HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/10/2004 - Community Development Committee (2) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITT'EE MEETING
Wednesday, November 10,2004
Aldermen's Conference Room at 7:00 p.m.
`- In Attendance: Committee Members Chairman Alderman Wimmer, Alderman Condon,
Alderman Glab. Absent: None. Also in attendance: Director of Community Development
Napolitano, City Planner Martin, Deputy Clerk Kunzer. The meeting was called to order by
Chairman Aldexman Wimmer at 7:00 p.m.
Outdoor Lighting Regutations
Director of Community Development Napolitano reviewed the proposed lighting regulations. He
noted Staff had poled nearby communities and obtained information some of which has been
incorporated into the proposed regulations. He noted exempt lighting has been included to allow
for emergency lighting, single family home lighting (except for glare), recreationaUsports
lighting, and temporary lighting. Director Napolitano stated the following topics have been
incorporated into the proposed regulations:
l. Definitions
2. Exempr Lighting
3. Prohibited Lighting
4. General Regulations
5. Specific Regulations pertaining to Gas Stations and Automobile Dealerships
6. Parking Lot Lighting
7. Exterior Building Lighting
8. Lighting Plan Requirement
9. Provision for Non-Conformities
Director Napolitano stated diagrams to further explain and clarify the proposed regulations
would be incorporated into the ordinance. He also noted the proposed date for compliance of all
pre-existing non-conformities is July 1, 2006.
Director Napolitano concluded the next step would be to send the proposed regulations to the
City Council for review and recommendation to send to the Planning and Zoning Commission
for Public Hearing to amend the Zoning Ordinance.
A brief discussion followed regarding the proposed compliance date for existing non-
conformities. Alderman Glab opined the proposed date of July 1,2006 should be changed to an
earlier date. Director Napolitano responded by the time Council reviews the matter and the
Public Hearing is held, several months could elapse, and the July 1, 2006 might be just one year
following adoption of the ordinance implementing the lighting regulations. Discussion
continued. It was the consensus of the Committee to include a proposed compliance date of July
l, 2006.
Motion by Condon, seconded by Glab, to send the proposed lighting regulations to full Council
for review and consideration to recommend that a Public Hearing be held before the Planning
and Zoning Commission for adoption of the regulations.
Voting Aye: Glab, Wimmer, Condon.
Voting l�Tay: None.
`, Absent: None.
Motion carried
Police Alarm Panel
Community Development Committee Meeting
November 10, 2004
Page 2
�- Director Napolitano stated the City receives requests from time to time for connection of
businesses and private residences to the City's Police Ala.rm Panel. Typically, the City Council
reviews the requests on its Consent Agenda. Director Napolitano noted the requirement for
Council approval is based on City policy and is not founded on the City's Municipal Code. He
stated Staff is suggesting the requirement for Council approval of all requests to connect to the
Police Alarm Panel be abandoned.
A brief discussion ensued regarding the history of the requirement for Council approval of Police
Alarm Connections. It was noted there are occasional requests for connection by businesses
and/or residents who are not located within the City limits. Since City police officers respond to
all panel alarms, including those outside the corporate limits, the request to connect was
considered by the City Council. Originally the number of potential connections to the Police
Alarm Panel was limited and Council was offered the opportunity to select which entities could
be a�orded the right to cannect. Further discussion followed.
It was the consensus of the Committee to obtain further information from Staff regarding current
response policies relating to the police alarm panel, particularly with respect to out of town
businesses/residences, prior to recommending any action being taken regarding the Council
review policy on the Consent Agenda.
Year End Summary
Director Napolitano provided a year-end summary of committee activity as follows:
� • Adams Farm: The committee provided comments and suggestions to the developer.
Suggestions provided the developer with direction and his plans have been adjusted
accordingly. The development is finally ready for presentation before the City Council on
November 15, 2004.
• Aesthetics: The committee met with Planning and Zoning Commissioners to discuss
aesthetics, including such items as inoperable vehicles, surfacing of parking areas, wheel
guards, recreaxional vehicle parking, and commercial vehicle parking. The result is
several Zoning Ordinance text amendments.
• Parking, of Recreational Vehicle in Residential Districts: At a Committee of the Whole
Meeting discussion occurred regarding recreational vehicle parking in residential
districts. It was the consensus that all recreational vehicles should be parked on a paved
• New Planned Unit Development Ordinance: The committee provided input on a revised
PUD Ordinance. The existing PUD ordinance is too cumbersome and restrictive to be
utilized. The revised draft ordinance provides more flexibility to developers and Staff.
• En�;ine Braking Ordinance: The committee reviewed and recommended adoption of an
engine braking ordinance.
• Downtown Redevelopment Parcel Inventor� The committee reviewed and provided
input in the creation of a Doumtown Redevelopment Parcel Inventory.
• Downtown Overlay District/Design Standards: An overlay district for the downtown area
which coincides with TIF District boundaries was drafted and reviewed by the
commitr.ee. Additionally, design guidelines were created.
�.- • Minor��ariances: The committee discussed minor variances and the adjustment of zoning
filing fees and retained personnel fees. No change was recommended at this time.
Community Development Committee Meeting
November 10, 2004
Page 3
�`-- • Li�htin�; Re ,g;ulations: Staff proposed draft lighting regulations which are currently being
2005 Committee Meeting Schedule
Director Napolitano provided a list of proposed Community Development Committee Meeting
dates for 2005, noting he is suggesting the second Wednesday of each month for eight months of
the year.
Alderman Condon noted she ha.s a conflict as the Parks and Recreation Committee has scheduled
meetings for the second Wednesday of the month. A brief discussion followed. It was the
consensus of the committee to schedule committee meetings for the third Tuesday of the month
on the following dates in 2005:
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
April 19, 2005
May 17, 2005
July 19, 2005
August 16, 2005
October 18, 2005
November 15, 2005
� No rneetings are scheduled for March, June, September, and December. All meetings would be
scheduled for 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room.
Motion by Condon, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 p.m.
Voting Aye: Glab, Wimmer, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion canied.
Respect y ubmitted,
f, ' r
Ric ard W. Wimmer, C irman