HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/9/2005 - Zoning Board of Appeals ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MARCH 20, 1995 CITY OF MCHENRY � IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK AND ) Z-392 TRUST COMPANY OF CHICAGO, A ) AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION ) & TRUST; TRUST N� 117509-08 AS TRUSTEE UNDER THE PROVISIONS ) AND OF A TRUST AGREEMENT DATED THE ) INLAND LAND MGMT 27TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1993, AND ) KNOWN AS TRUST NO 117509-08, FOR ) MAP AMENDMENT A MAP AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING ) gp ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ) MCHENRY, MCHENRY ILLINOIS. ) REPORT OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TO THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS A hearing on the above-captioned petition was held on March 20, 1995. Chairman Semrow called the hearing to order at 7:38 p.m. The following persons were in attendance: l. Zoning Board Members: Randy Christensen, Frank McClatchey, Harry Semrow, John Swierk, Donna Tobeck. Absent: Emil Kleemann, Chuck Lovett. 2. Attomey for Zoning Board: David McArdle. 3. Recording Secretary: Kathleen M. Kunzer. `-- 4. Director of Building & Zoning: John A. Lobaito. S. Petitioner: American National Bank & Trust and Inland Land Management represented by James Pokin, 2901 Butte�eld Road, Oak Brook Illinois 60521. 6. Attomey for the Petitioner: Militello, Zanck and Coen represented by Thomas Zanck, 40 Brink Street Crystal Lake Illinois 60014. 7. City Council Members: Mayor Steve Cuda, Alderman Bill Bolger, Alderman Terry Locke, City Clerk Pamela Althoff. 8. Court Reporter: Susan Bloom. 9. Registered Observers/Objectors: l. Margaret Gewecke, 4316 W Shamrock Lane #1D,McHenry. 2. Evelyn Ponchione, 4302 Shamrock Lane #1B, McHenry. 3. Edith Winkler, 4308 Shamrock Lane #lA, McHenry. 4. Hilda Austin, 4308 Shamrock Lane #1D, McHenry. 5. Linda Moore, Pres. IPHA, 4406 W Shamrock Lane #2A, McHenry. 6. R. Martin, 1214 Crystal Road, McHenry. 7. Debbie Shaffer, 3920 Wyndwood Crystal Lake IL 60014. 8. James E Zeinz, 111 Creekside Trail McHenry. 9. John J. Shay, 1608 N Riverside Drive McHenry. 10. Christian R. Newkirk, 5211 W Bull Valley Road McHenry. 11. Pat I►unn, 4620 Shore Drive McHenry. �,, 12. Doro�hy Becker, 5200 W Home Ave McHenry. 13. Jim ��effelfinger, 1805 N Donovan St, McHenry. I4. Jim Finch, 1712 S Crystal Lake Road McHenry. 15. Bill (iilger, 6210 Mason Hill Road McHenry. Page 2 ZBA-Inland BP 3//20/95 �, 16. Bill Buhrman, 4708 W Shore Drive McHenry. 17. Mary Ann Cahill, 7111 Trey Rd McHenry. 18. Louise Walker, 4408 W Shamrock Lane #1C, McHenry. 19. Colleen Francice, 3220 Lorient McHenry. 20. Wally Wolff, 218 W Main St Dundee IL 60118. 21. Sharon Ellicson, 5911 W Radcliff Ct McHenry. 22. Donald Gattone, 3603 W Young St, McHenry. 23. Don Hammer, 1017 Chesterfield Ct McHenry. 24. Steven Myers, 3019 W Miller Dr McHenry. 25. Bridget L Myers, 3019 W Miller Dr McHenry. 26. Robert L. Smith, 155 Glenbrook Tr McHenry. 27. John Cottingham, 1000 Skokie Blvd, Ste 358, Wilmette IL 60091. 28. Judy Gertz, 1718 Leonard Ave McHenry. 29. John L. Kaminski, 7405 E Northwood Dr Wonder La.ke IL 60097. 30. Rev. Robert Sherry, 5006 Oakwood Drive McHenry. NOTIFICATION Notification of this hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on February 25, 1995. The Publisher's Certificate of Publication is on file in the office of the City Clerk with regard to this matter. All abutting property owners were notified of these proceedings. The subject property was posted as required by ordinance. An affidavit of compliance with all notifications required by the zoning ordinance is on file with regard to this matter. �.00ATION The subject property is located at the southeast comer of the intersection of Bull Valley Road and Crystal Lake Road and is comprised of 200 acres. The subject property is currently located `-- outside of the corporate boundaries of the City of McHenry. �UMMARY The Petitioners are requesting that the subject property be classified BP Business Park Zoning District upon annexation to the City of McHenry. TESTIMONY Chairman Semrow swore in the following wimesses for the Pedtioners: 1) James Pokin, VP Inland Real Estate Investment Corporation, 2901 Butte�eld Road, Oak Brook Illinois 60521. 2) Michael Mueller, 1 N 131 County Farm Road, Winfield Illinois 60190. 3) Gregg Gable, 1693 Revere Court, Montgomery Illinois 60538. 4) Thomas Zanck, Attorney for Petitioners, 40 Brink Street, Crystal Lake Illinois 60014. Attomey Zanck began the presentation by stating that the subject property is comprised of approximately 200 acres and is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Bull Valley Road and Crystal Lake Road. The Petidoner has appeared before the City of McHenry Plan Commission regarding a proposed map amendment and has received a favorable recommendation. The first witness for the Petitioner was James Pokin who is Vice President of Inland Real Estate Investment Corporation. Pokin stated that Inland Capital Fund is the beneficial owner of the trust on whose behalf this Petition is being filed. Attorney Zanck :�sked the second witness to come forward. Gregg Gable is a land planner with GBL Associates with offices in Montgomery Illinois. Gable has been a land use consultant for 18 � years. Gable stated that he is familiar with the subject property. He noted the surrounding uses and surrounding zoning classifications as stated in the Pedtion. The topography of the property is such that there: is 25 feet of fall from the western portion to the most northeastern portion. Page 3 ZBA-Inland BP 3/20/95 �, Gable said that the City's Comprehensive Plan indicates that the use for this property would be business park for the portion east of the Chicago Northwestern tracks and a combination of office (north portion) and urban residendal (south portion) for the part of the property located west of the tracks. Gable said that uses permitted in a business park are similar to those found in the McHenry Corporate Center. This project would be developed similar to the McHenry Corporate Center. The Preliminary Plat for this project was prepared on January $, 1995 and revised on February 28, 1995. The Preliminary Plat has been recommended for approval by the Plan Comrrussion. Gable said there are basically two parts to the plan for this project. The first part would be that which is located east of the tracks. The mam road in this porkion (Ridgeview Drive) would connect to the Motorola site in the McHenry Corporate Center. This portion would include one retention area. The second part of the pro�ect would have the same design criteria and would also include a retention area. This part of the project would ultimately connect Bull Va11ey Road and Crystal Lake Road, provided the property owner to the north opts to make the connecdon. Zanck asked if the proposed uses for the business park would be compatible with exisdng zoning and uses in the area. Gable said that it would. The trend of development is that McHenry cunently supports a business park and this is not an easy thing to market; McHenry has been successful in marketing it. The McHenry Corporate Center has filled rather quickly. Gable said that the first part of the development of the subject property would be complete in 3-5 years. Then the second part would be developed west of the tracks. Gable said the proposed business park development would meet the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. The business park zoning district would be compatible with the general trend of development in the area. �anck went over the Approval Criteria for Zoning Map Amendments with the witness, as stated in the Petition. � OUESTIONS OF THE PETITIONERS BY MEMBERS OF THE BOA�D McClatchey asked if the business park would be compatible with the McHenry Corporate Center. McClatchey asked how many lots were included in the McHenry Corporate Center. Gable said he did not know t�e answer to that question. McClatchey said that with regard to access to this business park, would the Petitioner do something to alleviate traffic concems which would be caused by the development of this property? McClatchey asked if there was thought of putting in a railroad crossing to connect the east and west portion of this development. Gable said it would not be in the best interest of the City to install a crossing at this location. Christensen asked what consideration has been given to the traffic that backs up on Crystal Lake Road and Bull Valley Road, especially around 5 p.m. Gable said that the county approved two separate access points to Crystal Lake Road from this development. The first access point would be approximately 600 feet from the traffic light. Left hand turn lanes will be installed. Christensen asked if there would be a minimum building size. Gable said there would not. There would, however, be a minimum lot frontage at the building line of 200 feet. Semrow asked if the subdivision covenants would be similar to those of the McHenry Corporate Center. Gable said that the plans call for this development to be of even higher quality than the Corporate Center. Semrow asked the Petitioner to explain the proposed phasing for this project as mdicated on the Preliminary Plat which accompamed this Petidon. Gable said the phasing would be as follows: Phase I Ridgeview Drive Phase II Capital Drive � Phase III Inland Parkway Phase IV Sentry Street and Fortune Way. Page 4 ZBA-Inland BP 3/20/95 �, Gable said that there could be a problem with Phase III if the property owner to the north does not opt to connect to this development. In that event, Inland Parkway would have to be looped with Fortune Way because of the requirements of the Subdivision Control Ordinance and length of cul-de-sacs. Semrow said if the Petitioner obtains the requested business park zoning, would Ridgeview Drive be shared with the neighbor to the south? Gable said that is correct. One of the main reasons for going forward with this project is to provide access for Motorola who is the neighbor to the south on Ridgeview Drive. Swierk asked if the Petitioner would be looking for variances in the subdivision covenants or in the annexation agreement. Zanck said the only variances being sought are: 1) Down street lights at 25� foot intervals so as not to cause light polludon problems as has been experienced in the Corporate Center. 2) Main collector streets 31 feet back to back rather than the 34 feet back to back required by Subdivision Control Ordinance. 3) No request for variance as to the minimum front yard setback as originally proposed. 4) No installation of sidewalks as required by Subdivision Control Ordinance. Zanck said that the original Petition submitted for staff review indicated a request for use variance to seek a hast of permitted uses in the business park. It was pointed out by staff that the list of permitted uses Listed in the back of the ordinance is quite extensive. The Peddoner was comfortable with those uses specified in the back of the ordinance for business park districts. (See schedule I of the Pedtion.) McArdle said that the Preliminary Plat review by the Plan Commission was dated 1/31/95 and the Plat submitted as a site plan for purposes of this hearing has a revision date of 2/28/95. What `- specifically are the differences between the two documents? Mueller said that the two differences are: 1) Dedication of public right of way indicated on Plat. 2) Notation of mmimum 200' lot width. Swierk asked if Phase I and Phase II are in zone A flood plain. Gable said there are portions which are in zone B but they would be addressed through engineering and storm water management. OUESTIONS OF THE PETITIONERS BY OBJECTORS/OBSERVER Margaret Gewecke: Gewecke asked how many people would occupy this business park. How many factories would there be? Semrow said there could be no more than 100 facilides located 'vn the park due to bulk requirements of the ordinance. Gable said that he perceived that there would be no more than 50 users; there might be somewhere between 40-60 tenants/owners in the business park. Gewecke asked if the business park would look like Tonyan Industrial Park or would it be more like the McHenry Corporate Center. Gable said it would be like the Corporate Center only better, Linda Moore: Would lots in the business park back up to the Irish Prairie development? Gable said they would. Moore asked if there would be berming or some means of landscaping to provide a buffer between the business park and the Irish Prairie complex. Gab1e said that the ordinance provides for screening when a business park abuts a less intense use such as multi faraily. Screening will be provided as required by ordinance. Christensen aske�i why developers of such projects usually seek a variance as to the requirements � for sidewalks. (�able said they are not needed; there is not usually pedestrian traffic in this type of development. Installation and maintenance of sidewalks becomes a needless expense for the developers. Swierk said consideration should be given to providing an access easement for the proposed bike path which will intersect this area. Page 5 ZBA-Inland BP 3/20/95 � St�v�ers: Myers asked if the Petitioners could explain how the proposed development of this property will provide a lack of burden on the schools. Gable said there would be no children generated by the business park. There would be tax revenue generated, however. Myers said there is currently a low unemployment rate and he does not see the need for more employment opportunity in the City. No residendal needs will be satisfied by the development of this property as a business park. Robert Smith: Smith asked if the proposed business park is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan for the City. Zanck said the property east of the tracks is designated for business park. West of the tracks on the southern portion is indicated urban residential, and on the northern portion is indicated office. Rev. Robert Sherry: Fr. Sherty asked the maximum height of any building in the business park. Lobaito said it would be 35 feet unless additional setback requirements were met as dictated by the zoning ordinance. For each foot of height in excess of 35 feet, two additional feet of setback in all yards would be required. Fr. Sherry said there was no malcimum building height and the rear yard setback would remain at 20 feet even when the property abuts residentially zoned property. Lobaito said the maximum floor area ratio of .50 would help to limit the actual building size and height. John Cottin am: Cottingham said he represents the property owner immediately to the south of the subject property. He said there is concern for de-m between the subject property and the properiy to the south if that becomes a business park as well. There should be some consideration given to connecting the two developments. Perhaps the Petitioner could put in a street stub so that the two developments could someday be connected. Gable said there is a possible bypass which could intersect the subject property on the southwest corner. If the bypass becomes a reality, there � would be natural access for the property to the south. Gable said that he agrees that if the bypass does not go through, consideration should be given to providing a stub for the landowner to the sonth. Rev. Robert Sherr�. Fr. Sherry asked if residentially zoned property included all residendal districts. Semrow said that is correct. Swierk said he had concerns regarding the list of permitted uses attached as schedule I to the zoning peddon. These uses may change from time to time and he would not want to see the City locked into granting all of these uses even in the event that the ordinance changed and the list of permitted uses changed accordingly. Zanck said the Petition is not asking for any variance with regard to the permitted and/or conditional uses in a business park. Schedule I was submitted merely to idendfy those uses which are currendy permitted in the business park district. Christensen said at the Plan Commission meeting were the annexation fees waived. McArdle said that would not be up to the Plan Commission to waive any fees. Jim Zeinz: Are there any people currendy interested in purchasing property west of the tracks? Zanck said there is an interested party/entity who has expressed interest in property iocated west of the tracks. Zeinz asked if this mterested party would have to wait until Phase I and Phase II have been completed before being able to go forward with property located in Phase III or Phase IV. Pokin said public improvements would be completed for Phase III and Phase IV only when Phase I and Phase II are sold and completed. Rev. Robert She� Are there any architectural requirements for the rear or sides of buildings? � Gable read from the covenants which duplicates the architectural requirements of the business park as found in the zoning ordinance. Gable noted that there would be an architectural review committee as well. Page 6 ZBA-Inland BP 3/20/95 � STATEMENTS BY OBJECTOR Chairman Semrow swore in the following objectors prior to statements being made: Christian R Newk_i_rk (1519 N Ridge Road. McHenry Illinois 600501• Newkirk stated that he is a trustee for Holy Aposdes Church and is speaking in that capacity. Newkirk provided an overview of the history of the land upon which Holy Apostles Church is built. In the late 1980's three men purchased this property. In May 1990, the Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the City of McHenry. In early 1991, the three men who owned the property where the church is now located attempted to obtain rezoning for business use on two different occasions. Both times their petition was denied due largely to objections by the City of McHenry who did not want this property zoned business. In mid-1991, Holy Apostles presented a plan to the City to purchase this property for the purpose of putting up a church. In June 1991, this plan was approved by the City. In Mid-July, the City approved the annexadon agreement to annex this property to the City. Holy Aposdes closed on the sale of this land in August 1991. Newkirk said that it has been stated that the proposed business park would not adversely affect the schools in the area. The setback requirements would affect the possibility of Holy Apostles building a school on their property. The possibility of our not building a private school would have an adverse impact not just on us and our school, but also on the public school system. If we do not go forward and build this school, there would be no relief for the public school system. The building of a private school could help to lessen the burden on the public school system. This then would have a negadve impact on the public school system. A twenty foot setback is not enough when a business park is adjacent to residential property. We are not willing to put a school on our property if it would be so close to this type of intense use. It will be five or more years before tax benefits will be reaped from this development. That is `-- a long time for the city to wait for these benefits. Holy Aposdes Church moved to this location because the land immediately to the south of us was indicated as residential use on the Comprehensive Plan. We don't see how the land use as a business park will serve the needs of the neighborhood. If this were a residential district, with parks and other amenities found in a residential neighborhood, children could walk to school at Holy Aposdes. Newkirk said he had spoken to representatives of Inland and they had no real objection to down zoning to residential zoning if that is what the City wanted. It is the City that wants this business park district in this location, not Inland. We were assured that the use to the immediate south of Holy Aposdes would be residential, and less than 3 '/z years later, there is a proposal for a business park. We are opposed to this request and we ask the Board to recommend denial of this Petidon. Pokin said that Inland is willing to do whatever the City wants for this property. Currently, the City wants a business park in this location. We are eager to be annexed and zoned. Patricia Dunn (4620 West Shore Drive, McHenry Illinois 600501- Dunn stated that she is a parishioner of Holy Aposdes Church. Dunn is a land planner and is presenting her concems from a planning pomt of view. She stated that the request for business park zoning is not consistent with the approved Comprehensive Plan as far as the porkion west of the tracks is concemed. The southern part of the portion west of the tracks is designated as residential use. Members of Hol.� Apostles support that use. There are two portions to the Comprehensive Plan: � the Plan Map and the Plan Text. The text suggests using both the map and text together when determining the best possible use for a property. Page 7 ZBA-Inland BP 3/20/95 �, Churches and schools are recommended to be located according to the text of the plan in urban residential areas and not in business parks. In the text guidelines, new schools should be built along arterial or collector streets and close to a neighborhood park. There has been a lot of verbiage regarding the business park being located in this area. If you look at the Comprehensive Plan Map, you can see the locations which are designated to be busmess park and these are to the north of the city near the proposed FAP420 and not in the vicinity of this site. Dunn listed the surrounding uses of all property with relation to the subject property. She noted that there is a proposed bikeway easement along the Chicago Northwestem right of way. It has been stated that the proposed business park would be compatible with surrounding uses, but Dunn has found that the business park is not compatible with surrounding zoning. Dunn said that in addition to looking at the City's Comprehensive Plan, she also looked at the McHenry County Comprehensive Plan, even though the city is not bound by it. The county plan indicates that the land west of the tracks should be agricultural/rural. The trend of development happened after the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. There is concern regarding the excessive amount of residential uses in the city. There is still room for expansion of business park east of the tracks. There would still be 81 lots east of the tracks. We object to the traffic, design and aesthetics. The church property will face the rear of all of these lots west of the tracks. When you put a church and a school in a residential area you can try to de it all together. When it is m the midst of a business park you can not do this. Traffic congestion would increase along Crystal Lake Road. Some of the permitted business park uses the church finds objectionable. We are especially concerned regarding warehousing and medium to light industrial which are not defined by ordinance. � There is the possibility of a shared access drive between lot 198 which is located on the corner of Bull Valley Road and Crystal Lake Road and the church property. This would be more acceptable to have a shared access if this property were office as shown on the Comprehensive Plan rather than the business park being proposed. Putting a business park at this site is premature for this area. A precedent could be set regarding allowmg rezoning which is nonconforming to surrounding uses, surrounding zoning, etc. Dunn said she believed there is some need for residential development in the City. The City could serve a need for lh acre lots in this area. There are currendy no 'h acre lots. Dunn read the fow approval criteria for zoning amendments as stated in the zoning ordinance and stated that in each case she did not believe the Petitioner had proven that the criteria had been met. Dunn asked the Board to please consider the input of the objectors and ta deny this request before them this evening. Chairman Semrow called for a recess at 9:35 p.m. The hearing reconvened at 9:49 p.m. with all still in attendance. (?UESTIONS OF THE OBJECTORS Zanck asked when the development plan had been apgroved. Dunn responded that it was approved in May 1990. Zanck asked if the Motorola plant impacted upon the development plan. Dunn said there was no impact on the plan. Zanck asked if Dunn was aware of the number of lots sdll available in McHenry Corporate Center. Dunn said she was not. Zanck asked Dunn if she knew the total number of lots platted in the McHenry Corporate Center. Dunn said she did not. � William Gilger: Gilger said he owns the property immediately north of the subject property west of the tracks. Jet Concrete abuts his property to the west. He states that his property is currently zoned A-1 Count y Agricultural; Jet Concrete is zoned I-1 County Industrial. Gilger said there is an enor on the 4ite plan provided with regard to the zoning of the Jet Concrete property. Page 8 ZBA-Inland BP 3/20/95 � CLOSING STATEMENT BY PETITIONERS Zanck said that the Comprehensive Plan is for guideline purposes only. Significant changes have occurred regarding school crowding and the development of the McHenry Corporate Center in McHenry. Motorola is in need of a second access point to their site in the Corporate Center. There is available from the State of Illinois funds to assist in putting in this road for Motorola. Motorola is the driving force behind the Pedtioner's need to be here this evening. The Petitioner is unable to piecemeal this development and diversify the zoning. Motorola is a very significant employer for the City. As stated earlier, Jet Concrete is zoned I-1. Precedence for Industrial or business park zoning west of the tracks has already been set. Business park zoning is adaptable to this area. It is in harmony with the current uses in this area. all of these uses are permitted: health facilities, playgrounds, schools, philanthropic institutions. There is beautiful architecture to the south in the Corporate Center. The covenants that Inland would impose would benefit the community and enhance all properties in the area. If a school is built on the Holy Apostles property, Inland would screen their site. There is really only one objector here and there are numerous abutting property owners who have been served notice of this hearing. We urge the Board to vote in favor of the Inland business park zoning request. Chairman Semrow said, "there being nothing further before this Board with regard to this matter, the Board will consider the Petition at this time, unless there is a motion to recess by a member of the Board. There being no modon to recess, the Chair will entertain a motion with regard to the Peddon." DELIBERATION AND REGOMMENDATION Motion by Swierk, seconded by McClatchey to recommend to the City Council that �.. the Petitioner's request that the subject property be zoned BP Business Park District upon annexation to the City be granted; and that The Approval Criteria for Zoning Amendments, Table 33, page 401 have been met. McClatchey said that the Council should give consideration to the additional traffic which would be generated along Crystal Lake Road by this development. Special consideration should be given to berming and screenmg the business park from abutting residendally zoned property. Voting Aye: Christensen, McClatchey, Semrow, Swierk, Tobeck. Voting Nay: Nane. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: Nc�ne. Absent: Kleemann, Lovett. Motion carried 5-0. � Page 9 ZBA-Inland BP 3/20/95 � ADJQURNMENT Motion by Christensen, seconded by Tobeck to adjourn the hearing at 10:15 p.m. Voting Aye: Christensen, McClatchey, Semrow, Swierk, Tobeck. Voting Nay: None. Not Vodng: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Kleemann, Lovett. Motion carried S-0. This hearing was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ��� arry Se , Chairman Zoning oard of Appeals c: Agenda, Zoning Board of Appeals (7), Plan Commission (7), City Administrator, Director of Building & Zoning, Public Works Administration, City Attorney, City Engineers, Aldermen Reference Copy, Objectors/Observers (29), Petitioner's Attomey, Building & Zoning Zoning File, Landmark Commission Chairman, Northwest Herald, City Clerk File. `... Z-392 �