HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 9/18/2023 - City Council The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, September 18, 2023, 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 333 S Green St, McHenry, IL 60050 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Public Comment 5. Consent Agenda. Motion to Approve the following Consent Agenda Items as presented: A. Resolution designating the importance of manufacturing to McHenry by identifying October 6, 2023 as National Manufacturing Day in the City of McHenry. (Economic Development Director Martin) B. Ratification of the appointment of Steve Wirch to the position of Director of Public Works, retroactive to Monday, September 11, 2023. (Mayor Jett, City Administrator Morefield) C. Ordinance Amending Title 4, Chapter 6, Video Gaming Terminals, Editing Section 4-6-8, Subsection A – Number of Licenses, of the McHenry City Code. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) D. Joint Funding Agreement for Construction Work and the Local Public Agency Engineering Services Agreement, and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreements with any future revisions as requested by IDOT; and, to pass a Resolution appropriating $85,163 for the City’s matching local funding requirement. (Public Works Director Wirch, Staff Engineer Gruen) E. Contract Purchase Order to Water Well Solutions Illinois Division LLC of Elburn, Illinois in the amount of $54,040.50 for the Water Well #7 Pump and Column Pipe Replacement and Aquifer Rehabilitation Project. (Public Works Director Wirch) F. Street Closure Request – Kane Street on Friday October 6, 2023 from 8:00am until 1:00pm. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) G. Parks & Recreation Facilities & Special Use Permit Requests; H. September 5, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes; I. Issuance of Checks in the amount of $291,088.11; J. As Needed Checks in the amount of $321,517.60. 6. Individual Action Item Agenda A. Redevelopment Agreement between the City of McHenry and Delights Enterprises, LLC for the property located at 3319 W. Elm Street Per previous Council authorization, a motion to pass and Ordinance and Authorization for the Mayor to Execute a Redevelopment Agreement between the City of McHenry and Delights Enterprises, LLC for property located at 3319 W. Elm Street. (Economic Development Director Martin) B. Class B Liquor License to 4 Eggs Hospitality, LLC, at 3307 W Elm Street. Transfer of a Class B liquor license from Windhill Pancake Parlor, Inc. to 4 Eggs Hospitality, LLC, at 3307 W Elm Street, McHenry, IL, subject to the successful completion of the background checks and for approval by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) C. Video Gaming License to 4 Eggs Hospitality, LLC, at 3307 W Elm Street Pending the approval of a Class B liquor license, approve a video gaming license to 4 Eggs Hospitality, LLC, at 3307 W Elm Street, McHenry, IL, subject to a video gaming development agreement with the City Administrator (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) 7. Discussion Item Agenda 8. Staff Reports. Provided the 1st meeting of each month. 9. Mayor’s Report. 10. City Council Comments. 11. Executive Session as needed. 12. Adjourn. The complete City Council packet is available for review online via the City website at www.cityofmchenry.org. For further information, please contact the Office of the City Administrator at 815-363-2108. This meeting will be live streamed with a quorum of the City Council physically present. Public comments may only be heard by members of the public physically present at the meeting. Remote public comments will not be heard. The public can listen and view the meeting from the following link: https://cityofmchenry.zoom.us/j/89095241959 Economic Development Department McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2110 www.cityofmchenry.org 0 CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development FOR: September 18, 2023 RE: Resolution designating the Importance of Manufacturing to our com munity and designating October 6, 2023 as National Manufacturing Day in the City of McHenry ATT: 1. Resolution designating the Importance of manufacturing to our community and designating October 6, 2023 as National Manufacturing Day in the City of McHenry 2. Manufacturing, Trades and Industry Career Expo Flyer Attached is a resolution designating October 6, 2023 National Manufacturing Day. Also attached is information about the career expo at McHenry High School Upper Campus Center for Science, Technology, and Industry on October 4, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. If the City Council concurs, it is recommended the attached resolution be approved designating the Importance of Manufacturing to our com munity and designating October 6, 2023 as National Manufacturing Day in the City of McHenry. A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OCTOBER 6, 2023 AS NATIONAL MANUFACTURING DAY IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY WHEREAS, National Manufacturing Day is an annual event which highlights the importance of manufacturing to our national economy, providing an opportunity for manufacturers throughout North America to open their doors to showcase the rewarding high-skill jobs available in manufacturing-related industries; and WHEREAS, the National Manufacturing Day Mission Statement is: “To empower manufacturers to improve the public perception of manufacturing careers and the sector’s value to the economic health of the U.S. by connecting them to business improvement, community resources, and next-generation workers;” and WHEREAS, City of McHenry is home to numerous national and international manufacturers within many different economic sectors including metalworking machinery manufacturing; medical equipment and supplies manufacturing; plastic resin and synthetic fiber manufacturing; plastics and rubber and electronics manufacturing which employ a large percentage of our workforce; and WHEREAS, the City of McHenry is fortunate to have numerous business and industrial parks located throughout the city including McHenry Corporate Center, Sherman Hill Industrial Park, Tonyan Industrial Park, Inland Business Park, Adams Commercial Center, Professional Plaza, and City Centre Business Park; and WHEREAS, the City of McHenry advocates, supports and promotes the growth of manufacturing and related industries through numerous plans and programs to enable companies to expand , relocate, and also remain within the City of McHenry; and WHEREAS, on October 4, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the McHenry High School Upper Campus Center For Science, Technology, and Industry, 4724 W. Crystal Lake Rd., a Manufacturing, Trades and Industry (MTI) Career Expo will be held featuring many industrial/manufacturing companies, as well as trade organizations throughout McHenry County and programs offered at McHenry Community High School District 156 and McHenry County College; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY OF MCHENRY RECOGNIZES THE IMPORTANCE OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGNATES OCTOBER 6, 2023 AS NATIONAL MANUFACTURING DAY IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY. PASSED and APPROVED this 18th day of September 2023. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Abstained: Absent: ATTEST: ____________________________ _______________________________ City Clerk Mayor OCT 4OCT 4 20232023 McHenry Community High School District 156 - Upper Campus 4724 W Crystal Lake Road McHenry, IL 60050 McHenry Community High SchoolMcHenry Community High School District 156District 156 www.dist156.org PARTNERING WITH THE COMMUNITY TO ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE 6:00 -6:00 - 8:00PM8:00PM McHenry High SchoolMcHenry High School Center for ScienceCenter for Science Technology and IndustryTechnology and Industry MTI CAREER EXPOMTI CAREER EXPO City of McHenry 333 S Gre en Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. AGENDA ITEM DATE: September 18, 2023 TO: City Council RE: Reduce Video Gaming Terminals AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Fox Hole Pizza failed to pay their video gaming fees for this fiscal year, and they have decided to forgo their license. As a result, an ordinance must be passed to reduce the number of location licenses for video gaming. RECOMMENDATION: If council concurs, it is recommended to p ass an Ordinance Amending Title 4, Chapter 6, Video Gaming Terminals, Editing Section 4 -6-8, Subsect ion A – Number of Licenses, of the McHenry City Code ORDINANCE NO. 23- Amending Title 4, Chapter 6, Video Gaming Terminals, Editing Section 4-6-8, Subsection A – Number of Licenses, of the McHenry City Code WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: Title 4, Chapter 6, Video Gaming Terminals , Section 4 -6-8, Subsection A - Number of Licenses , of the Municipal Code shall be amended as follows : 4-6-8: Number of Licenses A. The total number of location licenses for video gaming terminals issued under this chapter shall not exceed 45. SECTION 2: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not effe ct, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 3: All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed this 18th day of September, 2023. Ayes Nays Absent Abstain Alderwoman Bassi _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Glab _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Koch _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman McClatchey _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderwoman Miller ______ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Santi _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Strach _____ _____ _____ _____ ______________________ ________________________ Wayne Jett, Mayor Monte Johnson, Deputy City Clerk Department of Public Works Greg Gruen, P.E., Staff Engineer 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.cityofmchenry.org CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: September 18, 2023 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Greg Gruen, P.E., Staff Engineer RE: Bull Valley Road STP Resurfacing Project Phase III Engineering Agreement and Federal Funding Agreements ATT: 1. IDOT Joint Funding Agreement for Construction Work (BLR 05310C) 2. IDOT Local Public Agency Engineering Services Agreement (BLR 05530) 3. IDOT Resolution for Local Match Funding (BLR 05310C -page 7) ___________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to consider approval of the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Joint Funding Agreement, approval of the IDOT Local Public Agency Engineering Agreement, and approval of a Resolution appropriating $85,163 of matching funding. Staff requests that City Council also authorize the Mayor to approve any future revisions as requested by IDOT. These three documents are required to receive Surface Transportation Program (STP) Federal funding assistance. BACKGROUND: In September 2020, City staff submitted a grant application to the McHenry County Council of Mayors (MCCOM) for the resurfacing of Bull Valley Road from Crystal Lake Ave to the Boone Creek Bridge, a distance of 0.50 miles. On December 15, 2020, the City received notification that the City was awarded $262,139 in federal funding assistance for the project. The City’s local matching requirement will be $85,163. Total current project costs including engineering are estimated at $347,302. The project is scheduled to be bid on January 19, 2024 with construction starting May 1, 2024. In advance of that letting date, the City is required to enter into the attached agreements and pass a resolution authorizing our matching funding requirement. The scope of the project will include a 2-inch asphalt removal and replacement, pavement markings, and re-establishing aggregate shoulders. In order to assist with the construction engineering and required IDOT documentation, the City solicited proposals from engineering firms through a Qualifications Based Selection (QBS) process as required. Staff has selected HR Green to assist the City with the project due to their local knowledge and project approach. The costs for the engineering will be eligible for federal funding assistance through the grant. ANALYSIS: City staff selected HRGreen through the Quality Based Selection (QBS) Process in accordance with the requirements for federally funded projects. Staff has also reviewed the Joint Funding Agreement for Construction Work and recommends that the City Council approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign and approve the agreement with any future revisions as requested by IDOT. The agreement is currently at IDOT for their review. Staff also recommends that the City Council pass a resolution appropriating the required local matching funds. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to approve the Joint Funding Agreement for Construction Work and the Local Public Agency Engineering Services Agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreements with any future revisions as requested b y IDOT and to pass a Resolution appropriating $85,163 for the City’s matching local funding requirement. Joint Funding Agreement for Construction Work BLR 05310C (Rev. 03/24/23)Page 1 of 8Printed08/29/23 LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY Local Public Agency McHenry County McHenry Section Number 21-00091-00-RS Fund Type STP ITEP, SRTS, HSIP Number(s)MPO Name CMAP MPO TIP Number 11-21-0009 Construction State Job Number Project Number State-Let Construction Locally Let Construction Construction Engineering Utilities Railroad Work This Agreement is made and entered into between the above local public agency, hereinafter referred to as the "LPA" and the State of Illinois, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "STATE". The STATE and LPA jointly propose to improve the designated location as described below. The improvement shall be consulted in accordance with plans prepared by, or on behalf of the LPA and approved by the STATE using the STATE's policies and procedures approved and/or required by the Federal Highway Administration, hereinafter referred to as "FHWA". LOCATION Stationing Local Street/Road Name Bull Valley Road Key Route FAU 3860 Length 0.71 From 100+00 To 126+00 Location Termini Curran Road to Crystal Lake Avenue Current Jurisdiction McHenry Existing Structure Number(s) 056-3109 Add Location Remove PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project consists of the removal and replacement of sidewalk, curb and gutter, 2 1/4" HMA surface removal, Class D patching, aggregate base repair, 3/4" polymerized HMA binder, 1 1/2" HMA surface course and aggregate shoulders. LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY APPROPRIATION - REQUIRED FOR STATE LET CONTRACTS By execution of this Agreement the LPA attests that sufficient moneys have been appropriated or reserved by resolution or ordinance to fund the LPA share of project costs. A copy of the authorizing resolution or ordinance is attached as an addendum. METHOD OF FINANCING - (State-Let Contract Work Only) Check One METHOD A - Lump Sum (80% of LPA Obligation ) Lump Sum Payment - Upon award of the contract for this improvement, the LPA will pay the STATE within thirty (30) calendar days of billing, in lump sum, an amount equal to 80% of the LPA's estimated obligation incurred under this agreement. The LPA will pay to the STATE the remainder of the LPA's obligation (including any nonparticipating costs) in a lump sum within thirty (30) calendar days of billing in a lump sum, upon completion of the project based on final costs. METHOD B -Monthly Payments of due by the of each successive month. Monthly Payments - Upon award of the contract for this improvement, the LPA will pay to the STATE a specified amount each month for an estimated period of months, or until 80% of the LPA's estimated obligation under the provisions of the agreement has been paid. The LPA will pay to the STATE the remainder of the LPA's obligation (including any nonparticipating costs) in a lump sum, upon completion of the project based upon final costs. METHOD C - LPA's Share divided by estimated total cost multiplied by actual progress payment. Progress Payments - Upon receipt of the contractor's first and subsequent progressive bills for this improvement, the LPA will pay to the STATE within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt, an amount equal to the LPA's share of the construction cost divided by the estimated total cost multiplied by the actual payment (appropriately adjust for nonparticipating costs) made to the contractor until the entire obligation incurred under this agreement has been paid. BLR 05310C (Rev. 03/24/23)Page 2 of 8Printed08/29/23 Failure to remit the payment(s) in a timely manner as required under Methods A, B, or C shall allow the STATE to internally offset, reduce, or deduct the arrearage from any payment or reimbursement due or about to become due and payable from the STATE to the LPA on this or any other contract. The STATE at its sole option, upon notice to the LPA, may place the debit into the Illinois Comptroller's Offset System (15 ILCS 405/10.05) or take such other and further action as may be required to recover the debt. THE LPA AGREES: 1. To acquire in its name, or in the name of the STATE if on the STATE highway system, all right-of-way necessary for this project in accordance with the requirements of Titles II and III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, and established State policies and procedures. Prior to advertising for bids, the LPA shall certify to the STATE that all requirements of Titles II and III of said Uniform Act have been satisfied. The disposition of encroachments, if any, will be cooperatively determined by representatives of the LPA, the STATE, and the FHWA if required. 2. To provide for all utility adjustments and to regulate the use of the right-of-way of this improvement by utilities, public and private, in accordance with the current Utility Accommodation Policy for Local Public Agency Highway and Street Systems. 3. To provide for surveys and the preparation of plans for the proposed improvement and engineering supervision during construction of the proposed improvement. 4. To retain jurisdiction of the completed improvement unless specified otherwise by addendum (addendum should be accompanied by a location map). If the improvement location is currently under road district jurisdiction, a jurisdictional addendum is required. 5. To maintain or cause to be maintained the completed improvement (or that portion within its jurisdiction as established by addendum referred to in item 4 above) in a manner satisfactory to the STATE and the FHWA. 6. To comply with all applicable Executive Orders and Federal Highway Acts pursuant to the Equal Employment Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Regulations required by the U.S. Department of Transportation. 7. To maintain for a minimum of 3 years after final project close out by the STATE, adequate books, records and supporting documents to verify the amounts, recipients and uses of all disbursements of funds passing in conjunction with the contract. The contract and all books, records, and supporting documents related to the contract shall be available for review and audit by the Auditor General and the STATE. The LPA agrees to cooperate fully with any audit conducted by the Auditor General, the STATE, and to provide full access to all relevant materials. Failure to maintain the books, records, and supporting documents required by this section shall establish presumption in favor of the STATE for recovery of any funds paid by the STATE under the contract for which adequate books, records and supporting documentation are not available to support their purported disbursement. 8. To provide if required, for the improvement of any railroad-highway grade crossing and rail crossing protection within the limits of the proposed improvement. 9. To comply with Federal requirements or possibly lose (partial or total) Federal participation as determined by the FHWA. 10. To provide or cause to be provided all of the initial funding, equipment, labor, material, and services necessary to complete locally administered portions of the project. 11. (Railroad Related Work) The LPA is responsible for the payment of the railroad related expenses in accordance with the LPA/ railroad agreement prior to requesting reimbursement from the STATE. Requests for reimbursement should be sent to the appropriate IDOT District Bureau of Local Roads and Streets Office. Engineer's Payment Estimates shall be in accordance with the Division of Cost. 12. Certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it's officials: a. are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; b. have not within a three-year period preceding this agreement been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State anti-trust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements receiving stolen property; c. are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State, Local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in item (b) of this certification; and d. have not within a three-year period preceding the agreement had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, Local) terminated for cause or default. 13. To include the certifications, listed in item 12 above, and all other certifications required by State statutes, in every contract, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment. 14. That execution of this agreement constitutes the LPA's concurrence in the award of the construction contract to the responsible low bidder as determined by the STATE. 15. That for agreements exceeding $100,000 in federal funds, execution of this agreement constitutes the LPA's certification that: a. No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of congress, an officer or employee of congress, or any employee of a member of congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment or BLR 05310C (Rev. 03/24/23)Page 3 of 8Printed08/29/23 modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. b. If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of congress, an officer or employee of congress or an employee of a member of congress in connection with this federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit standard form - LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying", in accordance with its instructions. c. The LPA shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards (including subcontracts, subgrants and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements), and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly 16. To regulate parking and traffic in accordance with the approved project report. 17. To regulate encroachments on public rights-of-way in accordance with current Illinois Compiled Statutes. 18. To regulate the discharge of sanitary sewage into any storm water drainage system constructed with this improvement in accordance with the current Illinois Compiled Statutes. THE STATE AGREES: 1. To provide such guidance, assistance, and supervision to monitor and perform audits to the extent necessary to assure validity of the LPA's certification of compliance with Title II and III Requirements. 2. To receive bids for construction of the proposed improvement when the plans have been approved by the STATE (and FHWA, if required) and to award a contract for construction of the proposed improvement after receipt of a satisfactory bid. 3. To provide all initial funding and payments to the contractor for construction work let by the STATE. The LPA will be invoiced for their share of contract costs per the method of payment selected under Method of Financing based on the Division of Costs shown on Addendum 2. 4. For agreements with federal and/or state funds in construction engineering, utility work and/or railroad work: a. To reimburse the LPA for federal and/or state share on the basis of periodic billings, provided said billings contain sufficient cost information and show evidence of payments by the LPA; b. To provide independent assurance sampling and furnish off-site material inspection and testing at sources normally visited by STATE inspectors for steel, cement, aggregate, structural steel, and other materials customarily tested by the STATE. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED: 1. Construction of the project will utilize domestic steel as required by Section 106.01 of the current edition of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and federal Buy America provisions 2. That this Agreement and the covenants contained herein shall become null and void in the event that the FHWA does not approve the proposed improvement for Federal-aid participation within one (1) year of the date of execution of this agreement. 3. This agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their successors, and assigns. 4. For contracts awarded by the LPA, the LPA shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the award and performance of any USDOT - assisted contract or in the administration of its DBE program or the requirements of 49 CFR part 26. The LPA shall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of USDOT - assisted contracts. The LPA's DBE program, as required by 49 CFR part 26 and as approved by USDOT, is incorporated by reference in this agreement. Upon notification to the recipient of its failure to carry out its approved program, the STATE may impose sanctions as provided for under part 26 and may, in appropriate cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 18 U.S. C 1001 and/or the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 (31 U.S.C 3801 et seq.). In the absence of a USDOT - approved LPA DBE Program or on state awarded contracts, this agreement shall be administered under the provisions of the STATE'S USDOT approved Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program. 5. In cases where the STATE is reimbursing the LPA, obligation of the STATE shall cease immediately without penalty or further payment being required if, in any fiscal year, the Illinois General Assembly or applicable federal funding source fails to appropriate or otherwise make available funds for the work contemplated herein. 6. All projects for the construction of fixed works which are financed in whole or in part with funds provided by this agreement and/or amendment shall be subject to the Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130/0.01 et seq.) unless the provisions of the act exempt its application. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Reimbursement Requests: For reimbursement requests the LPA will submit supporting documentation with each invoice. Supporting documentation is defined as verification of payment, certified time sheets or summaries, vendor invoices, vendor receipts, cost plus fix fee invoice, progress report, personnel and direct cost summaries, and other documentation supporting the requested reimbursement amount (Form BLR 05621 should be used for consultant invoicing purposes). LPA invoice requests to the STATE will be submitted with sequential invoice numbers by project. 2. Financial Integrity Review and Evaluation (FIRE) program: LPA’s and the STATE must justify continued federal funding on inactive projects. 23 CFR 630.106(a)(5) defines an inactive project as a project which no expenditures have been charged against Federal funds for the past twelve (12) months. To keep projects active, invoicing must occur a minimum of one time within any given twelve (12) month period. However, to ensure adequate processing time, the first invoice shall be submitted to BLR 05310C (Rev. 03/24/23)Page 4 of 8Printed08/29/23 the STATE within six (6) months of the federal authorization date. Subsequent invoices will be submitted in intervals not to exceed six (6) months. 3. Final Invoice: The LPA will submit to the STATE a complete and detailed final invoice with applicable supporting documentation of all incurred costs, less previous payments, no later than twelve (12) months from the date of completion of work or from the date of the previous invoice, whichever occurs first. If a final invoice is not received within this time frame, the most recent invoice may be considered the final invoice and the obligation of the funds closed. Form BLR 05613 (Engineering Payment Record) is required to be submitted with the final invoice for engineering projects. 4. Project Closeout: The LPA shall provide the final report to the appropriate STATE district office within twelve (12) months of the physical completion date of the project so that the report may be audited and approved for payment. If the deadline cannot be met, a written explanation must be provided to the district prior to the end of the twelve (12) months documenting the reason and the new anticipated date of completion. If the extended deadline is not met, this process must be repeated until the project is closed. Failure to follow this process may result In the immediate close-out of the project and loss of further funding. 5. Project End Date: The period of performance (end date) for state and federal obligation purposes is five (5) years for projects under $1,000,000 or seven (7) years for projects over $1,000,000 from the execution date of the agreement. Requests for time extensions and joint agreement amendments must be received and approved prior to expiration of the project end date. Failure to extend the end date may result in the immediate close-out of the project and loss of further funding. 6. Single Audit Requirements: If the LPA expends $750,000 or more a year in federal financial assistance, they shall have an audit made in accordance with 2 CFR 200. LPA's expending less than $750,000 a year shall be exempt from compliance. A copy of the audit report must be submitted to the STATE (IDOT’s Office of Internal Audit, Room 201, 2300 South Dirksen Parkway, Springfield, Illinois, 62764) within 30 days after the completion of the audit, but no later than one year after the end of the LPA's fiscal year. The ALN number for all highway planning and construction activities is 20.205. Federal funds utilized for construction activities on projects let and awarded by the STATE (federal amounts shown as “Participating Construction” on Addendum 2) are not Included in a LPA’s calculation of federal funds expended by the LPA for Single Audit purposes.. 7. Federal Registration: LPA’s are required to register with the System for Award Management or SAM, which is a web-enabled government-wide application that collects, validates, stores, and disseminates business Information about the federal government's trading partners in support of the contract award and the electronic payment processes. To register or renew, please use the following website: https://www.sam.gov/SAM/ ADDENDA Additional information and/or stipulations are hereby attached and identified below as being a part of this agreement. 1.Location Map 2.Division of Cost 3.Resolution* 4. *Appropriation and signature authority resolution must be in effect on, or prior to, the execution date of the agreement. BLR 05310C (Rev. 03/24/23)Page 5 of 8Printed08/29/23 The LPA further agrees as a condition of payment, that it accepts and will comply with the applicable provisions set forth in this agreement and all Addenda indicated above. APPROVED Name of Official (Print or Type Name) Wayne Jett Title of Official Mayor Signature Date The above signature certifies the agency's TIN number is 36-600599 conducting business as a Governmental Entity. DUNS Number 065244878 Local Public Agency UEI N2MTMUDG6XH8 Omer Osman, P.E., Secretary of Transportation Date By: George A. Tapas, P.E., S.E., Engineer of Local Roads & Streets Date Stephen M. Travia, P.E., Director of Highways PI/Chief Engineer Yangsu Kim, Chief Counsel Date Vicki Wilson, Chief Fiscal Officer Date Date APPROVED State of Illinois Department of Transportation NOTE: A resolution authorizing the local official (or their delegate) to execute this agreement and appropriation of local funds is required to be attached as an addendum. The resolution must be approved prior to, or concurrently with, the execution of this agreement. If BLR 09110 or BLR 09120 are used to appropriate local matching funds, attach these forms to the signature authorization resolution. Please check this box to open a fillable Resolution Form within this Addenda. BLR 05310C (Rev. 03/24/23)Page 6 of 8ADDENDA NUMBER 2Printed08/29/23Local Public AgencyMcHenryCountyMcHenrySection Number21-00091-00-RSState Job NumberProject NumberDIVISION OF COSTFederal FundsState FundsLocal Public AgencyType of WorkFund TypeAmount%Fund TypeAmount%Fund TypeAmount%TotalsConstruction EngineeringSTU $20,164.00 *Local $24,669.00 * $44,833.00 Participating ConstructionSTU $241,975.00 80%Local $60,494.00 20% $302,469.00 Total $262,139.00 Total Total $85,163.00 $347,302.00 If funding is not a percentage of the total place an asterisk (*) in the space provided for the percentage and explain below:*Phase III agreement exceeds the maximum federal STU participation limit of ($20,164)NOTE: The costs shown in the Division of Cost table are approximate and subject to change. The final LPA share is dependent on the final Federal and State participation. The actual costs will be used in the final division of cost for billing and reimbursement. BLR 05310C (Rev. 03/24/23)Page 7 of 8Printed08/29/23 ADDENDA NUMBER 3 Resolution No. A Resolution for: Section Number 21-00091-00-RS State Job Number Project Number WHEREAS, the City of McHenry is proposing to mill and resurface Bull Valley Road between Crystal Lake Road and Curran Road WHEREAS, the above stated improvement will necessitate the use of funding provided through the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT); and signee WHEREAS, the use of these funds requires a joint funding agreement (AGREEMENT) with IDOT; and WHEREAS, the improvement requires matching funds; and NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council Section 1: The City Council hereby appropriates $85,163.00 or as much as may be needed to match the required funding to complete the proposed improvement from City Funds and furthermore agree to pass a supplemental resolution if necessary to appropriate additional funds for completion of the project. Section 2: The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute an AGREEMENT with IDOT for the above-mentioned project. Section 3: This resolution will become Attachment 3 of the AGREEMENT. Section 4: The City Clerk of McHenry is directed to transmit 3 (three) copies of the AGREEMENT and Resolution to IDOT District 1 Bureau of Local Roads and Streets. I, Trisha Ramel Clerk in and for the City of McHenry , Illinois, and keeper of the records and files thereof, as provided by statute, do hereby certify the forgoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of the resolution approved by the City of McHenry , Illinois, and keeper of the records at its meeting on the day of , 20 . INTESTIMONY WEREOF; I have unto set my hand and seal, at my office, this day of , 20 . (seal) Trisha Ramel City Clerk City of McHenry Department of Public Works Steve Wirch, Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.cityofmchenry.org CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: September 18, 2023 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Steve Wirch, Director of Public Works RE: Raw Water Well #7 Pump Replacement and Aquifer Rehabilitation ATT: Water Well Solutions Proposal AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to consider accepting the proposal from Water Well Solutions Illinois Division, LLC of Elburn, Illinois, for the water well #7 pump and column pipe replacement and aquifer rehabilitation in the amount of $54,040.50 from the Water/Sewer Fund for the project. BACKGROUND: Water Treatment Plant #3 located on S. Crystal Lake Road treats and distributes raw water from wells #7 and #8. The treatment plant removes iron from the raw water, disinfects it , and adds fluoride before the water is pumped to the municipal water towers for distribution. The plant was constructed and became operational in 1985. In the 38 years that the water treatment plant has been in operation, this will be the second time this pump has been replaced. The ave rage service life for a well pump of this type that runs 12 to 18 hours a day is 15 to 20 years. The pump that is being replaced is 18 years old. While the well pump is being replaced, the aquifer will be rehabilitated. This rehabilitation must be done periodically because the intake screens at the bottom of the well become encrusted with iron and minerals that often blind the screen and reduce the capacity of the well. Having the well rehabilitated at this time will ensure that the intake screens do not become encrusted and cause the well to lose capacity. There is also a cost savings because Water Well Solutions will be on site to do the pump replacement which will eliminate having the company come back at a separate time to rehabilitate the aquifer for a second mobilization fee. ANALYSIS: Raw water well #7 pump equipment and aquifer rehabilitation were scheduled for maintenance and rehabilitation in FY 2023/2024 of the completed 10-Year Capital Projection. A total of $100,000 was projected for these projects. Staff requested and received three quotes from qualified contractors. Water Well Solutions Illinois Division, LLC was the lowest quote at $54,040.50. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to award a small contract purchase order to Water Well Solutions Illinois Division, LLC of Elburn, Illinois, in the amount of $54,040.50 for the water well #7 pump and column pipe replacement and aquifer rehabilitation . Date Job Name Company: Address: City: Attention:Bryan Sheel Phone: E-mail:Fax: Qty Unit Price TOTAL 8 $400.00 $3,200.00 2 $600.00 $1,200.00 1 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 $0.00 16 $400.00 $6,400.00 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 1 $5,425.00 $5,425.00 1 $7,950.00 $7,950.00 1 $1,150.00 $1,150.00 155 $9.80 $1,519.00 147 $72.00 $10,584.00 150 $8.25 $1,237.50 1 $600.00 $600.00 1 $275.00 $275.00 8 $400.00 $3,200.00 1 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 $54,040.50 BY: ________________________________ DATE: ________________ Straight Time Labor 2 men truck, sandpumping scope Lump Sum Airburst development "Highly Recommended to recover NOTE ON MATERIAL PRICES: The material prices noted above are based on current market prices. The price for steel, Straight Time Labor to prepare pipe, install, test and chlorinate 40 HP Pearl 460 vac 6" motor assembly within 30 days of invoice date, for those materials ordered. and other materials are volatile. Therefore, we must reserve the right to adjust the above material prices based on market pricing the date your order is signed and returned to us. In order to hold the current pricing, it will be necessary to lost production as outlined in separate attachment" immediately order the materials. Further, Water Well Solutions will bill for the materials so ordered at the same time. Your signature below constitutes agreement to be billed for those materials ordered and is your further agreement to pay, within BY: ________________________ DATE: ____________ CLIENT WATER WELL SOLUTIONS ILLINOIS DIVISION LLC Payment will be made within thirty (30) days of invoice Solutions is authorized to do the work as specified. All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs, will be executed only upon written orders and will become an extra charge over and above this proposal. All agreements are contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry Total Amount Proposed The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. Water Well date, or as outline above. fire, tornado and other insurance. Overtime Labor 2 men truck, auto crane and tooling Downhole 360* color borehole televising w/flash drive copy "Repair equipment as necessary post inspection" 6T30-450 6" sub turbine pump assembly Rated @ 450@147' Pump hoist mobilization with fuel surcharge Misc. Splice kit, banding, tape, chlorine etc. The above includes baseline performance testing 1 hr City of McHenry Straight Time Labor 2 men truck, auto crane and tooling 8/11/2023 Description Pull, Inspect and Televise Well 7 PROPOSAL TO Ft. of 4-3 submersible pump cable with ground 6" Surge Control Valve Ft. 1.25" Sch 80 pvc bell end carrier pipe / surface plate discharge head fabrication change transducer cable and support provision Ft. 6" Sch. 40 Tnemec n141 epoxy coated column pipe altitude gauge, gasket's, epoxy coating and fastners (815) 260-4632 Reconditioning of 6" Surface Plate Discharge Head with new vent Complete replacement w/ rehab Well 7 Worst Case Senario 1415 Industrial Dr. McHenry, IL 60050 WATER WELL SOLUTIONS Illinois Division, LLC 825 E. North St. Elburn, IL 60119 888-769-9009 fax 920-474-4771 City of McHenry 333 S Gre en Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with th e highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. AGENDA ITEM DATE: September 18, 2023 TO: City Council RE: Kane Street Closure AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: School District 15 has requested the closur e of Kane Avenue from Center Street to Green Street on Friday, October 6th, from 8:00 am to 1:00 p.m. The school has a full day of in-ser vice for all teachers. They would like the “Road Closed to Thru Traffic” on Kane Street. The will mainly be using the stre et for food trucks, possible door dash drop off, and parkin g during the day. They may set up a few small pop up canopies for breakfast/lunch. Staff has no issues with the request. RECOMMENDATION: If council concurs, it is recommended to approve the closure of Kane Avenue from Green Street to Center Street on Friday, October 6, 2023, fr om 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. NCenterStAnneSt WKaneAve NCenterStNDaleAveChaunceyH. Duker School NGreenStAnneSt WKaneAve NGreenStNGreenStEdgebrook Elementary School Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community~ Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Kane Street Closure - School Districtµ Bill Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation McHenry Recreation Center 3636 Municipal Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2160 Fax: (815) 363-3119 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: September 18, 2023 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation RE: McHenry Parks & Recreation Facilities & Special Use permit requests ATT: Permit List and Applications All fees and documentation have been satisfactorily submitted for the attached McHenry Parks & Recreation Facilities & Special Use permit requests. If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is considered to approve the attached McHenry Parks & Recreation Facilities & Special Use permit requests. FOR COUNCIL MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 Park Pavilion / Community Room - Beer & Wine and Special Use Permit Requests Date Applicant Location Purpose Permit 10/01/23 Diana Escobedo Recreation Center Birthday Party BW 11/11/23 Morgan Osborne Recreation Center Birthday Party BW BW = Beer & Wine Permit SU = Special Use Permit City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 9.5.23 1 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, September 5, 2023, 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 333 S Green St, McHenry, IL 60050 Roll Call: Mayor Jett called the roll call. Members present Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey -absent, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller, and Mayor Jett. Others present Attorney McArdle, Administrator Morefield, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Finance Director Lynch, Director of Parks and Recreation Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Chief of Police Birk , City Planner Sheriff-absent, Deputy Clerk Johnson, Operations Manager Wirch and City Clerk Ramel. Public Comment: Brigitte Birong- Doube R Double J Ranch- Hickory Creek Farms tenant, Brigitte wanted to say a special thank you from the bottom of her heart for the new roof and how amazing the contractors have been following through on the work. She explained that the barn is not just a boarding facility to her as it was to her predecessor that occupied it before. The barn was opened up to the public in October 2022, the first time in 20 years that the community stepped onto the property and the second time was the first anniversary, the Kentucky Derby party. Opening up to the public in the future will take some time, make sure that it is safe and secure for the public to come in. They are hosting field trips, birthday parties, a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and lessons going out of the barn. She also introduced her team, Fran, Kim, Denise, her husband, and many more who are part of the team. It was noted that she would love to give the council a tour of the barn to please call her. Mayor Jett stated that he did a tour and stated it is ge tting cleaned up and they are doing a great job. Denise Deccico – Spoke as well, she is part of the team at the barn as well. The gentleman who ran it before took good care of the horses but the property was not well maintained. She had gathered some information regarding the economic impact of the horse industry, she presented some handouts regarding this and thanked the help of the council. Consent Agenda. Motion to Approve the following Consent Agenda Items as presented: City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 9.5.23 2 A. Proclamation identifying September 3rd of each year as “It’s Our Fox River Day.” (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) B. Resolution adopting the McHenry County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) C. Award a contract for the North Riverside Drive Parking Lot Project to Chicagoland Paving of Lake Zurich, Illinois in the amount of $307,000 and approve a construction contingency in the amount of 10% ($30,700) of the awarded contract price. (Staff Engineer Gruen) D. Task Order with Robinson Engineering Ltd for Professional Engineering Services for the Phase III Construction Engineering for the North Riverside Drive Parking Lot Project on a Time and Materials basis not to exceed $34,700. (Staff Engineer Gruen) E. Ordinance Amending Title 4, Chapter 3: Adult Business and Uses, Article C: Massage Establishments and Massage Therapists. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) F. Award a contract to Visu-Sewer of Illinois, LLC for the FY23/24 Sanitary Sewer Lining (Joint Bid) Program in an amount of $114,804.10 and to approve a construction contingency in the amount of 10% ($11,480.41) of the awarded contract price. (Staff Engineer Gruen) G. Award a contract to Benchmark Construction Company, Inc. of Bartlett, Illinois for the FY23/24 Sanitary Sewer Lining (Illinois Route 120) Program in the amount of $198,800 and to approve a construction contingency in the amount of 10% ($19,880) of the awarded contract price. (Staff Engineer Gruen). H. Block Party Request – September 16, 2023, Springdale Lane. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) I. August 7, 2023 City Council Meeting Amended Minutes; J. August 21, 2023, City Council Meeting Minutes; K. Issuance of Checks in the amount of $1,166,372.64. Alderman Santi had a question on 5F, and asked for clarification from Operations Manager Wirch, explaining the requirements of IDOT. A motion was made by Alderwoman Miller and seconded by Alderman Santi t o approve the Consent Agenda Item as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 9.5.23 3 Glab, Alderman McClatchey-absent, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Individual Action Item Agenda A. Sign Variance – 1850 N. Richmond Road (new Panera) Motion to grant a Sign Variance for the new Panera, located at 1850 N. Richmond Road, to allow two (2) additional wall signs not to exceed 46.5 sq/ft and one (1) additional menu board not to exceed 12 sq/ft in area. (Community Development Director Polerecky) Alderwoman Miller agrees with how huge the menu boards are now, thank you for being understanding with the sign variance. A motion was made by Alderman Strach and seconded by Alderwoman Miller t o approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey-absent, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. No public comment. Discussion Item Agenda A. Lead Service Presentation (DPW Field Operations Manager Wirch) Operations Manager Wirch gave a brief presentation regarding Lead Water Service, the history and problems regarding lead, what is being done in the future regarding fixing the lead problem , and the timeline line doing so. It is estimated about $220,000 year for 15 years to correct the lead. The next steps needed are to decide on how to move forward and the funding that is needed for the replacements to be looked at. Alderman Glab wanted to know how many repairs fall in the TIF district, Administrator Morefield stated this is brought before right now to bring before the council and the options of cost can be discussed down the road. The topic was also raised about homes being sold and the discolusre of the lead pipes. There is a date that has to be disclosed per Operations Manager Wirch. Alderman Santi asked what bond comes off the books, it is 2010 that comes off in 2030, per Director Lynch, which could be an option per Santi. Alderwoman Miller would think most homeowners do not know, until there is a problem, hoping that the education value is being applied. Per Operations Manager Wirch they notified the City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 9.5.23 4 residents, along with information. Alderman Strach wanted to know if the pipes were too small to line, yes, confirmed by Operations Manager Wirch. Alderman Koch would like to see the map regarding those affected. This discussion went on for some time and Mayor Jett thanked Operations Manager Wirch for the presentation this evening. B. Façade Grant Funding Requests for Remainder of FY23/24. (City Administrator Morefield) Administrator Morefield stated this discussion is to talk about the rest of the fiscal year budget regarding the Façade Grant Funding. Would like to bring this before everyone regarding the potential grants pending for the rest of this year. Alderman Glab thanked the staff for the list of the last two years regarding the grants. Feels there can be a time when enough is done for this year. The whole idea was to encourage businesses to fix up the facades, which should not be done after the fact. Alderwoman Miller stated this may be the time to stay that our funds are run out for the year, and would state we are done for this year. The program is good, learned that the applications have been all over the board, and suggested when this is revisited that the limitations may need to be different to help more businesses for fewer grants, which could be something to help others. Alderwoman Bassi, stated that she agreed, that once the money is out to come back next year. Alderman Santi echoed those above as well, would we do first come first serve for next year ? Administrator Morefield stated they can reapply after May 1 st of next year if they are willing to wait for the money. Alderman Koch, there is $6,000 left and there is $28,000 worth of funds that have been applied for per Administrator Morefield. Staff Reports: Provided the 1st meeting of each month. Administrator Morefield stated that Mark Peterson would like to have a special meeting regarding the city administrator. The 25th of September would be the time for that. Director Hobson- Light the Night on September 16th, 4-10 for that evening. The third quote for the Riverwalk electric has been received as well and will be brought in front of the council. Mayor’s Report: None City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 9.5.23 5 City Council Comments: Alderman Koch, is there a map of where it goes after Riverside Drive, Operations Manager Wirch, will take care of the worst first. Alderwoman Miller wanted to thank the Deputy Chief for the newsletter. Elizabeth Roth and Nicole Meyer helped create this, per Deputy Clerk, Johnson. Alderwoman Miller also asked Chief Birk about electric bikes and the rules of the road for those. Chief Birk did speak of the restrictions for those and also noted they should be following the flow of traffic. City Clerk Ramel commented on how beautiful the River Walk looked and it was a fun time to visit there. Alderman Glab stated many abuse golf cards, have no seat belts, and do not have a license. Also, motorized bicycles have increased as well. The horse barn is also another item he wanted to bring up, feels that we still need to have that meeting for an opportunity that the city could have. Also, talked about the new baseball fields for D156, the council needs to be aware of projects going on in the community. Mayor Jett stated they have ad hoc meetings with school districts and there can be a discussion regarding that along with plans as well. Director Polerecky stated that he could get with the maintenance team and walk through it. Executive Session as needed: None Adjourn: A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to adjourn the meeting at 8:01. Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey-absent, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nay-, 0-abstained. Motion carried. X Mayor Wayne Jett X City Clerk Trisha Ramel Expense Approval Register   McHenry, IL List of Bills Council Meeting ‐ 9‐18‐23       Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   Vendor: ALLIANCE CONTRACTORS INC  ALLIANCE CONTRACTORS INC  23040‐FINAL  09/18/2023  BRIDGE DECK SEALER  445‐00‐8600  24,905.00 Vendor ALLIANCE CONTRACTORS INC Total:   24,905.00   Vendor: BAKER & SON CO, PETER  BAKER & SON CO, PETER  23043.03FA  09/18/2023  DARTMOOR DR FINAL  100‐33‐5300  33,326.61 BAKER & SON CO, PETER  43341  09/18/2023  SFC  100‐33‐6110  401.36 BAKER & SON CO, PETER    43464    09/18/2023    SFC    100‐33‐6110    235.48 BAKER & SON CO, PETER    43487    09/18/2023    SFC    100‐33‐6110    410.64 BAKER & SON CO, PETER    43596    09/18/2023    SFC    100‐33‐6110    377.00 Vendor BAKER & SON CO, PETER Total:   34,751.09   Vendor: BAXTER & WOODMAN  BAXTER & WOODMAN    0250135    09/18/2023    RIVERSIDE SIDEWALK GAP    100‐01‐8900    1,937.25 Vendor BAXTER & WOODMAN Total:   1,937.25   Vendor: GERSTAD BUILDERS INC  GERSTAD BUILDERS INC    778757 RE    09/12/2023    CHECK REPL #778757    740‐00‐6961    2,210.87 Vendor GERSTAD BUILDERS INC Total: 2,210.87   Vendor: HRGREEN  HRGREEN  161918  09/18/2023  C HALL PARKING LOT REHAB  100‐01‐8900  1,212.00 HRGREEN    161919    09/18/2023    VENICE AVE RECONS & PED    440‐00‐8900    216.00 Vendor HRGREEN Total: 1,428.00   Vendor: LEXISNEXIS  LEXISNEXIS  1236684‐20230831  09/18/2023  AUGUST SEARCHES  100‐22‐5110  132.50 Vendor LEXISNEXIS Total:   132.50   Vendor: MARK 1 LANDSCAPE, INC  MARK 1 LANDSCAPE, INC    33900    09/18/2023    AUGUST LANDSCAPE AND    100‐33‐5110    2,376.90 MARK 1 LANDSCAPE, INC  33900  09/18/2023  AUGUST LANDSCAPE AND  100‐33‐5110  845.00 MARK 1 LANDSCAPE, INC    33900    09/18/2023    AUGUST LANDSCAPE AND    100‐45‐5110    16,491.05 MARK 1 LANDSCAPE, INC    33900‐2    09/18/2023    AUGUST LANDSC W‐WW    510‐31‐5110    600.40 MARK 1 LANDSCAPE, INC    33900‐2    09/18/2023    AUGUST LANDSC W‐WW    510‐32‐5110    456.00 Vendor MARK 1 LANDSCAPE, INC Total:   20,769.35   Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE  MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF    INV0015033    09/12/2023    CHIEFS MEETING    100‐22‐5430    30.00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE Total: 30.00   Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS  MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER    INV0015034    09/18/2023    REC FEES AUGUST    100‐01‐6940    43.00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS Total: 43.00   Vendor: MCHENRY SPECIALTIES  MCHENRY SPECIALTIES  2023‐711  09/18/2023  AWARDS  100‐01‐6940  180.00 Vendor MCHENRY SPECIALTIES Total:   180.00   Vendor: MUNICIPAL COLLECTION SERVICES INC  MUNICIPAL COLLECTION    025046    09/18/2023    ESQUIVEL, DAISY     100‐04‐5110    1.94 MUNICIPAL COLLECTION    025047    09/18/2023    CHISMARK, S AND HANSEN, S    100‐04‐5110    190.27 MUNICIPAL COLLECTION  025483  09/18/2023  KOTLOWSKI, LANE COLL FEES  100‐04‐5110  109.56 Vendor MUNICIPAL COLLECTION SERVICES INC Total:   301.77   Vendor: SMITH, KATHRYN  SMITH, KATHRYN    5016    09/18/2023    SUMMER CAMP REFUND    100‐41‐3636    148.00 Vendor SMITH, KATHRYN Total:   148.00        Grand Total: 86,836.83     9/13/2023 12:32:03 PM   Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02793 ‐ 9‐18‐23 AP CKS     Fund Summary      Fund    Expense Amount     100 ‐ GENERAL FUND    58,448.56    440 ‐ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND  216.00    445 ‐ CAPITAL ASSET MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT    24,905.00     510 ‐ WATER/SEWER FUND    1,056.40     740 ‐ RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW    2,210.87     Grand Total:   86,836.83                     Expense Approval Register   McHenry, IL #2 List of Bills Council Meeting ‐ 9‐18‐23       Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   Vendor: ADVANCED WEIGHING SYSTEMS INC  ADVANCED WEIGHING  33956  09/18/2023  Re‐Certification Scales  100‐22‐5110  100.00 Vendor ADVANCED WEIGHING SYSTEMS INC Total:   100.00   Vendor: AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES  AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES  1PHR‐HNNJ‐4QF1  09/12/2023  Magnetic Hooks for Keys  100‐47‐6110  22.71 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES  #11MV‐L9MN‐C9LY  09/18/2023  Office Supplies  100‐22‐6210  13.89 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    #11MV‐L9MN‐C9LY    09/18/2023    Office Supplies    100‐22‐6210    27.36 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    #11MV‐L9MN‐C9LY    09/18/2023    Office Supplies    100‐22‐6210    5.09 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    #1DKG‐KT6Y‐393W    09/18/2023    Bathroom Supplies    100‐45‐6110    285.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES  #1PHR‐HNNJ‐4QF1  09/18/2023  Raffle Box  100‐47‐6110  25.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    113L‐TRJJ‐7HMP    09/18/2023    Flash drives    100‐05‐6210    17.80 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    114Y‐W6PK‐C13K    09/18/2023    Office Supplies    100‐41‐6210    12.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    114Y‐W6PK‐C13K    09/18/2023    Program Supplies     100‐46‐6110    6.58 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES  11MV‐L9MN‐C9LY  09/18/2023  Uniform Order ‐ Polidori  100‐22‐4510  47.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    11MV‐L9MN‐C9LY    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Polidori    100‐22‐6210    51.46 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    11MV‐L9MN‐C9LY    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Polidori    100‐22‐6210    40.48 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    16JH‐7Y9P‐4NFQ    09/18/2023    Office Supplies    100‐22‐6210    65.97 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    16JH‐7Y9P‐4NFQ    09/18/2023    Office Supplies    100‐22‐6210    15.97 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES  16JH‐7Y9P‐4NFQ  09/18/2023  Office Supplies  100‐22‐6210  34.22 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    199F‐FCL6‐9GRL    09/18/2023    Pop up Canopy    100‐22‐6110    144.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1CKM‐M6MJ‐67LM    09/18/2023    Upholstery Fabric for John     100‐03‐6110    75.75 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1DKG‐KT6Y‐393W    09/18/2023    Shop Supplies: Curb marking    100‐45‐6110    119.88 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1FGX‐9VXT‐KX6W    09/18/2023    Bathroom Supplies    100‐45‐6110    37.00 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1K31‐C7L6‐3TVX    09/18/2023    Office Supplies     100‐41‐6210    41.56 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1LJP‐1JJG‐3RXH    09/18/2023    Mold Test Kit     100‐22‐5370    95.95 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1MDX‐DK99‐3DRD    09/18/2023    Shop supplies    100‐45‐6110    23.36 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES  1PHR‐HNNJ‐9RN4  09/18/2023  Water cooler filters  100‐03‐6110  98.79 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES  1PNK‐GGCM‐36TK  09/18/2023  Avery printable index cards for  100‐01‐6210  56.94 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1PNK‐GGCM‐9JXM    09/18/2023    Dispatch light bulbs (5)    100‐23‐6110    142.85 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1PXV‐L77C‐9XXL    09/18/2023    Office Supplies    100‐41‐6210    67.09 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1W6X‐GQ11‐3JDG    09/18/2023    Laminator Sheets (Monte)    100‐01‐6210    19.68 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES  1X3T‐TV74‐67W6  09/18/2023  WW Printer ‐ Canon Color  620‐00‐6270  349.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1X7K‐CCWL‐6DPC    09/18/2023    chair for Norm, golden copy    100‐03‐6210    74.64 Vendor AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES Total:   2,022.95   Vendor: AT&T  AT&T    474537    09/18/2023    Subpoena Fee ‐ Report 23‐   100‐22‐5110    70.00 Vendor AT&T Total:   70.00   Vendor: AUTO TECH CENTERS INC  AUTO TECH CENTERS INC    INV081956    09/18/2023    321 (81956)    100‐22‐5370    679.84 Vendor AUTO TECH CENTERS INC Total:   679.84   Vendor: BADGER METER INC  BADGER METER INC    80137326    09/18/2023    Badger monthly sercive fee Aug    510‐31‐6110    507.98 Vendor BADGER METER INC Total:   507.98   Vendor: CARY PARK DISTRICT  CARY PARK DISTRICT    2183    09/18/2023    Trip ‐ I & M    100‐46‐5110    1,042.08 CARY PARK DISTRICT    2186    09/18/2023    Trip ‐ Rails, Pipes, Pub    100‐46‐5110    407.65 Vendor CARY PARK DISTRICT Total:   1,449.73   Vendor: CDW GOVERNMENT INC  CDW GOVERNMENT INC  7920 8‐27‐23  09/18/2023  ADO V19 GOV ACROBAT STD  620‐00‐6110  119.08 Vendor CDW GOVERNMENT INC Total:   119.08   Vendor: CENTURY SPRINGS  CENTURY SPRINGS  2139410  09/18/2023  Lab Water INV# 2139410  510‐32‐6110  25.57     9/13/2023 12:35:36 PM   Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02797 ‐ 9‐18‐23 RECT INV   Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   CENTURY SPRINGS    2145873    09/18/2023    Lab Water INV# 2145873    510‐32‐6110    34.86 Vendor CENTURY SPRINGS Total:   60.43   Vendor: CINTAS   CINTAS     5174473483    09/18/2023    First Aid Cabinet    100‐45‐5110    92.78 Vendor CINTAS  Total:   92.78   Vendor: COMCAST CABLE  COMCAST CABLE  0291 9‐1‐23  09/18/2023  CH Cable TV  620‐00‐5110  27.40 COMCAST CABLE    2866 9‐5‐23    09/18/2023    PW Internet    620‐00‐5110    185.88 COMCAST CABLE    3136 9‐4‐23    09/18/2023    WW Cable TV & Internet    620‐00‐5110    178.19 COMCAST CABLE    7920 8‐27‐23    09/18/2023    CH Monthly Internet    620‐00‐5110    186.39 Vendor COMCAST CABLE Total:   577.86   Vendor: COMCAST ENS  COMCAST ENS    181223930    09/18/2023    Comcast Ethernet Network    620‐00‐5110    3,778.75 Vendor COMCAST ENS Total:   3,778.75   Vendor: CONSERV FS  CONSERV FS    65161941    09/18/2023    Creek seed #65161941    100‐33‐6110    237.50 CONSERV FS    65162287    09/18/2023    Landscape Supplies    100‐45‐6110    32.25 Vendor CONSERV FS Total:   269.75   Vendor: DAHLIN, M, PC  DAHLIN, M, PC    150 CK RE 779412    09/18/2023    REISSUE CK 779412 ‐ INV 150    100‐03‐5110    107.25 DAHLIN, M, PC    150 CK RE 779412    09/18/2023    REISSUE CK 779412 ‐ INV 150    100‐22‐5110    965.25 DAHLIN, M, PC    230    09/18/2023    AUGUST COURT INV 230    100‐03‐5110    103.50 DAHLIN, M, PC    230    09/18/2023    AUGUST COURT INV 230    100‐22‐5110    931.50 Vendor DAHLIN, M, PC Total:   2,107.50   Vendor: DAHM ENTERPRISES, INC  DAHM ENTERPRISES, INC    1877    09/18/2023    Land Application INV# 1877    510‐32‐5580    447.12 Vendor DAHM ENTERPRISES, INC Total:   447.12   Vendor: DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE  DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE    424807    09/18/2023    Bathroom Supplies    100‐45‐6110    176.40 Vendor DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE Total:   176.40   Vendor: EAGLE POINT GUN / TJ MORRIS & SONS  EAGLE POINT GUN / TJ MORRIS  136247  09/18/2023  Ammunition  100‐22‐6110  7,901.00 Vendor EAGLE POINT GUN / TJ MORRIS & SONS Total:   7,901.00   Vendor: ESRI  ESRI  94552690  09/18/2023  ArcGIS Viewer Licenses  620‐00‐5110  1,523.40 Vendor ESRI Total:   1,523.40   Vendor: FIRST RESPONDERS WELLNESS CENTER  FIRST RESPONDERS WELLNESS    17374    09/18/2023    Pre‐Employment Screening ‐    100‐23‐5110    585.00 Vendor FIRST RESPONDERS WELLNESS CENTER Total:   585.00   Vendor: FISCHER BROS FRESH  FISCHER BROS FRESH    20767    09/18/2023    Concrete for Road Program    100‐33‐6110    949.00 FISCHER BROS FRESH    20782    09/18/2023    Concrete for Road Program    100‐33‐6110    842.63 FISCHER BROS FRESH    20790    09/18/2023    Concrete for Road Program    100‐33‐6110    1,239.00 FISCHER BROS FRESH  20818  09/18/2023  Concrete for Road Program  100‐33‐6110  889.75 FISCHER BROS FRESH    20828    09/18/2023    Concrete for Road Program    100‐33‐6110    936.88 FISCHER BROS FRESH    20838    09/18/2023    Concrete for Road Program    100‐33‐6110    889.75 FISCHER BROS FRESH    20850    09/18/2023    Concrete for Road Program    100‐33‐6110    949.00 FISCHER BROS FRESH  20868  09/18/2023  Concrete for Road Program  100‐33‐6110  996.13 FISCHER BROS FRESH    20884    09/18/2023    Concrete for Road Program    100‐33‐6110    1,090.38 Vendor FISCHER BROS FRESH Total: 8,782.52   Vendor: FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC  FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC  1185  09/18/2023  Seed, Staples, Blanket for ADAs  100‐33‐6110  740.00 Vendor FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC Total:   740.00   Vendor: GALLS LLC  GALLS LLC    025433510    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Fitzgerald    100‐23‐4510    101.52 Vendor GALLS LLC Total:   101.52     9/13/2023 12:35:36 PM   Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02797 ‐ 9‐18‐23 RECT INV   Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   Vendor: GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS  GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS    406710    09/18/2023    Order on 9/7    100‐44‐6110    395.36 Vendor GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS Total:   395.36   Vendor: GORDON FLESCH COMPANY INC,   GORDON FLESCH COMPANY    IN14345909    09/18/2023    MFP DaaS / Monthly Page    620‐00‐5110    375.41 GORDON FLESCH COMPANY    IN14346600    09/18/2023    MFP Monthly Page Count Ricoh    620‐00‐5110    573.31 Vendor GORDON FLESCH COMPANY INC,  Total:   948.72   Vendor: GRAINGER  GRAINGER    INV#9816310834    09/18/2023    Maintenance Supplies    510‐32‐6110    141.84 Vendor GRAINGER Total:   141.84   Vendor: GREAT LAKES FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT CO  GREAT LAKES FIRE & SAFETY    1354    09/18/2023    Sample hydrant parts    510‐31‐6110    397.50 Vendor GREAT LAKES FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT CO Total: 397.50   Vendor: GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS LLC  GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS  23‐2339  09/18/2023  T‐ball League Shirts  100‐47‐6110  679.20 GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS    23‐2340    09/18/2023    MMAC Coach Shirts    100‐47‐6110    827.43 GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS    23‐2342    09/18/2023    Softball Shirts for Summer    100‐47‐6110    708.60 GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS    23‐2345    09/18/2023    Extra Staff Uniforms    100‐42‐6110    218.00 GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS  23‐2348  09/18/2023  Rec Staff Shirts  400‐00‐4510  809.56 GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS    23‐2349    09/18/2023    End of Season Gifts    100‐42‐6920    546.87 GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS    23‐2349    09/18/2023    End of Season Gifts    100‐47‐6920    546.87 Vendor GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS LLC Total: 4,336.53   Vendor: HAWKINS INC  HAWKINS INC    6554832    09/18/2023    Chemical Delivery    510‐32‐6110    8,030.40 HAWKINS INC    6556044    09/18/2023    Hawkins Chemicals    510‐31‐6110    9,667.37 HAWKINS INC    6570004    09/18/2023    Chemical Delivery INV#    510‐32‐6110    13,136.31 HAWKINS INC    INV#6562983    09/18/2023    Chemical Delivery    510‐32‐6110    7,992.00 Vendor HAWKINS INC Total:   38,826.08   Vendor: HDR, INC  HDR, INC    1200554814‐5    09/18/2023    2023 COMPREHENSIVE AND    100‐03‐5110    16,000.00 Vendor HDR, INC Total:   16,000.00   Vendor: HITCHCOCK DESIGN, INC  HITCHCOCK DESIGN, INC    31028    09/18/2023    Miller Point Construction    280‐41‐8800    6,431.12 HITCHCOCK DESIGN, INC    31150    09/18/2023    Master Plan fees    280‐41‐8800    1,500.00 Vendor HITCHCOCK DESIGN, INC Total:   7,931.12   Vendor: HOLCIM‐MAMR, INC  HOLCIM‐MAMR, INC    718314424    09/18/2023    Grade 9 for Road Program    100‐33‐6110    228.54 HOLCIM‐MAMR, INC    718415388    09/18/2023    Grade 9 for Road Program    100‐33‐6110    231.10 HOLCIM‐MAMR, INC    718470502    09/18/2023    Road Program Grade 9    100‐33‐6110    691.70 HOLCIM‐MAMR, INC    718500709    09/18/2023    Meadow Ln Water Break    510‐31‐6110    262.04 Vendor HOLCIM‐MAMR, INC Total:   1,413.38   Vendor: ILLINOIS DEPT OF AGRICULTURE  ILLINOIS DEPT OF    7N003129    09/18/2023    Scales re‐certification    100‐22‐5110    400.00 Vendor ILLINOIS DEPT OF AGRICULTURE Total:   400.00   Vendor: INFOSEND, INC  INFOSEND, INC    246309    09/18/2023    AUGUST W/S BILLS PRINTING &    100‐04‐5310    4,194.72 INFOSEND, INC    246309    09/18/2023    AUGUST W/S BILLS PRINTING &    100‐04‐5330    1,535.94 Vendor INFOSEND, INC Total:   5,730.66   Vendor: INNOVATIVE BOILER SYSTEMS, INC  INNOVATIVE BOILER SYSTEMS,    23‐9948    09/18/2023    Vapor Power Unit  INV# 23‐   510‐32‐5375    4,259.53 Vendor INNOVATIVE BOILER SYSTEMS, INC Total:   4,259.53   Vendor: INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER  INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY  1903701053569  09/18/2023  Miller Point  100‐45‐6110  27.60 Vendor INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER Total:   27.60       9/13/2023 12:35:36 PM   Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02797 ‐ 9‐18‐23 RECT INV   Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   Vendor: INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC  INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE    3033963276    09/18/2023    408 (3033963276)    100‐33‐5370    315.00 Vendor INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC Total:   315.00   Vendor: JG UNIFORMS INC  JG UNIFORMS INC    119963    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Harris    100‐22‐4510    77.00 JG UNIFORMS INC    119964    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Barjaktarevic    100‐22‐4510    696.30 JG UNIFORMS INC  119965  09/18/2023  Uniform Order ‐ McCauley  100‐22‐4510  696.30 Vendor JG UNIFORMS INC Total:   1,469.60   Vendor: JRM DIST LLC  JRM DIST LLC    11197    09/18/2023    Generator Hose Clamps INV#    510‐32‐5380    608.38 Vendor JRM DIST LLC Total:   608.38   Vendor: KIEFER & ASSOC, ADOLPH  KIEFER & ASSOC, ADOLPH    INV001352208    09/18/2023    Suit Fitting Box    100‐47‐6110    1,792.00 Vendor KIEFER & ASSOC, ADOLPH Total:   1,792.00   Vendor: KIMBALL MIDWEST  KIMBALL MIDWEST    101389625    09/18/2023    kimball stock (101389625)    100‐33‐5370    181.84 KIMBALL MIDWEST    101392127    09/18/2023    kimball stock (101392127)    510‐32‐5370    206.87 Vendor KIMBALL MIDWEST Total:   388.71   Vendor: KIWANIS CLUB OF MCHENRY  KIWANIS CLUB OF MCHENRY    10571    09/18/2023    Membership ‐ Kiwanis    100‐41‐5410    150.00 Vendor KIWANIS CLUB OF MCHENRY Total: 150.00   Vendor: KOMLINE‐SANDERSON  KOMLINE‐SANDERSON  42057663  09/18/2023  Polymer injection fittings  510‐32‐5375  218.31 Vendor KOMLINE‐SANDERSON Total:   218.31   Vendor: MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW PLOWING CORP  MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW    9‐6‐23    09/18/2023    Emergency Tree Removal    100‐33‐6950    4,500.00 Vendor MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW PLOWING CORP Total:   4,500.00   Vendor: MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC  MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC    W000949    09/18/2023    811 (w000949)    510‐35‐5370    750.66 Vendor MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC Total:   750.66   Vendor: MCDANIELS MARKETING  MCDANIELS MARKETING    INV‐9803    09/18/2023    ThinkMcHenry Qrtly Maint    100‐06‐5110    2,100.00 Vendor MCDANIELS MARKETING Total: 2,100.00   Vendor: MENARDS ‐ CRYSTAL LAKE  MENARDS ‐ CRYSTAL LAKE  97447  09/18/2023  Miller Point  100‐45‐6110  250.85 Vendor MENARDS ‐ CRYSTAL LAKE Total:   250.85   Vendor: MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & BRICK PAVERS INC  MENDEZ LANDSCAPING &    15555    09/18/2023    Contractual Landscaping    100‐45‐5110    3,000.00 MENDEZ LANDSCAPING &    15697    09/18/2023    Miller Point retaining wall    100‐01‐8900    10,500.00 MENDEZ LANDSCAPING &    15709    09/18/2023    Recreartion Center    400‐00‐5110    475.00 Vendor MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & BRICK PAVERS INC Total: 13,975.00   Vendor: MIDWEST METER INC  MIDWEST METER INC  0159227‐IN  09/18/2023  inv# 0159227 Midwest Meter  510‐31‐6110  17.00 MIDWEST METER INC    159228‐IN    09/18/2023    Inv# 159228 Midwest Meter    510‐31‐6110    433.50 Vendor MIDWEST METER INC Total: 450.50   Vendor: MIDWEST POWER INDUSTRY, INC  MIDWEST POWER INDUSTRY,    1284    09/18/2023    sioux gen (1284)    510‐31‐5370    800.16 Vendor MIDWEST POWER INDUSTRY, INC Total:   800.16   Vendor: MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH  MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH    98859    09/18/2023    Bail Bond forms    100‐22‐6210    170.00 Vendor MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH Total:   170.00   Vendor: MOTOROLA  MOTOROLA    7787520230801    09/18/2023    Starcom 21 Monthly Invoice    100‐22‐5320    3,359.00 Vendor MOTOROLA Total:   3,359.00       9/13/2023 12:35:36 PM   Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02797 ‐ 9‐18‐23 RECT INV   Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   Vendor: NATIONAL AWARDS & FINE GIFTS  NATIONAL AWARDS & FINE    14729    09/18/2023    Engrave Plaques    100‐22‐6210    59.30 Vendor NATIONAL AWARDS & FINE GIFTS Total:   59.30   Vendor: NELBUD SERVICES LLC  NELBUD SERVICES LLC    30924557    09/18/2023    Sprinkler trouble alarm    100‐33‐5115    125.00 Vendor NELBUD SERVICES LLC Total:   125.00   Vendor: NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE ALARM SYSTEM  NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE    15147    09/18/2023    Language Line    100‐22‐5110    75.00 Vendor NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE ALARM SYSTEM Total: 75.00   Vendor: PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC  PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES,  I9566923  09/18/2023  Pace labs monthly invoice  510‐31‐5110  772.30 Vendor PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC Total:   772.30   Vendor: PETROCHOICE LLC  PETROCHOICE LLC    51303314    09/18/2023    Fuel ‐ UTY ‐ 51303314    510‐35‐6250    321.23 PETROCHOICE LLC  51303330  09/18/2023  Fuel ‐ 51303330  100‐22‐6250  3,000.27 PETROCHOICE LLC    51312148    09/18/2023    Fuel ‐ UTY ‐ 51312148    510‐35‐6250    849.14 PETROCHOICE LLC    51312158    09/18/2023    Fuel ‐ WW ‐ 51312158    510‐32‐6250    355.09 PETROCHOICE LLC    51312159    09/18/2023    Fuel ‐ WTR ‐ 51312159    510‐31‐6250    137.99 PETROCHOICE LLC  51312160  09/18/2023  Fuel # 51312160  100‐45‐6250  919.41 PETROCHOICE LLC    51312161    09/18/2023    Fuel ‐ STS ‐ 51312161    100‐33‐6250    1,297.47 PETROCHOICE LLC    51312162    09/18/2023    Fuel ‐ 51312162    100‐22‐6250    3,846.72 PETROCHOICE LLC    51314678    09/18/2023    Fuel ‐ 51314678    100‐22‐6250    2,054.52 Vendor PETROCHOICE LLC Total:   12,781.84   Vendor: PETTIBONE & CO, P F  PETTIBONE & CO, P F    184285    09/18/2023    Service Pins    100‐22‐6210    640.90 Vendor PETTIBONE & CO, P F Total:   640.90   Vendor: POLICE LEGAL SCIENCES  POLICE LEGAL SCIENCES  12042  09/18/2023  Dispatch Training  100‐23‐5430  2,040.00 Vendor POLICE LEGAL SCIENCES Total:   2,040.00   Vendor: PROSHRED SECURITY  PROSHRED SECURITY  1239970  09/18/2023  Monthly Shredding  100‐22‐5110  80.13 Vendor PROSHRED SECURITY Total:   80.13   Vendor: QUBIT NETWORKS  QUBIT NETWORKS    13108    09/18/2023    Extreme 5420F‐48P‐4XE    620‐00‐8300    11,962.90 Vendor QUBIT NETWORKS Total:   11,962.90   Vendor: RED WING SHOES  RED WING SHOES    740‐1‐82954    09/18/2023    Steel toe boots    100‐33‐4510    167.19 Vendor RED WING SHOES Total:   167.19   Vendor: REFLECTIONS IN GLASS  REFLECTIONS IN GLASS    5482    09/18/2023    Glass Repair in Fitness Center    400‐00‐5375    228.00 Vendor REFLECTIONS IN GLASS Total: 228.00   Vendor: ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD  ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD    2380077    09/18/2023    Freund Lift Stat Pipe & Valve    510‐32‐8500    652.00 Vendor ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD Total:   652.00   Vendor: SECURITY FANATICS  SECURITY FANATICS    0001122    09/18/2023    Firewall Support    620‐00‐5110    375.00 Vendor SECURITY FANATICS Total:   375.00   Vendor: SERVICEMASTER BY THACKER  SERVICEMASTER BY THACKER    25043    09/18/2023    1415 Industrial Cleaning (Sept    100‐33‐5115    500.00 Vendor SERVICEMASTER BY THACKER Total: 500.00   Vendor: SHAW MEDIA  SHAW MEDIA  10105871 8‐31‐23  09/18/2023  Bull Valley Rd Bridge  100‐33‐5110  165.58 SHAW MEDIA    2097000    09/18/2023    2023 Sewer Lining Joint Bid    510‐32‐8500    176.30 SHAW MEDIA    2098793    09/18/2023    2023 Sewer Lining (Route 120)    510‐32‐8500    177.64 Vendor SHAW MEDIA Total:   519.52       9/13/2023 12:35:36 PM   Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02797 ‐ 9‐18‐23 RECT INV   Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   Vendor: TODAY'S UNIFORMS  TODAY'S UNIFORMS    241130    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Aalto    100‐22‐4510    15.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS  241133  09/18/2023  Uniform Oder ‐ J. Prather  100‐22‐4510  199.80 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    241141    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Pardue    100‐22‐4510    135.90 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    241142    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Cvitkovic    100‐23‐4510    179.85 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    241193    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Krueger    100‐22‐4510    57.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    241290    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Martinez    100‐22‐4510    75.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS  241293  09/18/2023  Uniform Order ‐ Polidori  100‐22‐4510  59.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    241341    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Harris    100‐22‐4510    341.70 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    241378    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Krueger    100‐22‐4510    59.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS  241382  09/18/2023  Uniform Order ‐ O'Herron  100‐22‐4510  99.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS  241419  09/18/2023  Uniform Order ‐ J. Prather  100‐22‐4510  56.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    241502    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Landwehr    100‐23‐4510    116.90 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    241727    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Sterwerf    100‐22‐4510    115.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    241825    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Szoke    100‐22‐4510    27.80 TODAY'S UNIFORMS  241896  09/18/2023  Uniform Order ‐ Krueger  100‐22‐4510  151.90 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242046    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Krueger    100‐22‐4510    95.90 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242101    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Cruz    100‐22‐4510    131.90 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242297    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ O'Herron    100‐22‐4510    56.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242298    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Cvitkovic    100‐23‐4510    56.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS  242299  09/18/2023  Uniform Order ‐ Lorenz  100‐22‐4510  56.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242426    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ McCauley    100‐22‐4510    159.85 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242428    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Barjaktarevic    100‐22‐4510    175.85 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242447    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Barjaktarevic    100‐22‐4510    811.40 TODAY'S UNIFORMS  242448  09/18/2023  Uniform Order ‐ McCauley  100‐22‐4510  201.65 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242449    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ McCauley    100‐22‐4510    227.85 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242501    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ McCauley    100‐22‐4510    25.90 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242502    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Barjaktarevic    100‐22‐4510    25.90 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242570    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Barjaktarevic    100‐22‐4510    179.85 TODAY'S UNIFORMS  242603  09/18/2023  Uniform Order ‐ McCauley  100‐22‐4510  197.85 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242604    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ McCauley    100‐22‐4510    199.99 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242656    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Szoke    100‐22‐4510    59.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242767    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ McCauley    100‐22‐4510    325.75 TODAY'S UNIFORMS  242786  09/18/2023  Uniform Order ‐ Barjaktarevic  100‐22‐4510  75.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242919    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Szoke    100‐22‐4510    82.90 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242920    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Krueger    100‐22‐4510    55.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242921    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Szoke    100‐22‐4510    237.90 TODAY'S UNIFORMS  242957  09/18/2023  Uniform Order ‐ Spohn  100‐22‐4510  351.70 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    242961    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Morrison    100‐23‐4510    69.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    243060    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Spohn    100‐22‐4510    75.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    243126    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Spohn    100‐22‐4510    56.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    243193    09/18/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Klasek    100‐22‐4510    179.70 TODAY'S UNIFORMS  241895  09/19/2023  Uniform Order ‐ Walsh  100‐22‐4510  69.95 Vendor TODAY'S UNIFORMS Total:   5,943.79   Vendor: TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP  TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP    016328    09/18/2023    Uniform Alterations ‐ K. Lorenz    100‐22‐4510    12.00 Vendor TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP Total:   12.00   Vendor: TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP  TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP    26251    09/18/2023    K9 Food/Training    100‐22‐6310    414.20 Vendor TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP Total:   414.20   Vendor: TOTAL PARKING SOLUTIONS, INC  TOTAL PARKING SOLUTIONS,    106303    09/18/2023    Boat Ramp Reciept Paper    100‐41‐6110    180.00 Vendor TOTAL PARKING SOLUTIONS, INC Total: 180.00   Vendor: TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC  TRAFFIC CONTROL &  110651  09/18/2023  Stop Signs   100‐33‐6110  286.85 TRAFFIC CONTROL &    116064    09/18/2023    No Trucks Signs    100‐33‐6110    235.30 TRAFFIC CONTROL &    116167    09/18/2023    No Trucks Signs     100‐33‐6110    516.10 Vendor TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC Total:   1,038.25       9/13/2023 12:35:36 PM   Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02797 ‐ 9‐18‐23 RECT INV   Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   Vendor: UNITED TALENT COORDINATORS  UNITED TALENT    39486    09/18/2023    Light the Night Music    210‐00‐5110    1,700.00 Vendor UNITED TALENT COORDINATORS Total:   1,700.00   Vendor: WATER PRODUCTS ‐ AURORA  WATER PRODUCTS ‐ AURORA    0317109    09/18/2023    Curb stop, clamps, bbox,    510‐31‐6110    2,466.96 Vendor WATER PRODUCTS ‐ AURORA Total:   2,466.96   Vendor: WATERLY LLC  WATERLY LLC    1257    09/18/2023    Waterly yearly service fee    510‐31‐5110    4,200.00 Vendor WATERLY LLC Total: 4,200.00   Vendor: WOODMASTER FENCE  WOODMASTER FENCE  707236.1  09/18/2023  Miller Point fencing  100‐01‐8900  5,951.00 WOODMASTER FENCE    707237.1    09/18/2023    Miller Point fencing    510‐32‐5380    5,953.00 Vendor WOODMASTER FENCE Total: 11,904.00   Vendor: XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INC  XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA  3556C81689  09/18/2023  Millstream Lift  510‐32‐5380  852.90 XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA    3556C86614    09/18/2023    Willow Lift FLS Sensor INV#    510‐32‐5380    360.00 Vendor XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INC Total: 1,212.90        Grand Total:   204,251.28                 9/13/2023 12:35:36 PM   Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02797 ‐ 9‐18‐23 RECT INV     Fund Summary      Fund    Expense Amount     100 ‐ GENERAL FUND    108,259.95    210 ‐ BAND FUND  1,700.00    280 ‐ DEVELOPER DONATION FUND    7,931.12     400 ‐ RECREATION CENTER FUND    1,512.56     510 ‐ WATER/SEWER FUND    65,211.95     620 ‐ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND    19,635.70     Grand Total:   204,251.28                       AS NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 9-18-2023 100 100-42-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 08/07/2023 257.23 100 100-44-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 08/07/2023 590 100 100-47-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 08/07/2023 88.1 100 100-47-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 08/07/2023 44.79 100 100-33-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 08/07/2023 44.49 100 100-42-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 08/07/2023 99.36 210 210-00-5110 BRASS ON FIRE 08/07/2023 1200 100 100-01-8900 FURST CONCRETE SOLUTIONS INC 08/07/2023 5300 100 100-22-5430 HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS 08/07/2023 567.5 445 445-00-8200 KM CONSTRUCTION 08/07/2023 159600 510 510-31-6110 METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES 08/07/2023 1585.12 100 100-42-6110 NORTHERN ILLINOIS SWIM CONFERENCE 08/07/2023 263 100 100-03-6110 ACE HARDWARE 08/11/2023 136.71 100 100-33-5370 ACE HARDWARE 08/11/2023 54.79 100 100-33-6110 ACE HARDWARE 08/11/2023 219.44 100 100-42-6110 ACE HARDWARE 08/11/2023 1643.5 100 100-44-6110 ACE HARDWARE 08/11/2023 5.84 100 100-45-6110 ACE HARDWARE 08/11/2023 854.44 100 100-45-6270 ACE HARDWARE 08/11/2023 419.99 510 510-31-6110 ACE HARDWARE 08/11/2023 133.92 510 510-32-5375 ACE HARDWARE 08/11/2023 17.99 510 510-32-6110 ACE HARDWARE 08/11/2023 393.88 620 620-00-5320 AT&T 08/11/2023 1400.01 620 620-00-5110 AT&T 08/11/2023 821.9 620 620-00-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 08/11/2023 4.72 100 100-45-6110 FOX WATERWAY AGENCY 08/11/2023 600 100 100-45-6110 FOX WATERWAY AGENCY 08/11/2023 500 100 100-45-6110 G & E GREENHOUSES INC 08/11/2023 1684.4 620 620-00-5110 GORDON FLESCH COMPANY INC, 08/11/2023 359.72 620 620-00-5110 GORDON FLESCH COMPANY INC, 08/11/2023 507.52 100 100-03-5120 HUEMANN WATER CONDITIONING 08/11/2023 165 100 100-01-5110 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 08/11/2023 423.75 100 100-30-5110 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 08/11/2023 28.25 100 100-41-5110 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 08/11/2023 367.25 100 100-45-5110 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 08/11/2023 84.75 100 100-47-5110 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 08/11/2023 197.75 100 100-22-5110 LEXISNEXIS 08/11/2023 150.5 100 100-22-5110 LEXISNEXIS 08/11/2023 135 100 100-03-6110 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 08/11/2023 35 100 100-22-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 08/11/2023 458.8 100 100-33-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 08/11/2023 789.98 100 100-45-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 08/11/2023 69.71 510 510-32-5375 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 08/11/2023 364.47 510 510-32-6250 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 08/11/2023 280.84 510 510-35-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 08/11/2023 100.04 100 100-01-5110 PROSHRED SECURITY 08/11/2023 497.2 400 400-00-5110 SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS INC 08/11/2023 80 100 100-22-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 08/11/2023 177.96 100 100-33-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 08/11/2023 155.75 100 100-22-5310 UPS 08/11/2023 29.22 100 100-22-5110 VERIZON WIRELESS 08/11/2023 70 100 100-22-5110 VERIZON WIRELESS 08/11/2023 50 100 100-33-6110 WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA 08/11/2023 900 510 510-31-6110 WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA 08/11/2023 420.73 100 100-45-6110 WINTERGREEN CORPORATION 08/11/2023 47.28 100 100-06-5110 1252 GREEN LLC 08/17/2023 30000 100 100-01-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/17/2023 119.4 100 100-03-5120 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/17/2023 76.69 100 100-03-5410 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/17/2023 32 100 100-06-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/17/2023 150 100 100-06-5410 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/17/2023 416.25 100 100-22-5420 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/17/2023 1217.4 100 100-22-6210 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/17/2023 425.92 100 100-22-6310 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/17/2023 54.74 100 100-23-5430 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/17/2023 21 100 100-03-5120 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 08/17/2023 103.24 100 100-33-4510 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 08/17/2023 245.36 100 100-33-6110 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 08/17/2023 430.36 510 510-32-4510 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 08/17/2023 752.96 100 100-06-5110 ELDRUP, KURT 08/17/2023 15526 510 510-32-5375 EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLD 08/17/2023 6233.72 100 100-22-5430 FBI - LEEDA 08/17/2023 795 100 100-01-6940 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 39 100 100-03-5370 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 114.75 100 100-22-5370 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 464.8 100 100-22-5420 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 1479.55 100 100-22-5430 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 99.67 100 100-22-6210 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 1080 100 100-41-5330 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 115 100 100-42-5110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 643 100 100-42-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 500.16 100 100-43-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 275.5 100 100-44-5430 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 36 100 100-44-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 487.14 100 100-44-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 110.26 100 100-45-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 117.5 100 100-46-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 175.05 100 100-46-6112 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 6177.18 100 100-46-6920 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 337.22 100 100-47-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 141.42 400 400-00-5321 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 289.98 400 400-00-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 49.02 400 400-00-6210 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 220 400 400-40-5110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 718 400 400-40-5375 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 173.64 620 620-00-5110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 115.85 620 620-00-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 149 620 620-00-6270 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 973.73 510 510-32-5410 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 225 510 510-32-5430 FIRST BANKCARD 08/17/2023 25 100 100-45-5110 GAMETIME 08/17/2023 3879.72 510 510-32-6110 GASVODA & ASSOCIATES INC 08/17/2023 4884.5 100 100-22-5110 GUARDIAN ALLIANCE TECHNOLOGIES 08/17/2023 204 100 100-03-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 08/17/2023 1072.77 100 100-33-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 08/17/2023 1825.07 100 100-45-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 08/17/2023 853.87 100 100-45-6270 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 08/17/2023 248 510 510-32-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 08/17/2023 927.96 100 100-01-5430 MUNICIPAL CLERKS OF LAKE COUNTY 08/17/2023 40 100 100-33-5110 PRECISION PAVEMENT MARKINGS, INC 08/17/2023 24083.17 100 100-45-6110 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, THE 08/17/2023 108.36 100 100-45-6110 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, THE 08/17/2023 80 100 100-45-6110 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, THE 08/17/2023 80 100 100-45-6270 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, THE 08/17/2023 3250 620 620-00-5110 COMCAST CABLE 08/25/2023 169.9 620 620-00-5110 COMCAST CABLE 08/25/2023 178.19 100 100-33-5520 COMED 08/25/2023 27.87 100 100-23-5420 CROWNE PLAZA 08/25/2023 406.98 100 100-22-5410 ILEAS 08/25/2023 240 100 100-01-6110 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 08/25/2023 33 100 100-22-5320 MOTOROLA 08/25/2023 3277 100 100-45-5370 POMPS TIRE SERVICE INC 08/25/2023 110.5 100 100-44-6110 SAM'S CLUB 08/25/2023 59.44 100 100-44-6110 SAM'S CLUB 08/25/2023 19.96 100 100-46-6920 SAM'S CLUB 08/25/2023 9.66 100 100-33-5115 SERVICEMASTER BY THACKER 08/25/2023 500 100 100-33-5115 STATE FIRE MARSHAL 08/25/2023 75 100 100-33-5110 STATE TREASURER 08/25/2023 11835.21 100 100-46-5110 THE DANCING HORSES DINNER THEATRE 08/25/2023 100 100 100-22-5310 UPS 08/25/2023 14.97 510 510-32-5580 WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO 08/25/2023 5512.4 TOTAL: 321517.6 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development FOR: September 18, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Redevelopment Agreement between the City of McHenry and Delights Enterprises LLC for the property located at 3319 W Elm ATT: 1. City Council Minutes dated August 21, 202 3 2. Ordinance authorizing the execution of a Redevelopment Agreement with De lights Enterprises LLC and the City of McHenry for the property located at 3319 W Elm Stree t 3. Redevelopment Agreement between the City of McHenry and Delights Enterprises LLC for the property located at 3319 W Elm Street AGENDA SUPPLEMENT SUMMARY: The City Counci l considered and approved a Vacant Building Incentive Program request for 3319 W Elm at the August 21, 2023 City Council meeting (minutes attached) however it was determined that since the property was located in the tax increment financing (TIF) district a redevelopment agreement was a more appropriate agreement to approve the request. Attached to this supplement is a Redevelopment Agreement between the City of McHenry and Delights Enterprises for the property located at 3319 W Elm Street. ANALYSIS: The redevelopment ag reement includes a reimbursement to the property owner of the increment generated from the property at 3319 from the 2022 tax bill for the next five years, capped at $50,000 however the total increment projected to be generated is appr oximately between $2500 and $5000 during that time period. The redevelopment pr oject costs must be submitted to the City for reimbursement and the agreement will expire in 2027 unless the business closes prior to that time period. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us If the City Council con curs with staff’s analysis it is recommended to approve the attached Ordinance auth orizing the execution of a Redevelopment Agreement with Delights Enterp rises LLC and the City of McHenry for the property located at 3319 W Elm Street. 1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A REDEVELOPMENT AGREEEMENT WITH DELIGHTS ENTERPRISES LLC (“DEVELOPER”) AND THE CITY OF MCHENRY, AN ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, FOR AN APPROXIMATELY .11 ACRE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3319 W ELM STREET, IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLLINOIS WHEREAS, Delights Enterprises LLC, an Illinois Corporation is (the “DEVELOPER”) of the real estate located at 3319 W Elm Street, in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act of the State of Illinois, 65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-1, et seq., as from time to time amended (the “TIF ACT”), the Mayor and City Council (collectively, the “CORPORATE AUTHORITIES”) are empowered to undertake the redevelopment of a designated area within its municipal limits in which existing conditions permit such area to be classified as a “conservation area” as defined in Section 11.74.4-3(b) of the TIF ACT; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to its powers and in accordance with the requirements of the TIF ACT, the CORPORATE AUTHORITIES designated the Redevelopment Project Area as “redevel opment project area” (as that term is defined under the TIF ACT) and adopted tax increment allocation financing for the purpose of implementing the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project Area; and, WHERAS, the DEVELOPER The Developer proposes to develop an approximately 1,000 square foot ice cream shop to be marketed as Rita’s Italian Ice and Custard (the “Development”) on certain property within the Redevelopment Project Area located at 3319 W. Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois (“Subject Property”); and, WHEREAS, The Corporate Authorities have determined that the certain aspects of the Development on the Subject Property is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan and is located within the Redevelopment Project Area; and, WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry have found that entry into said Redevelopment Agreement is in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Redevelopment Agreement bearing the date of September 18, 2023 between the City of McHenry, an Illinois Municipal Corporation in the State of Illinois, Delights Enterprises LLC, DEVELOPER, be and the same is hereby approved. A complete and accurate copy 2 of said Redevelopment Agreement labeled “REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT’, is attached to this ordinance and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2: The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to affix their signatures as Mayor and City Clerk to said REDEVELOPMENT AGREEEMENT for the uses and purposes therein set forth. SECTION 3: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the term and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2023 AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 2023 Mayor Wayne S. Jett ATTEST: City Clerk Trisha Ramal REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into this 18th day of September, 2023, between the City of McHenry, an Illinois municipal corporation (“City”) and Delights Enterprises LLC (“Developer”). RECITALS A. In a certain Redevelopment Project Area defined below, the City has identified a severe need for the location and development of adequate and available commercial development, to provide a mix of community activities including business, entertainment, recreation and civic gatherings to residents thereby retaining current residents and attracting new residents to the City; B. Pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act of the State of Illinois, 65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-1, et seq., as from time to time amended (“TIF Act”), the Mayor and City Council (“Corporate Authorities”) approved a redevelopment plan and project for the Downtown McHenry Tax Increment Redevelopment Project Area (“Redevelopment Project Area”) as set forth in the document entitled “Downtown McHenry Tax Increment Redevelopment Project and Plan” (“Redevelopment Plan”), dated January 25, 2002. The Redevelopment Plan sets forth a plan for the redevelopment and revitalization of the Redevelopment Project Area; C. The Corporate Authorities adopted t ax increment allocat ion financing for the purpose of implementing the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project Area; D. The Corporate Authorities have determined that the presence of certain blighti ng factors described in the Redevelopment Plan are detrimental to the public and impair development and growth in the Redevelopment Project Area, with the result that it is necessary to incur extraordinary costs in order to develop the Redevelopment Project Area. The presence of blighting factors in the R edevelopment Project Area will continue to impair growth and development but for the use of tax increment allocation financing to undertake certain obligations as hereinafter provided to pay Redevelopment Project Costs (as defined in the TIF Act and in thi s Agreement) which necessarily must be incurred to implement the aforesaid program of redevelopment; E. The Developer proposes to develop an approximately 1,000 square foot ice cream shop to be marketed as Rita’s Italian Ice and Custard (the “Development”) on certain property within the Redevelopment Project Area located at 3319 W. Elm Street , McHenry, Illinois (“Subject Property”); F. The Corporate Authorities have determined that the certain aspects of the Development on the Subject Property is consistent with th e Redevelopment Plan and is located within the Redevelopment Project Area; G. The City is authorized under the TIF Act to incur Redevelopment Project Costs and to make and enter into all contracts necessary or incidental to the implementation of its Redevelopment Plan; 2 H. In order to induce the Developer to undertake Development of the Subject Property, the Corporate Authorities have determined that it is in the best interest of the City and the health, safety, morals and welfare of the residents of the City f or the City to reimburse the Developer for certain eligible Redevelopment Project Costs incurred by the Developer. I. The Corporate Authorities have determined that the provision by the City to the Developer of the benefits described herein and the Development on the Subject Property pursuant to this Agreement are in the best interests of the City and the health, safety, morals and welfare of its residents and taxpayers and will be in furtherance of the Redevelopment Plan and thereby help provide for economic development for the inhabitants of the City, enhance the tax base of the City and other taxing districts and add to the welfare and prosperity of the City an d its inhabitants. NOW, THEREFORE , the parties, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, agree as follows: 1. Incorporation of Recitals. All of the recitals contained in this Agreement are true and correct and are hereby incorporated into this Agreement as though they were fully set forth in this Section 1. 2. Reimbursement for Redevelopment Project Costs. Annually, t he City shall reimburse the Developer an amount equal to the increment al increase in real estate taxes generated by the Subject property, over and above the assessed valuation, as referenced on t he 2022 tax bill; i.e., $54,410. This reimbursement obligation shall continue for tax years 2023-2027 and shall not exceed $50,000. (“Maximum Total Payment Obligation”). Contemporaneously upon the execution of t his Agreement Developer shall submit to t he City sufficient evidence of the Redevelopment Project Costs. The City shall have thirt y (30) days after receipt of said evidence to provide the Developer in writing (a) confirmation of the approved Redevelopment Project Costs eligible for reimbursement hereunder; or (b) an explanation as to why the evidence submitted is insufficient. Upon receipt of such notice of insufficiency, additional evidence shall be submitted by the Developer until the City is reasonably satisfied . Reimbursement of the approved Redevelopment Project Costs shall be paid by the City to the Developer annually and solely out of TIF tax increment funds generated in the future from the Subject Property during the stated Term of this Agreement . Payments shall be made no later than December 31st each year, or if no payment is due then notice of such will be sent to the Developer. No interest shall accrue on all Redevelopment Project Costs payable by the City. 3. Term. This Agreement shall be in effect for a term commencing on the Effective Date of this Agreement and ending on the earlier to occur of: (a) Five years (2023-2027); (b) the Permanent Closure of Developer’s business prior to the end of the Five year term; (c) the end of the applicable TIF District ; or (d) payment of the Maximum Total Payment Obligation.. For purposes of this Agreement, Developer shall be deemed to have closed permanently if it is closed and the Subject Property remains either vacant or unoccupied by a Successor Tenan t for a period of tw elve (12) or more consecutive months. 3 4. No Liability of City to Others for Developer’s Expenses. The City shall have no obligations to pay costs of the Development or to make any payments to any person other than to the Developer, as provided for in this Agreement, nor shall t he City be obligated to pay any contractor, subcontractor, mechanic, or mat erial man providing services or materials to the Developer for the Development of the Subject Property. 5. Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned by the Developer without written amendment of this Agreement. 6. No Recourse. No recourse under or upon any obligation, covenant or provision of this Agreement, or for any claim based thereon or otherwise in respect thereof shall be had again st the City, its off icers, agents and employees, in any amount or in excess of any specific sum agreed by the City to be paid to the Developer or anyone of them, hereunder, subject to the terms and conditions herein; and no liability, right or claim at law or in equity shall attach to or shall be incurred by the City, its officers, agents, and employees in excess of such amounts; and all and any such rights or claims against the City, its officers, agents and employees are hereby expressly waived and released as a condition of and as consideration for the execution of this Agreement by the City. 7. Waiver. Any party to this Agreement may elect to waive any remedy it may enjoy hereunder, provided that no such waiver shall be deemed to exist unless the party wa iving such right or remedy does so in writ ing. No such waiver shall obligate such party to waive any right or remedy hereunder, or shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of other rights a nd remedies provided said party pursuant to this Agreement. 8. Severability. If any section, subsection, term or provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any party or circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of said section, subsection, term or provision of this Agreemen t or the application of same to parties or circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby. 9. Notices. All notices, demands, requests, consents, approvals or other instruments required or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be executed by the party or an officer, agent or attorney of the party, and shall be deemed to have been effective as of the date of actual delivery, if delivered personally, or as of the third (3 rd) day from and including the date of posting, if mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, with postag e prepaid, addressed as follows: To the Developer: Cathleen Levatino C & R’s Delights, LLC 614 Golfview Terrace Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 To the City: City Administrator City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050-5494 4 10. Successors in Interest. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inu re to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and their respect ive successors and assigns. 11. No Joint Venture, Agency or Partnership Created; No Recourse. Neither anything in this Agreement nor any acts of the parties to this Agreement shall be constr ued by the parties or any third person to create the relationship of a partnership, agency, or joint venture betw een or among such parties. 12. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed by all the parties with the adoption of any ordinance or resolution of the City approving said amendment, as provided by law, and by execution of said amendment by the parties or their successors in interest. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, this Agreement supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations and discussions relative to the subject matter hereof. 13. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but of w hich together shall constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be execut ed by their duly authorized officers on the above date at McHenry, Illinois. City of McHenry Developer By: By: Wayne S. Jett , Mayor Cathleen Levatino City of McHenry 333 S Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. AGENDA ITEM DATE: September 18, 2023, 2023 TO: City Council FROM: Deputy Clerk Monte Johnson RE: 4 Eggs Hospitality Liquor and Video Gaming License AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Windhill Pancake Parlor has sold their business to new owners, 4 Eggs Hospitality, LLC. Staff is working with the new owners to get their liquor license processed as soon as possible so that they may continue to serve alcohol. The new owners, Phil Siudak and Miles Muslin, have assumed ownership as 4 Eggs Hospitality. They met with Mayor Jett, Chief Birk, and Deputy Clerk Johnson on Thursday, September 14, 2023, to go over their business plan. They have also been fingerprinted and background checks have begun. Mayor Jett and Staff are happy with the new owners’ plans moving forward. Their plans are encouraging and should fit in nicely with the City’s vision of how the downtown and Riverwalk is being redeveloped. Windhill also held a video gaming license, and the new owners would like to continue video gaming at the establishment. They plan to move video gaming to a separate area which will work nicely. RECOMMENDATION: A motion to approve the following: 1. Transfer of a Class B liquor license from Windhill Pancake Parlor, Inc. to 4 Eggs Hospitality, LLC, at 3307 W Elm St, McHenry, IL, subject to successful completion of the background checks and for approval by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner; and 2. Pending the approval of a Class B liquor license, approve a video gaming license to 4 Eggs Hospitality, LLC, at 3307 W Elm St, McHenry, IL, subject to a video gaming development agreement with the City Administrator.