HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/13/2004 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Aldermen's Conference Room at 7:00 p.m.
'� In Attendance: Committee Members Chairman Alderrnan Wimmer, Alderman Condon,
Alderman Glab. Absent: None. Also in attendance: Director of Community Development
Napolitano, ('ity Planner Martin, Landma.rk Commissioner Patricia Schafer. The meeting was
called to order by Chairman Alderman Wimmer at 7:04 p.m.
Downtown Overlav District/Desi�n Standards
Director of Community Development Napolitano provided an overview of the previously
discussed Downtown Overlay District. He noted Staff has completed a parcel inventory and
guide. The community profile has also been updated. Director Napolitano stated in creating a
Downtown (h�erlay District it is necessary to implement design standards. He noted
Administration conducts a site plan review and the plan is then provided to City Council when
there is an expanded site plan review. It is necessary to incorporate the design guidelines into the
te�rt of the Downtown Overlay District.
Alderman Condon stated Staff is on the right track. It is a good idea to have design standards.
She encouraged Staff to continue moving forward toward the implementation of the District
including creating design standards.
Alderman Glab suggested sign guidelines for signs located behind buildings should be
established. Issues to be addressed should include illumination, color, style and size.
Chairman Wimmer suggested the rear entrance to facilities along the Riverwalk be called the
� "waterfront entrance". He concurred with Alderman Condon and encouraged Staff to move
forward with the creation of the design standards for the overlay district.
Alderman Glab opined if a proposed project is adjacent to the TIF District, the Overlay District
should be implemented and all design standards and regulations should be followed.
It was the consensus of the Committee to have Staff continue working towazd the
implementation of the Overlay District and establishing design standards. It was suggested the
matter be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for recommendation to the City
Council for formal action.
Outdoor Lighting Regulations
Director Napolitano and Planner Martin explained the lighting regulations submitted to the
Committee for review. It was suggested the lighting ordinance include:
1. Purpose and definitions
2. Prohibit glare
3. Require photometric plan submittal
4. Prohibit light trespass
5. Establish minimum illumination levels for parking lots
6. General nuisa.nce issues
7. Maximum height allowance for luminaires
8. Address special uses such as service stations, auto lots, etc.
9. Provisions for temporary uses
� 10. Exceptions to the ordinance
11. Provide for non-conformities.
Community Development Committee Meeting
October 21, 2004
Page 2
`-- Chairman Wimmer expressed concern regarding the lighting at Sunnyside Dodge, particularly as
they are propasing to expand their operation.
Alderman Glab stated the city should regulate foot candles by height. Alderman Condon
suggested there should be a provision in the ordinance requiring compliance for non-conforming
properties within one year of adoption of the ordinance.
Chairman Wimmer suggested that lights are adjustable, such as on the Gary Lang Auto Group
lot. Alderman Glab encouraged Staff to continue working on specifics of the ordinance relating
to glare pollution.
It was the consensus of the Committee to have draft an ordinance for Committee review.
Minor Variance Fees
Director Napolitano stated Staff is suggesting the Committee review the current fees for Minor
Variances. Nating the Planning and Zoning Commission's concern regarding the financial
burden to private homeowners when they file for a minor variance, Director Napolitana inquired
as to the Committee's view in reducing the existing fee structure. He noted the current fees are as
Minor Variance Application Fee $175
Retained Personnel Fee $250
Total Required $425.
� Director Napolitano noted the Retained Personnel Fees include the salary paid to Planning and
Zoning Commission members and City Attorney Fees paid regarding the subject petition.
Chairman Wimmer suggested the fee structure is appropriate. However, he noted the Committee
might want to review the fence variance requests.
Alderman Glab expressed concern regarding recent variance requests, particularly in Boone
Creek Subdivision. He opined it is unfair to grant some variance requests while denying others in
the same subdivision. Alderman Condon stated the Committee should investigate attorney fees
being charged to private home owners for variance requests.
Other Business
Alderman Glab inquired as to the status of the investigation into Legend Lakes siding
Motion by Condon, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m.
Voting Aye: Glab, Condon, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion canied.
� Respect y sul�mitted,
G� �(/l.J
Rich d W. Wirtimer, Chairman