HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/3/1996 - Zoning Board of Appeals -„ : " • ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS JUNE 3, 1996 CITY OF MCHENRY IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) `- OF MCHENRY SCHOOL DISTRICT 15 ) Z-411(1) FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND ) PARKLAND JUNIOR HIGH A VARIANCE PURSUANT TO THE ) 1802 N RINGWOOD RD ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ) MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ) CONDITIONAL USE ILLINOIS. ) VARIANCE REPORT OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TO THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS A hearing on the above-capdoned petition was held on May 13, 1996 and recessed to this date. Chairman Semrow called the hearing to order at 7:32 p.m. The following persons were in attendance: 1. Zoning Board Members: Tom Burr, Chuck Lovett, Frank McClatchey, Harry Semrow. John Swierk, Donna Tobeck. Absent: Randy Christensen. 2. Attomey for Zoning Board: David McArdle. 3. Recording Secretary: Kathleen M. Kunzer. 4. Director of Building & Zoning: Absent. � 5. Petitioner: McHenry School District 15 represented by Jeff O'Connell, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, 331$ Walnut Lane McHenry Illinois 60050; Robert Ungaro, Operations Manager, 4106 Seneca Wonder Lake Illinois 60097; Christopher Cardamone, District 15 Board Member, 2912 N Shorewood Drive McHenry Illinois 60050; Michael Guy, District 15 Board Member, 2007 Pebble McHenry Illinois 60050. 6. Attomey for the Petitioner: None. 7. City Council Members: None. 8. Court Reporter: None. 9. Registered Observers/Objectors: 1. Renee Plucinski-Hertel, 1809 N Sunset Ave McHenry IL 60050. 2. Harry & Barb Sadowski, 1811 N Sunset Ave McHenry IL 60050. 3. Pete Schmidt, 1819 N Sunset Ave McHenry IL 60050. 4. Ted Dinkelman, 1807 N Sunset Ave McHenry IL 60050. 5. John & Geraldine Boehm, 3803 W Kane Avenue McHenry IL 60050. 6. Marie V4"ilt, 605 N Green Street McHenry IL 60050. NOTIFICATION � Notification of this hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on Apri125, 1996. The Publisher's Certificate of Publication is on file in the office of the City Clerk with regard to this matter. Nodces were sent to all abutting properties via certified mailing. Return receipt cards have been submitted to , Page 2 ZBA-Parkland 6/3/96 the Office of the City Clerk and are on file with regard to this matter. The subject property was posted � as required by ordinance. LOCATION The subject property is located at 1802 N Ringwood Road McHenry IL 60050, and is known as Parkland Junior High School The subject property consists of appro�mately 20 acres. SUMMARY The subject property is currently zoned RS-3 Medium-Density Single Family Residential Zoning District. The Petitioners are requesting that the subject property be granted a Conditional Use to permit Educational Institution and a Variance to permit two principal buildings on one zoned lot. TESTIMONY Chairman Semrow swore in the following witnesses for the Petitioner: 1] Jeff O'Cannell, 3318 Walnut Lane McHenry IL 60050. 2] Robert Ungaro, 4106 Seneca Lane Wonder Lake IL 60097. 3] Christopher Cardamone, 2912 North Shorewood Drive McHenry IL 60050. 4] Michael Guy, 2007 Pebble McHenry Illinois 60050. O'Connell said District 15 is proposing to place one mobile unit on the Parkland property. The unit will contain three classrooms. The request is being made so that District 15 is able to keep up with the rapid growth occurring in the City of McHenry. The installation of the mobile unit would be a temporary � solution. This is not a permanent fix for the problem of rapid growth in the area. �UESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE BOARD McClatchey asked about lighting and fencing on the property. Would there be additional lighting put in? Is the District planning to fence the school property? Ungaro said there is akeady adequate lighdng on the site. There would be a light on the outside of the mobile classrooms, however. There is no proposed fencing. There would be no light shining in neighbor's windows. Chairman Semrow asked if there is sufficient need for a trailer to be installed at this time; or is this request for a future need of the School District. If there is need at the present time, how long would it be adequate for the needs of the School District. O'Connell said the School District is not sure how quickly it will grow. He said the request should sustain the needs of the District for 2-3 years. Lovett asked the purpose of the existing mobile unit at Parkland. O'Connell said there is not currendy a mobile unit on site at that location. Lovett asked the growth rate at Parkland for the last five years. O'Connell said it would be in the neighborhood of 25-30 students per year. Cardamone said the School district is full to capacity at both Parkland and the McHenry Junior High. Swierk asked when the mobile classroom would be placed on site. Ungaro said it would be placed and used this fall. Swierk asked how long of a period of time would it be required to be located on the premises. Ungaro said the Illinois School Board allows mobile units as a temporary solution to growth for a period not to exceed five years. At that point, the request is made year to year. O'Connell said it is the hope of the School District that there is a more permanent solution in view at the end of the five �' year period. At that time, the District could choose to add more mobile classrooms or to ultimately add on more classroom space to the main school building. . Page 3 ZBA-Parkland 6/3/96 Tobeck asked if the proposed units were modular(erected on a foundation) or mobile (erected on piers). �' Ungaro said the unit being proposed is a mobile unit. All proposed units would have wheels and they would eventually be moved off-site, when the need for their use is no longer evident. Lovett asked the growth rate of the City of McHenry. Discussion ensued regarding the growth in the city and the fact that the School District encompasses a much larger area than the city boundary, Ungaro stated that the mobile units must be placed according to the Illinois Board of Education standards which require that all mobiles be placed within 300 feet of an entrance to the main school building. If the mobiles are placed outside of these parameters, they must be fully equipped with washrooms. 4UESTIONS BY THE OBSERVERS/OBJE TORS S�eraldine Boehm- What is the cost of one unit which contains three classrooms? O'Connell said the units sell for about $90,000. Mrs. Boehm asked how long the existing unit has been at the McHenry Jr. High. Ungaro said almost five years. Marie Wilt• Is the School District going to keep coming back to the City for additional mobile classrooms? When will the District follow through and seek to put on a permanent addition to the building? O'Connell said there is a long range plan in place whereby there would ultimately be additions to both the McHenry Junior High and Parkland if the growth continues at the current or an accelerated rate. � Semrow asked when the mobile classroom would be replaced with a permanent structure, i.e., an addidon to the main building. Mr. Guy said there may be other options, rather than just putting on an addidon to the principal building. There is a possibility of year round school, or split shifts. O'Connell said that is the purpose of the exploration of the strategic plan. Guy said the easiest opdon would be to add onto the building. Seraldine Boehm• Do you think the citizens would vote for a referendum so that you can get permission to put temporary structures in place. Marie Wilt• Can't the developers pay for part of a new school? Cardamone said the two additions at Edgebrook and Riverwood were put up due to developer donation fees contributed to the School District. Swierk said he believes that there should be a time limit attached to the variance if it should be granted by the city. Burr asked the projected number of students per classroom at Parkland for the fall. O'Connell said the projected number of students is 31 per classroom. �LOSINC STATEMENT BY PETITIONER O'Connell asked that the Zoning Board seriously consider the request of McHenry School District 15 to install a mobile unit at Parkland School. The unit would accommodate the needs of the District at this time as far as space and opportunity for the children. Secondly, some of the programs need more space. We are in the midst of changeover from a junior high to a middle school, and more space is necessary. Third, there is a safety issue as far as the children are concerned. This is the best option �.. at this time. We hope that the Board will seriously consider this request. . �'age 4 � ZBA-Parkland 6/3/96 Chairman Semrow said, "there being no further testimony before this Board with regard to this Petition, �-' the Board will cunsider this matter at this time, unless there is a motion to recess by a member of the Board. There being no motion to recess, the Chair will entertain a motion with regard to the Petition." DELIBERATION AND RECOMMENDATION Motion by Swierk, seconded by McClatchey to recommend to the City Council that the Petitioners request for a Conditional Use to allow the subject property to be used as an Educational Institution be granted, and that Table 31, The Approval Criteria for Conditional Uses, pages 357-358 of the Zoning Ordinance, have been met. Voting Aye: Burr, Lovett, McClatchey, Semrow, Swierk, Tobeck. Vodng Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Christensen. Motion carried 6-0. Motion by Swierk, seconded by Lovett to recommend to the City Council that the Petitioners request for a Variance to allow two principal buildings on one zoned lot be granted subject to the following condition; 1. The variance shall be renewed by this Board or expire on June 15, 2001. and that Table 32, The Approval Criteria for Variances, pages 377-378 of the Zoning `.. Ordinance, have been met. Voting Aye: Burr, Lovett, McClatchey, Semrow, Swierk, Tobeck. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Christensen. Modon carried 6-0. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Tobeck, seconded by McClatchey to adjourn at 8:29 p.m. Voting Aye: Burr, Lovett, McClatchey, Semrow, Swierk, Tobeck. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Christensen. Motion carried 6-0. This hearing was adjourned at 8:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted Harry Semrow, ' man Zoning Board of Appeals �� c: Agenda,Zoning Board of APPeals(7).Plan Commisaion('n�City Adminislrator,Public Wocks Adminiahation(4),Petidoneis,Observets/Objectors(6),Aldermen Reference Copy,Building&Zoning File,Landmark Commission Chairman,Northwest Herald,McHenry Staz News,City Clerk File. Z-411(1)-Pazkland � . ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS . JUNE 3, 1996 CITY OF MCHENRY TN THE MATTFR OF THE APPLICATION ) `-- OF MCHENRY SCHOOL DISTRICT 15 ) Z-411(2) FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND ) MCHENRY JUNIOR HIGH A VARIANCE PURSUANT TO THE ) 3711-3801 W KANE AVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ) MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ) CONDITIONAL USE ILLINOIS. ) VARIANCE REPORT OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TO THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS A hearing on the above-captioned petition was held on May 13, 1996 and recessed to this date. Chairman Semrow called the hearing to order at 8:32 p.m. The following persons were in attendance: l. Zoning Board Members: Tom Burr, Chuck Lovett, Frank McClatchey, Harry Semrow. John Swierk, Donna Tobeck. Absent: Randy Christensen. 2. Attorney for Zoning Board: David McArdle. 3. Recording Secretary: Kathleen M. Kunzer. 4. Director of Building & Zoning: Absent. � 5. Pedtioner: McHenry School District 15 represented by Jeff O'Connell, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, 3318 Walnut Lane McHenry Illinois 60050; Robert Ungaro, Operations Manager, 4106 Seneca Wonder Lake Illinois 60097; Christopher Cardamone, District 15 Board Member, 2912 N Shorewood Drive McHenry Illinois 60050; Michael Guy, District 15 Board Member, 2007 Pebble McHenry Illinois 60050. 6. Attorney for the Petitioner: None. 7. City Council Members: None. 8. Court Reporter: None. 9. Registered Observers/Objectors: I. Renee Plucinski-Hertel, 1809 N Sunset Ave McHenry IL 60050. 2. Harry & Barb Sadowski, 1811 N Sunset Ave McHenry IL 60050. 3. Pete Schmidt, 1819 N Sunset Ave McHenry IL 60050. 4. Ted Dinkelman, 1807 N Sunset Ave McHenry IL 60050. 5. John & Geraldine Boehm, 3803 W Kane Avenue McHenry IL 60050. 6. Marie W'ilt, 605 N Green Street McHenry IL 60050. NOTIFICATION �- Notification of this hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on Apri125, 1996. The Publisher's Certificate of Publication is on file in the office of the City Clerk with regard to this matter. Notices were sent to all abutting properties via certified mailing. Return receipt cards have been submitted to ' . Page 2 ZBA-McHenry Jr High 6/3/96 the Office of the City Clerk and are on file with regard to this matter. The subject property was posted `-- as required by ordinance. LOCATION The subject property is located at 3711-3801 West Kane Avenue McHenry IL 60050, and is known as McHenry Junior High School The subject property consists of appro�umately 4.2 acres. SUMMARY The subject property commonly known as 3711 West Kane Avenue is cunendy zoned RS-3 Medium- Density Single Family Residential Zoning District. The subject property commonly known as 3801 West Kane Avenue is cunently zoned RS-4 High Density Single Family Residential Zoning District. The Petitioners are requesting that the subject property be granted a Conditional Use to permit Educational Institution and a Variance to permit four principal buildings on one zoned lot. TESTIMONY Chairman Semrow swore in the following witnesses for the Pedtioner: 1) Jeff O'Connell, 3318 Walnut Lane McHenry IL 60050. 2) Robert Ungaro, 4106 Seneca Lane Wonder Lake IL 60097. 3) Christopher Cardamone, 2912 North Shorewood Drive McHenry IL 60050. 4] Michael Guy, 2007 Pebble McHenry Illinois 60050. O'Connell said District 15 is proposing to place two additional mobile units on the McHenry Junior High property. Each unit will contain three classrooms. There is already one three-classroom unit on � the premises. The request for two additional units is being made so that District 15 is able to keep up with the rapid growth occurring in the City of McHenry. The installation of the mobile units would be a temporary solution. This is not a permanent fix for the problem of rapid growth in the area. The size of the mobile units is 108 feet long by 24 feet wide. 4UESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE BOARD McClatchey asked about lighting and fencing on the property. Would there be additional lighting put in? Is the District planning to fence the school property? Ungaro said there is already adequate lighting on the site. There would be a light on the outside of the mobile classrooms, however. There is no proposed fencing. There would be no light shining in neighbor's windows. Chairman Semrow asked if there is sufficient need for trailers to be installed at this time; or is this request for a future need of the School District. If there is need at the present time, how long would it be adequate for the needs of the School District. O'Connell said the School District is not sure how quickly it will grow. He said the request should sustain the needs of the District for 2-3 years. Cardamone said the School district is full to capacity at both Parkland and the McHenry Junior High. Swierk asked when the mobile classrooms would be placed on site. Ungaro said they would be placed and used this fall. Swierk asked how long of a period of time would they be required to be located on the premises. Ungaro said the Illinois School Board allows mobile units as a temporary solution to growth for a period not to exceed five years. At that point, the request is made year to year. O'Connell said it is the hope c�f the School District that there is a more permanent solution in view at the end of � the five year period. At that time, the District could choose to add more mobile classrooms or to ultimately add on more classroom space to the main school building. Page 3 ZBA-McHenry Jr High 6/3/96 Tobeck asked if the proposed units were modular(erected on a foundation) or mobile(erected on piers). �--� Ungaro said the units being proposed are mobile units. All proposed units would have wheels and they would eventually be moved off-site, when the need for their use is no longer evident. Lovett asked the growth rate of the City of McHenry. Discussion ensued regarding the growth in the city and the fact that the School District encompasses a much larger area than the city boundary. Lovett asked if the curb cut and driveway at 3801 West Kane Avenue would be removed and the landscaping restored. Ungaro said that would be done. Ungaro stated that the mobile units must be placed according to the Illinois Board of Education standards which require that all mobiles be placed within 300 feet of an entrance to the main school building. If the mobiles are placed outside of these parameters, they must be fully equipped with washrooms. OUESTIONS BY THE OBSERVERS/OBJE TORS Geraldine Boehm� What is the cost of one unit which contains three classrooms? O'Connell said the units sell for about $90,000. Mrs. Boehm asked how long the existing unit has been at the McHenry Jr. High. Ungaro said almost five years. Mrs. Boehm asked where the mobile units would be placed on the McHenry Junior High property. O'Connell said they would be parallel to Kane Avenue. There would be a 35 foot setback from the Kane Avenue property line. There would be a 10 foot setback from the west property line. The two mobiles would have a 15 foot setback between them. Marie Wilt: Is the School District going to keep coming back to the City for additional mobile classrooms? When will the District follow through and seek to put on a permanent addition to the �- building? O'Connell said there is a long range plan in place whereby there would ultimately be additions to both the McHenry Junior High and Parkland if the growth continues at the current or an accelerated rate. Mrs. Wilt said that Parkland is in the country and mobiles won't look so bad there. But, McHenry Junior High is in the middle of the City and it will look tacky. Semrow asked when the mobile classrooms would be replaced with a permanent structure, i.e., an addition to the main building. Mr. Guy said there may be other options, rather than just putting on an addition to the principal building. There is a possibility of year round school, or split shifts. O'Connell said that is the purpose of the exploration of the strategic plan. Guy said the easiest option would be to add onto the building. Geraldine Boehm• Do you think the citizens would vote for a referendum so that you can get permission to put temporary structures in place? Marie Wilt: Can't the developers pay for part of a new school? Cardamone said the two addidons at Edgebrook and Riverwood were put up due to developer donation fees contributed to the School District. Mrs. Wilt asked if the mobile units would be landscaped. She stated this would be an expensive proposition for a temporary solution to the growth problem. O'Connell said the mobile units would be landscaped according to ordinance requirements. Swierk said he believes that there should be a time limit attached to the variance if it should be granted by the city. � Lovett asked how the students would get to the mobiles from the principal structure. Ungaro said there would be a sidewalk between the main building and the mobile units. The students would access the , - Page 4 ZBA-McHenry Jr High 6/3/96 building at the er►trance on the west side of the building. � Discussion followed regarding the possibility of locating the mobile units elsewhere on the McHenry Junior High property. Suggestion was made that the School District might be able to locate the mobile units south of the main building, and thereby shifting the parking lot and drive access further to the south. O'Connell said there is a safety issue which he is concemed about. Having students cross a parking lot to get to the main building would not be safe. The rear of the school is also used as a Ioading/unloading zone which would have to be relocated to Kane Avenue if the mobile units were erected south of the main building. O'Connell said that after much deliberation, it was the consensus of the School Board that the best location for the mobile units would be the one presented before the Zoning Board this evening. Chairman Semrow said that the safety issue addressed by Mr. O'Connell is of importance to him. O'Connell said the safety of the children accessing and leaving the mobile units is a primary concern. There is a cunent traffic flow pattern which works. To alter it could present safety concerns for the children. Lovett asked the size of the existing mobile unit on the site. Ungaro said it is 72 feet long and 36 feet wide. Lovett said he has a difficult dme visualizing the site without the dimensions being shown on the site plan. Lovett asked the distance between the two proposed mobile units. Ungaro said there would be a 15 foot setback as required by the State of Illinois. The front yard setback would be 35 feet. There would be a sideyard setback of 10 feet. Semrow said there is no request for a variance as to the yard requirements; the petitioners would have to meet all of the requirements of the zoning district. \.., Tobeck said she had concems regarding the movement of students during classroom exchange time. O'Connell said the School District is in the process of changing from a junior high format to a middle school. There would not be as much change of classrooms as before. CLOSING STATEMENT BY PETITIONERS O'Connell asked that the Zoning Board seriously consider the request of McHenry School District 15 to install two additional mobile units at McHenry Junior High School. The units would accommodate the needs of the District at this time as far as space and opportunity for the kids. Secondly, some of the programs need more space. We are in the midst of changeover from a junior high to a middle school, and more space is necessary. Third, there is a safety issue as far as the children are concemed. This is the best option at this time. We hope that the Board will seriously consider this request. STATEMENTS BY OBJECTORS Mrs. Geraldine Boehm• "I've lived at 3803 Kane Avenue for 43 years. It's a nice quiet neighborhood. I do not want to live next door to trailers. I believe in kids - We raised six ourselves. I believe in referendums. I want to continue to live in our home. If they move the trailers in the lot next door, I'm afraid I will have children running past our home on their way to buying things at the Food Mart. If they put the trailers next door to us, we will have debris and papers blowing in our yard from the carelessness of the children. I told Mr. Dodd that he is going to get more phone calls from me. I believe in education and children, but they do not need to move the trailers right next door to our home." �. John Boehm= "7'railers within 10 feet of my property will be an eyesore, no matter how it is landscaped. Put them somewhere else on the school property. Taking a piece of property off of the � �� Page 5 ZBA-McHenry Jr High 6/3/96 tax rolls is not a good idea. My property will lose its value. That is a nice piece of property which a `-- young couple cari afford. Sell the property to a young couple and keep it on the talc rolls. Put the trailers somewhe:re else on the Junior High property, either on the east side or on the south side. If you're worried ahout safety, these trailers will present a safety hazard. I'm not against children. I'm against having trailers in my back yard. These trailers should be in the school's back yard without inconveniencing a neighbor. This is a residential neighborhood. If you allow these trailers, where does it stop?" Mrs. Marie Wilt- "Mobile units will not affect me; my property does not direcdy abut the location where the units would be placed. McHenry Junior High students deserve better. What is temporary - 5 years? 10 years`� I'm against it. We owe the children more. It would be cheaper to look at the long range view and to plan for it rather than putting mobile units on this site." Chairman Semrow said, "there being no further testimony before this Board with regard to this Pedtion, the Board will consider this matter at this time, unless there is a motion to recess by a member of the Board. There being no motion to recess, the Chair will entertain a modon with regard to the Petition." DELIBERATION AND RE OMMENDATION Motion by Swierk, seconded by Lovett to recommend to the City Council that the Petitioners request for a Conditional Use to allow the subject property to be used as an Educational Institution be granted, and that Table 31, The Approval Criteria for Conditional Uses, pages 357-358 of the Zoning Ordinance, have been met. `-- Voting Aye: Burr, Lovett, McClatchey, Semrow, Swierk, Tobeck. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Christensen. Motion carried 6-0. Motion by Swierk, seconded by Lovett to recommend to the City Council that the Petitioners request for a Variance to allow four principal buildings on one zoned lot be granted subject to the following condition: 1. The variance shall be renewed by this Board or expire on June 15, 2001. and that Table 32, The Approval Criteria for Variances, pages 377-378 of the Zoning Ordinance, have been met. Voting Aye: McClatchey, Semrow. Vodng Nay: Burr, Lovett, Swierk, Tobeck. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Christensen. Motion carried 2-4. COMMENTS BY THE BOARD `-- LOVETT: One of the criteria which must be proven is that the proposal will fit in harmoniously in the neighborhood. This will not be in harmony with this neighborhood. I see this as damaging the aesthetics of the neighborhood. � .,,,;-Page 6 ZBA-McHenry Jr High 6/3/96 TOBECK- Ther•e would be a great adverse impact on the neighbors and in the neighborhood if this `- were granted. The concerns of the neighbors present have been hear. SEMROW: I heard Mr. Boehm state that he did not want to be next door to the mobile. Someone is going to be next door to it. Mr. O'Connell indicates placing the units in back of the school would place the students in jeopardy as far as safety is concemed. Therefore, I voted for the proposal. MC CLATCHEY- McHenry is going through growing pains. This is one way to relieve the situation. Hopefully, we can take care of the problem of overcrowding without damaging the neighborhood. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Tobeck, seconded by McClatchey to adjourn at 9:20 p.m. Voting Aye: Burr, Lovett, McClatchey, Semrow, Swierk, Tobeck. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Christensen. Motion carried 6-0. This hearing was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted � Harry Semrow, hairman Zoning Board of Appeals c: ASeada,Zoning Board of Appeals(�,Plan Commission(�,City Adminiatrator,Pnblic Worka Adminishation (4),Petitioners,Observers/Objectors (6),Alde*men Refereoce Copy,Baild'mg 8c Zoning File,Landmark Commission Chairman,Nort6west Herald,McHenry Star News,City Clerk File. Z-411(2)-MCHENRY JR HIGH ��