HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/5/1998 - Community Development Committee � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES August 5, 1998 Memb��rs Present : Chairman Alderman McClatchey, Alderman Bolger, Alderman Murgatroyd Others Present : City Clerk Althoff, City Administrator Lobaito, Director of Community Development Napolitano, Alderman Glab Resi��ents : Marianne Stopen 4608 Bonner Drive Norman Rasmussen 312 Huntington St . David Backhaus 104 N. Curran Road Community Development Committee Chairman Alderman McClatchey called the meeting to order at 7 : 04 p.m. He noted the first agenda item, Gerstad Builders sign at the U.S . Route 120 and Crystal Lake Road intersection would be postponed, as Mr. Gerstad was unable to attend this evening' s meeting. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE TO ALLOW DRIVEWAY WIDTH IN EXCESS OF 20-FEET �. Marianne Stopen, 4608 Bonner Drive Community Development Director Napolitano introduced petitioner Marianne Stopen who has submitted a request for a variance to allow a residential driveway width in excess of 20-feet at 4608 Bonner Drive in order to accommodate the parking of a large motor home . Di.rector Napolitano reminded the committee council had recently ��pproved a similar request by Gerstad Builders to allow driveway widths in excess of 20 feet for their Timber Trails townhouse development on Pine Street . The additional width as limited t�� an additional five feet of driveway for each garage stall in f�xcess of two. Alderman Glab also noted the variance was limited to the portion of Pine Street which was privately owned. Ms . Stopen provided photos of similar driveway variations in her neighborhood. Director Napolitano stated these driveways may have been constructed illegally or prior to the adoption of the current driveway regulations . He stated staff is recommending Ms . Stopen taper the driveway from the street back to the garage . This recommendation would provide Ms . Stopen with the needed area to park the motor home . Further d:iscussion ensued with Ms . Stopen informing the committee the reque:�t would also assist in the parking maneuvers needed to � accommoda�e the trailer hitched to the motor home . Alderman Glab noted par:�ing two recreational vehicles was prohibited under the Community Development Meeting Minutes � August 5, 1998 Page Two City of M�Henry' s current zoning ordinance. Chairman Alderman McClatchey stated his support for staff' s recommendation. In response to Ms . Stopen' s inquiry City Administrator Lobaito stated placing decorative stone in the culvert was not against city ordinance. Alderman �slab suggested the driveway be tapered at the garage end. DirF=ctor Napolitano noted the driveway width must be 20' at the stree•= side, however the property owner may increase the driveway �aidth to any size once the driveway extended to their property :1ine . Alderman Bolger citing the petitioner' s request for a 14 ' width variance stated he'd consider supporting a smaller w:Ldth variance . A lengthy discussion ensued. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by McClatchey to deny the variance request for 4608 Bonner Drive to allow a residential driveway width 14 1/2 feet wider than the permitted 20-foot width. Voting Aye : McClatchey, Murgatroyd �. Voting Nay: Bolger Absent : None Motion carried. The committee suggested the petitioner, Ms . Stopen, work with staff to develop an acceptable site plan for tapering the driveway f:or full council consideration at the August 19th regularly scheduled meeting. Alderman C71ab noting the presence of Mr. David Backhaus, Boone Creek Joint Venture developer, requested Chairman McClatchey at the next scheduled Community Development Committee Meeting include as an agenda item, in conjunction with Gerstad Builders U.S . Route 120 and Crystal Lake Road intersection sign, Mr. Backhaus' request for an advertising sign at this location. Chairman McClatchey concurred. Mr. Backhaus will be notified of the Committee Meeting date . The meeting was adjourned at 7 :25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, � � .-*�' ��,- �' Frank McClat , Chairman