HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/22/1994 - Community Development Committee MINUTES - BUILDING AND ZONING COMMITTEE MEETING • AUGUST 22, 1994 '1"he Building and Zoning Committee met in the Aldermen's Conference Room at 7:00 p.m. �uilding and 7oning Committee members present: Chairman Baird, Aldcrinan Bates and Alderman Bolgcr. Also present was Aldcrman Lawson, Director of Building & 7oning Lobaito, and Marci Geraghty, Rccording Sccretary. Topics of Discussion: 1. Monotony Code Ch.urman Baird began the discussion by asking Director Lobaito to state his position concerning the idea of adopting a Monotony Code as city ordinance. Lobaito told the Committee he did not feel creating an ordinancc was thc way to proceed. Director Lobaito said he believed that all anncxation agreements should iucludc monotony codcs. McI Icnry Shores is rcally thc only arca whcrc thcrc is a problcin. This area is unique in that thcre were a large number of lots available in closc proximity not under an annc:�ation agreement. Chairman Baird and Alderman Bolger both agrced that the monotony code would bc more effective and easier to enforce if it were policy versus ordinance. Chairman Baird recommended advising the City Council to adopt in all anncxation agreements the attached inonot;ony code as written. The Building and Zoning Department will try to enforce, when annexation agrecments are not in force, the same code. All Building and Zoning Committee members agreed. 2. Signs � Alderman Lawson bcgan the discussion. He was most interested in wall and canopy sign regulations. Lawson felt the regulations should be morc flexible allowing for two or three wall signs, or a largcr sign allowcd instead of a canopy sign or vice versa. Lawson stated that he was only interested in a more flexible wall sign ordinance, he said one sign was too restrictive. Alderman Bolgcr agrecd and said that automobilc dcalcrs typically needcd more signs around thcir property, especially smaller directional signs. Bolger stated that he did not find wall signs objeccionable. Director Lobaito reminded that Committee that any sign under three square feet in area was not considered a sign and, therefore, did not need a permit. Director Lobaito asked the Committee to address the maximum height allowed on a pole sign. Currcntly, the ordinance allows 25 feet maximumly; Lobaito would like to see that changed to 15 feet inaximum height. For sight clearance, the inininium height for a pole sign is eight feet, which still gives you seven feet of sign. The width is unrestrictcd. Lobaito stated that most signs around town have comc down in height over the past few years. Alderman Bolger expressed an interest in monument signs and asked Director Lobaito i.f there have been any problems with monument signs. Lobaito said that soinetimes they did restrict vision and in the older sections of town, are usually too large for the size lot availablc; however, they do have their placc. After some discussion the Committee agreed to rccommend to the City Council to change the sign regulations concerning wall and canopy signage. They recommended an increase in the wall sign area to two square feet per building footagc. Also to give business thc option of having onc canopy sign and no wall sign or, two wall signs and no canopy sign. � B�a�jir►g �id Zoning Cornmittee Meeting Minutcs August 22, 1994 Page 2 � Alderman Bates aske�d Director Lobaito to write up a recommendation to the City Council lowering the pole sign maxiinum heiglit from 25 feet to 15 feet, keeping the ininimum sign hcight at 8 fcet, and to devclop a new criteria For wal, signage based upon the discussions at this meeting. Alderman Baird said he would like further discussion on this matter prior to any Council action. 3. Buss Pord Request Alderman Bolger told the committee that Ed Buss would like to meet with John Lobaito and work out a plan concerning the various non-conforming signs he has around the property. Alderman Baird said he would like to join thcm in tlr.0 mecting. 4. Building and Zonin� Violation Notice Process John Lobaito rcporced to thc coinmittcc that only five ticiccts havc bccn issucd since thc program bcgan. Aldcrman Batcs qucstioned Director Lobatio regarding the status of Chuck's Towing. Bates would like to see a time limit set to make Chuck Fernstrom clean up the junk around his property and comply with city regulations. Lobaito explained to the comtnittee that he called Mr. Fernstrom and arranged a meeting. At this mecting he informed Mr. Pcrnstrom that he has bcen in violation since 1985; his business is not a permitted use in his zoning district. Director Lobaito also told him he would havc to clean up his property and fence tlie area. Everyone agreed that Mr. Fernstrom should be made to comply. The committee agrced to give Mr. � Fernstrom 30 days to clean up the property and one year to relocate the business. 5. Director of Buildin� and Zoning Report Director Lobaito told the committec about the ongoing problem concerning the Benoy and Poulos residcnces. Apparcncly Judy Benoy is still giving swimming lcssons; howcvcr, shc told Lobaito she was not charging for them, therefore, it is a legal use. Mr. Poulos the Benoy's neighbor has pictures of solar collcctors in the Benoy's backyard used to heat the pool that are in violacion of city ordinance. He also informed Lobaito that tlze Benoy's are renting thc mothcr-in-law apartment to two mcn who are not family members. Director Lobaito adviscd thc committcc that hc is going to ask Mr. Bcnoy t,o comc to City Hall and incct to discuss these problems. Second item of business was 4213 West Elm Street, new location for the McHenry Currency Exchange. The parking lot encroaches 26 fcet onto city park land. Lobaito asked the new owncr to remove the asphalt. The city cannot sell hitn this land becausc it is park property. Alter reviewing the [ile, Director Lobaito discovered that in 1975 the encroachment was only six feet. Since there is a new owner Lobaito felt now is the time to set the record straight and reclaim the land. The new owner has another 30 days to coinply. Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. I � N �� �Chairman William Baird mmg