HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/16/2005 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING � Tuesday,August 16, 2005 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Wimmer. Absent: None. Alsa in Attendance: Assistant to the City Administrator Martin, Director of Community Development Napolitano, City Planner Zeller and City Clerk Jones. Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Discussion Resarding Teardowns Director of Community Development Napolitano reiterated to the Cammittee that at the last committee meeting a draft Ordinance addressing teardowns was presented. Topics included: • Definitions; • Site criteria; • Building plan submittal requirements; • Construction requirements; and • Notification requirements. A booklet entitled Design Guidelines for Residential Teardowns and Infill Parcels for the City ofMcHenry was discussed. The booklet illustrated the proposed guidelines, including basic parameters for new construction such as, setbacks, building scale and mass, building design and � site factors. Director Napolitano stated the draft ordinance has been revised, adding language addressing the Landmark Commission comments and appeal guidelines. A brief discussion ensued regarding the Teardown Committee, which would review new structures proposed on teardown sites and infill parcels. It was the consensus of the committee that the Teardown Committee would consist of five members: • The Alderman holding office in the Ward in which the demolition and/or construction is proposed; • The Chairman of the Planning and Zonin�Commission, or his/her designee; • The Chairman of the Landmark Commission, or hislher designee; • One Staff member from the Community Development Department, and; • A member of the Public, appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. Director Napolitano stated there are few 40-foot wide lots existing in the City. Staff suggests that the minimum lot width for the RS-4 district be increased from 40-feet to 50-feet. Staff noted 4U-foot wide lots are very narrow. Minus the side yard set back, 6-feet on each side, only a home of 28-feet in width could be constructed. A two-car garage would use approximatel�,� 19-feet of the 28-foot width and does not allow for an attractive building fa�ade. Additionally, increasing the lot width to 50-feet would eliminate the creation of new 40-foot lots �,,,. by a developf�r. Community Development Committee Meeting August 16, 20c)5 Page 2 � Responding to Alderman Glab's inquiry, Director Napolitano stated the City Attorney has not yet reviewed the revised ordinance. Staff was awaiting Committee recommendation prior to submission. Motion Wimmer, seconded by Glab, to recommend a minimum lot width for the RS-4 district be increased from 40-feet to 50-feet. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent None. Motion carried. Motion by Santi, seconded by Wimmer, to recommend following review by City Attorney, submission of the proposed Teardown Ordinance to full Council for consideration. Aye: Santi, Glab, Wimmer, Condon. Nay: None. Absent None. Motion carried. Discussion Regardins Crvstal Lake Road Sub-Area Plnn Director Napolitano informed the Committee that following the suggestions presented at the July 2005 committee meetin� in July, Staff prepared a Preferred Road Network for the Crystal Lake Road Sub-Area consisting of the following: �. • Improvement of Kelter Street right-of-way, from Crystal Lake Road east to a new internal road; • Internal road (north/south)to split existing lots, with cul-de-sac at either end; • E�rtension of Front Royal Drive ea,st across Crystal Lake Road, along Cold Springs Park and across ComEd's property to connect to Lillian Street at the railroad tracks; and • Lillian Street to"T" into Front Royal Drive extension, west of the railroad tracks; and � Improvements to Lillian Street west of Crystal Lake Road. Followiag discussion of the pros and cons of the Preferred Road Network, Alderman Glab opined he is not pleased with the extension of Front Royal Drive east across Crystal Lake Road. He stated the design would cause cut-throu�h traffic into Whispering Oaks Subdivision. Alderman Wimmer reiterated that the Sub-Area.Plan design is conceptual and difficult to prioritize because no one knows what azea of the City would develop first. He opined it is possible redevelopment may never occur, and lengthy discussions aze pointless. Alderman Glab stated it is a good concept for the other roads although the Plan requires some tweaking He continued to express dissatisfaction with the e}rtension of Front Royal Drive, opining the strf;et does not need to be a cut-through street. He stated additional right-of-way is required in ordar to widen Lillian Street. He noted with the development of the Living Springs project the coniormation of the internal north/south through street, with a cul-de-sac at either end would have to be changed. � Community Development Committee Meeting August 16, 20��5 Page 3 `— Respor�ding to t�lderman Santi's inquiry, Director Napolitano stated Kelter Street is an existing right-��f-way. Alderman Santi expressed support far access into the Garden Quarter area. He indicated support for the conceptual Plan. Alderman Santi stated he would prefer the City not have to deal with ComEd f�r property. He indicated he does not care for the cul-de-sac concept, as a tool to ease traffic at the north and south. Alderman Wimmer reiterated that Staff designed the proposed Plan pursuant to Committee discussion at the July meetin�. He stated he has no issues with any part of the concept. Chairman Condon encouraged Staffto initiate discussions with cunent landowners. She concurred witb Alderman Wimmer, stating the Plan is conceptual and may never occur. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to recommend review of the cunent Crystal Lake Road Sub-Area Plan to full Council. Aye: Santi, Wimmer, Condon. Nay: None. Pass: Glab. Absent: None. � Motion carried. Alderman Glab stated he is not ready to vote on the matter at this time. Director Napolitano summarized a proposed land use, which would place commercial land uses at the new 4-way intersection of Crystal Lake Road and Front Royal Drive. He noted office and institutional is recommended for the Crystal Lake Road frontage south of Front Royal. Residential is recommended for the balance of property in the sub-area alon� Cold Springs Park. Director Napolitano stated other options include zoning the entire area residential, or office/institutional and residential, eliminating commercial entirely. Alderman Wimmer opined the Living Springs project is a good fit for the area. Alderman Santi stated he is comfortable with the land use as indicated by Staff. Alderman Glab opined commercial and/or office are inappropriate for the area, reiterating property should have been forcibly annexed along Crystal L,ake Road years ago. Alderman Glab indicated he mi�ht support light office in the area if it was restricted and interspersed with residential throughout the area. He encouraged the committee to be sensitive to development of the area due to the proximity of the high school. Alderman Glab stated he would not support any heavy commercial use along Crystal Lake Road. Chairm<<n Condon concurred with Alderman Glab regarding commercial use along � Crystal Lake Road. She stated she would prefer all of Crystal Lake Road to be residential, but Community Development Committee Meeting August 16, 2005 Page 4 � would support the establishment of limited business, from Lillian to Kensington, with severe restrictions. Directc�r Napolitano noted with forcible annexation the City loses controls which can be integrated into an Annexation Agreement. Assistant to the City Administrator Martin suggested Staff return to the Committee with specific proposed commercial and office/institutional uses for discussion at a future meeting. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to prepare specific proposed uses with restrictioris, incorporating a frontage road for comrnercial access, for discussion at a future committee mec�ting. Discussions Re�ardin� Sisn Code Uudates Director Napolitano summarized the proposed revisions to the Zoning Code regarding sign requirements and definitions, encompassing the following concerns expressed by the Committee at its last meetin�: • Prohibition of billboards; • Help wanted signs in business parks; - • Clarification of definitions regazding sign area, including supports, structwal dimensions and other embellishments; • Clarification regarding signs on rights-of-way; • Prohibition of advertising signs on trucks p�rked in parking lots; and `-' • Limitation of temporary signs from 8 to 4 annually. Following a brief discussion Director Napolitano assured the Committee that Staff would look into Section B, subsections (b), (c) and (e) regarding the wording defining governmental and utility signs. He noted the size for window signs has been reduced from 50% to 25% of the size of the window. Chairman Condon stated if flashing signs cannot be eliminated entirely she would like to see them severely restricted, citing safety concerns. Director Napolitano assured Chairman Condon that Staff would address her concerns, adding the language "included, but not limited to." Alderman Glab expressed continuing concern regarding the signs at closed and abandoned businesses. It was the consensus of the committee that when a business is vacant a blank white panel should be erected over the sign. Director Napolitano noted additions and deletions, which were made to clarify and simply definiti��ns. He assured the Committee that Staff would continue working on the sign code update. `.. Community Development Committee Meeting August 16, 2005 Page 5 �" Review of Landscauing Reauirements in Zoning Ordinance Direct�>r Napolrtano stated landscaping continues to be an important element of site development. He noted that trees and shrubs provide shading and screening functions, while enhancing the aesthetic value of a site. Direct<�r Napolitano informed the Committee that currently the City requires landscaping on development sites in the following forms: • Parking Screenin� Strips; • Reside�tial Screening Strips; and • Parkin�;Lot Islands. Staff o�ined that in addition to the regulations currently established the following should be included: � Berming; • Width of Screening Strips; • Screening for Pazking Lots; and � Acceptable Plantings. A brief discussion ensued. Responding to Chairman Alderman Condon's inquiry Director Napolitano stated the City has the authority to enforce replacement of dead vegetation at an e�sting business if the matter is brought to the attention of the Community Development Department. � Alderman Wimmer opined he is in favor of strict and defined regulation regarding landscape requirements for new developments. It was suggested Community Development Staff coordinate with the on-staff Arborist Tom Schmidt, to facilitate the creation of a list of standards for desired species of trees and shrubs allowed in a right-of-way. Other Business Alderman Glab informed the Committee that he continues to receive complaints from constituents living in the vicinity of the McHenry High School - West Campus, regarding noise from the air exchangers. He requested Staff perform decibel readings at Stratford Circle and Kensington and Silbury at the eastern portion of the horseshoe. Director Napolitano assured Alderman Glab that readings would be taken and the results presented in the Friday Report. Alderman Glab stated that Waste Management is picking up trash between 4:30 a.m. and 5:00 a.m, from McHenry High School—West Campus. He requested Staff contact the company and inform thern of the City Ordinances. � Community Development Committee Meeting August 16, 2005 Page 6 � Adjournment Motion by Gl��b, seconded by Wimmer, to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, v ��LV�1.(.��� Geri A. Condon, Chairman � L.