HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/23/2001 - Zoning Board of Appeals A REPORT THE CITY OF MCHENRY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS JULY 23,2001 � IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) AMERICAN COMM[JNITY BANK AND ) Z-517 TRUST FOR.A MAP AMENDMENT AND ) Map Amendment/Cond Use CONDITION.�I,USE PERMIT,PURSUANT TO ) THE ZOl�iING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ) American Community Bank MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ) A Public Heazing before the City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals was held on Monday, July 9, 2001 and recessed to July 23,2001. Chairman Semrow called the Public Hearing to order at 7:35 p.m. with the following persons in attendance: 1. Zoning Board of Appeals Members: Ekstrom, Howell, Lovett, Meyer, Semrow. Absent: Cadotte,Franzen.. City Attorney: Kelly Cahill. 2. Recording Secretary: Kathleen M. Kunzer. 3. City Planner: None. 4. Director of Community Development: Joseph Napolitano. 5. Applicant: American Community Bank and Trust, Charie Zanck, CEO, 1060 Lake Avenue, Woodstock,IL 60098. 6. Attorney for Applicant: Militello, Zanck and Coen represented by Mark Saladin, 40 Brink Street, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. � 7. City CounciUStafF None. 8. Court Reporter: None. 9. Registered Observers/Objectors: None. PUBLICATION Notice of this Public Hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on June 22, 2001. A Certificate of Publication is on file in the Office of the City Clerk with regazd to this matter. Notice was mailed of the Public Hearing to all abutting property owners as prescribed by City Ordinance. An �davit of Service and Posting subject property is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. LOCATION The subject property is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Albany and Route 31 in Tonyan Industrial Park. It is vacant, comprised of 2.13 acres, and is currently zoned I1 Industrial. SUMMARY "I'he applicants are requesting a zoning map amendment to 02 Office Pazk District with a Conditional Use Permit to a11ow a drive-through financial institution. TESTIMONY Chairman Semrow swore in the following witnesses for the Petitioners: l. Chazie Zanck, CEO, American Community Bank and Trust, 1060 Lake Avenue, Woodstock `-- IL 60098. Page 2 Z-517 7/23/O1 � 2. Robert Hettermann, Vice President, American Community Bank and Trust, 1060 Lake Avenue, Woodstock,IL 60098 3. Joseph Vavrina, Smith Engineering, 4500 W Prime Parkway Suite 210, McHenry, IL 60050. Attorney Saladin provided the Board with an overview of the proposed project, noting the pmperty is currently owned by a First Midwest Trust, Trust No. 1181. The subject property is located on the southeast corner of Route 31 and Albany Street in Tonyan Industrial Park. The property is currently zoned I-1 Industrial, vacant, and comprised of 2 acres. Attorney Saladin noted Route 31 and Albany Street is a signalized intersection. He noted direct access to Route 31 from the subject property is prohibited. The Petitioners are proposing a 7,100 squaze foot banking facility, including four drive through lanes and one ATM lane. Access to the site is proposed via a 30' access easement along the east property line. The two-story building would include available office space for rental on the second floor. Attorney Saladin noted the number of pazking spaces exceeds the minimum required. Chief Executive Officer Charie Zanck noted American Community Bank opened a temporary facility in the City of McHenry on January 11, 2001. There are currently 6 employees. At the completion of this project it is anticipated the number of employees would grow to 14. Ms. Zanck stated the two-story structure would afford a lazge presence at the City's southern entrance. The size of the structure would permit rental of office space, initially, and ultimate e�cpansion of banking facilities should it become necessary. `'' Ms. Zanck stated the architecture style of the proposed building is identical to that of the building currently being constructed at the corporate headquarters in Woodstock. She informed the Boazd the current assets of the Bank are $122 million, secured within fifteen months of banks inception. The City of McHenry clientele represents $22 million of the asset base. Attorney Saladin went over the Approval Criteria for Map Amendments and the Approval Criteria for Conditional Use Pernuts as stated within the text of the Petition. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Lovett inquired as to the zoning of the Home State Bank, located in the McHenry Corporate Center, immediately west of the subject property. Staff responded the McHenry Corporate Center is zoned I-1 Industrial with Business Pazk Restrictive Covenants in place, implemented as part of the annexation agreement, allowing for more diversified uses than strict industrial zoning. Staff noted, although fmancial institutions are permitted in the Corporate Center as part of the agreement, the drive through required a conditional use permit. Similarly, the Petitioners this evening are requesting a map amendment to 02 Office Pazk, wherein financial institutions are a permitted use, as well as a conditional use to allow a drive through facility. Lovett inquired if a tr�c study has been done regazding potential traffic impact upon completion of this project. Attorney Saladin noted none was required. In response to an inquiry, Staff noted the City should be a party to the easement granted to permit access to the subject property from .Albany Street. In response to further inquiry, the Petitioners would complete all `-- aspects of the lundscape plan as presented. Page 3 Z-517 7/23/Ol � Meyer asked for clari�cation regarding the on-site traffic flow. Mr. Vavrina indicated the trai�c pattern is coui►ter-clockwise, entering the site at the northeast corner proceeding west to either client pazking or drive-through lanes, then exiting the site from the access easement to Albany Street. In response to additional inquiry, Ms. Zanck stated there would be four drive-through lanes and one ,�TM lane. AIl five lanes would exit onto the access easement and proceed north to a stop sign at Albany Street. Ekstrom inquired when the McHenry temporary facility opened. Ms. Zanck responded the McHenry office opened January 11, 2001, the Woodstock office opened March 14, 2000. Ms. Zanck stated the McHenry facility will be a full service site including a trust department and safe deposit boxes. The structure would have a full basement with a roughed-in community room. Discussion occurred regarding traffic impact created during peak hours. It is unclear at this time exactly how much drive-through traffic will be generated by the bank. It was determined stacking space for all five lanes meets the requirements of the ordinance. A lengthy discussion occurred regazding traffic safety of vehicles attempting to exit the bank turning left onto Albany Street. It was noted vehicles approaching the intersection of Albany and Route 31 from the east should be slowing in anticipation of the tr�c light. Semrow stated the more diversified the services the more intense would be the traffic generated. CLOSING STATEMENT Attorney Saladin stated, based on the testimony presented, and in light of the aesthetically pleasing building being proposed to augment the City's southernmost entry, the Petitioners `' request the City consider the request for map amendment and conditional use permit. The Route 31 corridor is vitally important to the City. The Petitioners recognize the importance of maintaining a highly visible presence along this corridor. The proposed design standazds and landscaping meet the need to present a good entryway to the City. Attorney Saladin requested the Boazd make a favorable recommendation to the City Council regarding the Petitioner's request. Chairman Semrow stated, "there being nothing further before this Boazd with regazd to this Petition, the Chair will entertain a motion with regard to this matter, unless there is a motion to recess by a member of the Board. There being no motion to recess, the Chair will entertain a motion with regazd to this Petition at this time." DELIBERATION AND RECOMMENDASTION Motion by Meyer, seconded by Howell, to recommend to the City Council that the Petitioner's request for a map amendment from I-1 Industrial to 02 Office Park be granted; that the request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-through financial institution on the subject premises be granted subject to the following: 1, the recording of a 30-foot wide access and public utility easement along the east property line, to provide vehicular access to the property to the south; 2. the City of McHenry be participatory in the access easement agreement; 3. the installation of landscaping in substantial accordance with the landscape plan dated 5/8/O1,prepared by Pugsley and Lahaie, Ltd.; `-- that Table 33, the Approval Criteria for Map Amendments, page 401, has been met; and that Tat�le 31, the Approval Criteria for Conditional Uses, pages 357-358,has been met. Page 4 Z-517 7/23/O l � Voting Aye: Ekstrom, Howell, Lovett, Meyer, Semrow. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Cadotte,Franzen. Motion carried. 5-0. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Meyer, seconded by Howell,to adjourn the Public Hearing at 8:31 p.m. Voting Aye: Ekstrom, Howell, Lovett, Meyer, Semrow. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: I�Tone. Abstaining: None. Absent: Cadotte, Franzen. Motion carried. 5-0. ct�y sub tted, s�- w ; �/ � Harry S ow, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals C: Mayor, Aldermen, City Administrator, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Planner, City Engineers, Petitioners, Plan Commission (7), Landmark Commission Chauman Chicago Tribune,Northwest Herald, Aldermen Conference Room, File Copy. Z-517 �