HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/26/2002 - Zoning Board of Appeals A REPORT THE CITY OF MCHENRY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FEBRUARY 26,2002 � IN THE MATT'ER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) CORNERSTONE MATERIAL RECOVERY INC ) Z-544 FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND ) Cornerstone VARIANCE PIJRSUANT TO THE ZONING ) ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ) Conditional Use/Variance MCHENRY, MCHENRY COIJNTY,ILLINOIS ) Bull Valley Rd A Public Heazing before the City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals was held on Thursday, February 26, ''002. Chairman Semrow called the Public Heazing to order at 7:35 p.m. with the following persons in attendance: 1. Zonin�, Board of Appeals Members: Cadotte, Ekstrom, Nadeau, Semrow, Thacker. Absent: Franzen, Howell. 2. City Attorney: Kelly Cahill. 3. Recording Secretary: Kathleen M. Kunzer. 4. City Planner: Douglas Martin. 5. Applicants: Cornerstone Material Recovery Inc represented by Steve Clements and Tom Riley, 4507 Route 12, Richmond IL 60071. 6. Attorney for Petitioners: None. 7. City CounciUStaff: None. 8. Court Reporter: None. 9. Registered Observers/Objectors: None. � PUBLICATION Notice of this Public Hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on February 4, 2002. A Certificate of Publication is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Certified notices were mailed to all property owners of record whose property abuts the subject property. An affidavit of compliance with all notification requirements is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. LOCATION The subject property is located on the north side of Bull Valley Road approximately .35 miles west of its intersection with Route 31 and comprised of approximately 6.25 acres. SUMMARY The Petitioners are requesting the subject property be granted a conditional use permit to allow outside storage of vehicles and trailers and a vaziance to the required minimum lot width in the I- 1 Zoning District. TESTIMON�' Chairman Semrow swore in the following witness for the Petitioners: ■ Steve Clerrtents, 4507 Route 12, Richmond IL 60071 ■ Tom Riley.. 4507 Route 12, Richmond IL 60071. Mr. Clements noted Cornerstone Material Recovery is currently sited in Richmond. The petitioners wculd like to move the operation to McHenry. The subject property became `'' available. The Petitioners have purchased the subject property. Page 2 Z-544 2/26/02 �. Mr. Clements noted extensive cleanup of the site has been done, although there is still much to be cleared from the property. He indicated the petitioners would like to construct a metal building and utilize the property to site their business. He noted this would be a temporary use as it does not conform to the City's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Clements stated once the surrounding land becomes developable by a land planner, the temporary use would cease and this parcel would be blended and developed with the surrounding pazcels. QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS BY THE BOARD The petrtioners narrative referenced City residents being permitted to enter the site and drop off recyclable materials, such as washers, dryers, etc. The Board expressed concern regarding illegal dumping of refuse ma.terials after hours. T'he petitioners stated the driveway would be gated. It was noted illegal dumping could still occur as materials could be left at the gate. A lengthy discussion occurred. Points raised in opposition to inviting "free"drop-offon the site included: ■ Dif'ficulty in policing the ma.terials dropped off ■ Ho urs of permissible dumping ■ Dumping of refuse/trash/gazbage during off hours. It was the consensus of the Board that no drop-off of recyclable materials by residents be permitted. As the driveway is also an access easement for the surrounding properties, it was determined the Petitioners would not be made to pave it. Staff pointed out the petitioners would, however, be required to pave the parking area. � Concern was raised regarding the police protection of the property if it is fenced and gated. It was noted it may be difficult for patrol officers to assure compliance with "no dumping" if they are not able to access the property. In response to an inquiry, Mr. Clements noted there would be outdoor lights on the building. He also stated he may only fence and gate the area where the vehicles are stored in order to protect his equipment. In response to an inquiry, Staff noted the proposed temporary use is consistent with existing surrounding uses. The petitioners are willing to clean up the property, erect a building and operate their business on the subject property. Staff has determined this to be a good temporary use of this parcel. The proposed use is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The City does not want this parcel to be reconfigured, until such time as a developer comes forwazd with a global plan for this site, and the surrounding properties, which is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Planner Martin said ultimately, this entire quarter section, which is currently a hodge-podge, would be developed as one entire unit A road network would be established and coordinated with Northern Illinois Medical Center's entrance from Bull Valley Road. Some discussion followed regarding limiting the term of the proposed conditional use permit. StaffrecommeTided a five-year term with annual extensions to be granted by the City Council. In response to questions regarding the amount of traffic generated by the use, Mr. Clements stated trucks would bc; leaving the site between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. and returning in later afternoon. In response to an inquiry, Mr. Clements indicated there would be no resale of building supply materials on thf�premises. � Page 3 Z-544 2/26/02 � The subject property would be served by well and septic as City water and sewer are not available in the immediate vicinity. QUESTIONS BY OBSERVERS Kevin Olson, adjacent property owner, inquired as to the location of the proposed gate. He expressed concern the gate might block his building. Mr. Clements indicated he would work with area property owners to determine the best location for the gate. In response to Mr. Olson's question, Mr. Clements stated the accessway would be kept free of any debris during the entire cleaning process. He noted the majority of the clean up would occur on the west portion of his reverse-U-shaped lot. Chairman Semrow went over the points contained in Sta�s recommendation: 1. The property shall be cleared of all debris and inoperable vehicles and/or equipment; 2. There shall be no storage of anything other than vehicles or trailers on the property; 3. The applicant shall be required to meet the requirements of all City ordinances, including, but not limited to,paving, parking and signage; 4. The applicant shall permit the City of McHenry to drop off unwanted wood or metal items for disposal at the subject property; 5. The conditional use permit shall be granted for a period of five years, with yearly renewals thereafter, at which time, the applicant shall be required to come before the City Council to discuss future options with the City. � It was the consensus of the Board to include point #4 provided only City Departments, no private residents, shall be permitted to drop off materials. A lengthy discussion occurred regarding the duration of the conditional use permit. Mr. Clements acknowledged he would prefer a ten-year term. Discussion continued. CLOSING STATEMENT BY PETITIONERS Mr. Clements than�ced the Boazd for the opportunity to present his petition. He asked the board to recommend approval of the conditional use permit with a variance as to the required minimum lot width. Chairman Semrow stated, "there being nothing further before this Board with regard to this matter, the Board will consider this Petition at this time, unlass there is a motion to recess by a member of the Board. There being no motion to recess, the Chair will entertain a motion with regard to this Petition". DELIBERATION AND RECOMMENDATION Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Thacker,to recommend to the City Council that the Petitioners request for a conditional use permit to allow the outside storage of vehicles and trailers on the subject property be granted provide the following conditions are met: 1. The property shall be cleazed of all debris and inoperable vehicles and/or equipment; 2. There shall be no storage of anything other than vehicles or trailers on the property; 3. The applicant sha.11 be required to meet the requirements of all City ordinances, including, `-- but not 1 imited to,paving, parking and signage; Page 4 Z-544 2/26/02 � 4. The applicant shall permit the City of McHenry to drop off unwanted wood or metal items ior disposal at the subject property; 5. The conditional use permit shall be granted for a period of seven yeazs, with yeazly renewals thereafter, at which time, the applicant shall be required to come before the City Counc il to discuss future options with the City. and that Table 31, the Approval Criteria for Conditional Uses, Pages 357-358 of the Zoning Ordinance, has been met. Voting Aye: Cadotte,Ekstrom, Nadeau, Semrow, Thacker. Voting Nay: none. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Franzen, Howell Motion carried 5-0. Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Ekstrom, to recommend to the City Council that The Petitioners' request for a variance as to the minimum required lot width on an arterial street, subject to the following condition: 1. The applicant work actively with the adjacent property owners to improve the condition of the existing gravel access driveway. And that Table 32, the Approval Criteria for Vaziances, pages 377-378 of the Zoning Ordinance has been met. � Voting Aye: Cadotte,Ekstrom, Nadeau, Semrow, Thacker. Voting Nay: none. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Franzen, Howell Motion carried 5-0. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Ekstrom, seconded by Cadotte,to adjourn the Public Hearing at 8:40 p.m. Voting Aye: Cadotte,Ekstrom, Nadeau, Semrow, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: �'ranzen, Howell Motion carried S-0. ctfully submitted, UA/ Harry Se ow, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals C: Mayor, .Aldermen, City Administrator, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Planner, City �-' Engineers, Petitioners, Plan Commission (9), Landmark Commission Chairman Chicago Tribune,Northv��est Herald, Aldermen Conference Room, File Copy. Z-544