HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/3/2001 - Community Development Committee COMMUIVITY DEVELOPMENT MEETING
January 3, 2001
Members Present: Chairman McClatchey, Alderman Bolger. Alderman Glab .
Others Fr esent: City Clerk Althoff, City Administrator Lobaito, High School
District #156 School Board President Heffelf"ulger, Parks Superintendent
Schmidt, Community Development Director Napolitano
April Adkins of 4903 Joyce Court
Michael Etten of 218 N. Cross T�ail
Jim Zeinz of 4736 Loyola Drive
Ron Whiteside of 226 N. Cross Trail
Chairper:�on McClatchey called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. He stated the
purpose c�f the meeting was to review and prioritize the Crystal Lake Road
Corridor Planning Study recommendations for consideration by full council. In
addition, City resident, Mark Rapata's request for more restrictive revisions to
the city's existing tree preservation ordinance will be considered.
Chairperson McClatchey requested Community Development Director
Napolitano summarize the study's seventeen recommendations as w+ell as staffs
evaluation of the positive and negative aspects of each recommendation.
� #1. New accesa drive for esiting trat�ic only with a left-haad tura
restriation e�citing the high school site oa to Oakwood Drive.
Community Development Director Napolitano noted the positive aspects
of this recommendation include additional access from the high school parking
lot and gi.ves school traff'ic traveling south an opportunity to gain Crystal Lake
access to the traffic signal at Royal Drive. The negative aspects include
significant increase in vehicular traffic on nearby residential neighborhoods.
Some discussion followed. In response to Alderman Bolger's inquiry, Director
Napolitano noted the Oakwood "calxning" design will discourage traffic from
making illegal left-hand turns to the west on Oakwood Drive.
High School District #156 School Board President, Jim Heffelfinger
informed the committee the School Board was considering the installation of a
service road beiween the north and south parking lots. It is the consensus of
the School Board members the construction of a sexvice road would allow better
coordination and safety of bus routes. In response to Committeeman Alderman
Glab's inquiry, School Board President Heffelfmger stated the West Campus
addition concept plan would be available for public review by March 2001.
Community Development Director Napolitano also noted at this time, the
school district has already unplemented Recommendation #6 to reorient bus
movements in front of the high school permitting students to embark and
disembark on the sidewalk toward the school entrance.
Community Development Committee Minutes
� January 3, 2001
Page T�vo
Al�erman Glab stated his opposition to this recommendation. He opined
the installation of a timed traffic light, which would be operational at peak
tr�c times, would be the safest and best option. He expressed concern with
the potential for significant additional vehicular traffic on Oakwood Drive in this
residential neighborhood. He requested the committee recommend to full
council staff's investigation of possible means to obtain a timed tr�c signal at
the west campus high school site. A lengthy discussion followed. School
Board President James Heffelfinger stated his support for the timed traffic
signal. F�rther discussion followed. It was the consensus of the committee
that a second comznittee meeting would be necessary to fully consider each
recommendation and provide full council with a comprehensive solution.
#2. Developmeat of landscape treatmeat aad signage oa Royal Drive north
of the Royal Drive iatersectioa.
Community Development Director Napolitano noted the positive aspects
of this recommendation include vehicular tr�c is discouraged from using the
residential neighborhood, it adds aesthetic appeal and serves as a gateway to
area neighborhoods and reduces the aggregate amount of pavement in the area.
The negative aspect of this recommendation is the significant cost of
engineering services. Alderman Glab noted the engineering services agreement
with Smith Engineering for the design development of a Royal Drive median is
� one of this evening's agenda items.
#3. Installation of a traffic sigaal at Crystal Lake Road and Royal Drive
Community Development Director Napolitano sta.ted the positive aspects
of this recommendation include safer tr�c movement at the intersection and
the creation of timing gaps to permit school tr�c access to Crystal Lake Road.
1Vo negative impacts were cited for this recommendation.
#4. Cousolidated curb cuts betweea the Post Office and Ace Hardware
Community Development Director Napolitano stated the positive aspects
of this recommendation include reduced turning conflicts. The negative aspects
include loss of access for the Post Office and Ace Hardware, project cost and
access coordination with the property owners.
At this time staff suggested the committee consider recommendation #17
the Lilliaa Street Alteraative, as it is relative to this specific discussion.
Community Development Director Napolitano explained the Corridor Study
addresses the possibility of obtaining right-of-way aligning from Oakwood Drive
and extending north from Front Royal Drive along an acquired easement from
the North Fox Condominiums. The new public street would extend along the
rear, from south to north, along the rear of the Post Office, Ace Hard.ware and
First Midwest Bank. The right-of-way would then curve east to align with
� Lillian Street and the traffic signal at its junction with Crystal Lake Road. The
Community Development Committee Minutes
� January 3, 2001
Page Three
extension of Lillian would pass between First Midwest Bank and Whispering
Oaks Office Complex.
Alderman Glab suggested staff be directed to work with the property
owners in question to facilitate a solution mutually acceptable to the city and
the property owners in question. He suggested a single entrance be established
accessing Ace Hardware, First Midwest Bank, the Post Office and the Garden
Quarter apartment complex. A monument style sign could identify these
properties as well as the apartment complex entrance. Some discussion
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Glab to recommend to full council the
direction��f staff to facilitate the development of a plausible, mutually
acceptabl�� solution to the traffic congestion on Crystal Lake Road with the
identified property owners of the Lillian Street Alternative Crystal Lake Corridor
Plan Study.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
� #5. Add a deceleration lane for the southbouad traffic eatering the High
School to further reduce conflicts betweea slowing traffic entering the site
aad through traffic.
Comrnunity Development Director Napolitano noted the positive aspect of
this recommendation is the reduction of turning conflicts in the area. The
negative aspect is project cost. It was the consensus of the committee this
recommendation should be addressed. Committee member Alderman Bolger
suggested a 50/50 cost share between the City of McHenry and High School
District #156.
Chairperson Alderman McClatchey noted this recommendation segue
with recommendation #7 to Create a coatinuous mediaa in front of the
High School which is clearly delineated by reflective pavemeat iaserts,
solid or striped paint or masoary pavers. The positive aspect of this
recommendati.on includes the development of a safety area for vehicles entering
and exiting the school as well as adjacent Crystal Lake properties. There are no
negative aspects. Chairperson Alderman McClatchey also recommended the
development of a deceleration lanes in front of West Campus High School for
vehicles traveling south to facilitate access to both parking lots.
Alderman Glab noted a stripped median currently e�sts in front of the
West Campus High School. He suggested the existing stripping be enhanced or
a raised median be constructed.
Community Development Meeting Minutes
� January 3, 2001
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#8. Build Kelter Street exteading the new street along the rear of the
properties located aloag Crystal Lake Road to Marietta 3treet, and
improve Marietta Street to coaaect with Poaca.
Community Development Director Napolitano noted the positive aspect of
this recomrnendation is the reduction and elimination of curb cuts. The
negative aspect of the recommendation is the project coordination between
numerous property owners and the City of McHenry. Some discussion followed.
It was the consensus of the committee this recommendation should be
ixn.plemented, however it was classified as a long-term future goal.
#9. Annex aad zone, for siagle family use, the lots located ia
unincorporated McHeary County betweea Marietta Street aad Kelter Ave.
Community Development I}irector Napolitano noted the positive aspect of
this recommendation is that the city gains control of this area, which pexmits
the consolidation of Crystal Lake Road curb cuts. Some discussion followed
regarding appropriate zoning of the area. Staff concurred with the Crystal Lake
Corridor Plan Study regarding the single family zoning classification.
It�-as the consensus of the committee this recommendation should be
implemented, however it was classified as a long-term future goal.
#10. Plan for a future traffic sigaal at Wiadiag Creek Drive.
Cominunity Development Director Napolitano noted the positive aspect
for this recommendation is the facilitation of vehicular traffic across Crystal
Lake Road between the residential neighborhoods to the elementary school on
East Cryst.al Lake Road and the safe passage of pedestrian traffic from the west
side reside.ntial neighborhood across Crystal Lake Road. No negative aspects
were noted. The Committee noted this recommendation would be driven by the
Elementary School District, #15 and was class�ed as a long-term goal.
Some discussion followed regarding obtaining traffic counts at the
Crystal Lake Road and Dartmoor and Winding Creek intersections. Citing
inclement weather staff agreed to postpone tr�c counts at these two
intersections until early Spring. Committeeman Alderman Glab requested, if
possible, the counts at DartYnoor and Crystal Lake Road intersection be
conducted on a Saturday.
#11. Add a sidewalk aad parkway improvements to defiae aad coatrol
access oa the west side of Crystal Lake Road just before its junctioa with
Illiaois Route 120.
Cornmunity Development Director noted the positive aspect of this
recommendation includes aesthetic improvements. He also suggested this
recommendation be coordinated with the improvements the Illinois Department
of Transportation plans for Route 120.
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� January 3, 2001
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City Administrator Lobaito also noted the Illinois Department of Transportation
[IDOT] has verbally expressed interest in purchasing the Ultimate Dog property
on the southwest corner of Crystal Lake Road and Route 120 permitting the
strai�htening of this intersection. Committeeman Alderman Glab also
suggested staff coordinate IDOT's activity with the affected property owner.
Thc� negative aspect of trus recommendation includes project cost.
#12. Reconfigure the Cryatal Lake Road east side parkcvay prior to its
intersection with Route 1Z0.
Community Development Director Napolitano noted the pasitive aspect of
this recommendation is also aesthetics. The negative aspect is also project
cost. Some discussion followed.
Cornmitteeman Alderman Bolger suggested any parkway improvements
be postponed until staff could coordinate the city's activities with the Illinois
Department of Transportation's Route 120 activities.
Some discussion followed regarding the immediate need to clear
sidewalks in this area. Committeeman Alderman Glab suggested sidewalks
� accessing both High Schools is cleared as well. Staff su�gested all sidewalks
accessing area schools are cleared. The committee concurred.
#13. Add pavement markings and sigaage to alert drivers to the bike
crossiag close to the Route 120.
Community Development Director Napolitano noted the positive aspect of
this recommendation is the increased safety for bicycle traffic. No negative
aspects were noted for this recommendation. The committee noted some
signage exists now which migkit need to be enhanced. It was also noted the
posted speed on Route 120 at this intersection makes the crossing more
difficult and dangerous. Additional signage and markings will increase safety.
This recommendation should be implemented as soon as possible.
#14. Add a bus loadiag laae off of the pavement for the pre-school site
located oa east Crystal Lake Road across from the West Campns High
School site.
Community Development Director Napolitano noted the positive aspects
of this recommendation permits the flow of Crystal Lake Avenue traff'ic while
increasing the safety of young pre-school aged children while accessing and
exiting the bus. The negative aspect includes design coordination with and
project cost to the affected property owner. Some discussion followed with Staff
noting the turn radius limitations of the existing driveway.
Community Development Committee Minutes
� January 3, 2001
Pa�e Six
#15. Iastall a traf�'ic aigaal at Dartmoor Aveaue if Dartmoor is exteaded to
Route 31.
Community Development Director Napolitano noted the positive aspects
of this recommendation include the creation of timing gaps for vehicular tr�c
turning on to Crystal Lake Road or on to Dartmoor Avenue. In addition a more
direct east-west route through the City would be created. The Corridor
Planning Study also noted a traffic signal at this intersection would crea.te gaps
with signal timing which will facilitate site access in the busiest segments of the
corridor from West Campus High School north to Route 120. The negative
aspect includes the potential far increased traffic on Dartmoor.
The Committee noted development escrow monies available to offset the
cost of this specific recommendation. Staff noted these monies are available for
a specified period of time, which will expire soon. The Committee noted this
recommendation was, in all likelihood, a long-term goal.
In response to Committee member Alderman Bolerds inquiry, staff noted
the installation of a tr�c signal at Dartmoor would not eliminate the need for a
traffic signal at Winding Creek. The signals would be timed appropriately to
facilitate traffic flow.
� #16. Add signs to alert aorth and southbound drivers to the congested
high-accideat area aad require strict police eaforcemeat of posted area
speed lim�ts.
Community Development Director Napolitano noted the positive aspects
of this development include increase safety in the area. No negative aspects
were cited. It was the consensus of the committee to ixnplement this
recommendation, specifically police enforcement of the area speed limits. The
committee also recommended placement and wording of signage is reviewed
Some genExal discussion followed. Mr. Eton noted the intersection of Crystal
Lake Road and Dartmoor Drive was very dark, particularly on the southwest
corner. He requested the committee consider the installation of a second street
light on the east side of Crystal Lake Rd. Staff suggested the existing light
reflection be redirected. The committee concurred. In addition the residents in
attendance expressed concern with the potential route of the proposed West
McHenxy Bypass. Mr. Eton stated the proposed bypass route incorporates
Curran Road, which might, in turn, increase through tr�c on Dartinoor Drive.
City Administrator Lobaito informed the group Council had authorized the
hiring of a traffic consultant to review the traffic information provided by the
Shamrock Farm developers on the City's behalf. The proposed West McHenry
Bypass route in this area will be included in their review.
Community Development Committee Minutes
� January 3, 2001
Page Seven
Chairperson McClatchey introduced city resident Mark Rapata noting
Mr. Rapar�is requesting council consider a revision to the city's existing tree
preservation ordinance. He suggested the General Scope Section of the
ordinance� be revised to read:
(b) all single family residentially zoned lots larger than 2 1 acre and
(c) all property zoned other than sing�e-family residential larger than
1 1/� acre.
Community Development Director Napolitano noted since the inception of this
ordinance twenty-eight sites have obtained permits for new and/or additional
constructi.on since the adoption of the ZYee Preservation Ordinance on July 28,
2000. Of the twenty-eight sites, twenty were subject to the requirements of the
Tree Preservation Ordinance. Of the twenty sites, eleven had no existing trees
prior to the construction and seven had no existing trees removed during
construction. Additionally if the revisions, proposed by Mr. Rapata, were
adopted it would affect only four of the remaining eight unaffected properties.
Staff is recommending the ordinance remain in place as approved.
Mi'. Rapata addressed the committee noting numerous municipalities have
� adopted tree preservation ordinances incorporating his recommendations. He
also noted the revisions were a quality of life issue. Mr. Rapata.also
enumerated numerous non-residential development sites not subject to the
ordinance as approved.
Community Development Director Napolitano noted many developments,
including the McHenry Country Club, has done an excellent job complying with
the ordinance. He cited McHenry Countty Club specifically. He stated the
enforcement of the ordinance has been successful.
It was the consensus of the committee to retain the tree preservation ordinanc�
in it's current form.
Motion by Glab, seconded by Bolger, to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 p.m.
Voti.ng Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
The meeting w rned at 7:33 p.m.
� Frank McClatchey, Chairpers n