HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12/18/1995 - Zoning Board of Appeals ' ' JOINT MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS AND � PLAN COMMISSION � � DECEMBER 18, 1995 CITY OF MCHENRY � IN THE MATTE R OF THE PRESENTATION ) OF CENTEGRA FOR A PROPOSED TEXT ) CENTEGRA AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF MCHENRY ) TEXT AMENDMENT ZONING ORDINANCE, MCHENRY COUNTY, ) HC DISTRICT ILLINOIS. � REPORT OF THE INFORMAL MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS AND THE PLAN COMMISSION TO THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS An informal meeting was held on December 18, 1995. Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman Semrow called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. The following persons were in attendance: 1. Zoni.ng Board Members: Thomas Burr, Randy Christensen, Frank McClatchey, Harry Semrow, John Swierk, Donna Tobeck. Absent: Chuck Lovett. 2. Plan Commission Members: Bill Buhrman, Alan Carlson, Steve Murgatroyd, Paul Nadeau, Jay �, Osmon, Chairman Vicki Sheppard. Absent: Greg Lundberg. , 3. Attomey for City: David McArdle. 4. Recording Secretary: Kathleen M. Kunzer. 5. Director of Building & Zoning: John A. Lobaito. 6. Petitioner: Centegra represented by the following: 1. Paul Laudick - Centegra. 2. Barry Finn - Centegra. 3. Jim Redding - Centegra. 4. Jeff Ladd - Bell, Boyd and Lloyd, attorney for Centegra. 5. Bob Teska - Teska & Associates, planner for Centegra. 6. Jerry Lindgren - Kenig, Lindgren, O'Hara & Aboona, traffic engineers for Centegra. 7. Scott Hargadon - Bell Boyd & Lloyd, attomey for Centegra. 8. Nick Lair - Centegra. 7. City Council Members: Mayor Steve Cuda, Alderman Bill Baird, Alderman Greg Bates, City Clerk Pam Althoff. 8. Court Reporter: Cheryl Barone. � 9. Registered Observers: None. Page 2 ZBA/PGCentegra 12/18/95 Prior to the commencement of the Presentation by Centegra, Swierk announced that his firm is in the � midst of a lawsuit with Bell, Boyd and Lloyd and he would like that fact on record. However, he sees no potential conflict of interest with regard to the matter at hand. Ladd said he had no problem with Mr. Swierk being present and participating in the proceedings. OVERVIEW AND BACKGROUND Director Lobaito provided the history and an overview of how this meeting came about. He stated that in March of 1995, Centegra approached the Mayor with the idea that the City once again look at the possibility of instituting a Hospital Zoning District. In May, Centegra met with the City Council. The hospital outlined their needs. The staff was directed to work with the hospital to create a hospital zoning district. Centegra created the ordinance at the direction of Council. On October 25, the proposed ordinance was presented to the Council. The driving force behind the creation of the new zoning district is Centegra. But, it is important to remember that the passing of such an amendment to the zoning ordinance would affect the entire community, not stricdy the e�sting hospital. Lobaito said the format of the ordinance is such that it plugs into the zoning ordinance much as the Business Park ordinance fits into�it. The proposed Hospital Care District deals with subd.ivision issues as well as zoning issues. It was therefore the request of the Council that there be a joint meeting so that there could be a frank discussion regarding the pros and cons of implemendng a Hospital Care District. Both Centegra and the City Council are interested in the input of the ZBA and the Plan Commission with regard to a proposed Health Care District. Lobaito said that perhaps one joint meeting would not be su�cient. When this matter has been �, thoroughly discussed, and all Commission members and Board members have had an opportunity to express their concems, the petition will then be brought before the Zoni.ng Board and City Council for action. GENERAL DISCUSSION Semrow asked why the matter is being handled in this way as opposed to a regular zoning hearing which has been properly noticed to all abutting property owners, etc. Lobaito said the Council directed Centegra to begin in this format with a general presentadon before both the ZBA and the Plan Commission. McArdle asked if there would be addidonal testimony presented at the ZBA Hearing when it gets to that point. Lobaito said that is correct. Semrow noted that witnesses are not being sworn in for these proceedings. Semrow said that it would be possible for the competitors of Centegra to make use of the Hospital Care District if there is an actual amendment to the zoning ordinance. Hargadon said that is correct. The Health Care District would then become an actual zoning district of the city much like the Business Park zoning district. PRESENTATION BY CENTEGRA Attomey Ladd provided the history of McHenry Hospital and Northem Illinois Medical Center(NIMC) which have evolved into Centegra. Centegra Health Care System encompasses not only NIMC but the former Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, as well as other independent facilities throughout northem Illinois and southern Wisconsin. Centegra is a total health care network and not just a hospital. �, Ladd said the reas��n for the joint meeting is to provide information to both the Plan Commission and the Zoning Board and to get the input of the members of these bodies so that a Health Care District could be created which would benefit the City. There must be trust on the part of the City for Centegra �Page 3 ZBA/PGCentegra 12/18/95 or the city should not adopt the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance. �'' Ladd said that if the amendment is not adopted, and the health care district is not created, each proposed building project for Centegra could take up to a year to get accomplished and building permits issued, due to the constraints of regular zoning and planning procedures. Laudick provided a slide presentation. The mission statement for Centegra is to "enhance the health of our community". Centegra is the largest employer in McHenry County. There are approximately 1,800 employees of which approximately 1,050 are fulltime equivalent. Laudick stated that 1,456 employees live in McHenry (�ounty; 428 employees live in McHenry. Laudick said that health care needs change so quickly. He said there is a need to serve a broad area with a single focus facility. Ladd said that the hospital can not apply for a Certificate of Need (CON) unless there is a great probability of zoning approval for a given project. Semrow asked if the reason for the proposed health care district was so that the hospital could compete for patients more quickly. Laudick said the market drives the need. Centegra would like to provide a way to meet those needs in a timely manner. General discussion took place regarding the process for a hospital to apply for a CON. Laudick said that there has been no hold-up as far as the city has been concerned regarding permits being issued for ,� any of the addidons to the NIMC building. Bob Teska said that he was retained by Centegra to draft a proposed ordinance which would implement a Health Care District. Teska said that many time putting on a building addition or adding a new use requires ZBA or Plan Commission hearings. The purpose of the Health Care District would be to be able to avoid these extra steps which other businesses in town do not to comply with when they seek an addition on their buildings. Teska said that they tried to find a vehicle that would add flexibility and speed up the process and be less burdensome for the hospital as well as the City. Teska said that Hinsdale and Highland Park currently have implemented Health Care districts. The model Health Care district was taken from Highland Parks ordinance. The Health Care District has been modeled after the Business Park District requirements in most cases. Many characteristics of the Health Care District are the same as the City's Business Park District. Teska went over the proposed ordinance paragraph by paragraph. He noted that many of the proposed permitted used for the Health Care District are also permitted in the O-2 District(current zoning for the hospital). Teska also noted that a very comprehensive list of definitions have been included in the ordinance. Chairman Sheppard express her concern regarding the proposed regional retention facility and how could the hospital expect the City to take care of the surface water drainage from their facility. Lobaito said the hospital was :iware that the City has had discussion with the Pacinis on locating a regional detention pond on their property. Preliminary plans for the Pacini parcel have been presented at a Council � meeting that shows a regional retention facility at the north end of the development. Lobaito stated that the hospital woutd be responsible for all associated costs. It is not the intent of the city to develop a retention facility for the hospital. � �Page 4 ZBA/PGCentegra 12/28/95 Chairman Semrow called for a recess at 9:05 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:18 p.m. with all still � in attendance except for ZBA member McClatchey. Teska continued to provide an overview of the proposed ordinance. General discussion ensued regarding the need to have all public improvements conform to the City's Subdivision Control Ordinance. The manner in which this portion of the ordinance, secdon 5(k), is written is ambiguous and should be clarified. Teska said that the uses in a health care district are all connected. It is difficult to have setback and lot lines from all adjacent uses because the uses are all integrated. That is the main reason for not wanting to subdivide the property and follow regular subdivision procedures. McArdle said that even if the hospital was not going through a subdivision process, they do intend to comply with Sections V,VII and VIII of the Subdivision Control Ordinance. Teska said that is conect. Teska said the hospital would like the opportunity to put in a planned campus with a maximum floor area ratio of 2.5. � Semrow said the proposed ordinance could be used by any developer who wanted to put in a health care district. Ladd said this is very analogous to what happened when McHenry Corporate Center came to the City and asked that a Business Park Ordinance be adopted and that they be granted this zoning district upon adopdon of it. The hospital is asking the city to adopt a health care district and subsequent to the adoption of it, that the hospital be granted this zoning classification. � Sheppard said she has difficulty understanding how an ordinance could be passed which would help to expedite processing and bypassing regular city planning procedures when this same privilege is not being granted to other developers in town. A way for the city to maintain control of planning is to have such proposals brought before the Plan Commission and Zoning Board. If you intend to bypass these processes, how will the city maintain planning control? Semrow said he has difficulty understanding the urgency of the hospital's request to move forward when they do not even have a master site plan of the proposed campus. Ladd said Centegra will provide an internal circulation pattern which would include points of egress and ingress to the site. La.dd said it would be impossible to tell the use, the location or size of any buildings at this point, but they could provide the internal circulation pattern. Tobeck asked which municipalities have health care districts in which the hospitals do not have to seek approval from the ZBA or Plan Commission or village board prior to moving forward with additions or new buildi.ngs. Teska said Hinsdale was the only example of this. Discussion ensued regarding the need for a master site plan for the hospital site. Semrow said if the differences are so minimal between the Business Park District and the Health Care District, why not just use the Business Park District. Swierk said that each time the hospital wanted to put up another buil ding on the site the hospital would have to come before the ZBA to seek a variance � for muldple buildings on one lot. ' `Page 5 ZBA/PGCentegra 12/18/95 Hargadon said the roadway master site plan should be ready and available for review by these boards � prior to the next meeting. Hargadon said that the staff had requested that there be a master site plan for the campus. Centegra agrees that a master site plan is a good idea. Swierk said that what is being proposed is a Hospital Care District in which there is one large lot divided only by the intemal street configuration. Lobaito said the master site plan should show all internal roadways as well as all public utilities. There was discussi.on regarding the possibility of the master site plan being reviewed by the Plan Commission for approval as to conformance to Subdivision Control Ordinance standards and then having the master site plan brought before the Zoning Board for action. ADJOURNMEN7' Chairman Semrow adjourned the meeting at 10:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted C�/' ��JZc,�� Harry Semr , Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals c: Agenda, Zoning Board of Appeals (7), Plan Cotnmission (7), City Administrator, Director of � Building & Zoning, Public Works, Administration, City Attorney, Engineering Inspector, Petitioner, Aldermen Reference Copy, Building & Zoning Zoning File, Landmark Commission Chairman, Northwest Herald, McHenry Star News, City Clerk File. �