HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/16/2000 - Zoning Board of Appeals A REPORT THE CITY OF MCHENRY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS `-' IN TI�MATT'ER OF THE APPLICATTON OF ) CONCORD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ) Z-508 AND NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, AS ) Shamrock Farm Dev. TRUSTEE UNDER A TRUST AGREEMENT ) � DATED SEPTEMBER 12, 1973, KNO WN AS ) TRUST NO. 2-41693, AND HOME STATE ) BANK AS TRUSTEE UNDER A TRUST ) AGREEMENT DATED JULY 23, 1998, ) KNOWN AS TRUST NO. 4686, FOR A MAP ) AMENDMENT UPON ANNEXATION, ) PURSUANT TO THE ZONIlVG ORDINANCE ) OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY ) COLTNTY, ILLINOIS � A Public Hearing before the City of McHenry Zoning Boazd of Appeals was held on Monday, September 11, 2000 and was recessed to October 16, 2000. Chairman Semrow called the Heazing to order at 7:31 p.m. with the following persons in attendance: 1. Zoning Board of Appeals Members: Cadotte, Ekstrom, Franzen, Howell (arrived at 7:36 p.m.), Lovett, Meyer, Semrow. Absent: None. 2. City Attorney: David W. McArdle. � 3. Recording Secretary: Deputy Clerk Kathleen M. Kunzer. 4. City Planner: Phillip Maggio. 5. Director of Community Development: Absent: 6. Applicant: Concord Development Corporation represented by Project Manager John Green; Shamrock Farm Manager Vern and Jean Schiller; Properiy Owner, Pete Johnson; Engineers Jim Frain and Leonard Strickland. 7. Attorney: Cowlin and Cowlin, represented by James Cowlin, 4108A West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, IL 60050. 8. City CounciUStaff• Alderman Bolger, Alderman Glab, City Clerk Althoff, Plan Commission Chairman Meyer. 9. Court Reporter: None. 10. Registered Observers/Objectors: Florian Bruzan, 1008 Curran Road, McHenry, IL 60050 ,,` Gerald &Lola Schiller, 1015 N. Curran Road,McHenry, IL 60050 Todd& Teresa Goldman, 905 N. Draper Road, McHenry, IL 60050 Donna Pogodzinski, 921 N. Draper Road,McHenry, IL 60050 Page 2 ZBA-Shamrock Farm �/16/00 � Mike Schultz, 5 721 Broadway, Richmond, IL 60071 Bob Ozimek, 6615 W. Roundup Road, McHenry IL 60050 Raymond Schiller, 6311 W Roundup Road, McHenry IL 60050 Dale &Ruth Mc�rin, 6703 Bull Valley Road, McHenry, IL 60050 Tom Fenwick, 401 S. Draper Road,McHenry, IL 60050 Jim Staib, 210 N. Draper Road, McHenry IL 60050 Don Heinz, 216 S. Draper Road, McHenry IL 60050 Pat Waldyn, 6019 Barkley, McHenry IL 60050 Robert &Maureen Biederer, 317 N. Draper Road, McHenry IL 60050 Scott Hunt, 337 N Draper Road,McHenry IL 60050 Phil Schottler, 1020 Curran Road, McHenry IL 60050 John Walanczyk, 433 N Draper Road, McHenry IL 60050 M/M Ralph Kunzmann, 1009 Eagle Point, McHenry IL 60050 Chazles Clark, E513 Burning Tree Circle, McHenry IL 60050 S. Adams, 201 N. Draper Road, McHenry IL 60050 Bruce Uhl, 701 Woodridge Trail, McHenry IL 60050 Karen Kimball, 6221 Ojibwa, McHenry IL 60050 Guy DeVita, 7208 Burning Tree Drive, McHenry IL 60050 Jim&Jackie Chesler, 419 S. Draper Road,McHenry IL 60050 Sue Robertson, 6601 Bull Valley Road, McHenry IL 60050 Dan Romanoski, 505 Draper Road, McHenry IL 60050 � Bart Mueller, 6823 Burning Tree, McHenry IL 60050 Walter Enoch, 606 Waters Edge Drive, McHenry IL 60050 Sue McDougall, 6213 Ojibwa, McHenry IL 60050 Tom Paulin, 7715 Swarthmore, Woodstock, IL 60098 JoDee Elbrecht, 6327 Chickaloon Drive, McHenry IL 60050 M/M Richard Stueckemann, 6630 Hayward, McHenry IL 60050 John Diamond, 5409 Ojibwa, McHenry IL 60050 Shirley Hoguet, 1211 Pin Oak Court, McHenry IL 60050 S. Ellman, P O Box 805, McHenry IL 60051 (reside Ojibwa Lane) PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on August 24, 2000. A Certificate of Publication is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Certified notification was made to all abutting property owners. The subject property was posted as required by ordinance. An Affidavit of Service is on file in the Office of City Clerk. LOCATION The subject property cunently known as Shamrock Fazm is located on the north and south sides of Draper Road, west of Curran Road. The property is comprised of 604 acres, 55 of which are located east of Curran Road. JMMARY �The Petitioners are seeking zoning upon annexation as follows: ' RS-1 Low Density Single Family 100 lots (30,000 S.F. minimum) Page 3 ZBA-Shamrock Farm 10/16/00 �S-2 Medium Density Single Family 5381ots(10,890 S.F. minimum) RM-1 Low-Density Multi-Family 240 units. TESTIMONY Chauman Semrow swore in the following witnesses for the Petitioners: 1. John Green, Concorde Development Corporation; 2. Jim Frain, Manhazd Consulting Engineers; 3. Leonard Strickland, Manhazd Consulting Engineers. Attorney Cowlin addressed the Zoning Boazd of Appeals stating the Shamrock Farm Development project appeared before the City of McHenry Plan Commission on October 5, 2000 and received a favorable recommendation to the City Council. He noted this Petition was originally scheduled before the Zoning Board of Appeals on September 11, 2000. However, the Zoning Board elected to await recommendation by the City's Plan Commission before hearing testimony. Therefore the September 11�' Public Hearing was recessed to this evening. All previous notification and publications are applicable for this evening's heazing. Mr. Crreen indicated the following parcels on a site plan for the Shamrock Farm Development: Parcel#1 55 acres requesting RM-1 zoning 120 units Parcel#2 26 acres requesting RM-1 zoning 120 units Pazcel#3 346 acres requesting RS-2 zoning 517 single-family homes `'�rcel#4 173 acres requesting RS-1 zoning 87 single-family homes � In addition, the plan shows a park site, school site, Shamrock Fazm Club House and 137 acres of open space which would be maintained by the Homeowners Association. Mr. Green stated the open water azeas shown on the plan represent lakes, which will be utilized to provide onsite detention for the development. He noted the wetlands shown on the plan east of Draper Road are predominantly fazmed wetlands. However, the wetlands west of Draper Road are high quality wetlands, which will have to be preserved. A gasline easement which will be dedicated and maintained by the Homeowners Associa.tion exists on the property. Mr. Green stated the developers, in conjunction with the development of the Shamrock Farm, . would realign the Draper Road and Curran Road intersection, and would extend Dartmoor Drive west to Draper Road, as recommended by the City. Seven residential neighborhoods are being proposed within the Shamrock Farm Development: Neighborhood#1 87 RS-1 single family lots west of Draper Road; Neighborhood#2 120 RM-1 multi-family units(townhomes) southeast of Draper Road; Neighborhood#3 120 RM-1 multi-family units(townhomes) south of Draper Road; Neighborhood#4 134, RS-2, 14,580 S.F. single family lots east of Draper Road; Neighborhood#5 80, RS-2, 14,893 S.F. single family lots east of Draper Road; Neighborhood#6 226, RS-2, 13,000 S.F. single family lots east of Draper Road; Neighborhood#7 92, RS-2, 14,890 S.F. single family lots east of Draper Road �Ir. Green stated he anticipates 450 elementary school students will be generated by this oposed development at project buildout. In addition, 165 high school students are expected to �e produced by the development over then next ten years. Accordingly, the developers are proposing an elementary school site to be offered to McHenry Elementary School District 1 S. Page 4 ZBA-Shamrock Farm 10/16/00 `--� The developers are still having conversations with McHenry High School District 156 but have not come to terms regarding property donation versus monetary contribution or a comhination of both. Mr. Crreen went over the Approval Criteria for Zozung Map Amendments as stated within the Petition. He noted of the 604 acres, there is a net of 370 developable acres. He indicated the Comprehensive Plan shows this azea to be developed as low density residential with an ultimate buildout ratio of 1-4 units per acre. The proposed density of this project falls within those prescribed limits of the Comprehensive Plan. All townhomes would be owner-occupied and not rental units. The developers have placed the multi-family townhome adjacent to Curran Road. The Comprehensive Plan directs Staff to achieve a diversity of development when planning such a large pazcel of undeveloped land. Mr. Green stated he believes the proposed plan would meet the housing needs of the community. As requested, the developers have done an economic analysis, fiscal impact study, trai�ic analysis, and school impact study. He noted the results of the various studies could be provided to this Board. 4UESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Cadotte asked if a projected 450 elementary school students to be generated by this proposed development is realistic. Mr. Green responded in using the state-approved Naperville formula, the anticipated number of elementary school students is 450 by the end of the ten-year buildout. � Lovett asked about the environmental corridor in Parcel#4. Mr. Green responded the reference is to the wetlands and open space. Semrow expressed confusion regazding the low density directed by the Comprehensive Plan and the medium density request pursuant to the zoning ordinance. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the difference in meaning of the term "low density" as stated in the text of the Comprehensive Plan and within the zoning ordinance. Staff pointed out "low density" in the Comprehensive Plan indicates a density of 1-4 units per acre; the zoning ordinance defines `low density" as a specific residential zoning district with minimum 30,000 squaze foot lots. Staff clarified the Comprehensive Plan definition is not meant to be used within the context of the zoning ordinance or vice versa. In response to Board inquiry, Mr. Green stated there would be no extension of municipal water and sewer west of Draper Road. Ekstrom referencing City Engineers Baxter and Woodman's concerns regazding storm water release, asked how the surface water would flow to Boone Creek. Mr. Frain responded the property drains to the middle, then east to Boone Creek. Baxter and Woodman has suggested a direct connection to Boone Creek. Ekstrom asked if the lakes/ponds shown on the site plan would be connected to the drainage system and ultimately flow to the Creek. Mr. Frain responded in the affirmative. He noted there would be underground storm sewer connections � directly to the Creek. The proposed storm water management would make the possibility of flooding in this area less than currently exists. Page 5 ZBA-Shamrock Farm 10/16/00 `— Meyer asked if there would be fire hydrants throughout the development. Mr. Frain responded there would be; fire hydrants installed as required by the Subdivision Control Ordinance, including the areas north and west of Draper Road. Ekstrom asked if a proposed location has been determined for the water storage tank. Mr. Green stated the location has not yet been � designated; however, the City has indicated a preference for an at-grade facility as opposed to a tower, for aesthetic purposes. Howell, referencing the traffic study, noted no large increase in traffic is projected for the major intersections to be impacted by this proposed development. Mr. Green responded improvements would be made at the following intersections, in spite of minimal anticipated tr�c impact by this development: • Bull Valley Road and Draper Road intersection • Bull Valley Road and Curran Road intersection • Curran Road and Draper Road intersection • Draper Road and Route 120 intersection • Crystal Lake Road and Bull Valley Road intersection. Chairman Semrow inquired if a right-of-way easement for the widening of Curran Road would be granted. Mr. Green responded 150' right-of-way would be dedicated for Curran Road. In response to Board inquiry, Mr. Green stated Dartmoor Road would terminate at Draper Road. However, it has not yet been deternuned if Shamrock Farm Development will directly connect to Burning Tree and/or Deerwood Estates Subdivisions. � Franzen opined more lot size feathering was needed north and west of Draper Road in the proposed RS-1 Neighborhood. Although Draper Road provides a buffer, lower density north and west of Draper Road to adjacent Buming Tree and Deerwood Estates is desirable. Additionally, there is very little lot feathering east and south of Draper Road, specifically to the adjacent large- acre property owners. QUESTIONS BY OBSERVERSBJECTORS Rick Stueckemann. 6630 Haywazd Court• Mr. Stueckemann opined the enormous size of the Sha�nrock Fazm Development will have a great impact on schools, traffic in the area, and on the City in general. He inquired if the Zoning Board of Appeals could deny the request for development of this property, until such time as school, roadways and other related issues and concerns have been addressed. Chairman Semrow responded the developers are projecting a gradual ten-year buildout. If the City Council approves the developer's plan, it must do so with an eye to how the project will affect the City as a whole. All issues and concerns would have to be addressed simultaneously with the developer of the property. In the final analysis, the City must determine the highest and best use for this property. Walter Enoch 606 Waters Edge Drive: Mr. Enoch inquired if anyone has contemplated putting a new state highway in this residential district. Staff responded the specific location of future West McHenry Bypass has not been determined at this time. � Page 6 ZBA-Shamrock Farm 10/16/00 L-- Don Heinz, 216 S. Draper Road: Mr. Heinz asked if the RS-2 Zoning District would be compatible witli his seven days/week landscaping business which is adjacent to the proposed residential distr�ct. Chairman Semrow stated the existing businesses located in the area would not be jeopardized by the development of this property. � Gere Stueckemann. 6630 Haywazd Court• Ms. Stueckemann asked if this Public Heazing pertained to the development of the entire 604 acres of the Shamrock Farm, including the proposed multi-family district. She noted no specific site plan for the two multi-family areas exists. Mr. Green stated the entire proposed development is before this Board for consideration at this time. He noted the City's Comprehensive Plan specifically indicates diversity of housing and density is desirable in the City's overall plan. This project provides for a good blend of residential density. Maureen Biederer. 317 N Draper Road• Ms. Biederer noted if this project is approved and the property annexed, Draper Road would be within the City's jurisdiction. She stated there are five business properties located along Draper Road which could be impacted by City ordinances with regarding to weight limitations on Draper Road. These business properties are currently zoned agricultural in McHenry County. How would the annexation of the Shamrock Fazm impact those business operations? Staff responded the State Vehicle Code would be enforced by the City as it is currently being enforced by the County. Kazen Kimball, 6621 Ojibwa Lane• Ms. Kimball expressed concern in the public being heaxd � with regard to the development of this project. She opined her one-acre property abutting the smaller RS-2 lots is not appropriate. She requested the Board require more lot feathering adjacent to larger parcels. John Diamond, 6449 Ojibwa Lane• Mr. Diamond asked the potential impact on adjacent properties with regard to real estate taYes following the development of the Shamrock Fazm Property. He inauired if the developer would pay impact fees for the development of this land. Mr. Green responded the City of McHenry has in place an extensive impact fee schedule which will be followed as the property is developed. Scott Hunt, 337 Draper Road• Mr. Hunt inquired if there is a need for more small residential lots and multi-family units in the City. Mr. Green reiterated the Comprehensive Plan indicates diversity of housing is desirable. He noted the Petitioners could attempt to better feather the lot sizes, however. Jackie Cauthen, 6504 Ojibwa Lane• Ms. Cauthen inquired how this development could help traffic in the City, which is already overburdened, with tra�c congestion. She opined the residential development of the subject property is not needed at this time. Tom Fenwick 401 Draper Road• Mr. Fenwick opined the area of this proposed development is very unique. The addition of 1,600 to 2,000 additional vehicles will be a detriment to the area. He inquired who would accept responsibility for traffic congestion, potential accidents or loss of � life due to the over-development of the Shamrock Farm Property. He stated safety is a grave concern. Mr. Green noted the developers have looked at the current configuration of the Draper Page 7 ZBA-Shamrock Farm 10/16/00 �-- Road and Curran Road intersection, as well as other inherent natural curves which may present safety hazards. Tr�c safety and congestion will be addressed and corrected as much as possible. Tom Paulin, 7715 Swarthmore Road, Woodstock IL: Mr. Paulin asked if Manhard Consulting Engineers will t�,e bonded to protect the school and the school site, especially since the proposed school site appears to be located on one of the lowest elevation points of the property. Teresa Goldman, 905 North Draper Road: Ms. Goldman inquired how the developer could state there would be no more than 450 elementary school children and 165 high school students generated by this development. Mr. Green replied the numbers were determined by using the State accepted Naperville School Formula. This formula, 1.2 students/single family home and .2 students/multi-family unit, is commonly used throughout the State in computing potential students generated by households. Dale Moran, 6703 Bull Valley Road• Mr. Moran opined if the Shamrock Farm Development is approved, the McAndrews Farm Development is approved, as well as the akeady-approved development of Boone Creek Subdivision with all of its residential lots, a precedent would be set for smaller-sized residential lots in this azea. Bart Mueller, 6823 Burning Tree Circle• Mr. Mueller stated it was premature to discuss zoning this property prior to the November 7�' election and resolution to the high school District 156 `.. referendum question. Bob Olsnick, 6615 Burnin� Tree Circle• Mr. Olsnick stated he moved to McHenry from Naperville. He is currently surrounded by neighbors with large estate-sized lots and expensive homes. He opined the proposed development of the Shamrock Farm would diminish his and his neighbors' property values. Shirley Hoguet, 1211 Pin Oak Court: Ms. Hoguet inquired as to the benefit to the City of McHenry of the annexation of the subject property. Mr. Green responded the Zoning Board of Appeals represents the entire municipality of 20,000 people. The City must determine if this proposed project is beneficial to the City at large. This property will ultimately be developed whether within the City of McHenry or in McHenry County. The City is charged with assuring the best development of this property for the entire community's benefit. Jim Brady, 7408 Burning Tree Drive: Mr. Brady noted 850 residences are being proposed. Many of the adjacent property owners have private wells and septic systems. He expressed concern with the depth of the water table and how it would be affected by the proposed development of this property. Mr. Frain responded the City of McHenry drills its municipal wells into deeper aquifer than private well drillers do. City wells are drilled in the 900'-1300' depth range. There should be no impact on private wells. Mr. Brady noted the high rate of nitrates in the soil due to cattle feces, and expressed concern for potential contamination to the private wells adjacent to the development. Mr. Frain again noted the depth of private wells at approximately 600' and � noted the nitrates would be filtered from the soil prior to reaching such a depth. Mr. Schiller, Manager of Shamrock Farms, noted the State of Illinois enforces strict requirements regarding the removal of nitrates and ammonia from the soil. Page 8 ZBA-Shamrock Farm �-- 10/16/00 Rory Mattioli, �011 Prestwick: Mr. Mattioli inquired if there had been any soil borings done on the Shamrock I�azm Property. He asked how basements would be kept dray and free of water especially at the lower elevations toward the middle of the property. Mr. Frain responded basements would not be constructed in areas where flooding could be a concern. This issue would be addressed at time of engineering for the project. Chairman Semrow called for a recess at 9:32 p.m. The Public Hearing reconvened at 9:46 with all members of the Board still in attendance. Patrick Sayler, 117 South Draper Road• Mr. Sayler stated it is not his intent to stop growth, merely to modify it. He opined Shamrock Farm is a beautiful part of town. It is imperative the City makes every effort to preserve some part of the rural atmosphere as this pazcel is developed. He opined once the RS-2 zoning is granted, the area will continue to grow and expand at a rapid rate. Mr. Green noted the City Council ultimately would make the final decisions with regard to the proposed development of this and other properties. Each proposed future deveiopment would have to be judged on its own merit. Meyer noted the original plan presented to the City would have created many more RS-2 lots at the minimum 10,890 square foot size. The developers have increased lot sizes in this district and reduced the number of proposed lots. Don Heinz, 216 South Draner Road• Mr. Heinz inquired if any consideration has been given to a �,.. potentia.l buffer, such as a fence or landscaping, to separate the e�sting businesses from the proposed adjacent RS-2 lots. He cited safety concerns created by his business being located adjacent to residential zoning. Staff acknowledged fencing could be implemented to address this issue. Maureen Biederer, 317 North Draper Road• Ms. Biederer noted the Plan Commission approved the project subject to recommended conditions. She inquired how the public could be assured those recommended changes and/or conditions have been followed. Mr. Green responded the City Council would make the final decisions including the recommendations provided by both advisory boards, the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. This development will be . negotiated with the neighbors;the terms of annexation will be negotiated with the City Council. John Diamond, 6409 Ojibwa Lane• Mr. Diamond inquued how the Boazd could vote on the proposed multi-family zoning when a specific plan has not yet been defined. Chairman Semrow responded the developers are seeking RM-1, RS-1 and RS-2 zoning. Specific platting is not required prior to the zoning process. Tom Paulin, 7715 Swarthmore Woodstock IL• Citing the ambiguity of the project with regard to the City's Facility Plan Area (FPA), Mr. Paulin inquired how the City could approve this development at this time. Attorney Cowlin responded the amendment to the City's FPA would be the financial responsibility of the Petitioners. This issue would be addressed within the terms of the annexation agreement. � Page 9 ZBA-Shamrock Farm 10/16/00 °�-- ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Ekstrom asked if the Boazd could consider the requests for RS-1 and RS-2 zoning independent of the multi-familv zoning request at this time. Attorney McArdle responded the Board could address the zoning of each of the four parcels independently. He suggested the Board make four � independent mc�tions and clearly indicate in the report of these proceedings their opinions reference each of the four parcels and the subsequent neighborhoods. In response to an inquiry by Chairman Semrow, Mr. Green stated the Petitioners could construct townhomes in an RA-1 District. Semrow noted the RA-1 District would be more desirable than RM-1 as it would be more restrictive, with a lower density. Townhomes are permitted in the RA- 1 Detached Single-Family District. A lengthy discussion followed. It was the consensus of the Board RA-1 would be desirable for the townhome portion of the development of this property. In response to Attorney McArdle's suggestion for cleaz direction to City Council, the Board responded as follows: • Franzen opined Neighborhood #1 and Neighborhood #3. He does not like Neighborhood #4. Neighborhood #7 is too drastic a difference from existing adjacent property sizes. In Neighborhood #6, he likes the east half, but is uncomfortable with the west half. He would prefer more lot size feathering in western portion of Neighborhood#6 and Neighborhood #7 in order to accommodate a more gradual transition. � • Chairman Semrow stated he is not inclined to vote for RM-1 multi-family zoning for areas that will be improved with townhomes. He would prefer RA-1 detached single-family zoning be designated. He stated more feathering in Neighborhoods #4 and #7 is preferable. These neighborhoods are too dense. He would prefer one-acre lots west of Draper Road. He is satisfied with Neighborhood #2 provided only townhomes and not multi-family apartments are erected. • Lovett stated he would prefer estate zoning with at least one-acre sites west of Draper Road. He stated Neighborhood#7 and the western portion of Neighborhood#6 should include more lot feathering. Neighborhood #3 is too dense as indicated in the Comprehensive Plan. Neighborhoods#4 and#5 are okay. • Meyer noted after meetings with the Plan Commission and City Council, the Petitioners are making every effort to listen to and accommodate the requests of the City with regard to the development of this project. The Petitioners have reduced the number of proposed lots by 44 and have indicated a willingness to accede to City requests where financially possible. He stated his concerns regarding the drastic change to the area environment. He is not in favor of Neighborhood #2. He would prefer to see the townhomes in the heart of the development south of Draper Road. He opined more lazger-sized lots are desirable. More feathering in Neighborhoods#4 and#7 is desirable. STATEMENTS BY OBJECTORS � Chairman Semrow swore in the following objectors prior to their statements being made: Page 10 ZBA-Shamrock Farm 10/16/00 `-- Tom Fenwick, 410 South Draper Road• Mr. Fenwick stated as representative of area residents, he waived his right to make a statement at this time. Dale Moran, 6703 Bull Valley Road• "No one has the right to tell someone what they can or � cannot do with their land. The City must look at the impact on the roads, schools, traffic, etc. I would like to see this project to be more suitable with existing Draper Road one-acre lots. A lot of people and properties will be affected by the development of this project. I would prefer one- acre home sites''. CLOSING STATEMENT BY PETITIONERS Mr. Green stated this Public Hearing afforded area residents and the Petitioners a forum to hear comments and input by members of the Zoning Board of Appeals. It has been beneficial to the Petitioners as well as the neighbors of this project. He thanked the audience and the Board for their input. He asked the Board to recommend the requested zoning as stated in the Petition, noting four specific parcels aze identified in the Petition. He asked the Board to vote on each parcel independently. Chairman Semrow stated, "there being no further testimony before the Board with regard to this matter, the Chair will entertain a motion with regard to the Petition, unless there is a motion to recess by a member of the Board. There being no motion to recess, the Chair will entertain a motion with regard to the Petition." �. DELIBERATION AND RECOMMENDATION Motion by Meyer, seconded by Howell, to recommend to the City Council that Parcel #1 be classified RM-1 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District, upon annexation; and that Table 33, the Approval Criteria for Zoning Map Amendments, Page 401 of the Zoning Ordinance, ha.s been met. Discussion on the Motion: Lovett, Semrow, Howell and Meyer stated their preference for RA-1 Detached Single Family Residential District for Parcel#1. Voting;on the Motion: Voting Aye: Ekstrom. Voting Nay: Cadotte,Franzen, Howell, Lovett, Meyer, Semrow. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: None. Motion failed 1-6. Motion by Lovett, seconded by Cadotte,to recommend to the City Council that Parcel #2 be classified RM-1 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District, upon annexation; and that Table 33, the Approval Criteria for Zoning Map Amendments, Page 401 of the Zoning Ordinance, has been met. �..- Page 11 ZBA-Shamrock Fazm 10/16/00 �-- Discussion on the Motion: Lovett, Semrow, and Howell stated their preference for RA-1 Detached Single Family Residential District for Parcel#2. Voting on the Motion: Voting Aye: Ekstrom, Franzen, Meyer. Voting Nay: Cadotte,Howell, Lovett, Semrow. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: None. Motion failed 3-4. Motion by Lovett, seconded by Meyer to recommend to the City Council that Parcel #3 be classified RS-2 Medium Density Single-Family Residential District, upon annexation; and that Table 33, the Approval Criteria for Zoning Map Amendments, Page 401 of the Zoning Ordinance, has been met. Discussion on the Motion: Meyer stated his preference for additional feathering and increased lot sizes still subject to RS-2 zoning requirements Ekstrom noted the Boazd is faced with the dilemma of the tremendous jump in lot sizes from `,,,; 10,890 square feet in the RS-2 District to 30,000 squa.re feet in the RS-1 District. She asked the City Council to implement an additional residential zoning classification with lot sizes in between the existing RS-1 and RS-2 minimums. Implementation of an additional district could assist with feathering lots in this development as well as future developments in the City. Semrow concurred with Ekstrom. He would prefer to see more lot feathering. However, it is dif�'icult to envision lot feathering when utilizing only the RS-2 District and 10,890 square foot lots sizes for Parcel #3. He noted Shamrock Fazm is the largest piece of property ever to be reviewed by this Boazd since he has sat on the Boazd. Semrow indicated concern with Neighborhoods #6 and #7 especially the lots near the eastern boundary of Draper Road. He suggested lots bordering Draper Road be approximately 20,000-25,000 square feet in size. Lovett stated he is concerned with balancing the interests of the Petitioners with the Public interest. Specifically, in this instance he expressed concern regazding the density of Neighborhood #7 and the western portion of Neighborhood #6. He opined these tow neighborhoods aze not in the public interest to have such high density. He suggested the City Council take this into consideration. Meyer commended Mr. Green's professional presentation before the Boazd. He noted the Petitioners are attempting to keep the community's interest uppermost as they plan out this development. � Franzen commended the developers in taking the lead and listening to the comments and input �'" from the community. Page 12 ZBA-Shamrock Farm 10/16/00 `-- Voting on the Motion: Voting Aye: Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell, Lovett, Semrow. Voting Nay: };ranzen, Meyer. Not Voting: None. . Abstained: None. Absent: None. Motion carried 5-2. Motion by Meyer, seconded by Franzen, to recommend to the City Council that Parcel #4 be classified RS-1 Low Density Single-Family Residential District, upon annexation; and that Table 33, the Approval Criteria for Zoning Map Amendments, Page 401 of the Zoning Ordinance, has been met. Discussion on the Motion: � Lovett, Cadotte, and Howell stated RS-1 is not in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. E-1 Estate Zoning would be more appmpriate for Parcel#4. Votin�on the Motion: Voting Aye: Ekstrom, Franzen. Voting Nay: Cadotte, Howell, Lovett,Meyer, Semrow. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. L, Absent: None. Motion failed 2-5. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further before the Boazd with regard to this matter, Chairman Semrow adjourned this Public Hearing at 10:47 p.m Respectfully sub 'tted, Harry e ow, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals C: Mayor, Aldermen, City Administrator, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Planner, City Engineers, Petitioners, Objectors (34), Plan Commission (7), Landmark Commission Chairman Chicago Tribune, Northwest Herald, Aldermen Conference Room, File Copy. Z-508 � A REPORT TI�CITY OF MCHENRY ZONIlVG BOARD OF APPEALS OCTOBER 16,2000 � IN THE MAT TER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) JEFF AND LIICILLE KLEINHANS ) Z-513 FOR MAP Al��NDMENT AN VARIANCES ) Kleinhans UPON ANNE xATION, PURSUANT TO THE ) 1107-09 N. River Road ZOIVING ORI)INANCE OF THE CITY OF ) Map Amendment/Variances MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ) A Public Heazing before the City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals was held on Monday, October 2, 20(►0 and was recessed to October 16, 2000. Chairman Semrow called the Hearing to order at 10:48 p.m. with the following persons in attendance: 1. Zoning Boazd of Appeals Members: Cadotte, Ekstrom, Franzen, Howell, Lovett, Meyer, Semrow. Absent: None. 2. City Attorney: David W. McArdle. 3. Recording Secretary: Deputy Clerk Kathleen M. Kunzer. 4. City Planner: Phillip Maggio. 5. Director of Commuzuty Development: Absent: �" 6. Applicant: Absent. 7. Attorney: Absent. 8. City CounciUSta.ff: None. 9. Court Reporter: None. 10. Registered Observers/Objectors: None. LOCATION The subject property is located at 1107 and 1109 North River Road,McHenry IL. SUMMARY The Petitioners are seeking upon annexation the following: RS4 High Density Single Family Residential Zoning with variance to: 1) Allow the construction of a new residence with an attached garage having a 12-foot front yard setback and a 2-foot rear yard setback.;or 2) To allow the existing residence as currently situa.ted and to allow the construction of a new detached garage having a 12'foot front yard setback;or 3) To a11ow the existing residence as currently situated. � Page 2 ZBA-Kleinhans 10/16/00 � RECESS Motion by Lovett, seconded by Meyer, to recess the Kleinhans Public Hearing File No. Z-513 until Monday, November 6, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. in the McHenry Municipal Center Council Chambers. Voting Aye: Cadotte,Ekstrom, Franzen, Howell, Lovett, Meyer, Semrow. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: None. Motion carried 7-0. The Public Heazing was recessed at 10:49 p.m. Respectfully submitte , ��� Harry Semro Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals C: Mayor, Aldermen, City Administrator, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Planner, City � Engineers, Petitioners, Plan Commission (7), Landmark Commission Chairman Chicago Tribune,Northwest Herald, Aldermen Conference Room,File Copy. Z-513 ....