HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/28/2001 - Community Development Committee � Alderman Andrew"Andy" Glab 2/28/O1 Community Development Committee: In the past several months there have been several discussions on the Crystal Lake Road Study, especially the access road from the high school to Oakwood Dr. At one committee meeting John Lobaito made the contention that the school district only needed to come in and apply for a permit to gain access to Oakwood. In the past several years there have been numerous expansions by District 15 as well as a new administration building by District 156. Staff has reviewed the plans and issued building permits for all proposals. Contentions by our administrator are that the schools are a separate governing body regulated by the State School Board and that the City has very little to say in terms of what they propose to do. If this were true,the City is being held hostage by the schools to do as they please and throw the responsibility of impact to the City to deal with(ie. Discussion with a School Board Member- traffic impact is the City's problem and needs to solve it). However, having thoroughly reviewed our zoning ordinances. I have come across �-- the fact that educational facilities fall into a conditional use category which needs City Council approval before any building permits aze issued (see attached copies). These zoning laws were approved in 1986 and amended in 1988 under the guidance of Bill Busse as Mayor and were ratified by the City Council with aye votes by both Alderman Bolger and McClatchey. I feel these zoning laws have not been followed in the recent expansions of neither District 15 nor 156. I feel these oversights need to be corrected immediately and at this time I would ask the Committee Chair to: 1. Direct the City Administrator and the Director of Community Development to instruc� staff that all building permits need prior Council approval and to flag all files as such. 2. Schedule a meeting to discuss these ordinances as soon as possible. 3. Invite a representative of both school districts to the meeting to filter down communication as well as help coordinate the best case scenario on how to better coordinate the process. Respect y, � Andrew"Andy" Glab � 9-14-88 � GROUP B: CONU����Nl�'=�SES IN ALL RESIDENTIAL OISTRICTS � 1 . Cemeteri es 2. Cond itional Pub]ic Uses, as defi ned herei n + 3, " Ed3�a�f-o�na1 i nst.i.tu�i-ons, as defi ned herei n 4. Golf courses and country clubs (MC-88-457 d eleted "private") S. Hospitals, clinics, nursing and group homes, mental health cer�ters 6. Philanthropic and charitable institutions, as defined herein 7. Planned Unit Developments 8. Religious institutions. as defined herein 9. Accessory uses, buildings, and structures to all Conditional Uses in the district, including off-street parking ard loading and signs as provided in Sections VII ard IX. GROUP C: PERMITTED USES IN RA AND RM RESIDENTIAL OISTRICTS In unit groupings of 6 or fewer dwelling units: 1 . Singie-family attached dwellings as defined herein 2, Townhouses as defined herein. GROUP D: PERMITTED USES ONLY IN RM RESIDENTIAI DISTRICTS `.. 1 , Multiple-family dwellings as defined herein -- 2, Two-fami ly dwel l i ngs that are not townhouses as defi ned herei n. GROUP E: CONDITIONAL USES ONLY IN RM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 1 . Mobi 1 e home parks as d ef i ned herei n 2. Mobile home subdivisions as defined herein. �... -96- � XIY. CONDITIONAL USES A. PURPOSE Certain uses cannot be alloaab�-e- generaily in a particular zoninq Aistrict, or in any zoning district, because of -the im a t�h�'rr special ��ba�a�er cre�e�on--surroundinq areas. Some such Gses may, however, be allowed under special conditions. These uses are provided for in this �rdinance as Conditional Uses. Because a Condltional Use is compatible wit-�-LGhe �a�ppl--icable zoning��distritt anly�- under special conditions, a Conditional Use Permit is requir2d hefore any use authorized herein as a Conditianal Use may be established. Except as specifically provi�ied herein, all regulations of the applicable zoning di strict, and al l other appl icabl e regul ations of this and other City or�linances, shall anply to Conditional Uses. B. APPROVAL PROCESS � � Conditional Uses shal l be approved onl y i n conformance with the Approval Process provided in the Filing Procedures section of this Ordinance and the Approval Criteria in Table 31 . C. EXISTING SPECIAL USES Conditional Uses as provided herein shall be considered the same as Special Uses provided under state statute. Lawful Special Uses qranted to a property prior to the effecti ve date of thi s Ordi nance shal l be considered 1 awful Conditional Uses �ithout the need for approval of a Conditional Use Permit hereunder, wfiether or not such Special Use i•s authorized as a Conditional Use in the appiicable zoning district herein. '�Ihere such a Use is a Permitted Use in the applicable district, Conditional Use status shall not be applicablP. A►ry expansion of, ad�iition to, or structural alteration of such a Use shall , hawever, require the approval of a Conditional tise Permit. D. REYIEW OF CONDIT.IONAL USES In evaluating the suitabil ity of a proposed Con�iitional Use, the Zoninq Roard and City Council shall examine the following characteristics of the proposed use and its irriividual structures or components: ' �. 1 . Lo�ation and orientation _���_ Q-14-88 , � 2. Lot size 3. Size of facility , including floor area, structure neight, design capacity , and anticipated employment 4. Site d esign and arrangement 5. Provisions affecting on- ar�d off-site pedestrian arb traffic movemer�t , vehicle storage, and the passage of emergency vehicles 6. Appearance 7. Screeni ng or 1 and scapi ng S. On- or off-site buffering from incompatible uses with open spaces or transitianal uses 9. Operations factors, such as hours of use or environmental cor�trol s 1�. Other characteristics of the proposed use pertinent in the judgment of the Board or Council to an assessment of the impact of�the use on the area. The Board or the Council may call upon technical experts or have studies performed to determine specific development standards or conditions for any particuiar Conditional Use with the expense thereof to be paid by the applicant. E. ISSUANCE OF PERMIT � . �" The Zoni ng Admi ni strator shal l i ssue a Cond itional Use Permit af�y -- �,�-ova �thereof by the City Council unless the City Council directs otherwise. Such Permit shall specify any cocditions, restrictions, ard time 1 imits to which the Counci 1 has made its approval subject. F. REYOCATION OF PERMIT A Conditional Use Permit may be revoked by the City Council : a. if any conditions or restrictions are not complied with within the time 1 imit specified on the Permit b. if after they are initially complied with, compiiance with such conditions or restrictions i s not maintained at any time c. if the Conditional Use is not established , or a required Building Permit is not obtained and building started , within one year of the date the Permit i s i ssued d . if the Conditional Use shall cease for more than one year. _� G. EXPRNSION OR ALTERATIBN Any expansion, enlarge�aerrt or strt�tural alteration of a Eond�itivnai Use shaal require an Additional Conditional Use Permit. ?n all cases, the appl ication for such Additional Use Permit shal l be addressed to the City Council , which may grant such application without any hearing or action by �-14-88 _ � the Zoning Board of Appeals or may refer such application to the Zoning Board of Appeals for public hearing and action thereon pursuant to the requireme�rts of this ordinance as in the case of an application for Conditional Use Permit. (MC-88-459) Table 31 : Approval Criteria for Conditional Uses In recomnending approval or conditional approval of a Conditional Use, the Zoning Board shall transmit to the City Council written findings of fact that on the basis of the characteristtcs cited under Review of Corxiitional Uses herein, or changes to such characteristics that the Board recomnends, the proposed use will be com�a�ible Nith existing uses in the area, and with Permitted Uses in the zoning district, in the ways specified below. The Counci 1 shal 1 not be bound by t he recortmend at i on of t he Zoni ng Board. . Nowever, in grar�ting approval or conditional approval , the City Council shail find that the proposed use will be compatible with such uses in the f oi 1 owi ng way s: 1 . Traffic _ Any adverse impact of types or vol.tmies of traffic flow not otfierwise � typicai i n the zoni ng d i strict has--been mi rtimfized . .. ,. 2. Environmer�tal Nuisance Any adverse effects of noise, glare, odor, dust, waste disposai , bl ockage of 1 i ght or ai r, or other adverse envi ronmerrtal effects af a type or degree not characteristic of Permitted Uses in the zoning district, have been appropriately corrtrolled. 3. Neighborhood Character The proposed use will fit hanaoniously with the existing natural or marf-made-c'haracter of its surrou�dings, and with Permitted Uses in the zoning district. The use wili � have undue deleterious effect on the environmeirtal quality, property values, or ne#�hbor�oai_ character_ already���existing in the area or normally associated witti Permitted Uses in the district. 4. Publ ic Services and Faci 1 itf es The proposed use will not require existing comnunity facilities or — � services to a degree disproportionate to that normally expecte� of Permitted Uses in the district, nor generate disproportionate demand for new services or facilities, in such a way as to place uMue burdens upon existing development in the area. 3-29-91 _ � 5. Public Safety and Health The proposed use wi 11 not be detri�eirtal'��ta � the� -safety or heal th of the employees, patrons, or visitors associated with the use nor of the ger�e�^al public in��the vicinity. 6. Other Factors The proposed use is in har�tony with- ail other elements of caopatibtlttp��pertireRt to -tfie �condltional use and its part�cular location. (t�-91-5531 �� _�