HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 4/24/2001 - Human Relations Commission (3) 06f19,�2001 1��:31 8153859698 ENVIRONMETAL SUPPLY P�1GE 03 GtTY 4F McHENRY ���T�NG � HUMAN R��.AT�oNs coMM�ss�oN TUESDAY, Apri124, 2001 Meeting vvas ca��ed�°a�e� at 7�10 P.M. The fo{{owin8 met'�nbefs'�+►ete preser'tt Sue Becker, Werner Elimann, L'+nda Wolff, Aubrey Coursin, Gait Wolfineyec, Julie B2ibenko, and Patricia Buhm►an. Absent Gwen Doolan. Qld Busin ss A discussion regarding the sxisting Huma� Retations Groups and whet they ace doing. Eumann reported he has been working with the sheriffs department to help the Latino community learn the Rules of the Road in their E.S.L. classes. E{Imann also reported that he is worlcing with the County Superintendent of Schools to implement Anti- Bullying Campaigns throughout the Couny Schools. He also announced his intention to resign from the City of McHenry Numan Relati�ns Commission. Buhrman reported on het appea�ance at the Huntley Mag�pt FO�ufri. Wolimeyer related the ongoing efforts of East CampuS RgS New Bu�ines� � P�Q9ram A motion � `- "'as made to cUt the Sr Commission ftp Z@ pf t Membershi m rhirte �,�`' P shail Tg�e� ��3)mem�rs �Ify Of"'�►1 Me h S�001 s�ude . rhe �o . to e� � ��Y ku nts, �;,,� mm�ss;o„S g t ts�mwr,�rs�Ral�t;o�s ra��e Sarq crfiz�ns S �sI McMe�rY ci � ha�I consist o � new ha11 r� trze��at r f e�9hr�ej,� secr�on��� �?IS fnOt1011, efi�nicitY� SeX, artq prese��a broad d��rs e, and the M�Yo�b�rs: tv►��21 �s made bY Qecke�Seca d�b or sha11 aPP i�8 d�nds�,y�h�S���o Q disCussion rg Y 8abenko. Motion �m�e,-s. wrlt a!I brin 8ardin8 what are �rrf8d unanrmpusly. g ideas ar�d c���rns a our ne,�mseh�l�g�°1�s��'oula consrsr ot. OUCCI4X�mBEf�n will fake g We 9 place on,�une 2�. BQCkEr talked 8b0Ut the L8#ino Coalition sup�ort of H.B. 3382 regarding the types of ids needed for undocumented w��kers to obtain their drivers �icences. Adiournment Bedcer made motion to adjoum at 7:55 seconded by Wolff. Motion carried unanimously. �