HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/15/2005 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, February 15, 2005 Aldermen's Conference Room at 7:00 p.m. �-' In Attendance: Committee Members Chairman Alderman Wimmer, Alderman Condon, Alderman Gl:ib. Absent: None. Also in attendance: Director of Community Development Napolitano, Asst. to City Administrator Martin. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Alderman Wirnmer at 7:00 p.m. Requests to Connect to Police Alarm Panel Director of Community Development Napolitano reviewed the November 10, 2004 discussion regarding rea,son for Council of approval for possible connection to the City's Police Alarm Panel. Subsequent to that meeting, Staff investigated the reasons for seeking Council approval of connection to the panel. Staff determined that the police alarm panel was previously limited in the number of connections allowed. However, the panel was recently modified and a new system installed which is basically unlimited in the number of connections allowed. Director Napolitano also noted the Committee expressed concerns regarding connection of non- city businesses to the alarm panel which could cause City emergency response to alarm activations. Noting the City's dispatch agreements with the Villages of McCullom Lake and Johnsburg, Director Napolitano stated these Villages have emergency personnel who would respond to alarm activations in their village limits. The City would provide backup if needed, but the primary response would be by the governing emergency response team. Director Napolitano stated it is Stai�'s recommendation to approve in-house requests for connection by businesses/residences within the corporate limits and that Council be apprised of � connections via the weekly Friday Report. Alarm panel connections by businesses/residences outside the corporate limits would be presented for Council review and approval. Chairman Wimmer and Alderman Condon concuned with Staff's recommendation. Alderman Glab opined Council is relinquishing more and more of its responsibility to Staff. However, in this instance he concurred with Staff's recommendation. Some discussion followed regarding a possible impact on City dispatch services following commercial growth in Johnsburg and McCullom Lake. Suggestion was made that Staff provide an annual report to the Committee on the number of connection requests received and granted, tabulating both in and outside corporate boundary locations. Motion by Condon, seconded by Glab, to recommend to Council that the policy regarding police alarm panel connection requests be modified as follows: • Request for connection from businesses/residences located within the McHenry corporate boundary be permitted following Staff review; • Request for connection from businesses/residences located outside of the McHenry corporate boundary be presented to Council for review and approval under Consent Agenda. Voting Aye: Glab, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. ,� Motion carried. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Maps Community Development Committee Meeting February 15, 2005 Page 2 `-' Director Napolitano stated discussion regarding possible amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Maps was initiated in October 2003. As these land uses were approved in 1999, the City's overall land use projections and e�sting uses have changed considerably since that time. He noted the Committee should look at residential densities and should conect several mistakes which were included on the 1999 map. Director Napolitano invited Committee discussion regarding each of the following areas: 1. Adams Farm Propertv: Director Napolitano suggested the Committee discuss the size of commercial development which should be permitted, as well as the proposed residential density of this land. Chairman Wimmer stated he concurs with the proposed commercial designation for the intersections of the development Alderman Glab suggested shrinking the proposed commercial portion to approximately 5 acres would be desirable in order to provide for a convenience shopping area. Aldermen Condon and Wimmer concurred that reducing the size of proposed commercial use on the property would be desirable. 2. Arbor Lakes Development: Director Napolitano stated this property is adjacent to Route 120 just west of Martin Road. In response to his inquiry, Chairman Wimmer stated this is not an appropriate location for a business park. He suggested the residential poRion of this land should be designated as Estate Residential Use as opposed to its present designation of Low-Density Residential Land Use. Alderman Glab suggested the east portion be designated Estate and feather out to Low Density Residential to the west where it would abut higher density of Wonder � Lake existing development. Some discussion followed regarding the size of the commercial development which should be permitted as well as the best location for it. It was the consensus of the Committee the size of the proposed commercial area (40 acres) was too large and should be reduced to appro�mately 20 acres. A lengthy discussion followed regarding potential housing types which could be utilized in the Arbor Lake Development, i.e. townhomes, single family, particularly adjacent to Route 120. 3. Bull Vallev Road between Crvstal Lake Road and Route 31• It was the consensus of the Committee there should be no high density residential development in this area. The high density residential development should be more confined to the heart of the community. General discussion followed rega.rding the pros and cons of low density, medium density and estate residential designations in va.rious areas of the community. Suggestion was made that the residential designation be removed from the Pacini South Property. 5. Finkelstein Pronertv• South of Chapel Hill Road extended is shown as low density residential. It was suggested a mixed use be proposed for this property utilizing both commercial and residential. Some discussion occurred regarding implementing the IDD at this site. Responding to an inquiry, Director Napolitano stated there is not yet a boundary agreement between the City of McHenry and the Village of Lakemoor. Director Napolitano stated the boundaries cunently incorporated into boundary agreements with neighboring municipalities will be included on the � updated Future Land Use Map for ease of reference. Director Napolitano stated Staff will adjust the map according to tonight's discussion and bring the revised map back for review at the April committee meeting. Community Development Committee Meeting February 15, 2005 Page 3 � Goals and Objectives for 2005 Director Nap��Iitano stated he and Chairman Wimmer have compiled a list of proposed Goals and Objectives for the committee to consider in 2005: • Complete amendments to Comprehensive Plan Land Use Maps; � Update Building Codes; • Prepare sub-area plan for Crystal Lake Road/Bull Valley Road area and unincorporated pockets along Crystal Lake Road; • Update sign ordinance; • Update landscape and screening regulations; • Develop regulations for Bed and Breakfast Inn; • Develop tear-down regulations; • Discuss code compliance activities; • Implement low-interest loan progam for powntown Fa�ade Redevelopment; • Develop regulations for Riverwalk-related activities. Adiournment Motion by Co�idon, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m. Voting Aye: Glab, Wimmer, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. `'` Respect 1 ubmitted, G�.�� Ric ard W. Wimmer, C airman �