HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12/4/2000 - Zoning Board of Appeals THE CITY OF MCHENRY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS DECEMBER 4,2000 `- IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) IVIMED CORPORATION FOR A ) Z-515 CONDITIONAL USE PERNIIT PURSUANT ) Centegra TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE ) 4201 Medical Center Drive CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COLTNTY, ) Conditional Use ILLINOIS ) REPORT OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TO THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS . A Public Heazing before the City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals was held on Monday, December 4, 2000. Chairman Semrow called the Hearing to order at 7:34 p.m. with the following in attendance: 1. Zoning Board of Appeals Members: Cadotte, Ekstrom (arrived at 7:38 p.m.), Franzen, Lovett,Meyer, Semrow. Absent: Howell. 2. City Attorney: Kelly Cahill. 3. Recording Secretary: Deputy Clerk Kathleen M. Kunzer. 4. City Planner: Phillip Maggio. � 5. Director of Community Development: Absent: 6. Applicant: IVIMED Corporation, 4201 Medical Center Drive,McHenry, IL 60050. 7. Attorney: Bell, Boyd and Lloyd represented by Robert Best, 70 West Madison Street, #3300, Chicago,IL 60602. 8. City CounciUStaff: Alderman Glab. 9. Court Reporter: None. 10. Registered Obse�vers/Objectors: None. PUBLICATION Notice of this Public Heazing was published in the Northwest Herald on November 17, 2000. Notices were ma.iled to all abutting property owners. Certified receipts are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. The subject property was posted as required by ordinance. Affidavit of Service is on file in the Of�ice of the City Clerk. LOCATION The subject property is located at 4201 Medical Center Drive, McHenry IL. `-- SUMMARY ■ The Petitioner is seeking a conditional use to permit the construction and operation of a heliport with hangar and refueling facilities on the subject premises; Page 2 ZBA-Centegra 12/4/00 �. ■ The Petitioner is seeking an amendment to the previously approved Ordinance No. O- 97-818 Exhihit D, Circulation and Land Use Plan. TESTIMONY Chairman Semrow swore in the following witnesses for the Petitioner: ■ Art Jackson, Construction Manager, 3910 Oakwood Drive, McHenry IL 60050; ■ Dennis Merkel, Unipump Inc. Menomonee Falls, WI; ■ Steve McClintock, Centegra Plant Operations, 4309 Medical Center Drive, MeHenry IL 60050; ■ Daniel Burns, Flight for Life Program Director, 9000 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Wauwatosa, WI 53226 ■ Steve Blomc�uist, Flight for Life Pilot, 4309 Medical Center Drive, McHenry IL 60050. Board Member Ekstrom arrived at 7:38 p.m. Attorney Best presented the Board with an overview of the proposed heliport project. He noted the Circulation and Land Use Plan adopted as Exhibit D of City of McHenry Ordinance No. O- 97-818 would have to be amended, if the request for conditional use to install a heliport is granted. He stated the heliport would be located southwest of the present location of the 1VIMC helipad. There are currently no fueling facilities on the premises. There is no hangar for storage f the aircraft in inclement weather. Staff leases space at the Cary Grove Fire Department for �,,;licopter storage in their emergency garage during extreme winter weather. Attorney Best stated the current zoning of the hospital property is HC Health Care District, vvhich permits a heliport as a conditional use on the site. As the location of the helipad is being changed/expanded, a conditional use is required. Referencing an architectural plan of the proposed heliport facility, he pointed out the office/living quarters portion would be 14' in height, while the hangar portion of the facility would be 25' high. Mr. Best stated Illinois Department of Transportation has approved the location of the heliport. Approximately 1 '/2 flights in and 1 '/2 flights out of the helipad is the current daily average. If the req.uest is granted, it is expected to minimize the number of trips in and out of the heliport due to onsite winter storage and onsite fueling. Daniel Burns testified as a Flight for Life Program Director, there are approximately 500 flights to/from I�IMC per year. About 24% of the flights take place during the night shift, 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. He noted approximately 30% of the flights go to an accident scene and proceed to another trauma center. Busiest days of the week are Friday through Sunday. Lovett inquired as to the size of the fuel tank and the ratio of fuel usage. Mr. Burns responded the current ship has a 250-gallon tank capacity and utilizes 100 gallons/hour of airtime. The new ship which wiIl begin use in March 2001 has a 200-gallon tank and utilizes fuel at a rate of 70-80 Qallons/hour. In response to a Board inquiry, Mr. Burns stated approxirriately 25 times per year a licopter other than McHenry's Flight for Life uses the helipad, typically an aircraft out of the �1GIilwaukee flight for Life Mutual Aid Center at Froedtert Hospital. Page 3 ZBA-Centegra � �/4/00 L. Meyer inquired if fueluig of the aircraft requires a specific flight out/in or if the refueling was conducted as part of a typical emergency run. Mr. Burns stated the refueling typically occurs at the end of the emergency flight prior to returning to IVIMC. Pilot Steve Blomquist testified on behalf of the Petitioners. Mr. Blomquist is a Flight for Life Pilot based at NIMC. I�e stated he is one of four pilots staffed at NIMC and he is the site manager. He provided the Board with an overview of a typical call, noting the initial call comes in from a police or fire department. The helicopter is placed on standby until requested to come to the scene. The patient is then transported to the nearest trauma center, typically Lutheran General or Froedtert. The craft then refuels at the nearest airport and returns to 1VIMC. He noted the aircraft typically approaches 1VIMC from the north along Route 31 or from the south across Gary Lang Auto Center. Sometimes the aircraft approaches from the west. Mr. Blomquist noted the pilots make every effort to avoid flying over the residential neighbors to the south and southwest, as well as the day care center on the 1VIMC property. Mr. Blomquist stated the Federal Aviation Administration certifies the operation. The installation of the proposed heliport will eliminate the refueling leg of each trip out by the aircraft and will improve the overall maintenance of the aircraft. In response to a Board inquiry, the refueling of the aircraft will be tailored to the need for the next flight so as not to weigh the aircraft down with excess fuel. Mr. Blomquist noted the weight ratio is very important so the aircraft will have ''�e ability to land at the scene of the accident. � Lovett asked the fuel type which will be stored on site. Mr. Blomquist said Jet A (kerosene) fuel is utilized by the current aircraft as well as the new aircraft in March. Chairman Semrow read into the record correspondence from James Doran objecting to the storage of Jet A(kerosene) fuel on the 1vIMC campus in such close proximity to the hospital and adjacent apartments and condominiums. He expressed concern regarding the stated flashpoint of 100°F of Jet A fuel. Lovett inquired as to the capacity of the proposed fuel tank. Mr. Blomquist stated the tank is 12,000 gallon capacity. In response to an inquiry, Mr. Blomquist stated the 12,000 gallon tank would be at least a two-month supply. He noted the pilots and mechanics are trained with regard to fueling the aircraft. The mechanic would mange the fuel farm. Discussion occurred regarding HAZMAT (Hazardous Materials) training of the employees working at the heliport. Mr. Blomquist stated pilots and mechanics have HAZMAT training. The paramedic and flight nurse are trained for patient care. Further discussion followed regarding potential fire hazard due to the onsite storage of Jet A fuel. Dennis Merkel from Unipump Inc. described the design and installation of the proposed 12,000- gallon fuel tank. He noted the tank will be constructed of fibreglass and will be double-walled with underground leak detection devices. Any leakage would be maintained in the secondary rontainment wall which has an electronic monitor and would alert of potential leak. The fueling '�inet is pre-manufactured and contains the pump, filters, detectors, and a recirculating line to `ffie underground tank. He noted the wiring in the cabinet is explosion-proof. Mr. Merkel stated a concrete pad will be built over the tank. The pump ratio is approximately 35 gallons/minute as Page 4 ZBA-Centegra 12/4/00 � compared to regular automobile service stations which pump 10 gallons/minute. In conclusion, Mr.Merkel stated the Jet A flashpoint of 100°F to 150° F is much less volatile than regular gasoline which }ias a flashpoint of-45°F. He noted the flashpoint is the temperature at which the fumes or vapor i'rom a combustible liquid can be made to ignite in air. Franzen asked if all equipment used and the heliport facility itself would be constructed to meet Federal and State requirements for a fueling station. Mr. Merkel indicated all requirements would be met. The Illinois State Fire Marshall will monitor the installation of the tank and fueling station. In response to Lovett's inquiry, Mr. Merkel stated all requirements for installation and operation of the fueling station will be met or exceeded. In response to Franzen's inquiry, Mr. Best stated the McHenry Township Fire Protection District will be provided with a set of plans for this project. The approval of the Fire Department is necessary for pernut approval. In response to Franzen's inquiry, Mr. Merkel stated the helipad would contain any spill occurring at fueling, as the pad would be angled in such a way to prevent draining off the pad. Mr. Merkel noted Jet A fuel is less hazardous and less flammable than gasoline found at typical automobile service stations. Semrow asked the distance of the proposed heliport from the adjacent Irish Prairie Condominium Complex. Mr. Best responded approximately 300 feet. Semrow stated he did not recall � discussions about onsite fueling when NIMC was granted HC District zoning in 1997. In response to Lovett's inquiry, Mr. Merkel stated there is no hydrostatic lining between the two walls of the double walled ta.nk. The space between the two walls is dry. Semrow asked how many employees are on hand at any one time. Mr. Blomquist responded the pilot, a paramedic, a � flight nurse, and sometimes a mechanic. Only the pilots and mechanic are trained in HAZMAT policies and procedures as far as the aircraft and fueling are concerned. Steve McClintock, Centegra Plant Operations Manager for all three sites, stated there are additional personal on Staff in the hospital proper who are also trained in HAZMAT policies and . procedures. Mr. McClintock, referencing landscaping and property maintenance issues, noted the open space to the south of the proposed heliport and adjacent to the Irish Prairie Condominium complex would be maintained on a more regular basis. The grass would be cut bi-weekly during the summer months. He stated the 75' natural gas pipeline easement adjacent to the proposed heliport provides a natural bui�er between the heliport and Irish Prairie Condominium complex. Additional trees will be planted in this area to assist with screening from Irish Prairie. In response to Meyer's question, Mr. McClintock stated 1vIN1ED Corporation is funding the construction of the heliport and fueling stating, Flight for Life owns the aircraft, and Corporate Jets of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, employs the crew. The monies to fund the heliport come from surplus dollars generated by the Flight for Life service. � Lovett inquired how the fuel tank supply trucks would enter the site. Mark Jackson responded the tanker would back-in to fuel the tank on the concrete pad. Lovett asked if the Flight for Life Page 5 ZBA-Centegra 12/4/00 �-' Program would consider a "no-fly zone" in an area over the TTIMC day care center. Pilot Blomquist responded this would be possible. Cadotte asked if the existing helipads would be removed following the construction of the heliport. Mr. Jackson stated the existing helipads would remain and could be utilized for other aircraft coming to the hospital. He noted there would actually be four pads: there are currently two, plus the proposed landing pad and storage pad. Chairman Semrow inquired if the number of flights in and out of IVIMC would be increased due to the construction of the heliport and the increased number of landing pads. Mr. Burns stated there is no proposed increase in activity. Seeking clarification, Meyer asked if the heliport was being proposed as a means to increase flight activity, or simply to afford a place to store the aircraft during inclement weather and provide onsite fueling. Mr. Burns reiterated there is no anticipated increase in activity. He also stated fueling would be solely for the benefit of r1IMC's Flight for Life aircraft. General discussion followed regarding the benefit of the Flight for Life Program to the McHenry community. Franzen stated it is of paramount importance the City do whatever it takes to help McHenry residents to obtain the best health care possible. This would include assuring the continued services and support of the Flight for Life Program. Lovett inquired if the location of the ring road around the hospital is being changed as a result of �. the construction of the heliport. Mr. Best noted the road is not being altered. Chairman Semrow stated, "there being no further testimony before this Board with regard to this matter, the Board will consider this Petition at this time, unless there is a motion to recess by a member of the Board. There being no motion to recess, the Chair will entertain a motion with regard to this Petition". DELIBERATION AND RECOMMENDATION Motion by Lovett, seconded by Cadotte,to recommend to the City Council that The Petitioner's request for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a heliport with onsite fueling, and to permit the amendment of Exhibit D Circulation and Land Use Plan of City of McHenry Ordinance No.0-97-818, to allow the construction of the heliport in the proposed location southwest of the existing helipad be granted subject to the following condition: ■ The onsite fueling services shall be limited to 1�lIMC's aircraft, except in an emergency situation, and the fueling station cannot be utilized for retail sales and/or profit.; and that Table 31, the Approval Criteria for Conditional Uses, pages 357-358 of the Zoning Ordinance, has been met. � Page 6 ZBA-Centegra '/4/00 � Voting Aye: Cadotte,l:kstrom, Franzen, Lovett,Meyer, Semrow. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: Howell. Motion carried 6-0. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Meyer, seconded by Lovett,to adjourn the Public Hearing at 9:31 p.m. Voting Aye: Cadotte, Ekstrom, Franzen, Lovett,Meyer, Semrow. � Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: Howell. Motion carried 6-0. es ectfully sub 'tt d, � f Hany Se ow, Chanman Zoning Board of Appeals C: Mayor, Aldermen, City Administrator, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Planner, City Engineers, Petitioners, Plan Commission (7), Landmark Commission Chairman Chicago Tribune,Northwest Herald, Aldermen Conference Room, File Copy. Z-515 �