HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/20/1999 - Community Development Committee � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES January 20 , 1999 Members Present : Chairman Alderman McClatchey, Alderman Bolger, Alderman Murgatroyd Others Present : Mayor Cuda, City Clerk Althoff , City Administrator Lobaito, Chief of Police Joyce and Alderman Glab Anton Rebel 4009 Maple Ave Sandi Coss 1814 Orleans Sue Gordon 3614 Cornell Community Development Committee Chairman Alderman McClatchey called the meeting to order at 7 : 02 p .m. He noted this evenings agenda was devoted to the review of Municipal Section 14-32 , Criminal Damage to Property in response to community complaints regarding vandalism and graffiti . � Municipal Code, Section 14-32 Criminal Damage to Property- Chairman McClatchey stated he had investigated how other municipalities dealt with this type of problem, particularly when the offenders are juveniles . He suggested the committee consider suspending driving licenses of offenders under the age of eighteen and/or placing a lain on the offender' s parents property to cover the cost of restitut:ion. In response to Chairman McClatchey' s inquiry, Chief of Police Joyce reported damage to proper is broken down, under State Statute, into two categories ; Class A/Misdemeanor damage to property less than $300 . 00 and Class 4/Felony damage to property greater than$300 . 00 . Adults committing these types of crimes are arrested and charged under the appropriate category. Each category carries it' s own corresponding penalty hierarchy. The Class 4 Felony category is the most severe . Community Development Meeting Minutes � Community Development Meeting Minutes January 20 , 1999 L-- Page Two City Administrator Lobaito provided the committee with a statistical analysis of the number of reported complaints relating to criminal damage to property. He noted in 1996 three hundred and four (304) incidents were reported with twenty nine (29) arrests and in 1998 three hundred and fifty eight (358) incidents were reported with seventy two (72) arrests . Noting the apparent increase in reported incidents City Administrator Lobaito also informed the committee thirty one of the incidents reported in the 1998 calendar year were experienced by two property owners . City Administrator Lobaito also noted this ordinance was reviewed and amended in 1994 addressing similar concerns . He opined the City of McHenry' s ordinance and associated penalties were comparable to State Statue requirements as well as similar ordinances in other municipalities . The problem was enforcement and the ability to apprehend the offenders as most of the offenders were underage youth. � Chairman McClatchey distributed a handout addressing vandalism. The distributed literature stated a higher percentage of youth is currently involved in vandalism than ever before . The literature also concluded the higher incidence is related to boredom, anger, defiance and in many incidents revenge . A lengthy discussion regarding vandalism and gang related activities, including Ms . Coss, ensued. Chairman McClatchey suggested the City make a greater attempt to inform the community of the City' s intent to prosecute offenders . In response to Alderman Murgatroyd' s inquiry a lengthy discussion ensued regarding juvenile prosecutions and the legal process . Mayor Cuda noted the presiding judge typically determined the penalty for juveniles even though City of McHenry ordinance 14-32 states a $400 . 00 fine for each property damage offense for both juveniles and adults . In addition the City of McHenry' s Municipal Code addresses Parental responsibilities . Alderman Bolger stated his support for the initiation of an awareness campaign and recommended residents been encouraged to install sensor lights if experiencing vandalism problems . � Community Development Committee Meeting January 20 , 1999 `- Page Three Chairman McClatchey recognized Mr. Rebel . Mr. Rebel informed the committee of his personal experiences with vandalism and stated many people are afraid to report vandalism problems to the police fearing retaliation. Chairman McClatchey recognized Ms . Coss who distributed photos documenting her personal experiences with vandalism. She expressed her grave concerns regarding the Police Departmeiit and City of McHenry' s response to her problem. Motion b�r Murgatroyd, seconded by Bolger to adjourn the meeting at 7 : 29 p .m. Voting Aye : Bolger, McClatchey, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent : None The meeting was adjourned at 7 : 29 p.m. Respectfull�r�...submitted, ; �. , i; � ' �a % �— ° � � ---- � � ; F ank McClatch , hairman � � � � � ! . ,' � ����� ��/� � �c���-� � �,; ����� o�� ��i�� �,��`"�-�� ������ � � �