HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/15/1998 - Zoning Board of Appeals ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS _ JUNE 15, 1998 CITY OF MCHENRY IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) Z-438(1) � RICHARD AN D RITA ADAMS FOR A MAP ) Adams AMENDMENT UPON ANNEXATION TO THE ) CITY OF MCHENRY, PURSUANT TO THE ) 1600' N of Rte 120 ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ) Map Amendment MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ) REPORT OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TO THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS A hearing on the above-captioned petition was held on June 15, 1998. Vice Chairman Lovett called thE� hearing to order at 7:35 p.m. The following persons were in attendance: 1. Zoning Board Members: George Cadotte, Paula Ekstrom, John Howell, Chuck Lovett, Jon Meyer. Absent: Randy Christensen, Harry Semrow. 2. Attorney for Zoning Board: David McArdle. 3. Recording Secretary: Kathleen M. Kunzer 4. City Planner: Phillip Maggio. � 5. Director of Community Development: Absent. 6. Petitioner: Richard Adams, 1618 West Lincoln Road, McHenry, Illinois 60050. 7. Attorney for Petitioner: Militello, Zanck and Coen represented by Mark Saladin, 40 Brink Street, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014. 8. City Council Members: None. 9. Court Reporter: None. 10. Registered Observers: Ronald Dopke, 2801 Lincoln Road, McHenry, Illinois 60050 David Miller, 2717 Lincoln Road, McHenry, Illinois 60050 Ronald Raupp, 1215 Hillside Lane, McHenry, Illinois 60050 Tony Loden, 1213 Hillside Lane, McHenry, Illinois 60050. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Notice of this hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on May 31, 1998. Publisher's Certificate of Publication is on file with regard to this matter in the City Clerk's Office. Notices were mailed to all owners of record of abutting properties. The subject property was posted as required by the Zoning Ordinance. An Affidavit of Service is on file with the City Clerk. � LOCATION The subject property is located approximately 1600 feet north of Illinois State Route 120 and Adams Drive, north of Adams Enterprises Trailer Sales and Service, 2600 West Route 120, Page 2 ZBA-Adams Annex 6/15/98 � McHenrv, Illinois, and south of Lincoln Road. The subject property is part of PIN# 09-25-326- 008, and extends from the northernmost boundary of the Adams property to the north, having approximately 160 feet of frontage along Lincoln Road. SUMMARY The Petitioner is requesting the following for the subject property upon annexation to the City of McHenry: 1. Zone the 4 acres immediately north of the Adams Property indicated as Lots 15 and 16 on the Preliminary Plat of Adams Commercial Subdivision as BP Business Park District; 2. Zone the remaining 16 acres of subject property which extends north to Lincoln Road as E Estate District. TESTIMONY Attorney McArdle swore in the following witness for the Petitioner: 1. Richard Adams, 1618 West Lincoln Road, McHenry, Illinois 60050 2. Charles Mionske, 2024 Route 176, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014. Attorney Saladin provided the Board with an overview of the Petitioner's request indicating the subject property which is comprised of approximately twenty acres was purchased by the Petitioner about one year ago. There is about 160 feet of frontage along Lincoln Road.. The � Petitioner is requesting the two lots indicated as Lots 15 and 16 on the Preliminary Plat prepared by Mr. Charles Mionske be classified as BP upon annexation with the remainder of the subjec:t property to be classified as E Estate. Saladin gave a brief synopsis of the annexation and zoning proceedings for the Adams property in 1995 and 1996 when Adams Business Park was annexed into the City along with the other parcels East of the Fox River. He noted Mr. Adams prepared a preliminary plan for his Business Park at that time. As a result of engineering being completed on the site, the plan has been reconfigured. The plan for the Business Park now shows two cul-de-sacs rather than the loop road. Two access points to the subdivision from Route 120 are proposed and tentatively approved by IDOT. The first is at Adams Drive; the second is an easement on the west edge of Lot 1 and between Lots 6 and 7, which will be a right in, right out only as per IDOT directive. Petitioner Adams indicated there are no plans for development of the proposed E Estate parcel as it is mostly wetlands. Saladin indicated Lots 15 and 16 would be included in the Business Park. The Petitioner is willing to maintain a 75 foot buffer along the eastern portion of Lot 16 which abuts Eastwood Manor Subdivision as was required for Business Park properties abutting Eastwood Manor in the original zoning hearings in 1995 and 1996. Adams indicated there is a 35 foot berm along the eastern boundary of the existing C5 property where the Adams Enterprises business is situated. �, QUESTIONS OF THE PETITIONER BY OBIECTORS/OBSERVERS David Miller: Miller asked the length of frontage of the Estate property along Lincoln Road. Saladin responded the property has a frontage of 160 feet along Lincoln Road. In response to Miller's inquiry regarding minimum lot size of the Estate District, McArdle stated the minimum Page 3 ZBA-Adams Annex 6/15/98 � lot size would be one acre. Adams noted there would be no subdivision of the Estate property as it is very narrow and contains a large amount of high quality wetlands which would prohibit development. He stated there would most likely be only one house on the entire 16 acres due to the irregular configuration, relatively small amount of frontage on Lincoln Road and the amount of wetlands on the site. Miller asked if there were plans to put in a through road extending between Route 120 and Lincoln Road. Mionske responded the high quality wetlands prohibit the construction of a through road. He noted that 80% of the wetlands on the site are high quality wetlands. CLOSING STATEMENT BY PETITIONER Attorney Saladin went over the Approval Criteria for Zoning Map Amendments as stated in the Petition. In closing, he asked that the Board consider the Petition at this time and recommend to the City Council that the Petitioner's request for reclassification be granted. CLOSING STATEMENT BY OBSERVERS David Miller: Miller stated the proposed annexation of the Diedrich/Gerstad Property north of Lincoln road would be contiguous to the City once the Adams Property is annexed. The Diedrich/Gerstad Property would be developed as medium Density Single Family Residential. If the Diedrich/Gerstad Property is not contiguous it could not be annexed into the City. It is therefore critical that the Adams Property be annexed into the City so that continuity is preserved. � McArdle stated the Adams annexation will help with the annexation of the Diedrich/Gerstad property. Vice Chairman Lovett stated, "there being not further testimony before this Board with regard to this Petition, the Board will consider this Petition at this time, unless there is a motion to recess by a member of the Board. There being no motion to recess, the Chair will entertain a motion with regard to the Petition." DELIBERATION AND RECOMMENDATION Motion by Meyer, seconded by Cadotte to recommend to the City Council that the Petitioner's request that the subject property be rezoned as follows upon annexation to the City of McHenry: 1. Zone the 4 acres immediately north of the existing Business Park indicated as Lots 15 and 16 on Preliminary Plat of Adams Commercial Subdivision as BP Business Park District; 2. Zone the remaining 16 acres of subject property as E Estate District. be granted; and that Table 33, the Approval Criteria for Map Amendments, page 401 of the Zoning Ordinance, have been met. � Page 4 ZBA-Adams Annex 6/15/98 � Voting A,ye: Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell, Lovett, Meyer. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstainirig: None. Absent: Christensen, Semrow. Motion carried 5-0. ADIOURNMENT Motion �y Ekstrom, seconded by Howell to adjourn. Voting Aye: Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell, Lovett, Meyer. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Christensen, Semrow. Motion carried 5-0. This hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. � Respectfully submitted, � __': ` .... `.. _ _. C arles Lovett, Vice Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals c: Zoning Board of Appeals Members (7), Plan Commission Members (7), City Administrator, Planner, PW Administration, City Engineers, Aldermen Reference Copy, Petitioner, Objectors/Observers (4), B & Z Zoning File, Landmark Commission Chairman, Northwest Herald, Star Newspaper, Fife Copy. Z-438(1) � ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS JUNE 15, 1998 CITY OF MCHENRY IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) Z-438(2) � RICHARD AN D RITA ADAMS FOR A MAP ) Adams AMENDMENT, PURSUANT TO THE ) Business Park/Commercial ZONINC� ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ) Map Amendment MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ) REPORT OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TO THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS A hearing on the above-captioned petition was held on June 15, 1998. Vice Chairman Lovett called thE� hearing to order at 7:35 p.m. The following persons were in attendance: 1. Zoning Board Members: George Cadotte, Paula Ekstrom, John Howell, Chuck Lovett, Jon Meyer. Absent: Randy Christensen, Harry Semrow. 2. Attorney for Zoning Board: David McArdle. 3. Recording Secretary: Kathleen M. Kunzer 4. City Planner: Phillip Maggio. 5. Director of Community Development: Absent. � 6. Petitioner: Richard Adams, 1618 West Lincoln Road, McHenry, Illinois 60050. 7. Attorney for Petitioner: Militello, Zanck and Coen represented by Mark Saladin, 40 Brink Street, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014. 8. City Counci) Members: None. 9. Court Reporter: None. 10. Registered Observers: Ronald Dopke, 2801 Lincoln Road, McHenry, Illinois 60050 David Miller, 2717 Lincoln Road, McHenry, Illinois 60050 Ronald Raupp, 1215 Hillside Lane, McHenry, Illinois 60050 Tony Loden, 1213 Hillside Lane, McHenry, Illinois 60050. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Notice of this hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on May 31, 1998. Publisher's Certificate of Publication is on file with regard to this matter in the City Clerk's Office. Notices were mailed to all owners of record of abutting properties. The subject property was posted as required by the Zoning Ordinance. An Affidavit of Service is on file with the City Clerk. �. LOCATION The subject property is adjacent to Adams Enterprises Trailer Sales and Service, 2600 West Route 120, which was annexed in August 1995. Page 2 ZBA-Ad��ms BP/C5 6/15/98 � SUMMARY The Petitioner is requesting the following for the subject property: 1. Reclassify Lots 18, 19 and northernmost portions of Lots 4, 5, and 6 as indicated in the Preliminary Plat of Adams Commercial Subdivision, to C5 Highway Commercial; 2. Reclassify easternmost half of Lot 7 to BP Business Park. TESTIMONY Attorney McArdle swore in the following witness for the Petitioner: 1. Richard Adams, 1618 West Lincoln Road, McHenry, Illinois 60050 2. Charles Mionske, 2024 Route 176, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014. Attorney Saladin gave a brief synopsis of the annexation and zoning proceedings for the Adams property in 1995 and 1996 when Adams Business Park was annexed into the City along with the other parcels East of the Fox River. He noted Mr. Adams prepared a preliminary plan for his Business Park at that time. The BP and C5 zoning designations were delineated by a metes and bounds legal description, and not by actual lot lines. As a result of engineering being completed on the site, the plan has been reconfigured. The plan for the Business Park now shows two cul-de-sacs rather than the loop road. Two access points to the subdivision from Route 120 are proposed and preliminarily approved by IDOT. The first is at Adams Drive; the second is an easement on the west edge of Lot 1 and between Lots 6 and 7, which will be a � right in, right out access point only as per IDOT directive. Due to the reconfiguration of the proposed plan of development, the Petitioner is requesting zoning changes which would bring the zoning in line with the proposed lot configuration of this property. The Petitioner is willing to maintain a 75 foot buffer along the eastern portion of Lot 16 which abuts Eastwood Manor Subdivision as was required bor Business Park properties abutting Eastwood Manor in the original zoning hearings in 1995 and 1996. Adams indicated there is a 35 foot berm along the eastern boundary of the existing C5 property where the Adams Enterprises business is situated. He stated he is willing to extend the berm as well as the 75 foot buffer to the north so that all lots abutting Eastwood Manor Subdivision would have a buffer from the commercial development. Lovett asked the proposed use of Lots 18 and 19. Adams stated these lots would be used for possible expansion of the Adams Enterprise business to the north. Attorney McArdle noted the Petitioner is merely refining the rough plan for development of the Business Park and commercial properties as presented in the 1995-1996 hearings. Mionske stated the wetlands delineation has caused the change in lot layouts. QUESTIONS OF THE PETITIONER BY OBIECTORS/OBSERVERS Tony Loden: Loden asked how far the C5 zoning designation would extend beyond the existing boundary at the present time. The response was the C5 zoning would extend an `., additional 380 feet to the north adjacent to Eastwood Manor Subdivision. C5 zoning would abut Lots 2 through 12 of Eastwood Manor. Loden asked how the possible noise created in the C5 District would be buffered from the residential subdivision. Mionske responded there are several different ways to buffer noise; the best of these is using a landscape berm, which Page 3 ZBA-Ad<<ms BP/C5 6/15/98 the Petitioner is planning to use. Loden stated that at the Zoning Hearing when this property � was annE�xed, the current point at which C5 Zoning started was agreed to because of potential negative impacts on Eastwood Manor. This limit to C5 Zoning was a compromise with the Eastwoo<� Manor residents. Lovett asked the Petitioner to agree to extend the 75 foot buffer to the north to encompass all property abutting residential lots in Eastwood Manor as was agreed to in the Annexation process i n 1995. CLOSING STATEMENT BY PETITIONER Attorney Saladin went over the Approval Criteria for Zoning Map Amendments as stated in the Petition. In closing, he asked that the Board consider the Petition at this time and recommend to the City Council that the Petitioner's request for reclassification be granted. CLOSING STATEMENT BY OBSERVERS Tony Loclen: Loden asked why the Petitioner did not choose to expand his commercial enterprise to the west rather than north along the Eastwood Manor Subdivision. He stated the Petitioner is seeking Commercial zoning. His home abuts the Adams property and he has had his home for sale since September, 1997. No one is willing to look at his home once they realize it abuts a Business Park. Now the Petitioner is requesting commercial zoning. If the property is zoned C5, he stated he will never be able to sell his house. He will have to remain there forever. Loden stated he objects to the reclassification to C5 of the portion of this property which abuts the residential properties of Eastwood Manor. � Vice Chairman Lovett stated, "there being not further testimony before this Board with regard to this Petition, the Board will consider this Petition at this time, unless there is a motion to recess by a member of the Board. There being no motion to recess, the Chair will entertain a motion with regard to the Petition." DELIBERATION AND RECOMMENDATION Motion by Howell, seconded by Meyer to recommend to the City Council that the Petitioner's request that the subject property be rezoned as follows: 1. Reclassify Lots 18, 19 and northernmost portions of Lots 4, 5, and 6 as indicated on the Preliminary Plat of Adams Commercial Subdivision, to C5 Highway Commercial; 2. Reclassify easternmost half of Lot 7 as indicated on the Preliminary Plat of the Adams Commercial Subdivision, to BP Business Park. be granted; and that Table 33, the Approval Criteria for Map Amendments, page 401 of the Zoning Ordinance, have been met. Voting Aye: Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell, Lovett, Meyer. Voting Nay: None. � Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Christensen, Semrow. Motion carried 5-0. Page 4 ZBA-Adams BP/C5 6/15/98 � ADIOURNMENT Motion k�y Ekstrom, seconded by Howell to adjourn. Voting Aye: Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell, Lovett, Meyer. Voting f�ay: None. Not Voti�g: None. Abstainir�g: None. Absent: Christensen, Semrow. Motion carried 5-0. This hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Resp tfully submitted, . � Charles Lovett, Vice Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals c: Zoning Board of Appeals Members (7), Plan Commission Members (7), City Administrator, Planner, PW Administration, City Engineers, Aldermen Reference Copy � Petitioner, Objectors/Observers (4), B & Z Zoning File, Landmark Commission Chairman, Northwest Herald, Star Newspaper, File Copy. Z-438(2) �