HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 4/24/2001 - Human Relations Commission CITY OF McHENRY �' HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, April 24, 2001 Meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. The following members were present Sue Becker, Werner Ellmann, Linda Wolff, Aubrey Coursin, Gail Wolfineyer, Jutie Babenko, and Patricia Buhrman. Absent Gwen Doolan. Old Business A discussion regarding the existing Human Relations Groups and what they are doing. Ellmann reported he has been working with the sheriffs department to help the Latino community learn the Rules of the Road in their E.S.L. classes. Ellmann also reported that he is working with the County Superintendent of Schools to implement Anti- Bullying Campaigns throughout the Couny Schools. He also announced his intention to resign from the City of McHenry Human Relations Commission. Buhrman reported on her appearance at the Huntley Mascot Forum. �. Wolfineyer related the ongoing efforts of East Campus Respect Program. New Business A motion was made to cut the size of the City of McHenry Human Relations Commission from thirteen (13) members to eight (8) members. The new section III Membership shall read: The Commission shall consist of eight (8) members: two (2) high school students; five (5) McHenry citizens at large, and the Mayor as an Ex-Officio Member. Said citizens shall represent a broad diversity of backgrounds with respect to race, creed, ethnicity, sex, and age. The Mayor shall appoint said Members. This motion was made by Becker seconded by Babenko. Motion carried unanimously. A discussion regarding what are goals and up coming projects should consist of. We will all bring ideas and concerns to our next meeting. Our next meeting will take place on June 26. Becker talked about the Latino Coalition support of H.B. 3382 regarding the types of ids needed for undocumented workers to obtain their drivers licences. Adiournment Becker made motion to adjourn at 7:55 seconded by Wolff. Motion carried � unanimously. A City of McHenry Human Relations Commission � To Whom It May ��oncern, Gail Wolfineyer would be a worthy recipient of your scholarship. She has served as a commissioner on the City of McHenry Human Relations Commission for the past three years. The commission was established in 1997 to assist the community to provide a living environment, which promotes mutual understanding and respect among those who work, visit, or live in our city. Gail worked to revise our bylaws, formulate public policy and worked with our school districts, to promote mutual understanding, and respect throughout our diverse population. As a member of the education subcommittee, Gail helped to write a respect pledge that is being used in the primary schools as part of a non-bullying campaign. Gail working with her school counselor and several other students developed "Operation Respect" to create an atmosphere of tolerance and respect at East Campus. She has always shown a willingness to put in many hours of hard work. Our student population will profit in the future, not only from her example, but by her deeds. Gail is a very strong presence on our commission, never failing to speak out when she perceived someone was being treated unfairly. We deal with very sensitive topics. At one meeting in particular, we had a somewhat hostile crowd. Showing amazing courage, Gail did not hesitate to speak opposing these people. She has shown a maturity well beyond her years in dealing with very controversial subjects. � Gail has always taken the lead in whatever activity she participates in. She has served for two years on the Illinois State Board of Education Advisory Council. Gail was chosen by the high school faculty and administration for outstanding leadership ability and sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary to attend and represent McHenry East Campus at Illinois Girls State 2000 to which she was elected Mayor. She has served on the Student Council for all four years of her high school experience. In her senior year she was elected Senior Class Secretary. Gail has participated and taken a leading role in so many activities it would take at least three more pages to describe them all. This is an exceptional young woman. In November of 1999 our community experienced a horrifying hate crime. A cross was burned in the yard of racially mixed couple. Gail helped to organize the silent vigil, where several hundred people stood together to demonstrate against the evils of racism. Gail Wolfineyer has had an enormous impact on our city. The example of her leadership, courage, wisdom, and compassion will benefit our community of 20,000 people for many years to come. Almost every resident of this city has been touched in some way by Gail's good works. She would be a most deserving recipient of your scholarship. Respectfully, �- Patricia Walin Buhrman City of McHenry Human Relations Commission, Chair May 2,2001 � The Honorable Wi(liam Delgado Illinois State Reprc:sentative 2085-M. Stratton Office Building Springfield,II, 62 706 Re: HB 3382 Public Hearing Dear Representati�e Delgado, The City of McHe�uy Human Relations Commission would like to invite you and your subcommittee to hold public hearings concerning the meaningful driver's license reform in our counry. We understand the need for raising the public's awareness to this most important issue. McHenry County is one of the fastest growing counties in the country. We have the highest growth of Latinos in Illinois during the last ten years. McHenry County does not have the best public transportation system. Anyone who wants to work must be able to drive. Most of our recent immigrants, do not have the proper identif'ication to qualify for drivers'licenses under the current system. Last year our commission was instrumental in organizing a Town Hall meeting for the Governor's Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes. The commission said it was one of their most successful gatherings. McHenry County College facilities are an excellent venue for public hearings. We appreciate your talang the lead in this very serious issue. We hope you will expand your hearings to include McHenry County. Thank you for your consideration in this most important matter. � Respectfully, Patricia W.Buhrman Chair,City of McHenry Human Relations Commission c: Pamela Althoff-Mayor City of McHenry Carlos Acosta-President McHenry Latino Coalition Angel Dorantes-McHenry County College-Director of Diversity Keith Nygren-Sheriff McHenry County Mario Perez- Chair,County of McHenry Human Relations Council Aaron Shepley-Mayor City of Crystal Lake � McHenry Human Relations Commission `" Memo 1�0: Mayor Pamela Althoff F�ROM: Pat Buhrman RE: By-Law Changes UATE: May 1, 2001 At our last meeting on April 24, we voted to cut The City of McHenry Human Relations Commission to seven members to bring our commission in line with the rest of the City of McHenry Boards and Commissions. The by-laws should now read III Membership The Commission shall consist of eight (8) members: two (2) high school students; five (5) McHenry citizens at large, and the Mayor as an Ex Officio Member. A quorum shall consist of four (4) voting members. Said citizens shall represent a broad diversity of backgrounds with respect to race, creed, ethnicity, sex, and age. The Mayor of the City Council shall appoint said Members. �'' I anticipate more by-law changes at the coming meetings. Thank you for your help. Pat �