HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/14/2002 - Zoning Board of Appeals A REPORT THE CITY OF MCHENRY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MARCH 14,2002 � IN THE MAT'I'ER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) HORIZON PIPELINE COMPANY INC FOR A ) Z-546 VARIANCE, PURSUANT TO THE ZONING ) Horizon Pipeline ORDINANCE t7F THE CITY OF ) Variance MCHENRY, MCHENRY COiJNTY, ILLINOIS ) Tonyan Ind. Park A Public Heazing before the City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals was held on Thursday, March 14, 2002. Chairman Semrow called the Public Hearing to order at 7:32 p.m. with the following persons in attendance: l. Zoning Board of Appeals Members: Cadotte, Ekstrom, Nadeau, Semrow, Thacker. Absent: Franzen, Howell. 2. City Aitorney: Kelly Cahill. 3. Recording Secretary: Kathleen M. Kunzer. 4. City Pl,�.nner: Douglas Martin. 5. Applic�tnts: Horizon Pipeline Company represented by Dean Degenhardt of EN Engine�ring, 7135 Janes Avenue, Woodridge IL 60517. 6. Attorney for Petitioners: Militello and Zanck, represented by Thomas Zanck, 40 Brink Street, Crystal Lake IL 60014. 7. City CounciUStaff: None. 8. Court Reporter: None. 9. Registered 4bservers/Objectors: None. � PUBLICATION Notice of this Public Heazing was published in the Northwest Herald on February 23, 2002. A Certificate of Publication is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Certified notices were mailed to all property owners of record whose property abuts the subject property. An affidavit of compliance with all notification requirements is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. LOCATION The subject property is the easternmost 350' of a 75' wide strip of land running along the entire southerly boundary of Tonyan Industrial Park. SUMMARY The Petitioners are requesting the subject property be granted a variance to allow three buildings on a zoned lot. TESTIMONY Chairman Semrow swore in the following witness for the Petitioners: ■ Dean Degenhardt, EN Engineering, 7135 Janes Avenue, Woodridge, IL 60517. ■ George Podalski, Land Planner, Joliet IL. ■ Kase Laughlin, Land Planner, Joliet IL. Attorney Zanck informed the Board the Petitioner as secured a Federal Energy Regulatory � Permit to construct an underground facility on the subject property. The Petitioner is seeking a variance to allo��three buildings on this lot. The buildings would: ■ Protect the sonic tubes and meter station Page 2 Z-546 3/14/02 • Protect the computer equipment `-- • Protect the regulator valve. Attorney Zanck noted only the easternmost 350' of the 2,500' strip of land would be utilized for the site. The gas would be odor-free. The purpose for the installation of the facility is to provide additional gas to Nicor for sale and distribution in northern Illinois. Nicor would odorize the gas offsite. The buildings would be constructed with steel. The e�erior would be covered with a brick-type material, for aesthetic purposes. A steel roof with repla.ceable sections is proposed. Mr. Degenhardt stated the underground pipeline is a 36" diameter steel pipe. The Natural Gas Pipeline of American owns the pipe which is 28 miles long. It originates in Bartlett, Illinois. He provided an overview of the site. He stated the pipe enters the property underground, comes up out of the groitnd at the location of the first building [20' X 27'], which houses the sonic tube meters that me�asure the flow of the natural gas. The flow must be measured above grade. Mr. Degenhardt stnted technicians check on the status of these two meters once every two weeks. A complete maintenance check, whereby the sonic tubes are actually removed in one piece from the premises for verification with a flow test is accomplished once every 5-6 years. This building would have removable side panels so the regulating tube can be removed in one piece in order to determine its accuracy. Mr. Degenhardt stated the second building would house the computer equipment. The third � building would protect the regulator valve. Addressing the variance request to allow three buildings on the zoned lot, he noted as the main building ha,s gas pipes running through it, the National Electric Code (NEC) requires this be a stand alone building. Likewise, the building housing the regulator valve is required to be an independent structure, housing no other equipment. The sonic tube is affected by ultrasonic noise which could be made by the regulator valve. There must be great sepazation between the regulator valve and the sonic tube contained in the regulator. Finally, the computer equipment cannot be housed with the other equipment. The computer is not built for a hazardous location. There are two main reasons for the buildings: Security and Maintenance. The buildings would be fenced in to provide an additional layer of security. Landscape strip is planned along the southern and eastern boundaries to shield the buildings from neighboring properties. The landscape will be comprised of 4-5' pine trees. QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS BY THE BOARD In response to an inquiry, Mr. Degenhardt stated when the sonic tube is removed, the flange is closed and the tlow is diverted to the twin tube along side of it. He noted this is a dual system, so that equipment can be maintained and repaired without interrupting the flow. The system is designed to withstand 800 pounds per square inch [psi], but in all actua.lity the pressure would not exceed SSC�-650 pounds psi. The "grade" of the pipe is 2, which means it could actually withstand 2 tirnes the amount of pressure for which it is designed — in this case, 1,600 pounds psi. � Page 3 Z-546 3/14/02 Mr. Degenharcit stated the pipe will be installed approximately 4' beneath grade, sometimes by `-' boring (under streets), but usually by trenching. The size of the sonic tube would be 12" in diameter and be composed of'/2" steel thickness. In response to further inquiry, Mr. Degenhardt stated the computer room would be climate- controlled. All exposed pipe above-grade would be welded with the exception of the flanges to allow for removal of the sonic tube for servicing and regulating. All buildings and pipe would be grounded. No detention pond is being required, as the coverage on the property is minimal. There will be a slide gate to af�ord access to the property by maintenance technicians. The entire area will be fenced for security protection. CLOSING STATEMENT BY PETITIONERS Attorney Zanck urged the Board to recommend to the McHenry City Council that the varia.nce be granted. Hf� asked that StafPs conditions of approval be amended to permit the brick-like e�erior and a steel roof. Chairman Semrow stated, "there being nothing further before this Board with regard to this matter, the Bot�rd will consider this Petition at this time, unless there is a motion to recess by a member of the Boazd. There being no motion to recess, the Chair will entertain a motion with regazd to this Petition". �,,, DELIBERATION AND RECOMMENDATION Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Nadeau, to recommend to the City Council tha.t the Petitioners request for a variance to pernut three buildings on a zoned lot on the subject property be granted, subject to the following conditions: ■ The roofs of the buildings shall be steel replaceable sections; ■ The exterior of the buildings sha.11 be covered with a brick-like material; ■ The applicant shall work with Staff in locating the fence only where deemed necessazy for screening or security purposes; ■ A right-of-way shall be reserved at the western end of the property, size and exact location to be determined at a la.ter date. Staff will work with the applicant in drafting an easement agreement; ■ There shall be no gas odors emanating from the subject property at any time. and thar Table 32, the Approval Criteria for Variances, pages 377-378 of the Zoning Ordinance, has been met. Voting Aye: (�adotte, Ekstrom,Nadeau, Semrow, Thacker. Voting Nay: iione. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: ?1one. Absent: I�ranzen, Howell � Motion carried �-0. Page 4 Z-546 3/14/02 �- ADJOURNMFNT Motion by Ekstrom, seconded by Thacker,to adjourn the Public Hearing at 8:15 p.m. Voting Aye: ��adotte,Ekstrom,Nadeau, Semrow, Thacker. Voting Nay: 'Vone. Not Voting: vone. Abstaining: '�Tone. Absent: ��ranzen, Howell Motion carried 5-0. Respectfully sub 'tted, Harry Se w, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals C: Mayor, Aldermen, City Administrator, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Planner, City Engineers, Petitioners, Plan Commission (9), Landmark Commission Chairman, Chicago Tribune,Northwest Herald, Aldermen Conference Room, File Copy. Z-546 �. �