HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/3/1999 - Community Development Committee (2) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MEETING � MINUTES June 3, 1999 Chairperson Alderman McClatchey called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room at the McHenry Municipal Center. Members present were Alderman Bolger and Alderman Glab. Others Present: Community Development Director Napolitano, City Administrator Lobaito, City Clerk Althoff, East Campus Principal Thomas Carl, East Campus Counselor Jerry Rankin, City Residents David Madson, Tom Schmidt, Mark Rapata and Lynne Goodman. Chairperson Alderman McClatchey noting several city residents in attendance requested the committee approve addressing agenda item number three, Tree Preservation Draft Ordinance before agenda item number two, Temporary Use Regulations. The committee concurred. PETITION FOR NO PARKING ON 4� STREET Community Development Director Napolitano noted as per council direction at the May 19� 1999 regularly scheduled meeting the request for No parking on 4th Street between Main and John Streets during �. school days made by Mr. Madson is to be considered. Mr. Madson had submitted a petition signed by area residents noting high school students parking in this area were causing increased traffic congestion and parkway damage. In addition littering has become a problem. Currently parking is allowed on 4th Street but is limited to two-hour parking between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. during school days. Some discussion followed. Mr. Madson noted with an open campus policy in place, students often move their cars to avoid the two-hour parking limitation. Community Development Director Napolitano also noted 4� Street does not have curb and gutter, therefore on-street parking is not suitable. Director Napolitano noted the Public Works Department concurs with this parking analysis. Staff also noted council recently passed an ordinance prohibiting parking on Allen Avenue between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. during school days. Some discussion occurred regarding extending any no parking decision affecting 4� Street from Main Street to James Street as opposed to the original suggestion of John Street. East Campus High School Principal Thomas Carl enumerated efforts made by the High School Administration to alleviate these parking problems. He also noted the high school enrollment will swell over the � Community Development Committee Meeting �, June 3, 1999 Page Two next four to five years. Further discussion ensued regarding the availability of the medical center parking lot and the old hospital property on Waukegan Avenue. High School Counselor Jerry Rankin noted the East Campus High School staff was also increasing and would negatively impact the availability of parking places for the students. Principal Carl also noted the high school administration approached the Methodist Church on John and 3rd Street requesting use of their parking lot. The Church Board expressed liability concerns and denied the request. It was the consensus of the committee to direct staff to complete a comprehensive study of the area, providing full council with a recommendation for consideration within the next 30-days. TREE PRESERVATION DRAFT ORDINANCE Chairman McClatchey noted Parks and Recreation Department employee, Tom Schmidt in attendance. Director Napolitano provided the �. committee with a brief historical background regarding the development of the tree preservation draft ordinance. In response to Alderrrian Bolger's inquiry, Mr. Schmidt noted the city currently has an ordinance in place regarding the removal of dead trees. Alderman Bolger also expressed his disapproval of permitting trees in the parkways. Mr. Schmidt suggested trees permitted in the parkway be restricted to the street side void of any utilities or inform developers to plant trees on the private property of homeowners in their front yards. The planting of trees in front yards would still give the street a "sheltered" look, but the care and maintenance would be the responsibility of the homeowner. Some discussion followed regarding the ordinance language. Clarification regarding Section IX, paragraph C was given. Replacement shall be limited to the species identified. In addition the provisions of the ordinance are limited to single family lots zoned residential in excess of two acres. Some discussion followed regarding the ten-inch diameter at breast height restriction. Residents in attendance suggested a six-inch diameter be considered. Alderman Glab expressed concern regarding the stated minimum fine of $25 as opposed to the stated $45 permit fee. He suggested it was cheaper to violate than adhere to the ordinance. He recommended a per � Community Development Committee Meeting �, June 3, 1999 Page Three acre fine is considered. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the development of an appropriate mechanism to establish fines as well as the permit fee amount. It was the consensus of the committee to direct staff to investigate the tree preservation ordinances of other McHenry County municipalities and provide the committee with recommendations to be considered at the next committee meeting on June 30�. In addition staff was directed to review and if necessary increase the list of undesirable trees found in Section VI, paragraph A, number 4. TEMPORARY USE REGULATIONS Director Napolitano informed the committee as per council direction at the May 12, 1999 regularly scheduled meeting the Community Development Committee is to conduct a review of the City of McHenry's temporary use requirements. Temporary use requirements are addressed in Section III, paragraph K on page 67 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance. Temporary uses may be permittee in any zoning `- district, upon issuance of a Temporary Use Permit by the Community Development Department. The following temporary uses are allowed: 1-carnivals or circuses 2-sidewalk display and sale of bedding plants 3-sale of Christmas trees 4-temporary roadside display and sale of farm produce, artwork, or other merchandise 5-downtown or shopping center sidewalk sales Director Napolitano presented three recommendations for the committee to consider: 1)require temporary uses listed in Number 4 to receive Council approval. Each request can then be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and the use could be approved/denied based on developed approval criteria. 2]delete the terms art work, other merchandise and permit only farm produce to be sold at a roadside display. Also, farm produce should be limited to produce grown exclusively on the premise. 3]delete item 4 in its entirety. � Community Development Committee Meeting � June 3, 1999 Page Four Alderman Glab expressed concerns regarding temporary set-up and parking requirements. He noted a new business would be required to obtain a conditional use and appear before the City's Zoning Board of Appeals. A lengthy discussion ensued. Staff noted local businessmen had registered a complaint regarding the existence and issuance of temporary use permits for nursery stock sales by outside retailers. Further discussion ensued regarding the maximum 90-day limitation for temporary uses. City Administrator Lobaito recommended the 90-day limitation be expanded to 120 days. The committee concurred. The committee also recommended the language of Temporary Use Item #2 are clarified and all items referenced in Item #4 require council approval. Motion by Glab, seconded by Bolger, to draft an amendment to City of McHenry Zoning ordinance, Section III, paragraph K Temporary Uses -clarifying the sidewalk display and sale of bedding plants language � -requiring all temporary uses enumerated in Item#4 to obtain council approval and to develop specific approval criteria for these uses -increasing the maximum 90-day temporary use restriction to 120 days for existing business to display and sell nursery stock items. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. PARK DONATIONS Community Development Director Napolitano explained the Subdivision Control Ordinance utilizes a formula that estimates the population generated by a new subdivision and the acreage of parkland needed to serve that population to calculate park donations. The City of McHenry may accept parkland or, in lieu of parkland accept a cash donation. The cash donation amount is determined by multiplying the amount of land required to serve the new subdivision times the "fair maxket value" of an improved ace of residential land in the City. The current fair market value, adopted by council in 1991 and stated in the subdivision �- ordinance is $30,000 per acre. Community Development Committee Meeting � June 3, 1999 Page Fivf� The amount of park donations however, is included in the subdivision ordinance in table format, which is amended every May lst based on the change in the Consumer Price Index for the previous calendar year. These yearly increases have impacted the fair market value, which has not been amended since 1991. The yearly CPI increases in the parkland fees has increased the actual value to a $36,820 level. Director Napolitano informed the committee he had investigated the fair market value of improved residential property within the corporate limits of McHenry. This information was provided the committee and is attached to these rninutes. It was Director Napolitano's recommendation to increase the fair market value to a minimum of$60,000 per acre based on his survey results. City Administrator Lobaito suggested the committee consider obtaining a formal appraisal. He noted an objective formal appraisal conducted by a professional land appraiser would be in the City's best interest. The appraisal would also assist the City establish a solid policy foundation. Some discussion followed. �. City Administrator Lobaito also noted the City is currently requesting cash donations as opposed to parkland donations from developers citing the signi�cant acres of open space already owned by the City of McHenry. Motion by- Glab, seconded by Bolger, to recommend to full council the hiring of a professional land appraiser to provide the City of McHenry with a fair market value of a one acre full improved residential lot. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:56 p.m. Submitted, -------- -���- -- Frank McClatchey, Cha' person �.