HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/25/1997 - Community Development Committee . - • �` � f,�:..�-� MINUTES - BUILDING AND ZONING COMMITTEE MEETING � FEBRUARY 25, 1997 The Building and Zoning Committee met in the Aldermen's Conference Room at 7:30 P.M. Building and Zoning Committee members present: Chairperson Baird, Alderman Bolger and Alderman Bates. Also present were Alderman Lawson, Director of Building & Zoning Lobaito, and Marcia Geraghty, Recording Secretary. Observers: Nancy Schmidt, 3109 Judy Lane, McHenry; Becky Jacobsen, 3111 Judy Lane, McHenry; Doug Reibel, 497 Driftwood Trail, McHenry; Sam Sparojevich, 420 Stratford Court, McHenry. Topics of Discussion: 1. Hours of Construction Chairperson Baird began the meeting saying that the Committee had instructed Director Lobaito to put together a memorandum explaining what the Committee is proposing to change regarding the Noise ordinance. The Chairman asked Director Lobaito to describe what steps were taken since the last meeting. Lobaito told the Committee that several surrounding � communities were surveyed. Several contractors in the community were sent a copy of the proposed changes to the ordinance for their review and comments. All contractors notified were agreeable to the changes. After further review, Lobaito said he would like to add a third exception to Section K excluding garden equipment from the definition of Machinery. Alderman Bolger suggested that the construction hours Sunday be extended to 6:00 P.M. Alderman Baird agreed. 7:40 P.M. Alderman Bates arrived. Alderman Bates declared he would prefer construction hours be pushed back to 5:00 P.M. and eliminate the Sunday hours. Ald. Bolger made a motion to change the hours of construction to 7:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. on weekdays, 8:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. Saturday and 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Sunday and Legal Holidays; and, include a third exception to Section K, excluding garden equipment from the definition of Machinery. Recommendation: The City Council adopt the recommended changes to Sec. 14-8. Noise of the City of McHenry Municipal Code. ,� Building and Zoning Committee Meeting Report February 25, 1997 Page Two � 2. Burning on Weekda,� Chairman Baird introduced the observers from the community attending the meeting. They were there to add their comments to the burning issue. Baird stated that the purpose of this discussion was to work toa�ard a solution to the problem of enforcement of the current burning regulations and finding alternatives to disposal of yard waste other than burning. Bates told the Committee that the city should provide alternatives to its residents before leaf burning is banned. Bolger commented that leaf burning and the burning of branches should be allowed during the same hours so the ordinance can be enforced properly. Lawson stated that another alternative would be to allow the city's residents to come up with their own solutions, such as mulching the leaves back into their yards. Baird was interested in an immediate solution to this issue. Mainly, to stop people from burning during the week near the city's schools where asthmatic children were getting sick from the smoke. He stated that the city needs to try a total ban during the week. `.-� The observers told the Committee that they were in favor of a total ban on burning. The Committee all agreed that alternatives to burning must be investigated through education and city wide programs; and all unenforceable burning must be stopped. The Committee asked Director Lobaito how this change to the ordinance, if approved by the City Council, would be enforced. Lobaito stated he would ask for specific direction from the City Council. However, he suggested that persons violating the ordinance be warned for the first time offense, and then fined on all preceding offenses. Recommendation: Prohibit burning of any kind except for brush and leaves during the months presently established by ordinance for leaf burning. 3. Satellite Dish Re�ulations Director Lobaito reported to the Committee that in response to the Committee's direction, information from other communities regarding the screening of satellite dish antennas was collected and reviewed by staff. Lobaito explained that other changes besides screening requirements were incorporated into the antenna ordinance. � Building and Zoning Committee Meeting Report February 25, 1997 Page Three � After discussion, the Committee consensus was to make the following changes: 1. Increase the setback from property lines in residential districts to 10-feet. 2. Increase the antenna height above the roof line in non-residential districts to 10-feet. 3. Direct Lobaito to investigate the potential of more then one antenna for non-residential districts and the proposed ordinance for City Council review. Recommendation: The Committee recommends the City Council approve the modifications to the Satellite Dish Antenna ordinance with the above noted changes. Meeting was adjourned at 9:02 P.M. �- l�J���-- v , C��� Chairperson William Baird mmg L