intense commercial and office uses where they will not negatively affect
residential or open space uses." (p. 27)
The site has operated for a number of years as an assembly use when occupied by Youth and Family
Center of McHenry County. Staff does not anticipate locating the proposed daycare facility would
generate any adverse impacts on the surrounding property owners.
• The site has an adequate amount of parking to accommodate the daycare facility.
• Given the longevity of a somewhat similar assembly use when the building was occupied by Youth and
Family Center of McHenry County, staff does not anticipate any adverse impacts on the surrounding
property owners.
• The site is landlocked with a recorded ingress/egress easement that connects to Court Street.
Navigation within the area will remain a challenge, as with most developed property within the
downtown. The commission may wish to consider whether the challenges presented are merely a
minor inconvenience as opposed to a more serious issue.
• The proposed use of the property is in conformance with the Future Land Use Map's recommendation
for office space.
If the Planning& Zoning Commission agrees with staff's assessment, then the following motion is
MOTION: I motion/move to recommend approval of the petitioner's request for a Conditional Use Permit to
operate a daycare at 3430 W. Elm Street.
By making said motion, you agree that the approval criteria for Conditional Uses have been met as outlined in
the staff report.
APPROVAL CRITERIA FOR CONDITIONAL USES (§11-15-5). Staff comments italicized below.
A. Traffic: Any adverse impact of types or volumes of traffic flow not otherwise typical in the zoning
district has been minimized.
Staff believes there is adequate traffic infrastructure in place to service the development. A cross
access easement is recorded on the property to the west. Previously occupied by an assembly use,
staff believes the traffic flow caused by the daycare center will be similar to the prior occupant.
B. Environmental Nuisance: Any adverse effects of noise, glare, odor, dust, waste disposal, blockage of
light or air, or other adverse environmental effects of a type or degree not characteristic of
permitted uses in the zoning district, have been appropriately controlled.
Staff does not believe the proposed request would generate any environmental nuisances.
C. Neighborhood Character:The proposed use will fit harmoniously with the existing natural or
manmade character of its surroundings, and with permitted uses in the zoning district.The use will
not have undue deleterious effect on the environmental quality, property values, or neighborhood
character already existing in the area or normally associated with permitted uses in the district.
The surrounding area consists of a mix of office space and residential. Located within the downtown,
staff believes the addition of a daycare center would be beneficial to the surrounding property owners.
D. Public Services and Facilities: The proposed use will not require existing community facilities or
services to a degree disproportionate to that normally expected of permitted uses in the district, nor
generate disproportionate demand for new services or facilities, in such a way as to place undue
burdens upon existing development in the area.
The site is currently serviced by city water and sanitary sewer.
E. Public Safety and Health: The proposed use will not be detrimental to the safety or health of the
employees, patrons, or visitors associated with the use nor of the general public in the vicinity.
Staff believes the proposed use would not endanger local public health and safety within the vicinity of
the subject property.
F. Other Factors:The proposed use is in harmony with all other elements of compatibility pertinent to
the conditional use and its particular location.
Located not too far from other amenities that would compliment the site such as Memorial Park, staff
believes the proposed use is compatible and would be complimentary to the site.
Attachments: 1) Petitioner's Application and attachments. 2) Receipt of publication of legal notice.
Planning and Zaning Commission (2022)
City of McWenry
w�rw citvofmchenr�o�/piar�n€ng
333 South Green Street�McHenry,IL 60050 �Tel: (815)363-2181�Fax: (815)363-2173
The following information is intended to assist a petitioner applying for any development action requiring a public
hearing before the Planning and Zaning Cnmmissian, including Map Amendments, Conditionai Use Permits,Zaning
Variances and Minar Variances, and Zaning Text Amendments. A typical develppment actian wilt take from 45 to
90 days tn pracess.
Far ali actions requiring a public hearing, infarmation must be submitted in accordance with the foilawing
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1 A lication Fee (Pa e 2 j X X X Y X X X X
2 Narrative bescri tian of Pra osal X X X X X X X X
� F�(7RM A -PGGbI'rc T��Iea��-in r A alictat'rcan �1'a re; S) X X X X X X X X
4 F('�)'ItM 13. lonix��r Ma Amcnclericr�C A licat�i�r7 (P���4 I(,)) X
5 FC)RM C' -C'r���dr"tic�i�al Use I'�n77it A licaCiat7 (x'a.Xt 1 1) X X
� FURM D-�--Zc�nin��Variance� licatiun (Pa�� I 3) x X
� 7 FORM E—Use Variance A lication (Pa e 16) X
FORM F—Planned Unit Development Appfication (Page X X
8 FORM G—Plat/Develo�ment A licatio�a (Pa e 20) }�
Pr��of c�f Uwnership an�/or Notarired Writte�t Consent frc�z» X X X X X X X.
9 thc;Pr��>�e rt C)w��er
10 Plat ot'Surve with t.e 7al Descri�t'ron X X X X X X X
11 t,ist� c>f O��r�3crs ��f all�k�LiCtin r�F'rcy ertics X X X X X X
12 Wut�lic Hearin�NoCicE �C)rafted b sCaff sent L� etiTioner X X X X X X X
13 Site Plan � X X X X X X X
14 Landscapin=P1an ? `� `) � X �
� 15 Architectural Renderin of$uiidin Elevations ? `? ? ? X �
, 1b Traffie Anal sis ? ? ? � � ?
17 Schooi 1i�� act Anal sis `r `? ? ? `? `?
P��hlic I-Iearir�g Applicatic7n Packet Page 1 af 21
All forms and applicatipns must be submitted cancurrentiy in PDF farmat.
Public hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission are held at 7:00 p.m. in the Gty Council Chambers,at
the McHenry Municipa)Center,333 S.Green Street,McHenry,!l 60050. in the event of COVID-19 or other
emergency incident that allows for remote public meetings,the City may elect to host the meeting online using the
Zoom Web Conferencing Applicatian. To be considered for scneduling before the Planning and Zaning Commission,
ail required application forms and attachments must be submitted to the City Planner,Cody 5heriff
r.�l'�„�;ri��f i��;it �afr���rh��rrr .y„e>,r�,who is located at tl�e McHenry Municipal Center,no later than 4:30 p.m. on the date
of the application deadline. A public hearing date wili be canfirmed oniy if all application forms have been
completed carrectiy and all required attachments have been provided.
Public Hearing Dates Application Deadlines Public Notice Deadline
lanuary 18,2023 December 23,2022 December 30,2022
February 15,2023 January 20,2023 January 27,2023
March 15,2023 February 17,2023 February 24,2023
April 19,2023 March 24,2023 March 31,2023
May 17,2023 April 21,2023 April 28,2023
June 21,2q23 May 26,2023 June 2,2023
luly 19,2023 Jun� 23,2023 lune 30,2023
August 16,2023 July 21,2023 July 28,2023
September 20,2023 Au ust 25,2023 September 1,2023
October 18,2023 September 22,2023 September 29,2023
November 15,2023 October 20,2023 October 27,2023
December 13,2423 November 18,2023 November 25,2023
Zonin Map Amendment(Rezanin ) $950
Conditionai Use Permit(CUP)/ Planned Unit
Deveiopment PUD) $g5p
Zonin OR Use Variance $950
Zonin Ordinance Text Amendment $950
Staff Plat Review $950
Zonin Variance-Minor $175
Note: * The appiicant is required to pay all the City's personnel expenses incurred in relation to their request
which may require a retained personnel deposit{escrow) for any outside consultation.
Public T�earing Applicatic>n Packet I?age 2 of'21
In order to advise adjacent property owners and tne general public of a public hearing,the petitioner must
cpmplete certain public notice requirements, inciuding: 1)A hearing notice must be published in a locai
newspaper; 2)A notice must be sent to all property owners abutting or across the street(righY-of-way) from the
subject property;and 3)A sign must be posted on the property{except for minor variances).
1. Publish a hearine notice in the local edition of Northwest Herald newspaper for one day. The City
Planner will draft a legal notice for the petitianer tn send ta the Nnrthwest Herald. After reviewi ng the
notice,and the informatian provided is deemed carrect by the petitianer,the notice should be sent
directly to the Narthwest Nerald,preferably by electronic mail,aisa indicating billing for the natice should
be sent directly to the appiicant rather than the City af McHenry:
5haw Media--hEorthwest Nerald
(fi30}368-88Q9 fiax
P;U. Box 25Q
Crpstal Lake, E6� 60039
�ub[icnoticeC�nwheraid corii
If ypu e-mail the public notice,please call and confirm receipt af said natice at 815-526-4459 or the
Ciassified Manager at 815-526-4439, NO7E: The notice must be provided ta thp newspaper at least
three days prior to the desired publication date k�y 11 00 a m
2. Send a capv of the hearine notice via First Class Mail to the owners (iast known taxpayer)of all parcels of
property that are abutting or across the street (right-of-way-improved or unimproved public street,alley,
body of water or railroad) from the subject property. The City Planner will provide the petitioner with a
list of adjacent property owners.
3. Post a sien in the front vard of the subiect propertv where it is visible from a public street and no further
than thirty (30) feet from the edge of the right-of-way. A poster sign is provided by the City but it must be
posted by the applicant if requested by City Staff. The sign must rernain in place until tF�e public hearing is
concluded,and shauld be removed immediately thereafter.
NOTE: Requests for Minor Variance are exempt from sign posting requirements.A Minor Variance is
defined as foilows: MiNOR VARIANCE: a variance granted to the fee owner,contract purchaser or
option holder of a single-family detached or attached dwelling or single-family detached or attached
building lot for that dwelling or lot.
P�zblic I-�eari��g Applicatic7n Packet Page 3 af 21
In order to verify The completion af the public notice requirements,the applicant must provide the f ollowing items
ta the City Planner preferably at least five(5) days in advance of the public hearin¢(or on the date of the hearine
with Citv of McHenry approvall�
1. A"Certificate of Publication" from the Northwest Herald for the hearing notice.
2. A signed and natarized a�davit stating that the applicant has compieted all af the pu�lic natice
requirements. (located an Form A)
7he affidavit should not be submitted until all notification re uirements have been met. If au don't
have access to a notary vou can complete this document at Citv Hall where a notary is available
Quick Links:
• lr�teractive Plarnin,� C�and Js� arid Zonin�iVfarss
1'ublic Hearin� A�plication I'ackct Page 4 of21
FORM A I�ile Numb�r
Planning and Zoning Commission
� City of McHenry
333 Sout�h(:;�r��n Street n M�cF-[er7ry,Il..(i0OSO d TeL• (f315)3C>�i-2170 d H�ax: (8l S);�G3-2173
���� „_� ,<,., ,�.
1. Natr�e ot'A��pl�c,ant (��1°�,. �"' ^Ilel �:�"� �.��.. ��� � -_�'���.�
. _,�. w
Address ��-� �.„�, L,.,��'�,. �' �q �, .. ��-..
----t , -�� � �e ������ `a��� � '� Fax
Email '�`(�,�A �;..t,� �f.�r.C;��,<..��� ��:,,� �,R„��,' ;�_
�� ��.
2. Name of Properry Owner �:m,� , �"1�1� Tel ��- �i � ��c���
(if other tha 'cant)
Address �. - ��.. a� �nx
Em a i 1 ��"t tJ o ,�„��:��1..�___��lti-�,,,,,,..
3. Name o1'F.,n�incer� `(�'el
Address Fax
4. Name of Attorney �,��
(If represented j
Address Fax.
5. Common Addr�:ss or Locatior� c�fi'Property �'�` � < � ������ , "
� ��
- ���
6. PIN#(s)
7. �R�quested flctivn(s) (ct�eck all t�h��t app1Y)
�Zot�ir��Man �,,�7t�nd7nc.�nt ("R.�x<�7�7in�) _.,_Lor�1i���Var•iancc ._Minoz�(Re�;ici�;�titial)
�!'��'c�nc�itiori�X( Usc F'crn�it �loning"Fext Art�c;ncim�nt.
_Zoning Variance (Non-residential) Use Variance
__Planned Unit Development � Subdivision/Plat Develapment
Public Ei�ear�i�z��Applicatic>n �Pack�et Page� 5 �.7i'2l.
Provide a brief description of the Req uested Action(s'). For example, the operation that requires a
Cc�nditional Use Permit, the specific Zoning Variance needed, or the new zoning classification that is
requested. The narrative description may also be included as a separate attachment.
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Public l�earing Applicatic7n Packet Page E7 c�f21
8. C'urret�t LJse c7f Pro�erty ". ("�, �,��.�,,,� , �.�,
��� ���.��� ��"�
C�.�� ;��,�s= .�-�,--� �``..�.-.�,._ —' ,�.__��
-���,� �: ��.�- �
� ��� , �...,�� - � �----� ^ ��'�
9. C'urrent Zoning Classificati��n of Prop�rty, Incltzding Vari��nc�s ��r Cc��idition�l Usc,� (lrrtc,r��ct.i�r�
Ic�n xrr�l�Cr.��?
10. Current Zoning Classification and Land Use of Adjoinuig Properties (I���e��;�cti��e Zc,n�n�,�I�����
North: ���'� �+, 't-<:���,,��Z��-�
Sauth: `���
� \
East. ._�
� ��
W(;St: c,:: �---=i��^•C�...s�. < ��,�.,--.
] 1. Required Attachments (clleck all items subm�tted)
Please refer to the Public Hearing Requirements Checklist to determine the required attachments.
������� 1. Apptication Fee {amountj �
2• Narrativ� Description of Request
3. FORM A — PLibiic �Ie��rin�;AppGcatic�n.
4. FORM� I3 —Z�7nin�M��;�p F,i�l�zxdrnerxt(�R�corlin�;) A�p�lic�ti�7n.
���5, Ft)RM(:;— Cc�nditi<ynal Use, Applicatic:7n
F�, FURM D—Zor�ir��Variancc Ap�r(icatic>n
7. T�OFtM �;— tJsc VariancL Application
� 7. FC)RM F—Planned Unit Development Application
7. FORM G — Subdivision/Pl�t Development Application
_�8. Proof of Ownership and/or Written Conset�t from Properfy Owner in the Form of an
9. Plaf of Survey with Legal Description
10. List of Owners of'all Adjoining Properties
11. Put�lic H�arin�Natic�
l2. Sign (Prc�vidcd by tlie C'ity)
1,. ';itc Plan
14. Landscape Plan
15. Architectu�•al Rendcring o�F E3uilciin�H1Evaticans
16. Performance Standards Certif'ieation
� 17. Traffic Analysis
18. School Impact Aualysis
P��btic Hc;ax�i�n��A�p��licati�7n Pa�kct I'age "7 c.7f 21
12. [7iscic�suN-e oi'Intr;rc�;t
The party si�nin�tl�c a�plicc�ti�an�hall bE ca�isi�ered the Applicar�t. T��e A�p(.ica�lt xzlust b�the ownc.�r
ar truste� �f record, trust benel'ic.i�ry, Iesse�, contract purcbaser, or o�tion holder of the subject
pr'operry oc his or her agent or nominee.
Applicant is Not Owner
If the Applicant is not the owner of record of the subject property, the a�pplication shall disclose the
legal eapaciry of the Applicant and the filll name,address,and telephone niunber of the owner(s). In
addition,an affidavit of the ownets(s}shall be fled witl� the application stating that the Applicant has
the authoriry frc�m the owners(s) to make the applicatiorr.
Applicant or Owner is Corporaticir� or Partnc,rtihip
corp�ratr"on�arpartn s1�.ip, li�eappli�atior�shall �tia�� liold�r•, c�r ar�y (�cr�c;f''iciary c�P a lar7cl tnt�t is a
� 1� ,
� drtiulus� the naz��e. �nd address of the cc�rp��>r���tion's
off'ic�rs,c�ir��et�ars,anc�registe�ced a�ents,or the partnership's��ncral parti7ers and thc�s�; sharehalde;rs
c�r litnited �ar�tnc�rs owning ii7 excess of� �f`ive p�;l•cent c7f the outstandit7g stock or int�res� in the
cc�rporation ar int�erest sharcd by the limited p�rtners.
Applicant or Owper is a (and Trust
If the Applicant or owner is a land trust or other trust or trustee thereof, the full name, address,
telephone number,and extent of interest af each benef'iciary shalt be disclosed in the application.
13. Certificatiot3
I hereby certify that 1 am awarf;c�f all cc7de reyuireT��ent� of tl�e C;ity c7f M'cE��Ienty that r�late tc7 tl�is
�ro�urt�y�n,c�that tl��pr��pc7sed usc��rdevel��me.nt cicscribeci�i�7 t�l�is a�?plic;at�i�n shal�l ccr�mply w�rt11 a11
such codes.
I h�;r�by�r�qt��st�tt�at a�ub(ic hcarin�;to cc���sidcr this applicat�ion b� hcid bef"orE t(1� Planning and
Zc�ning Comn�ission,and th�r�;a�fter that a r�c�mmendatiqu b�f'orward�d ta thc City C�uncil for th�
adoption of an ordinance(s) granting the requested action(s), inclitciiug any modifications to this
applicaiion or conditions of approval recommended by City C,ouncii.
Si�nature of Apt�licant(s)
Print Name and Designation of Applicant(s')
��— j.
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�'ublic I-�earing Application Packet I'age $ c7f 21
The undersigned, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and states that the attached list of adjoining property
owners have been properly notified via First Class Mail or Certified Mail, and all other public notice requirements
provided in the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance have been met in connection with the current application
before the City of McHenry.
Filed by:
For approval of:
See attached notice.
-----------------------�------------(Qpplicant's Signature)
------�—�_M�_____________________(Applicant's Name and Address)
5ubscribed and sworn to
before me this___ _____daY
of ---------�2023.
Notary Public
REQUIRED ATTACHMENT: List of Adjoining Pronerty Owners & Le�al Notice Publication
1�OI�M B I�'i1e Nu�n�bcr
Public�H�aring Application Packet Page; 9 a.f`21
Planning and Zoning Commission
City of McHenry
333 Sot�th Grec;n Str��t a McHcnry,IL b0050�7"el: (�l 5)3�i3-2(70�Fax: (f�1 S)363-2173
�11-5-5 c��fthe C"it�y c�fMc���.enry 7oning(')rdiraar�c�p�x7vides that in 1��c����Knnaendin�t7pproval nt<��Zai�i�n�
Nf��p Amendz�7ent(R.ezoning)>the Planning�tnd Zc7nin�C'c�mmissic>n sha11 transmit to the C'ity C"aunc il
writt��;n f"indir�gs that all of"th�: cc�nditions liste,d b�luw a�}alY to t17� requ��tcd action.
Please respond to each of these conditions as iC relates to your reque�t
1. Compatible with Use or Zonin�of Environs
The proposed use(s)or the uses permitted underthe proposed zoning classi#'ication are compatible with
existing uses or existing zoning of property in the environs.
2. Supported by 7'rend of Development
The trend of develapment in the general area since the original zoning c�f t11e affected property was
established supports the proposed use(s} or zoning classification.
3. C��nsistent wrtl� C"omnrela�n5iv� Plar� C)t�iective5
c7f therC.,it a5tvicwed�in�l���htofi an�,G}�in�J�,d�condi.V��
� � ' "'� ) � � nc7nywith thec�bjectivesc�fth�C;c7rr�prehensive I'lan
Y ` �� Y � � �,' iticrnw since t17� adaptic>n o�f th�: F'lan.
4. Furthers Public Interest
The propos�d use(s)or zoning classi�cation promc�tes the public interest and not solely the interest of the
app licank.
FORM C File Nu�nber
F'uk�lic I��I�eariz�g Ap�plicati�:r» F'acket Pa�c; 10 c�f 21
cvr�����r��raNa�, u���; ��,HMr�•
Planning and Zoning Commission
City of McHenry
��� 333 South Green St�eet� McHenry, IL 6�050 � Tel: (815) 363-2170 � Fax: ($15} 363-2173
1�>>ndit onal a�,��c,�l��f'a C'M ciitiat al t se I'e n��t the.Plar�ningat7dZc>ningCc�mmi55icrta sha11 tran4;n rl or
' Otd�narrcc rov�de� th 1n recc�mc�7�,.nd�n a�
�t tc�
�City Cuuncrl wr�tt�.n t�ndin�5 t�hat all ot the uondations lis��d b�;low c�pply tc� the reyuest�d action.
Please rEspond ta each of these conditions as it relates to your request
l. Traffic
Any adverse impact of types or volumes of traffic flow not otherwise typical in the �oning district has
been minimized.
� � . '4� y , r c``�
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2. Environmental Nuisanee
Any adverse effects of noise,glare,odor,dust,waste disposa�, blockage of light or air, or other adverse
envu�onmental effects of a type ardegee not characteristic of permitted nses in the zoning distr-ict have
be�en appropriately controlled.
� 4.�`�.�....
3. Nei�hbor-hood Character
Tl�e proposed use will fit harmoniously with the existing natural or man-made character of its
surroundings and with permitted uses in the zonin�district The use wiil not have undue deleterious
effect on the environmental quality,property values, or neighborhood character existing in the area or
nonnally associated with permitted uses in the district.
�, t �
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c � .
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� 4. Public Services and Facilities
The proposed use will notrequire existing community facilities or services tc�a degree disproportionate to
that��orrr�alty expc�;tt;d ofpermitted uses in tf�e ciistrict�, no��generate dis}�roportionate de�Y��nd for new
servic�s or i'acilities,in sucl� a way as to place ur�c�t�e bUrde;ns i�por� existi���d�:velc>pment ir� tt�e arca.
Pulali��He;a�-i.r�g �Appl icaticm I�4�cket Pagc* 11 Uf�'2 l
5• Aublic S�fetv anci Health
1'he pr�poyeduse will not be cic;trin�ent4�1 tc7 t1�c; s��f�ry or h�alth u�`th� �mpiay�cs, patrons, or visitors
ass�ciatcd w�it1�� tl7e usc n<>r�7f tt�� gen��•a1 �iublic ir7 t1�1c� v�icinity.
��'u��,�.. __
6. Gthe�•}��currs
Tl��pra�c��dusr� rs in 1�zarY�nanywit}7 �I1 atl�Lx•�leinents cri'cc�mpatil�ilit�y pe��-tia�,nt tc�t�l�� C'ondit�iana] [.Jse
a�7d its �articular Ic7catran.
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FORM D File Number
Planning and Zonin� Cammission
Publi.c .Hc;aring A}aplicatic7n Pack�C Fag� l2 r.�f 21
City r�f 1VIcHenry
� 333 South Gr�etl St�reet � McHenry, IL 6�050 � Tel: (815�) 363-21'70 � Fax: (815) 363-2173
§1 l-19-5 the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance provides that in recommending approval orconditionai
� approval ofa variance,the Planning and Zoning Commission shall transmit to the City Council written
� findings that all c�f the conditions listed below apply to the requested ackion.
Please res and tc� eac11 of these condit�iar�s as it relat�es to o��r re i��est.
�I . Snucia�l C,ircumst�anc;e� Nc�t F�unci ��(5cw}�er�
Sp�cral circttmstancc.s exist that ar�particulart�o t}7e property f�ot�which thevat�iancc is sou�l7t and that d�
not apply generally tc�other properties in the sam�zoning district;and these circulnstances are not of sa
genaral or reeurrent a nature as to make it reasonably practical to provide a general re�ulation to cover
�i il('b.�...... ,'..
2. Circumstances Relate to Property Only
Smce a vanance will affect the eharacter of its surroundings long after a property ch�nges hands, the
special circumstarlees 1•eferenced herein relate only to the physical character ofi the land orbuilding(s) for
whicl�a variance is sought,such as dimensions,topogra�hy,or soil conditions; and they da not concern
any business or activity th�present or pr�sp�;ctive��iwner c�r ter�arlt earries�r�or seeks to carry c>n therein,
�r tr�the persa��al,bti�sizi�ss or financial c:irc��n�stances af s�rch ownc�r��r te�lai�t or ax�y c�ther pG�rty v��itl�
interest in t.l�� �rrc�perty.
`��`� y�.'�' .
3. N�t �Z�sultin *f"ram A [icant�Action
The special circumstances that are the basis for a variance have r7ot resulted from any act of the applicant
or of any other party with interest in the property.
�:��,� _.
Public F�t�a�•i�n� A�pplic�ticrn �P�i�ket Pa�e 13 c7f 2�1
4. Unnecessal�y �Iardship
The strictapplication ofthepravisions oftheZoningOrdinancewould resultin unnecessary and undue
hardship upon the applicant, as distinguished fi•om a me��e inconvenience.
5. Preserves �Ri�hts Conferred by Distriet
A variance �s necessary for the applicant to preserve and en jQy a substantial property right possessed by
other properties in the same zoning district and does not confer a special privilege ordinarily denied to
other properties in the district.
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6. Necessary for Use of P�-opertv
The grantmg of a variance is necessary not because it will inerease the �pplicant's economic rehn-n,
although it may have this effect, but because without a variance the applicant will be deprived of any
reasc�nable use �a�-enjoyment of the property.
'� �� ^,"^,, �;., ,� ��
� : � �,,, ��.� ,. : \
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'7. Nc�t Altc r Lacal C}74x:racter
T'1��;�rantin�,�cif a variance; will nc�C� alt���th� esscnt�ial character c7f�tl�� 1c�eality nc�r �uhs�t4�r�lially inlpair
�nviro�lr��7e.ntal quality, property valtires, or publi�; saf'ety or wclfare in th� vicinity.
I'ublic I����ari.n� �App1 icatio�a Packet Page 14 of 21
8. Consistel�t with Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan
��� 'I he granting ot tl�e variance will be in harmony with the g�enera( purpose and intent of'the Zoning
Or�iinance and Comprehensive Plan ofi the Gity, as viewed in (ight of any changes in cc�nditions since
� their adoption.
\ �p.j��� ..
9. Minirr�um Variance Re uire,d
Tl�r��variance req�e5tud is thc minirnulm r�q��ired tc7 prcrvidc ttic a���plicant witlz rcasanabl� usc� and
�r� f� m�nC�of'�kl�e rc���rt�y.
., �x.�
FOKM E File Nutnber
Planning and Zoning Commission
City of McHenry
333 South Green Street a McHe�ry, IL 6(�O,50 � Tel: (f315) 363-2170 � Fax: (8l 5) 3�,3-2173
T�c�b�lic I-��earir.�� A�aplicatic7z� P��k�;t Pa�;e 1 S ��.>f"2I.
§1 i-19-6 uf tkae C'it�y c�f" M�cHe;nty lc7niri� Ot•clir�sznce provides tl�r:it in r�comtm�ndin�; appraval c7r
ecanclitior7a�apprc�val c�f.'a use varia�7ce,thc Plaixnir�g��tad Z�c>i�ing Colnmissic�i.� sl�all transi77it to the C"ity
Cc�uncil writte�a fin�iings that a11 0#'the conditious list�d below apply to tb� requested action.
� Please respond to each of'these conditions as it relates to vour request
i. Practical Difficulties �r Particular Hardshi
� The strict application oftheprovisions of the Zoning Orditsance relating to khe use of the buildings ar
struch�res,or the use�f the land.,wcn�lc�r�stilt in unnecessary and undt��hardship i�por� the �pplic�znt, as
distin�l�isl�ed fram a rnerc� incc�nvenience;.
� 2. Reasonable Return
Tl��pro�erty cannc�t yi�ld a reason�ble rett�rn if permittcd t�7 be used only under the conditions a11<>wed
by the .7.oni��g Ordinance f'or the per•tir7errt zonin�district.
3. Unique Circutnstance
Special circumstances exist�that are peculi��r tc�thepro�erty for which the use variance is sou�ht which do
not aPP�Y �;enerally tci other praperties in t17e sarrie z�oi�in�ciistrict,
� �. s �, �
�=�a�s�:= �,. �� " ���,;,,,.},��.. �„.�,,, ��a��,,F�.n��,
g�., ��..
4. Not Alter Local Cllaracter
Tl�e �~anting oi'the t►sc; varianc�will not alt�r th�: essential charactcr c�f Cl�e 1«c�lity n�r substanti�lly
inzpair�t�vircal�n�rent��1 qt�ality, property val�r�s, c�r�ublic saf�ry a�•w�lfare in tlZe vicztlity.
I�ublic I-Iearing Applicatic�n Packet Pag� 16 0#'2 I.
S. ���1�sist��xzt wi�h Cc��nprehen�iv� i'1�3�n
ThE�rantii7�;of ttie use varianc�will be ii� harmc�ny with th� g�i7eral purpase a��d iz�te;nt of�the Zc�nin�;
C)rdinanc�and Cc�mprehensive Plan c�f'th�City,�s vi�wed i.n li��;ht�of any ch�n�;es conditicrns sincE thEir
E'ile Number
�+OR M 1+
Planning and Zoning Commission
City of McHenry
333 South CJreen Street � McHenry, IL 60050 � TeL (815) 363-2170 �Fax: (8l5} 363-2173
�1 1-20-5 of the C'ity c�f Mci��enry Zor�in�Urc�i��ar7c;�;��ravidcs tl�at tl�e C:'ity Cpuncil, �'lanr�ing& lr>nin�
C;C7mr�nissian>�nci Znr�ii��Ac�r�7��ir7istr�tc�r sl�r���l)�val��<��f���aT,��licatic>ns fc�r�71�ni�e;d ��niC�cl�velop►�1�n1�.s wrt't7
l'ublic Ilearing Applicatio�l Packtt Pag� 17 of 2�1
specific writtcn finclin�s basc:c� c�n a balance af bath the standards provided belc7w �irtd the approval
cr.itc;ria f`or condit�ianal uses (Fann C') listcd ira §11-.I S-5 �.>f the C�ity of�IVIc�Tenry Loning (7rdinanc�.
Please respond ta each of these conditions as it relates to vour request
� 1. The proposed planned unit development fulfills the objectives of the Cornprehensive P}an, and other
� land use policies of the City,through an innovative and creative approach to the development of land.
�� 2. The proposed planned unit development will provide w�lkways,driveways,streets,parking facilities,
� loading facilities,exterior lighting,and traFfic control devices that adequately serve the uses within
� t(1e development, promote iinproved access to public transportation, and provide for safe motar
� vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic to and from thc site.
� 3. The proposed planned unit development will provide landscaping and screening th�t enhances the
� City's character and livability,inlproves airand water quality,redtices noise, provides buffers, and
� facilitates transitions between different types of uses.
��� 4. Tlie proposed plannedunit development will provide site desi�m and development that is based on
�� sustainable prineiples to enslu�e that low impact alternatives are integrated into the proposed project.
��� 5. The proposed planned unit developme��t will protect the community's natural environment to the
�;reatest extent �aractrcal, incli�din� existin�; nah.�ra) i'�atures, w��t�r cc�t�rses, trecs, ���r�d nitivc
Public Hea�•i.ng Applicatic�a� Packet Page 1R af'2l
6• The proposedplanneciunitd�vclopment will b�provided wiCh undergrcaund installation of'utilities
wtien feasible, including eiectricity,cable,and telepl�one, as well as appropriate facilities for stornl
sewers, stonnwater retention, and stormwater detention.
City of McHenry
_-: �" >' �Mc�Hr�� IL Ci(1(15� �'fel; (�15�3G3-2170 �I��x (h 15)3Fi3-2173
� e� � �^ `��
��ut Circe.rt `�tr�e;C
�` ��'x:��,a�s�a_� „'`�ea�.a c��.��Z,. c�"'�e���} �`c..�" `�r n�� 4 x14"t�,.f..`
1. Name of Appl�cant �'"�:a��o��.�. `�,.�.�������- � Tel ���`�-, �� ���� �_�_.�
Address Fax
, `� ._-- _-�.� ,
2. Name of Property Owner__.���5�. �,��- ��. >, .�.�,.._,. Tel ��,,M.�F ��`� '��.� �
� (If ather than Applicant�
Adciress ~ ,r � .�.. .°, '�,,�- �� �::�:;,�n�^ `:,�� �F�x�.:� `,:�>.;�:��� rax
�'t�blic Hc,arin� A�p�licaliC»� Pauk�C� ;�_.`�.., ��°`R�,����"�;,,���� Page 19 �af'21
�� ���....��
3. Name of FinginLer T�;l
(1f represented)
Address Fax
�� 4. Name of Attarney Tel
�� (If represented)
Adciress rax
S. C'o�nr7ac,�� �Adc�ress c�r L��catio�� af Pr���e��ty
6. Requested Action
�f"�'f,'Ilml��.(�y 1 li'�t
�111�1 }�'�i�l
_Development �
�� Provide a brief description of the Requesteri Action. For example,indic;ate the number of lots and the
� type of subdivision(single-family,townhome,cominercial,industrial,etc.)or include a description of
the c�evelopment pr�rject. May also be incltrdcd �rs a separrxt�e attachment.
Current Use of Pr�perty
� 7. Current Zoning Classification of Property, Including Variances or Conditional Uses
8. C:urrent Zoning Classificati�n and Land Us� c�f Adjoinic3g Properties
Public I���Iea�-i.ng �App�icatian P'ack��t Pag� 20 c�f"21
9. Required Atfachments -Please refer to ttle attached cl�ecklist.
�� 1 Q Disclosure afi Interest
The party signing the applica�ion shall be considered tl�e Applicant. The Applicant musf be the owner
or trustee of rec��rc�, tnzst beneficiary, lessee, contract p��rchaser, c�r o�tion hc�ider c�f the subject
prop�;rty �7r his or 17er agent c>r n��n�i��ec.
Appiicant is Nat()wner
if th�App�Iicant i��;not thc owne:r ofrecord ca�t'tt7e subj�ct�prc��rerry, th� ap�licati�m shall disclose th�
lega)capacity oft�he�pplican�and thc�Pull nam�,address,andt�le�phone number of the owner(s). I��
addition,an affida�it of the owneis(s)shall be filed witl� the application stating that the Applicant has
� the authority from the owners(s) to make the application. �
�� Applicant or Owner is Corporation or F'artnership
�� If the Appl�cant, owner, contract purchaser, option holder, or any beneficiary of a land trust is a
corporation or partnership, the applicatic�n shatl clisel<�s� t�h�; �7amc �znd adciress of the c�7rpc�raCion's
o1'ficers,dire.ctors,�and regist�red��ents,ar the p��rt�ntrsh.ip's�;�n�ral part�ne�•s and thas� s}Z��rehr�lc�ers
or�ynit��ci partners ��>wning in �c�ss o�f f�iv�artner�.� o�(' tl��e outstandin�; st�ic�k ��r int��re;;,t �in tlle
co <arat�c>r7 or Ni�t�c,re;�;t �hzar�d b tl�e, lirt�it�c1
A licant or Owner is a land T'rust
If the Applicant or owner is a land trust or other trust or trustee thereof, the full name, address,
� telephone number,and extent of interest of eacl� beneficiary shall be disclosed in fhe application.
t 1. C"ertifiicatia�ia
I hereby certi�fy that 1 ar�n awaiz:oFal) cocie reyuire��nents �>f the C"ity c>f'Mc1��cnry that relate tc� this
��roperty and ehat the pro�os�dLi�c�ordev�lt��r�7icr�td��cr�ib�d in this applicatiou shall comply wit�i aH
such codes.
I hereby request that the City process this application in accordance with the codes and ordinances of
�� the City.
Signature of Applicant(s)
Frint N�me anci Dusi�n4�itiun cyf Applic�nt(s)
� ,
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� ' -----
,,�"'A-.'(,� V�' {._^'�.J^-^^- � y',,4�""' �,k���'�.��� �i 4��'
Public Nearin�; Applicatian Packet Page 21 c7f'21
J � r� �tfi� c� r� c� � ri s P� '
I3ariiss I'feifer Cih o;f hlcHei�r�- _ _ __
343Ci��est��.lrf� �ti�c:�t St:utc 33
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da i�i�r���7 f'��,i fcc r(ci�l�i<,yr�m sAil.���>��t��
Dear City of McHenrp,
,1.1�is Ierter�5 rek;,zr�ds t�a tlxe Sj>ect;al l�.e pet-s��xit fur 1'�t;rfx��c;a Clark anzi hc.r f>���Asinc�s� r1
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3�43U tiX'cY,t Ft,1rrs �tr<�c�t��It�I lii�z� IT, (iC)t)50
� �k'e feel she�uill he a great kens�nt az�d a great�acldition to c�uz commui�itl�.
�ince re1�,
tJari�rs T'�k"ei�'rr
J � � ��t� � r� d c� ri�s Pf��fi�r
Uari��s Pfeifer Citv of hlcHetgry _
(.)�s�ncr�I,andlord ' ,
3430 l�'est t?lm`>trcet Suite T3
\Ic[3e�rr7�� lI,G�)(J`i0
22-� t'�r5�)���:32�1"
Dear City of McHenr��,
'1 hi�]c�tte.i�i;; re��;�rcls t�� the$pc�c�;il t'�e��ei�i7xit E��rr �"E�erxc>ita C:lark artd hcr l�ttsizic�ss.\
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.i�:iU lx-'eat l�.lr�rz 5trc�ct\�Ic:I lei�rl�� 1J, (�OCi50
�� 1�'e feel she will be a great tenas�t and a great addition to oui cotnm�i�nitv,
��� Suicerei�-
L7arius I'feifer
. . r�,.�1` C�P 2;�37 '. . . . . . ,.
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Staff Report for the City of McHenry Planning & Zoning Commission
Petition: Z-2023-11 Hearing Date: October 18, 2023
Applicant: Ivy Schwoch (UHaul) Site Information: The site consists of 12.77
acres, more or less, and is located
Request: Request for Preliminary & Final Plat of approximately 307 feet north of the intersection
Subdivision Approval and Conditional Use of McCullom Lake Road and N. Richmond
Permit for a Commercial Planned Unit Road (IL-31) with a common address of 2019
Development for the operation of a Storage N. Richmond Road. ("Subject Property").
Facility & future Drive-Thru Restaurant.
Zoning: C-3 Community Commercial District
with Use Variance for a UHaul Storage Facility
Future Land Use Designation: Commercial
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Zoning Map
- Zoning Districts
E Estate
,,,,,;� RS-1 Low Density SFR
� �������������� R5-lA Medium Low Density SFR
II��Q�������� RS-2 Medium Density SFR
RS-3 Medium High Desnity SFR
f�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�10 R5-4 High Density SFR
� ,� ,,.,,,,, ,,,,, , „.
�,���� 11111111UI11111J1J1111111� w4-i A�ta�nea Res�aent�ai
� �� II�I�� RM-i �oW �ens�ry Muit�-Fam�iy
� ���� � RM-2 High Density Multi-family
� � �III�II�II�II�II�II�II�II�II�II� MU Mixed use
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��'`m� ° C-1 Convenience Commercial
�'� ;
I�u����`�"�"�"�`���� C-2 Neighborhood Commercial
� � � � �,������������ C-3 Communiry Commercial
�� ��� � ;���� C-4 Downtown Commercial
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I�I�u��u��u���llu11�1��� C 5 Highway Commercial
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��' III������ � ' � I-1 IndusCrial
RM-� �
U� II 0-1 Local Office
��� � ���������� 0-2 Office Park
��"' IDD Integrated Design
�� �� RM-2
� HC Health Care
� Sources:Esri, NERE, m"„�;n, W ° Imiiliiu
C�OpenStre��" ap co��nibu�t r.�����������_���I�. _ �������������� A-M Agriculture and Mining Overlay
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Zoning Ordinance Definitions Zoning Designation
C-3 Community Commercial District- The purpose of this district is C-3 Community Commercial
intended to provide locations for a broad selection of convenience and
comparison shoppers goods and services in centralized and highly
accessible locations that serve the entire City and Surrounding areas.
Adjacent Zoning & Land Use
North: C-5 Highway (Gas Station/
Assisted �iving Facility)
South: RM-2 High Density
Multifamily (multifamily)/C-3
Community Commercial (Gas
West: C-3 Community
Commercial (Auto Repair)
East: C-3 Community Commercial
(Shopping Center)
City of McHenry Future Land Use Map
,,,,,,;,%,,,,,,,, �������������� ,�% �% �
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°,� ����%%�%������ � Medium-Densiry Residential
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,� //
,�//////�r�/!r�/ �iiiai /�f� j
�""%��/����i,���i� ��� High-Denisty Residential
�iiiiii�f��%/�j��//� %�%!%!%!%
.,% / �„/ ��ji////i%/ ��'������ ..
��� '/%"" %//, Integrated Design District
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I ;�
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:/ ,i ,�
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� � Commercial
�// �u�������� Office
� � �� Municipal
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�d � �
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Parks and Conservation Area
1 ;�f �
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1✓ia,,,,,��j, ��ii,, i0i�,� <
� 1 f/riiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/// //////
� I,,,,,�;i�,;;;;;;;;;;;�i�;��/j%i/„ �� � � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII En��ronmenta��orridors
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/ %i�!, ��%/%iii�iiii/��"»�°
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. � ,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i
�:OW D�11SI�/ 1� , ��/i//,',!��ii����,;����%%/,/,%%%%/�� � � ,,��ii�//%/j Mixed-use
} ; �ii�i,�ii
,R�'SI��114.IG�� �,,,,,,,✓�.,,,,,�. � � ��,�//��,�/�„ Historic Downtown
" � �//%%%///ii
�////�////�i�o �
_ �,� , ������� Residential
ii„ ,,,,,,�
� �%%i��'������%%%///
�,��/���� IUJJJJ� g
.. . . .. , , �� �iiiiiiiiiii�/%%%%� ���1���� DO Pa YIC
ir o //
' (�a� ' l�iii/�i///i/�/// IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
IIIIIIIIIIIIII Environmental-Wetlands
Source �� �� ;�� " III IIIIIIIII Neighborhood Commercial
_ , _ � C�)�C� �� org,an�the,�l�
� 0 500�` �'i;000'Fee IlUl111U111111J1J1111111� vFw
� �l �r�l � r��� �,,,,,�Illf�� � 1 1"� � .... �ine la er
Future Land Use Map
Comprehensive Plan Text Designation
Land Use Commercial
❑ Objective: "Allow a mixture of land uses in appropriate areas to
promote responsible growth while providing a high quality of life to the
residents." (p. 27)
❑ Policy: "Locate intense commercial and office uses where they will not Adjacent Future Land Use
negatively affect residential or open space uses. (p. 28)
Growth North: Commercial
❑ Policy: "Encourage responsible, orderly growth in the City by assisting
property owners with annexation, supporting development plans and South: Commercial
promoting redevelopment." (p. 28)
East: Commercial
West: Commercial/High Density
Staff Report for the City of McHenry Planning&Zoning Commission
Staff Comments
The following comments and conclusions are based upon staff analysis and review prior to this hearing and are
to be considered viable unless evidence is established to the contrary. Staff may have additional comments
based upon the testimony presented during the public hearing.
The petitioner, UHaul, is seel<ing the following zoning approval(s) for the property located at 2019 N Richmond
� Final Plat of Subdivision Approval
• Conditional Use Permit for a Commercial Planned Unit Development for the operation of a Storage
Facility/Mini-Warehouse &future Drive-Thru Restaurant
The subject property was first approved in 2016 for a Use Variance to allow a storage facility (UHaul) along
with the outdoor sale and storage of bulk fuel for the property. At the time, a condition of approval required
the creation of a 45,000 square foot outlot. However, the outlot was never created and the City commenced
enforcement activities related to the violation of the conditions of the approving ordinance. UHaul staff have
worked diligently with City staff to resolve the issue. UHaul is currently negotiating with an undisclosed entity
for the creation of a drive-thru restaurant. The outlot size has been increased from 1.03-acres to 1.72-arces
and UHaul is proposing to construct 157 new storage units along the west side of the property. A generic
drive-thru layout for Lot 2 has been included in the site plan but the configuration of Lot 2 will most likely
change depending on the future tenant. The City has approved a similar request for the new Panera Drive-
Thru which was approved for a drive-thru restaurant but allowed administrative site plan review once a tenant
was located.
When originally proposed in 2016, a major concern was the overall appearance of the staging/shunting of
vehicles within the large parl<ing lot of the former Walmart site. Staff does not believe the shunting area is as
great of a concern due to the redevelopment of a large portion of the parking lot into a drive-thru restaurant.
However, the petitioners have informed staff they will need to revise the truck shunting area due to the
redevelopment. Staff have included as a condition of approval to allow staff review of a revised truck shunting
Staff have spoken with both the adjoining property owners of Cedarhurst Assisted Living Facility and
Northtown Auto Service and Tire Center. Cedarhurst's primary concern was the screening of the units from
view; however, a large mature tree line exists between the site and Cedarhurst which blocks the facility from
view (see image on next page). Staff have included as a condition of approval that the petitioner shall maintain
the existing tree line between Cedarhurst and the development area to the greatest extent possible.
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Northtown's primary concern was the visibility of the existing sign on McCullom Lake Road. However, staff
have ensured the property owner that the site line along McCullom Lake Road will not be compromised given
the separation distance between the units (see image below).
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• The petitioner must meet the Approval Criteria for Conditional Uses, listed in §11-15-5 of the City of
McHenry Zoning Ordinance
• The petitioner must meet the Standards for Planned Unit Developments, listed in §11-20-5 of the City
of McHenry Zoning Ordinance.
The development is in substantial conformance with the Future Land Use Map recommendation for
The subject property is currently zoned C-3 Community Commercial District with a Use Variance for a storage
facility/mini-warehouse.The surrounding land use primarily consists of commercial with multifamily land use
along the southside of McCullom Lake Road. Given the site was first designed to be a big-box commercial retail
site, traffic impacts will largely remain far below the original projections of the site. The primary concern is
aesthetics and screening. The original trees planted over 20 years ago now provide a large amount of
screening. Staff does not believe the storage units will create any adverse impacts on the surrounding
property owners.
The future drive-thru restaurant is located along IL-31 which is designated as a major arterial road with
average annual daily traffic counts of 22,200 vehicles. The property to the south is a gas station which is
another auto-oriented use which could be considered complimentary to the proposed drive-thru restaurant.
Staff does not believe approval of the drive-thru and storage facility expansion would create any adverse
impacts on the adjoining property owners.
Overall, staff believes the proposed development is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan objectives
and policies. Staff comments italicized.
View full list of City Plans at�un✓un✓..����c����h��ry..�����l�rc.�.p.r�.���������.s
• Land Use, Objective—"Allow a mixture of land uses in appropriate areas to promote responsible
growth while providing a high quality of life to the residents." (p. 27)
Staff believes the addition of a drive-thru restaurant next to an arterial road is appropriate and provides
an additional future amenity that will add to the quality of life of residents.
• Land Use, Policy—"Locate intense commercial and office uses where they will not negatively affect
residential or open space uses." (p. 27)
The site has operated for a number of years as a commercial use. The proposed storage facility/mini-
warehouse and future drive-thru restaurant will generate relatively small traffic counts in comparison
to the former use of the property as a big-box retail store. Located on a state highway and major
collector road, the proposed development should have very limited impact on any residential open
• Growth, Policy—"Encourage responsible, orderly growth in the City by assisting property owners with
annexation, supporting development plans and promoting redevelopment." (p. 28)
Staff believes approval of the request would be more in-line with the retail-oriented use desired within
the IL-31/Richmond Road corridor. The existing use of the property as a storage facility created large
empty parking areas. The proposed development should help breakup the mass of the parking lot and
add an additional commercial amenity in the City.
• The proposed use is consistent with the future land use map recommendation for commercial.
• Staff does not anticipate any adverse impacts on the adjoining property owners. Staff believes there is
adequate spacing between the proposed expansion of the storage units and the existing Northtown
Auto sign to the west.
• Staff believes the existing landscaping provides an adequate amount of screening of the storage units
from view of the Cedarhurst Assisted Living Facility.
• The truck shunting area will need to be revised once development of the outlot has commenced. Staff
is recommending as a condition of approval that the petitioner shall provide a revised plan for the
truck shunting area.
If the Planning& Zoning Commission agrees with staff's assessment, then the following 2 motion(s) are
15t MOTION: I motion/move to recommend approval of the petitioner's request for final plan approval for a
Conditional Use Permit for a commercial Planned Unit Development at the property commonly known as 2019
N Richmond Road subject to the following conditions:
1. All development on site shall be in substantial conformance with the submitted plans.
2. The Property Owner of the mini-warehouse/storage facility shall maintain the existing and proposed
landscaping to the greatest extent possible as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
3. Development of a future drive-thru restaurant on Lot 2 of U-Haul Subdivision of the City of McHenry shall
be subject to site plan review and approval at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator.
4. The Property Owner of the mini-warehouse/storage facility shall provide a revised plan for the truck
shunting/staging area as identified in the original plans approved by ORD-16-1768 prior to making any
changes to be reviewed and approved at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator.
AND by making said motion, you agree that the standards for Planned Unit Developments and approval
criteria for Conditional Uses have been met as outlined in the staff report.
STANDARDS FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS (§11-20-5). Staff comments italicized below.
A. The proposed planned unit development fulfills the vbjectives of the Comprehensive Plan, and other
land use policies of the City, through an innovative and creative approach to the development of
Located next to a state highway, the petitioner is proposing to create an outlot with a drive-thru
restaurant. The site was formerly occupied by a big-box retail store. Although not innovative, the
development is helping fulfill objectives of the Comprehensive Plan by promoting redevelopment of
underutilized commercial space in a heavily trafficked commercial corridor.
B. The proposed planned unit development will provide walkways, driveways, streets, parking facilities,
loading facilities, exterior lighting, and traffic control devices that adequately serve the uses within
the development, promote improved access to public transportation, and provide for safe motor
vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic to and from the site.
The development will be required to provide walkways to safely navigate to the drive-thru restaurant.
Overall staff believes there are adequate automobile and pedestrian facilities available on site to
provide a safe and accessible means of navigation.
C. The proposed planned unit development will provide landscaping and screening that enhances the
City's character and livability, improves air and water quality, reduces noise, provides buffers, and
facilitates transitions between different types of uses.
The petitioner has provided a landscape plan with a variety of tree plantings and low-lying evergreen
bushes. Staff believes the petitioner is providing adequate landscaping and screening to enhance the
City's character and livability.
D. The proposed planned unit development will provide site design and development that is based on
sustainable principles to ensure that low impact alternatives are integrated into the proposed
E. The proposed planned unit development will protect the community's natural environment to the
greatest extent practical, including existing natural features,water courses, trees, and native
The petitioner is proposing to preserve the normal flow of surface water in compliance with the City's
adopted Stormwater Management Ordinance.
F. The proposed planned unit development will be provided with underground installation of utilities
when feasible, including electricity, cable, and telephone, as well as appropriate facilities for storm
sewers, stormwater retention, and stormwater detention.
The petitioner is proposing to underground all required utilities. All development on site will be in
compliance with the City's adopted Stormwater Management Ordinance.
APPROVAL CRITERIA FOR CONDITIONAL USES (11-15-5). Staff comments italicized below.
A. Traffic: Any adverse impact of types or volumes of traffic flow not otherwise typical in the zoning
district has been minimized.
Staff does not believe the proposed development would generate any adverse impacts on the
surrounding property owners. The site was originally designed for a big-box retail tenant which
generates a significant amount of vehicular traffic. In comparison, the proposed storage use and drive-
thru will generate much smaller traffic counts.
B. Environmental Nuisance: Any adverse effects of noise, glare, odor, dust, waste disposal, blockage of
light or air, or other adverse environmental effects of a type or degree not characteristic of
permitted uses in the zoning district, have been appropriately controlled.
Staff does not believe approval of the petitioner's request would generate any environmental
C. Neighborhood Character:The proposed use will fit harmoniously with the existing natural or
manmade character of its surroundings, and with permitted uses in the zoning district.The use will
not have undue deleterious effect on the environmental quality, property values, or neighborhood
character already existing in the area or normally associated with permitted uses in the district.
Staff believes the proposed development will fit harmoniously with the existing natural character of its
surroundings and have no negative impacts on the adjoining property owners. Other areas located
near the site have similar drive-thru/storage uses.
D. Public Services and Facilities: The proposed use will not require existing community facilities or
services to a degree disproportionate to that normally expected of permitted uses in the district, nor
generate disproportionate demand for new services or facilities, in such a way as to place undue
burdens upon existing development in the area.
The site is currently serviced by City water and sanitary sewer.
E. Public Safety and Health: The proposed use will not be detrimental to the safety or health of the
employees, patrons, or visitors associated with the use nor of the general public in the vicinity.
Staff does not believe the proposed use will generate any adverse impacts on pu,blic safety and health.
F. Other Factors:The proposed use is in harmony with all other elements of compatibility pertinent to
the conditional use and its particular location.
Overall, staff believes the proposed use is compatible with and complementary of the surrounding
highway commercial land use.
2nd MOTION: I move/motion to recommend approval of the petitioner's request for Final Plat of Subdivision
Approval for the U-Haul Subdivision of the City of McHenry.
Attachments: 1) Petitioner's Application and attachments. 2) Receipt of publication of legal notice.
�^OI2M A �ilu Nt�n�l�er
Plannin� �nd 7oning Commission
City c�f 1VC�C-lenry
333 5c�ut1�(ic�;en Stz-��t n T✓IcC-lenry, [L 60050��Tel: (815�3G3-2t74���4ax: (£�15)3C3-2173
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C�ty af II�!IcHenry
3:�3 ic7�zil� C��ccra �tr�ct � MGH�;1ary, II:, C�()050 ❑ Tel: (�15� 363-217C� � Fax: (�15) 3Fi3-2173
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�ny ��civer�;c; cflc;cts c�('t7<�isu, �larc, c�ciar, �ust, waste c�ispc�sal, blockage c�f li�}7t c�r air, a�• crtl�c�� acivet°�;�
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sti�rrca�tr7clin�,s �a�ci witi� per�rr�ittc�c� «��s ixi tlic zc�x�irr,� diskrict. T�e �.�se will r�aC t���ve u�ac��rc cicic:tc�ric�us
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4, T'��blic Service� t�nr�F���:ilitie;s
7"lac:r�ra�cas�ci t�se: wi1� nc�t z-c;quire cxisti�ig coizx77zut�,ity f�cilitie;� c�r scrvices 1c� ��cic;grt-e;c� ��s}?rc�porticrnate to
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5crvi��s crr i4�cilitze:;, ica sucl� a way as tcr place�rnclLze lau��c�e��s �i�c�►� exi;�tiin�clev�lc��ame��t it�Yh�, area.
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,yti'1 1-20-5 c�t'the City c>i`1V�c�-Icnc-y Zc�7�in� (.)rdi����a�c �rrc�vicic:� that hh�. C:ity C"au��ci1, I'l4�nnin� � Zc�aai��g
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2. Thc }�xrc���c�scd �71��nned t��r��it� r�ewc�l�x�r�ei�71� will �7r4����Ficie ws�lkways, cirivt;���tys, �;trccts, p����.rki�n� �fczeiliti�s,
lc�aciir��; �'t�ciliti�;s, exteric+�- li�latin�;, ��nc� t���ffie: cc�ntrol cleviccs t:11at acirsc�uately scx�vc tt7e u�cs �vitl�i��
the cicvcic�prnca�it, ��rc7nxcrte i�t�����oveci acce�;s t�a ���uhlic t��€����s��ac��r►•�a���tic���, w����d ��•avide �('�:r��� safe �n���c�tar
vehicic, f�iicycle, G�a�c� pccie:�;tria�� t�•,�t'�ic tc� ��s�ci 1�c�n� thc �ite,.
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C`ity's cl�ar�t�t�r w�nci liv�;���ility, ina��rc��°e� �zir �zr�� �v<�t�:�- c��r�lity, f�etl��c;�:s K�r�i:�e, ��are�vieics laui'i'er;;, ax�c�
C�cilitatc:� tratlsiticyars k�ct«xc;ea� c�il'1`ercnti ty��cs c�f t�;�es.
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DATE: September 20,2023
PROJECT NAME: U-Haul Moving and Storage of McHenry
PROJECT ADDRESS: 2019 Richmond Road, Mc Henry, II
APPLICANT: Heather Skelton/ U-Haul
U-Haul has prepared this application package for the opportunity to receive City of
McHenry's participation and counseling in regards to a Use Variance Application for
property with parcel number ID 09-26-129-00, located at 2019 Richmond Road, Mc
Henry, Illinois.
U-Haul is proposing to amend the approved plan with additional mini storage buildings
on the west side of the property, adding 136 additional storage units.
Refer to proposed Out- Lot plan dated 08/09/2023.
To meet the city condition imposed by the previous use variance the current owner
AREC 38 LLC is subdividing the property and proposing an Out-lot parcel with an area
of 79,149 Sf ( 1.8ac) for development of a fast food restaurant, consistent with the
current zoning classification and in conjunction with the operation on a mini warehouse
facility and outdoor storage of commercial vehicle for the property located at 2019
Richmond Road, Mc Henry, Illinois, per Ordinance No 16 use variance issued in 2016.
A cross access easement language shall be granted to and for the benefit of the future
Out-Lot users/ owners to Richmond and McClure Lake Roads. Cross access easement
will be included on the plat of Easement and recorded.
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Response: The storage use has been approved with a previous use variance application
and Ordinance 16 issued in 2016 for this location. The ordinance listed a condition,
requiring the property to create a out lot, thus limiting the business operation and
economic return. The proposed additional storage is an expansion of the existing
business not a new use. The additional storage will offset the loss of income that the
business will incur from the reduction of the property square footage area.
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Response: The proposed additional storage is an expansion of the existing business.
With this proposal U-Haul is able to offer another storage option and to meet the
demand of storage in the city. The additional storage will offset the loss of income that
the business will incur from the reduction of the parcel land area , which was required
as a condition from the previous use variance approval.
C'„ ��a���a:% C'�����,��-��c��,° ������1������.��-����,�.s,f�r�l�r�a:%.����b���� �h� w�r������a f��cf���.�p
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Response: The property owner is subdividing the property to meet the conditions
imposed on the property by previous use variance approval. The condition requires a
subdivision of a out lot , which will reduce the area of business operation. The additional
storage will offset the loss of income that the business will incur from the reduction of
the parcel land area.
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Response: The proposed use variance will not adversely impact the character of
surrounding neighborhood. Our proposed development shall not have hours of
operation, lighting, odor, noise levels, glare, dust, vibrations, fumes, pollution, or site
activity that would be detrimental to area properties. Lighting will be shielded. No
exterior laud speaker for purpose of paging will be at the location. The landscape will be
mechanically irrigated and maintained.
Hours of Operation
The hours of operation are as follows:
Monday-Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Friday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
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�Na�� a�f�h� C"��y.
Response: The proposed use variance for the expansion is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan of the City. The proposed use variance will be consistent with the
future land use of the property which is commercial. The proposed use expansion will
contribute to the economic development of the area. It will not impact existing public
facilities, not will it have any significant traffic impacts.
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