HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/6/2001 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, June 6, 2001 Councit C6ambers 6:00 p.m. �,. In Attendance: Alderman Glab, Alderman Low, Alderman Wimmer, Alderman Murgatroyd, Alderman Bolger, Mayor Althoff, Director of Community Development Napolitano, City Clerk Jones, City Administrator Lobaito, Assistant Administrator Maxeiner, Assistant Director Public Works Mazcinko, Director Pazks and Recreation Merkel, Chief of Police Kostecici(arrived 7 p.m.), Mr. John Green of Concorde Development. The meeting��as called to order by Chauman Alderman Wimmer at 6:03 p.m. Discussion regarding Shamrock Farm Property Development Chairman Alderman Wimmer stated the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the latest revision to the Shamrock Fazm Site Plan and outstanding issues previously stated by Council. Although this is a public meeting, comments from the public will not be invited at this time. Director Conununity Development Napolitano reminded the Committee that the City Council held a Public Hearing regarding the Sha.mrock Farm Property Annexation in Januazy and February 2001. At that time Council e�ressed concerns regarding the development of this property. In response to Council input the developer has submitted a revised site plan. The purpose of the meeting tonight is to itemize the concerns with Committee response in order to provide th� developer with further direction. Chairman Alderman Wimmer opened the floor to Committee and/or Council comment regarding � each of the issues as follows: 1. Chart of Gross Densities for Residential Subdivisions Alderman Bolger opined the City must be cautious regazding the capacity of the wastewater treatment plant facility. He noted an excess of 100 building permits per annum is not acceptable. He opined 80 permits per year would be preferable. Alderman Glab stated the density of 761 units is greater than acceptable. He stated a 576 density would be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Even though there has been a reduction from the initial plan of 884 units, the current 761 is too dense for this project. In response to a comment from Mayor Althoff, Mr. Greene stated the following changes have been made to the site plan in response to previous concerns expressed by Council: 1. Previousiy, Daxtmoor e�ended straight across Curran Road to Draper Road. The new plan brings Dartmoor in at a 90° angle at Curran Road; 2. The school and pazk site have been combined and relocated further away from Curran Road in the middle of the project; 3. Relocated the townhome density east of Curran, reducing the one pod from 120 to 100 units and increasing the pod east of Curran from 120 units to 140 units; 4. The lots in the northwest quadrant of the development east of Draper have been increased to a larger lot size with a minimum 20,000 square feet in area; 5. The open space has been increased; 6. One access to Draper Road has been eliminated; �-- 7. Three tot lots have been added; 8. Stub roads to the south have been added as recommended by Staff; 9. Project density has been reduced from 840 units to 760 units for a 600-acre development. Page 2 Community Development Committee 6/6/O1 � Mr. Greene noted the development will create a transition from the Boone Creek Subdivision with a 2.5 units per acre to Burning Tree and Deerwood Estates which are closer to 1.0 units per acre density. To reduce the density any further would make the project unbuildable financially. Alderman Bo lger stated the 20,000 square foot lots adjacent to Curran Road is a great improvement ��.nd the proposed landscaping is ideal. One hundred twenty building permits per year is too rapid for the City's infrastructure. Alderman Glab expressed concerns regarding providing a stub for a second access to the west of the development. He noted a dedicated right-of-way should be granted and indicated on the plat of subdivision. Alderman Glab noted traffic impact is still an issue. He noted there should be connections from the multi-family neighborhoods to the park site which would be controlled by the homeowner's association. Alderman Lov��noted the 761 units include 240 townhome units. The increased size of lots along Draper Road is a great improvement. Mayor Althoff concurred with Alderman Low and noted the City's concerns regarding density, architectural standazds, vast amount of open space and improvements to the City's roadways in infrastructure should be taken into consideration. The developer has responded to Council's concerns and the density package currently before this Committee is in the City's bes# interest. � Alderman Murgatroyd stated the density could be reduced, but the project follows the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Alderman Low noted the developers are making an effort to create an acceptable plan in light of City concerns. This land will not remain farmland. The City needs to look at the big picture and allow for future growth which will benefit both the developer and the City as well. It would appear the current plan meets this need. 10. Table of Projected Buitding Permits. Alderman Bolger noted 120 building permits per yeaz will overwhelm the City's infrastructure. Mr. Greene responded banks do no like to see a limitation on the number of building permits. The market place imposes its own limitations. Concorde Development must be able to sell houses in order to make this project viable. The developer would prefer to let the project drive itself and not limit the project via building permit limitations of less than 120 permits per yeaz. A lengthy discussion regarding phasing and building permit annual limitations occurred. Mayor Althoff noted it might be more beneficial to determine an average huildout per year as opposed to a limitation per year. She asked the developer to limit buiiding permits in years one and two to 90 homes. Mr. Green agreed to this suggestion. 11. Acreage East of Curran Road. At Mayor Althoff's initiation, discussion occurred regarding the reservation and/or sale of the 55-acre parcel on the east side of Curran Road to the McHenry County Conservation District. `- Mr. Greene noted even when the number and size of lots are reduced, the cost of the infrastructure installation does not change. There is a financial issue that is impacted directly by the number of buildable lots in the project. If the proposed units within the 55-acre parcel are Page 3 Community Development Committee 6/6/O 1 �. removed, the remainder of the lots in the project would have to pay the way for the installation of the development's infrastructure on the 55-acre parcel. There comes a point whereby the cost to install the public improvements and infrastructure is too costly to permit actua.l development of the land. Mr. Greene noted Concorde Development received correspondence from the conservation district two years ago stating they were not interested in purchasing the land. A three-year stuiset clause was suggested with regard to the sale of the 55-acre parcel in that the City would have first right of refusal to purchase if not developed by that time. Alderman Bolger reminded the Committee, the City has spent innumerable hours discussing the Shamrock Fazm proposal with the School District and they are not interested in this parcel. Alderman Murgatroyd noted a sunset clause would buy Council some time before a decision would have to be made regarding the purchase and/or utilization of this land. 4. Preliminary Plat Layout. Alderman Glab noted a remarkable improvement in the revised preliminary plat layout. He stated his only reservation is the neighborhood which runs just north of the park site. 5. Park Fees. Alderman Glab stated he has not changed his stance on substituting land for park fee donations. Mr. Greene noted three tot lots l�ave now been included and the developer would like to receive � credit for them toward the park developer donation fees. Discussion followed regarding the developer putting in the tot lots versus the donation of land and the City installing the tot lots. Staff stated it would be a cost-saving to the City to require the developer to install the tot lots and the developer should then be given credit for them. Discussion continued regarding the maintenance of the tot lots and the number of tot lots needed. At Alderman Low's suggestion, this issue was defened to the Pazks and Recreation Committee for consideration 6. Architectural Standards There was no discussion or comment with regazding to Architectural Standards. 7. Traffic: Internal Improvements Alderman Murgatroyd opined two internal access points to the west of Shamrock to Burning Tree and Deerwood Estates is preferable to three. He stated his concern with cut-through traffic going through the subdivision. Alderman Glab stated limiting the stubs to one or two access points will cause a tr�c impact in the subdivision. He preferred all three connections be included in the plan. Aldermen Bolger, Low and Wimmer concurred. � Page 4 Community Development Committee 6/6/O1 `-- 8. Traffic: Intersectian Improvements Director of Cc+mmunity Development Napolitano summazized the proposed traffic intersection improvements. Director Napolitano stated the developers have agreed to pay for all costs associated with the following. He also reminded Council the City hired an independent traffic consultant,Parsons Transportation Group,to assess each of these intersections, as well. Curran/Draper Road: a. Curran/Draper Road Intersection: redesign and relocation of intersection south of the current site; b. Add northbound and southbound left turn lanes on Curran Road; c. Add eastbound left turn lane on Draper Road. d. Add a northbound and southbound right turn lane from Curran onto Draper Road. The developers have agreed to this improvement (as suggested by Pazsons Transportation Group), at an additional expense of$100,000. Estimated cost to Developers: 5590,318 construction completed by Developers Curran Road/Dartmoor Drive: a. Add northbound and southbound left and right turn lanes on Curran Road; b. Add 3-lane cross section on Dartmoor Drive west of Cwran Road; c. Add eastbound right turn lane onto Curran Road (as suggested by Parsons Transportation Group), at an additional expense of$25,000. � Estimated cost to Developers: $174,277 construction compieted by Developers Bull Valley Road/Curran Road: a. Add westbound right turn lane on Bull Valley Road; b. Add southbound right turn lane on Curran Road; c. Tr�c signal. Staff stated the addition of eastbound and westbound through lane from West of Curran to East of Crystal Lake Road on Bull Valley Road, as recommended by Parsons Transportation Group, would cost the developer approximately $1 million. Director Napolitano noted Staff concurred the five-lane crosscut at this location is needed, there is some question as to the affect that this development will have on driving the need for that improvement. The developers are hesitant to commit to this e�ense; however, the developers have agreed to use Parsons cost estimates for making their iniprovements which increases the cost to the developer of these improvements by $70,000. The developers have agreed to donate 20% of the amount needed for these intersection improvements. Estimated cost to Developers: $63,527 cash donation Bull Valley Road/Draper Road: a. Add eastbound left turn lane on BuII Valley Road; b. Add pavement for southbound left and right turn lanes on Draper Road; c. Add westbound right turn lane on Bull Valley Road, as suggested by Pazsons Transportation � Group, at an increased cost of$70,000. Page 5 Community Development Committee 6/6/O 1 �. Staff stated the developers have agreed to pay 12% of the cost of the improvements to this intersection, ircluding the recommendation by Parsons. Estimated cost to Developers: $26,920 cash donation Draper Road/Route 120: a. Add northbound and southbound left turn lanes on Route 120 Director Napo(itano noted even though Parsons Transportation Group suggested the addition of northbound right turn lane on Route 120 as well, Staff recommends with the pending Illinois Department of Transportation improvements to Route 120, the developers not be assessed any cash contribution towazd this intersection's improvements. Estimated cost to Developers: $0 Bull Valley Road/Crystal Lake Road: Staff stated the Developers did not include this intersection in their initial tr�c study. The City's consultant suggests the Developers be responsible for installing a northbound right turn lane. It is Staff's recommendation the Developer not be required to pay for this improvement as this is an existing problem which not necessarily be exacerbated by the development of this project. � Estimated cost to Developers: $0 In summary, Director Napolitano stated the total cash contributions for intersection improvements for the Developers would be $90,447. Motion by Glab, seconded by Low,to adjourn the meeting at 7:2b p.m. Voting Aye: Glab, Low, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, l�d.l� ichard W. Wimmer, ha.uman �