HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/11/1993 - Zoning Board of Appeals ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS JANUARY 11 , 1993 CITY OF MCHENRY IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) THE CITY OF MCHENRY FOR A TEXT ) Z-351 � AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE ) CITY OF MCHENRY OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY , MCHENRY ) TEXT AMENDMENT COUNTY , ILLINOIS . ) REPORT OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TO THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MCHENRY , ILLINOIS A hearing on the above-captioned petition was held on January 11 , 1993 . Chairman Semrow called the hearing to order at 7 : 29 p .m . The following persons were in attendance : 1 . Zoning Board Members : Richard Adamson , Randy Christensen , Wayne Dixon , Emil Kleemann , Harry Semrow , John Swierk , Donna Tobeck . 2 . Attorney for the Zoning Board : Bernard V . Narusis , present as Attorney for Petitioner . 3 . Recording Secretary : Kathleen Kunzer . 4 . Director of Building & Zoning : John A . Lobaito . 5 . Petitioner : City of McHenry , 333 South Green Street , McHenry Illinois 60050 . � 6 . Attorney for Petitioner : Narusis and Narusis represented by Bern,�rd V . Narusis , 213 Lake Shore Drive , Cary Illinois 6001.3 . 7 . City Council Members : None . 8 . Court Reporter : None . 9 . Objectors : None . NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Notice was published in the Northwest Herald on December 16 , 1992 and the Publisher ' s Certificate of Publication is on file in the City Clerk ' s office . SUMMARY The Petitioner is requesting that the following amendments be made to the text of the Zoning Ordinance for the City of McHenry : 1 ) From Item #7 in Table 1 , Required Contents of Application Filings , delete the requirement for retained personnel fee deposit for sign permits and minor variances . 2 ) Change Section IIID , zoning of Annexed Land to include the E- Estate district classification within the automatic zoning provisions . 3 ) Change footnote (8 ) in Table 18 , delete provision that � " internal illumination only is permitted" Page 2 ZBA-City of McHenry 1/11/93 4 ) Amend Section XIX , change definition of the term " Planned Unit � Development" by deleting the words " five ( 5 ) acres " and � substituting the words " two ( 2 ) acres " . 5 ) Section VII (8 )4 , change to read that Recreational Vehicles shall be parked in Residential Districts as follows : "a . The vehicle shall be parked in a garage , carport or covered parking space , where one is available on the premises large enough to accommodate the vehicle ; b . Otherwise , the vehicle shall be parked in the driveway , behind the recorded building line ; c . Or , in the driveway , in front of the recorded building line , but not encroaching upon any public sidewalk or public right-of-way ; d . Or , behind the building in an area bounded by the rear lot line , the interior side lot line ( s ) and the corner side yard line or the recorded building line on a corner lot , whichever is greater , provided that a six ( 6 ) foot screen is installed to conceal such vehicle from the public right-of-way and adjoining properties ; e . Or , in the interior side yard , provided that a six ( 6 ) foot screen is installed to conceal such vehicle from the public right-of-way and adjoining properties . " TESTIMONY Chairman Semrow swore in the following witnesses for the Petitioner : 1 ) Bernard V . Narusis , 213 Lake Shore Drive , Cary Illinois 60013 . � 2 ) John A . Lobaito , 333 South Green Street , McHenry Illinois 60050 . It was the determination of the Board that each of the five items contained within the Petition would be discussed and voted upon independently so as to provide clear direction of the intent of the Board to the City Council . ITEM_#1_DELIBERATION AND_RECOMMENDATION --- -- — — --- ----- ---- ------ There was no discussion regarding this item. Motion by Swierk , seconded by Dixon to recommend to the City Council that Item #7 in Table 1 Required Contents of Application Filings be modified to delete the requirement for retained personnel fee deposit for sign permits and minor variances . Voting Aye : Adamson , Christensen , Dixon , Kleemann , Semrow , Swierk , Tobeck . Voting Nay : None . Not Voting : None . Abstaining : None . Absent : None . Motion carried 7-0 . � Page 3 ZBA-City of McHenry 1/ 11/93 ITEM #2 DELIBERATION AND RECOMMENDATION --------------------------------------- �° Attorney Narusis stated that the purpose of this amendment was to � include t.he E-Estate District classification into the automatic zoning provisions of the ordinance with regard to newly annexed parcels . Discussion followed regarding when this provision of the ordinance would be utilized and whether it may cause confusion for developers . There was concern that developers may misinterpret the ordinance and request RS-3 or RS-4 zoning for proposed annexations . Narusis said that parcels would be annexed and zoned according to pre-platted size . If a large parcel such as the Fritsch property came into the City , it would be zoned E-Estate unless other zoning would be petitioned for . On the other hand , if some already subdivided and/or platted properties which were smaller than 1/4 acre were brought into the City , they could not automatically be annexed as E , because they would not conform . The intent of the ordinance is to bring such parcels into the City in whatever classification adheres to the size requirements of the ordinance ( so that no non-conforming lots are annexed due to size requirements ) . Motion by Kleemann , seconded by Christensen to recommend to the City Council that Section IIID , Zoning of Annexed Land , be modified to read as follows : " Except as may be provided for by annexation agreement or by a subsequent amendment to this Ordinance , any lot or parcel of land hereafter annexed to the City shall be automatically � classified E ,RS-I ,RS-2 , RS-3 , or RS-4 Zoning District "RS" Classification , whichever is most restrictive , provided however that the area of the annexed parcel or lot is in conformance with the minimum lot area requirement of that District . " Voting Aye : Adamson , Christensen , Dixon , Kleemann , Semrow , Swierk , Tobeck . Voting Nay: None . Not Voting : None . Abstaining : None . Absent : None . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM #3_DELIBERATION_AND_RECOMMENDATION ------- ----------- — ----- ---- -- Lobaito said that the reason for the change was the fact that the footnote was in conflict with Section IXD( 2 ) which permits certain specific external illumination for wall signs . Discussion ensued regarding whether the lighting would be permitted to project into the required yard as well as the sign ( "Wall sign may project one ( 1 ) foot into required yard" . ) It was the consensus of those present that this would have to be determined on a case by case basis . An attempt to be more specific would make enforcement difficult . It was pointed out that a ground mount spotlight would not be considered an encroachment into the required yard , wh� le a more substantial light standard would have to be � considered an encroachment . It was the consensus of those present that thi s shoul d be 1 eft up to the di screti on of the Bu i 1 di ng & Zoning Enforcement Officer . Page 4 ZBA-City of McHenry 1/11/93 Motion by Tobeck , seconded by Adamson to recommend to the City - Council that � footnote (8 ) in Table 18 be modified to read as follows : "Wall si�ns : May locate on principal building walls facing public streets or off-street parking areas only . May proj�ct one ( 1 ) foot into required yard . " Voting A,ye : Adamson , Christensen , Dixon , Kleemann , Semrow , Swierk , Tobeck . Voting Nay : None . Not Voting : None . Abstaining : None . Absent : None . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM �4 DELIBERATION AND RECOMMENDATION --------------------------------------- Narusis said that this provision would bring into harmony the requirement for the minimum acreage of a PUD from the definitions within the ordinance ( 5 acres ) to that found within the text of the ordinance ( 2 acres ) . Narusis said that in designating that a minimum 2 acre parcel is required for the parcel to be considered for a PUD , more flexibility is given to the City . There is more flexibility for the developers and more planning power for the City . Discussion followed as to whether the minimum standard set should be 2 acres or 5 acres . Narusis said that the PUD provides a flexible tool which can be used to avoid a multiple-variance approach to development . Lobaito said there was discussion at the �-- Building & Zoning Committee as to whether the minimum should be 2 acres or 5 acres as well . Consensus of the committee was to recommend the minimum of 2 acres . Motion by Swierk , seconded by Kleemann to recommend to the City Council that Section XIX be amended by changing the definition of the term " Planned Unit Development" by deleting therefrom the words " five ( 5 ) acres " and substituting in place thereof the words " two ( 2 ) acres . " Voting Aye : Adamson , Christensen , Dixon , Kleemann , Semrow , Swierk , Tobeck . Voting Nay : None . Not Voting : None . Abstaining : None . Absent : None . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM #5 DELIBERATION AND RECOMMENDATION Lobaito explained the differences between the existing recreational vehicle parking ordinance and the proposed recrPational vehicle parking ordinance before the Board . In the proposed ordinance , residents would be given more latitude in that they could choose which location of the five permitted they would utilize to park their recreational vehicle . � Page 5 ZBA-City of McHenry 1/ 11/93 Discussion followed as to the preference of the Board members and whi ch oi•di nance woul d be more i n keepi ng wi th the spi ri t of the � zoning crdinance . The following points were mentioned : 1 ) Shculd the resident be required to park their recreational vericle in their garage and keep their automobile outside? 2 ) Shculd the surface upon which the recreational vehicle would be stored be required to be paved? 3 ) Should a driveway be required to gain access to the parking place of the vehicle? 4 ) Would vehicles which are already being stored on-site be in non-conformance if this ordinance is passed and approved , or , would they be "grandfathered in " because they are already being stored in their current locations? Motion by Tobeck , seconded by Christensen to recommend to the City Council that Section VIIB (8A)4 pertaining to the parking of recreational vehicles in Residential Districts shall be changed to read as follows : "4 . It is parked or stored in a location determined by the following : a . The vehicle shall be parked in a garage , carport or covered parking space , where one is available on the premises large enough to accommodate the vehicle ; � b . Otherwise , the vehicle shall be parked in the driveway , behind the recorded building line ; c . Or , in the driveway , in front of the recorded building line , but not encroaching upon any public sidewalk or public right-of-way ; d . Or , behi nd the bui 1 di ng i n an area bounded by the rear lot line , the interior side lot line ( s ) and the corner side yard line or the recorded building line on a corner lot , whichever is greater , provided that a six ( 6 ) foot screen is installed to conceal such vehicle from the public right-of-way and adjoining properties ; e . Or , in the interior side yard , provided that a six ( 6 ) foot screen is installed to conceal such vehicle from the public right-of-way and adjoining properties . " Voting Aye : Adamson , Dixon , Semrow , Tobeck . Voting Nay : Christensen , Kleemann , Swierk . Not Voting : None . Abstaining : None . Absent : None . Motion carried 4-3 . �. Statements from members of the Board wiLh regard to this proposed ordinance amendment : Page 6 ZBA-City of McHenry 1/11/93 Swierk : This is absolutely ludicrous . ~ Kleemann : This opens up the City to a whole host of abuses . There L„ will be ro stopping potential mischief . Chairman Semrow advised the members of the Board if they had a proposal to improve the quality of this amendment to the text of the ordinance , they should provide same to the Director of Building & Zoning . ADJOURNMENT Chairman Semrow said "there being nothing further before this Board with regard to the Petition , the Chair will entertain a motion with regard t� adjournment . " Motion by Dixon , seconded by Adamson to adjourn at 9 : 13 p .m . Voting Aye : Adamson , Christensen , Dixon , Kleemann , Semrow , Swierk , Tobeck . Voting Nay : None . Not Voting : None . Abstaining : None . Absent : None . Motion carried 7-0 . Respectfully submitted , --- ----- ------- --------- � Harr Semrow , Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals c : Agenda , Zoning Board of Appeals ( 7 ) , Plan Commission ( 7 ) , City Administrator , Director of Building & Zoning , PW Administration , City Engineers , Aldermen Reference Copy , Petitioner , B & Z Zoning File , Landmark Commission Chairman , Northwest Herald , City Clerk File Copy . DOC . ZBAMIN . 351 L