HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/8/1993 - Zoning Board of Appeals ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MARCH 8, 1993 CITY OF MCHENRY IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) � LOWELL R . AND LISA R . KIVLEY ) Z-359 FOR A USE VARIANCE OF PROPERTY ) LOWELL AND LISA KIVLEY ACCORDING TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ) 402 N . FRONT STREET OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY , MCHENRY ) USE VARIANCE COUNTY , ILLINOIS . � REPORT OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TO THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS A hearing on the above-captioned petition was held on March 8 , 1993 . Chairman Semrow called the hearing to order at 7 : 30 p .m . The following persons were in attendance : 1 . Zonina Board Members : Richard Adamson , Randy Christensen , Wayne Dixon , Emil Kleemann , Harry Semrow , Donna Tobeck . Absent : John Swierk . 2 . Attorney for the Zoning Board : Bernard V . Narusis . 3 . Recording Secretary : Kathleen Kunzer. 4 . Direc+or of Building & Zoning : John A . Lobaito . 5 . Petitioner : Lowell and Lisa Kivley , 402 North Front Street , � McHenry Illinois 60050 . 6 . Attorney for Petitioner : None . 7 . City Council Members : Alderman Randy Patterson . 8 . Court Reporter : None . 9 . Objectors : None . NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Notice was published in the Northwest Herald on February 15 , 1993 and the Pu!�lisher ' s Certificate of Publication is on file in the City Clerk ' s office . An affidavit of service to abutting property owners is on file in the office of the City Clerk . LOCATION OF= THE SUBJECT PROPERTY The subjec�: property is loceted at 402 North Front Street and is comprised c�f approximately . 389 acres . SUMMARY The Petitic�ner is requesting that the subject property be granted a use variance to permit the operation of a professional officP on the premisE�s ; that the project be implemented in two phases ; that during the first phase the Petitioners be permitted to reside on- site ; that a sign be allowed to be placed on-site for purposes of �. advertizinq the location of the facility . ZBA-Kivley 3/8/93 TESTIMONY Chairman Semrow swore in the following witnesses for the �, Petitioner : 1 ) Lowell R . Kivley , 402 North Front Street McHenry Illinois 60050 2 ) Lisa f; . Kivley , 402 North Front Street McHenry Illinois 60050 . Mr . Kivley stated that he had no prepared testimony , but that he believed tne Petition should stand on its merit . He invited the Members of the Board to ask questions of him and Mrs . Kivley . QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Tobeck asked how long the Petitioners have owned the subject property . Mr . Kivley said they have owned the property since 1989 . They purchased the property from his mother ; this was his childhood home . Tobeck asked if when the project is in Phase I , do the Petitioner�� plan to reside in the building . Mr . Kivley said that was the pl ��n . Phase II ( converting the remainder of the building into a counseling facility ) would be implemented within one year . Kleemann asked the Petitioner to address the concerns raised by Lobaito in his memo to the Board of February 26 , 1993 : Item #2 : What egress/ingress does the Petitioner propose to the site •, would there be direct access onto Route 31 . Mr . Kivley said he has been assured by Tom Nuzzo from IDOT that there would be no problem in gaining a permit for a curb cut to the subject premises . �„ The exact location of the curb cut is not known at this time . Kivley stated that he is proposing to have entry to the site from Route 31 and exit from the site onto High street at the location of the existing driveway . Item #3 : Kleemann asked if the Petitioner was intending to live on the premisE�s during the construction of Phase II of the project . Mr . Kivley said that this was included in his request for variance . Narusis sa- d the property would still be zoned residential with a use variance to permit the counseling facility on-site . The request is similar to a home occupation permit in a residential district. This would basically be an expansion of the home occupancy . Item_ #4 : Kleemann asked what type of sign the Petitioner was requesting . Mr . Kivley said he is proposing that the sign meet the criteria of the office district . Item #5 : Kleemann asked the Petitioner to elaborate on the parking plan for tre site . Mr . Kivley said he has enough room to provide 15 parking spaces which surpasses the requirement of the office district . The use would require that 8 spaces be located on the site . Item #6 : k�leemann asked if there would be a refuse disposal area located on the site . Mr . Kivley said that he was proposing to use �' the storage shed for storing refuse . Page 3 ZBA-Kivley 3/8/93 Semrow as4:ed if there would be access to all proposed 15 parking spaces fr��m Route 31 . Mr . Kivley said there would be . Semrow �-- asked whe ^e traffic would exit from the site . Mr . Kivley said traffic wc�uld exit onto High Street at the site of the existing driveway . Semrow asked what type of counseling was conducted by the Petitioner . Mr . Kivley said he counsels in the areas of marriage and family . Semrow asked the Petitioner what the existing traffic ps�tterns were for his business . Mr . Kivley said that a typical d<<y would involve 5-6 counseling sessions . Each session would las� one hour . In order to allow for overlap of clients attending sessions , Mr . Kivley said he would like to plan for 15 parking spaces . Semrow asked the number of employees for the firm . Mr . Kivley said there is iust one besides himself , and that would be a part time counselor. Semrow asked the proposed hours of operation . Mr . Kivley said the counseling sessions would fit into the window between n��on and 9 p .m . Semrow asked if the Petitioner would provide e �terior lighting on the premises . Mr . Kivley said he would pro�iide lighting for the parking area . He said he would install the lighting in such a way that the building would shield the lighting so that there would be no light pollution for neighboring properties . Dixon said that if the traffic is to egress onto High Street , would the Petitioner address paragraph 8g of the Petition insofar as "many properties in close proximity are already being used for L— business purposes " . Dixon asked if any properties located on High Street were being used for business purposes . Mr . Kivley said they were not . Semrow said the Petition states that the property value has been depreciated if it were to be sold as it is presPntly zoned . Does the Petitioner intend to remain at this location? Why address the sale of this property if there is no intent to sell it? Mr Kivley said that he realizes that the use variance if granted would be voided if he were to move his counseling facility from this location . He said that it is his intent to remain in this area . It is his intent to use this site for a counseling facility rather than a re�, idence . Tobeck asked about Phase II , when the additional parking plan is implemented , creating a total of 15 spaces : Who would want to purchase this property as a residence if there is a 15-space parking lot on-site . If this property reverts back to its residenti �tl use , should the Petitioner vacate the premises , the parking lc�t on-site could be a real issue . Tobeck said she could envision << rezoning petition coming before the City in the event the proper�ty is sold . If this property were then rezoned , it would not be in keeping with the surrounding environs of the area . � Page 4 ZBA-Kivley 3/8/93 Semrow asked Narusis the length of duration of a use variance if it � were grarted . Narusis said the variance goes with the property , not the cwner . However , the variance that would be �ranted would be for a very specific use , i . e . , a professional marriage and family cc�unseling practice . If the subject property were to be rezoned , however , then the entire list of permitted uses in the office district would be allowed . Christen� en asked if there is a sidewalk along Front Street on this property . Mr . Kivley said there is ; the parking plan would not interfere with the sidewalk . Adamson asked why the Petitioner was intending to install so many parking spaces . Mr . Kivley said he wanted to be sure that adequate parking would be provided to accommodate any overlap in clients sessions . Semrow asked if the parking spaces shown which are located adjacent to High Street were filled , would there be a potential vision problem for vehicles exiting the parking lot. Mr . Kivley said there is a fifteen foot parkway/easement between the street curb and his south property boundary . This parkway should provide clearance so there would be no vision problem . Mr . Kivley submitted Exhibit E ( attached hereto ) and indicated that the parking plan would be implemented as a part of Phase I . Mr . Kivley said that vehicles would be parked at a minimum of 15 feet from the curb line on High Street , so there should not be vision impairment. � Christensen asked Lobaito if there would be enough aisle width for all of the parking spaces shown on the revised plan ( Exhibit E ) . Lobaito said the width of the aisle would be dependent upon the degree of the angle of the parking spaces . Christensen asked where the clients would enter the facility . Mr . Kivley said the entry would be at the northwest corner of the garage . Semrow a � ked the Petitioner if he would conform to the Illinois HandicapF�ed Accessibility Code . Mr . Kivley said he would comply . Christensen asked the Petitioner if he would change the structural appearanc:e of the building on the premises . Mr . Kivley said they would add flood lights and close off the overhead garage door . Those woiald be the only exterior changes to the structure . Tobeck asked if the use variance is granted and the building reverted back to a residential dwelling , it would then become a nonconfo��ming structure because there would be no garage . Narusis said th� t would be an enforcement problem for the Building Department and the owner would be required to provide a garage on- site . Lcbaito asked if there would be a problem with the structure being a residential dwelling unit for one year during Phase I without �� garage on-site . Narusis said that is a part of the use ,�. ZBA-Kivley 3/8/93 variance request . Narusis said the Petitioner should provide a letter to the City Council requesting relief from the Municipal � Code requirement that a garage be located on the premises . Semrow ask �d the Petitioner if the building were sold as an office use and not as a residential dwelling unit , would he receive fair market valae for it . Mr . Kivley said he would . CLOSING STATEMENT BY PETITIONER ------------------------------- Mr . Kivley said he appreciated the interest shown and the questions posed by ME�mbers of the Board . This hearing allowed him to present his case fairly regarding his property as well as the surrounding properties . He said he believed his request for use variance would protect not only the best interest of the subject property , but his neighbor ' s best interests as well . Narusis said that although the Petitioner addressed the Approval Criteria for Variances , these findings are not an essential part of the use variance procedure . The Board should address this request as a mini -reclassification with a specific use being granted at the Petitioner ' s request and not an entire host of permitted uses within a particular zoning district. Lobaito asked that the Board include the criteria standards for the proposed sign in its motion . DELIBERATION AND RECOMMENDATION ------------------------------- � Motion by Kleemann , seconded by Christensen to recommend to the City Council that the Petitioners request for a use variance to permit the operation of a professional office for marriage and family counseling on the subject premises be granted ; that the project be implemented in two phases ; that during the first phase the Petitioners be permitted to reside on-site ; that the proposed sign conform to the criteria for signs in an 0-1 Zoning District ; and that the Approval Criteria for Variances , Table 32 , pages 376-377 of the Zoning Ordinance have been met . Voting Aye : Christensen , Dixon , Kleemann . Voting Nay : Adamson , Semrow , Tobeck . Not Voting : None . Abstaining : None . Absent : Swierk . Motion failed 3-3 . There will be no recommendation to the City Council with regard to this Petition . —�.- ZBA-Kivley 3/8/93 ADJOURNMENT Motion by Christensen , seconded by Dixon to adjourn at 8 : 42 p .m . � Voting Aye : Adamson , Christensen , Dixon , Kleemann , Semrow , Tobeck . Voting Nay : None . Not Voting : None . Abstaining : None. Absent : Swierk . Motion carried 6-0 . This hearing was adjourned at 8 : 42 p .m . Respectfully submi ed , G�J ----------- ---------------- Harry Semro , Cha � rman Zoning Boar of Appeals c : Agenda , Zoning Board of Appeals ( 7 ) , Plan Commission ( 7 ) , City Administrator , Director of Building & Zoning , PW Administration , City Engineers , Aldermen Reference Copy , Petitioner , B & Z Zoning File , Landmark Commission Chairman , Northwest Herald , City Clerk File Copy . DOC . 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