HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/31/2001 - Community Development Committee � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 31, 2001 Members Present: Chairperson Alderman McClatchey, Bolger, Glab Others Present: Community Development Director Napolitano, City Administrator Lobaito Community Development Committee Chairperson McClatchey opened the meeting at 6:35 p.m. stating the purpose of this evening's meeting was to conti.nue the prioritizing of the Crystal Lake Road Corridor Planning Study recommendations. Community Development Directar Napolitano noted he had prepared a table assigning ea�h recommendation with a low, medium, or high rate of priority for the committee's consideration. Chairperson McClatchey suggested each improvement be discussed and considered individually. #1. New access drive far exiting traffic only with a lett-hand turn restriation exitiag the h�gh school site oa to Oakwood Drive. Community Development Director Napolitano noted this improvement was the only recommendation to receive na specific priority designation. He requested committee input noting the committee originally discussed the feasibility of installing a timed traffic signal at the High School entrance to � control traffic. Since the January 3rd committee meeting, staff has ascertained the diff'iculty in obtaining any type of signalization at a school site. Alderman Glab noted the affected neighborhood has expressed concern and opposition to the creation of an Oakwood Drive High School parking lot exit. He suggested the committee recominend to full council the hosting of an informational neighborhood meeting to obtain feedback and comment regarding this specific proposal. He also expressed the need to obtain an updated High School site renovation plan for West Campus. Alderman Glab . suggested the committee consider recommending the initiation of a driveway permit moratorium for Oakwood Drive. He cited numerous negative ramifications to the neighborhood if this recommendation were to be implemented. Chairperson McClatchey, citing the ezninent High School District 1 S6 renovation plans for this area, opined this improvement recommendation should be designated as a high priority. He suggested staff be directed to obtain a copy of the most current high school site plans. A lengthy discussion followed. Community Development Director Napolitano suggested the High School District Adrninistration be informed, in writing, of the council's concerns regarding the creation of an Oakwood Drive High School parking lot exit. �zrther discussion ensued. �. � Communiry Development Committee Minutes January 31, 2001 Page Two Motion by Glab, seconded by Bolger to investigate the feasibility of initiating a driveway <�nd/or curb-cut permit moratorium on Oakwood Urive. Voting Ay��: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion caxried. Community Development Director Napolitano also offered to provide the committee and full council with a copy of the traffic study conducted by School District #156 of this area. Committee member Alderman Glab noted the proposed installation of a traff`ic signal at Royal Drive might also alleviate some of the High School traffic congestion at the Crystal Lake Road entrances. _ #2. Development of landscape treatment and signage oa Royal Drive aorth of the Royal Drive iatersection. Community Development Director Napolitano noted the engineering for this proposed improvement had been recently approved by council. Chairperson � A}.derman McClatchey recognized resident Jim Zeinz who e�ressed concern with the proposed street island development. He opined his mother who resides at the northwest corner of Oakwood and Royal Drive will not be able to exit her driveway. The committee suggested staff investigate the feasibility of realigning and constructing Ms. Wenzel's driveway with the Northfox Condominium entrance drive. In response to Mr. Zeinz request for claxification, Committee member Alderman Glab stated the island buffer wi11 begin at the Royal Drive and Crystal Lake Road intersection, Some discussion followed. Citing coordination efforts with the proposed 2001 Streets Program, Community Development Director Napolitano suggested this recommendation be classified a HIGH priority. The committee concurred. #3. Installation of a traffic sigaal at Crystal Lake Rod aad Royal Drive intersectioa. It was the consensus of the committee this recommendation was a HIGH priority. #4. Consolidated curb cuts betweea the Post Office and Ace Hardware properties. It was the consensus of the committee this recommendation was a HGIH priority and should be pursued. The coordination of curb cuts between Ace Haxdware, the U.S. Post Office and First Midwest Bank would reduce turning conflicts. Comnuttee member Alderman Glab strongly recommended the � committee ask for fornnal council approval to begin negotiations with the affected property owners. It was the consensus of the committee, Chairperson � Community Deveiopment Committee Minutes January 31, 2001 Page Three McClatchey would request formal council action during the Committee Report portion of this evening's regularly scheduled council meeting. If the council was uncoznfortable and requested additional information, Chairperson McClatchey would request this issue be presented as an agenda itern at the next regularly scheduled committee meeting, February 7th. #5. Add a deceleration laae for the southbound traffic eatering the High School to Pu,rther reduce coaflicts betweea slowiag traff�a enteriag the site and through tra#�'ic. Community Development Director Napolitano suggested this recommendation be classified as a MEDIUM HIGH priority citing funding restrictions. Committee member Alderman Bolger suggested the City of McHenry and High School District #156 share the cost of this improvement equally. In addition he suggested the improvement be completed during the High School West Campus renovations. He recommended the committee obta3n council approval to approach the High School Administration with this cost proposal. City resident Mr. Zeinz noted the City of Rocl�'ord has installed a timed traffic signal in front of one of their schools. He inquired as to the committee's � intent to pursue this option. Some discussion followed. Community Development Director Napolitano was directed to work with Assistant City Administrator Maxeiner and determine the feasibility of traffic light installation at this location. #7. Create a coatinuous median in frorit of the High School which is cleariy deliaeated by reflective pavemeat iuserts, solid or striped paint or masoary pavers. It was the consensus of the committee, citing implemenation ease and low-cost, to classify this improvement recommendation as a HIGH priority. Some discussion followed. The committee requested Community Development Director Napolitano to obtain several examples of this recommendation. Committee member Alderman Glab exp�-essed concerns regarding the retention of an aesthetically pleasing appearance. #8. Build Kelter 8treet extending the aew street aloag the rear of the properties located along Cystal Lake Road to Marietta Street, and i�nprove Marietta Street to coanect with Poaca. Citing the enormous expense and coordination Limitations, it was the consensus of the committee to classify this improvement recommendation as a LOW priority. Committee member Alderman Glab suggested the committee and staff be cautious when/if this plan is implemented. � � Community Development Committee Minutes January 31, 2001 Page Four #9. Aaaex and zone, for single family use, the lots located in unincorparated McHenry County betweea Marietta Street and Kelter Avenue. It was the consensus of the committee to classify this improvement recommendation as a LOW priority citing the affected properties location outside the City of McHenry's corporate boundary. #10. Plaa for a ftiture trafflc sigaal at W'iuding Creek Drive. City Administrator Lobaito informed the committee staff had just obtained the traffic count numbers for this specific intersection. Public Works Director Batt will analyze these figures and provide the committee as well as full council with his analysis. In response to Chairperson McClatchey's request City Administrator Lobaito agreed to provide full council with the traffic study data obtained from engineering firm, Baxter and Woodman, regarding the proposed West McHenry Bypass. City resident, Mr. Zienz, opined traffic on the proposed bypass will be substantially increased once the Kohl and Meier commercial subdivision developments located on north Route 31 are completed. #11 8� #12. Add a sidewalk aad parkway impronements to defiae and � coatrol acceas oa the west side of Crystal Lake Road just before its juactioa with Iliiaois Route 120. Reconfigure the Cry�tal Lake Road east side parkway prlor to its intersectioa with Route Z20. It was the consensus of the committee to classify this improvement recommendation as a HIGH priority. The committee noted the eminent Route 120 street improvement program proposed by the Illinois Department of Transportation [IDOT] in the year 2002. In addition some interest has been expressed by IDOT officials to obtain the southwest corner property at Crystal Lake Road and Route 120 to facilitate vehicular traffic flow. The committee strongly recommended the city's cooperation with the State of Illinois' transportation department to complete this project. #I3. Add pavemeat markiags and signage to alert drivers to the bike crossin.g close to Route 120. it was the consensus of the committee to classify this improvement recommendation as a HIGH/HIGH priority. The committee directed staff to seek full cauncil approval and initiate this improvement prior to the end of Summer, 2001. #14. Add a bus loadiag lane off of the pavement for the pre-school site located on @ast CrystaY Lake Road acxoss frm the West Campus High School site. A Iengthy discussion ensued. It was the consensus of the committee the � property as configured could not adequately accommodate a bus turn-around and/or loading area. The committee directed staff to send the pre-school � Community Deve�opment Committee Minutes January 31, 2001 Page Five property uwner a letter enumerating the Crystal Lake Corridor Traffic study results and requesting cooperation with the City of McHenry in obtaining a workable solution. #15. Tnstall a traffic stigsial at Dartmoor Avenue if Dartmoor is e�rtended to Route 31. It w�as the consensus of the committee to classify this improvement recommendation as a MEDIUM priority. Community Development Director Napoiitano noted annexation agreements requiring cost contribution to this signalization were rapidly approaching the termination date. Currently the referenced intersection does not meet warrents although the final construction buildout of the Boone Creek subdivision may change this information. #16. Add �igas to alert aorth aad southbouad drivers to the congested high-accident area and require strict police enforcement of posted area speed lim�tts. � It was the consensus of the committee this improvement recommendation could be implemented immediately. The committee directed staff to investigate sign language, placement and cost. Committee member Alderrnan Glab noted this recommendation although gositive, was really an � enforcement issue. #17. Lillian Street ,Alternative. It was the consensus of the committee, citing public opposition, this improvement recommendation was no longer a viable option. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Glab to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 p.m. Voting Aye: Bol�er, Glab, McClatchey Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m. � �� � � , �� ` ./ -. _____ I Y..:'�� ..J:i�• .,/ _. �.� v �airperson Aiderman Mc atchey �