HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/18/2001 - Community Development Committee COMMITNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, July 18, 2001 Aldermen Conference Room 6:30 p.m. � In Attendance: Alderman Bolger, Alderman Glab (arrived at 6:40 p.m.), Aldennan Low, Alderman Winuner, Alderman Murgatroyd (arrived at 6:40 p.m.), Mayor Althoff, Director of Community Development Napolitano, City Clerk Jones, City Attorney McArdle, City Administrator l,obaito, Assistant Administrator Ma�ceiner Members of the Community in attendance: Mark Rapata 4516 West Willow Lane Randy Zornow 5212 Shore Hill Drive Bonnie Zornow 5212 Shore Hill Drive George Layoff 5012 Prairie Alice Howenstine 4614 Pioneer Road Bethany Schae+er 4013 Boone Creek Circle John Ripkey 3608 Biscayne Drive The meeting was called to order by Chairman Alderman Wimmer at 6:36 p.m. Tree Preservation Ordinance Chairman Alderma.n Wimmer opined the existing Tree Preservation Ordinance is in line with those of neighboring communities. Mr. Mark Rapata of 4516 West Willow Lane stated he would like to see smaller lots included in the enforcement of the ordinance. He noted smaller commercial lots should be made to comply with the ordinance requirements. Several trees were removed from the Oak Street area in �' Lakeland Park and numerous qua.lity trees were also removed from the Rubloff Development north of town. Staff responded Rubloff is replacing the trees and in fact are planting more than 1,000 new trees. Rubloff has complied with the Tree Preservation Ordinance. However, it was noted Rubloff did begin cutting down trees prior to the approval of their tree preservation plan. Alderman Low stated the e�sting Tree Preservation Ordinance is suitable. Staff noted the ordinance is adequate and serves the community. Alderman Glab opined Rubloff should be fined if indeed they violated the ordinance. In response to an inquiry, developers must provide a tree survey of their property. The survey must then be approved prior to any removal of trees from the development. Motion by Low, seconded by Glab, to recommend to Council to maintain the e�sting language of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. All ayes. Motion carried. Burning Regulations Alderma.n Low expressed her strong concerns regarding the issue of burning in the City of McHenry. She stated adequate alternatives to brush burning has been provided, the City initiated the Knox Barn drop off program, in addition to the leaf vacuuming and curb-side yard waste pickup. She opined all burning should cease with the exception of recreational burning Alderman Glab concurred, stressing, however, the need for occasional recreational burning. `— Alderman Wimmer inquired if amending the ordinance to prohibit burning would make the ordinance easier to enforce. Staff responded the ordinance would be much easier to enforce if Page 2 Community Development Committee 7/18/O1 � burning was prohibited, except for recreational burning. Alderman Murgatroyd stated the City has enough mechanisms in place to assure alternative disposal of material and to ensure the enforcement of'the ordinance. Mr. Randy Zc�rnow of 5212 Shore Hill Drive, distributed burning regulations for McHenry County, City of Woodstock and the City of Crystal Lake. Additionally, he provided the Committee with correspondence from his wife's physician, a letter of inedical necessity, a list of medications, and her last pulmonary function test. Noting his wife is asthmatic, on o�rygen tank 24-hours per day, he stressed the importance of banning burning in the City. He provided evidence of neighbor's burning illegal ma.terials and requests the Council ban burning in the City. Aldennari Glab noted residents should file reports with the Police Department when they observe someo�e in violation of the burning ordinance. Motion by Low, seconded by Glab, to recommend to the City Council to ban all burning in the City of McHenry with the specific exception of recreational burning. All ayes. Motion carried. Sump Pump Language Restrictions Director Community Development Napolitano provided the Committee with background of the sump pump ordinance. He noted there were occurrences in Ward Two of improper discharging of sump pumps. There were not proper swales to allow for drainage. In the warm months, this caused ponding in the resident's yard. During the winter, the water ran across her driveway and � caused an icing condition on the sidewalk and street. As a result Staff has created additional language which could be incorporated into the building code. The additional language would prohibit discharge of sump pump water into a City sanitary sewer, onto any abutting or nearby property in such a ma.nner as to cause a public safety hazard or standing water on adjacent properties. Alderman Glab noted originally sump pumps were permitted to drain into the public street and the ordinance was ultimately changed to direct the pumps to drain into the City's storm sewer system. Alderma.n Glab opined the sump pumps should not drain onto anyone else's property regazdless as v�-hether it presents a safety hazard. Staff noted it is not always feasible to prevent sump pump dr��inage onto another's property, particulazly as natural erosion occurs in drainage swales. City Administrator noted the City has historically taken the position of trying to assist by redirecting the flow of drainage runoff. At other times when there is no approved method of redirecting the flow, the problem is more difficult to resolve. These types of difficulties are more prevalent in the Whispering Oaks Subdivision. Staff typically will take the initiative to repair the problem if it costs $5,000 or less. However, if the cost involved exceeds $5,000, Council becomes involved in approving the request for redirection. Discussion occurred regarding the issue of drainage sheeting across others' property and/or onto the public sidewalks and streets. City Administrator Lobaito opined more definitive and concise language regarding surface water � runoff direction is desirable for insertion in the City's Code. Discussion continued. Page 3 Community Development Comtnittee 7/18/O 1 � Motion by Glab, seconded by Low, to recommend to Council to direct Staffto draft an ordinance modifying the language in Chapter 7 of the Municipal Code regarding the regulations and requirements fi�r sump pump discharge to prevent safety or nuisance conditions for adjacent City properties; and to specify that all sump pump runoff must be directed parallel to a line five feet from any/all pr�perty lines. All ayes. Motion carried. Recreational Vehicle Trailer TA State License Plates Director Napolitano informed the Committee the issue of parking TA licensed trailers was first discussed in March 2001. The direction was given Staff to survey surrounding communities as to their regulations regarding the parking of TA licensed trailers. Staff contacted Algonquin, Cary, Crystal Lake and Woodstock, and determined in most instances the municipalities do not distinguish between trailers and recreational vehicles. Crystal Lake pernuts TA trailers to be parked in the residential district on an approved parking surface. Cary has similaz regulations. Director Napolitano noted the pazking of commercial vehicles in a residential district is prohibited in the surrounding communities, as is currently the case in McHenry. Parking a bobcat on a TA trailer in the residential district would not be pertnitted and could be enforced by the existing ordinance. Alderman Glab n�oted construction vehicles and/or trailers being pazking in the residential district is not desirable and should be specifically prohibited. In addition, there should be maximum length and height restrictions regarding parking TA licensed trailers in the residential district. � Alderman Low stated newer developments have restrictive covenants which most times address the issue of what types of vehicles can be parked on a residential lot. The problem appears to be solely related to older subdivisions. It was the consensus of the Committee lazge size trailers parked in residential districts is objectionable. Limiting the size of recreational vehicles permitted in the residential district would address the problem. Discussion continued. Alderman Wimmer opined an attempt to redefine TA licensed trailers is not practical. It was the consensus of the Committee to recommend Council leave the parking ordinance in the residential district as it exists. Staff will research similar regulations on other communities and provide a summary to the Committee for review. Motion by Glab, seconded by Low to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 p,m. All Ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, . , l�. 'chard W. Wunmer, Cha' �