HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/16/1996 - Community Development Committee (2) MINUTES - BUILDING AND ZONING COMMITTEE MEETING `„ SEPTEMBER 16, 1996 The Building and Zoning Committee met in the Aldermen's Conference Room at 7:30 P.M. Building and Zoning Committee members present: Chairperson Baird, Alderman Bates. Also present was City Administrator Jordan, Director of Building & Zoning Lobaito, and Marcia Geraghty, Recording Secretary. Present from the Landmark Commission were Chairperson Nancy Fike, Greg Lofgren, Maria Arza and John Harwell. Kimberly Palmiero from the Northwest Herald also attended the meeting. Topic of Discussion: 1. Sign Ordinance Revisions Chairperson Baird began the meeting by asking the Committee what they felt about the sign ordinance revision. Chairperson Baird wondered if the maximum height of 15-feet for free standing signs was adequate. Director Lobaito explained that 15-feet was close to the average height of most free standing signs that have been installed over the past few years. The maximum area of wall signs was then discussed. Baird agreed with the change stating he thought it was too much signage for shopping center tenants. He has no objection to stand alone `' tenants with two signs; however, they must fall under the m�imum square foot requirements. Lobaito noted the square footage was not increased. Alderman Bates questioned the revisions to temporary uses. Lobaito explained the changes reflect what has been enforced for the past five years. The fees were never specified. The reason for revising this portion of the sign ordinance is to attain clarity. Bates asked about special temporary uses for people who come before the City Council for special permission. Lobaito explained that organizations such as the Lions Club carnival, the McHenry Chamber Fiesta Days, etc., would be excluded from that portion of the ordinance that prohibits more than two temporary uses allowed per lot per year. These types of temporary uses that involve the community at large will, as a matter of policy, still be brought to the City Council for approval. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt the recommended changes to Table 18: Standard for Non-Exem�t Signs. Alderman Bolger arrived at 8:10 P.M. 2. Pro�osed Historical Preservation Ordinance `.. Nancy Fike, Chairperson for the Landmark Commission was asked to give a brief synopsis of the proposed ordinance. � Bu�ilding and Zoning Committee Meeting Minutes September 16, 1996 Page Two �' Ms. Fike explained to the Committee that the purpose of the ordinance is to identify, designate, protect, and encourage the restoration of those structures that represent the historic heritage of McHenry. Currently, landmarks are designated but they are not protected. She believes this plan provides a process for the city to follow. The Landmark Commission perceives the city taking a leadership role in this endeavor. Baird asked Ms. Fike if this ordinance would protect the environment and buildings. She said yes, it would cover districts as well as individual buildings. Chairperson Baird is concerned that someone may use this ordinance to unnecessarily delay development for example, the Dartmoor Street extension. Someone may claim Boone Creek to be a historical district to stop the bridge from being built. Baird feel:; this potential problem should be reviewed further. Alderman Bates said he liked the ordinance however he expressed concerns over the restrictions this ordinance would place on the individual homeowners regarding construction and demolition. If someone is denied, do they apply for economic hardship? Landmark Commission member Lofgren said that this process is a beginning to set the legal framework for preservation. He went on to say that once people are aware that this is a preserved area, hopefully we will attract new residents who are interested in protecting the area and maintain it as a historical district. � Administrator Jordan brought up the fact that many landmarks must be funded, mainly from private resources. Chairperson Baird wanted to know if a new zoning district would be created in the event this ordinance was enacted. Lobaito replied no, historical areas would be designated on the comprehensive land use map. These areas could extend into all zoning districts. Ms. Fike believes that this ordinance should be part of the city's planning process. Chairperson Baird concluded the discussion by thanking the members of the Landmark Commission for the presentation and all their hard work. He would like this proposed ordinance reviewed by the Plan Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals. Their comments would be directed back to the Building and Zoning Committee for further review before proceeding to the City Council. The members of the Landmark Commission left the meeting. Recommendation: The Committee recommends to send drafts of the Historical Preservation Ordinance to Zoning Board of Appeals and Plan Commission for review. 3. Pro�osed Tree Preservation Ordinance Chairperson Baird invited Director Lobaito to take the Committee through the proposed tree � preservation ordinance. Director Lobaito began by explaining to the Committee that the draft is a culmination of several tree preservation ordinances from surrounding municipalities. Several items in this ordinance can be modified dependent upon the committee's desired level of tree preservation. ' Building and Zoning Committee Meeting September 16, 1996 Page Three � Alderman Bolger is concerned over the fact that many trees are not worth saving, such as Box Elders, Elms, and Willows. He said we should be careful; it is expensive to take down trees; some developers may resent the city telling them they cannot cut down trees on their property. He also stated this ordinance draft is not specific regarding species of trees to be saved. If a tree is incurably diseased, it shoul,� not be charged to the developer when it is removed. Natural disasters should be exempt. Chairperson Baird asked that the ordinance provide for a developer to encroach into a tree protection area to complete necessary work. Perhaps the city can authorize exceptions when necessary, on a limited basis. Director Lobaito requested Committee input on Item X. FEES. Lobaito suggested that a minimum permit fee of $45.00 should be applied to Tree Removal Permits. Chairperson Baird was concerned that the process was cumbersome and perhaps $45.00 is not enough to cover all the time spent on each individual permit. Lobaito suggested we try $45.00 at the start; it can always be increased later. All agreed. Upon further discussion the following changes were made to the draft ordinance: • Increase the diameter of the tree to be preserved from 6-inches D.B.H. to 10-inches D.B.H. `, • Exclude the following list of trees from the requirements of the tree preservation ordinance: 1. Box Elder 2. Chinese Elm 3. Poplar 4. Cottonwood 5. Catalpa 6. Choke Cherry • Provide for a temporary suspension to the tree protection measures to allow developers to complete necessary work within protected areas of trees. • Revise the tree replacement schedule as follows: Tree(s) Removed Caliper in inches DBI� # of Replaced Trees 30" or greater 3 (originally 4� 18" - 29" 2 (originally 3) 10" - 17" 1 (originally 2) � Buiiding and Zoning Committee Meeting September 16, 1996 Page Four `' Item XI, ADMII\ZSTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT. This will incorporate the city's standard language. Recommendation: To incorporate the changes into the draft ordinance and submit to the City Council for review. Meeting was adjourne�i at 9:56 P.M. �l1' V � Chairperson William Baird mmg � �