HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/22/1995 - Zoning Board of Appeals ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MAY 22, 1995 CITY OF MCHENRY IN THE MATTFR OF THE APPLICATION ) �-- OF MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH ) Z-397 SCHOOL DISTRICT 156, FOR ) MCHENRY COMMUNITY EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING ) SCHOOL DISTRtCT 156 CONDITIONAL USE, AND A VARIANCE ) 4724 W CRYSTAL LAKE RD PURSUANT TO THE ZONING ) CONDITIONAL USE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ) � VARIANCE MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ) ILLINOIS. ) REPORT OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TO THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS A hearing on the above-captioned pedtion was held on May 22, 1995. Chairman Semrow called the hearing to order at 7:32 p.m. The following persons were in attendance: 1. Zoning Board Members: Randy Christensen, Chuck Lovett, Harry Semrow, John Swierk, Donna Toheck. Absent: Emil Kleemann, Frank McClatchey. 2. Attomey for Zoning Board: David McArdle. �. 3. Recording Secretary: Kathleen M. Kunzer. 4. Director of Building & Zoning: John A. Lobaito. 5. Peddoner: McHenry Community School District 156 represented by Robert O. Swartzloff, 3926 W Main Street McHenry Illinois 60050. 6. Attorney for the Petitioner: Truckenbrod & Cowlin represented by James Cowlin, 4108 West Crystal Lake Road McHenry Illinois 60050. 7. City Council Members: None. 8. Court Reporter: None. 9. Registered Observers/Objectors: 1. George Heuer, 4508 Home Avenue, McHenry Illinois 60050. NOTIFICATION Notificadon of this hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on May 4, 1995. The Publisher's Certaficate of Publication is on file in the office of the City Clerk with regard to this matter. Notices were sent to all abutting properties via certified mailing. The subject property was posted as required by ordinance. An Affidavit of Service ascertaining that all notification requirement have been followed � is on file in the of�ce of the City Clerk. LOCATION The subject property is located at 4724 West Crystal Lake Road McHenry Illinois 60050 and is Page 2 ZBA-District 156 5/22/95 comprised of app�-oximately 46 acres. � �UMMARY The Peddoners are requesting an expansion of the existing Conditional Use and a Variance be granted to permit the construcdon and operadon of a second principal building for use as an administradve office for the school district on the subject property. The subject property is currently improved with the West Campus facility of School District 156. The property is zoned RS-3 with a conditional use permitting the educadonal facility on this site. TESTIMONY Chairman Semrow swore in the following witnesses for the Petidoner: 1. Dr. Robert O. Swartzloff, Superintendent of School District 156, 3926 W Main Street McHenry Illinois 60050. 2. Mike Kelly, Business Manager School District 156, 3926 W Main Street McHenry Illinois 60050. 3. Dr. James Mowrey, President School Board District 156, 3926 W Main Street McHenry Illinois 60050. 4. Scott Steingraeber, Legat Architects, 8600 Route 14, Crystal Lake Illinois 60012. The first witness for the Petitioner presented by Attomey Cowlin was Robert Swartzloff. Swartzloff said the administrative offices of School District 156 are currendy located at 3926 West Main Street in a building joindy owned by District 156 and District 15. There are 8 District 156 employees who work `-' in that facility. District 15 has purchased the building located at 1011 North Green Street (the former McHenry Public Library) and will be moving to that site when renovation/remodeling has been completed. Swartzloff said that there are difficulties with the present location of the administrative offices. For many years the school district has been contemplating a move mainly due to the parking difficulties at this site on Main Street. The Main Street facility is no longer suitable for the needs of District 156. The building has been neglected for many years; it has not been kept cunent and up-to-date. It is badly in need of repair and work. With regard to parking availability for the Main Street facility, Swartzloff said there are two parking spaces at the rear of the building on-site. The majority of the employees who work at this site must park in the public 2-how parking spaces on Main Street and are therefore required to move their vehicles every two hours in an effort to avoid parking dckets. Swartzloff said that the reasons for choosing to build an administrative office on the West Campus site were: 1) economic reasons - The District owns the property and they would not need to seek and buy land; 2) parking - The parking lot already exists which would be ample for both buildings on the site. Swartzloff explained that the north parking lot, which would also be used for the proposed administrative offices, is cunently used only by staff. Student parking is in the south lot. The north parking lot is being used by 110 staff. There are approximately 224 spaces in the north lot. Access to the proposed administrative offices would be from the north entrance to the site at Crystal Lake Road. � Page 3 ZBA-District 156 5/22/95 `— Attorney Cowlin asked the witness to provide the hours of operation of the administradve office. Swartzloff said the office is typically open between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Monday through Friday. The school board would hold their monthly business meetings in this building. Any special meedngs of the board would also be held in this building. All meetings would be held in the evening, when school is not in session. There would be no parking conflict created because the board meetings would be held in the evening and school is in session during the daytime. From time to time there are events taking place at the school in the evening, but they would not be held on nights when the Board would meet. Attomey Cowlin provided copies of the proposed interior design of the facility. The building would be a one-store structure with a full basement. Water and sewer would be brought to the building from Crystal Lake Road. Cowlin said there are access points belonging to the school district at Oakwood Drive. Cowlin asked Swartzloff if it was the intent of the school district to use those points to gain access to the proposed administradve office facility. Swartzloff said it was not. Swartzloff said the proposed building would be compatible with the surrounding homes in the neighborhood as well as the existing West Campus facility located on the same lot. Swartzloff said that the location of the proposed facility would not interfere with any future expansion plans for West Campus. OUESTIONS OF THE WITNESS BY MEMBER OF THE O$ ARD Swierk asked if the parking requirements of the ordinance would be met. Cowlin said that parking requirements are exceeded. There is a capacity of approximately 900 students for this site. The ordinance calls for .125 spaces per design capacity student which is 113 spaces. There are at least 225 `' spaces in the south parking lot. Swierk asked if there was a proposed site plan indicating the building elevation. Swartzloff said Steingraeber would provide an elevation. Lovett asked the average number of people using the administrative offices on a daily basis. Swartzloff said approximately 8-12 persons come to the facility on a daily basis. Swierk asked the number of square feet on the first floor of the building at the current site on Main St. Swartzloff said approximately 4000-5000 square feet. Swierk asked if the district has looked at the possibility of tearing off the rear of the building on Main Street(the portion which they would not need) in an effort to increase the number of parking spaces available. Swierk said he has concerns that the district would not maintain the proposed new facility inasmuch as they have not made an effort to maintain the existing facility on Main Street. Would the district allow the new building to become dilapidated as well or would they maintain it? Swartzloff said the building would be maintained. Swierk asked if the district has looked at the possibility of buying or leasing any other existing facilides? Swartzloff said they had. Lovett asked how may evening meetings are held in a typical month. Swartzloff said there are committee meetings, negotiation sessions, board meetings. There could be as many as 2-3 per week. Lovett said that with there being so many evening hours for this building, what type of exterior lighdng is being proposed. Lovett said he concemed regarding the potential light pollution to adjacent residential dwellings. Would the parking lot be illuminated? Lobaito said the Petitioner would have to comply � with the ordinance which prohibits the illumination of areas beyond the Petitioner's property line. Page 4 ZBA-District 156 5/22/95 �-- Swierk asked where the funds would come from to pay for the project. Swartzloff said the district would borrow maney and that interest income would repay the loan. Swierk asked if building the project would take away from potential school additions. Swartzloff said it would be minimal. Swierk asked if there are funds available for potential school additions or would there have to be a referendum. Swartzloff said the project could increase the need for a referendum. Semrow said the school district cunently shares a facility with District 15. When is District 15 planning to move out? Swartzloff said when the renovations are completed at their new facility they would move out. Semrow asked how many employees would be leaving the building when District 15 moves to their new facility. Swartzloff said appro�cimately 12 employees. Semrow said the Main Street facility is no longer suitable - how? Swartzloff said the lack of parking is a major concern. Attomey Cowlin said that when District 15 leaves this facility they will want to recoup some return on their share of the facility whether that be through a sale of their share or rental to another business entity. In either case, the available parking for this facility would still be inadequate. If District 156 were to remain at the Main Street facility, there is more space available than what they would need. QUESTIONS OF WITNESS BY OBSERVER/OBJECTOR George Heuer: Heuer asked why the school district is proposing a new building. District 15 employees will be leaving the Main Street facility. Your parking needs will be decreased, why don't you just stay there? The cost for the new facility must be at least twice what the cost would be to renovate the Main Street facility. Wouldn't the move to the West Campus site create additional traffic problems which are already a major problem at that locadon? Swartzloff said the cost of the project is estimated to be $85 �' per square foot, although the project has not been put out to bid yet. The cost to renovate the existing facility on Main Street is not known at this time. Included in that cost would be the buy-out of School District 15's share in the building. Heuer asked if the proposed building location at West Campus would be within the parking lot or outside of it. Cowlin said it would be outside of the parking lot at the northwest corner of the lot. TESTIMONY Attomey Cowlin asked Scott Steingraeber to tesdfy at this time. Steingraeber has been working with the school district in creating a workable building plan for the proposed new administrative offices. It would be a one-story facility with a 3200 square foot footprint. A gable roof is proposed with a ridge height of 21 feet. There would be an unfinished basement beneath the building. The building would meet all setback requirements of the ordinance. The proposed location is approximately 90 feet from the nearest condo unit property line. The school district would dedicate 14 parking spaces at the northwest corner of the e�sting parking lot for use by those either working at or utilizing the services of the administrative offices. Attorney Cowlin went over the Approval Criteria for Conditional Use and Approval Criteria for Variances with this witness who affirmed all statements contained within the Petition. �UESTIONS OF THE WITNESS BY MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Christensen asked the refuse disposal locabion on the site for the proposed new building. Steingraeber said they would ternporarily store trash in the basement of the building and it would ultimately be placed �'' in the large dumpster adjacent to the school building. Christensen asked if there would be a second exit from the basement. Steingraeber said the basement would not be considered habitable space; no second Page 5 ZBA-District 156 - S/22/95 exit would be rec{uired. Christensen asked if $85/per square foot included the furnishings for the `-- building? Steingraeber said it would not. Swierk asked how the parking lot currently drains. Steingraeber said it drains to the baseball field. Swierk asked how drainage would be handled for the new facility. Steingraeber said they would utilize downspouts with tile and drains. Swierk asked if a detention facility would be required. Lobaito said this size of a building would not require a detention facility. Swierk said he would prefer to see landscaping and parking island strips used to upgrade the existing parking lot. Swierk asked if there would be a lot of pedestrian traffic between the two buildings. Steingraeber said there would not be an inordinate amount of traffic. Swierk said the petitioners should be required to provide a sidewalk rather than having pedestrians walking across the parking lot between the two buildings. Swierk asked if the building would be harmonious with the elcisting West Campus building. Swierk said it may be harmonious with the surrounding houses, but it would not be harmonious with the architecture of the school. Steingraeber said it would be compatible with the elcisting building. The choice of color of the siding, etc would help it to blend with the school. Swierk said that the gable roof is not the same as the flat roof of the school. Swierk said that standing on Crystal Lake Road, the houses are not the main thing you see when you look towards the Campus. You see the school; you do not see the houses. If you plop a cheap gable roof style building on the Campus, you will cheapen the site. Steingraeber said the plan he has suhmitted is in direct response to what the school district has asked for. Swierk said the project would be less expensive if the building were put on a slab rather than on a full basement. Semrow said the building footprint is 3200 square feet, but there would actually be 6400 square feet of usable space. If the basement is not habitable, what does that mean? If you can't use the basement, �'' then why spend the money to put it in? Steingraeber said habitable would be synonymous with occupiable. It would mean daily use above and beyond intermittent use. It would not be designed to be used as office space; it would not be congregate space. Mr. Kelly said it would be used for storage. Swierk said that if it is to be used for storage, it should have two staircases and be sprinklered. Steingraeber said there would be a one hour floor separating the basement from the main floor. Steingraeber said the building would be constructed according to City of McHenry codes and ordinances. Christensen asked if the Petitioner went with a flat roof would they be required to screen the rooftop elements? Lobaito said screening is required for ground mounted mechanical units only. Lovett asked if the building is being designed with the intent of future expansion. Steingraeber said it is not. Lovett asked Steingraeber if $85 per square foot would be a fair price for such a commercial building. Steingraeber said$85 per square foot has been confirmed as a good quote by all potential sub- contractors who have been approached with regard to this project. Semrow asked Cowlin to state how Approval Criteria 9(c) for Variances has been met. Cowlin said that there are no special circumstances created by the Petitioner which caused the need for the variance request. Rather, the property is more than adequate in size for the proposed building and it is already owned by the school district. Christensen asked the proposed construction time schedule. Steingraeber sa.id it would be dependent upon what happens with the zoning before the city and when the Main Street facility is sold. If that `' building is not sold, the school district would not be able to move forward with the project. The school district would like to begin construction in the fall if all goes well. Page 6 2BA-District 156 5/22/95 Tobeck asked if the school district begins construcdon in the fall, what would you do if the other �-- building is not sold. Swartzloff said the new building would not be constructed until the existing facility is sold. Tobeck said the school district did not maintain the present building, would you maintain the new building. Swartzloff said they would. Tobeck asked if there is a mortgage on the current building. Swartzloff said there is not. Discussion ensued regarding the need for a condidonal use permit in order to build the administrative office building. It was the consensus of those present that the request for expansion of the existing conditional use is appropriate. The need for a variance to permit the construction of a second principal building on the site is also appropriate. On the advice of counsel, the Board may choose to sdpulate that the use of the administrative building be limited to administradve offices for District 156 only and not for educational purposes. CLOSING STATEMENT BY PETITIONER Attorney Cowlin said the Petitioner has come before this Board in order to obtain a recommendation to the City Council that the expansion of the existing Conditional Use Permit be granted and that the Petitioner be granted a variance to allow two principal buildings on the subject property. The Petitioner has made this request following the suggestion of staff. The proposed building would not be objectionable to the neighboring residences on Oakwood Drive. This is an appropriate land use for this site; it falls within the parameters of the ordinance. We ask the Board to recommend approval of the granting of the Petitioner's requests. Chairman Semrow said, "there being no further testimony before this Board with regard to this matter, �' the Board will consider the Petition at this time, unless there is a motion to recess by a member of the Board. There being no motion to recess, the Chair will entertain a motion with regard to the Petidon." DELIBERATION AND RECOMMENDATION Motion by Swierk, seconded by Tobeck to recommend to the City Council that the Peddoner's request for an expansion of the existing Conditional Use Permit be granted; that the Petidoner's request for a Variance on the subject property to permit the construction and use of a second principal structure on the subject property be granted; that the Approval Criteria for Condidonal Use, Table 31, page 357-358 have been met; that the Approval Criteria for Variance, Table 32, page 377-378, of the Zoning Ordinance have been met; but that with the granting of the Peddoner's request the following conditions be places upon the Petitioner: 1) The proposed building to be used for administrative purposes for McHenry High School District 156 only; 2) The following items be given special consideration and subject to review by the Building Department prior to issuance of the building permit for said building: a) Trash/refuse disposal area enclosure; b) Landscape requirements; c) Installation of sidewalk between the two buildings; d) No rooftop electrical/mechanical units be permitted. � Page 7 ZBa-District 156 5/22/95 Voting Aye: Christensen, Lovett, Semrow, Tobeck. `-- Vodng Nay: Swierk. Not Voting; None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Kleemann, McClatchey. Motion carried 4-1. Swierk asked that the record reflect that he objected to the proposal because of the aesthedcs of the proposed building; and the abandonment of another downtown building which will cause the city to have another vacant site dawntown. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Christensen, seconded by Lovett that the hearing be adjourned. Voting Aye: Christensen, Lovett, Semrow, Swierk, Tobeck. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Kleemann, McClatchey. Motion carried 5-0. The hearing was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. � Respectfully submitted �. , . �� Harry Semro , Chairman Zoning Boar of Appeals c: Agenda, Zoning Board of Appeals (7), Plan Commission (7), City Administrator, Director of Building & Zoning, Public Works, Admitistration, City Attorney, City Engineers, Petitioner, Observer/Objector (1), Aldermen Reference Copy, Building & Zoning Zoning File, Landmark Commission Chairman, Northwest Herald, City Clerk File. Z-397 �