HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/7/2000 - Community Development Committee � � C stal Lake Road Comdor Plan Page 4 L ry R October 7, 2000 � assume that approximately 20 to 30 percent of the traffic projected for Crystal Lake Road without the bypass would be diverted to the new facility when constructed. The bypass is � therefore an unportant element for reducing traffic congestion within the study comdor. Corridor Improvements � The followin numbers refer to the"Corridor Transportation Plan" graphic. g � 1. A new access drive for exiting traffic only is proposed with a left hand tuf-n restriction exiting the high school site to Oakwood Drive. This will facilitate an alternative exit connection fr.om the school site with ample stacking and good sight lines at Royal Drive � where a new ixaffic signal is recommended. Access would still be provided from Crystal Lake Road and traffic control personnel would be used at the peak hours. The exit would,however,provide safe access to a traffic signal for the smaller peaks and off peak � exiting traffic for which traffic control persoruiel are not available. A"traffic caltnirig" design is shown to discourage traffic from making an illegal left hand tum to the west on Oakwood Drive. Landscaping is proposed to screen the adjacent Garden Quarter � apartments adjacent to the existing easement where the new exit is proposed. This improvement will require coordination with the school district and implies . �,`.- modification of the internal circulation pattern on site, a recommendation also made by their own transportation consultant. � 2. A landscaped treatrnent and signage on Royal Drive north of the junction with Oakwood Drive will discourage traffic from heading north to IL 120 through single family � residential neighborhoods. It will also create a distinctive gateway entry to these neighborhoods. 3. A new traffic signal at Royal Drive will facilitate safe movement onto and off of Crystal � Lake Road(CLR) and create gaps in traffic closer to the school site to facilitate off peak �' traffic entering onto Crystal Lake Road. The intersection and approach road from CLR to �� Oakwood Drive should be improved to conform to the details of a separate engineering evaluation underway at the time of this study. �, �; 4. Consolidated curb cuts between the Post Office and Ace Hardwaze will reduce turning � conflicts. 4� 5. Add a deceleration lane for south bound traffic entering the High School to further reduce � conflicts between slowing traffic enteri.ng the site and through traffic. 6. Re-orient bus movements in front of the high school so that students embark and � disembark on the sidewalk side toward the school entrance. ;:;� � 7. Create a continuous median in front of the High School which is clearly delineated by � � Crystal Lake Road Corridor Plan Page 5 � R October 7,2000 � reflective pavement inserts, solid or stri ed paint,masonry pavers or other methods as detemuned by more detailed engineenng�e iv ew. This will provide an island of some � safet}�for cars entering and leaving adjacent properties and the school site in particular. It will reduce conflicts between through and local traffic. � 8. Build Kelter Street and extend a new section along the rear of the deep properties facing CLR to Marietta Street. Improve the sechon of Marietta Street to the park and connect with Ponca Street. This would require acquisition of right-of-way along the reaz of the �, very long lots facing CLR. However,the rear or east half of each lot could then be developed for single family homes with access on the new road and a view of Cold Springs Park. This development potential could provide financial compensation for the � right-�of-way and for the proposed limitation in use for the properties facing on CLR for single family residential only. Existing commercial uses could be grand fathered. A bike path is also proposed along the new improved right-of-way of Kelter Street to connect � with the Park and the regional bike trail along the railroad right-of-way to the east. Kelter Street should also provide access to the existing parking lot in Cold Springs Park. � 9. Annex, and zone for single family use,the lots identified on the graphic and consolidate curb cuts. �� 10. Plan for a future traffic signal at Winding Creek Drive to facilitate movement across CLR between residential neighborhoods and to the elementary school on the east side. � 11. Add a sidewalk and pazkway i.mprovements to define and control access on the west side of CLR�ust before its junction with IL Route 120. These features should be coordinated with the improvements IDOT is implementing at the intersection. � 12. Reconfigure the parkway with landscaping on the east side of CLR just before its � junction with IL Route 120 as shown on the detail. This enhancement should be coordinated with the improvements IDOT is implementi.ng at the intersection. 13. Add pavement mazlcings and signage to alert drivers to the bike crossing close to the IL � 120 intersection. 14. Add a bus loading lane off of the pavement for the pre-school site across from the high �� school. 15. Irnplement the previously planned traffic signal at Darhnoor if Dartmoor is extended to �, IL 31 in order to facilitate movement onto CLR and movement across CLR between residential neighborhoods. A light would also create gaps with signal ti.ming which will facilitate site access in the more intensely used segments of the corridor from the high �: school north. � �. � ..� � Crystal�.ake Road Corridor Plan Pa e 6 �.. g R October 7, 2000 � 16. Add s:.gns to alert through drivers,both north and south bound, to the hi h accident or g , , conge,�ted area ahead with strict enforcement of speed limits. � Lillian Street Alternative � Descri�tion o f Altemative—The last of the four figures in this report is titled Lillian Street Alternative Access Improvements. The figure shows the acquisition of a right-of-way aligning from Oakwood Drive and extending north from Front Royal Drive along an acquired easement � from the North Fox Condominiums. This proposal originated in 1998 and was intended to reduce curb cuts and improve traffic flow on Crystal Lake Road, improve safe exiting from the public and commercial land uses adjacent to the new road, and, foster development of the � property behi.�d the First Midwest Bank. The new public street would extend along the rear of (from south to north), the Post Office,Ace Hardware, and First Midwest Bank. The right-of-way � would then curve east to align with Lillian Street and the traffic signal at its junction with Crystal Lake Road. The extension of Lillian would pass between First Midwest Bank and Whispering Oaks Office Complex. � A cross easement would be created between the Post Office and Ace Hardware and the two points of access for these businesses on Crystal Lake Road would be combined. � � Im�act on Ace Hardware and Post Office � 1. Access would still be provided to the Post Office from Front Royal Drive, which is not currently signal controlled. The remaining Crystal Lake Road access to Ace would be closer to Lillian Street. Access to the three properties would also be provided from the new street proposed along the back or west perimeter of the properties. �` 2. First Midwest Bank and the Whispering Oaks Office Complex would gain an additional � point access off of the new street with signal controlled access to Crystal Lake Road at Lillian Street. 3. Intemal circulation—cazs from in front of Post Office could cut through the front pazking � lot for Ace to exit on Crystal Lake Road directly, conflicting with pazking movements at Ace. This could be remedied by reconfiguration of the lot. � Access to and from Hi School 1. High school traffic exiting from Oakwood Drive, assuming the new rear exit from the site � is implemented,would cross Front Royal Drive traffic and mix with the commercial traffic exiting the four properties with new access to the proposed street. � 2. A more direct route to a signalized intersection would be available on Front Royal Drive � as proposed in the previously noted comdor recommendations. However, the Lillian � Street extension would reduce use of Front Royal Drive and likely make it infeasible to � ' � Crystal Lake Road Corridor Plan Page 7 � R October 7, 2000 meet:xaffic justification for a traffic signal at its junction with CLR. � 3. Since the new street would likel eliminate y the�ustification of a hght at Front Royal Drive,traffic flowing into the school zone on CLR would, therefore, likely be going at a � higher speed with shorter gaps for left hand tuming traffic. Flow on Cxystal Lake Road— The elimination of two curb cuts would reduce the points of � conflict along Crystal Lake Road but this could increase traffic speed without solving the key problem associated with the high school traffic. The benefit of a new light at Front Royal Drive � is that it interrupts the flow of traffic to create more gaps for access to and from properties adj acent to CLR. This interruption,however, does have some negative effect on through traffic movement. � Traffic in Residential Nei�hborhoods—The Lillian Street alternative would have the following anticipated consequences: � • Conflict between parking and access for North Fox Condominiums and the through movements on the new street. � • Quantification of the projected number of trips and their distribution at the various intersections due to light at Lillian rather than Royal Oak will require a traffic engineers � input. • How rnuch traffic from the east would take the new street to Front Royal and pass through the neighborhoods to the north west to access Route 120? Lillian is the next t� parallel east west route across the City. � � Imnact on Existing Properties • Land acquisition li.kely to require condemnation. An agenda supplement dated January � 20, 1999 from City Administrator John Lobaito stated, "without the cooperation of North Fox Condominiums,the proposed street alignment is impossible." � The potential for effective screening for the apartments is enhanced because the end of � the units rather than living rooms face the proposed roadway. However,there is a limited amount of room for such landscaping. � • The value of the undeveloped land behi.nd the First Midwest Bank would be increased appreciably with the new access. � Costs—The cost to implement this alternative would include right of way acquisition,roadway and parkway�improvements and significant landscape screening plus the cost of drive � `- consolidation along CLR. � � . �' ,�,- Crystal Lake Road Corridor Plan Page 8 1 R October 7,2000 � Conclusions Relative to Lillian Street Alternative• • The redisixibution of traffic created by the new access to the Crystal Lake Road and �� Lillian Street signal will require numerical analysis by a traffic engineer. � Evaluati.ng the optimum alignment, and estimating the amount and cost of new right of , way, as well as evaluation of the ability to reconfigure parking and access for the North Fox Condominiums,will require a more detailed study. � • The Lillian Street alternative would eliminate the need for a traffic signal at Front Royal Drive. This would create points of conflict between high school students exiting the � school property via Oakwood Drive and increase traffic speed and decrease gaps in front of the High School on CLR. • The light at Lillian would possibly induce some traffic from the east and central parts of � the City to take the Lillian Street extension through neighborhoods to the north and west to connect with Route 120. This would be to avoid the Crystal Lake Road and Route 120 � intersection when it is congested. The west McHenry by-pass would greatly relieve the ,� problem of short cutting traffic regazdless of what improvements are seIected for the Crystal Lake Corridor. � Recommendation �� 1. If the high school implements the access for exiting traffic onto Oakwood Drive, and a new signal can be installed at Front Royal, then this is the recommended course of action � because in our opinion it responds best to the most significant conflicts within the corridor which aze related to the school access and traffic pattems. � 2. If the connection of the school site to Oakwood Drive for exiting traffic only is not implemented and a signal is not installed at Front Royal, then the Lillian Street � alternative should be pursued to see if an agreement can be reached with the North Fox Condoxninium Association and the other affected property owners. Access to the signalized intersection at Lillian would improve safety and traffic flow between Lillian � and the high school site. N.J."Pete"Pointner ITE,AICP Keven L. Crraham, ASLA � Architect and Planner Senior Landscape Architect _ Independent Consultant Planning Resources Inc. Corporate Services Inc. � Phone 630-221-8225 � ( ( � .. Page 1 of 2 CRYSTAL LAKE ROAD STUDY Recommended Imp�ovements For Improvement Numbers, refer to attached graphic. Shrart T�rrn: 3 years or less Est, Cost: Low: Less than $10,000 Long T�crn: Over 3 years Medium: Between $10,000 and $100,000 High: Over$100,000 Improve- Short Long Funding ment Pluses Minuses Term Term Est. Cost Sources Feasible Priority 1 Provides additional access Impacts on nearby X Medium Dist. 156, City Yes. Can coordinate from school;would give residences; increase in with HS addition. Ring school traffic going south on traffic thru residential yd. on W side of school CL Road access to signal at neighborhood? proposed. Royal. 2 Discourage traffic from using Engineering costs seem to X Medium City Yes. residential neighborhood; be a concern. aesthetics; reduce amount of pavement.. 3 Facilitate safe traffic None. X High City Yes movements at intersection; create gaps for school tra�c to exit. 4 Reduce turning conflicts. Business loss of access; X High Private Prop. Yes, if agreement with coordination between Owners, City prop. owners can be property owners; cost. reached. 5 Reduce iurning conflicts. Who pays? X Medium Dist. 156, City Yes. Can coordinate with HS addition. 6 Completed by Dist. 156. 7 Provides area of safety for None. X Low City Yes. Further study cars entering and leaving needed to determine sites. best solutions. 8 Reduce/eliminate curb cuts; Numerous property owners; X High Private Not unless large-scale coordination. developers annexation of these properties occurs. 9 City gains control. X Low Private Yes if voluntary by developers prop. owners. City policy is not to forcibly annex. 1 � ( < Page 2 of 2 10 Provides safe crossing for X High City Yes. school children. 11,12 Aesthetics. Cost. X Medium IDOT, City, Yes. Need to private coordinate with developers Route 120 im- provenieida, ur wait until redevelopment of property. 13 Increase safety for bike None. X Low City, DNR Yes. Can easily be traffic. done once appropriate measures identified. 14 Would allow CL Road traffic X Medium Property Yes. Need to to keep moving while bus owner, City coordinate with prop. unloading. owner to develop design. 15 Create gaps for turning Increase thru traffic on X High City, Yes. Developer dollars traffic; potential E-W route Dartmoor? developers available, but only if through City; signal installed by 16 Increase safety. None X Low City Yes. Can easily be done once appropriate measures and locations identified. 17 Coordinate access points; Huge impact on North Fox X High City, property No. Impacts on direct business owners and condos. Coordination owners residential too great. HS tra�c to signal; provide between property owners; Signal at Royal with additional means of access acquisition of R-O-W;City connection between for businesses and Garden maintenance and upkeep. Ace and PO would Quarter. solve significant portion of problem. Consider shorter west extension of Lillian to access vacant Ace property,with access to Whisp. Point offices and secondary access to Garden Quarter. 2