HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - 2/19/2000 - Human Relations Commission � Joint Meeting of McHenry County Human Relations Groups Saturday, February 19, 2000 A GENDA 1 . Call to order 2. Quote 3. Discussion of the "Welcome To McHenry County Campaign" Patrick Murtin - Interfaith Council for Social Justice 4. Low- Income Housing Survey and Resource Booklet � Carlos Acosta - McHenry Latino Coalition Pat Buhrman - City of McHenry Human Relations Commission 5. Governor's Commission of Discrimination and Hate Crimes Town Hall �,.. Meeting June 6Th. - Pat Buhrman - City of McHenry Human Relations Commission 6. Public Participation 7. Any and all other business which may properly come before the Human Relations Groups 8. Adjournment � TO: Members of the Church Council , �., FROM: Peace &Justice Committee SUBJ: ''Welcoming Campaign"�� It is the intent of the Peace & Justice Committee to launch a public relations campaign that will emphasize the ideal that all persons are welcome in McHenry County, regardless of race, religion, national origin or ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or any other • characteristics. The slogan we will use is as follows: "You are Welcome in McHerLry Coun ." � Our objectives are to encourage people who feel this way to speak out publicly, keep persons who feel isolated to feel welcome, and to help create a general atmosphere of welcoming through out communities. The church as a congregation will take a public position to this effect and will disseminate the following statement: . "The Congregational Unitarian Church commits itself to the principle that all persons, regardless of race, religion, national origin or ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristic, has a right � to feel welcome and be welcomed here in McHenry County; and we promise to work alone or in cooperation with other organizations �" in the County to work toward these goals." We invite other religions, civic, social service, or other organizations which have similar goals to join with us in this campaign or to launch their own independent parallel campaigns that will help to achieve this type of welcoming. In addition, our church will launch some of the following strategies, either by ourselves or with other organizations: � -the design of a logo and slogan to be used in everything we do � -the distribution of buttons, bumper stickers and brochures to promote this ideal -the use of this phrase in church literature, worship services, worship bulletin, � banners and si�s on the outside of the church - an initial educational program for members of the Congregation - conferences, seminars, a list of speeches and other ways to educate persons about "welcoming" -newspaper, radio and TV promotions, proa amming and advertisements We want to launch a 12-month campaign in the Fall of 2000. � H�.�MANRIGHTS lli� �n�v co ��� � •�� �,� .��� � . ._ � a�a�nst D�iBa t3an & Hate Cr�eS It is yaur turn to �peak, and we will listen. �he Governor'� Co��ssian o�n D�ser�minat,io� an�l HA#�e Crimes will be hosting a 'roarn Meet�u� on � �`rtday, �'ebraary 18, �000 at � p�n, Rael�[ord C;t� Couna�l C�ambers; �25 �. Sta,te Street, Second Floor � do�..t�.e t�ett�e'' `�.-r''" ��-.. fdr the j'o»�t�. �. �'..r t�e aarrwnss��. �r tXae a�dtv. r. CO���Ori �I� � 100�� rOr' inpat o� the �allas+��ng are�t D�versity training for law enfarcement . . Comniunity outreach to combat discrlmination Intcrnet flltering for schools Diversity education and curriculum in schooXs Divereity teaehing rrtatet�als I;xie�inK faith•h�.sed communit}r proKrama Far I�Lrther Inf�rniation, C.i�ntaci: Carofe J.He/jern,in, C'�rnmiaa�on Covrdtnator a�(•T2�)81�-�Yl' �. N�JMH�dF'.1liH i S iL � �ni� cv .•. . _.. .._ . . . . GOVERNOR'S CO�[MI$BION ON DISCRIMINATION AND HA'�E CRI�tI�„TO�1'/ lY[LE►"1'IML3 � 111inois Dept. of Hurn�►n Ri�htr JRTC, 100 W. Rar+dolph Street, Suite :0-100 ChicR�o, lltinwr 60b01 (3lZ) 814•Z477 phore (312) 814-1436 f4x (3lZ► Z63-1 S?9 TDD Contact� C�rvle J. Hefferr�a�a Piease answer eny or aJl oi these qut�tions rt`,�rding diserimination and hate crimes in your �ommunity. Rccum this tocm followin�the meettt�or ssnd it to cha above addtess, your input ia neces�wry for the suc�ess of thls Comm(ssion. Direct u�y questions to Cua4e J. Heffernan. 0 What are you dvir�g as a school to provide or develop divenity curcicuiucn? � Are there as►y e�riating cortillict revolutio�t Dro�t�tms wlthin your school system? 1s it effvctive? Ine�foctive? � Y�S ❑ NO Who sponsors thc program? .r.--- =- D ETAI L3 O F PR�G RAM; ------- C� Dor.s your cornmunity have any faith-b�sed programa integratitt�various relig�ous pEacticea? L� YES � p N� '�.. 0 As a fsuch le�dcr, wouid you be intomsted in pardcipatin�in art intcrfaith cotrYmittee? � YEs ❑ NO lV,uac Church Pboue._„_.+._ � Ha��e you ever p�uticipaud isi auzy div�rsity tr�ir�uig or ether progreum in tht workplace?' '_' YES Was it elTective. include details of pro�aia7 -- ;� NO _ 0 Uoes �ha law enforcement ia youx commutyi�y receive divertiity tt�ir'+i��? � YES tf yes, pkase describe pro�ra�includins how ofte�n �' HO trairtia�i� availabla. (OYER� � hfUf•1HMK 1 bH 1 :. i�' • ..�.. _. . . Q lf the Gominiss,on eatabliched ar� ouveach progrt�tu, oc created a resource bouk :or victim.� ut discrirninatton artid hote crirses,�how ahoutd the�t reaourcea be avaalabte �. to the cocr�munity? Duv�aah Pso�s�ua Re�oosa� �vok _ Av�uiable at city he11 ❑ Available at ciry hall _� A;blic library ❑ Delivered or mxiled ._, Pub1�c school � Av�ilable at schools � Nan-government bldg. ❑ AvAilable at local storee� u Othcr � ❑ Other � Doe�your school aystem have internet Acce�s tar students? '.� YES ❑ NO 0 Do thc cvmputers have [ntcrnot tiltere to protect children lrom hate rel�ted web sites? O YES U NO Who is the provider? � C� If the Commiasion l�unched a�xtetlia camp��, what do you fecl is the most appropriste mearis of reaching your communiryi � ❑ Hillba�.rds ❑ Radio � Public Seivice Announcements ❑ lntemet `` � Television ❑ F�ISliment Klts C� What is your level of knowtedge on the ]!]iriois Hume� Ri�hts Act? � Know a iat about logist�cs of Illina� Hum�n Ri�hu Act � Knaw a litde about the Illinas Human Rights Act !� Have haeisd of tllinoi�Husa� Rigltts Aet. but don't laiow much +�bout it _ Never heud of Illiriois Hua�n Rtght�Aet Professiori ___ ._____r_ -- - (� Do vou fcel the issuas of Disctimit��don are more prev+�le:►t th� those ot Hate Crimes rtgarding tke di�bled Rnd the elderly7 �..� YES � L� NO !f chere arc any areas o!cnncern that were not addresaed toda�. please fetl frcc to attrach any additlonal comments. Thenk yau fos attending� es�d sh�rin6 Your feeWsga and zhough�a with the aovernor's Commieaon on Discrimirsatiott and Hate Crimta. �