HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/12/1987 - Purchasing Committee . -�! �� -'I � ,(-, � � � /�.' � PURCHASING COMMITTEE ` 1?��� � � ;1` � -!, !. . . �` TUESDAY, MAY 1 ?_, 1 987 7:30 P.M. ; �• ThE� Purchasing Committee Meeting was call ecf to order hy Ch<�irn�n Serri tel 1 a i n City Hal 1 on Tuesday, May 1 ?. , 1 9N7 at i ::f0 P,�q. 7he ful l wrinc� were in attenclance: Mayor !3usse, A1 derman Serritel l a, Al �lc�rir�;n Smith, �.uperintendent Ratt and Water Superintendent Gary taouc�h. � Tht� Committee recommended to approve the foll owing hlanket purch����� orders: 1 . ��irblehead Limt - 4R Tons pure hydrated 1 i�n�� $4,�)�)?.i)1) 2. Foxcroft Meadows, Inc. - 3,55Q yards su�i ';,pr�t),Or:� 3, Peter ►3aker & Son - 3/8" surface mi x asphal t � �l �. 00/T R.A.M, @ �l 7.00/7 ,,��f}��,�p�� 4. Peterson Sand � Gravel - 833 Tons Grarle 9 (� �Fi. OU/T 5,�flt).��) 5. Mc Henry Sand R Gravel - mi sc��l l aneuus santi , gravel an�1 stone products for street �i i vi s iun use S,Or)t),��) 6. All ie�1 Coll oi�ls - ?_,500 1 hs. 7F�7 Perr_ul �ol,ymk�r fur sludge clewatering I,f;2s�.(1t) �iscussion was held regar�lin� purchas� ��f �ickup truck for ti�t, Water �e'�artment. Su��.�rintendent Ratt recummen�tecl tnat the Connnittt�f� �u with ��rup�>sal fruin Gary Lang ChE�vrol et fur a 1 9f37 f,he�vrc�l ��t ��r���-t+;n cah and chassis in the amount uf g10,�49.0U. P�o recorrnntln�lat:ic�n �at; this tiir�y was given by the Comniittee because the Council ff,'; t, ti�at thcre wa�> a possibil ity that thi s shoul r1 c�u uut to hi�i . Rerc,ufi nq of the bl ower buil �ii nc� was then di scusse�i. ThrE�f� ��rii�:• prupvsal s w�re received. It was thN recommen�latiun uf .*,he C��iru��i t;:+��� anci Superintenrlent Ratt to go with Ru��ver Roofinq in th� anr�unt uf �?_,093.0O. r