HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/11/1998 - Community Development Committee � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING March 11, 1998 Members Present : Chairman Alderman McClatchey, Alderman Murgatroyd, Alderman Bolger arrived at 6 :45 Others Present : Alderman Glab, City Administrator Lobatio, City Clerk Althoff, High School Principals Tom Carl and Greg Johnson Alderman Baird arrived at 7 : 15 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Alderman McClatchy at 6 :40 p.m. Chairman McClatchey stated the purpose of the committee meeting is to discuss the desirability of drafting an ordinance regulating tobacco products . Chairman McClatchey noted several municipalities in McHenry County have passed ordinances regulating tobacco products . It was his recommendation to proceed with developing ordinance provisions, penalties and a fine structure . Some discussion followed. City Administrator Lobaito also recommended requiring all � retailers selling tobacco products to obtain a city license . In addition cigarette vendingmachines should be regulated. Violations could ultimately result in license revocation. Some discussion followed regarding the desirability of regulating advertisement both inside and outside licensed tobacco retailers' establishments . Alderman Bolger arrived at 6 :45 p.m. McHenry Hi_gh School East Campus Principal, Tom Carl and West Campus Principal Gregory Johnson addressed the committee . They stated the school districts strong support of a tobacco ordinance specifically prohibiting possession by minors . They noted a significant problem with minors smoking and the apparent natural attraction to such activity by younger peers . The problem has escalated since the inception of the High School District' s open campus policy. It is the feeling of the High School Staff and School District Board that the problem will be significantly reduced, even possibly eliminated, after the first few citations . Some discussion followed regarding the penalty for first time offenders . The committee suggested further investigation of community service and the initiation, through Family Services, of attendance at a tobacco awareness education program. � � Communit�� Development Committee March 11, 1998 Page Two Alderman Glab stated his support of requiring of informational signs informing the public of the age restrictions for purchase of tobacco products displayed near the display of tobacco products . Alderman Murgatroyd arrived at 7 : 00 p.m. East Campus High School Principal, Tom Carl, in response to committee inquiry stated it was the School District' s position that most of the smoking by minors was due, in most, part to peer pressure as opposed to defiance . Further discussion followed regarding the ease of obtaining tobacco products by minors . Alderman �urgatroyd noted the pending settlement of the federal suit against tobacco companies may eliminate tobacco product vending machines altogether. He also distributed a newspaper article noting State Representative Caarolyn Krause of Mount Prospect is sponsoring a bill that would require all tobacco retailers in the state of Illinois to obtain a license . He suggested a resolution support Ms . Krause' s efforts be presented to full council for consideration and action. Alderman � Murgatroyd also informed the committee of the existance of trainers who can educate retailers on the new federal law requirements regarding tobacco sales . The committee recommended all City of McHenry tobacco retailers be required to attend a minimum of one training session prior to obtaining a license . Alderman F3aird arrived at 7 : 15 p.m. It was the opinion of both East Campus Prinicipal Carl and West Campus Principal Johnson that monetary fines would be more effective than requiring community service, particularly for repeat offenders . The committee instructed staff to investigate whether a judge can be given the latitude to establish fines depending on individual circumstances within a prescribed monetary range . It was also recommended a warning period be initiated prior to initial ordinance enforcement . Chairman McClatchey requested City Attorney McArdle draft an ordinance with the discussed provisions within the next few weeks for committee review. He stated his intent to present the ordinance for full council review and action prior to the High School District' s year-end. � Community Development Committee Meeting � March 11, 1998 Page Three Some further discussion occurred regarding vending machine accessibility. City Administrator stated the ordinance will prohibit the location of vending machines in areas accessible to the general public except those vending machines utilizing locking devices controlled by responsible employees preventing the operation by persons under 18 years of age. City Administrator Lobaito noted the annexation fee policy information was provided for committee review and not intended for discussion at this evening' s committee meeting. Motion by Baird, seconded by Bolger to adjourn at 7 :28 p.m. Voti�g Aye : Baird, Bolger, McClatchey Voti�g Nay: None Abse�t : None Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7 :28 p.m. �- Respect __ submitted, � ' �� c�- � � ��� � C airman A1 erman F. M latchey �