HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 10/10/2023 - Police Pension Board POLICE PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Tuesday, October 10, 2023, 9:00 AM Municipal Center - 333 South Green Street Public Conference Room AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Public Input 4. Presentation of the Actuarial Valuation Report and recommendation to forward levy request to McHenry City Council 5. Action Items: a) Motion to approve the Minutes from July 11, 2023 b) Motion to approve the payment of bills c) Presentation and motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report d) Approve the 2024 Police Pension Board Schedule e) Authorize City Treasurer Carolyn Lynch to transfer funds as needed f) Accept the pension applications of: • Stevan Barjaktarevic – Hired 8/16/2023 • Justin McCauley – Hired 8/16/2023 g) Approve “proof of life” letter to pensioners 6. Update on Mader disability pension 7. Motion to Adjourn Police Pension Checks Issued to be approved 10/10/2023Date Check # Vendor Description Amount7/17/2023 7855 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES, INC 7787 RENEWAL FIDUCIARY LIABILITY 5,041.00$ 10/2/2023 7856 IPPFA 2024 MEMBERSHIP DUES 795.00$ 10/2/2023 LAUTERBACH & AMEN, LLP 4/30/23 ACTUARIAL REPORT 5,870.00$ 11,706.00$ McHenry Police Pension Board of Trustees McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2108 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.cityofmchenry.org POLICE PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2024 MEETING SCHEDULE 9:00 AM Public Conference Room 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Tuesday, January 9, 2024 Tuesday, April 9, 2024 Tuesday, July 9, 2024 Tuesday, October 8, 2024 ___________________________ Monte Johnson, Deputy City Clerk 1 MCHENRY POLICE PENSION FUND 2023 AFFIDAVIT OF CONTINUED ELIGIBILITY The following affidavit must be fully completed, notarized and returned by first class mail in the enclosed envelope (and if possible, sent by electronic mail to mpdpension@cityofmchenry.org) on or before December 1st, 2023 to ensure that your next direct deposit pension payment will be issued in a timely fashion. The form must be signed in the presence of a Notary Public and notarized, or it will NOT be accepted upon return. Name: Phone: Address: Date of Birth: Your Last 4 SSN Digits: E-mail Address (optional to expedite communication): Your Current Employer: Employer’s Phone No.: Address: Job Title: * * * (Spousal information/verification is a newly issued requirement by the Illinois Department of Insurance, Public Pension Division, as of 2019) Spouse’s Name: Spouse’s Date of Birth: Date of Marriage: Spouse’s Last 4 SSN Digits: * * * The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and states I am a member of the McHenry Police Pension Fund and: 1. I am now receiving a: ☐ Line of Duty Disability Pension ☐ Not on Duty Disability Pension ☐ Heart Attack / Stroke Disability Pension ☐ Occupational Disease Disability Pension ☐ Survivor’s Pension ☐ Retirement Pension 2 2. I am currently: ☐ Married ☐ Widowed ☐ Divorced ☐ Single/never married 3. If you have remarried, what was the date of your remarriage? 4. Do you have dependent children or dependent parents? 5. If yes, please give names, dates of birth, and Social Security Numbers: *** Please return this form to the following: City of McHenry Police Pension Board ATTN: Board President Jeff Foerster 333 South Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 A COPY of this form can be returned via e-mail at [mpdpension@cityofmchenry.org] The original signed & notarized affidavit MUST be returned by mail Print Name: Signature: Date: Subscribed and sworn before me this _____ day of ___________________, 20____, by the above-named person, who is (check one) __________ personally known to me __________ Presented the following identification to verify his/her identity: Identity Type: ______________________ Number: ______________________ (Notary Signature) (Notary Seal) NOTICE TO: CITY OF MCHENRY POLICE PENSION FUND BENEFICIARIES FROM: CITY OF MCHENRY POLICE PENSION BOARD RE: 2023 ANNUAL AFFIDAVITS OF CONTINUED ELIGIBILITY Please be advised the City of McHenry Police Pension Board has implemented a policy to send out affidavits of continued eligibility to its pension beneficiaries. This policy was created to ensure the Pension Fund is paying out benefits to the proper parties, maintaining up to date records as to its beneficiaries and treating all pensioners with the same regard concerning its record keeping policies and procedures. This is also a requirement under the Illinois Pension Code & an Illinois Department of Insurance (the entity responsible for overseeing all Illinois public pension funds) advisory opinion. Enclosed please find an annual affidavit for 2023. Please note that due to new Department of Insurance Regulations additional spousal information is now required. As in prior years, please fully fill out, execute and notarize the enclosed document. The affidavit WILL NOT be accepted if it is missing information or is not notarized. We are asking all pensioners to have this document returned to the address listed on the affidavit December 1st, 2023. If possible, please also submit a copy of your executed affidavit by electronic mail to the e-mail address listed on the affidavit. If we do not receive an affidavit from you on or before December 8th, 2023 a second notice will be sent to you by certified mail with a two week return deadline. Your timely return of the enclosed annual affidavit will ensure the continuance of your monthly direct deposits. Your continued patience and consideration are greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions or need to update the Pension Board as to your mailing address/contact info, please contact Board President Jeff Foerster (mpdpension@cityofmchenry.org). McHenry Police Pension Fund Reporting For the Contribution Year Ending April 30, 2024 for Funding Purposes For the Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2023 for Financial Statement Reporting Presented by: Stephanie Bay, Actuarial Consultant Recommended Contribution & Funded Status Page 8 in Report 2 Prior Valuation Current Valuation Difference $28,785 (4.64% Increase)Recommended Contribution^$620,960 $649,745 Actuarial Accrued Liability $57,544,300 $59,502,600 Percent Funded (AVA)104.06%102.84% Fair Value of Assets (FVA)$56,638,000 $55,718,500 Actuarial Value of Assets (AVA)$59,882,700 $61,192,300 ($919,500) $1,309,600 $1,958,300 (1.22%) Percent Funded (FVA)98.43%93.64% EAN Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability/(Surplus)($2,338,400)($1,689,600)$648,800 (4.79%) Current Funding Policy is Level % Pay Contributions to a 100% Funding Target Over a Layered Amortization Period of 15 Years. ^Under no circumstance should the Recommended Contribution be less than the Alternative Contribution. As of the current valuation, the Alternative Contribution is $710,366. Demographic Changes Page 12-13 in Report •There were 4 Members who were hired during the year. This increased the Recommended Contribution by approximately $20,400. •There was 1 Member who terminated employment during the year. This increased the Recommended Contribution by approximately $12,200. •There was 1 retiree who passed away during the year, with an eligible surviving spouse. Also, there were 2 surviving spouses who passed away during the prior year. In addition, there were 30 inactive Members who continued to collect benefits. This decreased the Recommended Contribution by approximately $107,900. •Other demographic changes experienced during the year were minimal. 3 Plan Changes Page 13-14 in Report •Public Act 102-0811 passed on May 13, 2022 and is effective as of January 1, 2023 for Article 3 Pension Funds. The Act establishes that a surviving spouse of a deceased police retiree may be eligible for a survivor’s pension of up to 15 years of benefit payments if (a) the surviving spouse has attained age 62 and (b) if the police officer was married to the surviving spouse after retirement, and for at least 5 years prior to the officer’s death. •Previously, there was no survivor’s pension for spouses married after retirement. •For any current retirees who were married after retirement and have been married for at least 5 years, as well as any surviving spouses currently in receipt of benefits under this provision, we have valued the liability of the benefit granted. •Late in 2022, the IDOI Public Pension Division issued an unofficial opinion that Tier II disabled Members are entitled to an initial COLA increase on the later of the January 1st after the pensioner turns age 60 or the January 1st after the benefit date anniversary equal to the lesser of 3% of the original benefit or ½ CPI-U. The prior interpretation from the IDOI Public Pension Division was that Tier II disabled members were entitled to an initial COLA increase on the later of the January 1st after the pensioner turns age 60 or the January 1st after the benefit date anniversary equal to 3% of the original monthly benefit for each full year that has passed since the pension began. •In accordance with the new opinion, we have included a change in liability due to a change in the substantive plan, which includes written provisions as well as administrative interpretations. 4 Reflection of Funding Policy Page 14 in Report •The Funding Policy was not changed from the prior valuation. Consistent with the approach used in the prior valuation, any reduction in the Recommended Contribution for negative Unfunded Liability over the Funding Policy amortization target was ignored. 5 Recommended Contribution Reconciliation Page 15 in Report 6 Actuarial Liability Recommended Contribution Expected Changes $2,614,500 $18,600 Salary Increases Greater than Expected $142,900 $27,200 Actuarial Experience ($751,500)($80,900) $0 Reflection of Funding Policy $0 ($74,700) ($1,500) Net Increase/(Decrease)$1,958,300 $28,800 Investment Return Less than Expected $152,300 Plan Changes ($47,600)($12,300) Contributions Greater than Expected $0 Recommended Contribution Breakdown Page 25 in Report 7 Prior Valuation Current Valuation Difference Recommended Contribution^$620,960 $649,745 $0 $0 $28,785 $0 $28,785 Employer Normal Cost (with interest)$620,960 $649,745 Amortization of Unfunded Accrued Liability/(Surplus) The Recommended Contribution has Increased by 4.64% from the Prior Valuation. ^Under no circumstance should the Recommended Contribution be less than the Alternative Contribution. As of the current valuation, the Alternative Contribution is $710,366. Age and Service Distribution Page 34 in Report 8 Service Under 1 1 to 4 5 to 9 10 to 14 15 to 19 20 to 24 25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 39 40 & up Total Age Under 25 0|2 0|1 0|3 25 to 29 0|2 0|4 0|6 30 to 34 0|3 0|2 0|5 35 to 39 0|2 0|3 2|1 2|0 4|6 40 to 44 0|2 2|0 5|0 5|0 12|2 45 to 49 5|0 2|0 7|0 50 to 54 1|0 2|0 1|0 4|0 55 to 59 1|0 1|0 2|0 60 to 64 65 to 69 70 & up Total 0|4 0|10 0|7 4|1 9|0 13|0 3|0 29|22 5/1/2023 Age and Service Distribution - Tier 1|Tier 2 Active Members Expected Benefit Payments Page 9 & 33 in Report 9 Expected Benefit Payments in 10 Years $4,568,800 Expected Benefit Payments in 5 Years $3,337,600 Total Active Members 51 Current Valuation Current Benefit Payments $2,285,600 Total Inactive Members 42 Benefit Payments are Anticipated to Increase 46% in the Next 5 Years and 100% in the Next 10 Years. Change in Fair Value of Assets Page 17 in Report 10 Return on Investments Employer Contributions $56,638,000 Beginning Fair Value of Assets ($24,000) Ending Fair Value of Assets $55,718,500 Current Valuation Member Contributions $491,700 $276,300 Change in Fair Value ($919,500) $622,000 Benefits and Refunds ($2,285,600) Other Expenses The Rate of Return on Investments on a Fair Value of Assets Basis for the Fund was Approximately 0.45% Net of Administrative Expense. The Expected Rate of Return on Investments is 7.00%. Risk Management Page 11-12 & 22 in Report •The ratio of benefit payments to the Fair Value of Assets is 4.10%, compared to an Expected Rate of Return on Investments of 7.00%. •Based on the number of active Members in the Plan, there is a low demographic risk. 11 0.25%Current Expected Rate 0.25% Decrease of Return on Investments Increase (6.75%)(7.00%)(7.25%) (11.46%) $340,718 ($74,470) Recommended Contribution $990,463 $649,745 $575,275 Dollar Impact Percentage Impact 52.44% Alternative Contribution Page 29 in Report 12 Current Valuation Alternative Contribution $710,366 Alternative Contribution Funded Percentage (AVA)102.03% PUC Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability/(Surplus)($1,217,400) Alternative Contribution Funding Policy is Level % Pay Contributions to a 90% Funding Target Over the Remaining 17 Years. Five-Year Employer Contribution History Page 33 in GASB 67/68 Report 13 Fiscal Year End Employer Contribution Actuarially Determined Contribution (ADC)% of ADC 4/30/2023 $621,970 $625,600 99.42% 4/30/2022 $655,318 $2,576,006 25.44% 4/30/2021 $2,220,747 $2,231,742 99.51% 4/30/2020 $2,077,704 $2,082,421 99.77% 4/30/2019 $2,017,300 $2,019,703 99.88% 5 - Year Average 84.80% The Actuarially Determined Contribution for the Current Year is the Recommended Contribution from the May 1, 2021 Actuarial Valuation Completed by Lauterbach & Amen, LLP. For the Fiscal Year End April 30, 2021, there was an additional $23,929,568 in Employer Contributions from the issuance of Pension Obligation Bonds which were treated as one-time contributions; and therefore, are not included in the determination of the Informal Funding Policy. GASB Solvency Test Page 42 in GASB 67/68 Report 14 The Plan’s Projected Fiduciary Net Position is Anticipated to Cover Projected Benefit Payments in Full for the Current Employees. Actuarial Certification •The valuation results summarized in this presentation are from the May 1, 2023 Actuarial Funding Report & May 1, 2022 GASB 67/68 Report, which have been reviewed by Actuarial Consultants that meet the Qualification Standards of the American Academy of Actuaries. •This report is not intended for purposes other than determining the Recommended Contribution, under the selected Funding Policy, and the Alternative Contribution. •This report contains the full description of the data, assumptions, methods, and provisions used to produce these actuarial results. •For any rounded figures shown in this presentation, please refer to the Actuarial Funding Report for more exact figures. 15 Funding Actuarial Valuation as of May 1, 2023 MCHENRY POLICE PENSION FUND For the Contribution Year May 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024 LAUTERBACH & AMEN, LLPDRAFT Actuarial Funding Report MCHENRY POLICE PENSION FUND Contribution Year Ending: April 30, 2024 Actuarial Valuation Date: May 1, 2023 Data Date: April 30, 2023 Submitted by: Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 668 N. River Road Naperville, IL 60563 Phone: 630.393.1483 www.lauterbachamen.com Contact: Todd A. Schroeder Partner September 22, 2023 LAUTERBACH & AMEN, LLP DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS McHenry Police Pension Fund Table of Contents ACTUARIAL CERTIFICATION .............................................................................................................. 5 MANAGEMENT SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 7 Recommended Contribution ................................................................................................................................................ 8 Funded Status ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Management Summary – Comments and Analysis ............................................................................................................. 9 Actuarial Recommended Contribution – Reconciliation ................................................................................................... 15 VALUATION OF FUND ASSETS.......................................................................................................... 16 Fair Value of Assets ........................................................................................................................................................... 17 Fair Value of Assets (Gain)/Loss ....................................................................................................................................... 18 Development of the Actuarial Value of Assets .................................................................................................................. 19 Actuarial Value of Assets (Gain)/Loss .............................................................................................................................. 19 Historical Asset Performance ............................................................................................................................................ 20 RECOMMENDED CONTRIBUTION DETAIL ..................................................................................... 23 Actuarial Accrued Liability ............................................................................................................................................... 24 Funded Status .................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Development of the Employer Normal Cost ...................................................................................................................... 25 Normal Cost as a Percentage of Expected Payroll ............................................................................................................. 25 Recommended Contribution Breakdown ........................................................................................................................... 25 Schedule of Amortization – Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability ................................................................................. 26 Actuarial Methods – Recommended Contribution ............................................................................................................ 27 ALTERNATIVE CONTRIBUTION ........................................................................................................ 28 Alternative Contribution .................................................................................................................................................... 29 Funded Status – Alternative Contribution ......................................................................................................................... 29 Actuarial Methods – Alternative Contribution .................................................................................................................. 31 ACTUARIAL VALUATION DATA ....................................................................................................... 32 Active Members................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Inactive Members .............................................................................................................................................................. 33 Summary Of Monthly Benefit Payments ........................................................................................................................... 33 Age and Service Distribution ............................................................................................................................................. 34 ACTUARIAL FUNDING POLICIES ...................................................................................................... 35 Actuarial Cost Method ....................................................................................................................................................... 36 Financing Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability.............................................................................................................. 36 Actuarial Value of Assets .................................................................................................................................................. 37 DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS McHenry Police Pension Fund Table of Contents ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................................................... 39 Nature of Actuarial Calculations ....................................................................................................................................... 40 Selection of Actuarial Assumptions................................................................................................................................... 40 Actuarial Assumptions in the Valuation Process ............................................................................................................... 41 Assessment of Risk Exposures .......................................................................................................................................... 42 Limitations of Risk Analysis ............................................................................................................................................. 42 Assessment and Use of Actuarial Models.......................................................................................................................... 43 Actuarial Assumptions Utilized ......................................................................................................................................... 44 LOW-DEFAULT-RISK OBLIGATION MEASURE .............................................................................. 47 Low-Default-Risk Obligation Measure - Purpose ............................................................................................................. 48 Low-Default-Risk Obligation Measure ............................................................................................................................. 48 Low Default Risk Obligation Measure vs Actuarial Liability ........................................................................................... 50 SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL PLAN PROVISIONS .............................................................................. 51 Establishment of the Fund ................................................................................................................................................. 52 Administration ................................................................................................................................................................... 52 Member Contributions ....................................................................................................................................................... 52 Regular Retirement Pension Benefit .................................................................................................................................. 52 Regular Retirement Pension Benefit - Continued .............................................................................................................. 53 Early Retirement Pension Benefit ...................................................................................................................................... 53 Surviving Spouse Benefit .................................................................................................................................................. 54 Surviving Spouse Benefit - Continued .............................................................................................................................. 55 Termination Benefit – Vested ............................................................................................................................................ 55 Disability Benefit ............................................................................................................................................................... 56 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ......................................................................................................................... 57 Glossary of Terms .............................................................................................................................................................. 58 DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 5 ACTUARIAL CERTIFICATION This report documents the results of the Actuarial Valuation for the McHenry Police Pension Fund. The information was prepared for use by the McHenry Police Pension Fund and the City of McHenry, Illinois for determining the Recommended Contribution, under the selected Funding Policy, and the Alternative Contribution for the Contribution Year May 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024. It is not intended or suitable for other purposes. Determinations for purposes other than the Employer’s Actuarial Recommended Contribution may be significantly different from the results herein. The results in this report are based on the demographic data and financial information submitted by the McHenry Police Pension Fund, and may include results from the prior Actuary. We did not prepare the Actuarial Valuations for the years prior to May 1, 2017. Those valuations were prepared by the prior Actuary whose reports have been furnished to us, and our disclosures are based on those reports. An audit of the prior Actuary’s results was not performed, but high-level reviews were completed for general reasonableness, as appropriate, based on the purpose of this valuation. The accuracy of the results is dependent on the precision and completeness of the underlying information. In addition, the results of the Actuarial Valuation involve certain risks and uncertainty as they are based on future assumptions, market conditions, and events that may never materialize as assumed. For this reason, certain assumptions and future results may be materially different than those presented in this report. See the Management Summary section of this report for a more detailed discussion of the Defined Benefit Plan Risks, as well as the limitations of this Actuarial Valuation on assessing those risks. We are not aware of any known events subsequent to the Actuarial Valuation Date, which are not reflected in this report but should be valued, that may materially impact the results. The valuation results summarized in this report involve actuarial calculations that require assumptions about future events. The McHenry Police Pension Fund selected certain assumptions, while others were the result of guidance and/or judgment from the Plan’s Actuary or Advisors. We believe that the assumptions used in this valuation are reasonable and appropriate for the purposes for which they have been used. The selected assumptions represent our best estimate of the anticipated long-term experience of the Plan, and meet the guidelines set forth in the Actuarial Standards of Practice. In preparing the results, our Actuaries used commercially available software (ProVal) developed by Winklevoss Technologies, LLC. This software is widely used for the purpose of performing Actuarial Valuations. Our Actuaries coded the plan provisions, assumptions, methods, and demographic data summarized in this report, and reviewed the liability and cost outputs for reasonableness. We are not aware of any material weaknesses or limitations in the software, and have determined it is appropriate for performing this valuation. DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 6 To the best of our knowledge, all calculations are in accordance with the applicable funding requirements, and the procedures followed and presentation of results conform to generally accepted actuarial principles and practices as prescribed by the Actuarial Standards Board. The undersigned consultants of Lauterbach & Amen, LLP, with actuarial credentials, meet the Qualification Standards of the American Academy of Actuaries to render this Actuarial Certification. There is no relationship between the McHenry Police Pension Fund and Lauterbach & Amen, LLP that impairs our objectivity. Respectfully Submitted, LAUTERBACH & AMEN, LLP Todd A. Schroeder, ASA, FCA, EA, MAAA Robert L. Rietz, Jr., FCA, EA, MAAA DRAFT MANAGEMENT SUMMARY Recommended Contribution Funded Status Management Summary – Comments and Analysis Actuarial Recommended Contribution – Reconciliation DRAFT MANAGEMENT SUMMARY McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 8 RECOMMENDED CONTRIBUTION ^Under no circumstance should the Recommended Contribution be less than the Alternative Contribution. As of the current valuation, the Alternative Contribution is $710,366. FUNDED STATUS Prior Current Valuation Valuation Recommended Contribution^$620,960 $649,745 Expected Payroll $4,878,127 $5,299,975 Recommended Contribution as a Percent of Expected Payroll 12.73%12.26% The Recommended Contribution has Increased by $28,785 from the Prior Valuation. Prior Current Valuation Valuation Normal Cost $1,056,614 $1,124,703 Fair Value of Assets $56,638,040 $55,718,518 Actuarial Value of Assets $59,882,730 $61,192,288 Actuarial Accrued Liability $57,544,323 $59,502,644 Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability/(Surplus)($2,338,407) ($1,689,644) Percent Funded Actuarial Value of Assets 104.06%102.84% Fair Value of Assets 98.43%93.64% The Percent Funded has Decreased by 1.22% on an Actuarial Value of Assets Basis.DRAFT MANAGEMENT SUMMARY McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 9 MANAGEMENT SUMMARY – COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS Contribution Results The Recommended Contribution is based on the selected Funding Policy and methods that are outlined in the Actuarial Funding Policies section of this report. “Contribution Risk” is defined by the Actuarial Standards of Practice as the potential for actual future contributions to deviate from expected future contributions. For example, when actual contributions are not made in accordance to the Plan’s Funding Policy, or when future experience deviates materially from assumed. While it is essential for the Actuary and Plan Sponsor to collaborate on implementing a sound and financially feasible Funding Policy, it is important to note that the Actuary is not required, and is not in the position to, evaluate the ability or willingness of the Plan Sponsor to make the Recommended Contribution under the selected Funding Policy. As a result, while Contribution Risk may be a significant source of risk for the Plan, this Actuarial Valuation makes no attempt to assess the impact of future contributions falling short of those recommended under the selected Funding Policy. Notwithstanding the above, see the Actuarial Recommended Contribution – Reconciliation section of this report for the impact on the current Recommended Contribution of any contribution shortfalls or excesses from the prior year. Defined Benefit Plan Risks Asset Growth: Pension funding involves preparing Fund assets to pay for benefits when Members retire. During their working careers, assets grow with contributions and investment earnings; and then, the Pension Fund distributes assets in retirement. Based on the Plan’s current mix of Members and Funded Status, the Plan should experience positive asset growth, on average, if the Recommended Contributions are made and expected investment earnings come in. In the current year, the Fund asset growth was negative by approximately $919,500. Asset growth is important in the long-term. Long-term cash flow out of the Pension Fund is primarily benefit payments, and expenses are a smaller portion. The Plan should monitor the impact of expected benefit payments on future asset growth. We assess and project all future benefit payments as part of the determination of liability. The assessment is made on all current Members of the Fund, both active and inactive. For active Members, the assessment includes the probability that Members terminate or retire and begin receiving benefits. In the next 5 years, benefit payments are anticipated to increase 45-50%, or approximately $1,052,100. In the next 10 years, the expected increase in benefit payments is 95-100%, or approximately $2,283,300. The estimated increase in benefit payments is being compared against the benefits paid to inactive Members during the fiscal year, excluding any refunds of Member Contributions. Furthermore, plans with a large number of inactive Members have an increased “Longevity Risk”. Longevity Risk is the possibility that inactive Members may live longer than projected by the Plan’s mortality assumption. As shown in the previous paragraph, benefit payments are expected to increase over DRAFT MANAGEMENT SUMMARY McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 10 the next 5-year and 10-year horizons. The projected increases assume that current inactive Members pass away according to the Plan’s mortality assumption. To the extent that current inactive Members live longer than expected, the future 5-year and 10-year benefit projections may be larger than the amounts disclosed in the previous paragraph. Higher levels of benefit payments, payable for a longer period of time, may cause a significant strain on the Plan’s cash flow, future Recommended Contributions, and may lead to Plan insolvency. Unfunded Liability: Unfunded Liability represents the financial shortfall of the Actuarial Value of Assets compared to the Actuarial Accrued Liability. To the extent that Unfunded Liability exists, the Plan is losing potential investment earnings due to the financial shortfall. Contributions towards Unfunded Liability pay for the lost investment earnings, as well as the outstanding unfunded amount. If payments towards Unfunded Liability are not made, the Unfunded Liability will grow. In the early 1990s, many Pension Funds in Illinois adopted an increasing payment towards Unfunded Liability due to a change in legislation. The initial payment decreased, and future payments are anticipated to increase annually after that. In many situations, payments early on were less than the interest on Unfunded Liability, which means that Unfunded Liability increased even though contributions were made at the recommended level. Actuarial Value of Assets: The Pension Fund smooths investment returns that vary from expectations over a 5-year period. The intention over time is that investment returns for purposes of funding recommendations are a combination of several years. The impact is intended to smooth out the volatility of Recommended Contributions over time, but not necessarily increase or decrease the level of contributions over the long-term. When investment returns are smoothed, there are always gains or losses on the Fair Value of Assets that are going to be deferred for current funding purposes, and recognized in future years. Currently, the Pension Fund is deferring approximately $5,473,800 in losses on the Fair Value of Assets. These are asset losses that will be recognized in upcoming periods, independent of the future performance of the Fair Value of Assets. Cash Flow Risk: Assets, liabilities, and Funded Status are good metrics to monitor over time to assess the progress of the Funding Policy. However, these metrics may provide limited forward-looking insights. Specifically, the maturity of a Pension Fund can pose certain risks that often cannot be assessed with a point-in-time metric such as Percent Funded. For example, two different Pension Funds could have the same Percent Funded, but have completely different risk profiles. One Fund might mostly cover active Members with little to no Members in pay status, whereas a second Fund might mostly cover inactive Members with a significant level of annual DRAFT MANAGEMENT SUMMARY McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 11 benefit payments. The latter Fund has a greater “Cash Flow Risk”, i.e. a more significant chance that negative cash flows could lead to a deteriorating, rather than improving, Percent Funded over time. It is important to note that, in general, positive net cash flows are good, but also need to be sufficient to cover the growth in the liabilities (i.e. the Normal Cost as well as interest on the Actuarial Accrued Liability). Typically, when cash flows are assumed to be insufficient to cover the growth in liabilities, the Percent Funded will decline, while future Recommended Contributions will increase. Benefit Payment Risk: Ideally, plans in a sound financial position will have the ratio of annual benefits payments to the Fair Value of Assets to be less than the Expected Rate of Return on Investments assumption (i.e. 7.00%). Theoretically, in this case it can be considered that investment returns will fully cover the annual benefit payments, and therefore, all Employer and Member Contributions made to the Fund will be used to pay for future benefit accruals and pay down the existing Unfunded Liability. To the extent that the ratio of the annual benefit payments to the Fair Value of Assets increases to above the Expected Rate of Return on Investments assumption, the Plan may experience some additional risks, such as the need to keep assets in more liquid investments, inability to pay down Unfunded Liability, and may lead to Plan insolvency. As of the Valuation Date, the McHenry Police Pension Fund has a ratio of benefit payments to the Fair Value of Assets of 4.10%. In this case, the Plan is currently in a sound financial position and has a reduced amount of Benefit Payment Risk and Cash Flow Risk. It would be expected that adherence to the current Funding Policy would lead to an increasing Percent Funded. Fund Assets The results in this report are based on the assets held in the Pension Fund. Assets consist of funds held for investment and for benefit payments as of the Actuarial Valuation Date. In addition, assets may be adjusted for other events representing dollars that are reasonably expected to be paid out from the Pension Fund or deposited into the Pension Fund after the Actuarial Valuation Date as well. The current Fund assets are unaudited. As of the date of this report, the audit of the Fund assets is not complete, not available, or has not been provided. The current Fund assets are based on the year-end financials as prepared by the Pension Fund Accountant. The year-end financials represent a full accrual version of the fiduciary fund as of the end of the Fiscal Year, prepared in preparation for the audit. The changes to the fund cash balance as of the Fiscal Year End are non-cash items that can include accrued interest, due/unpaid expenses, prepaids, and other adjustments. The Actuarial Value of Assets under the Funding Policy is equal to the Fair Value of Assets, with unexpected gains and losses smoothed over 5 years. More detail on the Actuarial Value of Assets can be found in the Actuarial Funding Policies section of this report. The Fund Assets Used in this Report are Unaudited. DRAFT MANAGEMENT SUMMARY McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 12 Demographic Data Demographic factors can change from year to year within the Pension Fund. Changes in this category include hiring new Members, Members retiring or becoming disabled, inactive Members passing away, and other changes. Demographic changes can cause an actuarial gain (contribution that is less than expected compared to the prior year) or an actuarial loss (contribution that is greater than expected compared to the prior year). Demographic gains and losses occur when the assumptions over the one-year period for Member changes do not meet our long-term expectation. For example, if no Members become disabled during the year, we would expect a liability gain. If more Members become disabled than anticipated during the year, we would expect a liability loss. Generally, we expect short-term fluctuations in demographic experience to create gains or losses of 1%-3% of the Actuarial Accrued Liability in any given year, but to balance out in the long-term. “Demographic Risk” occurs when Plan demographic experience differs significantly from expected. Similar to Longevity Risk discussed previously, additional risk is created when demographic experience differs from the assumed rates of disability, retirement, or termination. Under the chosen assumptions, actuarial gains and/or losses will always occur, as the assumptions will never be exactly realized. However, the magnitude of the gain and/or loss and its influence on the Recommended Contribution largely depends on the size of the Plan. A key Demographic Risk is mortality improvement differing from expected. While the actuarial assumptions reflect small, continuous improvements in mortality experience and these assumptions are refined upon the completion of each actuarial experience study, the risk arises because there is a possibility of a sudden shift in mortality experience. This report reflects the impact of COVID-19 experience that has been accounted for in the underlying demographic data. This report does not reflect the ongoing impact of COVID-19, which is likely to influence demographic and economic experience, at least in the short- term. We will continue to monitor these developments and their impact on the Plan. Actual future experience will be reflected in each subsequent Actuarial Valuation, as experience emerges. Based on the number of active Members in the Plan, the Recommended Contribution has a low risk of having a significant increase due to demographic experience. For example, 1 new disabled Member would typically generate a substantial increase to the Actuarial Accrued Liability. However, due to the size of the Plan, there is an appropriate means to absorb demographic losses without causing a significant increase to the Recommended Contribution. In the current report, the key demographic changes were as follows: New Hires: There were 4 Members of the Fund who were hired during the year. When a Member is admitted to the Pension Fund, the Employer Contribution will increase to reflect the new Member. The increase in the Recommended Contribution in the current year due to the new Member experience is approximately $20,400. DRAFT MANAGEMENT SUMMARY McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 13 Termination: There was 1 Member of the Fund who terminated employment during the year. The Fund may be obligated to pay a benefit or a refund of Member Contributions to the Member in the future. The increase in the Recommended Contribution in the current year due to the termination experience is approximately $12,200. Mortality: There was 1 retiree who passed away during the year, with an eligible surviving spouse. Also, there were 2 surviving spouses who passed away during the prior year. When a retiree passes away, the Fund liability will decrease as the Pension Fund will no longer make future payments to the retiree. If there is an eligible surviving spouse, the Fund liability will increase to represent the value of the expected payments that will be made to the spouse. When a surviving spouse passes away, the Fund liability will decrease as the Pension Fund will no longer make future payments to the surviving spouse. As inactive Members age and continue to collect benefits, the Fund liability will also increase. In the current year, there were 30 inactive Members who maintained their benefit collection status throughout the year. The net decrease in the Recommended Contribution in the current year due to the mortality experience is approximately $107,900. Salary Increases: Salary increases were greater than anticipated in the current year. This caused an increase in the Recommended Contribution in the current year of approximately $27,200. Assumption Changes The assumptions were not changed from the prior valuation. Plan Changes Public Act 102-0811 passed on May 13, 2022 and is effective as of January 1, 2023 for Article 3 Pension Funds. The Act establishes that a surviving spouse of a deceased police retiree may be eligible for a survivor’s pension of up to 15 years of benefit payments if (a) the surviving spouse has attained age 62 and (b) if the police officer was married to the surviving spouse after retirement, and for at least 5 years prior to the officer’s death. Previously, there was no survivor’s pension for spouses married after retirement. In our opinion, under a prudent interpretation of the provisions, we believe the impact to be de minimis. The legal community has suggested some uncertainty about multiple provisions contained in the Act, and the IDOI Public Pension Division has not provided an interpretation. The client has not made an administrative interpretation as to how the provisions of the Act will impact future surviving spouses. Due to the uncertainty around the interpretation and the expected de minimis impact, we have not valued this contingency separately for active Members. However, for any current retirees who were married after retirement and have been married for at least 5 years, as well as any surviving spouses currently in receipt of benefits under this provision, we have valued the liability of the benefit granted. Late in 2022, the IDOI Public Pension Division issued an unofficial opinion that Tier II disabled Members are entitled to an initial COLA increase on the later of the January 1st after the pensioner turns age 60 or the January 1st after the benefit date anniversary equal to the lesser of 3% of the original benefit or ½ CPI- U. The prior interpretation from the IDOI Public Pension Division was that Tier II disabled members were DRAFT MANAGEMENT SUMMARY McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 14 entitled to an initial COLA increase on the later of the January 1st after the pensioner turns age 60 or the January 1st after the benefit date anniversary equal to 3% of the original monthly benefit for each full year that has passed since the pension began. In accordance with the new opinion, we have included a change in liability due to a change in the substantive plan, which includes written provisions as well as administrative interpretations. See the Actuarial Recommended Contribution – Reconciliation section of this report for the impact of this change on the current valuation. Reflection of Funding Policy The Funding Policy was not changed from the prior valuation. Consistent with the approach used in the prior valuation, any reduction in the Recommended Contribution for negative Unfunded Liability over the Funding Policy amortization target was ignored. See the Actuarial Recommended Contribution – Reconciliation section of this report for the impact on the current valuation. Output Smoothing Contributions are determined annually by allocating dollars over a specified period of time. Procedures that are used to allocate contributions over a period of time may include asset smoothing, amortization period, and output smoothing. Each procedure becomes part of the Actuarial Methodology. Output smoothing involves measuring the impact of a specific result on a contribution and recognizing the result. The final contribution should maintain a reasonable relationship to the full Actuarially Determined Contribution. The current results shown throughout the report reflect the full Actuarially Determined Contribution. DRAFT MANAGEMENT SUMMARY McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 15 ACTUARIAL RECOMMENDED CONTRIBUTION – RECONCILIATION Actuarial Accrued Liability is expected to increase each year for both interest for the year and as active Members earn additional service years towards retirement. Similarly, Actuarial Accrued Liability is expected to decrease when the Fund pays benefits to inactive Members. Contributions are expected to increase as expected pay increases under the Funding Policy for the Fund. Other increases or decreases in Actuarial Accrued Liability (key changes noted below) will increase or decrease the amount of Unfunded Liability in the Plan. To the extent that Unfunded Liability increases or decreases unexpectedly, the contribution towards Unfunded Liability will also change unexpectedly. *Impact on the Recommended Contribution due to investment return is on an Actuarial Value of Assets basis. ^Under no circumstance should the Recommended Contribution be less than the Alternative Contribution. As of the current valuation, the Alternative Contribution is $710,366. The Actuarial Experience can be attributable to several factors including, but not limited to, demographic changes and benefit payment experience compared to expectation. Key demographic changes were discussed in the Demographic Data section of this report. Actuarial Liability Recommended Contribution Prior Valuation 57,544,323$ 620,960$ Expected Changes 2,614,519 18,629 Initial Expected Current Valuation 60,158,842$ 639,589$ Actuarial Liability Recommended Contribution Salary Increases Greater than Expected 142,924$ 27,237$ Actuarial Experience (751,507) (80,904) Plan Changes (47,615) (12,329) Reflection of Funding Policy - (74,654) Investment Return Less than Expected*- 152,317 Contributions Greater than Expected - (1,511) Total Increase/(Decrease)(656,198)$ 10,156$ Current Valuation^59,502,644$ 649,745$ DRAFT VALUATION OF FUND ASSETS Fair Value of Assets Fair Value of Assets (Gain)/Loss Development of the Actuarial Value of Assets Actuarial Value of Assets (Gain)/Loss Historical Asset Performance DRAFT VALUATION OF FUND ASSETS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 17 FAIR VALUE OF ASSETS Statement of Assets Statement of Changes in Assets The Rate of Return on Investments shown above has been determined as a percent of the average of the prior and current Fair Value of Assets on the Statement of Changes in Assets. The Return on Investments is net of Other Expenses, and has been excluded from the Total Fair Value of Assets at the end of the Fiscal Year for this calculation. Cash and Cash Equivalents $1,576,402 $1,162,973 Pooled Investment Accounts 54,863,899 54,550,697 Receivables (Net of Payables)197,739 4,848 Total Fair Value of Assets $56,638,040 $55,718,518 Prior Valuation Current Valuation The Total Fair Value of Assets has Decreased by Approximately $919,500 from the Prior Valuation. Total Fair Value of Assets - Prior Valuation $56,638,040 Plus - Employer Contributions 621,970 Plus - Member Contributions 491,717 Plus - Return on Investments 276,331 Less - Benefit Payments and Refunds (2,285,556) Less - Other Expenses (23,984) Total Fair Value of Assets - Current Valuation $55,718,518 The Rate of Return on Investments on a Fair Value of Assets Basis for the Fund was Approximately 0.45% Net of Administrative Expense.DRAFT VALUATION OF FUND ASSETS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 18 FAIR VALUE OF ASSETS (GAIN)/LOSS Current Year (Gain)/Loss on Fair Value of Assets The (Gain)/Loss on the current Fair Value of Assets has been determined based on the Expected Rate of Return on Investments as shown in the Actuarial Assumptions section of this report. Total Fair Value of Assets - Prior Valuation $56,638,040 Employer and Member Contributions 1,113,687 Benefit Payments and Refunds (2,285,556) Expected Return on Investments 3,923,648 Expected Total Fair Value of Assets - Current Valuation 59,389,819 Actual Total Fair Value of Assets - Current Valuation 55,718,518 Current Fair Value of Assets (Gain)/Loss $3,671,301 Expected Return on Investments $3,923,648 Actual Return on Investments (Net of Expenses)252,347 Current Fair Value of Assets (Gain)/Loss $3,671,301 The Actual Return on Investments on a Fair Value of Assets Basis was Less than Expected for the Current Year.DRAFT VALUATION OF FUND ASSETS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 19 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ACTUARIAL VALUE OF ASSETS ACTUARIAL VALUE OF ASSETS (GAIN)/LOSS The Actuarial Value of Assets incorporates portions of gains and losses over multiple years. Total Fair Value of Assets - Current Valuation $55,718,518 Adjustment for Prior (Gains)/Losses FYE 4/30/2023 $3,671,301 2,937,041 FYE 4/30/2022 8,069,483 4,841,690 FYE 4/30/2021 (6,644,051) (2,657,621) FYE 4/30/2020 1,763,299 352,660 Total Deferred (Gain)/Loss 5,473,770 Initial Actuarial Value of Assets - Current Valuation $61,192,288 Less Contributions for the Current Year and Interest - Adjustment for the Corridor - Total Actuarial Value of Assets - Current Valuation $61,192,288 DeferralFull Amount The Actuarial Value of Assets is Equal to the Fair Value of Assets with Unanticipated (Gains)/Losses Recognized Over 5 Years. The Actuarial Value of Assets is 109.82% of the Fair Value of Assets. Total Actuarial Value of Assets - Prior Valuation $59,882,730 Plus - Employer Contributions 621,970 Plus - Member Contributions 491,717 Plus - Return on Investments 2,505,411 Less - Benefit Payments and Refund (2,285,556) Less - Other Expenses (23,984) Total Actuarial Value of Assets - Current Valuation $61,192,288 The Rate of Return on Investments on an Actuarial Value of Assets Basis for the Fund was Approximately 4.18% Net of Administrative Expense.DRAFT VALUATION OF FUND ASSETS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 20 HISTORICAL ASSET PERFORMANCE The chart below shows the historical Rates of Return on Investments for both Fair Value of Assets and Actuarial Value of Assets. The historical Rates of Return on Investments shown above were calculated based on the annual Return on Investments, as a percentage of the average value of the assets for the year. The historical Rates of Return on Investments shown above may not reflect the current investment allocation of the Pension Fund. For purposes of determining the average value of assets for the year, the ending Fair Value of Assets has been adjusted to net out to the portion related to the Return on Investments themselves. All other cash flows are included. For purposes of determining the annual Return on Investments we have adjusted the figures shown on the preceding pages. The figures shown on the preceding pages are net of Investment Expenses. We have made an additional adjustment to net out Administrative Expenses. Netting out Administrative Expenses allows us to capture returns for the year that can be used to make benefit payments as part of the ongoing actuarial process. The adjustments we made are for actuarial reporting purposes only. By netting out Administrative Expenses and capturing Return on Investments that are available to pay benefits, it provides us a comparison to the Expected Rate of Return on Investments, but does not provide a figure that would be consistent with the rates of return that are determined by other parties. Therefore, this calculated Return on Investments should not be used to analyze investment performance of the Fund or the performance of the investment professionals. Fair Value of Assets Actuarial Value of Assets FYE 4/30/2023 0.45%4.18% FYE 4/30/2022 (6.21%)6.49% FYE 4/30/2021 23.63%9.54% FYE 4/30/2020 0.55%4.96% FYE 4/30/2019 5.63%5.89% FYE 4/30/2018 9.61%6.19% FYE 4/30/2017 9.64%5.60% 0.00%0.00% 7-Year Arithmetic Average 6.18%6.12% 7-Year Geometric Average 5.83%6.11%DRAFT VALUATION OF FUND ASSETS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 21 Expected Rate of Return on Investments Assumption The Expected Rate of Return on Investments for this valuation is 7.00%. Lauterbach & Amen, LLP does not provide investment advice. We look at a variety of factors when reviewing the Expected Rate of Return on Investments assumption selected by the client. These factors include: historical Rates of Return on Investments, capital market projections performed by the Consolidated Board’s investment advisors, the Consolidated Board’s investment policy, capital market forward-looking benchmark expected returns by independent investment companies, rates used by comparable pension systems, and other factors identified in the Actuarial Standards of Practice. Generally speaking, the ideal assumption for Expected Rate of Return on Investments is one that has a 50% chance of being met over the long-term. Recently, we have observed the following factors that impact Expected Rate of Return on Investments: • Volatility in the market has been high which drags down long-term geometric returns. • Similar pension systems are looking to reduce future expectations. We generally see about 95% of similar pension systems using an Expected Rate of Return on Investments that is between 6.00% and 7.25%. • We have reviewed studies conducted by Firms who gather information from multiple investment advisors who provide models and opinions on capital market returns. Those studies help guide us to see if the assumption is expected to have a 50% chance of being met over the long-term. Plans are generally aiming towards 40th to 60th percentile returns, which can help define a range of reasonableness. • We have reviewed an index of high-quality fixed income rates that takes into consideration the pattern of your benefit payments. The purpose of the review is to provide additional disclosure in Funding Actuarial Valuations for the Low-Default-Risk Obligation Measure. The rates in this measure are low-risk and are being used as an approximate for risk-free rates. Investment funds that incorporate diversified investments which build in more risk would be expected to earn a positive risk premium, over and above the risk-free rates. DRAFT VALUATION OF FUND ASSETS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 22 If actual returns going forward come in less than expected, the pension system risks deferring contributions to the future that should be made today and creating additional contribution volatility. Below is a chart detailing the impact on the Recommended Contribution by decreasing or increasing the Expected Rate of Return on Investments by 25 basis points: Currently, the client has selected an Expected Rate of Return assumption that falls within a reasonable range. We recommend the client review the Expected Rate of Return on Investments annually to ensure the selected rate remains within a reasonable range as market conditions change year-to-year. “Investment Risk” is the potential that the actual Return on Investments will be different from what is expected. The selected Expected Rate of Return on Investments assumption is chosen to be a long-term assumption, producing a return that, on average, would produce a stable rate of return over a long-term horizon. Actual investment returns in the short-term may deviate from this long-term assumption due to current market conditions. Furthermore, establishing the Expected Rate of Return on Investments assumption may be dependent on the Illinois State Statutes pertaining to the limitations on types of investments Plan Sponsors may use. If the actual annual rates of return are less than the Expected Rate of Return on Investments, actuarial losses will be produced, thus increasing the Plan’s Unfunded Liability and, subsequently, future Recommended Contributions. “Asset/Liability Mismatch” risk is a similar concept as Investment Risk, as it relates to setting the Expected Rate of Return on Investments assumption compared to the actual Return on Investments achieved. The Interest Rate used to discount future Plan liabilities is set equal to the Expected Rate of Return on Investments. It is expected that the selected Interest Rate be a rate that is reasonably expected to be achieved over the long-term. To the extent that the selected Interest Rate to value Plan liabilities is unreasonable, or significantly different than the actual Return on Investments earned over an extended period of time, additional Interest Rate risk is created. For example, determining Plan liabilities at an Interest Rate higher than what is expected to be achieved through investment returns results in Unfunded Liability that is not a true representation of the Plan’s condition and Percent Funded. As a result, the Actuarial Accrued Liability determined is an amount smaller than the liability that would be produced with an Interest Rate more indicative of future Expected Rate of Return on Investments. Therefore, the Recommended Contributions under the established Funding Policy may not be sufficient to appropriately meet the true pension obligations. 0.25%Current Expected Rate 0.25% Decrease of Return on Investments Increase (6.75%)(7.00%)(7.25%) Recommended Contribution $990,463 $649,745 $575,275 DRAFT RECOMMENDED CONTRIBUTION DETAIL Actuarial Accrued Liability Funded Status Development of the Employer Normal Cost Normal Cost as a Percentage of Expected Payroll Recommended Contribution Breakdown Schedule of Amortization – Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability Actuarial Methods – Recommended Contribution DRAFT RECOMMENDED CONTRIBUTION DETAIL McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 24 ACTUARIAL ACCRUED LIABILITY FUNDED STATUS Active Members $21,729,782 $23,418,020 Inactive Members Terminated Members 2,419,974 4,022,336 Retired Members 25,638,914 25,161,705 Disabled Members 5,936,279 5,880,173 Other Beneficiaries 1,819,374 1,020,410 Total Inactive Members 35,814,541 36,084,624 Total Actuarial Accrued Liability $57,544,323 $59,502,644 Prior Valuation Current Valuation The Total Actuarial Accrued Liability has Increased by Approximately $1,958,300 from the Prior Valuation. Total Actuarial Accrued Liability $57,544,323 $59,502,644 Total Actuarial Value of Assets 59,882,730 61,192,288 Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability $(2,338,407)$(1,689,644) Total Fair Value of Assets $56,638,040 $55,718,518 Percent Funded Actuarial Value of Assets Fair Value of Assets 98.43%93.64% Prior Valuation Current Valuation 104.06%102.84% The Percent Funded as of the Actuarial Valuation Date is Subject to Volatility on Assets and Liability in the Short-Term.DRAFT RECOMMENDED CONTRIBUTION DETAIL McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 25 DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMPLOYER NORMAL COST NORMAL COST AS A PERCENTAGE OF EXPECTED PAYROLL RECOMMENDED CONTRIBUTION BREAKDOWN *Employer Normal Cost Contribution includes interest through the end of the Fiscal Year. ^Under no circumstance should the Recommended Contribution be less than the Alternative Contribution. As of the current valuation, the Alternative Contribution is $710,366. Total Normal Cost $1,056,614 $1,124,703 Estimated Member Contributions (476,278) (517,465) Employer Normal Cost $580,336 $607,238 Prior Valuation Current Valuation At a 100% Funding Level, the Normal Cost Contribution is Still Required. Expected Payroll $4,878,127 $5,299,975 Member Normal Cost Rate Employer Normal Cost Rate Total Normal Cost Rate 11.75%11.31% 21.66%21.22% Prior Valuation Current Valuation 9.910%9.910% Ideally, the Employer Normal Cost Rate will Remain Stable. Employer Normal Cost*$620,960 $649,745 Amortization of Unfunded Accrued Liability/(Surplus)- - Recommended Contribution^$620,960 $649,745 Prior Valuation Current Valuation The Recommended Contribution has Increased by 4.64% from the Prior Valuation.DRAFT RECOMMENDED CONTRIBUTION DETAIL McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 26 SCHEDULE OF AMORTIZATION – UNFUNDED ACTUARIAL ACCRUED LIABILITY Below is the schedule of remaining amortization balances for the Unfunded Liability. The Actuarial (Gain)/Loss can be attributable to several factors including, but not limited to, demographic changes, Employer Contribution timing, Member Contribution experience, benefit payment experience, and salary increase experience compared to expectation. Due to the current percent funded being over 100%, we have decided to “Fresh Start” the calculation of the Unfunded Liability by consolidating all of the historical sources of Unfunded Liability into a single base. In the determination of the Recommended Contribution, we will not recognize any contribution credits for amortization of a negative Unfunded Liability. Unfunded Liability Base Initial Balance Date Established Current Balance Years Remaining Payment Unfunded Liability (1,689,644)$ 4/30/2023 (1,689,644)$ 15 -$ Total (1,689,644)$ (1,689,644)$ -$ DRAFT RECOMMENDED CONTRIBUTION DETAIL McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 27 ACTUARIAL METHODS – RECOMMENDED CONTRIBUTION The above methods constitute a sound Actuarially Determined Contribution under the parameters of Actuarial Standards of Practice. The contributions and benefit values of the Pension Fund are calculated by applying actuarial assumptions to the benefit provisions and demographic data furnished, using the Actuarial Cost Method described. The Actuarial Cost and Amortization Methods allocate the projected obligations of the Plan over the working lifetimes of the Plan Members. The Recommended Contribution amount shown in this report is based on the methods summarized above. The Actuarial Funding Policies section of this report includes a more detailed description of the Actuarial Funding Methods being used. The Actuarial Funding Methods are meant to provide a systematic process for determining contributions on an annual basis. The methods do not impact the expectation of future benefit payments. The methods only impact the way contributions are made towards future benefit payments. Different Actuarial Funding Methods may achieve funding goals with differing levels of success. Certain methods are more efficient and more stable on an annual basis. In the current valuation, the Plan Sponsor has elected to use a 10% corridor in the determination of the Actuarial Value of Assets for both the Recommended and Alternative Contributions. In the event that the Actuarial Value of Assets exceeds 110% of the Fair Value of Assets or falls below 90% of the Fair Value of Assets, the excess gains or losses will be recognized immediately. Actuarial Valuation Date May 1, 2023 Data Collection Date April 30, 2023 Actuarial Cost Method Entry Age Normal (Level % Pay) Amortization Method Level % Pay (Closed) Amortization Target Layered Targeting 100% Funded - See Previous Page Asset Valuation Method 5-Year Smoothed Fair Value DRAFT ALTERNATIVE CONTRIBUTION Alternative Contribution Funded Status – Alternative Contribution Actuarial Methods – Alternative Contribution DRAFT ALTERNATIVE CONTRIBUTION McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 29 ALTERNATIVE CONTRIBUTION FUNDED STATUS – ALTERNATIVE CONTRIBUTION Prior Valuation Current Valuation Alternative Contribution $671,455 $710,366 Expected Payroll $4,878,127 $5,299,975 Alternative Contribution as a Percent of Expected Payroll 13.76%13.40% Prior Valuation Current Valuation Normal Cost $1,103,806 $1,181,358 Fair Value of Assets $56,638,040 $55,718,518 Actuarial Value of Assets $59,882,730 $61,192,288 Actuarial Accrued Liability $57,848,513 $59,974,840 Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability/(Surplus)($2,034,217) ($1,217,448) Percent Funded Actuarial Value of Assets 103.52% 102.03% Fair Value of Assets 97.91%92.90%DRAFT ALTERNATIVE CONTRIBUTION McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 30 The Alternative Contribution is based on Actuarial Funding Methods and funding parameters outlined in the Illinois State Statutes for pension funding. The resulting contribution is lower than the Recommended Contribution for the current year. The Alternative Contribution amount is not recommended because it represents only a deferral of contributions when compared to the Recommended Contribution method. Actuarial Funding Methods for pensions are best applied to provide a balance between the long-term goals of a variety of stakeholders: 1. Members – the Members are interested in benefit security and having the funds available to pay benefits when retired 2. Employers – cost control and cost stability over the long-term 3. Taxpayers – paying for the services they are receiving from active Members The Alternative Contribution methods are not intended to provide a better system in any of the above categories long-term. The parameters are not recommended for a long-term funding strategy. The funding methods and parameters put into place in the Illinois State Statutes in 2011 were intended to provide short-term budget relief for Employer Contributions. An Employer using the parameters outlined in the Illinois State Statutes for current funding should view the contributions as short-term relief. Our recommendation in this situation is for a Pension Fund and an Employer to work towards a long-term funding strategy that better achieves the long-term funding goals, over a period that does not exceed 3-5 years. The Securities and Exchange Commission in 2013 used the phrase “Statutory Underfunding” to describe situations where contributions appear to be more manageable in the short-term, but set up future Recommended Contributions that are less likely to be manageable. DRAFT ALTERNATIVE CONTRIBUTION McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 31 ACTUARIAL METHODS – ALTERNATIVE CONTRIBUTION The contribution and benefit values of the Pension Fund are calculated by applying actuarial assumptions to the benefit provisions and demographic data furnished, using the Actuarial Cost Method described. The Actuarial Cost and Amortization methods allocate the projected obligations of the Plan over the working lifetimes of the Plan Members. The Actuarial Funding Methods are meant to provide a systematic process for determining contributions on an annual basis. The methods do not impact the expectation of future benefit payments. The methods only impact the way contributions are made towards future benefit payments. Different Actuarial Funding Methods may achieve funding goals with differing levels of success. Certain methods are more efficient and more stable on an annual basis. The guidelines in the Illinois State Statutes for pension funding are silent on the use of a corridor on the Fair Value of Assets in determination of the Actuarial Value of Assets. In the current valuation, the Plan Sponsor has elected to use a 10% corridor in the determination of the Actuarial Value of Assets for both the Alternative Contribution and the Recommended Contribution. In the event that the Actuarial Value of Assets exceeds 110% of the Fair Value of Assets or falls below 90% of the Fair Value of Assets, the excess gains or losses will be recognized immediately. Actuarial Valuation Date May 1, 2023 Data Collection Date April 30, 2023 Actuarial Cost Method Projected Unit Credit Amortization Method Level % Pay (Closed) Amortization Target 90% Funded Over 17 Years Asset Valuation Method 5-Year Smoothed Fair Value DRAFT ACTUARIAL VALUATION DATA Active Members Inactive Members Summary of Monthly Benefit Payments Age and Service Distribution DRAFT ACTUARIAL VALUATION DATA McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 33 ACTIVE MEMBERS INACTIVE MEMBERS SUMMARY OF MONTHLY BENEFIT PAYMENTS Prior Valuation Current Valuation Tier I 30 29 Tier II 18 22 Total Active Members 48 51 Total Payroll $4,806,036 $5,221,650 Prior Valuation Current Valuation Terminated Members 10 11 Retired Members 22 21 Disabled Members 8 8 Other Beneficiaries 3 2 Total Inactive Members 43 42 Prior Valuation Current Valuation Retired Members $150,644 $150,611 Disabled Members 33,314 33,657 Other Beneficiaries 17,551 9,015 Total Inactive Members $201,508 $193,283DRAFT ACTUARIAL VALUATION DATA McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 34 AGE AND SERVICE DISTRIBUTION Service Under 1 1 to 4 5 to 9 10 to 14 15 to 19 20 to 24 25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 39 40 & up Total Age Under 25 0|2 0|1 0|3 25 to 29 0|2 0|4 0|6 30 to 34 0|3 0|2 0|5 35 to 39 0|2 0|3 2|1 2|0 4|6 40 to 44 0|2 2|0 5|0 5|0 12|2 45 to 49 5|0 2|0 7|0 50 to 54 1|0 2|0 1|0 4|0 55 to 59 1|0 1|0 2|0 60 to 64 65 to 69 70 & up Total 0|4 0|10 0|7 4|1 9|0 13|0 3|0 29|22 5/1/2023 Age and Service Distribution - Tier 1|Tier 2 Active Members DRAFT ACTUARIAL FUNDING POLICIES Actuarial Cost Method Financing Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability Actuarial Value of Assets DRAFT ACTUARIAL FUNDING POLICIES McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 36 ACTUARIAL COST METHOD The Actuarial Cost Method allocates the projected obligations of the Plan over the working lifetimes of the Plan Members. In accordance with the Pension Fund’s Funding Policy, the Actuarial Cost Method for the Recommended Contribution basis is Entry Age Normal (Level Percent of Pay). The Entry Age Normal Cost Method is a method under which the Actuarial Present Value of the projected benefits of each individual included in an Actuarial Valuation is allocated on a level basis over the earnings or service of the individual between entry age and assumed exit age. The portion of this Actuarial Present Value allocated to a valuation year is called Normal Cost. The portion of the Actuarial Present Value not provided at an Actuarial Valuation Date by the Actuarial Present Value of future Normal Costs is called the Actuarial Accrued Liability. The Entry Age Normal method attempts to create a level cost pattern. In contrast to other Actuarial Cost Methods which inherently lead to uneven or less predictable cost patterns, the Entry Age Normal method is generally understood to be less risky in terms of contribution stability from year to year. The Conference of Consulting Actuaries Public Plans Community produced a “white paper” detailing Funding Policy model practices for public sector pension plans. Under the Level Cost Actuarial Methodology (“LCAM”), one of the principal elements to a Funding Policy is the Actuarial Cost Method. When deciding which Actuarial Cost Method to use, several objectives may be considered, such as the following: • Each Member’s benefit should be funded under a reasonable allocation method by the expected retirement date • Pay-related benefit costs should reflect anticipated pay at retirement • The expected cost of each year of service (i.e. Normal Cost) for each active Member should be reasonably related to the expected cost of that Member’s benefit • The Member’s Normal Cost should emerge as a level percent of Member compensation • No gains or losses should occur if all assumptions are met. Following these criteria, the use of the Entry Age Normal Cost Method (Level Percent of Pay) is a model practice. FINANCING UNFUNDED ACTUARIAL ACCRUED LIABILITY The Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability may be amortized over a period either in level dollar amounts or as a level percentage of payroll. When amortizing the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability as a level percentage of payroll, additional risk is incurred since the amortization payments in the early years of the payment period may not be large enough to cover the interest accrued on the existing Unfunded Liability. As a result, the Unfunded Liability DRAFT ACTUARIAL FUNDING POLICIES McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 37 may increase initially, before the amortization payments grow large enough to cover all interest accruals. Generally speaking, the Plan Sponsor will be required to contribute a larger total contribution amount over the course of the funding period under a level percentage of payroll basis as compared to a level dollar payroll schedule. The Government Finance Officers Association notes that best practices in public pension finance include utilizing amortization periods that do not exceed 20 years. Longer amortization periods elevate the risk of failing to reduce any Unfunded Liability. For example, when the amortization payment in full only covers interest on the Unfunded Liability, but does not reduce the existing Unfunded Liability, the required contribution will increase in future years. A second principal element under the Level Cost Actuarial Methodology described above is to establish an Amortization Policy that determines the length of time and the structure of the increase or decrease in contributions required to systematically fund the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability. When deciding on the Amortization Policy, several objectives may be considered, such as the following: • Variations in the source of liability changes (i.e. gains or losses, Plan changes, assumption changes) should be funded over periods consistent with an appropriate balance between the policy objectives of demographic matching and volatility management • The cost changes in Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability should emerge as a level percentage of Member compensation The LCAM model practices for the Amortization Policy include the following: • Layered fixed period amortization by source • Level percent of pay amortization • An amortization period ranging from 15-20 years for experience gains or losses • An amortization period of 15-25 years for assumption changes In accordance with the Pension Fund’s Funding Policy for the Recommended Contribution, the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability is amortized by level percent of payroll contributions to a 100% funding target over a layered amortization period of 15 years. Any reduction in the Recommended Contribution for negative Unfunded Liability over the Funding Policy amortization target was ignored. See the Actuarial Methods – Recommended Contribution section of this report for more detail. We believe that the amortization period is appropriate for the purpose of this valuation. ACTUARIAL VALUE OF ASSETS The Pension Fund is an ongoing plan. The Employer wishes to smooth the effect of volatility in the Fair Value of Assets on the annual contribution. Therefore, the Actuarial Value of Assets is equal to the Fair Value of Assets with unanticipated gains/losses recognized over a five-year period. DRAFT ACTUARIAL FUNDING POLICIES McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 38 The Asset Valuation Method is intended to create an Actuarial Value of Assets that remains reasonable in relation to the Fair Value of Assets over time. The method produces results that can fall either above or below the Fair Value of Assets. The period of recognition is short. It is intended that the period of recognition is short enough to keep the Actuarial Value of Assets within a decent range of the Fair Value of Assets. In the event that the Actuarial Value of Assets exceeds or falls below a 10% corridor of the Fair Value of Assets, the additional gain or loss will be recognized immediately. DRAFT ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS Nature of Actuarial Calculations Selection of Actuarial Assumptions Actuarial Assumptions in the Valuation Process Assessment of Risk Exposures Limitations of Risk Analysis Assessment and Use of Actuarial Models Actuarial Assumptions Utilized DRAFT ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 40 NATURE OF ACTUARIAL CALCULATIONS The results documented in this report are estimates based on data that may be imperfect and on assumptions about future events. Certain Plan Provisions may be approximated or deemed immaterial, and, therefore, are not valued. Assumptions may be made about demographic data or other factors. Reasonable efforts were made in this valuation to ensure that significant items in the context of the Actuarial Accrued Liability or costs are treated appropriately, and not excluded or included inappropriately. Actual future experience will differ from the assumptions used in the calculations. As these differences arise, the expense for accounting purposes will be adjusted in future valuations to reflect such actual experience. A range of results different from those presented in this report could be considered reasonable. The numbers are not rounded, but this is for convenience only and should not imply precision which is not inherent in actuarial calculations. SELECTION OF ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS Actuaries and other service providers provide guidance to their clients in the selection of assumptions used in the Actuarial Valuation based on their industry-specific training and experience. The Actuaries’ expertise is used in the determination of demographic assumptions as it relates to future expectations of Plan demographic activity, such as mortality, termination, and retirement rates. The selection of economic assumptions, such as Expected Rate of Return on Investments or the assumed inflation rate, is more subjective. Investment advisors and other services providers utilize their expertise and knowledge of capital markets to model future expectations. Some assumptions may have an influence on other assumptions. The role of the Actuary in the selection of the economic assumptions is to review available market information including historical economic information and forward-looking capital market projections from investment professionals and to assess whether or not sufficient backup exists to deem the assumption reasonable. The selection of economic assumptions is the responsibility of the client. For example, the inflation rate (an economic assumption) may directly correlate to the active member salary increase assumption (a demographic assumption). Once all demographic and economic assumptions have been determined, the Actuary will create various sets of assumptions which take into account the proposed assumptions individually and in the aggregate. The client will then make the final decision of which assumption set to use. DRAFT ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 41 ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS IN THE VALUATION PROCESS The contributions and benefit values of the Pension Fund are calculated by applying actuarial assumptions to the benefit provisions and demographic data furnished, using the Actuarial Cost Method described in the Actuarial Funding Policies section of this report. The principal areas of financial risk which require assumptions about future experience are:  Expected Rate of Return on Investments  Patterns of Pay Increases for Members  Rates of Mortality Among Active and Inactive Members  Rates of Termination Among Active Members  Rates of Disability Among Active Members  Age Patterns of Actual Retirements Actual experience of the Pension Fund will not coincide exactly with assumed experience. Each valuation provides a complete recalculation of assumed future experience and takes into account all past differences between assumed and actual experience. The result is a continual series of adjustments to the computed Recommended Contribution. Details behind the selection of the actuarial assumptions can be found in the Actuarial Assumption Summary document provided to the client upon request. The client has reviewed and approved the assumptions as a reasonable expectation of the future anticipated experience under the Plan. DRAFT ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 42 ASSESSMENT OF RISK EXPOSURES From time to time it becomes appropriate to modify one or more of the assumptions, to reflect experience trends (but not random year-to-year fluctuations). In addition, Actuarial Standards of Practice require that the Actuary minimally perform a qualitative assessment of key financial and demographic risks as part of the risk assessment process with each annual Actuarial Valuation. The risk assessments we perform include, but are not limited to, the following: • Periodic demographic experience studies every 3 to 5 years to confirm the ongoing appropriateness of actuarial assumptions • Highlight the impact of demographic experience over the past year, as well as other sources of change and volatility in the Actuarial Recommended Contribution – Reconciliation section of this report • Detail year-over-year changes in contribution levels, assets, liabilities, and Funded Status in the Recommended Contribution and Funded Status sections in the Management Summary section of this report • Review any material changes in the demographic data as summarized in the Actuarial Valuation Data section of this report • Provide and discuss the Actuarial Assumption Summary document highlighting the rationale for each key assumption chosen by the client • Identify potential Cash Flow Risk by highlighting expected benefit payments over the next 5-year and 10-year periods in the Asset Growth section in the Management Summary section of this report • Describe the impact of any assumption, method, or policy change in the Management Summary section of this report • Utilize supplemental information, such as the GASB Discount Rate sensitivity disclosures to understand, for example, what impact an alternative Expected Rate of Return on Investments assumption might have on the estimation of Actuarial Accrued Liability and Funded Status • Utilize supplemental information, such as the GASB solvency test, to better understand the Cash Flow Risk and long-term sustainability of the Plan LIMITATIONS OF RISK ANALYSIS Since future experience may never be precisely as assumed, the process of selecting funding methods and actuarial assumptions may inherently create risk and volatility of results. A more detailed evaluation of the above risk exposures is beyond the scope and nature of the annual Actuarial Valuation process. For example, scenario tests, sensitivity tests, stress tests, and/or stochastic modeling for multi-year projections to assess the impact of alternative assumptions and methods, or modeling future experience different from the assumptions in these results, are not included in this Actuarial Valuation. The McHenry Police Pension Fund and/or the City of McHenry, Illinois should contact the Actuary if they desire a more detailed assessment of any of these forward-looking risk exposures. DRAFT ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 43 ASSESSMENT AND USE OF ACTUARIAL MODELS Actuarial Valuations rely upon the use of actuarial modeling software to predict the occurrence of future events, which include specific demographic and financial potential outcomes. Actuarial assumptions are established to provide a guideline to use for such modeling. • The model used in this Actuarial Valuation is intended to determine the Recommended Contribution, under the selected Funding Policy. The actuarial assumptions used were developed with this goal in mind. • There are no known material limitations or inconsistencies among the actuarial assumptions or methods. • The output from the model is reasonable based on the individual actuarial assumptions and based on the actuarial assumptions in the aggregate. • The actuarial software used to calculate plan liabilities has been purchased from an outside vendor. We have performed thorough testing of the software, including review of sample participants, to ensure the intended purpose of the model, the operation of the model, sensitivities and dependencies, and strengths and limitations of the model are sufficient for this purpose. • Demographic data and financial information have been provided by client professionals, financial advisors, and/or auditors, who are known to be experts in their respective fields. We rely on the fact that the information provided by these experts has been given for the intended purpose of this Actuarial Valuation. • Where applicable, certain actuarial assumptions and Funding Policy may be required as prescribed by law. In such instances, we have followed legal guidance to ensure conformity. • The Expected Rate of Return on Investments assumption has been chosen using input from several sources; including, but not limited to: client professionals, financial advisors, auditors, and other capital market outlooks. We have relied on the information provided, in the aggregate, to settle on the selected Expected Rate of Return on Investments assumption. As stated in the Limitations of Risk Analysis section, future experience may never be precisely as assumed. As a result, the funding methods and actuarial assumptions used in the model may create volatility in the results when compared year after year. A more detailed evaluation of this volatility is beyond the scope and nature of the annual Actuarial Valuation process. In such cases, additional scenario tests, sensitivity tests, stress tests, and/or stochastic modeling for multi-year projections to assess the impact of alternative assumptions and methods, or modeling future experience different from the assumptions in these results, may be performed to determine a range of reasonable results. DRAFT ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 44 ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS UTILIZED Individual pay increases include a long-term average increase for inflation, average annual increases for promotions, and any additional increases for a step program. Sample rates are as follows: *Individual pay increases for active Members hired at age 40 or older are assumed annual increases at the ultimate rate reduced by 50 basis points, without adjustments in early service years. Expected Rate of Return on Investments 7.00% Net of Administrative Expense CPI-U 2.25% Total Payroll Increases 3.00% Individual Pay Increases*3.75% - 10.02% Service Rate Service Rate 0 10.02%8 3.75% 1 9.46%9 3.75% 2 8.98%10 3.75% 3 8.55%15 3.75% 4 8.18%20 3.75% 5 7.85%25 3.75% 6 7.55%30 3.75% 7 3.75%35 3.75%DRAFT ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 45 Retirement Rates 100% of the L&A Assumption Study for Police 2020 Cap Age 65. Sample rates are as follows: Termination Rates 100% of the L&A Assumption Study for Police 2020. Sample rates are as follows: Disability Rates 100% of the L&A Assumption Study for Police 2020. Sample rates are as follows: 65% of active Members who become disabled are assumed to be in the Line of Duty. Age Rate Age Rate 50 11.00%58 16.25% 51 11.55%59 16.25% 52 12.13%60 16.25% 53 12.73%61 16.25% 54 13.37%62 18.00% 55 14.04%63 20.00% 56 14.74%64 20.00% 57 15.48%65 100.00% Age Rate A ge Rate 25 8.00%40 2.17% 30 3.40%45 1.56% 35 2.79%50 0.46% Age Rate A ge Rate 25 0.00%40 0.38% 30 0.06%45 0.53% 35 0.18%50 0.48%DRAFT ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 46 Mortality Rates Active Mortality follows the Sex Distinct Raw Rates as developed in the PubS-2010(A) Study. Mortality improvement uses MP-2019 Improvement Rates applied on a fully generational basis. 50% of active Member deaths are assumed to be in the Line of Duty. Retiree Mortality follows the L&A Assumption Study for Police 2020. These rates are experience weighted with the Sex Distinct Raw Rates as developed in the PubS-2010(A) Study improved to 2017 using MP-2019 Improvement Rates. These rates are then improved fully generationally using MP-2019 Improvement Rates. Disabled Mortality follows the Sex Distinct Raw Rates as developed in the PubS-2010 Study for disabled participants. Mortality improvement uses MP-2019 Improvement Rates applied on a fully generational basis. Spouse Mortality follows the Sex Distinct Raw Rates as developed in the PubS-2010(A) Study for contingent survivors. For all rates not provided there (ages 45 and younger) the PubG-2010 Study for general employees was used. Mortality improvement uses MP-2019 Improvement Rates applied on a fully generational basis. Marital Assumptions Active Members: 80% of active Members are assumed to be married. Female spouses are assumed to be 3 years younger than male spouses. Retiree and Disabled Members: Actual spousal data was utilized for retiree and disabled Members. DRAFT LOW-DEFAULT-RISK OBLIGATION MEASURE Low-Default-Risk Obligation Measure – Purpose Low-Default-Risk Obligation Measure Low-Default-Risk Obligation Measure vs Actuarial Liability DRAFT LOW-DEFAULT-RISK OBLIGATION MEASURE McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 48 LOW-DEFAULT-RISK OBLIGATION MEASURE - PURPOSE The Pension Committee of the Actuarial Standards Board adopted changes to Actuarial Standards of Practice No. 4 (“ASOP 4”). ASOP 4 is titled “Measuring Pension Obligations and Determining Pension Plan Costs or Contributions”. The changes were adopted by the Actuarial Standards Board in December 2021 and are effective for reporting and Measurement Dates on or after February 15, 2023. One change is the requirement for all Funding Actuarial Valuations to include a Low-Default-Risk Obligation Measure (“LDROM”). In its simplest form, the LDROM is a measure of Actuarial Liability determined using a low-risk Expected Rate of Return on Investments. The LDROM is not intended to replace the Actuarial Liability used to determine the Recommended Contribution amount calculated in this report. The intention is to provide additional information on the Funded Status of the Plan and benefit security. The Low-Default-Risk Obligation Measure is shown below as of the Measurement Date. The discussion that follows provides more information on the assumptions and methods used to determine the LDROM and some interpretation of the results. LOW-DEFAULT-RISK OBLIGATION MEASURE The Obligation not Covered by Current Assets shown above is for illustration of the Low-Default-Risk Obligation Measure only and is not intended for any other purposes. The amount of Obligation not Covered by Current Assets should not be used for pension funding or financial statement reporting purposes. In addition, the Obligation not Covered by Current Assets amount should not be used for any other assessments related to pension funding, such as assessing Unfunded Liability for the purpose of issuing Pension Obligation Bonds. Discussion of any of these items should be handled separately. Low-Default-Risk Obligation Measure $82,623,587 Fair Value of Assets 55,718,518 Obligation not Covered by Current Assets $26,905,069 Current Valuation The Low-Default-Risk Obligation Measure is Not Intended to Replace the Actuarial Liability Used to Determine the Recommended Contribution.DRAFT LOW-DEFAULT-RISK OBLIGATION MEASURE McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 49 Selection of the Discount Rate Under Actuarial Standards, a Discount Rate should be selected from a source that develops the rate using low-default-risk fixed income securities. In addition, the fixed income securities should be reasonably consistent with the pattern of expected benefit payments from the Fund. The Low-Default-Risk Obligation Measure has been valued using the FTSE Pension Discount Curve. The FTSE Pension Discount Curve is determined using rates from corporate bonds that are rated AA (from the FTSE U.S. Broad Investment Grade Bond Index) and yields from the FTSE Russell’s Treasury model curve. The result is a set of investment grade zero coupon bond rates with maturities from 6 months to 30 years. The equivalent single discount rate that would produce the same liability as the FTSE Pension Discount Curve is 4.77%. There are other indices constructed that are appropriate for this disclosure as well. They could produce Discount Rates that are higher or lower than the LDROM shown here. An increase/decrease in the discount rate of 50 basis points (0.50%) would decrease/increase the LDROM by (7.53%)/8.45%, respectively. In our opinion, the FTSE Pension Discount Curve meets the requirements of the disclosure of the LDROM. The curve is constructed using investment grade corporate bonds. In addition, the rates are updated monthly and the current rates used (as of the Measurement Date of this report) are reflective of current market conditions. Finally, the use of a yield curve as opposed to a single rate allows the flexibility for the LDROM to be determined in a manner consistent with the pattern of expected benefit payments. The Discount Rate is intended for the current Measurement Date only. In order to stay consistent with the prevailing market conditions, the Discount Rate will be assessed and updated each year at each new Measurement Date. Selection of the Actuarial Cost Method The Standard requires the use of an immediate-gain Actuarial Cost Method. We have elected to use the Entry Age Normal cost method for measurement of the LDROM. Entry Age Normal is being applied on a percent of pay basis. The Cost Method is the same method used for the determination of the Recommended Contribution in this report. Other immediate-gain Actuarial Cost Methods are available and acceptable for use in the determination of the LDROM. Other acceptable methods include benefits-based methods and accrued benefit methods. We selected the Entry Age Normal method due to the fact that benefit liability in this Fund is not typically settled with one-time payments. For example, the Plan does not pay lump sums (except refunds of Member Contributions) and is not anticipated to settle liability through the purchase of annuity contracts. Therefore, the usefulness of a benefits-based method is much more limited in interpretation of this measure as it relates to benefit security. DRAFT LOW-DEFAULT-RISK OBLIGATION MEASURE McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 50 Interpretation of the LDROM The Low-Default-Risk Obligation Measure is higher than the liability used for the Recommended Contribution determination by $23,120,943. Actuarial Liability is determined in different ways based on the purpose of the measurement. The Actuarial Liability for Recommended Contribution purposes is used to develop a contribution amount that, when combined with other sources of funding (including Member Contributions and expected investment returns), would pay all future expected benefits. The expected investment returns under this scenario are based on the current asset allocation and capital market expectations of the Fund. Assets are invested in a way that involves risk. Actual returns can vary significantly year-to-year above and below expectations. The trade-off is a risk-premium over the long-term and above low-risk market rates. The LDROM, by contrast, is developed using low-risk returns available in the market. These returns could be obtained theoretically with low-risk of deviation from expectation, and lower expectation (i.e. there is no risk-premium). The LDROM, then, can be thought of as the amount of money that should be set aside today to appropriately fund and prepare for all future benefit payments, if the assets were invested in relatively low volatility assets available in the market today. The expected decrease in the liability for funding purposes as compared to the LDROM can be thought of as cost savings from investing in riskier assets, with higher long-term return expectations. At the same time, this difference also represents a risk factor for the Pension Fund as the Fund is reliant on receiving the expected return on investments, including a risk premium. Contributions, combined with these investment returns, are required in order to fund future benefit payments. LOW DEFAULT RISK OBLIGATION MEASURE VS ACTUARIAL LIABILITY Low-Default-Risk Obligation Measure $82,623,587 Actuarial Accrued Liability (Entry Age Normal)59,502,644 Difference $23,120,943 Current Valuation The Low-Default-Risk Obligation Measure is Not Intended to Replace the Actuarial Liability Used to Determine the Recommended Contribution.DRAFT SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL PLAN PROVISIONS Establishment of the Fund Administration Member Contributions Regular Retirement Pension Benefit Early Retirement Pension Benefit Surviving Spouse Benefit Termination Benefit – Vested Disability Benefit DRAFT SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL PLAN PROVISIONS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 52 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FUND The Police Pension Fund is established and administered as prescribed by “Article 3 – Police Pension Fund – Municipalities 500,000 and Under” of the Illinois Pension Code. ADMINISTRATION The Police Pension Fund is administered by a Board of Trustees whose duties are to manage the Pension Fund, determine applications for pensions, authorize payment of pensions, establish rules, pay expenses, and keep records. MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS Members contribute 9.910% of their pensionable salary. REGULAR RETIREMENT PENSION BENEFIT Tier I Eligibility: Age 50 with at least 20 years of creditable service. Benefit: 50% of final salary for the first 20 years of service, plus an additional 2.5% of final salary for each year of service beyond 20 years of service, and not to exceed 75% of final salary. “Final salary” is based on the police officer’s pensionable salary attached to rank held on the last day of service, unless the pensionable salary was greater at some point within the year prior to the last day of service. If so, the pensionable salary is averaged over the last 12 months. Annual Increase in Benefit: A police officer is entitled to receive an initial increase equal to 1/12 of 3% of the original monthly benefit for each full month that has passed since the pension began. The initial increase date will be the later of the first day of the month after the pensioner turns age 55 or the first day of the month after the benefit date anniversary. Subsequent increases of 3% of the current monthly benefit will be granted every January 1st thereafter. DRAFT SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL PLAN PROVISIONS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 53 REGULAR RETIREMENT PENSION BENEFIT - CONTINUED Tier II Eligibility: Age 55 with at least 10 years of creditable service. Benefit: 2.5% of final average salary for each year of service, and not to exceed 75% of final average salary. “Final average salary” is determined by dividing the total pensionable salary during 48 consecutive months of service within the last 60 months of service in which total pensionable salary was the highest, by the number of months of service in that period (or by dividing the total pensionable salary during 96 consecutive months of service within the last 120 months of service in which total pensionable salary was the highest, by the number of months of service in that period, if greater). Annual salary for this purpose will not exceed the salary cap, indexed by the lesser of 3% or the CPI- U for the 12 months ending with the September preceding each November 1st. The salary cap will not decrease. Annual Increase in Benefit: The initial increase date will be the later of the January 1st after the pensioner turns age 60 or the January 1st after the benefit date anniversary. Subsequent increases will be granted every January 1st thereafter. The initial increase and subsequent increases will be the lesser of 3% of the original benefit or ½ of the CPI-U for the 12 months ending with the September preceding each November 1st. EARLY RETIREMENT PENSION BENEFIT Tier I None. Tier II Eligibility: Age 50 with at least 10 years of creditable service. Benefit: The regular retirement pension benefit reduced by ½ of 1% for each month that the police officer’s age is between 50 and 55. Annual Increase in Benefit: The initial increase date will be the later of the January 1st after the pensioner turns age 60 or the January 1st after the benefit date anniversary. Subsequent increases will be granted every January 1st thereafter. The initial increase and subsequent increases will be the lesser of 3% of the original benefit or ½ of the CPI-U for the 12 months ending with the September preceding each November 1st. DRAFT SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL PLAN PROVISIONS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 54 SURVIVING SPOUSE BENEFIT Tier I Eligibility: Married to an active police officer with at least 8 years of creditable service, a disabled pensioner at the time of death, or a retired pensioner on the last day of service. Active Line of Duty Death Benefit: An eligible surviving spouse is entitled to receive 100% of the police officer’s final pensionable salary attached to rank held on the last day of service. Non-Duty Death Benefit: Disabled or Retired Pensioner: An eligible surviving spouse is entitled to receive the pensioner’s benefit at the time of death. Active Member with 20+ Years of Service: An eligible surviving spouse is entitled to the police officer’s eligible benefit at the time of death. Active Member with 10-20 Years of Service: An eligible surviving spouse is entitled to receive 50% of the police officer’s pensionable salary attached to rank held on the last day of service, unless the pensionable salary was greater at some point within the year prior to the last day of service. If so, the pensionable salary is averaged over the last 12 months. Annual Increase in Benefit: None. Tier II Eligibility: Married to an active police officer with at least 8 years of creditable service, a disabled pensioner at the time of death, or a retired pensioner on the last day of service. Active Line of Duty Death Benefit: An eligible surviving spouse is entitled to receive 100% of the police officer’s final pensionable salary attached to rank held on the last day of service. Non-Duty Death Benefit: Disabled or Retired Pensioner, Active Member with 20+ Years of Service, and Active Member with 10-20 Years of service: An eligible surviving spouse is entitled to receive the greater of 66⅔% of the police officer’s earned pension benefit at the time of death or 54% of the police officer’s monthly salary at the time of death. Annual Increase in Benefit: The initial increase date will be the January 1st after the surviving spouse turns age 60. Subsequent increases will be granted every January 1st thereafter. The initial increase and subsequent increases will be the lesser of 3% of the original benefit or ½ of the CPI-U for the 12 months ending with the September preceding each November 1st. DRAFT SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL PLAN PROVISIONS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 55 SURVIVING SPOUSE BENEFIT - CONTINUED Public Act 102-0811 passed on May 13, 2022 and is effective as of January 1, 2023 for Article 3 Pension Funds. The Act establishes that a surviving spouse of a deceased police retiree may be eligible for a survivor’s pension of up to 15 years of benefit payments if (a) the surviving spouse has attained age 62 and (b) if the police officer was married to the surviving spouse after retirement, and for at least 5 years prior to the officer’s death. Previously, there was no survivor’s pension for spouses married after retirement. In our opinion, under a prudent interpretation of the provisions, we believe the impact to be de minimis. The legal community has suggested some uncertainty about multiple provisions contained in the Act, and the IDOI Public Pension Division has not provided an interpretation. The client has not made an administrative interpretation as to how the provisions of the Act will impact future surviving spouses. Due to the uncertainty around the interpretation and the expected de minimis impact, we have not valued this contingency separately for active Members. However, for any current retirees who were married after retirement and have been married for at least 5 years, as well as any surviving spouses currently in receipt of benefits under this provision, we have valued the liability of the benefit granted. TERMINATION BENEFIT – VESTED Tier I Eligibility: Age 60 with at least 8 but less than 20 years of creditable service. Benefit: 2.5% of final salary for each year of service. “Final salary” is based on the police officer’s pensionable salary attached to rank held on the last day of service, unless the pensionable salary was greater at some point within the year prior to the last day of service. If so, the pensionable salary is averaged over the last 12 months. Annual Increase in Benefit: A police officer is entitled to receive an initial increase equal to 1/12 of 3% of the original monthly benefit for each full month that has passed since the pension began. The initial increase date will be the first day of the month after the benefit date anniversary. Subsequent increases of 3% of the current monthly benefit will be granted every January 1st thereafter. Tier II None. DRAFT SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL PLAN PROVISIONS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 56 DISABILITY BENEFIT Tier I Eligibility: Duty or Non-Duty Disability or Occupational Disease Disability with at least 1 day of creditable service. Benefit: For a duty disability or an occupational disease disability with at least 5 years of creditable service, a police officer is entitled to receive the greater of 65% of final salary or the regular retirement pension benefit at the time of disability. For a non-duty disability, a police officer is entitled to receive 50% of their final salary. “Final salary” is based on the police officer’s pensionable salary attached to rank held on the last day of service. Annual Increase in Benefit: A police officer is entitled to receive an initial increase equal to 3% of the original monthly benefit for each full year that has passed since the pension began. The initial increase date will be the later of the January 1st after following pensioner turns age 60 or the January 1st after the benefit date anniversary. Subsequent increases of 3% of the original monthly benefit will be granted every January 1st thereafter. Tier II Eligibility: Duty or Non-Duty Disability or Occupational Disease Disability with at least 1 day of creditable service. Benefit: For a duty disability or an occupational disease disability with at least 5 years of creditable service, a police officer is entitled to receive the greater of 65% of final salary or the regular retirement pension benefit at the time of disability. For a non-duty disability, a police officer is entitled to receive 50% of their final salary. “Final salary” is based on the police officer’s pensionable salary attached to rank held on the last day of service. Annual Increase in Benefit: The initial increase date will be the later of the January 1st after the pensioner turns age 60 or the January 1st after the benefit date anniversary. Subsequent increases will be granted every January 1st thereafter. The initial increase and subsequent increases will be the lesser of 3% of the original benefit or ½ of the CPI-U for the 12 months ending with the September preceding each November 1st. DRAFT GLOSSARY OF TERMS Glossary of Terms DRAFT GLOSSARY OF TERMS McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 58 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Actuarial Accrued Liability – The Actuarial Present Value of future benefits based on Members’ service rendered to the Measurement Date using the selected Actuarial Cost Method. It is that portion of the Actuarial Present Value of Plan benefits and expenses allocated to prior years of employment. It is not provided for by future Normal Costs. Actuarial Cost Method – The method used to allocate the projected obligations of the Plan over the working lifetimes of the Plan Members. Actuarial Value of Assets – The value of the assets used in the determination of the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability. The Actuarial Value of Assets is related to the Fair Value of Assets, with adjustments made to spread unanticipated gains and losses for a given year over a period of several years. Actuarial Value of Assets is generally equally likely to fall above or below the Fair Value of Assets, and generally does not experience as much volatility over time as the Fair Value of Assets. Asset Valuation Method – A valuation method designed to smooth random fluctuations in asset values. The objective underlying the use of an Asset Valuation Method is to provide for the long-term stability of Employer Contributions. Funding Policy – A set of procedures for a Pension Fund that outlines the “best practices” for funding the pension benefits based on the goals of the Plan Sponsor. A Funding Policy discusses items such as assumptions, Actuarial Cost Method, assets, and other parameters that will best help the Plan Sponsor meet their goal of working in the best interest of the Plan Members. Fair Value of Assets – The value of the cash, bonds, securities, and other assets held in the pension trust as of the Measurement Date. Normal Cost – The present value of future benefits earned by Members during the current Fiscal Year. It is that portion of the Actuarial Present Value of benefits and expenses which is allocated to a valuation year by the Actuarial Cost Method. Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability – The excess of the Actuarial Accrued Liability over the Actuarial Value of Assets. The Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability is amortized over a period either in level dollar amounts or as a level percentage of projected payroll. DRAFT DRAFT GASB 67/68 Actuarial Valuation as of May 1, 2022 MCHENRY POLICE PENSION FUND For the April 30, 2023 Financial Statement Reporting LAUTERBACH & AMEN, LLP DRAFT GASB Statements 67 and 68 Actuarial Disclosures GASB 67: MCHENRY POLICE PENSION FUND Fiscal Year Ending: April 30, 2023 Actuarial Valuation Date: May 1, 2022 Data Date: April 30, 2022 Measurement Date: April 30, 2023 GASB 68: CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Fiscal Year Ending: April 30, 2023 Actuarial Valuation Date: May 1, 2022 Data Date: April 30, 2022 Measurement Date: April 30, 2023 Submitted by: Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 668 N. River Road Naperville, IL 60563 Phone: 630.393.1483 www.lauterbachamen.com Contact: Todd A. Schroeder Partner September 22, 2023 LAUTERBACH & AMEN, LLP DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS McHenry Police Pension Fund Table of Contents ACTUARIAL CERTIFICATION .............................................................................................................. 5 PLAN FIDUCIARY NET POSITION ....................................................................................................... 7 Statement of Plan Fiduciary Net Position ............................................................................................................................ 8 Statement of Changes in Plan Fiduciary Net Position ......................................................................................................... 9 ACTUARIAL PENSION LIABILITY INFORMATION ........................................................................ 10 Statement of Total Pension Liability ................................................................................................................................. 11 Statement of Changes in Total Pension Liability ............................................................................................................... 12 Statement of Changes in Net Pension Liability ................................................................................................................. 14 Deferred Outflows and Inflows of Resources .................................................................................................................... 15 Deferred Outflows and Inflows of Resources – Detail ...................................................................................................... 16 Pension Expense Development .......................................................................................................................................... 17 ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS INFORMATION .................................................................................. 18 Statement of Significant Actuarial Assumptions ............................................................................................................... 19 Assumption Changes ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 Actuarial Assumptions (Demographic) ............................................................................................................................. 21 Postemployment Benefit Changes ..................................................................................................................................... 23 Expected Return on Pension Plan Investments .................................................................................................................. 24 Municipal Bond Rate ......................................................................................................................................................... 26 Discount Rate..................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Sensitivity of the Discount Rate ........................................................................................................................................ 27 Assessment and Use of Actuarial Models.......................................................................................................................... 28 PARTICIPANT DATA ............................................................................................................................ 29 Participant Demographic Data & Average Future Working Career .................................................................................. 30 FUNDING POLICY ................................................................................................................................. 31 Components of the Actuarially Determined Contribution ................................................................................................. 32 Formal Funding Policy ...................................................................................................................................................... 32 Informal Funding Policy .................................................................................................................................................... 32 Funding Policy – Other Considerations ............................................................................................................................. 34 SCHEDULES OF REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ................................................ 35 Schedule of Changes in the Net Pension Liability ............................................................................................................. 36 Schedule of Total Pension Liability and Related Ratios .................................................................................................... 37 Schedule of Contributions ................................................................................................................................................. 38 Notes to Schedule of Contributions ................................................................................................................................... 38 GASB METHODS AND PROCEDURES ............................................................................................... 39 GASB Methods and Procedures ........................................................................................................................................ 40 DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS McHenry Police Pension Fund Table of Contents SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES ................................................................................................................ 41 GASB Projections – Summary and Procedure .................................................................................................................. 42 GASB Projections – Limitations ....................................................................................................................................... 43 Projection of Contributions – Years 1 to 30 ...................................................................................................................... 44 Projection of Contributions – Years 31 to 60 .................................................................................................................... 45 Projection of Contributions – Years 61 to 80 .................................................................................................................... 46 Notes to Projection of Contributions ................................................................................................................................. 46 Projection of the Pension Plan’s Fiduciary Net Position – Years 1 to 30 .......................................................................... 47 Projection of the Pension Plan’s Fiduciary Net Position – Years 31 to 60 ........................................................................ 48 Projection of the Pension Plan’s Fiduciary Net Position – Years 61 to 80 ........................................................................ 49 Notes to Projection of the Pension Plan’s Fiduciary Net Position ..................................................................................... 49 Actuarial Present Value of Projected Benefit Payments – Years 1 to 30........................................................................... 50 Actuarial Present Value of Projected Benefit Payments – Years 31 to 60 ......................................................................... 51 Actuarial Present Value of Projected Benefit Payments – Years 61 to 80 ......................................................................... 52 Notes to the Actuarial Present Value of Projected Benefit Payments ................................................................................ 52 SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL PLAN PROVISIONS .............................................................................. 53 Establishment of the Fund ................................................................................................................................................. 54 Administration ................................................................................................................................................................... 54 Member Contributions ....................................................................................................................................................... 54 Regular Retirement Pension Benefit .................................................................................................................................. 54 Regular Retirement Pension Benefit - Continued .............................................................................................................. 55 Early Retirement Pension Benefit ...................................................................................................................................... 55 Surviving Spouse Benefit .................................................................................................................................................. 56 Benefits Not Valued .......................................................................................................................................................... 57 Termination Benefit – Vested ............................................................................................................................................ 57 Disability Benefit ............................................................................................................................................................... 58 DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 5 ACTUARIAL CERTIFICATION This certification provides supplemental information as required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The enclosed schedules were prepared by the undersigned to assist in the preparation of the Annual Financial Report. The assumptions and methods used in the preparation of this report meet the parameters set for the disclosures presented in the financial section as required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Additional information is provided solely to assist the auditors in the preparation of the required footnote disclosures. The results in this report are based on the demographic data and financial information submitted by the McHenry Police Pension Fund, and may include results from the prior Actuary. We did not prepare the Actuarial Valuations for the years prior to May 1, 2017. If applicable, those valuations were prepared by the prior Actuary whose reports have been furnished to us, and our disclosures are based on those reports. An audit of the prior Actuary’s results was not performed, but high-level reviews were completed for general reasonableness, as appropriate, based on the purpose of this valuation. The accuracy of the results is dependent on the precision and completeness of the underlying information. The valuation results summarized in this report involve actuarial calculations that require assumptions about future events. The McHenry Police Pension Fund selected certain assumptions, while others were the result of guidance and/or judgment from the Plan’s Actuary or Advisors. We believe that the assumptions used in this valuation are reasonable and appropriate for the purposes for which they have been used. In preparing the results, our Actuaries used commercially available software (ProVal) developed by Winklevoss Technologies, LLC. This software is widely used for the purpose of performing Actuarial Valuations. Our Actuaries coded the plan provisions, assumptions, methods, and demographic data summarized in this report, and reviewed the liability and cost outputs for reasonableness. We are not aware of any material weaknesses or limitations in the software, and have determined it is appropriate for performing this valuation. DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 6 To the best of our knowledge, all calculations are in accordance with the applicable accounting requirements, and the procedures followed and presentation of results conform to generally accepted actuarial principles and practices. The undersigned consultants of Lauterbach & Amen, LLP, with actuarial credentials, meet the Qualification Standards of the American Academy of Actuaries to render this Actuarial Certification. There is no relationship between the McHenry Police Pension Fund or the City of McHenry, Illinois and Lauterbach & Amen, LLP that impairs our objectivity. Respectfully Submitted, LAUTERBACH & AMEN, LLP Todd A. Schroeder, ASA, FCA, EA, MAAA Robert L. Rietz, Jr., FCA, EA, MAAA DRAFT PLAN FIDUCIARY NET POSITION Statement of Plan Fiduciary Net Position Statement of Changes in Plan Fiduciary Net Position DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 8 STATEMENT OF PLAN FIDUCIARY NET POSITION The Plan Fiduciary Net Position shown above is intended to be in accordance with GAAP and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The Fair Value of Investments has been provided by the reporting entity, and the results are being audited by an independent auditor. The level of the assets has been reviewed for reasonableness, but we make no representation as to the accuracy of the measurement of the Fair Value of Investments. The Statement of Plan Fiduciary Net Position for 2023 is based on Fiscal Year End financials, which are preliminary and tentative – subject to change as of the preparation of this report. Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents $1,576,402 $1,162,973 Total Cash 1,576,402 1,162,973 Receivables: Investment Income - Accrued Interest 195,205 - Other 2,534 6,112 Total Receivables 197,739 6,112 Investments: Pooled Investment Accounts 54,863,899 54,550,697 Total Investments 54,863,899 54,550,697 Total Assets 56,638,040 55,719,782 Liabilities Payables: Expenses Due/Unpaid - 60 Other - 1,204 Total Liabilities - 1,264 Plan Fiduciary Net Position $56,638,040 $55,718,518 4/30/20234/30/2022 DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 9 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN PLAN FIDUCIARY NET POSITION The changes in Plan Fiduciary Net Position shown above are intended to be in accordance with GAAP and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The Plan activity has been provided by the reporting entity, and the results are being audited by an independent auditor. The cash flows have been reviewed for reasonableness, but we make no representation as to the accuracy of the measurement of the Fair Value of Investments. The Statement of Changes in Plan Fiduciary Net Position for 2023 is based on Fiscal Year End financials, which are preliminary and tentative – subject to change as of the preparation of this report. Additions Contributions Employer $621,970 Members 491,717 Total Contributions 1,113,687 Investment Income Net Appreciation in Fair Value of Investments (988,665) Interest and Dividends 1,367,091 Less Investment Expense (102,095) Net Investment Income 276,331 Total Additions 1,390,018 Deductions Benefit Payments and Refunds of Member Contributions 2,285,556 Administrative Expense 23,984 Total Deductions 2,309,540 Net Increase in Net Position (919,522) Plan Fiduciary Net Position Beginning of Year 56,638,040 End of Year $55,718,518 4/30/2023 DRAFT ACTUARIAL PENSION LIABILITY INFORMATION Statement of Total Pension Liability Statement of Changes in Total Pension Liability Statement of Changes in Net Pension Liability Deferred Outflows and Inflows of Resources Deferred Outflows and Inflows of Resources – Detail Pension Expense Development DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 11 STATEMENT OF TOTAL PENSION LIABILITY The Total Pension Liability (“TPL”) shown above is dependent on several factors such as Plan Provisions and actuarial assumptions used in this report. In addition, the calculation of the TPL may be dependent on the Plan Fiduciary Net Position shown in the prior section of this report. Changes in the Plan Fiduciary Net Position due to any factor, including adjustments on final audit, could change the TPL. The dependence of the TPL on the Plan Fiduciary Net Position is due to the role of the Plan Fiduciary Net Position (and the Plan’s Projected Fiduciary Net Position) on the determination of the Discount Rate used for the TPL. The TPL has been determined for GASB 67/68 reporting purposes only. The resulting TPL is intended to be used in the financial statement reporting of the Plan and/or Employer. The resulting liability is not intended to be a representation of the Plan liability for other purposes, including but not limited to, determination of cash funding requirements and recommendations. The TPL is based on data as of the Actuarial Valuation - Data Date shown in this report. The TPL has been determined as of the Actuarial Valuation Date and based on the assumptions used in this report, and adjusted to the Measurement Date as needed. Active Members $22,961,223 $24,312,434 Inactive Members Terminated Members 2,298,240 2,587,596 Retired Members 25,493,556 25,579,315 Disabled Members 4,568,086 5,856,954 Other Beneficiaries 1,785,961 1,730,943 Total Inactive Members 34,145,843 35,754,808 Total Pension Liability $57,107,066 $60,067,242 4/30/2022 4/30/2023 DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 12 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN TOTAL PENSION LIABILITY The Plan Fiduciary Net Position was detailed in the prior section of this report. The Employer’s Net Pension Liability is the excess of the Total Pension Liability over the Plan Fiduciary Net Position. Total Pension Liability may be dependent on the Plan Fiduciary Net Position. Changes in the Plan Fiduciary Net Position could change the determination of the Total Pension Liability. Any changes in the Plan Fiduciary Net Position, including adjustments on final audit, can have an impact on the Employer’s Net Pension Liability that extends beyond the dollar-for-dollar change in the Plan Fiduciary Net Position. Covered-Employee Payroll is based on the Covered-Employee Payroll for the Plan Members during the Fiscal Year. Changes in Total Pension Liability Service Cost $1,133,068 Interest 3,939,393 Changes of Benefit Terms*(53,189) Differences Between Expected and Actual Experience 226,460 Change in Assumptions - Benefit Payments and Refunds (2,285,556) Net Change in Total Pension Liability 2,960,176 Total Pension Liability - Beginning 57,107,066 Total Pension Liability - Ending (a)$60,067,242 Plan Fiduciary Net Position - Ending (b)$55,718,518 Employer's Net Pension Liability - Ending (a) - (b)$4,348,724 Plan Fiduciary Net Position as a Percentage of the Total Pension Liability 92.76% Covered-Employee Payroll $4,959,035 Employer's Net Pension Liability as a Percentage of Covered-Employee Payroll 87.69% 4/30/2023 DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 13 A key demographic risk is mortality improvement differing from expected. While the actuarial assumptions reflect small, continuous improvements in mortality experience and these assumptions are refined upon the completion of each actuarial experience study, the risk arises because there is a possibility of a sudden shift in mortality experience. This report reflects the impact of COVID-19 experience that has been accounted for in the underlying demographic data. This report does not reflect the ongoing impact of COVID-19, which is likely to influence demographic and economic experience, at least in the short- term. We will continue to monitor these developments and their impact on the Plan. Actual future experience will be reflected in each subsequent Actuarial Valuation, as experience emerges. Public Act 102-0811 passed on May 13, 2022 and is effective as of January 1, 2023 for Article 3 Pension Funds. The Act establishes that a surviving spouse of a deceased police retiree may be eligible for a survivor’s pension of up to 15 years of benefit payments if (a) the surviving spouse has attained age 62 and (b) if the police officer was married to the surviving spouse after retirement, and for at least 5 years prior to the officer’s death. Previously, there was no survivor’s pension for spouses married after retirement. In our opinion, under a prudent interpretation of the provisions, we believe the impact to be de minimis. The legal community has suggested some uncertainty about multiple provisions contained in the Act, and the IDOI Public Pension Division has not provided an interpretation. The client has not made an administrative interpretation as to how the provisions of the Act will impact future surviving spouses. Due to the uncertainty around the interpretation and the expected de minimis impact, we have not valued this contingency separately. If a spouse is granted a pension by the Board under this provision, we will value the liability of the benefit granted, and revisit valuing the contingency of the benefit being granted in the future. *Late in 2022, the IDOI Public Pension Division issued an unofficial opinion that Tier II disabled Members are entitled to an initial COLA increase on the later of the January 1st after the pensioner turns age 60 or the January 1st after the benefit date anniversary equal to the lesser of 3% of the original benefit or ½ CPI-U. The prior interpretation from the IDOI Public Pension Division was that Tier II disabled members were entitled to an initial COLA increase on the later of the January 1st after the pensioner turns age 60 or the January 1st after the benefit date anniversary equal to 3% of the original monthly benefit for each full year that has passed since the pension began. In accordance with the new opinion, we have included a change in liability due to a change in the substantive plan, which includes written provisions as well as administrative interpretations. The impact of this change has been quantified as Changes of Benefit Terms in the current valuation. DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 14 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET PENSION LIABILITY The table below illustrates the changes in Net Pension Liability (“NPL”) from the prior Measurement Date to the current Measurement Date. Under Statement 68, the difference between the NPL from the prior Measurement Date to the current Measurement Date should be recognized as a component of Pension Expense, unless permitted to be recognized as a Deferred Outflow or Inflow of Resources. The changes in Total Pension Liability shown above are described in the Statement of Changes in Total Pension Liability section of this report. The Plan Fiduciary Net Position was detailed in the prior section of this report. The Employer’s Net Pension Liability is the excess of the Total Pension Liability over the Plan Fiduciary Net Position. Increase (Decrease) Total Pension P lan Fiduciary Net Pension Liability Net Position Liability (a)(b)(a) - (b) Balances Beginning at 5/1/2022 57,107,066$ 56,638,040$ 469,026$ Changes for the Year: Service Cost 1,133,068 - 1,133,068 Interest 3,939,393 - 3,939,393 Actuarial Experience 226,460 - 226,460 Change in Assumptions - - - Changes of Benefit Terms (53,189) - (53,189) Contributions - Employer - 621,970 (621,970) Contributions - Members - 491,717 (491,717) Contributions - Other - - - Net Investment Income - 276,331 (276,331) Benefit Payments and Refunds (2,285,556) (2,285,556) - Administrative Expense - (23,984) 23,984 Net Changes 2,960,176$ (919,522)$ 3,879,698$ Balances Ending at 4/30/2023 60,067,242$ 55,718,518$ 4,348,724$ DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 15 DEFERRED OUTFLOWS AND INFLOWS OF RESOURCES The table below shows the cumulative amounts to be shown as Deferred Outflows and Inflows of Resources. Changes in Total Pension Liability related to the differences between expected and actual experience, or changes in assumptions regarding future events, are recognized in Pension Expense over the average future working career of all Members (active and inactive) in the Pension Plan. The net difference in projected and actual earnings on Pension Plan investments over the measurement period are recognized over a 5-year period. Amounts not yet recognized are summarized below: *Contributions Subsequent to the Measurement Date may be recognized as a reduction to the Net Pension Liability. The amount is not known as of the date of this report. Subsequent to the Measurement Date, the following amounts will be recognized in Pension Expense in the upcoming years: Deferred Outflows Deferred Inflows Total Deferred of Resources of Resources Amounts Differences Between Expected and Actual Experience 774,332$ (1,537,535)$ (763,203)$ Change in Assumptions 561,750 (246,050) 315,700 Net Difference Between Projected and Actual Earnings on Pension Plan Investments 8,064,841 (2,671,282) 5,393,559 Contributions Subsequent to the Measurement Date*- - - Total 9,400,923$ (4,454,867)$ 4,946,056$ Year Ended April 30: 2024 1,061,653$ 2025 818,545 2026 2,361,839 2027 743,479 2028 (43,010) Thereafter 3,550$ DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 16 DEFERRED OUTFLOWS AND INFLOWS OF RESOURCES – DETAIL The table below shows the annual detail amounts that have been summarized on the prior page. Under Statement 68, the level of detail shown on the prior page is sufficient for financial statement reporting. The detail shown below is primarily for tracking purposes. Each detail amount shown above was established as of the Fiscal Year End shown and the full amount deferred has been determined as of that time. Any events that occur in subsequent Fiscal Years do not have an impact on the prior Fiscal Year. The bases are established independently each year. 4/30/2023 4/30/2023 Date Initial Initial Remaining Expense Deferred Pension Expense Source Established Period Balance Period Recognized Balance Asset Loss 4/30/2023 5.00 $3,646,477 5.00 $729,296 $2,917,181 Actuarial Loss 4/30/2023 6.81 226,460 6.81 33,255 193,205 Asset Loss 4/30/2022 5.00 8,026,240 4.00 1,605,248 4,815,744 Actuarial Gain 4/30/2022 7.10 (1,660,449) 6.10 (233,867) (1,192,715) Asset Gain 4/30/2021 5.00 (6,678,208) 3.00 (1,335,642) (2,671,282) Actuarial Gain 4/30/2021 7.14 (143,993) 5.14 (20,168) (83,489) Asset Loss 4/30/2020 5.00 1,659,588 2.00 331,918 331,916 Change in Assumptions Loss 4/30/2020 8.70 1,039,838 5.70 119,522 561,750 Actuarial Loss 4/30/2020 8.70 953,997 5.70 109,655 515,377 Asset Loss 4/30/2019 5.00 332,641 1.00 66,525 - Actuarial Loss 4/30/2019 8.29 165,685 4.29 19,987 65,750 Actuarial Gain 4/30/2018 8.70 (13,601) 3.70 (1,564) (4,217) Change in Assumptions Gain 4/30/2017 8.70 (1,259,209) 2.70 (144,737) (246,050) Actuarial Gain 4/30/2017 8.70 (1,315,850) 2.70 (151,248) (257,114) Total $4,979,616 $1,128,180 $4,946,056 DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 17 PENSION EXPENSE DEVELOPMENT The table below displays the Pension Expense development for the current year. The Pension Expense includes items that change the Net Pension Liability from one year to the next, netted out for amounts that are deferred under GASB pronouncement, plus any amounts that are being recognized that were deferred previously. See below for the Pension Expense development: Pension Expense/(Income) Under GASB 68 Service Cost $1,133,068 Interest 3,939,393 Changes of Benefit Terms (53,189) Contributions - Members (491,717) Contributions - Other - Expected Investment Income (3,922,808) Administrative Expense 23,984 Other Changes - Initial Pension Expense/(Income)$628,731 Recognition of Outflow/(Inflow) of Resources Due to Liabilities (269,165) Recognition of Outflow/(Inflow) of Resources Due to Assets 1,397,345 Total Pension Expense/(Income)$1,756,911 4/30/2023 DRAFT ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS INFORMATION Statement of Significant Actuarial Assumptions Assumption Changes Actuarial Assumptions (Demographic) Postemployment Benefit Changes Expected Return on Pension Plan Investments Municipal Bond Rate Discount Rate Sensitivity of the Discount Rate Assessment and Use of Actuarial Models DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 19 STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANT ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS See the Actuarial Assumptions (Demographic) section of this report for further details on Demographic Assumptions. The Actuarial Assumptions (Economic) rates shown above are assumed to be annual rates, compounded on an annual basis. For more information on the selection of the actuarial assumptions, please see the Actuarial Assumption Summary document prepared for the Plan, available upon request. ASSUMPTION CHANGES The assumptions were changed from the prior year. The High-Quality 20 Year Tax-Exempt General Obligation (“G.O.”) Bond Rate assumption was changed from 3.21% to 3.53% for the current year. The underlying index used is The Bond Buyer 20-Bond G.O. Index as discussed in more detail later in this section. The choice of Index is unchanged from the prior year. The rate has been updated to the current Fiscal Year End based on changes in market conditions as reflected in the Index. The change was made to reflect our understanding of the requirements of GASB under Statement 67 and Statement 68. The Discount Rate used in the determination of the Total Pension Liability remained constant at 7.00%. The Discount Rate is impacted by a couple of metrics. Any change in the underlying High-Quality 20 Year Tax Exempt G.O. Bond Rate will impact the blended Discount Rate. The assumption changes stated above were made to better reflect the future anticipated experience of the Plan. Actuarial Assumptions (Economic) Discount Rate Used for the Total Pension Liability 7.00% Expected Rate of Return on Investments 7.00% High-Quality 20 Year Tax-Exempt G.O. Bond Rate 3.53% Projected Individual Pay Increases 3.75% - 10.02% Projected Total Payroll Increases 3.00% Consumer Price Index (Urban)2.25% Inflation Rate 2.25%DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 20 In addition, there are changes that can be made that impact the projection of the Plan Fiduciary Net Position. For example, changes in the Formal or Informal Funding Policy can impact the Discount Rate. Actual changes in the Plan Fiduciary Net Position from one year to the next can impact the projections as well. DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 21 ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS (DEMOGRAPHIC) Projected Individual Pay Increases* Projected individual pay increases include a long-term average increase for inflation, average annual increases for promotions, and any additional increases for a step program. Sample rates are as follows: *Projected individual pay increases for active Members hired at age 40 or older are assumed annual increases at the ultimate rate reduced by 50 basis points, without adjustments in early service years. Retirement Rates 100% of the L&A Assumption Study for Police 2020 Cap Age 65. Sample rates are as follows: Service Rate Service Rate 0 10.02%8 3.75% 1 9.46%9 3.75% 2 8.98%10 3.75% 3 8.55%15 3.75% 4 8.18%20 3.75% 5 7.85%25 3.75% 6 7.55%30 3.75% 7 3.75%35 3.75% Age Rate A ge Rate 50 11.00% 58 16.25% 51 11.55% 59 16.25% 52 12.13% 60 16.25% 53 12.73% 61 16.25% 54 13.37% 62 18.00% 55 14.04% 63 20.00% 56 14.74% 64 20.00% 57 15.48% 65 100.00%DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 22 Termination Rates 100% of the L&A Assumption Study for Police 2020. Sample rates are as follows: Disability Rates 100% of the L&A Assumption Study for Police 2020. Sample rates are as follows: 65% of active Members who become disabled are assumed to be in the Line of Duty. Mortality Rates Active Mortality follows the Sex Distinct Raw Rates as developed in the PubS-2010(A) Study. Mortality improvement uses MP-2019 Improvement Rates applied on a fully generational basis. 50% of active Member deaths are assumed to be in the Line of Duty. Retiree Mortality follows the L&A Assumption Study for Police 2020. These rates are experience weighted with the Sex Distinct Raw Rates as developed in the PubS-2010(A) Study improved to 2017 using MP-2019 Improvement Rates. These rates are then improved fully generationally using MP-2019 Improvement Rates. Disabled Mortality follows the Sex Distinct Raw Rates as developed in the PubS-2010 Study for disabled participants. Mortality improvement uses MP-2019 Improvement Rates applied on a fully generational basis. Age Rate Age Rate 25 8.00% 40 2.17% 30 3.40% 45 1.56% 35 2.79% 50 0.46% Age Rate Age Rate 25 0.00% 40 0.38% 30 0.06% 45 0.53% 35 0.18% 50 0.48%DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 23 Mortality Rates (Continued) Spouse Mortality follows the Sex Distinct Raw Rates as developed in the PubS-2010(A) Study for contingent survivors. For all rates not provided there (ages 45 and younger) the PubG-2010 Study for general employees was used. Mortality improvement uses MP-2019 Improvement Rates applied on a fully generational basis. Marital Assumptions Active Members: 80% of active Members are assumed to be married. Female spouses are assumed to be 3 years younger than male spouses. Retiree and Disabled Members: Actual spousal data was utilized for retiree and disabled Members. POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT CHANGES Eligibility for postemployment benefit increases is determined based on the Illinois Pension Code. Tier I Police retirees are provided with an annual increase of 3.00% of the current retirement benefits by statute when eligible. Tier II Police retirees are provided postemployment benefit increases based on the lesser of 3.00% of the original retirement benefits or one-half of the Consumer Price Index (Urban) for the prior September. The CPI-U for September 1992 was 141.30. The CPI-U for September 2022 was 296.81. The average increase in the CPI-U for September 1992 through September 2022 was 2.52% (on a compounded basis). DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 24 EXPECTED RETURN ON PENSION PLAN INVESTMENTS The Long-Term Expected Rate of Return is intended to represent the best estimate of future real rates of return and is shown for each of the major asset classes in the investment policy. The target asset allocations shown below are representative expectations as disclosed in the Illinois Police Officers’ Pension Investment Fund Actuarial Experience Study, dated March 4, 2022, for plan funding purposes. The table below illustrates the best estimate of Long-Term Expected Rates of Return developed for each of the major asset classes, adjusted for expected inflation, as disclosed in the Horizon Actuarial Services Survey of Capital Market Assumptions 2021 Edition, dated August 2021. There are multiple approaches seen to providing these rates. Typically, the information is either based on capital market projections, or historical rates seen for the asset classes. We do not provide an opinion on the reasonableness of the returns provided nor the reasonableness of the approach used in the determination of the rates provided. The information provided is shown below for convenience. The rates provided in the table below are based on a geometric average. The Investment Policy Statement will provide more detail regarding the Fund’s policies on asset allocation targets and acceptable ranges. Long-Term Expected Long-Term Long-Term Expected Target Asset Class Rate of Return Inflation Expectation Real Rate of Return A llocation US Large 6.65%2.50%4.15%23.00% US Small 7.04%2.50%4.54%5.00% International Developed 7.14%2.50%4.64%18.00% International Developed Small 2.25%2.50%-0.25%5.00% Emerging Markets 7.81%2.50%5.31%7.00% Private Equity (Direct)9.65%2.50%7.15%7.00% Bank Loans 4.98%2.50%2.48%3.00% High Yield Corp. Credit 4.98%2.50%2.48%3.00% Emerging Market Debt 5.32%2.50%2.82%3.00% Private Credit 6.87%2.50%4.37%5.00% US TIPS 2.38%2.50%-0.12%3.00% Real Estate/Infrastructure 6.50%2.50%4.00%8.00% Cash 2.23%2.50%-0.27%1.00% Short-Term Gov't/Credit 3.23%2.50%0.73%3.00% US Treasury 1.90%2.50%-0.60%3.00% Core Plus Fixed Income 3.23%2.50%0.73%3.00%DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 25 Long-Term Expected Real Rates of Return under GASB are expected to reflect the period of time that begins when a Plan Member begins to provide service to the employer and ends at the point when all benefits to the Plan Member have been paid. The rates provided above are intended to estimate those figures. The Long-Term Inflation Expectation is 2.50% and is included in the Long-Term Expected Rates of Return. The Long-Term Inflation Expectation is from the same source as the Long-Term Expected Real Rates of Return, and is not necessarily reflective of the inflation measures used for other purposes in the report. Geometric rates of return are equal to arithmetic rates of return when the annual returns exhibit no volatility over time. When arithmetic returns are volatile on a year-to-year basis, the actual realized geometric returns over time will be lower. Higher volatility results in a greater difference. For additional discussion regarding the Expected Return on Pension Plan Investments, please reference the Actuarial Funding Report. There are additional disclosures regarding reasonableness and market observations included in that report. DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 26 MUNICIPAL BOND RATE The Municipal Bond Rate assumption is based on the Bond Buyer 20-Bond G.O. Index. The rate shown earlier in this section of the report is the April 27, 2023 rate. The 20-Bond G.O. Index is based on an average of certain general obligation municipal bonds maturing in 20 years and having an average rating equivalent of Moody's Aa2 and Standard & Poor's AA. The indices represent theoretical yields rather than actual price or yield quotations. Municipal bond traders are asked to estimate what a current-coupon bond for each issuer in the indices would yield if the bond was sold at par value. The indices are simple averages of the average estimated yields of the bonds. DISCOUNT RATE The Discount Rate used in the determination of the Total Pension Liability is based on a combination of the Expected Rate of Return on Plan Investments and the Municipal Bond Rate. Cash flow projections were used to determine the extent to which the Plan’s Projected Fiduciary Net Position will be able to cover Projected Benefit Payments. To the extent that Projected Benefit Payments are covered by the Plan’s Projected Fiduciary Net Position, the Expected Rate of Return on Plan Investments is used to determine the portion of the Net Pension Liability associated with those payments. To the extent that Projected Benefit Payments are not covered by the Plan’s Projected Fiduciary Net Position, the Municipal Bond Rate is used to determine the portion of the Net Pension Liability associated with those payments. Projected benefit payments are determined during the actuarial process based on the assumptions. More details on the assumptions are earlier in this section of the report. The expected contributions are based on the Funding Policy of the Plan. The Funding Policy is discussed in more detail in the Funding Policy section of this report. DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 27 SENSITIVITY OF THE DISCOUNT RATE The Employer’s Net Pension Liability has been determined using the Discount Rate listed earlier in this section of the report. Below is a table illustrating the sensitivity of the Employer’s Net Pension Liability to the Discount Rate assumption. The sensitivity of the Employer’s Net Pension Liability to the Discount Rate is based primarily on two factors: 1. The duration of the Plan’s Projected Benefit Payments. Younger Plans with benefit payments further in the future will be more sensitive to changes in the Discount Rate. 2. The Percent Funded of the Plan (ratio of the Plan Fiduciary Net Position to the Total Pension Liability). The higher the Percent Funded, the higher the sensitivity to the Discount Rate. 1%Current 1% Decrease Discount Rate Increase (6.00%)(7.00%)(8.00%) Employer's Net Pension Liability $13,292,510 $4,348,724 ($2,927,901)DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 28 ASSESSMENT AND USE OF ACTUARIAL MODELS Actuarial Valuations rely upon the use of actuarial modeling software to predict the occurrence of future events, which include specific demographic and financial potential outcomes. Actuarial assumptions are established to provide a guideline to use for such modeling. • The model used in this Actuarial Valuation is intended to determine the Recommended Contribution, under the selected Funding Policy, to assist in the preparation of the Annual Financial Report. The actuarial assumptions used were developed with this goal in mind. • There are no known material limitations or inconsistencies among the actuarial assumptions or methods. • The output from the model is reasonable based on the individual actuarial assumptions and based on the actuarial assumptions in the aggregate. • The actuarial software used to calculate plan liabilities has been purchased from an outside vendor. We have performed thorough testing of the software, including review of sample participants, to ensure the intended purpose of the model, the operation of the model, sensitivities and dependencies, and strengths and limitations of the model are sufficient for this purpose. • Demographic data and financial information have been provided by client professionals, financial advisors, and/or auditors, who are known to be experts in their respective fields. We rely on the fact that the information provided by these experts has been given for the intended purpose of this Actuarial Valuation. • Where applicable, certain actuarial assumptions and Funding Policy may be required as prescribed by law. In such instances, we have followed legal guidance to ensure conformity. • The Expected Rate of Return on Investments assumption has been chosen using input from several sources; including, but not limited to: client professionals, financial advisors, auditors, and other capital market outlooks. We have relied on the information provided, in the aggregate, to settle on the selected Expected Rate of Return on Investments assumption. DRAFT PARTICIPANT DATA Participant Demographic Data & Average Future Working Career DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 30 PARTICIPANT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA & AVERAGE FUTURE WORKING CAREER The chart below summarizes the Member count, payroll, and average future working career as of: Member counts shown above are as of the Actuarial Valuation Date for the two most recent Fiscal Years. Payroll of Active Plan Members is the pensionable salary for active Plan Members as of the Actuarial Valuation – Data Date. For the Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2023, a beginning of year Actuarial Valuation Date was used along with a rollforward of liabilities to the end of the Fiscal Year based on assumptions and standard rollforward techniques. The average future working career is measured as of the Actuarial Valuation Date and is based on the demographic assumptions used in the preparation of this report. Actuarial Valuation - Data Date 4/30/2021 4/30/2022 Fiscal Year End for Reporting (FYE 4/30/2022) (FYE 4/30/2023) Inactive Plan Members or Beneficiaries Currently Receiving Benefits 32 33 Inactive Plan Members Entitled to But Not Yet Receiving Benefits 9 10 Active Plan Members 48 48 Total 89 91 P ayroll of Active Plan Members 4,684,080$ 4,806,036$ Average Future Working Career (In Years) Active Plan Members 13.17 12.90 Inactive Plan Members 0.00 0.00 Total 7.10 6.81 DRAFT FUNDING POLICY Components of the Actuarially Determined Contribution Formal Funding Policy Informal Funding Policy Funding Policy – Other Considerations DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 32 COMPONENTS OF THE ACTUARIALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION The Actuarially Determined Contribution (“ADC”) includes the determination of the Normal Cost Contribution for active Plan Members, as well as a provision for the payment towards Unfunded Liability. The actuarial funding method used in the determination of the Normal Cost and the Actuarial Accrued Liability is the Entry Age Normal Cost Method (level percent of pay). The method allocates Normal Cost Contributions by Members over the working career of the Member as a level percent of pay. Unfunded Liability is the excess of the Actuarial Accrued Liability over the Actuarial Value of Assets. The Actuarially Determined Contribution includes a payment towards Unfunded Liability existing at the Actuarial Valuation Date. The payment towards Unfunded Liability is set up as a level percent of payroll payment that is expected to increase during the payment period. The current Employer Contributions are being compared to the Actuarially Determined Contribution as developed in the May 1, 2021 Actuarial Valuation. The equivalent single amortization period as of that valuation is 15 years. The period of repayment as of that valuation is based on a layered amortization with new sources of Unfunded Liability paid off over 15 years. The Actuarial Value of Assets smooths gains and losses on the Fair Value of Assets over a 5-year period. Under no circumstances will the Actuarially Determined Contribution be less than the amount determined as the Statutory Minimum Contribution under Illinois State Statutes. FORMAL FUNDING POLICY There is no Formal Funding Policy that exists between the Pension Board and the City at this time. INFORMAL FUNDING POLICY In determining the most appropriate Informal Funding Policy, GASB provides the following guidance in the Statement: Application of professional judgment should consider the most recent five-year contribution history of the employers and nonemployer contributing entities as a key indicator of future contributions from those sources and should reflect all other known events and conditions.… the amount of projected cash flows for contributions from employers and nonemployer contributing entities should be limited to an average of contributions from those sources over the most recent five-year period and may be modified based on consideration of subsequent events. For this purpose, the basis for the average (for example, percentage of covered payroll contributed or percentage of Actuarially Determined Contributions made) should be a matter of professional judgment. DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 33 In our review of the Informal Funding Policy, the following factors are considered and described herein: 1. Five-Year Contribution History of the Employer (with a focus on the average contributions from those sources) 2. Other Known Events and Conditions 3. Consideration of Subsequent Events Five-Year Contribution History of the Employer Employer Contributions (under the Informal Funding Policy) should be limited to the average over the most recent five years. In determining the basis for the average, we reviewed three possibilities: (a) the average dollar contribution; (b) the average percent of pensionable pay; and (c) the average percent of the Actuarially Determined Contribution. Please see the table below for a summary of these values: When compared to the other policies reviewed, history suggests that a contribution as a percent of the Actuarially Determined Contribution is the least volatile, and as a result, the most stable contribution method under an Informal Funding Policy. Other Known Events and Conditions GASB has a provision for consideration of any other known events or conditions in the most recent five- year history in applying judgement for the Informal Funding Policy. For the Fiscal Year End April 30, 2021, there was an additional $23,929,568 in Employer Contributions from the issuance of Pension Obligation Bonds which were treated as one-time contributions; and therefore, are not included in the determination of the Informal Funding Policy. Consideration of Subsequent Events GASB has a provision for modification based on consideration of subsequent events in the development of the Informal Funding Policy. There are no subsequent events that have been considered in the development of the Informal Funding Policy. Fiscal Most Covered- Year Employer Applicable % of Employee % of End Contributions ADC ADC Payroll Payroll 4/30/2023 $621,970 $625,600 99.42% $4,959,035 12.54% 4/30/2022 $655,318 $2,576,006 25.44% $4,717,332 13.89% 4/30/2021 $2,220,747 $2,231,742 99.51% $4,686,805 47.38% 4/30/2020 $2,077,704 $2,082,421 99.77% $4,444,767 46.74% 4/30/2019 $2,017,300 $2,019,703 99.88% $4,224,124 47.76%DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 34 Informal Funding Policy – Selected The Informal Funding Policy that has been determined for future contributions is 84.80% of the Actuarially Determined Contribution. This represents the full future contributions expected to be made. FUNDING POLICY – OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Under GASB, the future contribution amount is not intended to include dollars contributed on behalf of future employees. Contributions are only intended to cover contributions towards the Normal Cost of current employees as of the Actuarial Valuation Date as well as payment of Unfunded Liability on behalf of the current employees. Contributions under the Funding Policy have been adjusted as necessary to exclude dollars that would be anticipated to be contributed on behalf of future employees hired after the Actuarial Valuation Date. The contribution level may not pay off the Unfunded Liability during the active working career of current employees. In that case, contributions will persist beyond the working career of current employees. To the extent that a portion of the above total contribution is anticipated to pay contributions for the Normal Cost of future employees, the amount has been netted out. The remaining amount is anticipated to be paid towards the Unfunded Liability existing for current employees. The Actuarially Determined Contribution is determined annually based on the parameters previously discussed. The funding methods and procedures are assumed to continue into the future. If applicable, the tax levy in the next December is assumed to be the Actuarially Determined Contribution. Funding is assumed to go into the Plan during the next full Fiscal Year. DRAFT SCHEDULES OF REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Schedule of Changes in the Net Pension Liability Schedule of Total Pension Liability and Related Ratios Schedule of Contributions Notes to Schedule of Contributions DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 36 SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN THE NET PENSION LIABILITY The current year information was developed in the completion of this report. 4/30/2023 4/30/2022 4/30/2021 4/30/2020 4/30/2019 4/30/2018 4/30/2017 4/30/2016 4/30/2015 4/30/2014 Total Pension Liability Service Cost 1,133,068$ 1,104,977$ 1,106,282$ 1,020,016$ 964,573$ 969,843$ 906,395$ 948,282$ 876,654$ -$ Interest 3,939,393 3,739,492 3,687,359 3,400,174 3,244,523 3,100,186 3,130,927 2,940,204 2,804,198 - Changes of Benefit Terms (53,189) - - 267,927 - - - - - - Differences Between Expected and Actual Experience 226,460 (1,660,449) (143,993) 953,997 165,685 (13,601) (1,315,850) (531,862) (300,710) - Change in Assumptions - - - 1,039,838 - - (1,259,209) 4,137,023 391,028 - Benefit Payments and Refunds (2,285,556) (2,428,688) (2,441,100) (2,225,355) (2,077,032) (1,911,914) (1,890,931) (2,046,745) (1,868,756) - Net Change in Total Pension Liability 2,960,176$ 755,332$ 2,208,548$ 4,456,597$ 2,297,749$ 2,144,514$ (428,668)$ 5,446,902$ 1,902,414$ -$ Total Pension Liability - Beginning 57,107,066 56,351,734 54,143,186 49,686,589 47,388,840 45,244,326 45,672,994 40,226,092 38,323,678 - Total Pension Liability - Ending (a)60,067,242$ 57,107,066$ 56,351,734$ 54,143,186$ 49,686,589$ 47,388,840$ 45,244,326$ 45,672,994$ 40,226,092$ -$ Plan Fiduciary Net Position Contributions - Employer 621,970$ 655,318$ 26,150,315$ 2,077,704$ 2,017,300$ 1,868,798$ 1,521,914$ 1,386,205$ 1,295,101$ -$ Contributions - Members 491,717 467,800 469,279 500,202 427,378 409,415 397,515 513,111 381,363 - Contributions - Other - 27,092 435,068 - 1,221 - - - - - Net Investment Income 276,331 (3,752,680) 9,474,446 249,998 1,454,043 2,225,784 2,041,694 (228,847) 1,101,915 - Benefit Payments and Refunds (2,285,556) (2,428,688) (2,441,100) (2,225,355) (2,077,032) (1,911,914) (1,890,931) (2,046,745) (1,868,756) - Administrative Expense (23,984) (41,781) (33,003) (100,204) (17,813) (18,717) (41,163) (29,539) (36,845) - Net Change in Plan Fiduciary Net Position (919,522)$ (5,072,939)$ 34,055,005$ 502,345$ 1,805,097$ 2,573,366$ 2,029,028$ (405,815)$ 872,778$ -$ Plan Fiduciary Net Position - Beginning 56,638,040 61,710,979 27,655,974 27,153,629 25,348,532 22,775,166 20,746,138 21,151,953 20,279,175 - Plan Fiduciary Net Position - Ending (b)55,718,518$ 56,638,040$ 61,710,979$ 27,655,974$ 27,153,629$ 25,348,532$ 22,775,166$ 20,746,138$ 21,151,953$ -$ Employer's Net Pension Liability - Ending (a) - (b)4,348,724$ 469,026$ (5,359,245)$ 26,487,212$ 22,532,960$ 22,040,308$ 22,469,160$ 24,926,856$ 19,074,139$ -$ DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 37 SCHEDULE OF TOTAL PENSION LIABILITY AND RELATED RATIOS Covered-Employee Payroll shown above for the current year is based on the Covered-Employee Payroll for the Plan Members during the Fiscal Year. 4/30/2023 4/30/2022 4/30/2021 4/30/2020 4/30/2019 4/30/2018 4/30/2017 4/30/2016 4/30/2015 4/30/2014 Total Pension Liability - Ending (a)60,067,242$ 57,107,066$ 56,351,734$ 54,143,186$ 49,686,589$ 47,388,840$ 45,244,326$ 45,672,994$ 40,226,092$ -$ Plan Fiduciary Net Position - Ending (b)55,718,518$ 56,638,040$ 61,710,979$ 27,655,974$ 27,153,629$ 25,348,532$ 22,775,166$ 20,746,138$ 21,151,953$ -$ Employer's Net Pension Liability - Ending (a) - (b)4,348,724$ 469,026$ (5,359,245)$ 26,487,212$ 22,532,960$ 22,040,308$ 22,469,160$ 24,926,856$ 19,074,139$ -$ Plan Fiduciary Net Position as a Percentage of the Total Pension Liability 92.76%99.18% 109.51%51.08%54.65%53.49%50.34%45.42%52.58% Covered-Employee Payroll 4,959,035$ 4,717,332$ 4,686,805$ 4,444,767$ 4,224,124$ 4,204,784$ 4,082,315$ 3,880,748$ 3,791,467$ -$ Employer's Net Pension Liability as a Percentage of Covered-Employee Payroll 87.69%9.94% (114.35%) 595.92% 533.44% 524.17% 550.40% 642.32% 503.08%DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 38 SCHEDULE OF CONTRIBUTIONS NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF CONTRIBUTIONS The Actuarially Determined Contribution shown above for the current year is the Recommended Contribution from the May 1, 2021 Actuarial Valuation completed by Lauterbach & Amen, LLP for the December 2021 tax levy, if applicable. The methods and assumptions shown below are based on the same Actuarial Valuation. For more detail on the age-based and service-based rates disclosed below, please see the Actuarial Valuation. 4/30/2023 4/30/2022 4/30/2021 4/30/2020 4/30/2019 4/30/2018 4/30/2017 4/30/2016 4/30/2015 4/30/2014 Actuarially Determined Contribution 625,600$ 2,576,006$ 2,231,742$ 2,082,421$ 2,019,703$ 1,874,219$ 1,524,244$ 1,387,374$ 1,295,577$ -$ Contributions in Relation to the Actuarially Determined Contribution 621,970 655,318 26,150,315 2,077,704 2,017,300 1,868,798 1,521,914 1,386,205 1,295,101 0 Contribution Deficiency/(Excess)3,630$ 1,920,688$ (23,918,573)$ 4,717$ 2,403$ 5,421$ 2,330$ 1,169$ 476$ -$ Covered-Employee Payroll 4,959,035$ 4,717,332$ 4,686,805$ 4,444,767$ 4,224,124$ 4,204,784$ 4,082,315$ 3,880,748$ 3,791,467$ -$ Contributions as a Percentage of Covered-Employee Payroll 12.54% 13.89% 557.96% 46.74% 47.76% 44.44% 37.28% 35.72% 34.16% Actuarial Cost Method Entry Age Normal A mortization Method Level % Pay (Closed) Equivalent Single Amortization Period 100% Funded Over 15 Years (Layered) Asset Valuation Method 5-Year Smoothed Fair Value Inflation (CPI-U)2.25% Total Payroll Increases 3.00% Individual Pay Increases 3.75% - 10.02% Expected Rate of Return on Investments 7.00% Mortality Rates Pub-2010 Adjusted for Plan Status, Demographics, and Illinois Public Pension Data, as Described Retirement Rates 100% of L&A 2020 Illinois Police Retirement Rates Capped at Age 65 Termination Rates 100% of L&A 2020 Illinois Police Termination Rates Disability Rates 100% of L&A 2020 Illinois Police Disability RatesDRAFT GASB METHODS AND PROCEDURES GASB Methods and Procedures DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 40 GASB METHODS AND PROCEDURES Statement 67 Statement 68 Pe nsion Plan Financials Employer Financials Fiscal Year End for Reporting April 30, 2023 April 30, 2023 Measurement Date April 30, 2023 April 30, 2023 Actuarial Valuation Date May 1, 2022 May 1, 2022 Actuarial Valuation - Data Date April 30, 2022 April 30, 2022 Asset Valuation Method Fair Value Fair Value Actuarial Cost Method Entry Age Normal (Level %) Entry Age Normal (Level %) Methodology Used in the Determination of Deferred Outflows and Inflows of Resources Amortization Method Straight Line Straight Line Amortization Period Actuarial Experience 6.81 Years 6.81 Years Change in Assumptions 6.81 Years 6.81 Years Asset Experience 5.00 Years 5.00 YearsDRAFT SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES GASB Projections – Summary and Procedure GASB Projections – Limitations Projection of Contributions Notes to Projection of Contributions Projection of the Pension Plan’s Fiduciary Net Position Notes to Projection of the Pension Plan’s Fiduciary Net Position Actuarial Present Value of Projected Benefit Payments Notes to Actuarial Present Value of Projected Benefit Payments DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 42 GASB PROJECTIONS – SUMMARY AND PROCEDURE GASB requires a solvency test to use in the determination of the Discount Rate each year. The Plan Fiduciary Net Position is projected forward. To the extent that the Plan Fiduciary Net Position is anticipated to be greater than $0, Projected Benefit Payments are discounted based on the Expected Rate of Return on Plan Investments. If the Plan Fiduciary Net Position is anticipated to reach $0 prior to the payment of Projected Benefit Payments for employees who are in the Plan as of the Actuarial Valuation Date, then the remaining Projected Benefit Payments are discounted using the High-Quality Municipal Bond Rate, as described in the Actuarial Assumptions Information section of this report. The chart below is a high-level summary of the projections: The Plan’s Projected Fiduciary Net Position is anticipated to cover Projected Benefit Payments in full for the current employees. DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 43 GASB PROJECTIONS – LIMITATIONS Projections of any type require assumptions about future events. The projections required for GASB reporting are deterministic in nature. That means that values are projected forward under one set of assumptions which can be thought of as the average result. Actual results could vary, and projections of one deterministic assumption set do not necessarily provide a framework for making risk management or Funding Policy decisions. Projections that deal with risk management are outside the scope of this report. In addition, GASB requirements create results that are specific only to financial statement reporting, and should not be used or interpreted for other purposes. For example, GASB cash flow projections do not entail the total expected cash flows of the Plan, but rather a subset of cash flows specific to employees who are in the Plan as of the Actuarial Valuation Date. While the likely expectation may be that future employees are hired to replace the current employees, cash flows attributable to their benefits are not considered. Under GASB, when the Plan Fiduciary Net Position reaches $0, that represents the Plan Fiduciary Net Position for the assets attributable to the current employees. Also, GASB mandates certain assumptions that are made in the projection process. Most notably, Projected Contributions under an Informal Funding Policy. In proposing an Informal Funding Policy, GASB suggests a focus be placed on the average contributions over the past 5 years. Projected Contributions in this section may be based on the five-year average, unless a Formal Funding Policy is in place. Contributions reflecting an Informal Funding Policy are applied under GASB, whether or not the projected results dictate a need for more or less contributions. This would not be the case with other uses for projections. Any events that are taken into account (past or future) in the Informal Funding Policy are discussed in the Funding Policy section of this report. Projections further into the future are more sensitive to assumption changes. For projections that run out close to 80 years, a small change in an assumption may have a dramatic impact on the projections. If the solvency of the Plan as determined by GASB remains constant, then dramatic changes in the projection results may not necessarily lead to big changes in the determination of the Total Pension Liability. We recommend the projections are not used for any other purposes, other than providing information for purposes of the financial statement report. The following pages provide the detail behind the chart shown on the prior page. DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 44 PROJECTION OF CONTRIBUTIONS – YEARS 1 TO 30 Column d – Contributions from current employees to the Plan (employees in the Plan as of the Actuarial Valuation Date). Column e – Employer Contributions to the Plan excluding contributions for employees hired after the Actuarial Valuation Date. Column f – Contributions from future employees to the extent that contributions are assumed to be greater than their Normal Cost. Projected Pensionable Payroll Projected Contributions Employer Contributions P ayroll for Payroll for Total Contributions Contributions Related to Current Future Employee from Current for Current Payroll of Future Total Employees Employees Payroll Employees Employees Employees Contributions Year (a)(b)(c) = (a) + (b) (d) - Notes (e) - Notes (f) - Notes (g) = (d) + (e) + (f) 1 4,806,036$ -$ 4,806,036$ 491,717$ 621,970$ -$ 1,113,687$ 2 4,877,537 72,680 4,950,217 483,364 569,422 - 1,052,786 3 4,938,968 159,756 5,098,724 489,452 1,161,795 - 1,651,247 4 4,946,659 305,026 5,251,685 490,214 1,184,347 - 1,674,561 5 4,923,710 485,526 5,409,236 487,940 1,199,566 - 1,687,506 6 4,887,825 683,688 5,571,513 484,383 1,211,040 - 1,695,423 7 4,846,474 892,185 5,738,658 480,286 1,221,320 - 1,701,606 8 4,784,854 1,125,964 5,910,818 474,179 1,231,592 - 1,705,771 9 4,668,102 1,420,040 6,088,143 462,609 1,239,684 - 1,702,293 10 4,513,888 1,756,899 6,270,787 447,326 1,240,848 - 1,688,174 11 4,361,441 2,097,470 6,458,911 432,219 1,236,988 - 1,669,207 12 4,138,468 2,514,210 6,652,678 410,122 1,225,740 - 1,635,862 13 3,959,105 2,893,153 6,852,258 392,347 497,608 - 889,955 14 3,794,691 3,263,135 7,057,826 376,054 471,386 - 847,440 15 3,544,901 3,724,660 7,269,561 351,300 448,931 - 800,231 16 3,315,486 4,172,161 7,487,647 328,565 413,905 - 742,470 17 3,094,187 4,618,090 7,712,277 306,634 381,800 - 688,434 18 2,812,770 5,130,875 7,943,645 278,746 356,213 - 634,959 19 2,598,781 5,583,174 8,181,955 257,539 313,844 - 571,383 20 2,371,305 6,056,108 8,427,413 234,996 286,849 - 521,845 21 2,169,634 6,510,602 8,680,236 215,011 255,854 - 470,865 22 1,963,034 6,977,609 8,940,643 194,537 235,010 - 429,547 23 1,709,092 7,499,770 9,208,862 169,371 215,162 - 384,533 24 1,540,921 7,944,206 9,485,128 152,705 176,927 - 329,632 25 1,364,862 8,404,820 9,769,682 135,258 161,052 - 296,310 26 1,232,712 8,830,060 10,062,772 122,162 137,449 - 259,611 27 1,052,080 9,312,575 10,364,655 104,261 127,971 - 232,232 28 915,307 9,760,288 10,675,595 90,707 102,273 - 192,980 29 765,072 10,230,790 10,995,863 75,819 91,157 - 166,976 30 610,482 10,715,256 11,325,739 60,499 78,616 - 139,115 DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 45 PROJECTION OF CONTRIBUTIONS – YEARS 31 TO 60 Column d – Contributions from current employees to the Plan (employees in the Plan as of the Actuarial Valuation Date). Column e – Employer Contributions to the Plan excluding contributions for employees hired after the Actuarial Valuation Date. Column f – Contributions from future employees to the extent that contributions are assumed to be greater than their Normal Cost. Projected Pensionable Payroll Projected Contributions Employer Contributions P ayroll for Payroll for Total Contributions Contributions Related to Current Future Employee from Current for Current Payroll of Future Total Employees Employees Payroll Employees Employees Employees Contributions Year (a)(b)(c) = (a) + (b) (d) - Notes (e) - Notes (f) - Notes (g) = (d) + (e) + (f) 31 526,134$ 11,139,377$ 11,665,511$ 52,140$ 55,463$ -$ 107,603$ 32 414,992 11,600,484 12,015,476 41,126 52,435 - 93,561 33 343,524 12,032,416 12,375,940 34,043 39,104 - 73,147 34 279,533 12,467,686 12,747,219 27,702 32,785 - 60,487 35 213,343 12,916,293 13,129,635 21,142 28,328 - 49,470 36 179,577 13,343,947 13,523,524 17,796 19,382 - 37,178 37 139,555 13,789,675 13,929,230 13,830 17,838 - 31,668 38 107,413 14,239,694 14,347,107 10,645 14,004 - 24,649 39 89,573 14,687,947 14,777,520 8,877 9,759 - 18,636 40 73,130 15,147,716 15,220,846 7,247 8,138 - 15,385 41 48,740 15,628,731 15,677,471 4,830 7,979 - 12,809 42 21,118 16,126,677 16,147,795 2,093 6,809 - 8,902 43 - 16,632,229 16,632,229 - 4,158 - 4,158 44 - 17,131,196 17,131,196 - - - - 45 - 17,645,132 17,645,132 - - - - 46 - 18,174,486 18,174,486 - - - - 47 - 18,719,720 18,719,720 - - - - 48 - 19,281,312 19,281,312 - - - - 49 - 19,859,751 19,859,751 - - - - 50 - 20,455,544 20,455,544 - - - - 51 - 21,069,210 21,069,210 - - - - 52 - 21,701,286 21,701,286 - - - - 53 - 22,352,325 22,352,325 - - - - 54 - 23,022,895 23,022,895 - - - - 55 - 23,713,582 23,713,582 - - - - 56 - 24,424,989 24,424,989 - - - - 57 - 25,157,739 25,157,739 - - - - 58 - 25,912,471 25,912,471 - - - - 59 - 26,689,845 26,689,845 - - - - 60 - 27,490,540 27,490,540 - - - - DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 46 PROJECTION OF CONTRIBUTIONS – YEARS 61 TO 80 NOTES TO PROJECTION OF CONTRIBUTIONS Total Employee Payroll is projected to increase annually at the Projected Total Payroll Increases rate shown in the Actuarial Assumptions Information section of this report. Payroll for current employees (employees in the Plan as of the Actuarial Valuation Date) are projected on an employee-by-employee basis, using the Projected Individual Pay Increases and probability of remaining an employee in the future. Employer Contributions are related to current employees in the Plan as of the Actuarial Valuation Date. To the extent that Projected Contributions under the Funding Policy are made to cover the Normal Cost of benefit payments for future employees, those contributions are excluded for purposes of these projections and this report. Contributions are based on the Funding Policy as described in the Funding Policy section of this report. The contributions do not factor in changes in the Funding Policy based on an assumed Employer decision; if, the projections were to play out in this fashion. The only future events that are considered were outlined in the Funding Policy section of this report. Contributions from future employees have not been included. It is assumed that contributions made by future employees will not exceed the Normal Cost of their participation in the Plan. In addition, Employer Contributions on behalf of future employees have not been included per the GASB parameters. Projected Pensionable Payroll Projected Contributions Employer Contributions Payroll for Payroll for Total Contributions Contributions Related to Current Future Employee from Current for Current Payroll of Future Total Employees Employees Payroll Employees Employees Employees Contributions Year (a)(b)(c) = (a) + (b) (d) - Notes (e) - Notes (f) - Notes (g) = (d) + (e) + (f) 61 -$ 28,315,257$ 28,315,257$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 62 - 29,164,714 29,164,714 - - - - 63 - 30,039,656 30,039,656 - - - - 64 - 30,940,845 30,940,845 - - - - 65 - 31,869,071 31,869,071 - - - - 66 - 32,825,143 32,825,143 - - - - 67 - 33,809,897 33,809,897 - - - - 68 - 34,824,194 34,824,194 - - - - 69 - 35,868,920 35,868,920 - - - - 70 - 36,944,988 36,944,988 - - - - 71 - 38,053,337 38,053,337 - - - - 72 - 39,194,937 39,194,937 - - - - 73 - 40,370,785 40,370,785 - - - - 74 - 41,581,909 41,581,909 - - - - 75 - 42,829,366 42,829,366 - - - - 76 - 44,114,247 44,114,247 - - - - 77 - 45,437,675 45,437,675 - - - - 78 - 46,800,805 46,800,805 - - - - 79 - 48,204,829 48,204,829 - - - - 80 - 49,650,974 49,650,974 - - - - DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 47 PROJECTION OF THE PENSION PLAN’S FIDUCIARY NET POSITION – YEARS 1 TO 30 Column b – Contributions on behalf of current employees in the Plan as of the Actuarial Valuation Date. Column d – Based on the average Administrative Expense in recent years, and projected to increase in the future. Column e – Based on the Expected Rate of Return on Plan Investments, and does not factor in allocation changes. Projected Projected Beginning Projected Projected Projected Projected Ending Fiduciary Net Total Benefit Administrative Investment Fiduciary Net Position Contributions Payments Expense Earnings Position Year (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) = (a)+(b)-(c)-(d)+(e) 1 56,638,040$ 1,113,687$ 2,285,556$ 23,984$ 276,331$ 55,718,518$ 2 55,718,518 1,052,786 2,544,018 23,728 3,847,273 58,050,830 3 58,050,830 1,651,247 2,683,320 23,522 4,026,612 61,021,848 4 61,021,848 1,674,561 2,892,338 24,051 4,228,065 64,008,085 5 64,008,085 1,687,506 3,038,997 24,593 4,432,403 67,064,405 6 67,064,405 1,695,423 3,248,890 25,146 4,639,257 70,125,049 7 70,125,049 1,701,605 3,419,430 25,712 4,847,730 73,229,243 8 73,229,243 1,705,771 3,614,600 26,290 5,058,318 76,352,441 9 76,352,441 1,702,293 3,874,650 26,882 5,267,698 79,420,900 10 79,420,900 1,688,174 4,108,881 27,487 5,473,776 82,446,483 11 82,446,483 1,669,206 4,380,030 28,105 5,675,391 85,382,945 12 85,382,945 1,635,863 4,618,049 28,737 5,871,424 88,243,445 13 88,243,445 889,956 4,833,127 29,384 6,038,002 90,308,892 14 90,308,892 847,439 5,099,668 30,045 6,171,743 92,198,361 15 92,198,361 800,230 5,344,898 30,721 6,293,747 93,916,719 16 93,916,719 742,469 5,594,706 31,412 6,403,243 95,436,313 17 95,436,313 688,434 5,878,021 32,119 6,497,782 96,712,389 18 96,712,389 634,959 6,119,788 32,842 6,576,749 97,771,467 19 97,771,467 571,383 6,357,525 33,581 6,640,312 98,592,056 20 98,592,056 521,846 6,555,080 34,336 6,689,079 99,213,565 21 99,213,565 470,864 6,812,419 35,109 6,721,766 99,558,668 22 99,558,668 429,547 7,030,422 35,899 6,736,820 99,658,713 23 99,658,713 384,533 7,196,641 36,707 6,736,401 99,546,299 24 99,546,299 329,632 7,388,361 37,532 6,719,872 99,169,910 25 99,169,910 296,310 7,507,632 38,377 6,688,154 98,608,365 26 98,608,365 259,611 7,666,671 39,240 6,641,965 97,804,030 27 97,804,030 232,232 7,774,760 40,123 6,580,889 96,802,268 28 96,802,268 192,980 7,884,157 40,235 6,505,559 95,576,415 29 95,576,415 166,975 8,003,113 39,775 6,414,692 94,115,195 30 94,115,195 139,115 8,053,558 39,219 6,309,685 92,471,217 DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 48 PROJECTION OF THE PENSION PLAN’S FIDUCIARY NET POSITION – YEARS 31 TO 60 Column b – Contributions on behalf of current employees in the Plan as of the Actuarial Valuation Date. Column d – Based on the average Administrative Expense in recent years, and projected to increase in the future. Column e – Based on the Expected Rate of Return on Plan Investments, and does not factor in allocation changes. Projected Projected Beginning Projected Projected Projected Projected Ending Fiduciary Net Total Benefit Administrative Investment Fiduciary Net Position Contributions Payments Expense Earnings Position Year (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) = (a)+(b)-(c)-(d)+(e) 31 92,471,217$ 107,603$ 8,126,804$ 38,577$ 6,190,963$ 90,604,402$ 32 90,604,402 93,560 8,158,195 37,851 6,058,721 88,560,637 33 88,560,637 73,147 8,170,140 37,043 5,914,553 86,341,155 34 86,341,155 60,487 8,172,771 36,162 5,758,685 83,951,394 35 83,951,394 49,470 8,148,916 35,209 5,591,885 81,408,623 36 81,408,623 37,178 8,123,936 34,189 5,414,371 78,702,048 37 78,702,048 31,668 8,083,616 33,103 5,226,167 75,843,163 38 75,843,163 24,649 8,000,763 31,953 5,028,739 72,863,835 39 72,863,835 18,635 7,900,507 30,746 4,823,527 69,774,745 40 69,774,745 15,385 7,787,441 29,491 4,611,178 66,584,375 41 66,584,375 12,809 7,657,258 28,193 4,392,364 63,304,097 42 63,304,097 8,901 7,502,345 26,855 4,168,076 59,951,876 43 59,951,876 4,158 7,312,135 25,484 3,939,960 56,558,375 44 56,558,375 - 7,101,576 24,089 3,709,688 53,142,398 45 53,142,398 - 6,871,241 22,681 3,478,681 49,727,157 46 49,727,157 - 6,622,024 21,269 3,248,386 46,332,250 47 46,332,250 - 6,355,133 19,861 3,020,133 42,977,389 48 42,977,389 - 6,071,746 18,465 2,795,260 39,682,438 49 39,682,438 - 5,773,535 17,090 2,575,099 36,466,911 50 36,466,911 - 5,462,648 15,744 2,360,940 33,349,459 51 33,349,459 - 5,141,577 14,435 2,154,002 30,347,450 52 30,347,450 - 4,813,220 13,170 1,955,398 27,476,458 53 27,476,458 - 4,480,236 11,955 1,766,125 24,750,392 54 24,750,392 - 4,145,661 10,798 1,587,051 22,180,984 55 22,180,984 - 3,812,764 9,703 1,418,883 19,777,400 56 19,777,400 - 3,484,877 8,675 1,262,144 17,545,992 57 17,545,992 - 3,165,249 7,717 1,117,166 15,490,192 58 15,490,192 - 2,856,944 6,830 984,081 13,610,500 59 13,610,500 - 2,562,806 6,017 862,826 11,904,503 60 11,904,503 - 2,284,938 5,275 753,158 10,367,447 DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 49 PROJECTION OF THE PENSION PLAN’S FIDUCIARY NET POSITION – YEARS 61 TO 80 NOTES TO PROJECTION OF THE PENSION PLAN’S FIDUCIARY NET POSITION Projected Total Contributions are Employee and Employer Contributions projected to be made under the Funding Policy on behalf of current employees in the Plan as of the Actuarial Valuation Date. The amounts shown are detailed earlier in this section. Projected Benefit Payments shown represents current employees as of the Actuarial Valuation Date. The Plan will pay benefits in the future on behalf of employees hired after the Actuarial Valuation Date, but those benefit payments are not projected for this purpose. Projected Investment Earnings are based on the Expected Rate of Return on Plan Investments. Administrative Expense are typically not charged on a per employee basis. Administrative Expenses shown are not projected to distinguish between current and future employees. The Projected Fiduciary Net Position represents assets held or projected to be held on behalf of current employees in the Plan as of the Actuarial Valuation Date. The Plan will hold assets in the future on behalf of employees hired after the Actuarial Valuation Date, but those assets are not projected for this purpose. Projected Projected Beginning Projected Projected Projected Projected Ending Fiduciary Net Total Benefit Administrative Investment Fiduciary Net Position Contributions Payments Expense Earnings Position Year (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) = (a)+(b)-(c)-(d)+(e) 61 10,367,447$ -$ 2,025,259$ 4,605$ 654,676$ 8,992,259$ 62 8,992,259 - 1,785,116 4,003 566,839 7,769,979 63 7,769,979 - 1,565,244 3,466 488,994 6,690,264 64 6,690,264 - 1,366,002 2,990 420,404 5,741,676 65 5,741,676 - 1,187,095 2,570 360,279 4,912,290 66 4,912,290 - 1,027,724 2,203 307,813 4,190,176 67 4,190,176 - 886,824 1,882 262,208 3,563,678 68 3,563,678 - 763,011 1,603 222,696 3,021,760 69 3,021,760 - 654,697 1,362 188,561 2,554,262 70 2,554,262 - 560,296 1,153 159,148 2,151,960 71 2,151,960 - 478,228 973 133,865 1,806,625 72 1,806,625 - 406,892 818 112,194 1,511,108 73 1,511,108 - 344,740 686 93,688 1,259,369 74 1,259,369 - 290,486 573 77,969 1,046,279 75 1,046,279 - 243,125 477 64,713 867,390 76 867,390 - 201,800 396 53,640 718,835 77 718,835 - 165,809 328 44,504 597,201 78 597,201 - 134,605 272 37,083 499,408 79 499,408 - 107,785 227 31,178 422,575 80 422,575 - 85,008 191 26,598 363,975 DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 50 ACTUARIAL PRESENT VALUE OF PROJECTED BENEFIT PAYMENTS – YEARS 1 TO 30 The Projected Fiduciary Net Position and Benefit Payments are based on current employees in the Plan as of the Actuarial Valuation Date. The development of the Projected Fiduciary Net Position is shown in more detail earlier in this section. Projected Benefit Payments Actuarial Present Values of Projected Benefit Payments Present Value Present Value Present Value of Projected "Funded" "Unfunded"of "Funded" of "Unfunded"Benefit Payments Beginning Projected Portion of Portion of Benefit Benefit Using the Single Fiduciary Net Benefit Benefit Benefit Payments Payments Discount Rate Year Position Payments Payments Payments (7.00%) (3.53%)(7.00%) 1 56,638,040$ 2,285,556$ 2,285,556$ -$ 2,209,530$ -$ 2,209,530$ 2 55,718,518 2,544,018 2,544,018 - 2,298,500 - 2,298,500 3 58,050,830 2,683,320 2,683,320 - 2,265,755 - 2,265,755 4 61,021,848 2,892,338 2,892,338 - 2,282,474 - 2,282,474 5 64,008,085 3,038,997 3,038,997 - 2,241,317 - 2,241,317 6 67,064,405 3,248,890 3,248,890 - 2,239,361 - 2,239,361 7 70,125,049 3,419,430 3,419,430 - 2,202,719 - 2,202,719 8 73,229,243 3,614,600 3,614,600 - 2,176,115 - 2,176,115 9 76,352,441 3,874,650 3,874,650 - 2,180,069 - 2,180,069 10 79,420,900 4,108,881 4,108,881 - 2,160,616 - 2,160,616 11 82,446,483 4,380,030 4,380,030 - 2,152,521 - 2,152,521 12 85,382,945 4,618,049 4,618,049 - 2,121,022 - 2,121,022 13 88,243,445 4,833,127 4,833,127 - 2,074,584 - 2,074,584 14 90,308,892 5,099,668 5,099,668 - 2,045,789 - 2,045,789 15 92,198,361 5,344,898 5,344,898 - 2,003,893 - 2,003,893 16 93,916,719 5,594,706 5,594,706 - 1,960,328 - 1,960,328 17 95,436,313 5,878,021 5,878,021 - 1,924,858 - 1,924,858 18 96,712,389 6,119,788 6,119,788 - 1,872,924 - 1,872,924 19 97,771,467 6,357,525 6,357,525 - 1,818,395 - 1,818,395 20 98,592,056 6,555,080 6,555,080 - 1,752,243 - 1,752,243 21 99,213,565 6,812,419 6,812,419 - 1,701,899 - 1,701,899 22 99,558,668 7,030,422 7,030,422 - 1,641,459 - 1,641,459 23 99,658,713 7,196,641 7,196,641 - 1,570,344 - 1,570,344 24 99,546,299 7,388,361 7,388,361 - 1,506,709 - 1,506,709 25 99,169,910 7,507,632 7,507,632 - 1,430,871 - 1,430,871 26 98,608,365 7,666,671 7,666,671 - 1,365,590 - 1,365,590 27 97,804,030 7,774,760 7,774,760 - 1,294,246 - 1,294,246 28 96,802,268 7,884,157 7,884,157 - 1,226,596 - 1,226,596 29 95,576,415 8,003,113 8,003,113 - 1,163,647 - 1,163,647 30 94,115,195 8,053,558 8,053,558 - 1,094,376 - 1,094,376 DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 51 ACTUARIAL PRESENT VALUE OF PROJECTED BENEFIT PAYMENTS – YEARS 31 TO 60 The Projected Fiduciary Net Position and Benefit Payments are based on current employees in the Plan as of the Actuarial Valuation Date. The development of the Projected Fiduciary Net Position is shown in more detail earlier in this section. Projected Benefit Payments Actuarial Present Values of Projected Benefit Payments Present Value Present Value Present Value of Projected "Funded" "Unfunded"of "Funded" of "Unfunded"Benefit Payments Beginning Projected Portion of Portion of Benefit Benefit Using the Single Fiduciary Net Benefit Benefit Benefit Payments Payments Discount Rate Year Position Payments Payments Payments (7.00%) (3.53%)(7.00%) 31 92,471,217$ 8,126,804$ 8,126,804$ -$ 1,032,083$ -$ 1,032,083$ 32 90,604,402 8,158,195 8,158,195 - 968,289 - 968,289 33 88,560,637 8,170,140 8,170,140 - 906,268 - 906,268 34 86,341,155 8,172,771 8,172,771 - 847,252 - 847,252 35 83,951,394 8,148,916 8,148,916 - 789,513 - 789,513 36 81,408,623 8,123,936 8,123,936 - 735,601 - 735,601 37 78,702,048 8,083,616 8,083,616 - 684,066 - 684,066 38 75,843,163 8,000,763 8,000,763 - 632,761 - 632,761 39 72,863,835 7,900,507 7,900,507 - 583,955 - 583,955 40 69,774,745 7,787,441 7,787,441 - 537,942 - 537,942 41 66,584,375 7,657,258 7,657,258 - 494,345 - 494,345 42 63,304,097 7,502,345 7,502,345 - 452,658 - 452,658 43 59,951,876 7,312,135 7,312,135 - 412,319 - 412,319 44 56,558,375 7,101,576 7,101,576 - 374,249 - 374,249 45 53,142,398 6,871,241 6,871,241 - 338,421 - 338,421 46 49,727,157 6,622,024 6,622,024 - 304,810 - 304,810 47 46,332,250 6,355,133 6,355,133 - 273,388 - 273,388 48 42,977,389 6,071,746 6,071,746 - 244,109 - 244,109 49 39,682,438 5,773,535 5,773,535 - 216,934 - 216,934 50 36,466,911 5,462,648 5,462,648 - 191,825 - 191,825 51 33,349,459 5,141,577 5,141,577 - 168,739 - 168,739 52 30,347,450 4,813,220 4,813,220 - 147,629 - 147,629 53 27,476,458 4,480,236 4,480,236 - 128,426 - 128,426 54 24,750,392 4,145,661 4,145,661 - 111,061 - 111,061 55 22,180,984 3,812,764 3,812,764 - 95,461 - 95,461 56 19,777,400 3,484,877 3,484,877 - 81,543 - 81,543 57 17,545,992 3,165,249 3,165,249 - 69,219 - 69,219 58 15,490,192 2,856,944 2,856,944 - 58,389 - 58,389 59 13,610,500 2,562,806 2,562,806 - 48,951 - 48,951 60 11,904,503 2,284,938 2,284,938 - 40,789 - 40,789 DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 52 ACTUARIAL PRESENT VALUE OF PROJECTED BENEFIT PAYMENTS – YEARS 61 TO 80 NOTES TO THE ACTUARIAL PRESENT VALUE OF PROJECTED BENEFIT PAYMENTS The Projected Fiduciary Net Position and Benefit Payments are based on current employees in the Plan as of the Actuarial Valuation Date. The development of the Projected Fiduciary Net Position is shown in more detail earlier in this section. The Funded and Unfunded Portion of Benefit Payments are split based on the time that the Projected Fiduciary Net Position is to reach $0 (based on assets for current employees). The Present Value (“PV”) of the Funded and Unfunded Portion of Benefit Payments are determined separately. The PV of the Funded Portion of Benefit Payments uses the Expected Rate of Return on Plan Investments. The PV of the Unfunded Portion of Benefit Payments are determined using the High-Quality Municipal Bond Rate as of the Measurement Date, as described in the Actuarial Assumptions Information section of this report. The Discount Rate used for GASB purposes is the rate such that when applied to the Total Projected Benefit Payments results in a Present Value that equals the sum of the Present Value of the Funded and Unfunded Portion of Benefit Payments. The Discount Rate is rounded to four decimal places; therefore, the resulting Present Value comparisons may show a slight difference due to rounding. Projected Benefit Payments Actuarial Present Values of Projected Benefit Payments Present Value Present Value Present Value of Projected "Funded" "Unfunded"of "Funded" of "Unfunded"Benefit Payments Beginning Projected Portion of Portion of Benefit Benefit Using the Single Fiduciary Net Benefit Benefit Benefit Payments Payments Discount Rate Year Position Payments Payments Payments (7.00%) (3.53%)(7.00%) 61 10,367,447$ 2,025,259$ 2,025,259$ -$ 33,788$ -$ 33,788$ 62 8,992,259 1,785,116 1,785,116 - 27,833 - 27,833 63 7,769,979 1,565,244 1,565,244 - 22,808 - 22,808 64 6,690,264 1,366,002 1,366,002 - 18,603 - 18,603 65 5,741,676 1,187,095 1,187,095 - 15,109 - 15,109 66 4,912,290 1,027,724 1,027,724 - 12,225 - 12,225 67 4,190,176 886,824 886,824 - 9,859 - 9,859 68 3,563,678 763,011 763,011 - 7,927 - 7,927 69 3,021,760 654,697 654,697 - 6,357 - 6,357 70 2,554,262 560,296 560,296 - 5,084 - 5,084 71 2,151,960 478,228 478,228 - 4,056 - 4,056 72 1,806,625 406,892 406,892 - 3,225 - 3,225 73 1,511,108 344,740 344,740 - 2,554 - 2,554 74 1,259,369 290,486 290,486 - 2,011 - 2,011 75 1,046,279 243,125 243,125 - 1,573 - 1,573 76 867,390 201,800 201,800 - 1,220 - 1,220 77 718,835 165,809 165,809 - 937 - 937 78 597,201 134,605 134,605 - 711 - 711 79 499,408 107,785 107,785 - 532 - 532 80 422,575 85,008 85,008 - 392 - 392 DRAFT SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL PLAN PROVISIONS Establishment of the Fund Administration Member Contributions Regular Retirement Pension Benefit Early Retirement Pension Benefit Surviving Spouse Benefit Benefits Not Valued Termination Benefit – Vested Disability Benefit DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 54 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FUND The Police Pension Fund is established and administered as prescribed by “Article 3 – Police Pension Fund – Municipalities 500,000 and Under” of the Illinois Pension Code. ADMINISTRATION The Police Pension Fund is administered by a Board of Trustees whose duties are to manage the Pension Fund, determine applications for pensions, authorize payment of pensions, establish rules, pay expenses, and keep records. MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS Members contribute 9.910% of their pensionable salary. REGULAR RETIREMENT PENSION BENEFIT Tier I Eligibility: Age 50 with at least 20 years of creditable service. Benefit: 50% of final salary for the first 20 years of service, plus an additional 2.5% of final salary for each year of service beyond 20 years of service, and not to exceed 75% of final salary. “Final salary” is based on the police officer’s pensionable salary attached to rank held on the last day of service, unless the pensionable salary was greater at some point within the year prior to the last day of service. If so, the pensionable salary is averaged over the last 12 months. Annual Increase in Benefit: A police officer is entitled to receive an initial increase equal to 1/12 of 3% of the original monthly benefit for each full month that has passed since the pension began. The initial increase date will be the later of the first day of the month after the pensioner turns age 55 or the first day of the month after the benefit date anniversary. Subsequent increases of 3% of the current monthly benefit will be granted every January 1st thereafter. DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 55 REGULAR RETIREMENT PENSION BENEFIT - CONTINUED Tier II Eligibility: Age 55 with at least 10 years of creditable service. Benefit: 2.5% of final average salary for each year of service, and not to exceed 75% of final average salary. “Final average salary” is determined by dividing the total pensionable salary during 48 consecutive months of service within the last 60 months of service in which total pensionable salary was the highest, by the number of months of service in that period (or by dividing the total pensionable salary during 96 consecutive months of service within the last 120 months of service in which total pensionable salary was the highest, by the number of months of service in that period, if greater). Annual salary for this purpose will not exceed the salary cap, indexed by the lesser of 3% or the CPI- U for the 12 months ending with the September preceding each November 1st. The salary cap will not decrease. Annual Increase in Benefit: The initial increase date will be the later of the January 1st after the pensioner turns age 60 or the January 1st after the benefit date anniversary. Subsequent increases will be granted every January 1st thereafter. The initial increase and subsequent increases will be the lesser of 3% of the original benefit or ½ of the CPI-U for the 12 months ending with the September preceding each November 1st. EARLY RETIREMENT PENSION BENEFIT Tier I None. Tier II Eligibility: Age 50 with at least 10 years of creditable service. Benefit: The regular retirement pension benefit reduced by ½ of 1% for each month that the police officer’s age is between 50 and 55. Annual Increase in Benefit: The initial increase date will be the later of the January 1st after the pensioner turns age 60 or the January 1st after the benefit date anniversary. Subsequent increases will be granted every January 1st thereafter. The initial increase and subsequent increases will be the lesser of 3% of the original benefit or ½ of the CPI-U for the 12 months ending with the September preceding each November 1st. DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 56 SURVIVING SPOUSE BENEFIT Tier I Eligibility: Married to an active police officer with at least 8 years of creditable service, a disabled pensioner at the time of death, or a retired pensioner on the last day of service. Active Line of Duty Death Benefit: An eligible surviving spouse is entitled to receive 100% of the police officer’s final pensionable salary attached to rank held on the last day of service. Non-Duty Death Benefit: Disabled or Retired Pensioner: An eligible surviving spouse is entitled to receive the pensioner’s benefit at the time of death. Active Member with 20+ Years of Service: An eligible surviving spouse is entitled to the police officer’s eligible benefit at the time of death. Active Member with 10-20 Years of Service: An eligible surviving spouse is entitled to receive 50% of the police officer’s pensionable salary attached to rank held on the last day of service, unless the pensionable salary was greater at some point within the year prior to the last day of service. If so, the pensionable salary is averaged over the last 12 months. Annual Increase in Benefit: None. Tier II Eligibility: Married to an active police officer with at least 8 years of creditable service, a disabled pensioner at the time of death, or a retired pensioner on the last day of service. Active Line of Duty Death Benefit: An eligible surviving spouse is entitled to receive 100% of the police officer’s final pensionable salary attached to rank held on the last day of service. Non-Duty Death Benefit: Disabled or Retired Pensioner, Active Member with 20+ Years of Service, and Active Member with 10-20 Years of service: An eligible surviving spouse is entitled to receive the greater of 66⅔% of the police officer’s earned pension benefit at the time of death or 54% of the police officer’s monthly salary at the time of death. Annual Increase in Benefit: The initial increase date will be the January 1st after the surviving spouse turns age 60. Subsequent increases will be granted every January 1st thereafter. The initial increase and subsequent increases will be the lesser of 3% of the original benefit or ½ of the CPI-U for the 12 months ending with the September preceding each November 1st. DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 57 BENEFITS NOT VALUED Public Act 102-0811 passed on May 13, 2022 and is effective as of January 1, 2023 for Article 3 Pension Funds. The Act establishes that a surviving spouse of a deceased police retiree may be eligible for a survivor’s pension of up to 15 years of benefit payments if (a) the surviving spouse has attained age 62 and (b) if the police officer was married to the surviving spouse after retirement, and for at least 5 years prior to the officer’s death. Previously, there was no survivor’s pension for spouses married after retirement. In our opinion, under a prudent interpretation of the provisions, we believe the impact to be de minimis. The legal community has suggested some uncertainty about multiple provisions contained in the Act, and the IDOI Public Pension Division has not provided an interpretation. The client has not made an administrative interpretation as to how the provisions of the Act will impact future surviving spouses. Due to the uncertainty around the interpretation and the expected de minimis impact, we have not valued this contingency separately. If a spouse is granted a pension by the Board under this provision, we will value the liability of the benefit granted, and revisit valuing the contingency of the benefit being granted in the future. TERMINATION BENEFIT – VESTED Tier I Eligibility: Age 60 with at least 8 but less than 20 years of creditable service. Benefit: 2.5% of final salary for each year of service. “Final salary” is based on the police officer’s pensionable salary attached to rank held on the last day of service, unless the pensionable salary was greater at some point within the year prior to the last day of service. If so, the pensionable salary is averaged over the last 12 months. Annual Increase in Benefit: A police officer is entitled to receive an initial increase equal to 1/12 of 3% of the original monthly benefit for each full month that has passed since the pension began. The initial increase date will be the first day of the month after the benefit date anniversary. Subsequent increases of 3% of the current monthly benefit will be granted every January 1st thereafter. Tier II None. DRAFT McHenry Police Pension Fund Page 58 DISABILITY BENEFIT Tier I Eligibility: Duty or Non-Duty Disability or Occupational Disease Disability with at least 1 day of creditable service. Benefit: For a duty disability or an occupational disease disability with at least 5 years of creditable service, a police officer is entitled to receive the greater of 65% of final salary or the regular retirement pension benefit at the time of disability. For a non-duty disability, a police officer is entitled to receive 50% of their final salary. “Final salary” is based on the police officer’s pensionable salary attached to rank held on the last day of service. Annual Increase in Benefit: A police officer is entitled to receive an initial increase equal to 3% of the original monthly benefit for each full year that has passed since the pension began. The initial increase date will be the later of the January 1st after the pensioner turns age 60 or the January 1st after the benefit date anniversary. Subsequent increases of 3% of the original monthly benefit will be granted every January 1st thereafter. Tier II Eligibility: Duty or Non-Duty Disability or Occupational Disease Disability with at least 1 day of creditable service. Benefit: For a duty disability or an occupational disease disability with at least 5 years of creditable service, a police officer is entitled to receive the greater of 65% of final salary or the regular retirement pension benefit at the time of disability. For a non-duty disability, a police officer is entitled to receive 50% of their final salary. “Final salary” is based on the police officer’s pensionable salary attached to rank held on the last day of service. Annual Increase in Benefit: The initial increase date will be the later of the January 1st after the pensioner turns age 60 or the January 1st after the benefit date anniversary. Subsequent increases will be granted every January 1st thereafter. The initial increase and subsequent increases will be the lesser of 3% of the original benefit or ½ of the CPI-U for the 12 months ending with the September preceding each November 1st. DRAFT DRAFT Police Pension Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes July 11, 2023 Call to Order The regular meeting of the City of McHenry Police Pension Board of Trustees was called to order at 9:00 a.m. at McHenry City Hall, 333 S Green St, McHenry, IL. Roll call: Members present: President Jeffery Foerster, Sergeant Nick Clesen, , Jim Schmidt, Thomas Settles, Officer Robert Beaudoin. Others present: Monte Johnson, Carolyn Lynch Public Input: No members of the public were present to offer comments. Call for Nominations to Approve Election of Board Officers Officer Beaudoin nominated Jeff Foerster for President. A motion was made by Thomas Settles and seconded by Sergeant Clesen to close nominations for President. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. A motion was made by Sergeant Clesen and seconded by Officer Beaudoin to have the Secretary cast one unanimous ballot for Jeff Foerster for President. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. Sergeant Clesen nominated Officer Beaudoin for Vice President. A motion was made by Sergeant Clesen and seconded by Thomas Settles to close nominations for Vice President. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. A motion was made by Jim Schmidt and seconded by Thomas Settles to have the Secretary cast one unanimous ballot for Robert Beaudoin for Vice President. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. Officer Beaudoin nominated Sergeant Nick Clesen for Secretary. A motion was made by Officer Beaudoin and seconded by Jim Schmidt to close nominations for Secretary. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. A motion was made by Jim Schmidt and seconded by Thomas Settles to have the Secretary cast one unanimous ballot for Sergeant Clesen for Secretary. Voice Vote: Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. Thomas Settles nominated Jim Schmidt for Assistant Secretary. A motion was made by Sergeant Clesen and seconded by Thomas Settles to close nominations for Assistant Secretary. Voice Vote: Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. A motion was made by Sergeant Clesen and seconded by Officer Beaudoin to have the Secretary cast one unanimous ballot for Jim Schmidt as Assistant Secretary. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. Approve the April 11, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes A motion was made by Thomas Settles and seconded by Jim Schmidt to approve minutes from April 11, 2023. Roll Call Vote: Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. Semi-Annual Review of Executive Session Minutes and if necessary, motion to approve, release, and/or maintain the confidentiality of any minutes based on advice from legal counsel as presented Deputy City Clerk Monte Johnson explained that there were no executive session minutes that have not yet been released, so there are no executive session minutes to review or release. Approve the renewal of the Fiduciary Liability Policy Thomas Settles suggested that all trustees should be named in the policy, as that should be common practice. President Foerster called the representative from the insurance company, and they told us that this is not done and there is wording to cover all trustees for when the come and go from the board. The consultant told us that he would forward the question on and get a definitive answer moving forward. A motion was made by Sergeant Clesen and seconded by Jim Schmidt to approve the renewal of the Fiduciary Liability Policy as presented. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. Approve the Payment of Bills Finance Director Carolyn Lynch read the three bills that need to be paid. A payment for a disability doctor appointment, our Board attorney, and the bill for the fiduciary renewal. A motion was made by Sergeant Clesen and seconded by Tom Settles to approve the bills as presented. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. Approve Police Pension Board Administrative Rules Sergeant Clesen asked how it will work with staggering terms. President Foerster explained that the Board can vote on how it will handle that prior to the next elections. We could offer the top vote getter the 2-year term and the 2nd place finisher the 1-year term. Or we could have them specify when they run who will run for a 2-year or 1-year term. A motion was made by Tom Settles and seconded by Jim Schmidt to approve the Police Pension Board Administrative Rules as presented. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. Extend the disability for Justin Debolt and Sean Klechak Both Mr. Debolt and Mr. Klechak received doctor’s notes that they are still disabled. A motion was made by Tom Settles and seconded by Sergeant Clesen to extend the disability for Justin Debolt and Sean Klechak. Roll Call Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. Approve a three-year agreement with Lauterbach & Amen for Actuarial Services A motion was made by Officer Beaudoin and seconded by Sergeant Clesen to approve the three-year agreement for actuarial services with Lauterbach & Amen as presented. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. Approve a Resolution Appointing Pension Fund Authorized Agents Sergeant Clesen explained that they are required every so often to log in to keep the username active. As City Treasurer, Carolyn Lynch is the person who actually handles the transfer of funds. Officer Beaudoin nominated Sergeant Clesen and Jeff Foerster as authorized agents. A motion was made by Officer Beaudoin and seconded by Tom Settles to approve a resolution appointing Nick Clesen and Jeff Foerster Pension Fund Authorized Agents. Roll Call Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. Approve the Policy on Annual Affidavits of Continued Eligibility President Foerster suggested we send out the affidavit in November so that the would be received and accounted for in time for the February approval. He also explained that he has requested a City email address for the President of the Pension Board so that his personal account is no longer used. A motion was made by Sergeant Clesen and seconded by Jim Schmidt to approve the Policy on Annual Affidavits of Continued Eligibility as presented. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. Approve the pension application of Matthew Meyers, Trevor Pederson, and Alex Lopez A motion was made by Jim Schmidt and seconded by Officer Beaudoin to approve the pension applications of Matthew Meyers, Trevor Pederson, and Alex Lopez. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. Approve the retirement of Larry Popp A motion was made by Tom Settles and seconded by Sergeant Clesen to approve the retirement of Larry Popp. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. Discuss Pension Board Training Deputy Clerk Monte Johnson explained that to receive the credits for the pension board training, they may simply click on the link provided by the Deputy Clerk, and pick whatever combination of classes get them to the required 8 or 16 hours. Motion to Adjourn A motion was made by Thomas Settles and seconded by Sergeant Clesen to adjourn at 9:43 a.m. Voice Vote: 5-ayes: Foerster, Clesen, Beaudoin, Settles, Schmidt. Motion carried. ______________________________ Monte Johnson, Recording Secretary