HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/10/1999 - Community Development Committee COMMUIVITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE � MINUTES November 10, 1999 Commit.tee Members Present: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey Others [n Attendance: City Clerk Althoff, City Administrator Lobaito, Director of Community Development Napolitano Community Development Chairperson Alderman McClatchey opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. He stated the meeting agenda included considerations of new residential driveway regulations, adult use ordinance revisions and cell tower regulations. DRIVEWAY $PECIFICATIONB Community Development Director Napolitano informed the committee, as per council direction, the Community Development Department evaluated the existing City of McHenry ordinances relating to driveway specifications. Three spec�c concerns were identified: Residential Driveway Widths. The maximum width presently allowed is 20'from the sidewalk. Council granted a variance to the Pine Drive Timber Trail Townhouses for three and four car garages. An additional five feet of driveway width for each garage � stall over 2 was permitted. Driveway Expansion Surfaces. In response to complaints the Community Development Department investigated current City permit pra.ctice and ordinance requirements for driveway extensions. Staff discovered the depart�nent has issued permits for driveway extensions constructed with different material other than the material of the original driveway. The City's zoning ordinance requires parking area expansions must be constructed of the same surface material as the original parking area. Paver Bricks. The City's Municipal Code requires residential driveways be constructed of asphalt or concrete only. Paver bricks are not a spe�ed alternative. As paver bricks are now a viable modern alternative requiring a variance for this specific material seems inappropriate. Some discussion fnllowed. Citing cost and an on-goin� streets improvement program, City Administrator Lobaito stipulated the use of paver bricks would not be permitted in driveway approach areas. In city areas with curb and cutter aprons must be constructed with concrete. Community Development Director Napolitano noted as the current driveway ordinance was silent regarding the permissible number of driveway access L. points a new ordinance section was recommended, (c) (5) stating Community Development Meeting � November 10, 1999 Page'I�vo no mor�� than two driveways shall be permitted to any one property owner for any one piece of property on any one street for each 100 feet of continuous frontage and where two or more driveways are provided for the same property a 50 foot separation at the outer or street side of the sidevwalk must be provided. Some discussian followed regarcling establishing a maximum percentage for total residential lot coverage by other structures and/or construction materials. It was also noted no permit will be issued for a driveway access on Stat�� Routes and/or McHenry County maintained roads unless approval from the appropriate agency is obtained. Alderman Glab addressed the issue of driveway widths. City Administrator Lobaito noted most property owners taper three and four car driveways from the garage apron down to meet the specif'ied driveway width at the street. Director Napolitano suggested multifamily developments be permitted wider driveways as long as open green space was required between each property lot. Alderman Glab cautioned against permitting a commercial flavor as opposed to a residential feel. It was the consensus of the committee to permit wider driveways as per the Tirnber Trails variance, five additional feet of driveway width for each garage stall over two requiring a specified set- � back from the property line. The committee also concurred the inclusion of paver bricks, as a driveway construction material, should be inserted in the revised ordinance. Some discussion followed regarding decorative pedestrian walkways. City Administrator Lobaito noted many communities permit a 12" to 18" driveway border constructed of unlike material. �.trther discussion occurred. Motion by Glab, seconded by Bolger to recommend the followang amendments to Article III, Section 21 of the Municipal Code regarding Driveways: - new definitions of Approach/Driveway/Easement/Flare/Parkway and Right-of-way - permitting five additional feet of driveway width for each garage stall over two with a maximum of 30 feet and permitting additional driveway width only on lots that exceed the *nyn�muin requirements of the zoning district in which they are loca.ted ta a maximum of 30 feet. - requiring all driveway expansion to be constructed of the same material as the original driveway - restricting driveway access to no more than two on any one street for each 100'of continuous frontage with a specified setback from the property lines � Community Development Meeting � November 10, 1999 Page Three - pernutting a 12" to 18" decorative pedestrian walkway along the driveway of different construction material Voting.Aye: Bolger, Glab, McCla.tchey Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. ADULT USEB Attorney McArdle informed the committee an ordinance draft would be sent to each committee member for review. Citing graphic terminology Attorney McArdle suggested the ordinance only be referenced in the Municipal Code and be published separately in pamphlet form. Community Development Director Napolitano reported currently adult use regulations are found in both the Municipal Code and the Zoning Ordinance. Section 14, Article II of the Municipal Code deals with public indecency, massage parlors and obscene literature, pictures and � performances. Adult uses are allowed as a conditional use in only C-5 Districts. Some discussion followed. It was the consensus of the committee to meet later and review the proposed draft ordinance. Attorney McArdle was asked to attend this meeting. COMMUNICATION/CELLULAR PHONE TOWERS Community Development Director Napolitano noted the issue of regulating cellular towers was initiated in response to the proposed location of a cellular tower at Route 31 and Miller Road just outside the corporate limits of the City of McHenry. Community Development 17irector Napolitano referenced the Telecommunications Act of 1996 noting local municipalities cannot unreasonably prohibit personal wireless services or discriminate between providers of functionally equivalent services. Requests for siting permits must be acted upon within a reasonable time period. Denials must be in writin� and contain substantiating evidence, which must be maintained in written record. Current City of McHenry ordinances do not specifically address antennas and tvwers for wireless communication. Some discussion followed. Community Development Director suggested the following areas be addres.sed in any proposed ordinance: � Commuruty Development Meeting � November 10, 1999 Page Four . define wireless communications . permirted site locations in specif'ied zoning . bulk and height criteria . permi yted number of structures on a lot . aesthf�tic criteria . co-location design . safety requirements . permi:s . aband onment Alderm.�n Glab requested staff investigate the tower height request by Sprint Com PC;S for 200 feet against the industry standard tower height of 150 feet. It was the consensus of the committee to permit and encourage the use of existin� structures for tower sites, but to retain tower construction and site location as a c;onditional use requirement. The committee directed staff to develop and present a draft ordinance regulating communication/cellular antennas and towers for full council consideration prior to submission to the Zoning Board of Appeals. � Motion by Glab, seconded by Bolger to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey Votin� Nay: None Absent: None The mee ' djourned at 7:25 p.m. � Frank McClatchey, Chaupers �